The Diphthongs in English

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Languages College

Chicago University, Illinois


eɪ → way, /wei/, to say, /to sei/ afraid

ɪə → here, /hɪə/ , Near, /nɪə/ (cerca)

eə → Fair, /feə/ Various, /ˈveəriəs/ , There, /ðeə(r)/ Air, /eə(r)/

ʊə → Tour, /tʊə/ Cure, /kjʊə/ january,

ɔɪ→ Choice, /ʧɔɪs/ Noise, /nɔɪz / Boy, /bɔɪ/

aɪ → Price /praɪs/ High /haɪ/ ,to try /to traɪ/ Eye /aɪ/

aʊ→ Mouth /maʊθ/ Now /naʊ/ ,town

əʊ→ Goat /gəʊt/ to show /ʃəʊ/ No /nəʊ/

oʊ→ Go, Home

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Eris de La Rosa

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