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€, 28 PAGE5
& vot.120 N0. 159


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Dutefie als0 threatened to,6re the heads ofthe

slalerun lvlwis and termilate the concessionaires'
,ol,'u,ol Malacanarrg.s.rid on Wednesday.
S Of ln a sldlenenr, Palace sDol(esman s,rlv.rdor
SSlr' said ihe. presidcnr toio rur Koi[.irt'ro
and its two ConCeSSiOnaires, Maynilad Wut"i Serviii:S Inc, ing in.Malacanang on Tuesday night.
___:r_ r^7-1^- r_.\
and Manila \, .
Water Co. Inc., for the water shortage in parts ofc Metro "'il6il;.";,.,J'jiiin'fii,^-,*r,
Manila and Rizal. , x"**nz
\ 4sAot'til€'llstJcu a/rxr pAe6 pu ..->

Shape up
to listen to their eplanation as to
why tiere was a rrzrcr shonage as
such would be iust plain excuses.
Ther- sirnph did not do their iob.
All ther care about is ger profir fto m
the uzro oftbe people and ro rheir
sufferaoce as *dL' Ibnelo said.
Th€ Presid€tr rold them they
could have simply anticipatei
such shorag and could have done
somahing about it. They had to
n'ait ibr him to threaten them with
pasonali,v rushing to Manila fiom
Darao to grapple with the crisis
beibre they moved to end it. The
Chia- Executive, bluntly told &em
to $ape up or ship out!,,, he added.
_\t\\ SS officials were told to sub_ .
mir a itpon before April 7.
(hief li,, _y*,,=,":' *; ;, *.ffi,."; ;;;,;.J; ;:j::;:;;,",
ii.Jrcradng further on the meet_ tstre'ado testiryaumgttreiiu;.i"rr;;il;:
rn-r ahich he described as more of shortage. pt.!OT$ *y RUy :-.
a 'monologue" by the president, During the public inquiry of factoring inflation.
Pa-ado said: 'ln a stem messape the House Committee on public
nila Water
,\4WSS Corporare Office Deputy Buhay partylist Rep. Iose ,,Lito,,
ddiued rrirhour even on.e loJk Accounts, panel Chairman Minor_ Administrator Moro lazo said nart
ing ar rbe oficials, rhe obviouslv ity kader Danilo Suarez said the Atienza said Malnilad and Manila
of the concesionaires, fees goes to Water should be rerninded oftheir
ouuaged Presidenr threatened to MWSS budget should come ftom the salaries of over 150 penonnel obligation of completing its cover_
foe llle -\$\L\ officials aad termi- the General Appropdations Act ofthe agenry. age of wastewater facilities to ad_
'."t" fre coocessbnaires, contracts.,, (GAA) instead of Maynilad and - Lalimakers questioned the regr_
He said ri:e president would Manila Watec which had been pay_
dress the shortage before imposing
dedde 'riedra beads rrill roll or
latory capa bil ity of the MWSS a m irt hetty seMce
jng ar least P400 flees on the pubiic.
million each vear these hefty fees.
rriether the com-m oftie conces_
to the govemment agencl
'ldemand a refund here of all
"To rhe MWSS Regulatory Of_ .
sionaires rill
be terminared" after "Wehave been suggestin! that that you have paid for. people are
6ce I think you have failed in vorrr very angry and I m delivering the
dre subrnission ofthe rporr
MWSS budget should come from regulatory function. We cannot
'He (Dutme) said the officials anger of the people in this com_
the CAA lhey perform the ir jo b as a
expect the concessionaires to Dolice
Lrew of the problern leading ro regulatory offlce. The operadons ard miftee. .You have failed...and we
the stoppage of the flor. of rrater themselves,' said Nuerz Eclia Rep. cannot tak€ youl 'sonyl, an angy
expen d itu res of MWSS is being paid Rosanna Vergara.
bui they did not resotve o orernt by the two servic€ concessionaires Atienza noted.
it fiom happening, paneL sard_ So rhe regulator is beingpaid by the
The committee backed proposals
-\lanila Watet the east zone conces- 'Wait for new rates, to get water from the (anan River
regularce," Suarez said.
sionaire, had been implementing Bulk Water supply and the Sumag
-\larnilad Chief Operating Ofi cer MWSS Chief Regulator patrick Ty
$ter tnteffuptions in several areas Randolph Estrellado exolained: River diversion project to address
in -\teho Manila and Rizalto ensure
reirerated to rhe panel that instead the shortage
1te pav concession fees ro MWSS. of administrative fines, thev could
thar rvater supply would last until "Why are we going to compete
In own undersunding pan of
only impose rate rebasing on the
iune or the rainy season. that goes ro palment ofdeb$. That
with the prilate sector iust because
two utilities. we have al offer from the Chinese
is comprised of cosr of operarions
Another'sermon, of MWSS, where their eeenses are
Rate rebasing is a process ofad-
justing water rates every
that they are willing to lend you
five years moneyl" Suarez said, referring to
coming ftom. lt's now p400 million based on performancg and is a wav
.\l\\'SS officials received another for operations, fiom Malnilad and
the China-funded Kaliwa Dam in
long sermon from lawmakers for the govemmem to ensure that
Manila Water per annum." Quezon Province, to be builr by rhe
\\'ednesday moming after it was utilities do not acomulate Drofits govemment starting July.
Manila Water Chief Executive and losses. The nern rebasini is set
recealed that the agency was get- The Senate Commiftee on public
Officer Ferdinand dela Cru2 qave ir2022-
ting abou Pr bijlion in annualiees Services will scrutinize the loan
a different figure and said vilss For Bayan lvluna panyJist Rep.
from nater concessionaires, partJy receives P5-22 million ficim each of
agreement with China for the con_
to repal' debts. Carlos Zarate the MWSS shouirl struction of the IGliwa Dam, amid
the water concessionaires annually
not wait five yean to charge Ma- charges that a provision ofthe deal
v atux
could effectively allow Beiiing to ment Aqueduct 7 being construded
take full control of Manila's patri- by the agenry which has secured
monial resources in case ofa default the National Economic and Devel-
Sen. Grace Poe. the committee opment Authority's approral and
chairman, said she would await undergone a feasibility study.
submissions of the MWSS admin-
- The agency has already finished
isfator who vowed to forward to two tunnels that could accommo-
senators a copy of the financing date an additional 2,400 MLD.
for Kaliwa Darn, which was sealed The proiect cost will be equallY
when Chinese PresidentXi Jinping split between the two water sewice
visited the country in November providen. The construction of the
last year. tunnel will result in savings ofabout
"We will look into that so thal it 25 to 30 percentbecause ofthe bor-
could be induded in our committee ing equipment for a separate Foject
rcpoft that should serve as a public "lf we save about P750 million,
record that everybody can scuti- then it will translate to savings for
nize" said Po€, who led an inquity the tariff," Velasco said.
into the water shortage on Tuesday Under the concession agree-
ment signed by the'MWSS with
New tunnel from Manila Water and Mapilad, the
Angat Dam two entities can iec0ver the costs
incuned for irnpioving water sup-
Manila Water and Maynilad are also ply and services through the rate
planning to start within the year a rebaiing process, wherein water
P3.2-billion tunnel to increase the tariff is adjusted every five years.
volume of water that can be con- Ty said, ho*e\,'€t that it would be
veyed ftorn Angat Dam to ensue rislcy for both enrities to undertake
suf8cient water supply in the futura th€ pioject because the agency does
"We have been convinced by not preapprove pro jec{s.
MWSS to include in the common "lt was not induded in the busi-
purpose facility the building of nes plaa. Tha{s why it was not in-
the other tunnel to augment the dudedinthe rate rebasing last time.
capacity of the conveyance ftom So i{s not yet priced in," Ty said.
the Angat to the portal,' Maynilad "That's why they are being
President and Chief Executive Of- asked to do it. They will pay for it.
ficer Mmoncito Femandez said at That's why [MWSS Adminisrrator
the sidelines of the Water Philip- Velasco] asked me to be reasonable
pines 2019 Expo and Conference because it would be risky.on their
in Pasay City. part. The pro,ect may be disal-
Ftmandez said on Wednesday lowed," he added.
that the two companies were finish- But Fernandez said they could
ing the technical plans and detailed recoup the cost in the ffth rate
engineering for the project. rebasing in 2022, adding that
The existing water inftastudure concessionaires only implement
has three tunnels and six aqueducts proiects approved by the MWSS
that con€y 2,400 million liters per RegulatoryOffice. '
day (MLD) ofwater allotted by the Femandez also noted that Mayni-
Natural Water Resources Board to Iad has yet to collecr P81 billion
the MWSS. This then shared by Iiom customen in the west zone
Maynilad (2,400 MLD) and Manila since the concession agreement
Water (1,600 MLD). commenced in 1997.
tastweek the MWSS asked Metro Femandez said Maynilad would
Manila's two water concessionaires r€view its business plan and ac-
to develop the conveyance tunnel celerate some of its shon-term and
called Tunnel 5, which will convey long-term plans to eventually lessen
water ftom Angat Dam in Bulacan its dependence on Angat Dam.
' to the laMesa Damin Quezoncity. WITH JORDEENE B. LAGARE
The planned tunnelwill comple- AND JAVIER JOE ISMAEL

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