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Mesozoic and Cenozoic plutonic evolution of SE Asia:

evidence from Sumatra, Indonesia

W. J. M c C O U R T 1, M. J. C R O W 1, E. J. C O B B I N G 2 & T. C. A M I N 3
1 British Geological Survey, International Division, Keyworth, Nottingham NG12 5GG, UK
2 Consultant Geologist, 25 Main Street, Radcliffe-on-Trent, Nottingham, UK
3 Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung, Indonesia

Abstract: New K/Ar mineral ages from the Barisan Mountains of southern Sumatra suggest
four main periods of plutonic activity: Miocene-Pliocene (20-5 Ma), Early Eocene (60-50 Ma),
Mid-Late Cretaceous (l17-80Ma) and Jurassic-Early Cretaceous (203-130Ma). These and
all other published ages from exposed plutons in western Sumatra indicate a further period of
plutonic activity in the Permian (287-256 Ma). They also suggest either that Early Mesozoic
activity began in the Late Triassic, or that there were two distinct magmatic cycles, one in the
Late Triassic to Early Jurassic (220-190 Ma) and one extending from the Mid-Jurassic to Early
Cretaceous (170-130 Ma). In addition, poorly controlled ages from eastern Sumatra indicate that
the important Triassic to Early Jurassic (240-195 Ma) tin-belt magmatism of the peninsular
Malaysia Main Range Province extends into that area.
Preliminary geochemical studies on the Mesozoic granitoids of the Barisan Range of southern
Sumatra confirm that they are calc-alkaline, I-type, metaluminous, subduction-related volcanic
arc granites (VAG). They broadly correspond to the southerly extension of a combination of the
Central Valley and Western Granite Provinces of Thailand and Burma, and underline the fact
that there has been a history of subduction-related magmatism along the southwestern edge
of Sundaland since earliest Mesozoic times. The plutonic suites are crudely arranged in sub-
parallel, locally overlapping, NW-SE trending belts, focused along deep-seated faults that
have acted as magmatic conduits. It is proposed as a preliminary model that breaks in plutonic
activity broadly correspond to changes in approach angle and/or rate of subduction, and that
in some instances at least they relate to periods of collision and accretion of allochthonous
material (terranes, slivers or blocks) of both oceanic and continental character. At least two such
events seem to have occurred during the Mesozoic-Cenozoic tectono-plutonic evolution of
Sumatra. One in the early Middle Cretaceous reflects collision and accretion of the oceanic Woyla
terranes, and one in the latest Cretaceous is possibly related to collision of a continental
sliver/block, the West Sumatra terrane, to the Sundaland margin.

Plutonic rocks are widely exposed throughout the granitoid plutons of the Barisan Mountains of
Barisan Mountains of western Sumatra, and locally southern Sumatra. The aim of this study was to
exposed, through Tertiary-Quaternary cover establish the geological and geochemical charac-
sequences, in eastern Sumatra. In general terms the teristics and the isotopic ages of the plutons in order
granitoid rocks of the Barisan Mountains, define to evaluate the role of plutonism in the tectonic
a series of sub-parallel, N W - S E trending, south- evolution of this part of Sundaland. During this
westerly migrating plutonic belts of Triassic- investigation thirteen intrusive bodies ranging from
Jurassic, Cretaceous and Late Tertiary age (Katili individual plutons to batholiths were examined; all
1973; Gafoer & Purbo-Hadiwidjoyo 1986) and a exposed major lithologies from each were sampled
less well-defined Eocene belt (McCourt & Cobbing for whole rock geochemical analysis, and selected
1993). The presence of these plutonic belts and samples dated using the K-Ar method on mineral
their assumed calc-alkaline composition, has been separates. The geochemical and geochronological
extensively quoted as evidence that Sumatra has data, comprising major element oxides and trace
been located in a region of plate convergence, element compositions, new K-Ar mineral ages
marked by continental margin subduction, since the and a summary of all published ages from plutonic
Early Mesozoic and perhaps earlier (Katili 1973; rocks of Sumatra and the tin-islands, quoted in this
Hamilton 1979; Cameron et al. 1980). paper are available as Supplementary Publication
As part of the Southern Sumatra Geological and No. SUP 18098 (8 pp) from the Society Library or
Mineral Exploration Project (SSGMEP, 1989-94) the British Library D o c u m e n t Supply Centre,
a reconnaissance field study and sampling Boston Spa, Wetherby, W. Yorks LS23 7BQ, UK.
programme was undertaken in 1992 of the main The study has established that the Barisan

From Hall, R. & Blundell, D. (eds), 1996, TectonicEvolution of SoutheastAsia, 321

Geological Society Special Publication No. 106, pp. 321-335.
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322 W. J. McCOURT ET AL.

Mountains granitoids range in age from Late trending slivers by major faults which are strands of
Triassic to Pliocene, and has confirmed that they the Sumatra Fault System (SFS), some of which are
are I-type in character. Mesozoic in age. The SFS as defined in this paper,
incorporates all those (NW-SE) faults along and
west of the eastern foothills of the Barisan
Tectonic setting and regional Mountains and includes the Great Sumatra Fault
(van Es 1919; van Bemmelen 1949; Westerveld
geological framework 1952). Many of the faults of the SFS have a history
Sumatra lies along the southwest margin of the of multiple movement and reactivation and are
Sundaland cratonic block, the SE Asian continental interpreted as deep-seated, subduction related,
extension of the Eurasia Plate (Fig. 1). To the west, continental margin structures. To the east of the
oceanic crust of the India plate is being obliquely magmatic arc and the SFS, are the back-arc basins
subducted beneath Sumatra along the Sunda containing thick sequences of Tertiary to
trench in a N20(E direction at a rate of between Quaternary sediments, underlain by probable
6-7 c m a -1 (Curray et al. 1979; Hamilton 1979). Upper Palaeozoic continental basement (Gafoer
This zone of oblique convergence forms part of the 1990).
Sunda arc-trench system which extends for more The pre-Tertiary continental core of SE Asia
than 5000 km from Burma to eastern Indonesia. is interpreted as a complex assembly of various
The Tertiary-Recent Barisan volcanic arc of tectono-stratigraphic terranes including allo-
western Sumatra and the pre-Tertiary sequences chthonous micro-continental blocks, island arcs
are variably broken up into a number of NW-SE and accretionary complexes bounded by regional

Subduction zones

'~X Transcurrent Fault

Direction of Plate


Sea Plate

10 m


Plate /

lOO 11o ~ 12¢

I I /

Fig. 1. Tectonic setting of Sumatra on the SW margin of Sundaland (from Hutchison 1989).
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faults, some of which are interpreted as sutures, Permian (Gafoer 1990; McCourt et al. 1993). In
marked by slivers of ophiolite, melanges and south Sumatra this contact corresponds to the
volcanic-plutonic arcs (Mitchell 1981; Stauffer regional, NW-SE striking, fault separating (or
1983; Audley-Charles et al. 1988; Metcalfe 1988, juxtaposing) the basement sequences of the
1990, among others). The pre-Tertiary framework Tigapuluh and Duabelas Mountains (Fig. 2),
of Sumatra is similarly interpreted as a mosaic of structurally corresponding to the Medial Sumatra
oceanic and continental terranes (Fig. 2) assembled Line of Hutchison (1994).
through processes of microplate convergence and The Permo-Triassic basement units are exposed
accretion since the Middle Permian (Pulunggono along the axial region of the Barisan Mountains.
& Cameron 1984; McCourt et al. 1993). They comprise a lower sequence of Lower to
Much of central and eastern Sumatra is believed Middle Permian andesitic volcanics, reefal lime-
to be underlain by continental crust and the oldest stones and carbonaceous sediments (Palepat,
exposed units are Upper Palaeozoic (Permo- Silungkang and Mengkarang Formations) and an
Carboniferous) metasediments. Pulunggono & upper one of Middle to Upper Triassic pelagic
Cameron (1984) proposed that the basement sediments and limestones (Kuala and Tuhur
comprised two continental terranes, the Mergui Formations). In north Sumatra, the Permian
and Malacca microplates, separated by a Triassic volcanic arc association has recently been inter-
suture complex, the Mutus Assemblage (Fig. 2). preted as a separate terrane from the Permo-
The dominantly Palaeozoic Mergui microplate Carboniferous sequences (Wajzer et al. 1991) and
comprises, 'older granitic basement', Permo- this model is followed here. The contact of the
Carboniferous clastic and carbonate metasedi- Triassic units, where seen, is disconformable on the
mentary sequences, Lower to Middle Permian Permian volcanic association and unconformable
volcanics and associated sediments and Middle to on the Permo-Carboniferous sequences.
Upper Triassic marine sediments. The Malacca Upper Mesozoic sequences occur along the
microplate, which is confined to subcrop in western side of the Barisan Mountains in southern
Sumatra, consists predominantly of quartzites Sumatra, in tectonic contact with older units to the
(Eubank & Makki 198t; Koning & Darmono east. They comprise varying proportions of oceanic
1984). It is considered to be of Carboniferous to basalts, ultrabasic rocks interpreted as ophiolitic,
Middle Permian age based on lithological and andesitic lavas and volcaniclastics, pelagic sedi-
structural correlations with the Kenny Hill ments and cherts, fine-grained turbiditic units,
Formation of peninsular Malaysia (Fontaine & shallow marine clastics, limestones, phyllitic rocks
Gafoer 1989) and accordingly is part of the and schists. The majority of these are (?Mid- to)
Gondwana affinity terrane of peninsular Malaysia Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous and comprise
(Hutchison 1994). The Mutus Assemblage, a series of allochthonous slivers that correspond in
described from well records by Eubank & Makki part to the Woyla terranes of Wajzer et al. (1991)
(1981), comprises a mixture of radiolarian chert, and belong to the Woyla microplate of western
red-mauve shales, thinly bedded limestone, a sand- Sumatra (McCourt et al. 1993).
stone-shale sequence and basalt. It was assumed to In broad terms the Tertiary sequences of Sumatra
be Triassic by Pulunggono & Cameron (1984), but correspond to three distinct depositional environ-
Hutchison (1994) has proposed that it represents a ments: sediments and minor volcanics of the
Palaeozoic subduction-accretion complex. forearc zone, calc-alkaline volcanics and sediments
The Permo-Carboniferous metasedimentary of the magmatic arc zone and sediments of the
basement sequences of the Mergui microplate are back-arc zone. During the Quaternary, Sumatra
exposed along the eastern flank of the Barisan was the scene of tremendous volcanic activity
Mountains and through the Tertiary cover of the throughout the Barisan Range, and the modern
present day back-arc zone. They comprise in broad physiography was established. Tectonism and uplift
terms, glacio-marine coarse clastic pebbly units, in the latest Miocene and Plio-Pleistocene caused
finer-grained turbiditic slates interpreted as distal inversion of the Cenozoic sedimentary basins,
equivalents, and warmer water marine shelf and development of widespread NW-SE trending
slope deposits including massive limestones fold structures, and reactivation of deep-seated
(Simandjuntak et al. 1991). The contact between basement faults.
the sequences of glacio-marine sediments
(Bohorok-Mentulu and Kluet-Gangsal formations)
Granitoid plutonism of Sumatra
and warmer water marine-shelf sediments
(Kuantan-Terantam formations) is interpreted to Granitoid rocks are present throughout the Barisan
be tectonic and the two are considered to represent Mountains and are particularly common along
separate terranes with differing Late Palaeozoic and close to the junction of the Mergui and Woyla
tectonic histories that probably united in the Middle microplates (Figs 2 and 3). Permian magmatism
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324 W. J. McCOURT ET AL.

A. Bohorok Tigapuluh Terrane

B. Kluet-Kuantan.Duabelas-
C, Palepat Terrane
D. Kuala FM

3. WOYLA MICROPLATE A. Woyla terrane

B. Pasamar~ terrane
C. Gumai-Garba terrane

C Bengkulu

: 2A


0 250km
v V v '~

v vv~

Fig. 2. Simplified pre-Tertiary microplate configuration of Sumatra (modified from Pulunggono & Cameron 1984).

is indicated by Rb-Sr ages of 264 + 6 (Sibolga sedimentary Kuantan Formation. The Permian
granite) and 256 +_6 Ma (Ombilin granite), a K-Ar volcanic arc appears to be restricted to a fault slice
muscovite age of 287 _ 3 Ma (Ombilin granite) and along the western margin of the pre-Mesozoic
by restricted exposures of andesitic volcanics. The metasedimentary basement.
Sibolga granite is a composite batholith recording Evidence for widespread 'Triassic' plutonism is
several intrusive phases that intrudes metasedi- seen in the abundance of intrusive ages ranging
ments of the Kluet Formation (Aspden et al. 1982). from 230-195 Ma from Sumatra and the adjacent
The main rock types are porphyritic K-feldspar tin-islands. This phase of plutonism appears to
biotite-hornblende granite, monzogranite, quartz correspond to two separate belts: one in eastern
diorite and diorite. In addition to the Permian age Sumatra and the tin-islands, the southerly extension
several younger dates are available suggesting of the Main Range and Eastern Granite Provinces
mainly Late Triassic (219-206Ma) and Late of peninsular Malaysia, and the other in the Barisan
Jurassic (147-144Ma) magmatic activity. The Mountains of western Sumatra. The latter com-
Ombilin granite is a foliated muscovite granite prises hornblende-bearing biotite-granitoids of
without clear field relationships, although Silitonga 1-type character with a wide compositional range
& Kastowo (1975) imply that it intrudes the meta- which are predominantly quartz diorites to grano-
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D Tertiary/(Eocene and Mid-Pliocene)

Plutonic Arc
Mid-late Cretaceous
Plutonic Arc
EZ] ( Late ) Triassic-Jurassic/Early
Cretaceous Plutonic Arc
[ ~ Permian Plutonic-Volcanic Arc







Fig. 3. Distribution of the principal plutonic belts of (western) Sumatra and location of the main plutons.

diorites. This western Sumatra Triassic to Early and granitic plutons which commonly intrude
Jurassic plutonic arc, is located close to the edge of Upper Oligocene to Miocene andesitic volcanics
the Mergui microplate intruding metasediments of to the west of the Semangko Fault.
the Kluet-Kuantan terrane and its trace coincides
with a compositionally similar but more extensive
Middle Jurassic-Early Cretaceous (170-130 Ma)
arc. In terms of their overall major element oxide
A Mid to Upper Cretaceous (117-80Ma) geochemistry (Table 1 & Fig. 4), the granitoids
plutonic arc extends along the length of the Barisan are typical subduction-related, I-type granites
Mountains, intruding oceanic rocks of the Woyla (Chappell & White 1974). Plutonic rocks range in
microplate and broadly contemporaneous Upper composition from gabbro to granite on all common
Mesozoic continental foreland sequences. This arc classification-nomenclature plots, with a concen-
is focused along a major NW-SE striking fault tration of samples in the fields of quartz diorite-
zone interpreted to approximate to the Early tonalite, granodiorite and monzogranite. On the
Cretaceous Woyla Suture, and dominated by Streckeisen QAP plot they occupy the same field as
dioritic to granodioritic hornblende-bearing granitoids from the Lima segment of the Coastal
granitoids with subordinate K-feldspar megacrystic Batholith of Peru (Pitcher et al. 1985). They are
biotite granites of I-type character. Scattered Lower calc-alkaline (Fig. 5a, b) cafemic, and dominantly
Eocene plutons (60-50 Ma) intrude earlier plutonic metaluminous with the most highly differentiated
arcs, mainly the Upper Cretaceous arc. The felsic derivatives ranging to slightly peraluminous
Miocene arc (20-5 Ma) consists of granodioritic (McCourt & Cobbing 1993). Finally although
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Table 1. Summary of new K-Ar plutonic ages from the Barisan Mountains, southern Sumatra


Jurassic to Early Cretaceous

Sulit Air Suite 203 _+6 183 +_ 13 149 _+5 141 ± 5 138 ± 5
Bungo Batholith 169 ± 5 156 ± 6 154 +_7 153 ± 4 148 ± 4 131 _+7 129 ± 4
Way Sulan Gabbro 151 __4
Middle to Late Cretaceous
Garba Pluton 117 ±3 117 __ 2 115 ± 4 86 ± 3 8223
Sulan Pluton 113 ±3 111 __ 3
W Sekampung Diorite 89 --!-3 89 ± 2 89 ± 2
Branti Granodiorite 86 _+3
Padean Pluton 82 ±3 82 ± 2 8l ± 2 82 _+2
Early Eocene
Jatibaru Microgranite 60 ± 3
Lassi Pluton 57 ± 2 54 ± 2 55 __ 2 53 ± 2 53 + 2
Bungo Batholith 54 _ 2 54 ± 2
Way Bambang Pluton 20 _ 1 19 ± 2
Lolo Pluton ll ± 1 5 ± 0.2

discussed here as a single population, the granitoids respect to the bulk population (McCourt & Cobbing
are not interpreted to be co-magmatic, since they 1993). The VAG character o f the Barisan granitoids
r e p r e s e n t m a g m a t i s m e x t e n d i n g o v e r almost is also evident w h e n the granitic rocks (SiO 2
200 Ma, but are considered to be products of a > 70%) are plotted on the ORG-norrnalised plots
similar and l o n g - l i v e d m e c h a n i s m o f m a g m a o f Pearce et al. (1984). A c c o r d i n g to these authors,
genesis. LIL e n r i c h m e n t is a c o m m o n feature o f both
On the Nb-Y and Rb-(Nb + Y) plots o f Pearce s u b d u c t i o n - r e l a t e d volcanic arc granites and
et al. (1984) the volcanic arc character o f the within-plate rifted granites. Within-plate granites,
granitoids is clear (Fig. 6a, b) with only four however, also typically show an enrichment in Ta
samples falling outside of the VAG field, all o f and Nb, and have Zr, Y and Ce normalized values
which are highly differentiated and anomalous with greater than or close to 1; volcanic arc granites on

I I I // I 1


/ 00 0-
g °0
O ~ %" •
~o • 0° g • •


0 I . t _t
0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Na20 ( w t % )

Fig. 4. Alkali variation diagram for the south Sumatra granitoids. Line separates the fields of I- & S-type granites of
Chappell & White (1974).
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Na20 + K20 MgO


~ • 0 0

6 f ooo
//. oee ee~J ~
jJ /
J • o11 j
4 • f J
j J J

o I L
50 60 70 80

(b) SiO 2 (wt %)

Fig. 5. (a) AFM plot for the south Sumatra granitoids. (b) Total alkalis v. silica variation diagram for the south
Sumatra granitoids; dashed line denotes calc-alkaline field.

the other hand have Ta and Nb normalized values Ta-Nb-Ti, and associated Y-Yb depletion is a
close to 1 and Zr, Y and Ce values less than 1, typical geochemical signature of calc-alkaline
depending on the nature of the arc setting. The intermediate magmas formed in a subduction
entire population the Barisan granites are geo- setting, most probably reflecting amphibole and
chemically similar and Fig. 7 confirms their VAG garnet retention at the site of partial melting
characteristics of LIL enrichment, depletion in Nb, (Briqueu et al. 1984; Foley & Wheller 1990), and
Zr and Y, and Ce values close to 1. Collectively thus characteristic of volcanic arc granitoids. Low
these patterns closely resemble those of sub- values of Rb/M (M = HREEs, Y, Zr, etc.) and high
duction-related, Andean I-type granites from Peru to very high values of K/Rb of the granitoids
and Chile (cf. Pearce et al. 1984; Pitfield et al. (McCourt & Cobbing 1993) underline their
1986). On primitive mantle- or MORB-normalized continental-arc, I-type character, and Rb/Zr ratios
spider diagrams, the subduction-related character generally less than 1 and often less than 0.70, in
of the Sumatra rocks, excluding the granites sensu conjunction with low Nb contents, suggest a
stricto, is once again evident and the strongly primitive to normal arc setting (Brown et al. 1984).
negative Nb N and, to a lesser extent, TiN anomalies In summary the geochemical data clearly con-
of the entire population are emphasized (cf. firm the volcanic arc character of the Barisan
McCourt & Cobbing 1993; Fig. 7b). This granitoids and provide evidence for the existence
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328 W . J. M c C O U R T ET AL.

1000 z



: "

3 syn- COLG ee o ~

= ;+ /
. . - - - ./
• • eeo I • / ORG

(a) 1 , , , ,, ,,=l ~ , I ~ ~,+1 ~ , , = ~l~,l
100 1000 2000
Log Y ( ppm )
2000 i i i i i t I i I + ~ ,','''~ J /Y' '~'~l t

1000 __

syn - C O L G WPG

-- • qbo • oo
_ • • O o •
• •0


(b) 1 I I I I I Ill+ I I I I Illl I I I I I 1}1]

10 100 1000 2000
Log Y + Nb (ppm)

Fig. 6. Tectonic setting-classification plots for the south Sumatra granitoids, following Pearce et al. (1984). VAG,
Fields of volcanic arc granite; syn-COLG, syn-collisionalgranite; WPG, within-plate granite and ORG, oceanic ridge
granite as defined by Pearce et al. (1984).

of an active margin and subduction along the arcs of western Sumatra, although this remains
Sumatran continental edge. A further important unproven in the absence of isotopic data for our
feature brought out by the data is the compo- dataset.
sitional similarity of the granitoids of different
ages, as can be seen from the way that the entire
sample population, representing Late Triassic to
Pliocene plutonism, plots very close together on the
normalized spider diagrams (Fig. 7a, b). The best Material was collected for both Rb/Sr and
interpretation of this similarity is that the mech- K-Ar analysis but the granitoids whole rock
anism of magma genesis has been a consistent and geochemistry precludes their use for Rb/Sr geo-
long-lived one throughout the last 200 Ma. It is chronology and consequently the dating pro-
considered that this mechanism can only be batch gramme was restricted to the K-Ar method.
or partial melting in a subduction zone and mantle Approximately 40 new mineral ages were deter-
wedge environment below the continental margin. mined on samples collected from the Barisan
A crustal contribution does not seem to have been a plutonic belt. All were fresh, undeformed, non-
factor in the geochemical evolution of the plutonic mineralized material collected at outcrop away
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Norm: OGR Incorporating all other published ages from

100 , , , ! i , , i i , ! i w exposed plutons in western Sumatra (Fig. 8), a
further plutonic event in the Permian (?287-
256 Ma) is indicated. Furthermore, either the
Jurassic plutonism began in the Late Triassic, or
,& alternatively there were two distinct magmatic
episodes, one in the Late Triassic to Early Jurassic
d (220-183 Ma) and one in the Mid-Jurassic to Early
Cretaceous (170-130Ma). The latter suggestion
is preferred because the ages correspond to
similar cycles of plutonism in peninsular Malaysia,
peninsular Thailand and Burma (Cobbing et al.
.01 I I I I I 1 t I i I I I |

(a) Sr KzO Fib Ba Th Ta Nb Oe HI Zr Sm Y Yb

Episodic plutonism in Sumatra:
1000 i i w , i i i , I ! ! 1 , , r , , ! ! ! i ~ a plate tectonic model
Episode A (?287-256 Ma)
K A discontinuous Lower-Middle Permian volcanic
arc is present as an elongate fault-bounded strip
along the western edge of the Mergui microplate
"-- x
1D -.~ and is interpreted to be subduction related (Katili
1973; Pulunggono & Cameron 1984). Palaeonto-
logical evidence from sediments associated with
the andesitic volcanics indicates a warm climate
and Cathaysian affinities, in contrast to the
Gondwana characteristics of the remainder of
the Mergui microplate sedimentary sequences
.01 i i t i i i l i l i i l i , i l | | i i t i

R b B a T h U K N b L a C e S r N d H f Z r S m E u Ti G d B y Y E r Y b Lu
(Fomaine & Gafoer 1989). The volcanics and
(b) associated sediments are accordingly interpreted as
Fig. 7. Multi-element spider diagrams for the south a separate terrane, probably an oceanic arc, that was
Sumatra Barisan granitoids, normalized to (a) oceanic subsequently accreted to the Mergui continental
ridge granite and (b) mid-ocean ridge basalt. Area in margin (cf. Wajzer et al. 1991) through northerly
between solid lines shows compositional field of all directed subduction and the closure of a marginal
samples (n = 54). ocean basin in the Late Permian or, more likely,
Early Triassic. A single K-At age of 248 _+ 10 Ma
from these Lower to Middle Permian volcanics in
Sumatra (Nishimura et al. 1978) may approximate
from any obvious faults, shears, solution planes to the age of collision and accretion. The Sibolga
or sizeable dykes. The limitations and pitfalls of and Ombilin granites, with ages of 287-256 Ma,
K-Ar dating are well known to the authors, in may represent plutonism associated with this Late
particular that plutons or intrusive bodies dated Palaeozoic subduction but their present position
by a single sample should not be considered to be is probably exotic.
reliably dated. Most of the quoted ages are either
from duplicate samples and/or mineral pairs and are
Episode B (224-180 Ma)
considered reliable and interpreted as intrusive
ages. In addition, the plutonic episodes discussed The collision and accretion of the Permian
below (A-F) have ages which are in close agree- (Peusangan-Palepat) volcanic arc is interpreted
ment with those from other regional studies using to be part of a major terrane amalgamation event,
Rb-Sr mineral and whole rock isochron dating that included the collision of the continental East
techniques in addition to K-Ar methods (Cobbing Malaya and West Malaya (Sibumasu) Blocks along
et al. 1992). the Bentong-Raub Line (suture) in the earliest
At least four periods of plutonic activity have Triassic. The extensive granitic, S- and I-type,
been identified: Jurassic to Early Cretaceous magmatism of peninsular Malaysia, Thailand and
(203-130 Ma), Middle to Late Cretaceous (117- the Indonesian tin-islands was a direct consequence
80 Ma), Early Eocene (?60-50 Ma) and Miocene- of this collision (Mitchell 1977). Granite ages range
Pliocene (20-5 Ma) as outlined in Table 1. from 250-195 Ma but the majority are c. 220 Ma
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330 W.J. McCOURT E T A L .








5: (E)

c~ (F)
~ o ) c> ::iiiiiiiiiiiYiiiSiiiiiJJ
~i iiiiiiiiiiJ :::::::::::::::::::::::
1o 30 50 70 100 130 150 200 250

Fig. 8. Histogram of available plutonic ages from Sumatra, incorporating this study and previously published data.

(Cobbing et al. 1992) suggesting that most of the

Episode C ( 1 6 9 - 1 2 9 Ma)
plutonism was post-orogenic. In addition, a partly
coeval plutonic arc of subduction related I-type Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous plutonism
granitoids can now be identified in western in Sumatra is represented by an extensive I-type,
Sumatra (219 _+4 to 183 _+ 13 Ma). Plutons of this subduction-related belt (Bungo batholith, Sulit Air
subduction-related arc intrude Palaeozoic meta- suite) focused along the western edge of the Mergui
sediments of the West Malaya (Sibumasu) terrane microplate broadly coincident with, but laterally
deformed by the collision, supporting an Early more extensive than, the Episode B plutonic belt.
Triassic suturing age. Thus it is tentatively The plutonism appears to have been channelled
suggested that the Early Mesozoic plutonism may along the junction between the Permian volcanic
in fact be made up of two separate magmatic arc and the Palaeozoic continental margin meta-
events: an Early Triassic event dominated by sediments, interpreted as an Early Triassic suture.
collision-related crustal S- and I-type granites in This period of plutonism is correlated with north-
peninsular Malaysia, Thailand and the Indonesian west-directed subduction beneath the Sundaland
tin-islands, and a Late Triassic to Early Jurassic continental margin, in line with postulated north-
(220-180 Ma) post-collisional event. The latter is westward spreading based on identified sea floor
represented by an I-type plutonic arc in western magnetic anomalies in the eastern Indian Ocean
Sumatra (Episode B) and coeval S-type and crustal (Patriat & Achache 1984). This plutonic arc may
I-type granitic magmatism in the Main Range also extend north into the Shan scarp region of
Province, Indonesian tin-islands and eastern Burma on the basis of limited geochronological
Sumatra (Episode B1). This magmatism was evidence (Cobbing et al. 1992). Episode C pluton-
probably related to tectonic release and adiabatic ism terminated in the latest Early Cretaceous (or
decompression, with resulting anatexis, in the early Middle Cretaceous) following the collision,
back-arc region, with granites channelled along accretion and local obduction of the allochthonous
deep-seated faults. A postulated change in the con- Woyla terranes of southern Sumatra, some 125 Ma
vergence angle of the oceanic plate resulted in a ago (McCourt et al. 1993). These ophiolitic rocks
more oblique subduction regime in the Early can be correlated with similar rocks in western
Jurassic that brought the Episode (B-B 1) plutonism Burma (Mawgyi andesites), Tibet (Donqiao ophio-
to an end and resulted in transpressional strike-slip lite) and possibly SE Kalimantan (Alino Formation
along the Sundaland continental margin which was and Meratus ophiolite), and it is likely that they
taken up along older fault structures. represent fragments of an oceanic arc system that
Downloaded from at Pennsylvania State University on February 20, 2016


collided with, and was thrust over, the continental Bengkulu (Fig. 2) that correspond to the southerly
margin of Sundaland at this time (cf. Mitchell extension of the West Burma terrane of Metcalfe
1993). (1994). Much of the evidence for this event, how-
ever, has since been destroyed during tectonism and
disruption related to the Early Tertiary collision
Episode D (120-75 Ma)
of India and Eurasia.
Subsequent to the accretion event, possible north-
directed subduction was reestablished and I-type
Episode E (60-?50 Ma)
granitoid magmas were emplaced into the now
cratonized Woyla microplate, with the majority Following the Late Cretaceous deformation event,
of the plutons focused along the main suture line a new subduction regime was established along
and related faults (Sikuleh granite, Manunggal the continental margin of Sumatra as evidenced by
batholith, Ulai intrusion, Garba pluton, Sulan a short-lived but extensive plutonic episode from
pluton). Based on Mitchell (1993), it is probable 60-50 Ma (Episode E). This I-type, VAG plutonic
that this subduction-related arc extends north into arc (Lassi pluton, Nagan granodiorite etc.) was
Burma west of the Sagaing Fault, where the oldest superimposed on the earlier Cretaceous and
dated plutons are of mid-Cretaceous age. This Jurassic arcs via deep-seated older fault structures
western Burma Arc (?equivalent to the Central in the continental margin which acted as magma
Valley Province of Cobbing et al. (1992)) is made conduits. Limited regional evidence suggests that
up of I-type granodioritic to tonalitic plutons, with this mainly Early Eocene (57-52 Ma) plutonism
K-Ar ages of 106+7, 103+4, 9 8 + 4 , 9 4 + 4 extends into Burma and Thailand where it is of
and 91 __.8 Ma, and like its Sumatran equivalent combined I- & S-type character (Cobbing et al.
intrudes a sequence of deformed oceanic rocks, 1992; Mitchell 1993). It is suggested that this
basaltic andesites and basalt pillow lavas, the plutonic episode was brought to an end by the
Mawgyi andesites (Mitchell 1993). Broadly con- Middle Eocene collision of India and Eurasia at
temporaneous plutonism is also recorded from the about 50 Ma, approximating to the timing of
Western Province of Thailand and Burma (Cobbing proposed ophiolite emplacement in the Indo-
et al. 1992) and corresponds to a mixed population Burman Ranges of western Burma (Mitchell 1993).
of I- and S-type granites with high initial ratios A further important consequence of the collision of
indicative of a significant crustal component in India and Eurasia was the indentation and related
most cases. Clarke & Beddoe-Stephens (1987) deformation of the Lower Tertiary margin of Asia
proposed that this belt of Upper Cretaceous S- & and the probable extrusion and clockwise rotation
I-type crustal granites also extends into eastern of much of SE Asia, including Sumatra. The shape
Sumatra, as indicated by the 80 Ma Hatapang of this margin prior to collision was, as suggested
granite. It is suggested that this plutonism was by Tapponnier et al. (1986), a simple slightly
related to anatexis, the result of crustal thickening convex line extending from Sumatra to the western
accompanying thrusting that was contemporaneous Makran. As a preliminary model it is proposed that
with subduction and VAG, I-type magmatism in the this margin was characterized by a series of sub-
Central Valley Province and western Sumatra. parallel, outwardly younging plutonic belts repre-
Middle to Late Cretaceous magmatism continued senting prolonged convergence and subduction-
northwards through the Mogok Belt into Assam related plutonism, along the margin, from the Early
(Mitchell 1993) and reported ages of 113-82 Ma on Mesozoic to the Early Tertiary.
the Gandise batholith in Tibet (Debon et al. 1986)
may indicate a further extension of this plutonism.
Episode F (30-0 Ma)
The general absence of plutonic rocks with ages
in the range 75-60 Ma, coincides with the well Subsequent to the India-Eurasia collision, and a
documented latest Cretaceous deformation related major reorganization of plate motions
throughout this region, including Sumatra (de and spreading patterns in the Indian Ocean, NNE
Coster 1974; Hamilton 1979; Cameron et al. 1980; directed subduction was established along the
Pulunggono & Cameron 1984). Exactly why Sundaland margin. Available plutonic ages from
plutonism ceased is not clear. The model proposed Burma, 38 + 1 Ma (Mitchell 1993) suggest that
here involves a suggested change from high angle subduction-related activity was taking place along
to oblique subduction along the continental margin, the margin by the Early Oligocene, although
related to a change in oceanic spreading patterns plutonism in Sumatra was apparently not estab-
and plate configurations, that resulted in the lished until the Early Miocene (Episode F). Wajzer
accretion of a continental sliver, the West Sumatra et al. (1991) reported Late Oligocene ages (30-
terrane. This terrane is now present as a series 28 Ma) from the Air Bangis granite of central
of fragments such as Sikuleh, Natal and possibly Sumatra, but concluded that these plutons, and
Downloaded from at Pennsylvania State University on February 20, 2016


J !
~ • (

v x
'/+~L .3
. + )



EASTERN, I - type of
Permian - Triassic age
r~ MAIN RANGE, S - type
of dominantly Triassic age
WESTERN, I & S-type of
Jurassic - Cretaceous & Tertiary age
~] ENTRAL VALLEY, I - type
Mid - Late Cretaceous age

q 0 ~

0 400km

Fig. 9. The main granite provinces of SE Asia, modified from Cobbing et al. (1992) for Sumatra. Inset shows the
principal tectonostratigraphic terranes of SE Asia based on Metcalfe (1988, 1990).
Downloaded from at Pennsylvania State University on February 20, 2016


contemporaneous volcanics of the Langsat volcanic confined to the western Barisan Ranges in Sumatra,
arc, had formed elsewhere along the Sundaland focused along the Semangko Fault strand of the
margin and were tectonically juxtaposed against SFS, approximately coinciding with the exposed
the Woyla Group of Sumatra sometime prior to the western limits of the Upper Mesozoic Woyla
Middle Miocene. Rock et al. (1983) proposed that terranes and the main axis of the Upper Oligocene
the Langsat Volcanics were of Palaeogene age, a volcanic arc. The Neogene plutonic episode is also
conclusion confirmed by Wajzer et al. (1991), who recorded from the Burma Arc and possibly the
assigned them a Late Eocene to Early Oligocene Mogok Belt (Mitchell 1993).
age on the basis of whole rock K-Ar dates (40-
38 _+ 1 Ma). Thus the proposed age of the Air
Bangis plutonism is almost identical to that noted
above from Burma. The younger dates (30-28 Ma)
from the Air Bangis granites could therefore reflect It is proposed that the Mesozoic-Cenozoic
their collision with and accretion to the Sumatran plutonic evolution of Sumatra was episodic and
margin and this could relate to the proposed mid- that five plutonic episodes can be recognized: Late
Oligocene collisional event responsible for the Triassic-Early Jurassic, Middle Jurassic-Early
recorded inversion in the forearc basins of Sumatra Cretaceous, Middle Cretaceous-Late Cretaceous,
and Java as proposed by Daly et al. (1991). Early Eocene and Miocene-Pliocene. Each episode
Following this mid-Oligocene event, widespread was dominated by I-type, subduction-related
andesitic volcanism was established in Sumatra and plutonism. Granitoids from different episodes are
the main Neogene magmatism of the Barisan arc very similar petrographically and geochemically
was initiated. Subduction-related VAG plutonism and are of VAG character. This is interpreted to
was widespread by the end of the Early Miocene mean that Sumatra has been the site of an active
and in the Middle Miocene the entire Barisan convergent margin and of long-lived subduction,
arc became volcanic. Middle Miocene to Early albeit episodic, since the Early Mesozoic. The
Pliocene, I-type granitoid plutons are essentially majority of the plutonic episodes identified from


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~, --.<.:-.>..'a.:~.: . : .-. , ~ ...........
• ",": ~ " . : '.:.' '.... I

, ,-~!...:.;.,.....,

,/f \k "

Fig. 10. Cartoon, not to scale, illustrating a possible plate-tectonic setting along part of the Asian margin prior to
the Eocene collision of India (modified from Metcalfe (1990). SE Asian terranes as follows: SC, South China;
C, Qiangtang; I, Indochina/East Malaya; L, Lhasa; S, Sibumasu; WB, West Burma; WY, Woyla.
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Sumatra can be recognized, albeit in disrupted (Curray et al. 1979), has further complicated this
form, throughout m u c h of SE Asia (Fig. 9). Thus scenario.
the Triassic to Early Jurassic plutonism correlates We also propose that breaks in plutonic activity
with the Eastern and Main Range Granite Provinces correspond to periods of oblique approach, that, in
of Thailand and Malaysia, whereas the Middle some instances, relate to the collision and accretion
Jurassic and Cretaceous plutonism can be corre- of allochthonous terranes. We further suggest that
lated with a combination of the Western and one of the underlying factors that controls the
Central Valley Provinces of Thailand and Burma. development and siting of the various plutonic
It is suggested as a preliminary model that prior to arcs is the availability of deep-seated faults along
the Eocene collision of India the Sundaland margin the continental margin, that probably extend down
was orientated approximately W N W and made up to the site of m a g m a generation at or close to the
of a series of outwardly younging subduction- subduction zone.
related plutonic arcs (Fig. 10), some of which
probably extended along the southern margin of the This paper is published with the permission of the
Asian plate. The present distribution and geometry Directors of the Geological Research and Development
of these arcs in SE Asia is the result of the effects Centre, Bandung, and the British Geological Survey,
of the collision of India and Eurasia, i.e. inden- Nottingham. The work in Sumatra was carried out as part
of a bilateral technical cooperation project between the
tation, extrusion and strike-slip faulting, as pre-
governments of Indonesia and the United Kingdom and
dicted by the model of Tapponnier et al. (1982, funded jointly by the Indonesian Directorate General of
1986). The more recent major dextral strike-slip Geology and Mineral Resources (DGGMR) and the
m o v e m e n t s along the SFS and related master faults Overseas Development Administration (ODA) of the
outside of Sumatra, the onset of which coincided British Foreign Office. We thank A. H. G. Mitchell and
with the opening of the A n d a m a n Sea c. 11 Ma ago S. J. Moss for suggestions which improved the text.

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