PART I The Entrance of The Grade 9 and 10

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PART I The Entrance of the Grade 9 and 10

Joseph: Let us witness the entrance of the grade 9 and grade 10 students. Juan Dela Cruz---Mr. John Paul
Mangui (grade 10 wisdom) followed by Ms. Rose Angela Manuba,

Opening Program:

Joseph: High School life is a roller coaster ride. It is the period of exploring the unknown, a time of
shaping one’s true identity and the stage of building bonds and friendships. This evening another
milestone is about to unfold in your lives as you take part in one of the most waited moment in high
school, the Junior and Senior Promenade.

Part II : Turn Over and Candle Light Ceremony

Both: Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen

Cristine: You look handsome tonight

Joseph: Thank You! ,you look beautiful tonight

Cristine: Well, I have all the reasons to be dressed up tonight because this is going to be a very
wonderful experience for all of us!

Joseph: I agree with you Ma’am CJ. And I’m sure that all of us here went out of our ways to look as
dazzling as possible for this special occasion.

Cristine: Yes, that’s right! It’s really great to see our juniors and seniors in their galaxy dress. The girls are
stunning while the boys are ravishing

Joseph: The JS prom surely marks a special event for every student present this evening because this is
considered as one of the most awaited highlights in the course of a high school life.

Cristine: To start with, please rise for the invocation to be led by Rose Angela M. Manuba and to follow
by the singing of the National Anthem.

Joseph: You may now take your seat. Again, to the handsome gentlemen and the beautiful young ladies
who are all dressed up for this exciting occasion. For sure all of you have spent time, treasure and
energy for this wonderful event.

Cristine: I definitely agree partner, seeing our students wearing suits and gowns and not their usual
uniforms is such a refreshing sight, isn’t it?. I bet they are excited to dance their crushes and to party-

Joseph: but before that, let us hear an opening remarks from our beautiful and always young at heart
principal Mrs. Virginia M. Mercader.
Ma’aam Mercader: good evening every one………………………….


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