Division - Memorandum - No. - 11 - s.2013 Action Research PDF

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Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region III DIVISION OF BATAAN City of Balanga February 20, 2013 DIVISION MEMORANDUM No. Ny 5.2013 SUBMISSION OF PROJECT PROPOSALS ON ACTION RESEARCHES, CURRICULUM INNOVATIONS AND INCOME GENERATING PROJECTS To: All School Heads, Public Elementary and Secondary To encourage more schools to initiate action research, curriculum innovations and income generating projects, Education Program Supervisors and District Supervisors shall provide support to school heads and teachers in their proposed project proposals on action researches, curriculum innovations and income generating projects. Before the implementation of action researches, curriculum innovations and income generating projects, the schoo! heads shall submit their project proposals to the School/District Review Committee for initial review in the secondary/elementary level from March to April of every school year and to be submitted to the Division Evaluation Committee. The Division Evaluation Committee shall evaluate said proposals of elementary and secondary in May and June which shall be approved by the Superintendent in July of the preceding school year for implementation during the school year. It is advised that the Review and Evaluation Committee in each leve! should strictly follow the given schedule. Accomplishment reports for Action Researches, Curriculum Innovations and Income Generating Projects shall be submitted after a year or two years of implementation to be included in the anthology of researches and innovations. Enclosures Nos. 1,2,3,4 contain the composition of Review/Evaluation Committee, Parts of Action Research, Format of Project Proposal on Curriculum Innovation, and Income Generating Projects. ‘Immediate and wide dissemination of this Memorandum is desired, ‘TARCILA Sain CESOV Schools Division Superintendent 4 Encl: As stated Reference: DepEd Memorandum No. 16, s. 2009 Allotment: 1_(D.O. 50-97) To be indicated in the Perpetual Index Under the following subjects: ACTION RESEARCH CURRICULUM INNOVATION PROJECTS ‘SCHOOLS. Memorandum No. 11, s. 2013) SCHOOL/DISTRICT REVIEW COMMITTEE OF PROJECT PROPOSALS ON ACTION RESEARCHES, CURRICULUM INNOVATIONS AND INCOME GENERATING PROJECTS Chair (School Secondary Principal/District Supervisor) Co-Chair Member (Department Head/Elem School Principal) (Dept. Head/Master Teacher with expertise on the subject/ project/program) DIVISION EVALUATION COMMITTEE OF PROJECT PROPOSALS ON ACTION RESEARCHES, CURRICULUM INNOVATIONS AND INCOME GENERATING PROJECTS Chair (Assistant Schools Division Superintendent) Co-Chair Member (Education Program Supervisor-English) (Education Program Supervisor In- charge of a particular subject/project/program) (Enclosure No. 2 to Division Memorandum No. 11, s. 2013) ACTION RESEARCH FORMAT ‘Your project, ike the proposal, must be written in style similar to research articles in journals. ‘As part of this project, you need a cover page that gives the topic of the research, your name, ‘and the collaborating classroom teacher/s and school, Be sure to keep at least one back-up copy of your project. Your project will be at least 5 pages long and should be divided into sections similar to those Included in your proposal rs n ABSTRACT ‘A. Summarize your research project into 3 to 5 sentences INTRODUCTION ‘A. Statement of the Problem and Its Significance 1. The problem must be the "biggest idea” or the one that needs immediate action. B. Carefully worded research question or problem The question or problem addressed must be related to A (Statement of the Problem) . Relevant Research and How It Applies to Your Problem (Review of Related Literature) . Use your references to describe what others have done to investigate this question ‘or problem and how your research builds upon existing research. METHODS: AL Subjects 1, Describe the students that you are working with (I. demographics, achievement level, learning area you are working in). B. Procedures 1. Outline your step plan for investigating the problem or question. (Actions to be undertaken). 2. Be sure to describe what data you collected, how you collected, and why you ‘decided upon your particular method of collection. 3. Describe what you did and what the collaborating teacher/s did. RESULTS / FINDINGS (DATA ANALYSIS) ‘A. Describe how you interpreted the data that you collected. B. What are your overall conclusions? (Relate this back to your research uestion/probiem and to the relevant research), C._ Induce raw data (can be number in table format quotes, etc.) that illustrates how you reached your conclusion. DISCUSSION ‘A. Describe your feelings about the project (Ie. were you surprised at the resus, was the project more difficult than you anticipated). B. How will the project impact your teaching of the problem that you addressed? C. Describe additional projects on related topics that you might do in the future. REFERENCES ‘A. Must include @ minimum of flve (5) print references, at least two from educational Journals or books. APPENDIX ‘A. Interview questions, questionnaire, observation checklists, et. ‘You might want to include photographs of the students or yourself engaged in activities related to your study. If you do, pseudonyms are used for student name.

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