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How to Do

Marketing Online
Build Your Network Marketing Business in Some Quick
Fast Way.


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(However you may share the link with others to help them download this book)

This work should not be copied, sold, used as content in any manner or with your
name put on it.

Every effort has been made to be accurate in this publication. The publisher does
not assume any responsibility for errors, omissions or contrary interpretation. We
do our best to provide the exact information on the subject, but simply reading it
will not guarantee success. You need to apply every single step of the procedure
described here and also yourself in order to get the results you are looking for.

This publication is not intended for use as a source of any legal, medical or
accounting advice. The information contained in this guide may be subject to laws
in India and other jurisdictions.

It is important for you to clearly understand that all marketing activities carry the
possibility of loss of investment for testing purposes. Use this information wisely
and at your own risk.

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“Network Marketing is the fastest
growing business model in the
world today.”
Robert Kiyosaki

Copyright: all rights reserved worldwide Page 3
Why Should You Read This Book?

Welcome to the latest and most easily applicable Network

Marketing Training, designed to take you by the hand and walk
you through the process of how to build a fast network marketing
business with the help of internet and several online platforms.
I’m very excited to have you here and thoroughly assure you of its
effectiveness. Although I have decided to make this handbook free
so that it can be helpful to many, please keep in mind that it is jam
packed with real working strategies that can help you to build
your network marketing business in double quick time.
This book is meant exclusively for network marketers’. So if
you are not involved in network marketing yet you are really
missing out and this book to you will be of no help whatsoever. A
network business model enables you to create your own team of
distributors and earn a commission off your organization’s
Network marketing may not be the only profession out there but
it certainly is an impressive one nonetheless. It not only offers a
financial freedom but also the time to take pleasure in. This is the
only business model I’ve found where it is practically impossible
to succeed without helping others to prosper as well. Therefore
it’s more a business of collaboration rather than of competition. If
you haven’t joined any network marketing company yet, you should,
as early as possible.
The term Online Business is all the rage these days. People are
gradually being persuaded towards online promotion of their
businesses. Network marketing is no exception in there. This
book will also acutely help you in expanding your business
Copyright: all rights reserved worldwide Page 4
through the internet or even set it up online. To guide and help
Network Marketers in building their business digitally is all that
pushed me into writing this book.
Irrespective of the company or country that you belong to,
provided that your company is legal, following the system
described in this book will surely bring you success.
It hardly matters whether you are a novice or a veteran network
marketer nor if your team boasts of some thousands or it is just
you starting out, as long as you are in network marketing industry,
this book would help you with everything you need regarding
network marketing business.
Trust me when I say, once you learn and master the skills
described in this book you will become a prospecting,
recruiting and sponsoring machine.
I shall keep this handbook short and simple, since this book
focuses on network marketers and not the digital nomads. My
friends in Network marketing may not, even need not be tech
savvy always. They may not have enough funds to invest in tools
or software. So here I have provided few simple steps which
are both easy to follow and apply for anyone.

All you need is an access to internet on your personal computer or

mobile phone. Besides, you must have that appetite to learn the
techniques and invest 30 to 40 minutes every day to apply those.
If you have all the three qualifications mentioned above
(internet connection, willingness to learn and some time to
work) you can move on.

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The other point I kept in mind while writing the book is that the
techniques you need to apply should be duplicable. Network
Marketing is a business of duplication. Therefore ask your team
members too to download this book which will correspondingly
make their steps easy as well (although you are not allowed to
distribute this book, you may forward them to my website to download the same).
This would further encourage people to join your team since now
you can show them an additional way of building an organisation.
We have personally tested all the methods described in here and
they have paid on all occasions.
Without much ado let’s move on.

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“You only win when you help others
Paul Zane Pilzer

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Who am I and why you should listen to me
My name is Soumen Ghosh. Having authored 3 books till date
namely ‘Making Money Online’, ‘Career and Opportunities in
Freelancing’ and ‘Social Media Success’, I am blessed with
regular commendation from my readers round the globe. Their
acclamation, trust and faith constantly encourage me to keep on
I am a blogger too. My blogs are visited by thousands daily. I
conduct seminar and workshops as well on how to do business on
Internet. As a certified life coach I have what it takes to help
people run their business both online and offline. And I believe I
am proficient enough to help you build your own network
marketing business.
Apart from this book, through my blog, I also provide a totally
FREE online training on other different strategies to build
network marketing business and inculcate personal development
skills too.
Go to to watch the last
update and the upcoming ones! You can also find my regular tips
on network marketing business at my Facebook group. To stay
connected with me join my Facebook group.
To repeat myself, neither the company you represent nor the
products do you sell matters, provided that you are in a legal and
authentic network marketing business, my posts, trainings and
tips inside the group would help you beyond doubt.

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“Network marketing is the big wave of
the future. It’s taking the place of
franchising, which now requires too
much capital for the average
Jim Rohn

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Is it actually possible to do Network Business Online?
Allow me to be very frank on this matter. As a true mentor and
guide I am supposed to reveal everything here without sugar-
coating. But before I get down to it, let me share something
interesting with you.
It was in the early 2016 when one day I got an invitation from a
famed personality of my country to his home for lunch. Quite
naturally, I was excited to get to meet this gentleman, a prominent
author and motivational speaker. One of my books was brought
out by the same publishing house that had published his book.
Countless books by him have been bestowed with the Best Seller
awards. Therefore being invited to lunch by a man of such stature
was very touching and inspiring at the same time.
But I didn’t have the slightest idea about what surprises awaits
me there. After some normal chat, he showed me a picture of him
holding a cheque worth more than a million dollars. A single
cheque of more than one million!!! It made my jaws drop and held
them there for a while since it was simply beyond my imagination
that writing a book can make someone earn this much money.
I asked him whether he does anything else besides writing or
speaking. To my surprise he answered, “Network Marketing.”
For the next couple of minutes, I was, in rapt silence, listening to
his story. He is the top earner of his company in the Asian
Continent. He was explaining how marketing was a tough nut to
crack for him in the beginning. He asked me whether I would like
to join his team or not. I promptly said “NO”. I don’t know why but
my reply was pretty instant.

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We carried on with our discussions and in the middle of our
conversation I proposed him rather casually to take the help of
internet to spread his business across the world. But he declined
my proposal. He believed Network Marketing is a completely
unique subject which can’t be done online.
It was not that I didn’t have any idea about network marketing
business then but his stark denial somehow made me more
curious to learn the subject in details. I wanted to know why
network marketing is different. Why can’t this be done online?
After that day I started reading books on network marketing,
watching videos, listening podcasts and interviews of successful
MLM leaders. I even joined some paid training programs of great
network marketing leaders. I personally met one of the top MLM
leaders of this world who was running his network business in
multiple countries and was one of the top recruiter of his
company. This gentleman actually came from the digital
marketing background and used social media to make his team go
After a year and a half long research and study I started applying
the methods I discovered with some of my associates (including
my wife who always agrees to be my first student). My associates
were mostly digital marketers but gradually joined different
Network Marketing Companies in the intervening time. In this
book I have, without a miss, revealed everything you need to
I believe your competence in online network marketing business
rests strongly on how you use the internet.

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“Networking isn't how many people
you know; it’s how many people
know you.”
Amit Kalantri

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Is online better than offline?
As a quick disclaimer, let me clear this for you that online is not
‘better’ than offline, especially in network marketing business.
Many gurus who claim online to be better than offline are simply
misleading you; probably in order to sell their own training
programmes which they themselves have never applied in their
life. Internet gives you an additional way of getting prospects for
your team.

Hence I have coined a word ‘Integration Marketing’, meaning

a combination of both online and offline modes, incorporating the
strength of both.
As a matter of fact, I firmly believe, it is the offline which would
actually be preferable for most people. Let me put it this way, if
you can’t helm your business towards the shores of success
offline (the way most people in your company are getting along),
it would be extremely difficult for you to survive this troubled
waters of marketing business otherwise.
It’s blunt I know, but that’s the naked truth.
Opting for online out of your incompetence would actually lead
you to more frustration. Irrespective of your inclination for online
marketing, in order to thrive, there should always be a healthy
balance between your online and offline activities as well as your
interactions in the private and public spheres. If you are going to
use the internet as a virtual screen to avoid the one-on-one
communication for product marketing, my suggestion would be to
learn the art of communication first. Go online out of strength, not
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Why should I take my Network Marketing business
To put it rather frankly, the largest conglomeration of people now
resides online! (763 crores!!!) Here you will find the multiple
facets of a potential market thronged with people looking for
weight loss, improvement of skin tone, save-more-make-more
policies, briefly, anything and everything a company, your
company, might has to offer! It is the ultimate solution offered
only by your company that millions are searching and waiting for
daily! All you need is to make your presence felt in the web
directories like Google or Facebook which our world’s virtual
counterpart holds.


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“It's all about people. It's about
networking and being nice to people
and not burning any bridges.”
Mike Davidson

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List Building
If you are in network marketing business the first step you need
to take is to make a list. A list of people you know.
It is taught in every network marketing company that to become
successful in MLM as an independent distributor, you need to pen
down a long list of contacts. Every guru will advise you to do it
first. This means you will have to write the names of the people
whom you know already (i.e. your friends, relatives, colleagues
etc.) and are approachable as potential customers. Everybody has
to do this. The longer the list, the more successful you are in
network marketing business. But the majority of people get stuck
in here.
Your upline will ask you to add 2 to 5 persons daily in your list.
You will be asked to make new contacts every day. I hope you will
agree that it is easier said than done. This is the stage where the
majority of distributors hung up. They can’t figure out how they
are supposed add that many people on a regular basis. Everyone
has his/her own limitations. On an average, one can add 50 to 100
people from his list but most of us can’t think any further.
Do you find yourself in this situation as well? Then this is the
perfect book for you. Trust me if you apply what I am going to
suggest in this book, you can build a strong list of 1000 or
even more people very soon.
Furthermore, you will also be able to strike up a healthy relation
with them with the help of the skills that you will learn in this

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“If you are doing the business right,
you never have to look for
Don Failla

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Internet is the solution of your list-making problem.
You can take the help of internet in making it. And there are
numerous ways of doing it. But as promised I shall keep the whole
training easy and straightforward. It should be short and simple
so that it’d be easy to follow. To build a network marketing
business my suggestion would be to choose any one or all the
three methods described below:
1. Blogging
2. YouTube Videos
3. Social Networking (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn,
Pinterest etc.)

Blogging is a fantastic way to reach thousands of people on a

daily basis. When you publish good contents on your blog your
readers will start to grow a taste for your blog. They will trust
you. If you can really provide solutions to their problems they will
follow your advice. Although publishing a blog isn’t something
difficult, it isn’t that easy either. You need to learn a little technical
stuff; you need to write contents on regular basis, you need to
know SEO, SEM etc. So, the blogging part is excluded initially in
this book.
But if you are really good at writing content or have a decent
interest in blogging, feel free to contact me through my website or
Facebook group. I shall help you build your blog and convert it
into a lead generation machine.

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The second method is YouTube. This platform has become so
popular now that you can have millions of targeted prospects in
YouTube alone. Countless people visit this website everyday. Now
YouTubing is comparatively easier than publishing blogs.
Moreover, if you follow a few tips and master some of the
techniques, it is possible to rank well in the search engine.
I have described some of them in my blogs and time and again on
my Facebook group. If you are not a member of our group yet,
pause reading this book for few seconds and come back here
after joining the group. I have an associate who yields 20 to 25
leads daily through his YouTube channel. Those leads are
targeted; people submit their details only because they want to
join his team.
The only problem I find in promoting through YouTube is that it is
a little difficult to build relationships with your subscriber. You
hardly know anything about them, so the conversion rate is much
lower than the method I am going to explain next.
Last but not the least is Social Media Marketing. This is my
most favourite method of building list.
There are currently 4.5 Billion Internet users worldwide -
2.77 Billion of them are on social media! Today Social Media
has become too powerful to ignore. Even he, the master whom I
met once in lunch and despised online methods (you remember),
has now started using it. Direct selling is modelled on
correspondence and interrelation. Therefore in the social
networking world, relationship is the fundamental key to success.

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Countless prospective relationships are just a click away here.
Moreover, social networking sites these days have gradually
acquired the central position of our lives and there is hardly
anyone who follows none of them. If you properly use the
methods described in this book, there is no reason that you would
not succeed in Network Marketing Business.
There are at least 5 social networking sites which are immensely
popular in almost every corner of the world. They have different
rules or systems but the basic principle of use is almost same for
the each of them. You need not to learn all of those. Any one of
them is good enough to build your organisation.
And if I ask you to name only one, the site that comes immediately
to most of your minds is Facebook, isn’t it? As of the third quarter
of 2018, Facebook had 2.27 Billion users with the highest
penetration and engagement of Internet users at 63%. Nowadays
it is practically difficult to find a person who doesn’t have an
account on Facebook. The users check their feeds daily, often
even before getting out of bed! If you really don’t have a Facebook
account, I’d suggest you to create one now.
In this book I shall be teaching you how to use Facebook properly
to build your team. Having said that if you’d still like to use other
social networking sites, instead of Facebook, like instagram or
pinterest, please go through my book ‘Social Media Success’ for a
step by step guideline. The book is available at almost every
leading book stores in 140 counties. If you don’t find it in your
local store please go and search it online with the name of the
book and my name as author and you would find it almost on
every online stores.

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“Success in this industry is not in
finding the right person, but in
becoming the right person.”
Dr. Forrest Shaklee

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I find most of the people who use Facebook for promoting
network marketing business are doing it in an erroneous way.
Not only they are doing it wrong but they are doing just the
opposite as well. They are actually doing all the things that they
are not supposed to do, in turn, spoiling their own Facebook wall
as well as of others.
Posting about your products and schemes randomly will never
fetch you new members for your team or customers for your
business. If network marketing would have been so easy, there
would have been much more millionaires in this world than as of
Network marketing is a fantastic and funny way of doing business
but there is no short cut to success. Apply the techniques that you
are learning here today and you would observe the significant
changes in results. I guarantee it.
Prior to that, you need to understand Four Basic Rules of Social
Media Marketing and your total marketing efforts should strictly
follow these four rules:

1. Connecting, Not Collecting – Your intention should be to

truly serve and connect with people and not to collect
people. What I mean is meaningful mutual relationships.
Since Network marketing is really about connecting with
people, not collecting, your main goal would be always to
make friendship.
You have to value people more than your business prospect or
money if you really want them to join your team.

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2. WIIFM-People are primarily concerned about “What’s In It
for me.” So, your intent on social networking site from now
on would not be to glorify yourself or your company but to
provide some value in your friend’s life.

He wants to know how your post is going to benefit him. He

will be happy if you share some information, some
knowledge or even some good jokes for his leisure. He has
nothing to do with your company, or your product, until he
needs that. People hate to be sold. Ugly promotion of your
business would not yield any positive result but repel them
for you. They will start avoiding you. They will start
considering you as a salesperson.

Unfortunately 99 % of the networkers become so

excited that they start posting their business details on
their Facebook walls. There are even a few among us doing
it more than once in a day. Stop doing it if you are also
making the same mistakes.

Post something relevant on a regular basis keeping WIIFM in


3. Be Consistent - Consistency is the key. Be regular on social

networking site. Whether you spend 15 minutes or 20
minutes (the more the better), you must be regular.

You need not to be online all the time, but you should be aware
of what is going on your feed as well as on your friend’s.

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4. Both your business and your Facebook Wall are
valuable- Value your business and act accordingly in social
network. You have valuable business opportunities with
you. Your products are valuable to you too. Don’t just throw
them here and there. It degrades your business as well as
your name.
Never send info to anybody without a hitherto agreed upon
follow up time.

There are four main areas on Facebook to be used for our

purpose. So I’d like to go into a little more detail in here.

Personal Profile
The first thing we do after signing up on Facebook is to create our
own profile. The people to connect here are generally friends and
family, and at times, your team. But it is not a place intended for
business. Doing so is against Facebook’s policies.
Facebook asks for our information while we create our profile.
We provide few and skip many. We may not have given enough
importance to our profile so far but we should from now on. This
is the place where your future prospects will come to know about
you. While creating profile you should keep each of the following
guidelines in mind:
a) Use your personal picture as your social media profile
picture (better to put a smile on). Many people use the
picture of pets, gods, celebrities or even memes. If you want
to develop your business using Facebook, you should stay
away from this. Use your personal photo only.

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b) While writing about your workplace don’t write the name of
your MLM Company. Instead of attracting your prospects it
will only repel them. It is better to write something in
general, like, “self-employed,” “lifestyle entrepreneur”,
“business coach” etc. You can also write the address of your
website or blog, if you have one, but never write the web
address of your company.

c) Be sure to include your other social media sites, changing

the privacy of those links to Public.

d) In your Facebook Account Settings find the Public Posts

setting on the left and be sure to turn that function on to be
visible to everybody. That way even non Friends can see
posts you mark Public, such as things about your business.

I have provided other tips also in this book on profile carefulness.

You should uphold all of those. Use your Personal Profile to build
your network and give people a chance to get to know you. As
your network expands your job would be to move to a Business

Facebook Page
This is like your office.
Use the Create Page button on the Facebook Business Centre
website at business to start a business page.
Either brand yourself or use your real name and lifestyle
business consultant (or something like this) as the title. This is
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possible only on Business Pages, not on Personal Profiles. Check
Facebook policy for page name guidelines and follow them too.
Once more my suggestion would be to avoid the name of your
company here. Let others to be curious. Let them ask you about
your company. Thus you will get an opportunity to talk to them
personally. It makes sense, doesn’t it?

More Tips:
1) Pages are indexed by the search engines, so use good
keywords or phrases that people might be searching for in
your descriptions, image and video captions and other posts.

2) Be sure to include locations that you serve when filling out

your About page—So when someone will be looking for a
distributor or a consultant in those cities on their search
engines, your Facebook page will come up!

Facebook Groups
This is a great place to stay connected. You can be in touch with
your team members, your prospects or whoever you feel may join
your business one day.
Create a group with a single purpose. I have created a group on
Facebook in the name of work from home community. I have
included everybody who is interested in doing business from
home. I provide regular tips and tricks on my group. On one hand,
people are being benefited and I can stay in touch with them
always on the other. My suggestions are followed and

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implemented by them frequently. I don’t appear to be a stranger
or mere sales personnel to them but a cooperative friend.
Another big advantage of creating group is you can upload
documents, images, presentations which would be available as
downloadable files to your group members. Thus it is possible for
you to run your business in the USA from India or in multiple
cities within the country.
By simply linking your groups to your Business page, you can use
them to arrange sales parties or opportunity events. Linking your
Business page to the group has another benefit as well, like, your
posts will appear far more professional as they will be now
coming from the Business Page.
Besides, since the dealings will be presided over from the page,
not the Personal Profile, there will be no possibilities of a ban
from Facebook. To link your Group to a Business Page, go to your
Page and find the Groups tab. If you can’t find it, go into your Page
settings and click on Layout and Add Tab to add one. Once you are
done, the Groups tab will appear right on your Page sidebar and
you can then click on the Link Group button right away.

Facebook Live
Although this isn’t a separate ‘place’ on Facebook it deserves a
special attention nonetheless. Facebook Live gives you the option
to broadcast live video within your Personal Profile, right from
your mobile device or desktop computer.
When you “go live” on Facebook, you give your followers the
opportunity to share whatever you intend to right through the
video which gives a feeling of intimate connectivity despite the
temporal distance. An audio-visual medium is undeniably the best
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possible medium of connectivity and Facebook Live has taken
that to a whole new level!
**So what’s apparent is that you need quite a lot of friends on
Facebook. Try to add around 3 to 4 friends everyday. It goes
without saying that making friends is also an art. Don’t send
requests randomly. Treat others the way you’d like to be treated-
that is the golden rule.
When you first set out to use Facebook for building network
marketing business, be sure to set a goal to develop long term and
mutually beneficial relationships. Your purpose is to provide value
input towards the marketplace and also to develop relationships
with people. Choose someone who might have similar interests to
you or to your products.
But how?
Don’t hurry! Have some patience. Join some groups similar to
your interest. Let me explain this with an example. Suppose your
company sells skin care products and you are promoting them.
Join few groups related to skincare products. You can easily find
people on Facebook searches (by typing related keyword +
groups). Join groups that are membered by many. Join groups
related to home business or part time business or start ups.
Join at least 10 to 15 groups and watch what discussions are
going on there.
Participate in them; provide some values to the group. Like
and comment on other people’s posts. Slowly people will
start recognising you.
You will start receiving friend requests from them. You can also
send friend requests to people who like and comment on your
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post on a regular basis. Gradually you will end up having many
friends who have equal interests with you. Start up conversations
with those folks with the sole purpose of making good friendship.
When they ask you about your profession, tell them about
your business. The best results occur when others ask YOU
about your proposition.
Don’t try to sell your products or opportunity. Once the
conversation is initiated, wait for them to respond. If they don’t
within a couple of days you can ping them again by just sending a
question mark or asking if they have seen it! If they still don’t
respond after that between a couple more days then leave it
there. If someone isn’t really engaging (sending 1-2 words replies
or not replying at all) don’t push it. They are probably busy and
you don’t want to be annoying.
You want people who actually talk to you on your friend list. I
would not mind to unfriend a person who doesn’t respond to my
message as I have only room for 5000 people at my friendlist.
If s/he responds and takes interest in your products or
proposition, invite him/her to like your business page. If you run
a group to help others ask them to join your group. If they like or
join, s/he would become a good prospect for you. S/He is taking
interest out of his/her own. In this way you can join 50 to 100
people in your team quickly. There is practically no limit to how
far you can add. It is a proven and scientific way to add people in
your business.

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“You don’t get paid by the hour.
You get paid by the value you bring
to the hour.”
Jim Rohn

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What to Post on your social media.
It is of severe importance what you post on your timeline. Good
professional posts will actually send an image that you are “in it”;
whereas random and non-contextual ones will totally ruin it. As a
matter of fact, most of us don’t have a very good idea on what we
should post on social media and what we shouldn’t.
Here are some suggestions that I think would be helpful; visit our
Facebook group for more such ideas.
1. Share something you recently read that speaks of a topic
associated with your business.
2. Videos are amazingly capable of creating an impact in our mind.
Found something interesting or relatable? Click on ‘Share’!
3. People might like to hear or read about the personalities you
look up to in your field of business. Let people know about it.
4. Share those incidents, events or anecdotes, even if they are
funny, that moved you as a person or made you choose your
5. Post about the blogs and articles, or share them directly (tools
like Feedly and Flipboard may come handy here), that you
find to be compelling and pretty relatable to your line of
6. Inspirational quotes and excerpts, with an explanation
attached, are real morale boosters. Share them as much as
you can.
7. Ask your friends what they are presently working on or
keeping them excited.
8. Each of us finds motivation in life in different things. It might be
someone, something or some craving that constantly pushes

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you forward. Share what you crave for and let people share
theirs too.
9. Hows and whys fascinate us all, regardless of our age, taste or
mindset. Even the simplest things in life appear interesting
when explained orderly and everybody loves that!
Something pretty basic to you might be phenomenal to me
or vice versa. Be instrumental in quenching someone’s thirst
for knowledge!
10. Invite traffic to your websites, blogs or other social media
profiles by sharing the links and let people know what keeps
you occupied.
11. TV and Web series are the new rage these days. How about
opening a debate on a certain show that you found out
dealing with the same field that concerns your business as
well? I bet it’d be exciting!
12. Inform people about the books you had found important and
illuminating to the functional areas of your business or
simply write a brief review.
13. Let your friends and followers help you at times—this would
help cement your relationship with them.
14. Keep your followers updated about the events or training
sessions that they might like to join.
15. People tend to remember things that are amusing. Post
something funny or cartoonish related to your line of work
and it would simultaneously promote your business and
entertain the public.
16. There’s no need to explain the importance of news articles in
our life; so, stay updated, keep updated!
17. To engage your followers more to your feed, you can create a
list of Top Tens or Important Fives and ask if they agree to
your lists.
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18. Tell your followers more about yourself, your passion and
interests etc. If you expect them to join your business, they
should get to know you first, thoroughly.
19. You should also provide some useful stuff to make their job
easier, like, sharing what tools you find helpful in this line of
trade and their details or even the web resources that are
relevant in your field.
20. It’d be helpful to millions of network marketing aspirants to
have a specific guideline, clear-cut dos and don’ts list to
follow. Share your experiences and the common mistakes
people tend to commit in this line.
21. Sharing memories or past events gives you a moment to
cherish and relive in that very time and it allows your peers
to learn about your personal attributes and traits. So do
share them.
22. Inform your friends about the clubs and groups you think are
effective for a constructive vision for your business. Invite
them to join as well.
23. Ours isn’t a ‘perfect’ world, not even close. But it can be of
course. Share your opinions about how you think you can
contribute in making our world perfect!
24. It’s always tricky to post something that intrigues you or
something that you are curious about. Posting it would make
others ponder over them as well, and who knows, you might
get a new point, a new perspective in the comment box!
25. Debates are fantastic way to engage people. Introduce affairs
that are open to discussion and encourage your followers to
take part in. Or you can go for polls too.
26. Studies show that FAQs are more preferable to customers
than contacting the support team of the concerned company.
So contribute to the FAQs of your company or even if you
Copyright: all rights reserved worldwide Page 33
have helpful answers to questions regarding other topics,
post them.
27. Let people know about your blog posts. If new ones are
unavailable, share the old ‘liked’ ones.
28. Share inspirational and encouraging events or tips you would
like to provide for the upcoming business aspirants.
29. Promotions or publicity campaigns are necessary in every
fields of business. Creative ideas are necessary to stand out
from the crowd. Share if you have some.
30. Sharing the necessary details for an event would also be a
helpful post for your followers.
31. Post about the item or service you sell the least of—and tell
people why it is a hidden treasure.
32. If you are promoting any of your products, be sure to provide
all the details, tricks and exclusive features related to the
33. Post interesting challenges for your friends and engage them
in discussions on how they feel about it.
34. Let your followers come up with great captions to a picture
you posted, this would be at once appealing and
36. Do you have bibliophiles in your friendlist? Explore it by
asking for interesting books in certain fields. Make use of the
mutual interest you cherish.
37. Did you have an interesting weekend recently? Or a
captivating vacation? Why not share it with others? Ask your
followers to share theirs too.
38. Share your experiences that you had initially in your business-
your experience can easily be a learning session for others.

Copyright: all rights reserved worldwide Page 34
“You don’t build a business, you
build people and then people build
the business.”
Zig Ziglar

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Top 25 Social Media Tips for Network Marketing:
1) Remember to be friendly, communicative, frank and genuine
in your approach.

2) Showcase that you’re a friend material. We always have

those people in our friendlists with whom we barely talk.
Contact them personally and explore the common interests
you share. Strike up some casual conversation to know each
other more intimately.

3) Be yourself! Never try to impress others by faking what you

aren’t really. Be what you are truly and people will be
tempted about you and refer you to others. Eventually you
will have a good reputation to your name and attract others
to work with you.

4) Keep your conversations simple and personal to prevent it

from becoming a random analytical questionnaire.

5) Be inquisitive, not intrusive.

6) There’s no alternative to a good listener and one who is

concerned to other’s needs.

7) Be the magic piper of storytelling.

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8) People, on general, love to live a life of fun and frolic. So
when you are using social media to expand your business
that caters to people’s lifestyle, show them what they crave
for, and promote the happy life they desire.

9) Post contents that meet the expectations of your targeted

market. The more you do, the more they come to believe in
you and your company.

10) Try to reach out to a particular number of people daily

and ensure a feel-good experience for them by the end of the
day. Gradually you will end up having a strong community of
millions who will believe in your capability and strength.

11) Never mention the name of your company on Social

Media. This is a priceless social media training tip you are
getting here. Once you state your company’s name you
eliminate curiosity. It takes no time to simply google out
your company. Hence you end up losing exposure, interest
or any possibility of incorporation.

12) Messaging personally creates a notion of intimacy,

which is needed in a business like this that stands upon
human relationships.

13) Wish your peers personally and put some effort in it.
The more you care about the person, the more diligent he
would become in his works.

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14) Get on the phone. You can get all the likes, shares, and
comments you want on Facebook in your mobile application.
Unless and until you are getting on the phone with the
people in actual life and having real conversation you will be
missing the point of creating engagement.

15) Get in touch with people you wish to work with either
by person or virtually. Network marketing has its own way
of working and losing personal communication is not very
helpful in here.

16) It is advisable to connect with people who live close to

you since there you have the opportunity to meet them by
person and communicate with them.

17) Never fail to update your profile picture occasionally.

‘First impression is the last impression’ applies here as well.

18) Some studies in human behaviour show that we have a

natural inclination towards busy people. It sends a message
of potency and productiveness. But keep in mind that your
being busy shouldn’t be limited to your profile picture, but
you need to work hard in real life too.

19) Facebook Stories are amazingly capable to create

multiple prospects and that too within a short span. Stories
are equally visible to friends as well to the general public
(you can change privacy at anytime) and it also gives you the
option to check the viewers. This enables you to have an idea
of who are interested in you and thereby who your possible
prospects are.
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20) Qualify prospects with Facebook polls.

21) I wonder whether it’s the instantaneous nature of the

age of Internet or just an over-evolved human behaviour,
people expect ridiculously immediate results these days.
Patience seems to have evaporated from our senses!
Remember, stability, security, longevity and a solid customer
base come with time. Be patient to afford the time it needs.
It’s an organic process and by nature it requires time to
grow. Thereby the loyalty and trust it comes to generate
over time are truly unflinching.

22) Don’t make your timeline boring and repetitious.

Nobody likes to see unnecessary pictures, coupons, contests,
campaigns and constant promotion of your enterprise. Add
some colour to it, bring in some variety.

23) Abstain yourself from making adverse comments.

24) Keep a thorough knowledge of the Terms and

Conditions of the social media you are using and abide by

25) Images are more capable of creating an impact in our

mind than text messages. So share images more.

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I do hope and believe this book would help you
understand well enough how to start your network
marketing business online. By this time you should have
realised that this is a continuous process and you must be
consistent in applying all the methods mentioned above.
You need to be persistent to perform your jobs daily. To
connect with me and others who will keep you motivated
join our Facebook group now!

Warm Wishes,
Soumen Ghosh
Join me on Facebook:

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