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Tutorial Notes

Tutorial 1
Spectrum of teaching styles developed by Muska Mosston involves 11 styles within 2 clusters;
reproduction styles and production styles

9 decisions a teacher has to make:

1. Location
2. Order of tasks
3. Starting time per task
4. Pace and rhythm
5. Stopping time per task
6. Interval
7. Initiating questions
8. Attire and appearance
9. Posture


Command Style
- Students positioned in 2 lines all facing the teacher
- Divided court position – crouch, knees bent
- Teacher to instruct students which way to move; if left is
called/pointed, students move to the left staying in position
- Extend with racquet – all students with racquet, move the
direction called (2 steps), then step forward and pretend to have
a shot (forehand)

Teacher makes all 9 decisions, therefore has all control over the class

- Total control
- Move at desired pace
- Observe skills/ability
- Assessment and feedback

- Disinteresting, particularly for high ability students
- Can be too difficult/easy for some
- Public
- Confrontational and conflict

Individual Practice/Practice Style

- Is the basis of all other styles in reproduction cluster
- Addresses the way the teachers act and the way the students act
- Involves sequence:
1. Organisation and equipment
2. Delivery of purpose and role – behaviour decision presentation
3. Delivery of subject matter; name the skill, demonstrate the skill – subject matter
4. Explain the key points
5. Provide the task description – logistic presentation
6. Questions for clarification
7. Students move off for practice

- Student serves (focus skill) the ball over the net to the collector
- The feeder gives the hitter another ball when they are ready
- Collector to collect the ball and return to the feeder
- Student uses the individual practice style – focus on them and
giving feedback to them.
- Implement sequence within this task

- Must reflect on the behavioural and skill objectives – when to address these depends on the
contexts (up to you as the teacher)

- Give feedback
- Students can respond
- Differentiate
- Private
- Controlled environment
- Engagement and interest

- Can only show one aspect of curriculum (skill) – PE is more than that, e.g. cooperation,
- Limiting

Reciprocal Style
- One person in the group teaches the other students
- Students have a role in observing and giving feedback
- Still follows same sequence as individual practice, however demonstrate is for the
observer/’teacher’ not the skill.
- The ‘doer’ student serves (focus skill) the ball over the net
to the receiver
- Receiver receives ball and returns to feeder
- Feeder gives ball to doer
- Observer is responsible for watching the doer and
providing feedback – they become the teacher
- Important to show rotation
*Observer has to be in a position that allows them
effective viewing

- Teacher is to watch and listen to the observer in each group and question them
- Enables observer to demonstrate their understanding of the action
- “what things should you be looking for?”

- Check understanding
- Increased involvement
- Communication and group work
- Student rule
- Opportunity to analyse and evaluate

- Needs level of maturity
- Needs practice and development – can't implement in week 1
- Have to know what the skill is prior

Tutorial 2

- Is a combination of individual practice and reciprocal, however the feedback comes from the
individual student themselves
- Teacher makes the decisions about the content, however the trust is in the students that
they know what to do and to work individually
- This style is more realistic – related to what you have to do in a real game
- Focus on knowledge of results rather than knowledge of performance

Serving drill:
- Server to use self-check style; changes
performance through checking technique
- Aiming to serve into outlined area, as well
as reach cones at back of court for power and
- Other students assist to get balls back to

- Ownership and trust to students
- Students take responsibility
- Can't do in first week
- Need to have a go at individual practice and reciprocal first

- Most common; guided discovery, convergent discovery, divergent discovery
- Work in a way that students don’t realise they already knew it
- Tactics and strategies rather than the actual skill
- Competitive style

Convergent discovery
- Like individual practice
- Students to discover/converge to decision

- Students to play mini game of tennis, keeping

score and aiming to beat partner
- Students to reflect on their shot and think back to
where they were standing and where their
opposition was standing when the point was
- Continue, with students reviewing their
- At the end, teacher to ask student what they
‘discovered’ about where they were positioned; “Where is the most effective position to
maintain a rally” = at the middle base – all students realised this was where the main
position was to maintain a rally
- Conclude with congratulations on skill and ability to discover positions

Guided discovery
- Teacher has series of questions/points to ask students as they play
- Only done on individual level, therefore not practical – have to work with individual and
- Once finished, teacher to bring whole class in and discuss the questions and responses from
the individual students who were asked
- Teacher guides student to the correct answer
- May involve sub-questions
- As soon as the teacher tells/give answer, the discovery is lost
Same game as above:
- Questions aiming for answer of deep, high and centre of court – individual students

- Take control of decisions (students)
- Challenging and exciting way to work
- Takes pressure off teacher in terms of content
- May never discover it
- Less control in terms of outcomes/discovery
- Have to be patient as the teacher

Divergent discovery
- Students have complete control over the content
- Teacher to set the question at the very start – could be more than one answer – students to
discover the answer during impact whilst playing the game
- Teacher to get different responses – should be more than one answer, could be different for
every student
- Teacher has to remain neutral with responses – don’t say yes this is correct or no its not
- Always go back to the subject matter and behaviour
- Always going to be a lot of answers
Same game as above:
- Respond to = “what position do you stand in to attack the serve as the receiver?”
- Teacher also gives ‘responses’ – give the ball back, make sure it goes over the net to
therefore put pressure

- Students in control of content
- Demonstrate more than skill of doing
- Not always get the answers you want
- Need students to respond and answer questions

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