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Questionnaire (Distributors)

I am Mrs. Anshu Hooda, Associate Professor in MR DAV IMS, Rohtak. I am presently

pursuing Ph.d. Programme under the guidance of Dr. A.S. Boora, Reader, IMSAR, MDU, Rohtak under
the title “unfair trade practices in pharmaceutical industry in India”. In this context, I would like to
seek you cooperation. The questionnaire that contains details about your perception on unfair trade
practices in Pharmaceutical industry. The responses elicited would be of immense value to me in my
research work.

I assure you that the questions asked here only for academic purpose and the information
obtained there from shall not be misused by me in any way. This information will be treated as
confidential and the sources will not be disclosed implicitly or explicitly by me in any manner. I shall
be very grateful if you could fill this questionnaire and return it to me at the earliest possible.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

Mrs. Anshu Hooda

a) Name : _______________________

b) Address : _______________________



c) Monthly Income _____________________

d) Nature of Distribution ship Wholesaler Retailer

1) Do you know about unfair trade practices?

Yes No
2) Rank the common type of unfair trade practices are common in pharmaceutical industry?
(Rank 1,2,3,…….,n)
False Representation
Kickbacks (Free Gifts)
False Offers
Non-Compliance of Prescribed Standard
Hoarding, Destruction
Any Other specify ____________________
3) Do Pharma companies offer sample medicine to you?
Yes No
4) Do you give discount on MRP?
Yes No
If you, how much % 0-10
Above 40
5) Do you give advice to purchase a particular brand’s medicine to your customers?
6) Do you sell any medicine of expiry date to the customers?
Yes No
If yes, why ……………………………………………………………………….
If not, what you do with these medicines ………………………………………………….
7) If you are not having medicine prescribed by doctor then you offer another medicine containing
same salt.
8) Does any company offer free gifts to sell their medicines?
9) Does any Doctor ask you to put stock of any specific medicine for their commission?
Yes No

10) In which sector unfair trade practices’ level is high?

Government Private
11) Do you offer any type of gifts to doctors for the prescription?

Yes No

12) How many % of customers get bill on buying medicine?

Above 60
13) Do you check expiry date of medicine before selling to the customer?

14) According to you in which area unfair trade practices is prevailing more?
Operation Theatre Products
Gyna Products
Ortho Sector
Any other ………………………………..
15) Name some companies which offers free gifts after getting demand orders of medicine
from you?
1) __________________
2) __________________
3) __________________
4) __________________

16) Do you know about unfair trade practices Act?

Yes No

17) Do you get price list of the medicines from the manufacturers?
Yes No

18) Do different distributors charge difference price for same medicines?

Yes No

19) Do you have any conditional contract with any company?

Yes No
If yes, then what are the terms and conditions of the contract:
a) Share in Advertisement Expenses
b) Share Profits with the company
c) Sell medicine upto a certain required quantity with no proper reason
d) Discount offered for share in loss compensation
e) Offering unreasonable business profits for selling its medicine
f) Any other Specify…………………………………………….
20) Do you sell any medicine, which is about no expire, at low price?
Yes No

21) Does manufacturer bear dispatch expenses if he dispatch medicine to wholesaler?

22) Does wholesaler bears dispatch expenses if he dispatch medicine to retailer?

23) Do manufactures charge any entrance fee for selling medicine of the company?
Yes No
If yes, Name the Company
a) __________________
b) __________________
c) __________________

24) Intellectual Property Rights are misused to the detriment of consumer?

Strongly Agree
Can’t Say (neutral)
Strongly Disagree

25) Suggestion from you :

Questionnaire (Customer)

I am Mrs. Anshu Hooda, Associate Professor in MR DAV IMS, Rohtak. I am presently

pursuing Ph.d. Programme under the guidance of Dr. A.S. Boora, Reader, IMSAR, MDU, Rohtak under
the title “unfair trade practices in pharmaceutical industry in India”. In this context, I would like to seek
you cooperation. The questionnaire that contains details about your perception on unfair trade practices in
Pharmaceutical industry. The responses elicited would be of immense value to me in my research work.

I assure you that the questions asked here only for academic purpose and the information
obtained there from shall not be misused by me in any way. This information will be treated as
confidential and the sources will not be disclosed implicitly or explicitly by me in any manner. I shall be
very grateful if you could fill this questionnaire and return it to me at the earliest possible.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

Mrs. Anshu Hooda

a) Name : _______________________

b) Age : _______________________

c) Sex Male Female

d) Occupation: _________________________

1. Educational Qualification:
a) Below 5th Standard
b) 5th – 10th Standard
c) 10th – 12th Standard
d) Graduate
e) Post Graduate
2. Are you aware about unfair trade practices in Pharmaceutical industry?
Yes No
3. “Unfair trade practices exist in the market.”
Strongly Agree
Can’t Say (Neutral)
Strongly Disagree
4. Rank the common type of unfair trade practices that prevailing in Pharmaceutical Industry?
False Representation
Kickbacks (Free Gifts)
False Offers
Non-Compliance of Prescribed Standard
Hoarding, Destruction
Any Other specify ____________________
5. Any representation about a drug in the advertisement is true.
Strongly Agree
Can’t Say (Neutral)
Strongly Disagree

6. Price charged for the medicines is higher than the reasonable price.
7. On what bases doctors give prescription of a medicine.
Other Please Specify_____________
8. Have you ever seen/observed that company offers gift items along with sample drugs
to doctors for giving prescription to their patients?
Yes No
9. Does your doctor tells you detail about the prescribed drugs?
Yes No
10. Do you think your doctor prescribes excess dose?
Yes No
11. Do you ask about the side effects of excess dose of prescribed drugs?
Yes No
12. Do you ask detail about the prescribed drugs? regarding:
a) Price Always Many times Some times
Not frequently Never
b) Mg Always Many times Some times
Not frequently Never
c) Purpose Always Many times Some times
Not frequently Never
d) Generic Drug Always Many times Some times
Not frequently Never
e) Company Name Always Many times Some times
Not frequently Never
f) Salt Always Many times Some times
Not frequently Never
g) Side effect Always Many times Some times
Not frequently Never
13. Do you take bill after purchasing of Medicine from a chemist shop?
14. Do you check expiry date of the drug?
15. Have you ever given expired drug by your chemist?
16. What action did you take when you find that you have been given expiry drugs by your chemists?
Return to Chemist File a complaint Any other ……………
17. Have you ever purchase any sample medicine from any medicos or doctor?
18. Do you know that a complaint against unfair trade practices can be filled under consumer
protection Act?
Yes No
19. Are you aware about MRTP Act which is related to unfair trade practices?
Yes No
20. Do you know the process of filling any complaint against unfair trade practices?
Yes No
21. What can be the reason for accepting tied-selling of medicines?
a) Follow doctors advice
b) Avoid annoying Doctor
c) Reasonable Price
d) Non-availability at other shops
e) Easy availability
f) Other _________________________________
22. Do you think doctors mislead patients for purchasing more expensive medicines when less costly
medicine is available in the market (for getting incentives)
Yes No
23. Any suggestion to control unfair trade practices:

21. Any suggestion about the study on “unfair trade practices in pharmaceutical industry”.

Questionnaire (Doctors)
I am Mrs. Anshu Hooda, Associate Professor in MR DAV IMS, Rohtak. I am presently
pursuing Ph.d. Programme under the guidance of Dr. A.S. Boora, Reader, IMSAR, MDU, Rohtak under
the title “unfair trade practices in pharmaceutical industry in India”. In this context, I would like to
seek you cooperation. The questionnaire that contains details about your perception on unfair trade
practices in Pharmaceutical industry. The responses elicited would be of immense value to me in my
research work.

I assure you that the questions asked here only for academic purpose and the information
obtained there from shall not be misused by me in any way. This information will be treated as
confidential and the sources will not be disclosed implicitly or explicitly by me in any manner. I shall
be very grateful if you could fill this questionnaire and return it to me at the earliest possible.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

Mrs. Anshu Hooda

a) Name : _______________________

b) Address : _______________________



c) Qualification _______________________

d) Monthly Income :- _______________________

1) Are you aware about unfair trade practices in pharmaceutical industry?

Yes No
2) Rank the common type of unfair trade practices are common in pharmaceutical industry?
(Rank 1,2,3,…….,n)
False Representation
Kickbacks (Free Gifts)
False Offers
Non-Compliance of Prescribed Standard
Hoarding, Destruction
Any Other specify ____________________
3) Do Pharma companies offer sample medicine to you?
Yes No
If yes, do you sell them to you patients?
4) Do Pharma companies offers you any type of benefits for prescribing their medicines?

5) In which sector is unfair trade practices’ level high?

Private Sector Hospital Government Hospitals
6) Do wholesaler offer any type of benefits to doctors for the prescription?

7) In which product is unfair trade practices more common?

Operation Theatre Products
Gyna Products
Ortho Sector
Any other please specify ………………………………….
8) Do you have any collusive agreement for tied selling with manufacturers/wholesalers?
Yes No
9) Do you think doctor prescribe more expensive medicine for patients when less costly
medicine is available in the market (for getting incentive)
Yes No
If yes, tell the percentage




Above 50
10) Do you try to find out less expensive alternative of any effective expensive drug?
Yes No
11) Does diagnostic centre, pharmacist or hospital pay commission for referring the patient for
further treatment?
12) Do you know about unfair trade practices act?
Yes No
13) Any Suggestions
Questionnaire (Medical Representative)

I am Mrs. Anshu Hooda, Associate Professor in MR DAV IMS, Rohtak. I am presently

pursuing Ph.d. Programme under the guidance of Dr. A.S. Boora, Reader, IMSAR, MDU, Rohtak under
the title “unfair trade practices in pharmaceutical industry in India”. In this context, I would like to
seek you cooperation. The questionnaire that contains details about your perception on unfair trade
practices in Pharmaceutical industry. The responses elicited would be of immense value to me in my
research work.

I assure you that the questions asked here only for academic purpose and the information
obtained there from shall not be misused by me in any way. This information will be treated as
confidential and the sources will not be disclosed implicitly or explicitly by me in any manner. I shall
be very grateful if you could fill this questionnaire and return it to me at the earliest possible.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

Mrs. Anshu Hooda

a) Name of the Company: _______________________

b) Address : _______________________
c) Name of Respondent : _______________________
d) Post :- _______________________

1) Do you aware about unfair trade practices in pharmaceutical industry?

Yes No
2) “Unfair trade practices exist in the market.”
Strongly Agree
Can’t Say (Neutral)
Strongly Disagree
3) Rank the common type of unfair trade practices are common in pharmaceutical industry?
(Rank 1,2,3,…….,n)
False Representation
Kickbacks (Free Gifts)
False Offers
Non-Compliance of Prescribed Standard
Hoarding, Destruction
Any Other specify ____________________
4) Do Pharma companies offer sample medicine to you?
Yes No

5) In which sector is unfair trade practices’ level high?

Government Private
6) Does Pharma company offer you any type of benefit for prescribing their medicines?
7) In which product is unfair trade practices more common?
Operation Theatre Products
Gyna Products
Ortho Sector
Any other please specify ………………………………….

8) Do you have any collusive agreement for tied selling with manufacturers/wholesalers?
Yes No
If yes, then what are the terms and conditions of the contract:
a) Share in Advertisement Expenses
b) Share Profits with the company
c) Sell medicine upto a certain required quantity with no proper reason
d) Discount offered for share in loss compensation
e) Offering unreasonable business profits for selling its medicine
f) Any other Specify…………………………………………….

9) Do you give price list to distributors?

Yes No
10) Do you sell any medicine, which is about to expire, at low price?
Yes No
11) Do you have any collusive agreement and tied selling with distributor/ doctors?
Yes No
12) Do you bear dispatch expenses of the medicines?
Yes No
13) Intellectual Property Rights are misused to the detriment of consumer?
Strongly Agree
Can’t Say (Neutral)
Strongly Disagree
14) Do pharma company make false claims in advertisement?
Yes No
15) Do you know about Unfair Trade Practices Act?
Yes No

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