Etad 991 - Interview Reflection

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ETAD 991 Katelyn Griffin ​11222659

Interview with Faculty Member- Dr. Marguerite Koole

When I first heard about the faculty interview I instantly thought of Dr. Marguerite
Koole. She has been my instructor for ETAD 873 (Instructional Design), ETAD 874
(Advanced Approaches to Instructional Design) and ETAD 804 (Distance Education
Theory and Practice). Throughout these courses, she has been a mentor and has
challenged my thinking when it comes to designing courses.
On January 30, 2019, I was fortunate to meet with Dr.Koole through an online
WebEx meeting. We began our discussion by talking about the program and courses
which challenged me. She was also interested in parts of the program I would highly
recommend. The importance of reflection and journaling was discussed and as I
continue to review them during ETAD 991, I recognized how beneficial they were to my
growth as a learner. We spoke an abundance about ETAD 874 since we had the
opportunity to work with Saskatchewan Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services (SDHHS)
and the client relationship resonated with me. I shared my thoughts about how great of
an experience it was to actually work with a client and gain that element and
perspective of design. It was great to have her listen to my perspective on the course
and program as she seemed very intrigued about my outlook.
Dr. Koole also helped me with my analogy and how I could showcase my
learning thus far. I explained the idea I had for a recipe, and how each course has
needed specific elements to make the desired product. Some products I have been
pleased with how they turned out and others I know I wish I could tweak. She
recognized the need for reflection in a recipe and within the course, and mentioned that
many recipes require certain timing. Another important piece of baking/cooking is first
reading through the recipe to make sure you have all the parts. Taking that into
consideration, we chatted about the importance of drafting, planning and editing the
various projects. Dr. Koole also envisioned the program being the “full meal” and each
class has been a part of it. Maybe I have some appetizers, first course, second course,
and a dessert, but she suggested I could relate the classes to that as well. Her ideas
were very helpful and have encouraged me to start planning and drafting up my project.
ETAD 991 Katelyn Griffin ​11222659

Speaking with Dr. Koole was both refreshing and inspiring. Her compassion
towards my outlook on the program demonstrated her sincerity towards her students.
She was helpful by sharing ways I could improve on my ideas and recognized that it
was an important process upon completing my masters.

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