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An Analysis of William Blake

The sick rose by using

Objective and Expresive approaches

By Lusiana Dewa Pronica

Nim 1711230109

A. Historical Background
 History
The Georgian periode began in 1714 – 1830, where in this period women
cannot do much, because men take the name of love to empower them and
satisfy their desires.

 Social Background
Is where in those days prostitutes already existed and a reality of women’s
lives seemed to be the object of sexuality by the opposite sex and women were
often harassed in the name of love.
 Moment Of Creating Poetry
The sick rose’ was published in Willliam Blake’s Songs of Experience in
1794. The poem remains a baffling one, with Blake’s precise meaning difficult
to ascertain.
B. Objective Approad
1) Sound Stratum
Is a layer of sound or poetry cantained in poetry that serves to get
poetic sounds or artistic values.
The two quartrains of this poem rhyme ABCB. The ominous rhythm of
these short, two-beat lines contributes to the poem’s sense of
foreboding or dread and complements the unflinching directnees with
which the speaker tells the rose she is dying.

2) Unit of meaning
Is the meaning that is in a poembased on the meaning of the percolation.

In the 1,2 lines :

O rose thou art sick
The invisible worm
Means : a woman whose love is hurtby a man whose lust cannot be seen in the
eyes of woman who naively expects love.

In the 3,4 lines :

That files in the night
In the howling storm
Means :
Men who roam at night carry their passions that passions that peak like a

In the 5,6 lines :

Has found out thy bed
Of crimson joy
Means :
When a man meets his rose in a compound. In this section the man who
dominates woman in burning pleasure or of crimson joy.

In the 7,8 lines :

And his dark secret love
Does thy life destroy
Means :The man uses false love and secretly to women, which ultimately
destroys a woman’s life and here apprears a man using his love to fool
women, with the lure of giving love.
C. The third layer
Is describes the object, setting, and story, the background, performer and the
author world.
 Object contained in the poem “ the sick rose ” by William Blake are love,
betralay, falsehood,sad.
 Actor or figure in the poem “ the sick rose ”” by William Blake is you.
 Setting : the night
 Story : the rose looked wilted, while the worm was hiding innocently and he
came out at night, in the storm and he had found a place to rest but his
excitement caused the rose to hurt or experience pain.

D. The fourth layer

Layers of the world that need not be stated but are impli.
The poem’s bait is very visible from first bait . O rose thou art sick, here describes
the woman who was hurt by love and in the bait 2 invisible worms, betrayal,
hiding worms. Feed 5-6 happiness where he finds a place and meets woman and
7-8 destruction is seen from, and his secret dark love, does life destroy, pseudo
love and secretly and ulimately trick woman.
E. The fifth layer ii the metaphysical layer that causes the reader to contemplate or
reflect on it.
In the poem of form of wome’s life transience ; namely the above is the name of
love even if only to satisfy the desire of men and love that will cause destruction.
F. Expresive approach
the poem “the sick rose” it seemed as if prostitution had existed since ancient
times. William blake seemed to want to tell about what happened to his era first.
This poem seems to tell about a life reality that a woman seemed to be the object
of sexuality by the opposite sex
G. Conculusion
It is that the former era of prostitution already exists and a reality of women’s
lives seems to be the object of sexuality and woman are often harassed in the
name love.
References :

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