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Created with TheTeac hers Co Cro s s wo rd Puz z le Generato r

Acro ss Do wn
2. A place which draws visitors by providing 1. A type of holiday or visit in which you stay in the
some thing of inte re st or ple asure home of a pe rson you do not know:
5. A trave le r whose luggage consists of a backpack; 3. _____ is a trave l we bsite that shows trave le rs
e spe cially, such a trave le r who use s hoste ls, public re vie ws, accommodation bookings and inte ractive
transport, and othe r in trave l forums.
8 . A room, group of rooms, or building in which 4 . He is willing to pay more to re nt a 5-star room
some one may live or stay and e njoys be ing tre ate d like a VI P. He is a
12. A pe rson who love s food and is ve ry inte re ste d _________.
in diffe re nt type s of food 6. ...I can e nte r my de stination into my phone ...,
14 . The I nte rne t has a we alth of re source s so and e ve n _________ the route if I make a wrong
trave le rs uncove r any pote ntial proble ms the y could turn
__________. 7. He is se arching advice on trave l ______ for his
15. A lot of pe ople poste d bad ________ for this ne xt trip.
re sturant on trave l forums. 9 . He was some thing of an ___________, living
16. a de taile d plan or route of a journe y most of his life abroad.
10 . An e stablishme nt providing accommodation,
me als, and othe r se rvice s for trave le rs and tourists
11. ______ can le t you re nt the ir space or e ve n
stay in the ir spare room for fre e .
13. '_____ me a single room at my usual hote l'.

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