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Dr. Chuan-Min Wang, D.C., L.Ac.

Edited by Steven Vasilakis, L.Ac.



Chinese Tung Acupuncture Institute Publications
25065 Hampton Lane
Lombard, IL 60148

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by
any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by
any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing
from the publisher.

Copyright© 2013 by Chuan-Min Wang

First Edition
Printed in the United States of America

Cover design and book layout by Steven Vasilakis

Master Tung Ching-Chang (May 23, 1916 Nov 7, 1975)

Forward by Hui-Yan Cai, MD, PhD, LAc 9

The Way to Tung's Acupuncture 11
Preface 17
l. Area 1 : Points on the Fingers 29
2. Area 2: Points on the Hand 51
3. Area 3: Points on the Forearm 61
4. Area 4: Points on the Upper Arm 75
5. Area 5: Points on the Plantar Foot 91
6. Area 6: Points on the Dorsal Foot 99
7. Area 7: Points on the Lower Leg 1 15
8. Area 8: Points on the Thigh 143
9. Area 9: Points on the Ear 169
10. Area 10: Points on the Head and Face 1 77
1 1 . Area VT+DT: Points on the Dorsal and Ventral Trunk 197
12. Addendum 221
13. Master Tung' s Special Needle Techniques 225
14. Diagnosis and Treatment Strategy 229
15. Bloodletting Areas of the Leg 247
16. Master Tung' s Therapeutic Index 253
17. Altemate lndications of the Points on the 14 Channels 299
18. Tung's Unique Point Index 311
References 321

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Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture comprises the most comprehensive study of Master

Tung's acupuncture points to date. It is most exciting that Dr. Chuan-Min Wang has

written this book as he has a deep understanding of patient care using Master Tung' s

methods. Having come from Taiwan and studying Master Tung's Acupuncture at an

early age, he later graduated from National College of Chiropractic in 1999. He is cur­

rently both a chiropractic physician and acupuncturist in USA Dr. Wang studied Master

Tung's methods for several years and mastered this technique. Applying these practices

successfully to clinical practice, he not only formed a rich basis of theory but also exten­

sive clinical application. He has lectured with the Asian American Acupuncture Associa­

tion (AAAA) and has taught numerous classes.

Being a fellow lecturer at the AAAA and after attending several lectures, 1 began to use

Master Tung' s basis. 1 am so appreciative that gynecology and reproductive endocrinolo­

gy. 1 found Master Tung's methods to be invaluable in my clinic using only a few needles

for great effects.

Master Tung is seen to be one of the most important acupuncturists in modem history.

His methods became famous for using only a few needles with miraculous results. His

points were often referred to as "magic" because they had instant and long lasting effects.

Being so quick in their delivery and effect, it allows the acupuncturist to see numerous

patients in a short time. After 39 years since Master Tung's passing away, his method

can be said to have gained popularity worldwide having spread to China, Japan, Korea,

Southeast Asia, and America. The spreading of his methodology, however, has been

through his disciples lectures and teaching with little literature to follow. This book offers

the public a deep study of both the applications and indications of Master Tung' s points

as well as offering theoretical basis. 1 am so appreciative that Dr. Chuan- Min Wang has

published this comprehensive book that will enable the tradition of Master Tung to con­

tinue and flourish.

As Master Tung would often say to his students when asked questions, "Observe for

yourself, then think about it." 1 hope that all who read this book can use these techniques

carefully in their practice and think deeply.

Hui-Yan Cai, MD, PhD, LAc

Professor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine,

National University of Health Sciences

The Way to Tung's Acupuncture

The Way to Tung's Acupuncture

There is always a way that you will follow on the road of life. It may not be apparent ini­
tially, but eventually key events in your life lead you to it. lt is said that every doud has a
silver lining, and such is my joumey on the path of Traditional Chinese Medicine. While
studying at Taipei Municipal Jianguo High School (the number one high school in Tai­
pei), my goal was to attend either the college of Engineering or Science. After the national
college entrance exam, however, 1 only was granted permission to study at the Business
Mathematics Department of Soo Chow University in September 1969.

In Soochow University, the first book 1 borrowed from the library was Shi-Li Xiong's
'Neo-Cittamatra', which was recommended by my high school Chinese language teacher,
Mr. Yu-Xin Du. Gradually however, 1 realized that 1 did not like Mathematics. So, after
one year, 1 decided to transfer to the Philosophy Department of Fu Jen Catholic Univer­
sity. When 1 made this decision, the only one in my family who supported me was my
father. Everyone else felt that Business Mathematics had a brighter future than Philoso­
phy. But my father said, "Let him follow his own way!"

During my first two years of college (1 970-1971 ), 1 was very lucky to have the chance to
leam the history of Chinese philosophy and study the 1-Ching (Book of Change) under
Master Huai-Chin Nan, because these were the last two years Master Nan taught in Fu­
Jen. Later, 1 went to Master Nan's East West Essence Society continuously for one year to
further my studies of the 1-Ching. Although 1 did not ask to be one of his disciples (even
when 1 had the chance), 1 have been his loyal student ever since.

In 1-Ching class, 1 leamed many important concepts, such as yin & yang, the sexagenary
cycle, the basic computation, the pre-heaven hexagram, the later-heaven hexagram, the
celestial stems (Tian Gen), the horary branches (Di Chih), twenty four seasons, daily
cycle, the hexagrams cycle, and five phases, including face and hand reading theory. All

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

these teachings gave me a firm foundation that would eventually be applied to my study
and practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

In Julyl 973, Mrs. Tian and Wei Chieh Young visited my father, hoping that my father
would ask Master Tung to open the advanced leaming gate and accept many intems
(who were already following him in his clinic for a period) to be his disciples. The intems
included Wei-Chieh Young, Palden Carson, and Shiao-Tian Kuo.

My father had a very close relationship with Master Tung being that they were in the
same anti-Japanese column during World War 11. My father served as the chief of staff
and Master Tung served as the military doctor. This is why my father was the best intro­
ducer between the interns and Master Tung.

When my father visited Master Tung in August 1973, I went with him out of curiosity.
After my father discussed the issue of opening advanced leaming gate with Master Tung.
he answered quite frankly, "No problem, especially since the introducer is the chief of
staff. " Then 1 asked, " Is it possible that 1 can also be your disciple?" The answer was
yes, and Master Tung presented me his 1973 textbook, "Tung' s Acupuncture, lts Regular
Channels and Unique Points", with his signature. After that, 1 joined the Chinese Tung's
Acupuncture program in his clinic. Three months later, Master Tung accepted 14 intems
as his new disciples (including me) in a formal acknowledgement ceremony (Bai Shi) in
November 1973. This was the last formal acknowledgement ceremony in which Master
Tung accepted disciples.

Studying in Master Tung' s clinic was quite different than 1 had experienced with other
instructors. Here are sorne notable differences:

1. There was no tuition fee.

2. Lunch was provided by his chef.

The Way to Tung' s Acupuncture

3. If students needed, they were allowed to spend the night at the clinic.
4. Master Tung taught through observation, including his diagnosis and treatment.
Students were allowed to ask patients about their condition, and discuss the points
Master Tung needled.
5. No question, no answer. After the student carefully prepared his questions, he
could knock on Master Tung' s door to ask. Once asked, Master Tung would offer his
answer. If the question was not prepared well, he would ask the student to further
study the issue on his own.
6. When learning how to needle, students initially began by needling themselves. By
getting a first hand feeling of various needle sensations, students could improve their

After observing and following Master Tung for about 2 months, 1 finally began to knock
on his door with questions. 1 still remember how Master Tung would always point to the
human body vascular system chart to explain the exact point locations.

Beside regular needle technique, bloodletting was a favored technique of Master Tung.
After carefully examining the patient's body, he would prick very quickly with a thick
three-edged needle. Generally after one pricking, black blood would exit from the
patient's body and the condition would be improved or cured. Master Tung also encour­
aged us to leam Traditional Chinese Acupuncture, and he especially recommended Dr.
Pei-Rong Sun's acupuncture.

After 10 months leaming and evaluation, Master Tung issued the Certification of Chinese
Tung Acupuncture Institute to me: "This certifies that Chuan-Min Wang completed satis­
factorily the Chinese Acupuncture Advanced Course" in May 31 1974.

During that time, 1 began to study for my master' s degree program and also prepared to
pass the Authorized Examination of Doctors of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Unfortu-

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

nately, before 1 finished the both goals, Master Tung passed away in November 7, 1975.
After 1 passed the Authorized Examination in September 1976, 1 bumed a copy of the
certificate to commemorate my Master.

After Master Tung passed away, 1 continued my studies of Traditional Chinese Medi­
cine. Leaming Shang Han Lun from Dr. Zi-Yu Yun, Chinese Materia Medica from Dr.
Chin-Ming Chen, Diagnosis from Dr. Kai-Yu Wei and the pharmacology Chinese Medi­
cine from Dr. Hou-Yi Chen. Dr. Yun combined western medicine and Chinese medicine
together in order to explain Shan Han Lun, which gave me a new perspective on Tradi­
tional Chinese Medicine.

From 1979-1989, 1 taught philosophy and modem Chinese history in college and took
care of my patients for a period of 10 years. In July 1989, 1 immigrated to the United
States. From 1990-1994, 1 worked as a reporter and general editor at Chinese American
News in Chicago. During that time, 1 could not practice acupuncture in Illinois. This was
due to the fact that only medical doctors or chiropractic physicians were allowed to legal­
ly practice acupuncture. So, with my wife Jane-Ping's encouragement, 1 gave up working
at the newspaper and began my studies at National College of Chiropractic (Currently,
National University of Health Sciences) . In 1999, 1 received my doctor of chiropractic
physician degree and began my acupuncture and chiropractic practice.

In chiropractic college, the hardest course was anatomy lab. 1 appreciated this class how­
ever, because it gave me the opportunity to re-study Master Tung's unique back points.
That is when I discovered Tung's five zang (five phase) methodology. Master Tung's
unique points on the back not only follow the five zang (five phase) system, but they also
fit into the Luo Book's arrangement which is same as the Later-Heaven hexagram.

Now at 61 years old, 1 still have a deep love for Tung' s Acupuncture and hope to share in­
sights regarding the five zang (five phase) theory of Tung's acupuncture. In May of 2008,

The Way to Tung's Acupuncture

1 was invited to teach advanced Tung's Acupuncture class in Zhongshan city, Guang­
dong Province. WFAS (World Federal Acupuncture-Moxibustion Society) also invited me
to teach for four days "Promoting Tung's Acupuncture Program" in Henan University of
TCM of China in September 2009.

Additionally, 1 have volunteered my knowledge and experience of Tung' s Acupuncture

to help ease the suffering of people stricken with disaster. 1 have travelled to Peru, El Sal­
vador, Dominican Republic and Bolivia as a volunteering physician seven times. 1 joined
the Tzu Chi Foundation and have been a medical consultant in the Chicago area since
1990. In 2004, 1 received the Humanitarian Physician Award from Buddhist Compassion
Relief Tzu Chi Foundation for my volunteering works.

Dr. Chuan-Min Wang, D.C., L.Ac.

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

Chinese acupuncture has a long history that easily spans over 2500 years. Over the years,
there were many remarkable saints and masters who made written contributions or wrote
entire texts on the subject. But the words in the dassics are often difficult to understand
because they were written in a laconic and cryptic manner. The key to understanding the
complete picture implicit within these writings, could only be obtained through continued
practice and supervision by the master teacher within their respective systems. Face to face
and "mouth to ear" instruction from master to disciple was an essential part of transmitting
of knowledge from generation to generation. Master Tung however felt that this secretive
and selective way of transmitting knowledge hindered the development of acupuncture,
and that many profound medical theories failed to be handed down from past generations.

In the preface of his textbook Master Tung dearly states that his family system developed
separately from traditional Chinese Acupuncture and had its own traditions.

The channel system used by my ancestors is different from 14 channels

system. The location of Tung' s points are different from the 365 points
of traditional acupuncture. It focuses on the acupuncture more than the
moxibustion. The technique of Tung' s acupuncture is very simple and
very effective. A lot of difficult diseases were cured very quickly by my
family's system of acupuncture. Tung's family acupuncture has its own
origin, and has its own traditions.
Master Tung

Although there were written works left behind by Master Tung's ancestors, none of them
have survived to the present day. If not far Master Tung's relentless effort and lifelong
dedication, the Tung system may have also suffered the fate of many other schools of tra­
ditional Chinese wisdom, now extinct.

Pre face

It is very sad that the original Tung' s Acupuncture textbooks were de­
stroyed during war in my ancestor's era. Fortunately, I have memorized
the secret key in rhymes that were passed down in my family by oral
tradition. After more than three hundred thousand clinical cases, the ef­
fectiveness of Tung' s Acupuncture is confirmed completely.

Master Tung
Even though Master Tung had an exceptional memory, the secret key in rhymes was not
the whole of Tung' s acupuncture. Only after Master Tung treated more than three hundred
thousand clinical cases, was he able to fully re-build his family's system.

Master Tung did not want his family acupuncture tradition to fail to history again, so he
made the decision teach his family secret and began accepting disciples in 1962. When
teaching, Master Tung decided to use modern western medical terminology rather than
traditional Chinese concepts, because western medicine was more influential and readily
accepted during those times. In a document published by Master Tung in 1968, he states, "I
made use of modern language to write this book to advocate the quintessence of Chinese
culture and treat more severe and lingering illnesses." This is the reason Master Tung used
the term "nerve" to relate information regarding the five zang channel system in the anat­
omy section of his 1973 book. Although he did also incorporate actual western anatomical
terminology such as muscle, nerve, and bone; these designations can only be found up to
the Area 5 points. After Area 5, he almost exclusively used five zang nerve designations
and not actual western anatomy.

Although Master Tung' s specialized in his family' s acupuncture, he also studied, com­
pared and incorporated traditional acupuncture in practice. In the appendix of his book
he documented his usage of the traditional acupuncture points based on his own research
and clinical experience. I have included these indications in the therapeutics section of this

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

Master Tung's Unique Points and Locations

According to the preface of Master Tung' s textbook, there are 740 unique points located on
the hand, arm, foot, leg, ear, face, head and torso. He divided them to 10 areas and plus
another 2 areas:

Area 1: Finger area.

Area 2: Hand (palm and dorsum) area.
Area 3: Forearm area.
Area 4: Arm area.
Area 5: Sole area.
Area 6: Dorsal foot area.
Area 7: Crus area.
Area 8: Thigh area.
Area 9: Ear area.
Area 10: Face & Head area.
Area Dorsal Trunk.
Area Ventral Trunk.

Master Tung' s point groupings are different from traditional acupuncture because they
are not necessarily located or grouped in the same format as the traditional 14 channels.
There location is however similar to the point groupings depicted in the Systematic Clas­
sic of Acupuncture and Moxibustion (Zhen Jiu Jia Yi Jing) written by Huangfu Mi circa
256-260 AD. Huangfu Mi located ali 349 acupuncture points within 1 1 areas: head, back,
face, ear, neck, shoulder, chest, abdomen, axillary/flank, hand/arm, foot/thigh. The Zhen
Jiu Jia Yi Jing is the earliest systemized textbook on acupuncture and moxibustion and one
of acupuncture' s most influential historical classics.

My opinion is that Master Tung' s 10 point areas coincide with the Chinese health preserva­
tion law which is the harmony of heaven, earth and human.

Pre fa ce




Above figure: Palms facing forward. Area 1 touching HEAVEN, then Area 2, Area 3 & Area

4. The Area 5 standing on the EARTH, then Area 6, Area 7 & Area 8 . Area 9 and Area 10

is the command center of the human. The flow of qi is downward from heaven from the

earth upward, from the extremities toward the center of the human being. Each area con­

tains it's own five zang channel system that directly to connect to the five zang.

During recent excavations at the archeologica l site at Mawangdui, Chinese a rchaeologists

discovered 14 silk med ica! manuscripts. The earliest of these manuscripts was titled Moxi­
bustion Classic of Eleven Vessels in Foot & Hand (Zu Bi Shi Yi Jiu Jing) and was written in the

6th century B.C. According to the Zu Bi Shi Yí Jiu Jing, ali 1 1 channels run from the distal

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

foot or hand to the trunk and head. This is similar to Tung' s location areas, where the di­
rection or the points from Area 1 to Area 4 is from the distal hand to proximal shoulder;
the direction from Area 5 to Area 8 is from the distal foot to proximal thigh. Then the last
four areas are ear, head & face, dorsal trunk and ventral trunk. In light of this evidence
it is reasonable to conclude that Tung's acupuncture has a closer relationship to the Zhen
Jiu Jia Yi Jing and the Zu Bi Shi Yi Jiu Jing than the traditional 14 channels depicted on the
Acupuncture (Tian Sheng) Bronze Figure.

Five Zang Channel System and Tung's Acupuncture

Master Tung indicated that the first "Tian Sheng Bronze Figure" (AD 1029) and the "Five
Zang Chart" (AD 1048) strongly influenced the development of Chinese acupuncture. The
Tian Sheng Bronze Figure standardized the 14 channels and 365 acupuncture points and
the Five Zang Chart was an anatomy chart created after doctors dissected and examined
criminal cadavers. Although traditional Chinese acupuncture is predominately based on
the points and channels of the Tian Sheng Bronze Figure, Master Tung stated that there
were many famous acupuncture physicians throughout history who discarded points or
discovered new ones. So naturally, Chinese acupuncture had plenty of room for continued
exploration and development throughout history.

Although Master Tung mentioned that his family's system had it's own traditions he did
not specify them directly. He did however give us a clue; the Five Zang Chart. Why did
Master Tung state that this chart was so influential to the development of acupuncture?
This chart only gives us information about intemal organ structure. Nonetheless, Master
Tung felt that the Five Zang Chart was just as important as the Acupuncture (Tian Sheng)
Bronze Figure.

After carefully reviewing and studying the anatomy sections in Master Tung's writings,
1 discovered that Master Tung concealed the five zang channel system under the guise of

western anatomy. For example, the anatomy of the point Da Jian ( 1 1 .01 ) is listed as fol-


lows: branch of the radial nerve, heart nerve and branch of the six fu nerve. The branch of
the radial nerve is indeed part of western anatomy, but "heart nerve" and "six fu nerve"
are clearly not. Actually, "heart nerve" really means "heart channel" which means Da Jian
(11 .01) connects to the heart zang. The "six fu nerve" which corresponds to the heart chan­
nel is the small intestine channel. But this mixed anatomical classification in Tung' s text­
book (1973) �oes not show up in all of Tung's unique points. While studying and compar­
ing the anatomical classification of each unique point, 1 found that after Area 5, most points
only had "liver nerve", "heart nerve", "spleen nerve", "lung nerve" and "kidney nerve"
designations. As a matter of fact all of Tung' s points from Area 8 onward do not have any
western anatomical reference whatsoever; only the five zang/six fu classifications.

Points that only have Tun�'s Channel Terminology (no western anatomy):
Area 1 : 11.06
Area 2: 22.03, 22.06, 22.07 & 22.10
Area 3: 33.08 & 33.09
Area 4: 44.02, 44.03, 44.04 & 44.05
Area 5: all Area 5 points
Area 6: all Area 6 points, except 66.04 & 66.05
Area 7: all Area 7 points, except 77.26
Area 8, 9, 10, neck and trunk: ALL POINTS ONLY TUNG'S CHANNEL TERMINOLOGY,

In 2008, 1 returned to Taiwan to visit my senior fellow apprentice Mr. Yuan Guo-Ben who

was the assistant editor of Tung's Acupuncture text. He explained that Tung's Acupunc­
ture has its own channel system and that Tung's unique points should not be treated as
extra points of the traditional 14 channels. He said that many people misunderstood that
Tung's points are extra points of the 14 channels, because they were not aware that Tung's
Acupuncture has it's own set of channels that are distributed along various regions of the
body. He then handed me an old document that he kept private for 44 years.

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

The document was titled Ching-Chang's Points & Medical Cases, and was composed nearly
a decade before Master Tung' s textbook. It is the earliest known written work on Tung' s
acupuncture. Ching-Chang's Points & Medica[ Cases was authored in 1964 by one of Master
Tung's disciples, Dr. Du-Ren Chen. Dr. Chen was the same age as Master Tung and was
already an accomplished TCM physician before becoming Master Tung's disciple. Accord­
ing to Dr. Chen, Master Tung mainly selected points according to which of the five zang/
channels was diseased. For example:

Diagnosis: heart zang or channel disease

Treatment: Open Heart (88.03)

Diagnosis: lung zang or channel disease

Treatment: Four Horses Group (88.17-19)

Diagnosis: liver zang or channel disease

Treatment: Heaven Yellow (88.12)

Below are two medical cases translated directly from Dr. Chen's notes that further illus­
trate how Master Tung diagnosed and treated:

Skin ltching
A female had skin reddish and itching from both dorsal feet to legs. Master Tung said,
"This condition belongs to a disorder of the liver (zang) & kidney (zang)", he then stuck
Ming Huang (Bright Yellow) and Tong Shen (Open Kidney), which cured the condition.

Esophageal Cancer
Master Tung said, "With cancer is very hard to distinguish which channel (zang) is disor­
dered, so it is difficult to treat. However, esophageal cancer is mostly due to bad dietary
habits" . He then needled the Three Layer Group (San Chong), which mostly influences
the spleen.


This meeting with Mr. Yuan confirmed my discoveries. The "secret key" that Master Tung
refers to in the preface of his book is the five zang methodology, thus Tung' s acupuncture
is actually a five zang acupuncture system! When treating patients, Master Tung first de­
termined which channel or zang was diseased, then needled points associated with the
channel or zang. The point Ming Huang connects to the liver zang, Tong Shen connects to
the kidney zang, and the Three Layers Group connects to the spleen zang.

Characteristics of Tung's Acupuncture

Tung's Acupuncture focuses on the balancing of qi (yang) and blood (yin), so it seldom
relies on needling local points or ashi points. Typically points are needled on the four ex­
tremities, the ear, the face and the head. This method can treat disease located anywhere
in the body. When necessary, Tung's acupuncture advocates superfical bloodletting with
a three edged needle for treating the points on the dorsal or ventral trunk. This technique
is generally safe without the risk of damaging interna! organs by puncturing too deeply
with filiform needle.

The pathway of the five zang are all connected with channe ls in which qi and
blood circulate. Disharmony between qi and blood cause all kinds of disease. So it
is important to keep the channe ls unobstructed.

Suwen, Chap.62
Discussion on the Regulation of Channels

Tung's acupuncture uses the filiform needle to unobstruct the qi of the channel (jing) and
the three edged needle to unobstruct the blood in the collaterals (luo). However, local
points (ashi points) are seldomly selected because Master Tung felt that when evil (xie)
invades the human body, it flows from the left to right, right to the left, upper to the lower,
or from lower to the upper. Then the evil flows to four extremities along the channels. So,
Tung's acupuncture mostly picks the unique point of the upper body to treat the retained

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

evil in the lower body, the unique point of the right side to treat the retained evil in the left,
and vice versa. In the Suwen, the method of treating evil in the channels is called Juci and
the method to treat the evil in the collaterals is Muci.

When evil (xie) attacks the channels, disease may occur on the right side if the
left side is full of pathogenic factors and disease may occur on the left side if the
right side is full of pathogenic factors. However such an arder may change in cer­
tain cases in which pain on the left side is not relieved but the pulse on the right
becomes abnormal. Such a disease must be treated with "Juci" to needle the chan­
nels, not the collaterals. Pain in collateral disea3e is different from pain in channel
disease, that is why the needling method used is called "Muci".

Suwen, Chap. 63
Discussion on Contralateral Needling Therapy

Master Tung's method of pricking out blood superficially with a three edged needle to
treat points on the dorsal trunk or the ventral trunk can also be found in the Suwen (Plain
Coversation) of Yellow Emperor' s Canon of Medicine:

In needling the chest and abdomen, it is necessary to avoid impairing the five
zang ........ To deal with transmission of the disease into the zang, the dorsal trunk
should be needled. The dorsal trunk refers to the back-shu points . . . . . . . The majar
technique of needling is to prick out blood from the shallow region.

Suwen, Chap. 55
Further Elucidation of Needling Therapy

In sorne instances a practitioner of Tung' s acupuncture may still needle local unique points
or ipsilateral unique points depending on the diagnosis.


Master Tung's Needle Techniques

The needle manipulation techniques of Tung's acupuncture are quite simple and easy to
perform. They basically consist of "upward twist", "downward twist" and "retaining of
the needle" . By avoiding complicated and potentially uncomfortable reinforcement/re­
duction techniques such as "flicking", "shaking", "rubbing" or "wagging", there is less
chance of needle fainting or discomfort to the patient. Although simple to perform, these
methods are remarkably effective. Clockwise rotation (upward twist) is for reinforcement
and counter-clockwise (downward twist) is for reduction. This corresponds the method
described in the famous acupuncture text Biao You Fu, "Rotating the needle counter-dock­
wise is the reduction method which produces cold; Rotating needle dockwise is the rein­
forcement method which produces warmth."

In regards to the amount of time that the needles should be retained, we should consider

the circulation of qi and blood. Qi and blood circulate through the body 50 cycles/day,
which means that 28.8 minutes are needed for one complete circulation. Therefore the sug­
gested amount of time to retain the needles in our system is 45 minutes. This guarantees at
least one cycle of qi and blood through the body.

Master Tung's Diagnosis Methods

The most exclusive diagnostic methods of Tung's acupuncture indude palmar diagnosis
and unique point diagnosis. Tung's unique points are not only for treatment, they also
can be used for diagnosis and prevention. The basic concept to use these methods is the
doctrine of five zang manifestations. Five zang (induding zang, fu and extra fu) manifes­
tations refer to the signs of physiological function and pathological changes. The ailment
of five zang can be observed in patient's palm, and around specific unique points. Beside
these two exclusive methods, Master Tung also used pulse diagnosis, facial diagnosis,
forearm diagnosis, and dorsal trunk diagnosis when necessary.

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

Tung' s acupuncture follows its regular channels to insert needle to its unique
points. If the diagnosis is exact, the location of points is accurate, and the needle
technique is skillful, the result will be quick and successful. No other school of
acupuncture can surpass its effectiveness.
Master Tung

In my experience, examining the pulses of the three regions and nine divisions can also
very useful in forming a diagnosis. lt is described in the Suwen as follows:

How to make diagnosis if genuine qi (zhen qi) and evil qi (xie qi) have interacted
with each other but there is no fluctuation of the pulse? " Qibo answered, "It can
be diagnosed by carefully examining the vigorous and weak states of the pulse in
the three regions and nine divisions and inspecting the pulses in the left, right ,
upper and lower to see if there are abnormal or weak states.

Suwen, Chap. 27,

Discussion on the Separation and Combination of Zhen Qi and Xie Qi.

Master Tung called bis family acupuncture "Chinese Tung's Acupuncture"

In recent years, sorne disciples call Master Tung's Acupuncture " Taiwan Tung' s Acu­
puncture" because Master Tung practiced in Taiwan mostly. Others call it "Shandong
Master Tung' s Acupuncture" because his hometown was in the Shandong Province. I
would just like to point out that Master Tung preferred to call his acupuncture "Chinese
Tung' s Acupuncture" . In the certification which Master Tung presented to his disciples
he is listed as the director of the Chinese Tung' s Acupuncture Institute. In general, we
can just call it "Tung' s Acupuncture" .

Master Tung' s Unique Points

Area 1
Points on the Fingers
Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture


11.03 fe ,., ,
11.04 �,_, j

22.01 •

ttl-t 22.02


AREA 7 & 2: Fingers and Palm

(Master Tung's original diagram)

Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area 1


11.07 ( .::::- )
---� «.alltt




·*- i�fl/

AREA 7 & 2: Fingers and Dorsal Hand

(Master Tung's original diagram)

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

According to Dr. Chen Du-Ren's document written in 1964, Area 1 only consisted of three
unique points: Great Crevice (Da Jian *rd'lí\), Small Crevice (Xiao Jian 1J\rd'lí\) and
Eyeball Round (Zhu Yuan ljj¿IJ). Eyeball Round is located a little proximal to the center
of middle phalange of the little finger on the palmar side. However, it was not included
in Tung's 1973 textbook. Interestingly, the location and indication of Great Crevice and
Small Crevice points are different from the 1973 textbook as well. Great Crevice (1964) was
located in the center of the crease of the distal interphalangeal joint of the index on the
palmar side. Insertion depth was 2 fen. Small Crevice (1964) was located in the center of
the crease of the proximal interphalangeal joint of the index finger in palmar side with an
insertion depth of 1 fen. The indications for both points were listed as: inflammation due
to arthritis, soreness and numbness.

Four years later, in Master Tung's 1968 note, Area 1 was expanded to consist of 6 points:
Five Crevice ( 1 1 .01 - 1 1 .05) and Return to Nest ( 1 1 .06). Master Tung later added Finger
Four Horses ( 1 1 .07), Finger Five Metal and Finger Thousand Metal ( 1 1 .08), Heart Knee
( 1 1 .09), Wood Fire (1 1 .10), Lung Heart ( 1 1 . 1 1 ), Two Comer Bright ( 1 1 . 12), Gallbladder
( 1 1 . 1 3), Finger Three Layers ( 1 1 . 14), Finger Kidney ( 1 1 . 15), Fire Knee ( 1 1 . 16), Wood ( 1 1 . 1 7),
Spleen Swelling ( 1 1 . 18), Heart Normal (11 .19), Wood Blaze ( 1 1 .20), Recovery ( 1 1 .21) and
Eye Yellow ( 1 1 .23) to his 1972 book draft. Master Tung finally added another four finger
points to his 1 973 Tung textbook: Gynecology ( 1 1 .24), Stop Spittle ( 1 1 .25), Control Dirty
( 11 .26) and Five Tigers ( 1 1 .27) . From above process, we can get an idea of how Master
Tung rebuilt his family' s acupuncture step by step, with his extensive clinical experience.

Master Tung's Unique Points / Area 1

Five Crevice Points Group nre,7\�

11.01 Great Crevice (Da Jian) *rdl7\

11.02 Small Crevice (Xiao Jian) 1J\re,7\
11.03 Floating Crevice (Fu Jian) )!Jrdl7\
11.04 Extemal Crevice (Fu Jian) 91-re,7\
11.05 Central Crevice (Zhong Jian) ct:ire,7\

The Chinese word ra� (Jian) can translate to English as "Space" �ra� or "Crevice" ra��- 1 like to
use "Crevice" because in Traditional Chinese Acupuncture, there are two points: =ra�(Er Jian,
LI2) and =:.ra� (San Jian, Ll3). In both instances ra� (Jian) is "the crevice, the place of qi and blood
intercourse." (ra�1$ �i:±!. �illl.11*2.�)
' '

11.05 Central Crevice: patient supine, palm up, the center of the proximal phalanx of the
index finger.
11.01 Great Crevice: 3 fen to the radial side from Central Crevice.
11.02 Small Crevice: 2 fen distal to Great Crevice.
11.03 Floating Crevice: 2 fen radially from the median line of the middle phalanx of the
index finger and 3.3 fen (1/3 length of the middle phalanx) proximal to the distal
phalangeal joint.
11.04 Externa! Crevice: 2 fen radially from the median line of the middle phalanx of
the index finger and 6.6 fen (2/3 length of the middle phalanx) proximal to the distal
phalangeal joint.

Tung's Five Zang Channel:

11.01 Great Crevice: heart, six fu
11.02 Small Crevice: lung, heart, six fu
11.03 Floating Crevice: heart, six fu
11.04 Externa! Crevice: heart, six fu
11.05 Central Crevice: lung, heart, six fu

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

11.01 Great Crevice: shan qi (i.e. hernia) most efficacious, small intestine qi, heart disease,
knee pain, canthus pain.
11.02 Small Crevice: shan qi, small intestine qi, bronchitis, splitting up yellow phlegm,
chest stuffiness, heart palpitation, knee pain, canthus pain.
11.03 Floating Crevice: shan qi, small intestine qi, urethritis, toothache, stomachache.
11.04 Externa! Crevice: same as Floating Crevice.
11.05 Central Crevice: shan qi, heart palpitation, chest stuffiness, knee pain, dizziness,
blurred vision.

Shan qi (i.e. hernia) formula: Externa[ Crevice, Great Crevice, Small Crevice and Central Crev­
ice (11.04, 01, 02, 05).

Needle Technique:
11.01 Great Crevice: 5 fen needle, needle 1 fen for the heart zang, 2-2.5 fen for the large and
small intestine.
11.02 Small Crevice: 1 fen depth for the heart zang, 2-2.5 fen for the lung zang.
11.03 Floating Crevice: 1 - 2 fen depth.
11.04 Externa! Crevice: 1 - 2 fen depth.
11.05 Central Crevice: 1 - 2.5 fen depth.

Needling both sides simultaneously is forbidden with all the Five Crevices points.

Clinical Experience:
l. Find a reaction point (blue/purple vein or dark spot) around Five Crevice points to
needle or prick: Good result.
2. For heart disease, pricking to let out yellow fluid or dark blood at Central Crevice
( 1 1 .05) is very important.
3. Shan qi with inflammed and swollen testes, bleed the area between Earth Emperor
(77.19) and Human Emperor (77.21 ) . (Chen, 1964)

Master TlUlg's Unique Points / Area 1

1 1 .03 Floating Crevice

1 1 .04 Externa! Crevice

1 1 .02 Sma l l Crevice

1 1 .0 1 Great Crevice

1 1 .05 Centra l Crevice

Palmer (Anterior) View

4. There is no direct English translation for the term shan qi (fili*'i.). Shan (fili) includes
three conditions: (1) hernia: protrusion of a part of an organ or tissue from the body
cavity through an abnormal opening; (2) genital disease: diseases of the male and fe­
male genitalia; (3) lower abdominal colic: severe colicky pain in the lower abdomen
usually accompanied by constipation and ischuria. Shan qi (fili*'i.) is a synonym for
shan (hlf). And small intestine qi is hernia which is another name for filj (shan) in Chi­
nese Traditional Medicine. In the Huang Di Nei Jing, shan is classified by the shape
and constitution, e.g. foxy shan or blood shan. It is also classified according to five zang
shan. "When the liver pulse is large, rapid and deep and when kidney pulse is large
and in the depth, ali these conditions are signs of [liver and kidney] shan. When the
heart pulse is large, rapid and deep, this is the sign of heart shan. When the lung pulse
is deep and beating, this is a sign of lung shan......When the third yin [ spleen] pulse is
rapid, this is [spleen] shan." (Suwen, Chap. 48, Discussion of Unusual Disease). What
kind of shan should be treated by Five Crevices Group? The answer is heart shan and
lung shan because Five Crevice points either has a channel connecting to heart, or has
a channel connecting to the lung. To treat kidney or spleen shan Master Tung would
prick blood out as in Clinical Experience 3. He treated liver shan by pricking blood out
at LVI (Da Dun), followed by burning 3-7 eones of moxa. (Tung, 1973)

Introduction to TWlg's Acupllllcture

Fertility Goddess
11.06 Retum to Nest (Huan Chao) il.m7\
11.24 Gynecology (Fu Ke) ��7\

11.06 Retum to Nest: Palm down, at the center of the ulnar side of the middle phalanx of
the ring finger.
11.24 Gynecology: Bi-point unit. Patient supine, palm down, measure a line 3 fen to the
ulnar side from the dorsal median line of the first phalanx of the thumb, locate 1/3 and 2/3
of this line.

1 1 .06 Return to Nest

1 1 .24 Gynecology

Dorsal (Posterior) View

Master Tung's Unique Points / Area 1

Tung's Five Zang Channel:

11.06 Return to Nest: liver and kidney
11.24 Gynecology: uterus

11.06 Return to Nest: uterodynia, uterine tumor, uteritis, abnormal menstruation, reddish
or white leukorrhea discharge, fallopian tube blockage, malposition of uterus, frequent
urination, vaginal swelling, miscarriage prevention.
11.24 Gynecology: uteritis, uterodynia (acute or chronic), uterine tumor, lower abdominal
distention, chronic infertility, menstrual irregularity, menstrual colic, hypermenorrhea or

Needle Technique:
11.06 Retum to Nest: needle 1-3 fen in depth, stick needle from dorsal border of phalanx.
Needling both sides simultaneously is forbidden.
11.24 Gynecology: insert needle 2 fen in depth with both points.

Clinical Experience:
l. lnfertility: (R) Gynecology (11.24), (L) Retum Nest ( 1 1 .06), bilateral State Mountain­
side (1010.04), bilateral Open Kidney (88.09).
2. Infertility, Electro Meridian Analysis System (EMAS) test, SJ, LI deficiency.
3. Prostatitis of aged male d/t cold evil, stick 1 1.06. Because 1 1.06 can promote yang qi
of the triple energizer (Sanjiao). (Dr. Liu)
4. Uterodynia due to abortion, needle 1 1.06 which will relieve pain for 4-5 hours.
Needling bilateral Sp 6 only relieves such pain for 10 minutes or so. (Lee, 1992)
5. Leucorrhea: needle right Gynecology (1 1.24), and also add one point between 22.04 &
22.05. (Master Tung)
6. Delayed menstruation: Water Metal ( 1010.20), Gynecology ( 11.24) , Ren 24 (Cheng
Jiang). (Dr. Tze in Argentina)
7. Galactorrhea mixed with sticky vaginal blood: (R) Gynecology ( 11.24), (L) Retum to
Nest (1 1 .06), & (R) Three Layers group (77.05-77.07).

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

11.07 Finger Four Horses (Zhi Si Ma) 111!115�

Location: Tri-point unit. Palm down, on a line 2 fen to the ulnar side of the median line
on the dorsal side of the second phalanx of the index finger. The middle point is at the
midpoint of the line. The remaining 2 points are 3 fen above and below this middle one.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: lung

Indications: pleuritis, pleural pain, skin disease, facial black spots (emotion upset),
rhinitis, tinnitus and otitis.

Needle Technique: insert needle 0.5 fen in depth.

Clinical Experience:
l. It is good for female facial black spots due to kidney and lung deficiency syndrome.
- Cosmetic Acupuncture.
2. Master Tung's Lactorrhea case. 3 treatments for 12-year lactorrhea (galactorrhea).
(Lai, 1987)

11.08 Finger Five Metal and Finger Thousand Metal

(Zhi Wu Jin & Zhi Qian Jin) w¡:z¡::a¡ Wi=f�� '

Location: Bi-point unit. Palm down, on a line 2 fen to the ulnar side of the median line of
the first phalanx of the index finger. Measure 1/3 & 2/3 of this line to locate these 2 points.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: lung

Indications: enteritis, abdominal pain

Needle Technique: insert needle 0.5 fen in depth.

Master Tung's Unique Points / Area 1

11.09 Heart Knee (Xin Xi) 1C,\lll7\

Location: Bi-point unit. Palm down, one is at the center of the radial border of the second
phalanx of the middle finger; another one is at the center of the ulnar border.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: heart

Indications: knee pain, scapulalgia.

Needle Technique: insert needle 0.5 fen in depth.

Clinical Experience: vertebral pain, knee weakness, knee cap pain and around LV8 area
(medial knee) pain. (Lai, 1987)

1 1 .09 Heart Knee

1 1 .07 Finger Fou r Horses

1 1 .08 Finger 5 Meta l

and Finger Thousand Meta l

Dorsal (Posterior) View

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

11.10 Wood Fire (Mu Huo) **7'

Location: Palm down, on the junction center between third and second phalanx of the
dorsal middle finger.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: heart & liver One of the major points used

to cure the president Lon Nol

Indications: hemiplegia of Republic Khmere

Needle Technique: horizontal insertion, 0.5 fen.

Caution: 1st time retain needle 5 minutes only, 2nd time (after 5 days), retain needle 3 minutes
only, 3rd time(after 10 days), retain needle 1 minute only

Clinical Experience:
1. Conditions for Wood Fire Point:
1) cold lower limbs
2) black/blue vein or black spot around this point
2. Hologram: occiput - brain area.
3. Treatment consumes yuan qi 5C*i. for compensation, not for regulating qi �*1,.

11.11 Lung Heart (Fei Xin JJfli11)1\)

Location: Bi-point unit. Palm down, measure 1/3 & 2/3 of the median line of the second
phalanx of the middle finger.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: heart, lung

Indications: vertebral pain, neck pain , crus (lower leg) distending pain.

Needle Technique: horizontal insertion, 0.5 fen.

Master Tung's Unique Points / Area 1

11.12 Two Comer Bright (Er Jiao Ming) =�M7\

Location: Bi-point unit. Palm down, measure 1/3 & 2/3 of the median line of the first pha­
lanx of the middle finger.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: kidney

Indications: wrenched lumbago with hard breathing, renal pain, pain in the supra-orbital
ridge (frontal headache) and nasal bone pain.

Needle Technique: horizontal insertion, 0.5 fen

Clinical Experience:
Two Comer Bright (1 1 . 12) is excellent for Yao Yan (3.5 cun lateral to L4) pain and supra­
orbital ridge pain. Especially for female patients. (Lai, 1987)

1 1 . 1 0 Wood Fire

1 1. 1 1 Lung Heart

1 1 . 1 2 Two Comer Bright

Dorsal (Posterior) View

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

11.13 Gallbladder (Dan) 87\

Location: Bi-point unit. Palm down, one point is at the center of the ulnar border of the

first phalanx of the middle finger, another one is at the center of the radial border.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: gallbladder

Indications: shaking with fear and children's night crying.

Needle Technique: prick blood with a three 3 edged needle.

11.14 Finger Three Layers (Zhi San Chong) m_�7\

oJi. in Chinese has two pronunciations, Zhong is weight, Chong is layer. In

Taoism, 12 i&-!tt = 12 layer (floor) mansion. (Ji:�, 12 ii ttl, 0 < 1:: J·j-,j� � ;rl�) (Taoist book)

: '%9H: 'joJ.;� f·_:*--ttt')'�El: ' A Z�lll � · 1=J· 1·-:t'ifiltili 0 "'

Question: What is 12- layer mansion? Answer: T he human throat has 12 sections.

Location: Tri-point unit. Measure a line 2 fen to the ulnar side of the median line of the

second phalanx of the ring finger. The midpoint on this line is the first point, the other 2

points are 3 fen proximal and distal to the midpoint.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: liver and kidney.

Indications: dispel the wind, facial paralysis (Bell's palsy), breast engorgement, musclu­

lar atrophy.

Needle Technique: insert needle 0.5 fen.

Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area 1

11.15 Finger Kidney (Zhi Shen) ti B:R

Location: Tri-point unit. Measure a line 2 fen to the ulnar side of the median line of the
first phalanx of the ring finger. The midpoint on this line is the first point, the other 2
points are 3 fen proximal and distal to the midpoint.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: liver and kidney

Indications: excessive thirst, kidney depletion, heart failure, back pain.

Needle Technique: Insert needle 0.5 fen. Use this tri-points unit to treat back pain.

1 1 . 1 3 G a l l bladder

Dorsal (Posterior) View

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

11.16 Fire Knee (Huo Xi) 9<61�

Location: 2 fen lateral to the nail root of little finger.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: heart.

Indications: knee pain. arthritis, rheumatic heart disease, phlegm misting the heart ori­
fices d/t anger.

Needle Technique: insert needle 0.5 fen.

Master Tung's Case: A female had a schizophrenic breakdown due to a quarrel with her
husband. Master Tung needled Fire Knee ( 1 1 .16) bilaterally, after which she spit out 2
bowels of sputum and was cured . (Lai, 1987)

11.17 Mu (Wood * � ) a.k.a. Common cold

Location: Bi-point unit. Measure a line 2 fen to the ulnar side from the median line on the
palmar surface of the proximal phalanx of the index finger. The points are located 1/3 &
2/3 of this line.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: lung

Indications: liver fire rising, spleen qi agitation, common cold, dry eyes, tearing, cold
with sweating, hand skin problem, hand skin scaling dry.

Needle Technique: insert needle 0.5 fen.

Master Tung's Case: to treat night sweating, needle proximal Mu ( 1 1 . 1 7).

Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area 1

11.18 Spleen Swelling (Pi Zhong) IMll :R

Location: Bi-point unit. Palm up, measure 1/3 and 2/3 of the median line of the middle
phalanx of the middle finger.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: spleen.

Indications: splenomegaly, splenitis, splenceratosis.

Needle Technique: insert needle 0.5 fen.

Clinical Experience:
TCM: Raw foods and cold drinks injure the spleen. (Lee, 1992)

11.19 Heart Normal (Xin Chang) 11)'*97'

Location: Bi-point unit. Measure a line 2 fen t o the ulnar side from the median line on the
palmar surface of the proximal phalanx of the middle finger. The points are located 1/3 &
2/3 of this line.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: heart

Indications: palpitation, heart disease, rheumatic heart disease.

Needle Technique: insert needle 0.5 fen.

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

11.20 Wood Blaze (Mu Yan) *�:R

Location: bi-point unit. Palm up, measure a line 2 fen to the ulnar side of the median line
of the second phalanx of the ring finger. The point are located 1/3 & 2/3 of this line.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: liver

Indications: hepatitis, hepatomegaly, cirrhosis of the liver.

Needle Technique: insert needle to a depth of 0.5 fen.

Clinical Experience:
Liver fire flaming syndrome, bitter feeling and insomnia. (Lai, 1987)

11.21 Three Eyes (San Yan) - m:R

Location: 3 fen to the radial side of the median line on the palmar surface of the proximal
phalanx of the ring finger. Then measure 2 fen proximal from 2nd crease of ring finger.

Indications: supplementing point (same function as ST36)

Needle Technique: insert needle to a depth of 0.5 fen.

11.22 Recovery (Fu Yuan) �Jm :R

Location: Tri-point unit. Palmar side, measure 2 fen to the ulnar side from the median
line of the proximal phalanx of the ring finger, and the first point is located at the center,
then 3 fen upper and down to find another 2 points.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: liver

Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area 1

Indications: bone swelling.

Needle Technique: insert needle to a depth of 0.5 fen.

11.23 Eye Yellow (Yan Huang) DNM 7\

Location: Palm up, the center of the palmar surface of the second phalanx of the little

Tung's Five Zang Channel: gallbladder

Indications: Yellow eyes (jaundice).

Needle Technique: Insert needle to a depth of 0.5 fen.

1 1 . 1 8 Spleen Swe l l i ng
1 1 .20 Wood B laze

1 1 . 1 9 H ea rt Normal

1 l . 1 7 Wood

1 1 .22 Recovery

Palmer (Anterior) View

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

Clinical Experience:
l. For acute jaundice combine with Liver Cate (33.1 1 ) (Lai, 1987)
2. For chronic jaundice combine with Upper Three Yellows (88.12,13,14) (Lai, 1987)

11.25 Stop Spittle (Zhi Xian) 11:�7'\

Location: Bi-point unit. Measure a line 3 fen to 1 1 .25 Stop Spittle

the radial side from the median line on the dorsal

surface of the first phalanx of the thumb.
The points are locate 1/3 & 2/3 on this line.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: lung

Indications: children's drooling.

Needle Technique: insert needle 2 fen in depth. Dorsal (Posterior) View

11.26 Control Dirty (Zhi Wu) tftU ¡-57\

Location: Median line on the dorsal surface of the first phalanx of the thumb, locate 1/4,
1/2, 3/4 on this line.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: spleen

Indications: chronic malignant ulcer, fluid oozing from the deep gash after tumor
surgery, and wound not healing.

Needle Technique: prick with 3 edged needle to exit black blood.

Master Tung's Unique Points / Area 1

Master Tung's Cases:

l. An 11 year-old boy had surgery on his leg. After the operation, the wound would not
heal and was constantly oozing fluid. Master Tung pricked these points on the dorsal
side of boy's thumb at about 1 1 :00 AM in the moming. By 3:00 p.m. that aftemoon
the oozing had stopped and the boy was discharged, whereas before the nurses had
to change the dressings every hour. (Chen, 1964)
2. Hemorrhoid, first prick blood in the posterior area of the leg, then prick Control
Dirty (11 .26).
3. Otitis media, prick blood at Control Dirty ( 1 1 .26), then needle Three Four Horses

11.27 Five Tigers (Wu Hu) 1if1E7\

Location: Five-point unit. Radial division between palmar and dorsal side of the thumb;
divide the distance from the first crease to the second into 5 equal parts, each point is 2
fen from the next.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: spleen

Indications: swelling of the joints & bones of the

whole body, heal pain, foot pain, hand pain and
top head pain.

Five Tigers 1: finger pain.

Five Tigers 2 & 3: toe pain.
Five Tigers 3: top of head pain.
Five Tigers 4: dorsal foot pain.
Five Tigers 5: heel pain.

Palmer (Anterior) View

Needle Technique: insert needle 2 fen in depth.

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

Clinical Experience:
l. Five Tigers 2 & 3 treat toe pain.
2. For a sprain injury or acute gout: Five Tigers 2 & 3, plus Fire Chrysanthemum (66.11)
(contralaterally), to gradually relieve the pain. (Liu)

Master Tung's Cases:

l. Left Dorsal foot pain (metatarsal bone protruding), needle right side Five Tigers.
2. Left side third rib fracture, needle right Five Tigers
3. Right knee rheumatalgia, needle right side Five Tigers.

Master Tung ' s Unique Points


Area 2
Points on the Hand
Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

According to Dr. Chen Du-Ren's document written in 1964, Area 2 contained Ling Gu
(22.05), Middle White (22.06), Lower White (22.07), Wrist Smooth One (22.08), Wrist
Smooth Two (22.09), and Upper Sober (22.10 Hand Release) similar to Master Tung's 1973
textbook. However, there are four points which are not found in Master Tung's textbook,
they are: Three Crevice Whites (Great Crevice White, Distal to Great Crevice White &
Proximal to Great Crevice White) and Dividing Center. Great Crevice White is located 0.6
cun distal to Ll4. It is indicated for lower back pain and sciatica. Distal to Great Crevice
White is located 0.2 cun distal to Great Crevice White. Its indications are gastritis, hand/
arm pain & intestine pain. Proximal to Great Crevice White is located 0.2 cun proximal
to Great Crevice White. Indications: knee pain and hand bone pain. Needle the later two
points for foot pain, foot numbness, lower back pain, sciatica. Dividing Center is on the
dorsal side, l cun proximal to the web between the second & third MCPJ. Dividing Center
is indicated for hypertension. In Tung's 1968 note, Earth Water (22. 1 1 ) was not listed, but
it was listed in Mr. Yuan Guo-Ben's notes.

22.01 Layer Water (Chong Zi) ET-7\

22.02 Layer Metal (Chong Xian) E 1UJ 7\
Spe cia l effi ciency for common cold and ba ck/shou lder pain: 22.01 &22.02

"Zi" in Chong Zi .Y should be the first one of 12 Earthly branches which means soft water.

[fúJ==$] "fúJ" in Chong Xian should be the "Xian" of 10 Heavenly stems which means soft metal.

L ocation:

22.01 Layer Water: Supine, find the thenar area and measure 1 cun from web between the
l st and 2nd metacarpals.
22.02 Layer Metal: 1 cun proximal to 22.01 Layer Water.

Tung's Five Zang Channel:

22.01 Layer Water: lung

22.02 Layer Meta l: lung, heart

Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area 2

22.0 1 Layer Water

22.02 Layer Meta l

Palmer (Anterior) View


22.01 Layer Water: back pain, pneumonia (special efficiency), cough, asthma (most effica­
cious in children)
22.02 Layer Metal: back pain, pneumonia, fever, knee pain
Needling Layer Water and Layer Metal (22.01 & 22.02) together is especially effective for
the treatment of upper back pain in the area of Bl 43 (Gao Huang Shu).

Clinical Exp erience:

l. According t o Tung's Five Zang System, 22.01 & 22.02 are good for back pain from
T1 to TS area.
2. Lung metal is more weak in spring & summer seasons, so 22.01 & 22.02 are less
efficienct in treating back pain during the spring & summer seasons. (Liu)
3. Master Tung' s 2 cases
l . Increase a person' s height: Right 22.01 & 22.02, and Left 22.02

2. The random muscle pain in right posterior shoulder: Left 22.02.

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

22.06 M i d d l e Wh ite

22.07 Lower Wh ite

22.03 U pper Wh ite

22.04 G reat Wh ite

22.05 S p i rit Bone

Wrist Smooth Two

Dorsal (Posterior) View

22.03 Upper White (Shang Bai) ...t. 8 �

Location: Dorsal side. Measure 5 fen proximal to the metacarpal-phalangeal between the
second & third metacarpal bones.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: lung, heart , liver

Indications: redness of both canthi of the eyes, sciatica, chest pain.

Needle Technique: insert needle 3-5 fen.

Master TW1g's Unique Points / Area 2

22.04 Great White (Da Bai) * B �

This is one of the major p oints used to cu re the p resident Lon Nol of Re p ublic Khmere

Location: The patient folding a fist whose thumb touch the first phalanx of the index fin­
ger ), 5 fen to the ulnar si de from the end of the crease.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: llU1g

Indica tions: pediatric asthma, high fever in children (very effective), sciatica due to Lung
insufficiency .

Need le Techn ique: Insert needle 4-6 fen for the treatment of sciatica. Use a three-edged
needle to treat pediatric asthma with high fever and pneumonia suddenly attacking the
lungs (very effective). Needling this point is contraindicated in pregnant women.

22.05 Spirit Bone (Ling Gu) llit�

Master Tung's Most Popular Unique Point

This is one of the major points used to cure the

president Lon Nol of Republic Khrnere

Location: Fold the patient's hand into a fist with

thumb side up. Measure 1 .2 cun proximal to
Great White (22.04). This point is located at the
joint of the first and second metacarpals on the
dorsal surface of the hand directly opposite Layer
Metal (22.02).

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

Tung's F ive Zang Channel: lung

Ind ications: sciatica due to lung insufficiency, low back pain, footache, hemiplegia of the
face, hemiplegia of the body, swelling of the bone and surrounding tissue, abnormal men­
struation, amenorrhea, difficult delivery, back pain, deafness, tinnitus, migraine, menstru­
al cramp, intestine pain, dizziness, aberratio menstruorum, vertebral pain, painful urina­
tion , frequent urination, lower abdominal qi blockage, dysmenorrhea , enteritis, traumatic
injury, wrenched lower back, cold d/t weak lung and no sweating, pale skin (lung-skin),
reinforce lung qi, children's fever (together with Great White (prick to bleed)), foot weak­
ness (tireness when walking) [contralateral], with Big White (22.04) to treat retrograde
menstruation, painful urination & polyuria.

Needle Technique: Use a 1.5 - 2 cun needle. For severe cases Ling Gu can be needled
through to Layer Metal (22.02)

Caution: needling this point is contraindicated in pregnant women.

Clinical Exp erience:

l. 22.05 & 22.04 i s good for sciatica d/t L 4 disc degeneration.

2. Master Tung' s Cases:
l. Muscular pain in four extremities, prick blood in left Lung Area, then needle

22.04 & 22.05 on the right side.

2. Severe sciatica, stick 22.05 Spirit Bone through 22.02 Layer Metal.
3. Master Tung' s case, hypertension, 22.04 & 22.05
(note: this hypertension should due to lung dysfunction)
3. SeQuela after stroke:
Lower Limb weakness, myatonia, Spirit Bone/Great White.(22.05/22.04)
Lower Limb, myoclonus, Layer Water/Layer Metal(22.0l/22.02). (Liu)
4. Can treat: lungs, intestines, kidneys, brain. (Yuan note)

Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area 2

Emergency Points 22.06 & 22.07

22.06 Middle White (Zhong Bai) .:P 8 1\ a.k.a. Ghost Gate

Location: Fold a fist. Between 4th and 5th metacarpal bone and 5 fen proximal to MCPJ.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: kidney

lndications: kidney disease causing low back pain, low back soreness, upper back pain,
dizziness, astigmatism, exhaustion, kidney style sciatica, ankle pain, edema of the four
extremities, swelling vertebrae or swelling shank.

Needle Technique: insert needle 3-5 fen.

22.07 Lower White (Xia Bai) ""F 8 1\

Location: Fold the patient' s hand into a fist. Measure 1 cun proximal to 22.06.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: kidney, heart, spleen

Indications: same main indications as Middle White (22.06), nearsightedness, lower back
and leg pain.

Needle Technique: insert needle 3-5 fen.

Clinical Experience:
l. T o treat gluteus media myalgia and lateral iliac ridge pain, most with right guan pulse
deep and weak: needle Middle White (22.06) & Lower Middle (22.07). (Liu)
2. · Middle White (22.06) only for lower back pain d/t kidney condition, not blood
stagnation. Ling Gu/Da Bai (22.05/04) only treat leg pain d/t lung qi insufficiency, not
cold and damp. (Liu)
3. Ghost point to rescue spleen collapse, hyperactive sanjiao fire, or kidney yang collapse.

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

Kidney Qi Escort: 22.08 & 22.09

22.08 Wrist Smooth One (Wan Shun Yi Jll lli -)

22.09 Wrist Smooth Two (Wan Shun Er lilli= :ñ>

22.08 Wrist Smooth One: near 513, measure 2.5 cun distal to the wrist joint.
22.09 Wrist Smooth Two: 1 cun proximal to 22.08.

Tung's Five Zang Channel:

22.08 Wrist Smooth One: kidney
22.09 Wrist Smooth Two: kidney

22.08 Wrist Smooth One: kidney depletion syndrome: headache, flowery vision, sciatica,
exhaustion, nephritis, swelling of four extremity bones, heavy (dampness) bilateral lower
back pain and back pain (esp. more efficiacious for females).
22.09 Wrist Smooth Two: Same as 22.08, plus nosebleed .

Needle Technique:
22.08 Wrist Smooth One: insert needle to a depth of 0.5 - 1 .5 cun
22.09 Wrist Smooth Two: insert needle to a depth of 0.2 - 0.4 cun

Caution: It is not permitted to stick Wrist Smooth One & Two at the same time.
It is also not permitted to needle both hands simultaneously.

Clinical Experience:
l. Wrist Smooth One i s an excellent point for aching due t o dampness.
In general needle contralaterally. (Liu)
2. Exhaustion with a heavy feeling of the body or extremities (excessive dampness),
stick Wrist Smooth One or Two. (Liu)

Master Tung's Unique Points / Area 2

Pa/mer (Anterior) View

22.10 Hand Release (Shou Jie =F�7\)

Location: between 4th and Sth metacarpal bone on palm, holding fist, the tip of small fin­
ger touch the palm point.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: kidney

Indications: Faintness and numbness due to the pain of needle sticking and the sharp pain
d/t qi & blood stagnation.

Needle Technique: Insert needle 3 5 fen and retain needle for 10 - 20 minutes.

Bleed point with a three-edged needle.

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

22.11 Earth Water (Tu Shui) ±7.1<7\

L ocation: Tri-point unit. The first point i s located 1 cun proximal from the first MCPJ . The
second and third points are then 5 and 5 fen further proximal respectively. At the junction
of the red and white skin (near LUlO).

Tung's Five Zang Channel: spleen and kidney

I nd ications: gastritis, chronic stomach disease, finger pain, palm pain, hand bone pain,

Nee d le Technique: insert needle 2-5 fen. Only pick one point each time.

Clinica l Expe rience:

l. Combine with Ling G u (22.05) and D a Bai (22.04) for decreasing abdominal girth.
2. Insert needle along the bone for knee pain. (Lai, 1987)
3. Insert needle contralaterally for palmar, finger and hand bone pain. (Lee, 1992)
4. Use bleeding technique to remove dark blood once per week for nasosinusitis.
5. Hand Release (22.10) and Earth Water (22. 1 1 ) [pick one point] contralateral to treat
hand numbness or foot numbness.

2 2 . 1 1 Ea rth Water

Palmer (Anterior) View

Master Tung' s Unique Points


Area 3
Points on the Forearm
Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

'VSJ .:3-
\5] .3...

44. 1 0
fli� (-)

----+--'ff: «A..
----- Jttt 44.01

AREA 3: Radial Side of the Forearm

(Master Tung's original diagram)

Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area 3

44.1 1
-�- iJtbf
44. 11_
---- 9' +1�
e--�- �M.44.0S
«.tS 44.o4
�..-. ·-�-tt
, �•

AREA 3: Posterior side of the Forearm

(Master Tung's original diagram)

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

AREA 3: Anterior Side of the Forearm

(Master Tung's original diagram)

Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area 3

There are only three unique points, the "Three Doors Group" listed in Dr. Chen's 1964 note
for Area 3. The location of these points is the same as the location in Master Tung' s 1 973
textbook. The indications and needle technique were listed as follows: acute hemorrhoid,
female red and white leukorrhea vaginal discharge, gastroenteritis, uteritis and abdominal
distention. Insert needle to a depth of 2 fen. The 1964 note also documents five of Master
Tung' s cases that were treated with the Three Doors Group; two hemorrhoid cases, one
rectocele case, and two constipation cases. All unique points in Area 3 can be found in 1968
Tung's note and 1973 Tung's textbook.

Three Doors Group

33.01 This Door (Qi Men) Jtr�ñ:
33.02 This Side Door (Qi Jiao) Jt�ñ:
33.03 This Portal (Qi Zheng) JtiEñ:

33.01 This Door: 2 cun above the wrist on the lateral side of the radius.
33.02 This Side Door: 2 cun proximal to This Door (33.01).
33.03 This Portal: 2 cun proximal t o This Side Door (33.02).

Tung's Five Zang Channel: lung

Indications: abnormal menstruation, reddish and white leukorrhea, vaginal discharge,

rectocele with defecation, hemorrhoid pain

Needle Technique: Patient supine, flex elbow to 90 degree, palm down, place forearm
over the abdomen, needle 2-5 fen obliquely under the skin. All three points should be
needled simultaneously.

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

Clinical Experience:
l. For hemorrhoid, hematochezia and rectocele, Master Tung used the Three Doors
Group. (Chen, 1964)
2. Rectocele: After Master Tung inserted needles to the Three Doors Group, the patient
felt a warm feeling in his anus immediately, then the rectum rose up. (Chen, 1964)
3. Hemorrhoid: insert needle horizontally 3-5 fen to the ulnar side.

3 3 .03 This Porta l

3 3 .02 Th i s Side Door

33.01 This Door

33.06 Fire Mounta i n

33.05 Fire Mound

33 .04 Fire Bunch

Posterior side of the Forearm

Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area 3

Upper Three Fires Warm the Body

33.04 Fire Bunch (Huo Chuan) 9< $ 1\
33.05 Fire Mound(Huo Ling) 9<1Il1\
33.06 Fire Mountain(Huo Shan) !A! Lll 1\

33.04 Fire Bunch: palm down, fold fist and flex elbow on the chest. Measure 3 cun above
the middle of the wrist joint on the dorsal surface of the forearm.
33.05 Fire Mound: 2 cun proximal to 33.04. (5 cun from the wrist joint)
33.06 Fire Mountain: 1 .5 cun proximal to 33.05. (6.5 cun from the wrist joint)

Tung's Five Zang Channel:

33.04 Fire Bunch: heart, lung
33.05 Fire Mound: heart
33.06 Fire Mountain: heart

33.04 Fire Bunch: constipation, palpitations, forearm pain.
33.05 Fire Mound: chest pain with a feeling of fullness and oppression, flank fullness,
hand muscular spasm, leg sciatica.
33.06 Fire Mountain: same as 33.05 Fire Mound.

Needle Technique:
33.04 Fire Bunch: Needle to a depth of 3 5 fen, contralaterally.

33.05 Fire Mound: Needle to a depth of 5 fen to 1 cun .

33.06 Fire Mountain: Needle 1 1 .5 cun in depth contralaterally. Chest pain and

oppression with 33.05 & 33.06 together. Needle points on one side only.

Clinical Experience:
Fire Bundle (33.04) bilateral with Central Meeting (1010.01): special efficiency far tremar.

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

3 3 .07 Fire Bowel Sea

33.09 Hand Thousand Meta l

33.08 Hand Five Meta l

Posterior side of the Forearm

33.07 Fire Bowel Sea (Huo Fu Hai) !){&fij¡�

Location: Palm down, make fist and flex elbow on the chest: measure 8.5 cun above the
middle of the wrist joint. Just 2 cun proximal to 33.06.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: heart, lung

Indications: cough, asthma, common cold, rhinitis, sciatica, lower leg soreness, low back
soreness, anemia, dizziness, flowery vision, exhaustion

Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area 3

Needle Technique: Insert needle 0.5-1 cun in depth. For anemia, dizziness, flowery vi­
sion, exhaustion, retain the needle for 10 minutes. Moxa 3 5 eones every day for three

months in order to increase longevity.

Oinical Experience:
l. Fire Bowel Sea (33.07) good for lower Limb soreness and ache which d/t vacuity of
both heart and spleen. (Liu)
2. The function of this point is similar to Open Heaven (88.03).

Sciatica & Hip pain d/t Liver & Lung Confronting each other:
Hand Five Metal and Hand Thousand Metal
33.08 Hand Five Metal (Shou Wu Jin) � n��
33.09 Hand Thousand Metal (Shou Qian Jin) �=f��

33.08 Hand Five Metal: Palm down, make fist and flex elbow on chest: measure 6.5 cun
above the wrist crease and 5 fen ulnar side from 33.06 Fire Mountain.
33.09 Hand Thousand Metal: 1 .5 cun proximal from Hand Five Metal (33.08) .8 cun from
wrist crease.

Tung's Five Zang Channel:

33.08 Hand Five Metal: liver
33.09 Hand Thousand Metal: lung

33.08 Hand Five Metal: sciatica, lower abdominal pain, lower leg fullness, lower leg
numbness and pain.
33.09 Hand Thousand Metal: same as 33.08.

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

Needle Technique:
33.08 Hand Five Metal & 33.09 Hand Thousand Metal: both stick 3-5 fen in depth.
Combine these two points, needle one side only.

Clinical Experience:
These two points, 33.08 Hand Five Metal connects to Liver zang and 33.09 Hand Thou­
sand Metal connects to Lung zang. Which means "strong metal restricts liver".
Use these points for any type of body pain with a diagnosis of liver and lung confronting
each other.

Posterior side of the Forearm

3 3 . 1 1 Liver Gate

Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area 3

33.10 Intestine Gate (Chang Men) Blr, �

Location: measure 3 can above the wrist crease on the medial side of the ulna of the

Tung's Five Zang Channel: liver, kidney

lndication: enteritis due to hepatitis, dizziness, flowery vision.

Needle Technique: insert needle 3-5 fen in depth.

Oinical Experience:
Abrupt onset of abdominal pain & cramping with urgency to defecate; acupressure at
33.10 can temporarily alleviate this urgent situation. (Lee, 1992)

33.11 Liver Gate (Gan Men) Jff r,�

Location: 6 cun above the wrist crease of the forearm and to the medial side of the ulna.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: liver

Indication: acute hepatitis (extremely effective)

Needle Technique: Insert needle 3-5 fen in depth. Liver pain can be relieved by simple
insertion. Twirling the needle to the right relieves chest stuffiness and oppression, where
as twirling the needle to the left relieves intestinal pain. Stick both 33.10 Intestine Gate &
33. 1 1 Liver Gate to treat diarrhea due to hepatitis. Needling is only permitted on the left
arm, both hands at the same time is not permitted.

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

33.12 Heart Gate (Xin Men) ,r,,r� 1\

Location: measure longitudinally 1 .5 cun distal to the olecranon.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: heart

Indications: inflammation of the heart , palpitations, chest oppression, [ dry] vomiting,

erysipelas, small intestine qi (indirect inguinal hernia) , pain in the anterior area of the
thigh when bending forward (groin pain) .

Needle Technique: insert needle 4-7 fen in depth, needling points on both hands
simultaneously is not permitted.

Clinical Experience:
l. Master Tung's case: left crus neuralgia (heart channel), one needle to Heart Gate, fol­
lowed by Central Meeting (1010.01) & Posterior Meeting (1010.06).
2. Excellent for having leg weakness with inability to walk up stairs.

33.13 Human Scholar (Ren Shi) A±1\

Location: measure longitudinally 4 cun above the wrist joint to the lateral side of the
radius on the ventral surface of the forearm.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: lung, heart

Indication: asthma, palm pain reaching down to the fingers, shoulder pain, upper back

Needle Technique: Insert needle 5 fen to 1 cun in depth. Needle 5 fen in depth for

Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area 3

asthma, palm pain extending to the fingers, shoulder pain, and upper back pain contra­
laterally. Needle 1 cun in depth for heart disease and heart palpitations.

33.14 Earth Scholar (Di Shi) ttb±*>

Location: measure longitudinally 7 cun above the wrist joint to the lateral side of the
radius on the ventral surface of the forearm.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: lung, heart

Indications: asthma, common cold, headache, kidney depletion, heart disease.

Needle Technique: Insert needle 1 cun in depth for asthma, common cold, headache, and
kidney vacuity. Needle 1.5 cun in depth for heart organ disease.

33.15 Heaven Scholar (Tian Shi) �±*

Location: measure longitudinally 3 cun above Earth Scholar (33.14) or 10 cun above the
wrist joint to the lateral side of the radius on the ventral surface of the forearm.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: lung, kidney

lndication: asthma, rhinitis, upper arm pain, common cold, chest fullness and distention.

Needle Technique: insert needle 1-1 .5 cun in depth.

Oinical Experience:
Combining 33.13, 33.14 & 33.15 with Spirit Bone (22.05) bilaterally for the treatment of
cough and asthma is very effective.

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

33.16 Curve Mound (Qu ling) db !Jf7\

Location: measure horizontally 5 fen lateral from the center of the cuboid fossa.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: lung, heart

Indications: tendon spasm, intestinal cholera, asthma, arthritis of the elbow, palpitations.

Needle Technique: Use a three-edged needle to bleed blue blood vessels near this point.
This treats intestinal cholera, liver cholera, and cardiac failure.

Clinical Experience:
Prick blood, good efficiency for chronic shoulder pain due to the lung channel. (Young)

6 I
5 33. 1 5 Heaven Schol a r

3 3 . 1 4 Earth Scholar

2 3 3 . 1 3 H u m a n Scholar

Anterior side of the forearm

Master Tung' s Unique Points


Area 4
Points on the Upper Arm
Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

In Dr. Chen's 1 964 note, only five points are listed under Area 4: Shoulder Center (44.06),
Cloud White (44. 1 1 ), Plum White (44.12), Lower Curve (44.15) and Upper Lower (44.16) .

Master Tung always used these five points to treat the poliomyelitis which was an epi­
demic in Taiwan during the 1960's. The indications of Shoulder Center (44.06) are listed as
hemiplegia, leg atony and poliomyelitis.

Dr. Chen wrote a very important note after the indications:

Shoulder Center: Heart

Anterior to Shoulder Center: Lung
Posterior to Shoulder Center: Liver

Master Tung said, "For all Heart channel disease, the most effective points are Shoulder
Center (44.06) and Open Heaven (88.03)" . Shoulder Center belongs to Tung's heart chan­
nel. The indications of Cloud White (44. 1 1 ) & Plum White (44.12) are vaginitis, hemiplegia
and leg neuralgia (i.e. polio myelitis). These two points belong to Tung's lung channel be­
cause they are anterior to Shoulder Center (44.06). The indications of Lower Curve (44.15)
& Upper Curve (44.16) are lower back pain and sciatica. These two points belong to Tung's
liver channel because they are posterior to Shoulder Center (44.06) .

Tung' s five zang channel of Back Face (44.07) is Elixir Field (fHE Dan Tian). The terminol­
ogy of Elixir Field (Dan Tian) is very important in Taoist alchemy and meditation. There
are three Elixir fields in human body: The upper one is the brain (Spirit, Shen), the middle
one is the heart (Energy, Qi), and lower one is in the lower abdomen (Essence, Jing) .

Essence (Jing), Energy (Qi) and Spirit (Shen) are the most important treasures of the body
in Taoism. From this Elixir Field concept, we can see that Tung's acupuncture is rooted in
Taoist ideology. That is why Master Tung said, "The theory of acupuncture is inter-related
with Taoism." (Tung, 1973)

Master Tung' s Uni que Points / Area 4

Master Tung also named many unique

point groups with designations of
Heaven, Earth, and Human. Sorne
exaples are as follows: Three Clans
Group ( 44.08 Human Clan, 44,09 Earth
Clan, 44.10 Heaven Clan) in the arm,
Lower Three Emperors Group (77. 17
Heaven Emperor, 77. 19 Earth Emperor,
77.21 Human Emperor ) in the lower
leg. Taoism also calls "Heaven, Earth
and Human" the "Three Greats" e=
:::{ San Cai). In the Dao De Jing, the
creator of Taoism, Laozi, said, "The Dao
is great, Heaven is great, Earth is great,
and Human is also great.. ..... Human
follows Earth, Earth follows Heaven,
Area 4, Points on the Arm
Heaven follows the Dao, and the Dao
follows spontaneity. " This is the Taoist
health cultivation way which leads us back to the orgin.
Master Tung understood this, and followed this basis for ali the Great Threes Groups,
"Human follows Earth, Earth follows Heaven, and Heaven follows Dao" . From distal to
proximal extremity: Human, Earth and Heaven.

In 1973 Tung's textbook, the another unique point with the channel connecting to Elixir

Field is Ali Pivot (1010.07) (�� Zong Shu) which is located in the occiput. In Master
Tung' s 1968 note, there are 17 unique points listed, the same as the points listed in his
textbook pulished in 1973.

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

44.01 Dividing Metal (Fen Jin) ��7\

Location: 1 .5 cun above the elbow joint along the anterior lateral aspect of the upper arm.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: heart and lung

Indications: special efficiency for common cold, rhinitis and laryngitis.

Needle Technique: insert needle 5 fen to 1 cun.

Clinical Experience:
l. Daoma with Fire Bowel Sea (33.07) for common cold. (Lai, 1987)
2. Add 101 0.08 Calm Mind for rhinitis and laryngitis. (Lai, 1987)
3. Hepatitis B carrier: 44.01 Dividing Metal, 33. 1 1 Liver Gate & 33. 1 0 lntestine Gate.
4. Dry cough without sputum, 44.01 Dividing Metal and A02 Lung Y.

44.03 Head Wisdom

44.02 Back Verta bra

44.0 1 Divi d i n g Meta l

Upper Arm, Posterior View

Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area 4

44.02 Back Vertebra (Hou Zhui) ��:;\

44.03 Head Wisdom (Shou Ying) 15� 7\

44.02 Back Vertebra: measure 2.5 cun above the elbow crease along the posterior edge of
the humeros.
44.03 Head Wisdom: 2 cun proximal to Hou Zhui (44.02). 4.5 cun above the elbow crease
along the posterior edge of humeros.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: heart, liver, vertebrae

Indications: vertebral subluxation, vertebral pain and distention, lower back pain,

Needle Technique: Insert needle 3-5 fen in depth. Back Vertebra (44.02) and Head
Wisdom (44.03) are usually sticked simultaneously on both sides (a.k.a. Hui Ma technique).
This is most effective.

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

The Buster of Hypertension:

44.04 Wealth Top (Fu Ding) mli�
44.05 Back Branch (Hou Zhi) 1���

44.04 Wealth Top: measure 2.5 cun proximal from Head Wisdom (44.03). 7 cun above the
elbow crease along the posterior edge of the humerus.

44.05 Back Branch: 1 cun above

Fu Ding(44.04). 8 cun above the
elbow crease along the posterior
edge of the humerus.
44.06 Shoulder Center

Tung's Five Zang Channel:

44.04 Wealth Top: heart, liver
44.05 Back Branch: heart
44.04 Wea lth Top

44.04 Wealth Top: exhaustion, •

liver weakness; high blood

Upper Arm, Posterior View •
pressure, dizziness, headache

44.05 Back Branch: high blood

pressure, dizziness, headache, arteriosclerosis, skin diseases, sterilization

Needle Technique:
44.04 Wealth Top: Insert needle 3 fen in depth for fatigue and Liver weakness.
Insert needle 5 fen in depth for headache, dizziness, and hypertension.

Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area 4

44.05 Back Branch: Insert needle 3-7 fen in depth far hypertension, dizziness, headache,
arteriosclerosis, skin diseases, sterilization. Needling Wealth Top (44.04) and Back Branch
(44.05) together treats neck aching and pain and facial paralysis.

Clinical Experience: Hypertension (Liu)

l. Hypertension under emergency condition: Prick DT04 Five Ranges & L I l .
2. Hypertension d/t Liver deficiency, dizziness: needle 44.04 Wealth Top & 44.05 Back
3. Hypertension d/t heart disease. dizziness, headache, arm pain, insomnia:
Stick 77.1 7 Heaven Emperor & 77.18 Kidney Gate.
4. Hypertension d/t Excess fire caused insufficiency water: Stick 77.18 Heaven Emperor
77.19 Kidney Gate & 66.03 Fire Hardness bilateral at least 30 minutes to reduce high
blood pressure. (especially effcective far a lean/thin person)
5. Hypertension d/t gastric stagnation, (especially effcective far an overweight person):
needle the point 1 .5 cun distal to ST36, obliquely downward, 2 cun in depth.
6. Hypertension d/t fire insufficiency: 44.13 Branch Connection & 44.13 Falling Connec­
7. Hypertension d/t excess Liver yang: 44.15 Lower Curve and 44.16 Upper curve.

Special Efficiency for Knee Pain:

44.06 Shoulder Center (Jian Zhong) � cp �

Location: With the arm beside the body, at lateral side of humeros, measure 2.5 cun below
the acromion process. (locate the point in the middle of the deltoid muscle, 2.5 cun distal
to the acromion)

Tung's Five Zang Channel: heart

Indications: knee pain (very effective), most effective far the skin disease on the neck, in-

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

fantile paralysis (i.e., polio.), hemiplegia, arteriosclerosis, nosebleed, shoulder pain.

Needle Technique: Insert needle 5 fen to 1 cun.

For shoulder pain, stick needle contralaterally.

Clinical Experience:
l. Knee pain inside the knee, just stick Shoulder Center (44.06) contralaterlly.
2. Knee cap pain, stick Shoulder Center (44.06) contralaterally. The sensitive patient will
have warm feeling during the treatment without using TDP or moxibustion.
For severe condition, add Fire Master (66.03).
3. Knee pain with difficulty walking down stairs, indicates a ligament problem; needle
Shoulder Center (44.06) contralaterally.
4. Knee pain with difficulty walking up stairs or with pain upon standing, indicates a
bone problem; needle Shoulder Center (44.06), plus Layer Water (22.01) and Layer
Metal (22.02).
5. lnjury in popliteal fossa, stick 44.06 Shoulder Center contralaterally, and add 22.05
Spirit Bone and 33. 1 6 Curve Mound.
6. Medial knee pain in the 77. 1 7 Heaven Emperor area, stick 44.06 Shoulder Center
contralaterally, and then add 1 1 .16 Fire Knee or 1 1 .09 Heart Knee.
7. Medial knee pain and medial ankle pain, stick 33.12 Heart Gate contralateally.
8. Hydrarthrosis in knee joint, prick at DT07 Three Metal, then stick 22.05 Spirit Bone
and 22. 1 1 Earth Water contralaterally.
9. Osteoarthritis of knee joint, stick 22.05 Spirit Bone and 33.16 Curve Mound
contralaterally. Then prick out blood at 77.13 Four Flower Medial.
10. Cold knee; put hand on painful knee, a sensation of cold qi can be felt coming from
from the inside of the knee. Needle 44.06 Shoulder Center, then needle one point
from the Open Heaven Group (88.01 - 03) ipsilaterally.

Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area 4

Summary of point locations:

44.02 Back Vertebrae: rneasure longitudinally 2.5 cun above the elbow crease

and posterior to the hurnerus.

44.03 Head Wi sdom: rneasure 4.5 cun longitudinally above the elbow crease and

posterior to the hurnerus.

44.04 Wealth Top: rneasure longitudinally 2.5 cun above Head Wisdorn(44.03),

above elbow crease 7 cun and posterior to the hurnerus.

44.05 Back Branch: with the arrn beside the body, rneasure 8 cun above the elbow

crease and posterior to the hurnerus.

44.06 Shoulder Center: with the arrn beside the body, and posterior to the

hurnerus, rneasure 2.5 cun below the acromion process.

Brief summary: 44.01 - 44.07 are on the SJ Channel.

44.07 Back Face (Bei Mian) Niii 7\

Location: Raise the patient's arm horizontally to find the depression in the area above the
shoulder joint. The point is located in this depression just distal to the acromion process
when the arm is abducted.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: elixir field

Indications: abdominal distention and oppression, difficult pronunciation.

Needle Techni que: Insert needle 3-5 fen. Use a three-edged needle and bleed to treat
whole body exhaustion, soreness of both lower legs, vomiting, and any cholera.

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

The character * in the above point name, should translate to "clan",

not "ancestor" .

In Taoism:
Heaven clan = sun, moon & stars.
Earth clan = river, sea & mountain.
Human Clan = essence, qi & blood.

Arm Three Clans Group - - �

44.08 Human Clan (Ren Zong) A�7\

Location: Patient supine, flex elbow, palm down and place patient's forearm on the chest.
Measure 3 cun above the elbow crease between the bíceps & the border of humerus.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: lung, heart, liver

Indications: foot pain, hand pain, elbow swollen and difficult to move, yellow face
(gallbladder disease), four limbs swollen and edematous, splenomegaly, common cold,

Needle Technique: Insert needle 5 fen in depth for colds and asthma; 8 fen for edema and
swelling of the arms; and 1 .2 cun for liver, gallbladder, and spleen diseases.

Needle carefully to avoid injuring either the biceps or the humerus.

Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area 4

44.09 Earth Clan (Di Zong) 1&�7\

Location: Patient supine, flex elbow, palm down and place patient's forearm on the chest.
Measure longitudinally 3 cun above Ren Zong (44.08) or 6 cun above the elbow crease be­
tween the biceps & the border of humerus.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: heart

Indications: Arise from death (rescue life) due to critical yang collapse syndrome. Heart
organ disease and arteriosclerosis.

Needle Technique: Insert needle 1 cun for mild condition; needle to a depth of 2 cun
bilaterally for severe condition. Needle carefully to avoid injuring either the biceps or the

Clinical Experience:
l. Tung's Three Rescue Yang Points: Earth Clan (44.09), Spirit Bone (22.05) & the point
4 fen lateral to Open Heaven
(88.03). (Hu, B., 1986)
44. 1 1 Cloud Wh ite
2. Earth Clan (44.09): Heart Dis-
44. 1 O Heaven C l a n
Heaven Clan (44.10): Gyneco­
logical Disorders.
44. 1 2 P l u m Wh ite
Human Clan (44.08): Abdomi­
nal Distention. (Hu, B., 1986 )
44.09 Earth C l a n

44.08 H u m a n C l a n

Upper Arm, Posterior View

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

The Buster of Vaginitis: 44.10 & 44.11

44.10 Heaven Clan (Tian Zong) ��7\

Location: Patient supine, flex elbow, palm down and place patient's forearm on the chest.
Measure 3 cun longitudinally above Di Zong (44.09) or 9 cun above the elbow crease be­
tween bíceps and the border of humeros.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: six fu, crus

Indications: female vagina itching, vaginal pain, red and white vaginal discharge
(leukorrhea, immediate effect), leg pain, infantile paralysis, body odor, diabetes mellitus

Needle Technique: Insert needle 1-1.5 cun. Insert needle carefully to avoid injury to the
bíceps mm. or the humerus mm . .

44.11 Cloud White (Yun Bai) � 8 7\

Location: 1 cun anterior and superior to Jian Zhong (44 . 06 ) .

Tung's Five Zang Channel: lung, six fu

Indications: vaginitis, vaginal itching, vaginal pain, red and white discharge (leukorrhea),
infantile paralysis.

Needle Technique: insert needle 3-5 fen.

Clinical Experience:
l. Uterine problem: 1 1 .06 Return Nest & 1 1 .24 Gynecology.
2. Vaginal problem: 44. 1 0 Heaven Clan & 44.1 1 Cloud White.

Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area 4

44.12 Plum White (Li Bai) * 8 7'

Location: 2.0 cun slightly lateral and inferior to Yun Bai (44.1 1 ) .

Tung's Five Zang Channel: lung, kidney.

lndications: body odor, foot pain, crus (lower leg) pain, infantile paralysis (polio) .

Needle Technique: insert needle 3-5 in depth.

44.13 Branch Connect (Zhi Tong) Si:Jl7\

44.14 Lower Connect (Luo Tong) jijl7\

44.13 Branch Connect: measure 1 cun posterior to Head Wisdom (44.03) .
44.14 Lower Connect: measure lcun posterior to Wealth Top(44.04).

Tung's Five Zang Channel: liver, kidney, back

44.13 Branch Connect: high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, dizziness, exhaustion, lower
back soreness.
44.14 Lower Connect: high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, dizziness, exhaustion, lower
back soreness, four extremities weakness.

Needle Technique: insert needle 6 fen to 1 cun in depth.

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

44.15 Lower Curve ( Xia Qu) "'F d:tl �

44.16 Upper Curve (Shang Qu) ..t d:tl �

44.15 Lower Curve: l cun posterior to Back Branch (44.05).
44.16 Upper Curve: 1 cun posterior to Shoulder Center (44 . 06 ).

Tung's Five Zang Channel:

44.15 Lower Curve: lung, liver
44.16 Upper Curve: kidney, liver

44.15 Lower Curve: high blood pressure, sciatica (due to lung and liver insufficiency},
hemiplegia, infantile paralysis, nerve dysfunction.
44.16 Upper Curve: infantile paralysis, sciatica, arm pain, high blood pressure, crus
distention and pain.

Needle Technique: Upper Arm, Posterior View

44.15 Lower Curve: insert needle
0.6-1 cun in depth. 44. 1 7 Water Heal

44.16 Upper Curve: insert needle 6

fen to 1 .5 cun in depth. 44. 1 6 U pper Cu rve

Use a three-edged needle to prick blood 44. 15 Lower Cu rve

far the treatment of cirrhosis of the

liver and hepatitis. 44. 1 4 Fa l l i ng Con nection

44. 1 3 Bran c h Connection

Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area 4

44.17 Water Heal (Shui Yu) 7J<JD7\

Location: on the posterior aspect of the upper arm, 2.0 cun obliquely posterior and inferior
to Back Face (44.07)

Tung's Five Zang Channel: kidney

Indications: nephritis, kidney stone, lower back pain, eros soreness, whole body weak­
ness, proteinuria, arm pain, dorsal hand and wrist pain.

Needle Technique: Insert needle 3-5 fen. Using a three-edged needle to prick yellow
fluid is very effective far kidney diseases. Use a three-edged needle to prick black blood
far wrist and dorsal hand pain. Use three-edged needle ipsilaterally far arm pain. (direct

Use Five Flowers (44.06, 44.11, 44.12, 44.15, 44.16) for:

l. leg weakness and pain
2. infantile paralysis

Master Tung divided these points into 2 groups to treat alternatively:

• First Group: 44.06, 44.11 & 44.16
• Second Group: 44.06, 44.12 & 44.15

Master Tung's Case:

Chorea: foot numbness, trembling, weakness. Master Tung needled Kidney Gate(77. 18)
bilaterally, then needled R-44.06, 44.07,44. 1 1 and L-44.06, 44. 1 1 44. 1 7

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

Master Tung ' s Unique Points


Area 5
Points on the Plantar Surface of the F oot
Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

* '-



Area 5, Points on the Plantar Foot

(Master Tung's original diagram)

There are no unique points for Area 5 listed in Dr. Chen's note from 1964. Master Tung's
1968 note and 1973 textbook, list four points for Area 5: Fire Bag (55.01 ), Upper Tumor
(55.06), Seal (66.01) and Wood Gynecology (66.02). The Flower Bone Group (55.02-05) was
listed under Area 6. However, Master Tung re-arranged the points in Area 5 and Area 6 for
the English translation of his book, "Tung's Acupuncture" (September, 1973). This book
follows that re-arrangement.

Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area 5

55.01 Fire Bag (Huo Bao) 9<@7\

Location: with the patient supine, locate the point in the center of the second crease of the
2nd toe on the plantar side.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: heart and liver

Indications: heart pain, difficult delivery, retention of placenta and true heartache
(angina pectoris).

Needle Technique: Use a three-edged needle to prick and expel black blood, to immedi­
ately releave the pain. Altemately, one may insert a fine needle into this point to a depth
of 3-5 fen.

Caution: moxibustion or needling in pregnant women is forbidden.

Oinical Experience:
l. Master Tung told m e in his clinic, "With true heartache; the patient will scream i f the
condition is mild to modera te. lf the condition is severe, the patient' s whole body will
be cold and stiff. "
2. Master Tung said, "True heartache is seldom seen in the clinic, just prick blackish
blood at Fire Bag (55.01) to relieve this condition." (Chen, 1964)
3. A lady had severe true heartache (angina pectoris) at midnight. The painful area was
near the left side of Ren 17. She was rolling on the bed with profuse sweating. Because
1 did not bring any needles with me, 1 pinched Fire Bag (55.01) 15 minutes to relieve

the pain. (Lai, 1987)

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

55.02 Flower Bone One (Hua Gu Yi) ?E �-�

Location: Four-point unit. Measure 5 fen, 1 cun, l . Scun and 2.3 cun posterior from the web
between the first and second metatarsals on the plantar surface of the foot to locate these
4 points.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: spleen, lung, & kidney

lndications: trachoma, red eyes, inflammation of the eyelid, tearing eyes sensitive to the
wind, photophobia, supra-orbital edge pain (frontal headache), nasal bone pain, tooth­
ache, deafness, tinni t us.

Needle Technique: insert needle 5 fen to 1 cun.

Clinical Experience:
This point is very good for red eyes, conjunctivitis & eyelid inflammation due to
over consurnption of fried food or alcohol. (Lee, 1992)

55.03 Flower Bone Two (Hua Gu Er ) ?E�=�

Location: Bi-point unit. Measure 1 cun and l .Scun posterior from the web between the
second and third toes on the plantar surface of the foot to locate these 2 points.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: spleen

lndications: finger weakness, arm pain.

Needle Technique: insert needle 5 fen to 1 cun.

Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area 5

SS.01 Fire Bag
Flower Bone Two·


Flower Bone Fou r


Flower Bone Three

SS.06 U pper Tu mor

Plantar Surface of the Foot

55.04 Flower Bone Three (Hua Gu San) :ffi it =�

Location: Measure 2 cun posterior from the web between the third and fourth toes on the
plantar surface of the foot.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: spleen

Indications: lower back pain, sciatica, vertebrae pain.

Needle Technique: insert needle 5 fen to 1 cun.

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

55.05 Flower Bone Four (Hua Gu Si) :ffi if [9 7\

Location: Measure 1 .5 cun posterior to the web between the fourth and fifth toes on the
plantar surface of the foot.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: lung

Indications: vertebrae pain, sciatica, abdominal pain, stomach pain; stops bleeding.

Needle Technique: insert needle 5 fen to 1 cun.

Master Tung's Case:

A young adult patient, had a successful retina detachment surgery performed on his left
eye but it led to a hydrophthalmos problem. He had ceaseless tears and double vision
which induced left sided occipital pain which referring to his neck. He underwent two
more surgeries far hydrophthalmos to no avail.

Master Tung' treatment:

1. Double vision: needle Layer Water (22.01) & Layer Metal (22.02) contralaterally. Then
needle Kidney Gate (77. 18) & Light Bright (77.28) ipsilaterally.
2. Tears and occiput/neck pain: needle Flower Bone Three(55.04) Daoma (one cun distal
to 55.04) & Flower Bone Four (55.05) contralaterally. Master Tung said, " Flower Bone
Three has a channel to the spleen which can open the blood stagnation to treat the oc­
ciput and neck pain. Flower Bone Four has channel to the lung which can open the qi
blockage to clear the water in the eye."
3. Master Tung also needled Wood (1 1 .17) to decrease tears.

Master Tung's Unique Points / Area 5

55.06 Upper Tumor (Shang Liu) .t87\

Location: Patient supine. At the center of the anterior edge of the heel on the plantar sur­

Tung's Five Zang Channel: hindbrain (cerebellum)

Indications: brain tumor, hydrocrania (Da Tou Wen), pain of the cerebellum, cranial nerve
pain, and debility.

Needle Technique: Insert needle to maximum of 0.5 cun deep. Needling to a depth great­
er than 0.5 cun is contraindicated because it may cause irritability

Clinical Experience:
l. Three day coma caused by a concussion: Upper Tumor (55.06) & Restore Sinew One
(77.01) were needled and bleeding was performed at Kl2, after 4 hours the patient
woke up. (Lai,1987)

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

Master Tung ' s Unique Points


Area 6
Points on the Dorsal and Medial
Surface of the F oot
Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

66.09 .... .
f'(. .¡t �
� -r.--,--e

Area 6, Points on the Dorsal and Medial Foot (Master Tung's original diagrams)

Door Metal is the only unique point listed for Area 6 in Dr. Chen' s 1964 note. He also docu­
mented three of Master Tung' s medica! cases using this point:
l. Lieutenant Colonel Chang had stercoroma (dry stool) which could be felt upon
palpating the colon area. His body was ectomorphic. Master Tung treated hirn by
needling Leg Thousand Metal (77.24) and Door Metal (66.05) with Hui Ma technique
and achieved an excellent results.
2. Lower abdominal pain, Four Flower Lower (77. 1 1 ) and Door Metal (66.05) .
3. Master Tung always needled Door Metal (66.05) to treat abdominal distention.

Master Tung's Unique Points / Area 6

All of the unique points in Area 6 can be found in Tung's 1968 note with the exception of
Water Immortal (66 15). However, Mr. Yuan added this point in by hand with the follow­

ing description: Water Immortal is 2 cun inferior from Water Phase (66.14), the indication
is same as Water Phase. This leads me to believe that Tung's unique points in Area 5 and
Area 6 were re-built by Master Tung just a little earlier than Area l .

66.01 Seal (Hai Bao) �f..1 7\

Location: patient supine, find the midpoint of the first phanlanx on the medial side of the
large toe.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: heart branch

lndications: pain in the canthi of the eyes (inflammation of the canthi), hernia (shan qi),
thumb and index finger pain, vaginitis.

Needle Technique: Insert 1 - 3 fen. Needle the left foot point to treat right hand pain, and
vice versa.

Media/ Foot

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

Special point for Oviduct Blockage

66.02 Wood Gynecology (Mu Fu) *�7\

Location: supine position, measure 3 fen lateral from the center of the middle phalanx of
the second toe.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: heart

Indications: reddish and white vaginal discharge (leukorrhea), abnormal menstruation,

menstrual colic, hysteritis, fallopian tube blockage (oviduct blockage).

Needle Technique: insert needle near the bone to a depth of 2-4 fen.

Caution: use a very thin needle to avoid causing unnecessary pain.

Clinical Experience:
l. Excellent effect for leucorrhea which was examined by Taiwan General Military Hos­
pital. However, Dr. Lai thought that this point was too painful, so he needled GB34
for white vaginal discharge and LV8 for red vaginal discharge. (Lai, 1987)
2. Dr. Miriarn Lee's case: middle age female with excess liver fire causing syrnptoms
of anger, worry and frustration. Needle this point and plus Heaven Emperor (77.17)
and Human Emperor (77.21). (Lee, 1992)
3. In my clinical experience, 1 like to needle this point along with Earth Emperor (77.19)
and Human Emperor (77.21 ), not Heaven Emperor (77. 1 7).
4. Needle Wood Gynecology (66.02) and Return to Nest (11 .06) to treat chest/hypochon­
drium distention or scurrying pain, indigestion, loss of appetite, and loose stool.

Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area 6

66.02 Wood Gynecology

Dorsa/ Foot

66.03 Fire Hardness (Huo Ying) *.fil�

Location: supine position, measure 5 fen proximal to the web between the large and
second toes.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: heart, liver

Indications: palpitations, dizziness, retention of placenta, enlargement of the bone, jaw

pain (with difficulty opening the mouth), revive heart (for coma), hysteritis, uterine tumor.

Needle Technique: Insert needle 3-5 fen. Contraindicated in pregnancy

Clinical Experience:
l. Knee swelling, eye pain, urinary obstruction: Find blue vein t o prick blood out.
2. Fire Hardness (66.03) combined with Kll & Upper Tumor (55.06) cured a 2 year
clenched jaw condition in one treatment. (Lee, 1992)

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

66.04 Fire Master (Huo Zhu) *±*

Location: supine , measure 1 cun proximal to Fire Hardness (66.03) .

Tung's Five Zang Channel: heart, artery

Indications: difficult delivery, enlargement of the bone, heart disease leading to headache,
liver disease, stomach disease, neurosis, cardiac failure, hand and foot pain, hysteritis,
uterine tumor.

Needle Technique : Insert needle 3-8 fen. When treating hand and foot pain, insert needle

No moxibustion. Contraindicated in pregnancy.

Clinical Experience:
Fire Master (66.04) with Lll l to treat sore throat. (Lai, 1987)

66.05 Door Metal

Dorsal Foot

Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area 6

G.I. Tract Sweeper

66.05 Door Metal (Men Jin) r, �7\

Location: horizontally from Fire Master (66.04), in the space between the second and third
metatarsal bone.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: stomach

Indications: diarrhea, enteritis, gastritis, abdominal distention and pain, appendicitis, fe­
ver, rhinitis with Daoma technique.

Needle Technique: Insert a thin needle to a depth of 5 fen (excellent).

Needling both sides is Jorbidden.

Clinical Experience:
l. Needle right Door Metal (66.05) & left Fire Master (66.04) for stomach pain due to liver
invading stomach.
2. To treat pain around Tai Yang Point (EX-HN5), add Spirit Bone (22.05) .
3. Needle this point through to KI 1 for head apex pain. (Lai, 1987)
4. Metal Door (66.05) Daoma, middle finger numbness. (Middle finger can not flex and
extend, needle Wood Keep (66.06) and Wood Scoop (66.07) .
5. Excellent for dysmenorrhea.

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

Regulating Points for Liver & Spleen Disharmony

66.06 Wood Keep (Mu Liu) *ii:R
66.07 Wood Scoop (Mu Dou) *�:R

66.06 Wood Keep: 1 .5 cun proximal from the web between the third and fourth toes.
66.07 Wood Scoop: 5 fen proximal from the web between the third and fomth toes.

Tung's Five Zang Channel:

66.06 Wood Keep: liver, spleen
66.07 Wood Scoop: spleen, liver

66.06 Wood Keep: leukemia, splenomegaly, liver disease, indigestion, exhaustion,
gallbladder disease, infantile paralysis, middle and ring fingers pain (hard to extend &
66.07 Wood Scoop: splenomegaly, liver disease, indigestion, exhaustion, gallbladder dis­
ease, infantile paralysis.

Needle Technique: insert needle to a depth of 3-5 fen.

Oinical Experience:
l. Master Tung' s case: Aching on the lateral side o f both arms; Wood Keep (66.06).
Master Tung believed the root cause was a spleen dysfunction.
2. Master Tung' s Case: Rhinitis, stick Wood Scoop(66.07) & Six Complete (66.08) to
relieve blocked nasal passages. Master Tung thought "reinforce earth (spleen) to
generate metal (lung) "

Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area 6

3. These two points are very important to regulate liver & spleen disharmony and
treat the following conditions:
l . Whole body numbness due to qi blockage and blood stagnation.
2. Infantile indigestion.
3. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
4. Lymph node in supra clavicle fossa.
5. Stiff tangue after stroke.
4. Needle these twa paints very carefully with blood deficiency canditian, e.g. pale ar
sallow complexion, pale lips and nails, dizziness, dimmed vision.

66.06 Woad Keep

Dorsaf Foot

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

66.09 Water Cu rve

66.08 Six Com plete

Dorsal foot

66.08 Six Complete (Liu Wen) �:ff! �

Location: 5 fen proximal to the web between the fourth and little toes.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: lung, kidney

Indications: stop bleeding (due to trauma and knife wounds), migraine.

Needle Technique: insert needle to a depth of 3-5 fen.

Contraindicated in patients with asthma, lung disease, excessive phlegm, and body weakness.

Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area 6

Swollen Extremities & Whole Body Bone Pain

66.09 Water Curve (Shui Qu) 7l< d:b � a.k.a Horse Spirit

Location: 1 cun proximal from Six Complete (66.08).

Tung's Five Zang Channel: kidney & lung

Indications: low back pain, swelling of the four limbs, abdominal distention, neck nerve
pain, whole body bone pain, neuralgia, hand bone pain, muscular atrophy, nurnbness.

Needle Technique: insert needle to a depth of 5 fen 1 cun.


Clinical Experience:
l. This point's indications indude all excess dampness conditions or fluid retention
related to poor kidney function.
2. This point can assist in weight loss by draining excess fluid (fluid retention).
3. This point and Leg Thousand Metal (77.24) to treat shoulder pain with difficulty
raising the arm (due to dampness) .
4. This point and Central Nine Miles (88.25) can decrease pain caused by early stage

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

66.0 1 Sea l •

66. 1 1 Fire C h rysanthemum

66. 1 2 Fire Scatter

Medial Foot

Lower Three Fires Group: 66.10, 66.11 , 66.12

66.10 Fire Connection (Huo Lian) !kit�

Location: Measure 1 .5 cun posterior from the metatarsal-phalangeal joint on the medial
side of the first metatarsal.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: heart, kidney

Indications: dizziness & vertigo due to hypertension, palpitations, heart failure.

Needle Technique: insert needle to a depth of 5-8 fen, transversely along the first

Needle one side only. Contraindicated in pregnancy.

Master Tung' s Case:

Insomnia with daytime drowsiness: needle right Fire Connection (66.10).

Master Tung's Unique Points / Area 6

66.11 Fire Chrysanthemum (Huo Ju) *li7\

Location: Measure 2.5 cun posterior from the metatarsal-phalangeal joint on the medial
side of the first metatarsal.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: heart, kidney

Indications: numbness of the hands, heart palpitations, dizziness, leg pain, high blood
pressure, distention of the head and brain, vertigo, soreness of the eyelids, restricted
rotation of the neck.

Needle Technique: Insert needle to a depth of 5-8 fen.

Needle one side only. Contraindicated in pregnancy.

Because Chrysanthemum is a flower of the autumn, and autumn is a "collection"

season in Traditional Chinese Medicine, 1 think Fire Chrysanthemum (X*í) can
also be called Fire Collection (X�). Compare with Fire Connection (66.10) and
Fire Scatter (66.12) in the same group; the name Fire Collection more directly
describes the function of the point.

66.12 Fire Scatter (Huo San) *ft7\

Location: measure 3.5 cun posterior from the metatarsal-phalangeal joint on the medial
side of the first metatarsal.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: heart, kidney, six fu

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

Indications: brain pain, brain distention, canthus pain, kidney depletion, dizziness, flow­
ery vision, low back soreness, upper back pain.

Needle Technique: Insert needle to a depth of 5-8 fen.

Needle one side only. Con traindicated in pregnancy.

Clinical Experience:
l. Combine Lower Three Fires (66.10, 66. 1 1 & 66. 12) far the treatment o f the above
indications plus brain tumors and meningitis. Needle one side only.
2. Bloodletting at DT04 Five Ranges, then needle 66. 12 Fire Scatter to treat hives due to
excessive kidney fire. Case resolved with only 2 treatments.

66.13 Water Crystal (Shui Jing) 71<� 7\

Location: 2 cun inferior to the tip o f the medial malleolus.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: uterus.

Indications: uteritis, uterine distention, uterine tumor, lower abdominal qi accumulation,

distention, and oppression

Needle Technique: insert needle to a depth of 5 fen - 1 cun.

66.14 Water Phase (Shui Xiang) 71<�7\

66.15 Water Immortal (Shui Xian) 7J<1UJ 7\

66.14 Water Phase: 5 fen posterior to the posterior border of the medial malleolus.
66.15 Water Immortal: 2 cun inferior to Water Phase (66.14).

Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area 6

Tung's Five Zang Channel: kidney, brain

66.14 Water Phase: nephritis, swelling of the four limbs, lower back pain due to kidney
depletion, vertebral pain, upper back pain, femine postpartum fever, cataracts.
66.15 Water Immortal: same as Water Phase (66.14), plus back pain due to kidney deple­

Needle Technique:
66.14 Water Phase: insert needle to a depth of 3 - 5 fen or insert needle all the way through
the space between the malleoli and the tendon calcaneus for stronger stimulation.
66.15 Water Immortal: insert needle to a depth of 3-5 fen.

Clinical Experience:
Double vision & eye floaters: Water Phase (66.14), Water Immortal (66.15), Kidney Gate
(77.19) & Human Emperor (77.21). (Lai,1 987)

66. 1 3 Water Crystal

66.1 5 Water Phase

66. 1 5 Water l mmortal

Media/ Foot

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

1 14
Master Tung' s Unique Points


Area 7
Points on the Lower Leg
Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

Area 7 and 8 are the earliest areas that Master Tung developed during the rebuilding pro­
cess of Tung's acupuncture. In comparison, Area 7 uses more three edged needle bleeding
technique (especially in the Four Flowers Group) while the main technique employed in
Area 8 is filiform needling.

In Dr. Chen's 1964 note, the unique points of Area 7 are listed as follows: Restare Sinew
One (77.01 ), Restore Sinew Two (77.02), Three Layer Groups (77.05-07), Four Flowers Up­
per, Lower, Medial & Lateral (77.08, 1 1, 1 3, 14), Upper Lip (77.15), Lower Lip (77.1 6), Lower
Three Emperors Group (77.1 7, 19, 21), Beside Three Miles (77.22), Beside lower Three Miles
(77.23), Leg Thousand Metal(77.24), Leg Five Metal (77.25), Exterior Three Gates (77.27).

Although the location of these points may vary slightly from 1968 Tung's note or Master­
Tung's textbook, the rough sketch of Area 7 is very clear. If you examine severa! of the
points that are not listed in Chen's 1964 note, you will find that they are developed from
already existing points, for example:

Restare Sinew Three (77.03) and Sinew Ball (77.04) are developed from
Restore Sinew One and Two (77.01, 02)

Four Flower Center, Quasi (77.09, 10) and Bowel (77.12) are derived
from Flower Upper, Lower, Medial & Lateral (77.08, 1 1, 13, 14)

Kidney Gate (77. 18) obviously belongs to Lower Three Emperors family

Four Limbs (77.20) and Light Bright (77.28) are relative to Lower Three Emperors

Seven Tigers (77.26) is the neighbor of the Restore Sinew Group

1 16
Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area 7

There are two points in Chen's 1964 note that do not appear in Tung's 1 968 note or text­
book. They are Inner and Exterior Knee Eye. Master Tung said, /1 Inner Knee Eye belongs
to kidney channel and Exterior Knee Eye belongs to lung channe l. "He also said, "Exterior
Knee Eye and ST36 can treat toothache when the pain is just beginning11 • (Chen, 1964)

Mr. Yuan said "Inner Knee Eye can treat tongue numbness. /1

The correspondence function of sorne unique points in the lateral side of Area 8 and
Area 7 is very interesting:

Three Springs Group (88.20-22): Facial Motor.

Beside Three Miles and Lower Beside Three Miles (77.22-23): Teeth.

Leg Thousand Metal and Leg Five Metal (77.24-25): Lateral Throat.

Seven Tigers(77.26): Stemum, Clavicle and Rib.

Does Master Tung want to tell us something here?

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

Area 7, Points on the Lower Leg (Master Tung's original diagram)

Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area 7

/\ �
/\. ,.\::

88.03 �
i �- t--- ��+-llr 1�
t}C. ill t ·-r---- ....-..;;;.�- <..;:.>

77. I S
77. 1 6 .....-f.\,...\-
. �·J:.
« t �......,_--


Area 7 and Area 8 (Master Tung's original diagram)

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

88.22 «tJ::---
88.2 �
'lf. f T------

«. t.-r...

A rea 7 and Area 8 (Master Tung's original diagram)

Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area 7

/\. k.
/\. .k:

< '39 )

Area 7 and Area 8 (Master Tung's original diagram)

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

Three Sinews: Restore Human Sinews iE±�I»

Interesting note, when these three points are read in Chinese 77.03 to 77.01:

IE± JE* iE!ffi

"LE" is restore;"±" is human; "*1!11" is sinew.

The meaning is IEA.*lffi (Restore Human Sinews)






77.04 Sinew Ball

77.03 Restore Sinew Three 8

77.02 Restore Sinew Two 6

77.01 Restore Sinew One 4

Lower Leg, Posterior View

Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area 7

77.01 Restore Sinew One (Zheng Jin) IEE�

77.02 Restore Sinew Two (Zheng Zong) .iE��
77.03 Restore Sinew Three (Zheng Shi) IE±�
77.04 Sinew Ball (Bo Qiu) M:BJ<�

77.01 Restore Sinew One: Find the tendon calcaneus and measure 3.5 cun proximal from
the base of the heel.
77.02 Restore Sinew Two: Measure 2 cun proximal from Restore Sinew 1 (77.01).
77.03 Restore Sinew Three: Measure 2 cun proximal from Restore Sinew 2 (77.02).
77.04 Sinew Ball: Measure 2.5 cun proximal from Restore Sinew 3 (77.03) at the lower
bellies of the gastrocnemius muscle.

Tung's Five Zang Channel:

77.01 Restore Sinew One: vertebra, brain
77.02 Restore Sinew Two: same as 77.01
77.03 Restore Sinew Three: lung, vertebra
77.04 Sinew Ball: heart, lung

77.01 Restore Sinew One: vertebral twisting pain, lower back (vertebrae) pain, neck sinew
pain with inability to twist, cranial bone enlargement, hydrocrania.
77.02 Restore Sinew Two: same as 77.01 .
77.03 Restore Sinew Three: shoulder and upper back pain, lower back pain, sciatica.
77.04 Sinew Ball: twitch of the tendon of the Lower Leg, cholera , lower back soreness and
upper back pain, nosebleed.

Needle Technique:
77.01 Restore Sinew One: insert needle to a depth of 5-8 fen. (The point is more effective

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

when the needle pierces through the tendon). Acupuncture is given in a sitting position far
strong patients and in a supine position far debilitated patients.
77.02 Restore Sinew Two: same as 77.01 .
77.03 Restore Sinew Three: insert needle 5 fen to 1 cun.
77.04 Sinew Ball: Insert needle 1 cun to 2 cun. More effective when the tip of the needle
touches the bone. Needle with Four Flower Center (77.09) to treat twitch of the tendon,
cholera and kidney depletion.

Clinical Experience:
l. Master Tung's case: nape aching, needle 77.02 horizontally.
2. Master Tung' s case: left hand tight, mouth deviated to left side and tight, needle Three
Sinews (77.01 -03) horizontally.
3. Master Tung's case: nape and upper back pain, Restare Sinew Three (77.03) & Heaven
Emperor (77. 17) bilaterally.
4. Master Tung's case: right scapular pain (cutaneous neuralgia), 77.02, 03, 04.
5. Center-Earth-Spleen-Spine: "Suwen, Chapter 4, Discussion on the lmportant Ideas in
the Golden Chamber": The center pertains to Earth. The disorder usually involves the
spleen zang. The Shu (acupoints) are along the spine. " Wang Bing's note:" Because the
spine corresponds to the earth, it is said to be situated in the center. "

Three Layers Group_ m7\ m

77.05 First Layer (Yi Chong) - m7\
77.06 Second Layer (Er Chong) =m7\
77.07 Third Layer (San Chong) - m7\

77.05 First Layer: Measure 3 cun proximal and 1 cun anterior to the lateral malleolus of the
77.06 Second Layer: Measure 2 cun proximal from First Layer (77.05) .

Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area 7

Lower Leg, Lateral View


l" 15






77.07 Third Layer

f s

77 .06 Second Layer 5

77.05 First Layer 3

.i 2


77.07 Third Layer: Measure 2 cun proximal from Second Layer (77.06).

Tung's Five Zang Channel: spleen, heart, lung

Indications: hyperthyroidism (heart zang disease), tonsillitis, facial paralysis, lump in ab­
domen (sputum), migraine, Liver disease, brain tumors, meningitis, spleen inflammation/
pain/enlargement/disease, splenceratosis, breast cancer/sputum/distention/pain, trigemi­
nal pain.

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

Needle Technique: All three points, insert needle 1 -2 cun in depth. Using First, Second
& Third Layers together ( Hui Ma Technique) is very effective in treating the above condi­
tions. For diseases of the spleen choose the 3 points on the right side only.

Clinical Experience:
1. Master Tung's case: Mouth deviated to left side, left 77.06/77.07, 88.25 Central Nine
Miles Daoma. Three days later, add right Seven Fast (1010.17).
2. Master Tung's case: Male, mass i n left breast, right Three Layers Group (77.05-07)
3. Master Tung' s case: A man had had bone stuck in his throat for two days, after Mas­
ter Tung needled Three Layers Group, he was able to swallow the bone immediately.
Mr. Lin Ju-Chu, Master Tung's first disciple, said, /1 If needling Three Layers Group
does not work, add Beside Three Miles(77.22) . Needle Beside Three Miles vertically,
with the tip of needle pointed toward the Three Layers Group (obliquely). Stick
Three Layers Group horizontally (the tip of needle should be directed toward to the
crevice between fibula and tibia). (Chen, 1964)
4. Master Tung treated esophageal cancer with Three Layers Group. He said, "It i s hard
to treat cancer because it is difficult to determine how cancer moves through the
5. Three Layers Group is very important point group which Master Tung uses to treat
stroke condition. This group can relieve qi blockage and promote blood circulation,
especially in the brain. (Lai, 1987)
6. Master Tung uses these three points to treat the primary stage o f breast cancer,
esophagus cancer and sublingual gland cancer and have good result. (after the pa­
tient is cured, forbid the patient from eating fish and shrimp.) (Lai, 1987)
7. These three points adding Three Open Group (88.01-03) to treat hyperthyroidism
very good. (Lai, 1987)
8. Taiwan General Airforce Hospital: To treat skin, lump and mass disease, stick bilater­
ally. To treat the facial paralysis, stick the healthly side.

1 26
Master Tung's Unique Points / Area 7

La te ra l Medlal
knee eye



13 77.08 Fou r Flower U pper


77.09 Fou r Flowe r Center

77. 1 4 77. 1 3 Fou r Flower Medial

Latera l 7 7 . 1 O Fou r Flower Quasi

77. 1 2 7 7 . 1 1 Fou r Flower Lower

Bowel l ntestine

tera l m a lleo l u s

Lower Leg, Anterior View

Seven Four Flowers ll!l?Et 1\

77.08 Four Flower Upper( Si Hua Shang) ll!l?E ..t 1\

Location: Measure 3 cun inferior from the lateral knee eye of the patella.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: lung, heart

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

Indications: asthma, toothache, palpitations, tumor inside the mouth, dizziness, carditis,
cholera with spasm of the sinews.

Needle Technique: Insert needle 2 - 3 cun in depth. Needle 1 .5 - 2 cun in depth for asthma
and 3 cun in depth for heart disease. Needle 3 cun in depth and add Sinew Ball (77.04) for
treating cholera which induces twitching of the sinews.

Clinical Experience:
Taiwan General Airforce Hospital: This point can treat toothache, dizzy, irregular heart
beat, heart weakness, cholera with spasm and stom:atitis.

77.09 Four Flower Center (Si Hua Zhong) izg m cp �

Location: 4.5 cun distal to Four Flower Upper (77.08)

Tung's Five Zang Channel: heart, lung, six fu

Indications: asthma, eye hall disease, carditis, arteriosclerosis of the heart (pain in the bi­
lateral side of heart), heart failure (feeling of suffocation and discomfort), acute stomach­
ache, bone swelling (decrease bone swelling & generating muscle), fluid retention in lung,
tuberculosis, lung tumor, emphysema, scapular pain, cubital fossa pain, index finger pain.

Needle Technique: Insert needle 2-3 cun in depth far asthma and eye hall pain. Use blood­
letting with a three-edged needle for arteriosclerosis of the heart, acute stomachache,
enteritis, chest suffocation and pleuritis.

Oinical Experience:
For any stubborn chronic condition, prick blood if one finds floating blood vessels in this

Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area 7

77.10 Four Flower Quasi (Si Hua Fu) [9 :ffi lU 7\

Location: 2.5 cun distal from Four Flowers Center (77.09).

Tung's Five Zang Channel: heart, lung, six fu

Indkations: same as Four Flower Center (77.09)

Needle Technique: bloodletting with a three-edged needle treats arteriosclerosis of the

heart, heart failure, acute stomach pain, and gastroenteritis.

Clinkal Experience:
Master Tung said, "77.09 & 77.10 diminish bone to generate muscle."

77.11 Four Flower Lower (Si Hua Xia) [9 :ffi "'F 7\

Location: Measure 2.5 cun distal from Four Flower Quasi (77.10).

Tung's Five Zang Channel: six fu, lung, kidney

Indications: enteritis, abdominal distention, chest distention, superficial edema, bruxism

in sleep, bone swelling.

Needle Technique: Insert needle 5 fen to 1 cun (using a fine, thin needle). Stick left 77.10,
77.11 & 77.12 together far sciatica due to a pinched nerve root from a protruding disc.

Clinkal Experience:
Master Tung's case: left shoulder joint rheumatalgia, right Four Flower Lower (77. 1 1 ) and
add two points each 1 cun upper and down, altogether 3 needles Huima technique.

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

77.12 Bowel Intestine (Fu Chang) IJ/fii ft¡ 7\

Location: 1 .5 cun proximal from 77. 1 1 .

Tung's Five Zang Channel: six fu, lung, kidney, heart

Indications: Same as Four Flower lower (77. 1 1 ). This point is usually combined with Four
Flower Lower (77. 1 1 ) far best efficacy and not used alone.

77.13 Four Flower Medial (Si Hua Li) l!!l :ffi ll

Location: 1 .2 cun medial to Four Flower Center (77.09).

Tung's Five Zang Channel: heart, lung

Indications: gastrointestinal tract disease, heart disease, palpitations, cholera with

twitching of the sinews (vomit), heart failure.

Needle Technique: insert needle 1 .5 - 2 cun in depth.

77.14 Four Flower Lateral (Si Hua Wai) l!!l :ffi � 7\

Location: 1 .5 cun lateral to Four Flower Center (77.09).

Tung's Five Zang Channel: lung, six fu

Indications: acute enteritis, toothache, migraine, facial palsy, pleural pain.

Needle Technique: Insert needle 1-1.5 cun in depth. Use a three-edged needle to expel

Master Tung's Unique Points / Area 7

Latera l

77. 1 5 U pper L i p
77. 1 6 Lower L i p




Lower Leg, Anterior View

black blood for acute enteritis, intercostal neuralgia, chest distention, asthrna, sciatica,
shoulder & arm pain, earache, chronic rhinitis, and high blood pressure.

Clinical Experience: Before performing the bloodletting technique, use an alcohol pad to
clean the area 3 cun up and down from Four Flower Lateral (77.14). Then try to find float­
ing capillaries or dark spots in this area; prick to expel dark blood. (1968 Tung's note)

77.15 Upper Lip (Shang Chun) .tll7\

77.16 Lower Lip (Xia Chung) ""Fll7\

77.15 Upper Lip: at the inferior edge of the patella and the attachment of the ligament
77.16 Lower Lip: one cun below the Upper Lip (77.15).

Tung's Five Zang Channel: These points do not belong to Tung's five zang channels.
Master Tung just considered them extra-points.

Indications: lip pain, and leukoderma around oral and genital area. (i.e., thrush or oral

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

Needle Technique: Use a three-edged needle to prick the area below the kneecap sur­
rounding these two points. If black blood is expelled, the treatment will be more effective.

Clinical Experience:
l. Prick prick blood a t Upper & lower Lip (77 15 & 16) for sores in the mouth (Lee, 1992)

2. Prick black blood at these two points, good efficiency for herpes genitalis (Lee, 1992)
3. Prick blood at these two points to treat chapped or dry lips and scrotal itching.

The Regulator of Kidney Water: Lower Three Emperors

77.17 Heaven Emperor (Tian Huang) ��1\

Location: 2 . 5 cun below the knee joint just below the medial epicondyle o f the tibia.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: kidney, six fu, heart

Indications: hyperacidity, nausea, nephritis, diabetes mellitus, proteinuria, heart disease,

hypertension, dizzy due to heart disease, arm pain & insomnia.

Needle Technique: Insert needle 5 fen to 1 inch in depth. Moxibustion is not appropriate, and
needling is forbidden in pregnant women.

Clinical Experience:
l. Master Tung's case: A m an with a tumor on the medial side o f the big toe, was treat­
ed by needling Heaven Emperor (77 1 9) firstly, then Open Kidney (88.09). The tumor

changed and became soft, then flat. (Chen, 1964)

2. Master Tung treated Mr. Lin's cerebral condition. After needling Heaven Emperor
(77.1 7), he said firmly , "lf needling this point has an effect, this is not the result of
cerebral hemorrhage. " (Chen, 1964)

Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area 7

77. 1 7


�1 �
Heaven Em peror

77. 1 8
Kidney Gate


77. 1 9 si
Earth Emperor

Fou r Limbs -5

77.2 1 4
H u m a n Em peror

Lower Leg, Lateral View

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

77.19 Earth Emperor (Di Huang) :l&��

Location: 7 cun above the upper edge of the medial malleolus on the posterior border of
the tibia.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: kidney

Indications: nephritis, four extremities edema, diabetes, gonorrhea, impotence, inconti­

nence, spermatorrhea, premature ejaculation, proteinuria, hematuria, uterine tumors,
abnormal menstruation, and lower back pain due to kidney depletion.

Needle Technique: Insert needle 1 1 .8 cun in depth at an angle of 45 degrees.


Contraindicated in pregnancy.

77.21 Human Emperor (Ren Huang) A��

Location: 3 cun from the upper edge of the medial malleolus.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: kidney

Indications: acid reflux, gonorrhoea, impotence & involuntary seminal emission, sper­
matorrhea, nocturnal emissions, lower back vertebrae pain, neck pain, dizziness, numb­
ness of the hands, diabetes, proteinuria, hematuria, nephritis, lower back pain due to kid­
ney depletion.

Needle Technique: Needle 6 fen to 1.2 cun in depth. Contraindicated in pregnancy.

Master Tung's Unique Points / Area 7

Clinical Experience:
l. The location o f Human Emperor (77.21) is 3 cun from th e upper edge o f th e medial
malleolus, not 3 cun from the tip (prominence) of the medial malleolus. Prof. Huang
Long-Xiang said, "According to our study, the point measure method of Huang Di
Ming Tang Jing, (when using the measuring mark such as the knee, malleolus, umbili­
cus, ear, eye, etc.), is always at the border of the measuring mark." (Huang, 201 1 ) So,
Prof. Huang thinks that the measurement of SP6, Kl7, GB38 and GB39 are all from the
upper border of the medial malleolus or the lateral malleolus. (Huang, 201 1 ) This mea­
surement approach coincides with Human Emperor (77.21) & Earth Emperor (77.19).
2. Master Tung's case: chronic scapular pain for 5-6 years, Three Lower Emperors
(77.17,19,21 ) (Master Tung thought aching in marrow was due to a dysfunction of the
3. Dr. Lai first needled Earth Emperor (77. 19), then needled the points 3 cun above and
below it. This Earth Emperor Daoma technique treats hyperthyroidism very well. This
point can also calm down bad emotions, so Dr. Lai also called these three points the
"pleasing point group" . (Lai, 1987)
4. Many Tung' s Acupuncture beginners always like to stick these three points bilaterally,
but this is not the correct way. Actually we should stick this group according to the
three levels: Heaven, Earth and Human. Or upper, middle and lower three levels. 1 like
to palpate the line along this group firstly. 1 pay close attention to the feeling beneath
my fingers (e.g. nodule or rope feeling) and also observe the patient's body language.
Then 1 combine my feeling, the patient' s body language and three levels theory to de­
cide how many needles to use. This technique is not only use in this Huima (Daoma)
group, but can be used for all Huima (Daoma) groups. If one needle can acheive good
results, it is not necessary to use the second needle.

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

77.18 Kidney Gate (Shen Guan) �IB]7\ (old name: Tian Huang Fu)

Location: measure 1 .5 cun below Heaven Emperor (77.1 7).

Tung's Five Zang Channel: six fu

Indications: deviation of the eyeball, astigmatism, anemia, epilepsy, neuropathy, pain in

the supra-orbital edge, pain of the nasal bone, dizziness, sciatica, lower back pain due to
kidney depletion (immediate effect), myopia, headache.

Needle Technique: Insert needle 5 fen to 1 cun in depth. Stick perpendicularly to treat
stuffiness and pain in the chest; Stick obliquely to treat kidney depletion.

Clinical Experience
l. Master Tung' s case: unable to open eyes due to a feeling of pressure inside the head,
needle Kidney Gate (77. 18).
2. Master Tung's case: nape, shoulder, and frontal head aching, Kidney Gate (77. 18).
3. Why was this point re-named "Kidney Gate" and yet it belongs to the "six fu" channe l?
The Suwen, Chapter 61 "Discussion on Water and Heat Disease" gives us the answer:
The kidney zang is the gate of the stomach. When the gate does not open freely, water
accumulates and follow its type. Above and below it spills into the skin; hence, this
leads to skin swelling. Skin swelling is caused by accumulation of water. "

77.20 Four Limbs (Si Zhi) [9Ui7\

Location: 4 c un from the medial malleolus.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: heart, four limbs, kidney

Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area 7

lndications: pain in the four limbs, neck pain, diabetes.

Needle Technique: Insert needle 6 fen to 1 .2 cun in depth. Contraindicated in pregnancy.

Oinical Experience:
l. All the above indications are due to disharmony of heart and kidney.

77.28 Bright Light (Guang Ming) ;'68,ij7\

Location: 1 .5 cun posterior and 2 cun superior from the tip o f the medial malleolus.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: lung, spleen

Indications: astigmatism, cataracts, eye lid numbness, difficulty opening eyes.

Needle Technique: insert needle 5 fen to 1 cun in depth.

Clinical Experience:
When treating eye conditions, always combines with Kidney Gate (77.18) bilaterally.

77.22 Beside 3 Miles(Ce San Li) · -�7\

77.23 Lower Beside 3 Miles(Ce Xia San Li 1!11'=�7\

77.'12 Beside Three Miles: 1 .5 cun lateral from Four Flower Upper (77.08).
77.'l3 Lower Beside Three Miles: 2 cun inferior from Beside Three Miles (77.22).

Tung's Five Zang Channel: lung, teeth

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

Indications: toothache, facial paralysis

Needle Technique: Insert needle 5 fen to 1 cun in depth. Use Beside Three miles (77.22)
and Lower Beside Three Miles (77.23) together to treat toothache on the opposite side of
the body; treat contralaterally.

Clinical Experience
l. For upper extremity pain (if the root cause cannot b e determined), just needle Beside
Three Miles (77.22) and Lower Beside Three Miles (77.23) contralaterally.
2. For any type of headache, stick these two points contralaterally, then add additional
points according to diagnosis. For example if the diagnosis is kidney depletion head­
ache, add Kidney Gate (77.18).
3. Dizziness due to liver fire, needle Besides Three Miles (77.22) bilaterally. For a severe
case, add Lower Beside Three Miles (77.23); lung (metal) controls liver (wood) fire.

77.24 Leg Thousand Metal (Zu Wu Jin).fE=f�7\

77.25 Leg Five Metal (Zu Wu Jin) .fE1i�7\

77.24 Leg Thousand Metal: Measure 5 fen lateral and 2 cun distal or inferior to Lower
Beside Three Miles (77.23).
77.25 Leg Five Metal: Measure 2 cun below Leg Thousand Metal (77.24) .

Tung's Five Zang Channel: lung, kidney, lateral throat (thyroid)

Indications: acute enteritis, fish bone stuck in throat, shoulder and scapular pain, sore
throat, laryngitis, thyroiditis.

Needle Technique: Insert needle 5 fen to 1 cun in depth. Use both points bilaterally for the
treatment of thyroiditis. For conditions other than throat diseases, use only one side.

Master Tung's Unique Points / Area 7

o 16

f 15


-l Z
Th ree M i les

Lower Beside
77.24 10
Th ree M i les
Leg Thousand Meta l

Leg Five Meta l

l 6


• 2

... Q

Lower Leg, Lateral View

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

Clinical Experience: When my mother was 89 years old, she had fish bone lodged her
throat. Her family doctor told her to go to the emergency room but she refused. 1 then
proceeded to massage these two points for 10 minutes. Five minutes later, she coughed up
the one inch long fish bone.

77.26 Seven Tigers (Qi Hu) t'1E7\

Location: establish a line 1 .5 cun posterior to the lateral malleolus.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: stemum, clavicle & rib

Indications: shoulder bone pain, clavicular pain, stemum pain with swelling and disten­
tion, pleuritis.

Needle Technique: insert needle 5-8 fen in depth.

77.27 Exterior Three Gates (Wai San Guan) �-li1 7\

Location: Three-point unit. establish a line running from the lateral epicondyle of the tibia
to the tip of the lateral malleolus. These points are then located 1/4, 1/2, and 3/4 of the way
along this line.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: lung

Indications: tonsillitis, tumor cancer, laryngitis, parotitis, shoulder and arm pain, various

Needle Technique: insert needle 1 1 .5 cun in depth.


Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area 7

Clinical Experience:
Taiwan General Airforce Hospital: Exterior Three Gates (77.27) used to treat malignant
tumor and tonsillitis. Especially effective for abdominal tumor (stick bilaterally).


Lower Leg, Lateral View

77.27 8

Exterior 7
Th ree Gates 6

Seven Tigers

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

Master Tung ' s Unique Points


Area 8
Points on the Thigh
Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

Area 8 is one of the first areas to be completed during Master Tung' s rebuilding process.
In Dr. Chen's 1964 note, Master Tung not only discusses the unique points, but also talks
a great <leal about the regular channels. The unique points in Dr. Chen's note include:
Open Heaven Group (88.01 -03), Sisters (88.04-06), Common Cold (88.07-08), Open Kidney
Group (88.09- 1 1 ), Upper Three Yellows Group (88.12 -14), Fire Branch & Complete (88.15-
16), Four Horses Group (88.17-19), Three Springs Group (88.20-22), Central Nine Miles
(88.25), and Release (88.28). All the point locations are similar to the locations in Master
Tung' s textbook.


Ki d n ey , .a H ea rt

Liver At
Gall- 11! ,

'- �
bladder 1
Lu n g

�\ \\f
. , ,

/r :

.· ll} Lu n g


Kid ney �� (

�f Liver

� and

f1l Spleen

figure 1, retraced from Chen 's 1 964 note

Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area 8

Master Tung's 1968 note adds Metal Anterior Lower & Upper (88.23-24) and Inner Three
Open Heaven Groups (88.29-31). Finally, Master Tung's 1973 textbook, adds Upper Nine
Miles (77.26), Lower Nine Miles (77.27), and Lost Voice (88.32), rebuilding Area 8 com­

Master Tung divided Area 8 into four main channels. They are outlined as follows: "The
central line of the anterior thigh is heart channel; the lateral line of the anterior thigh is the
lung channel; the medial line of the anterior thigh is the kidney channel; the central line of
the medial thigh is the liver/gallbladder channel." (figure 1)

The heart channel line includes the three points o f the Open Heaven Group (88.01 - 03); The
lung channel line includes the three points of the Four Horses Group (88.1 7 -19); The liver/
gallbladder channel line includes the Upper Three Yellows Group (88.12-14), Fire Branch
(88.15) and Fire Complete (88.16). The kidney channel line includes the three points of
the Open Kidney Group (88.09-11); These four channels in the thigh closely match Tung's
palm diagnosis chart. (figure 1 )

In his note, Dr. Chen wrote the following about Master Tung's palm diagnosis:

Master Tung mostly depends upon palm diagnosis. In general he looks for
the blue capillaries and dark spots. The line from the index finger to LU-10
is the lung channel; from the middle finger to PC-8 is the heart channel;
from the ring finger to the wrist crease is the liver & spleen channels;
and from the small finger to the wrist crease and the ulnar side of the palm
is the kidney channel. Points are selected according to the root cause as
determined by observing changes in these channels.

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

On October 22, 2012, Mr.Yuan Guo-Ben wrote a letter to me explaining the method of se­
lecting points based on the five zang channels:

One day, Master Tung told me the principie of acupuncture treatment

in his prívate office: For any severe or chronic condition, it is necessary
to stick the major points in the pathological (root cause) channel firstly.
Three Open Heaven Group (88.01-03) belongs to the heart channel; Upper
Three Yellows Group (88.12-14) belongs to the liver channel; Three Lay­
ers Group (77.05-07) belongs to the spleen channel; Four Horses Group
(88. 1 7-19) belongs to the lung channel; an<l Kidney Gate (77.18) or Lower
Three Emperors Group (77. 1 7, 19, 21) belong to the kidney channel. Then
according to the findings, add additional points.

/� //>; ;ft-k ¿,�5 --�11f- f4-·-. i;- :YJ};_., ·-tJ7*' ¿�.:e;; /�}�
¡;Í, lt�ffí} f{f ?.,�':Af -!-,. ii � ({: � 1 } /�ifl_ i!_ /

/1- !XJ/for k�;ff) t z

� , ..·;á.\_) J;j 1lp.PA{ t'�f,�i( , .1fl-J) •'{ Í.-í A? '

-� /¿;'.-z --/;_. (1
�t:9 1 r/; . ·�;t)� -�/ (f__;__� � (i � ('!
-ffe< ilt.1.tJ \� J_l . (.
�¡:__ fef (� ;___:_· ,L �-� ; ftf1· l� � {t; fff (,,f_ -(_
) ,,, �

�efjf.; (� 1'1:: rw � ,:t{:f -�'t >o) -N- 7!fú.iS, 1'i.. i�J\�

> '?___

Original letter written by Mr. Yuan Guo-Ben

Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area 8

From the information outlined above, we can make the following conclusions:

l. Tung's regular channels are linear channels.

2. The unique points in a linear zang channel can treat a disease of the zang organ.
3. Tung's regular channels or five zang channels are distributed throughout different ar­
eas of the body. Every area of the body contains its own five zang channels ar regular
4. If you can determine which five zang channel is the root cause of the disease, you can
use the unique points in this channel to treat it.
5. The linear five zang channels produce Tung' s special technique; Hui Ma /Dao Ma. The
Hui Ma technique usually consists of two or three points.

Prof. Huang Long-Xiang calls the linear channel one of the basic characteristics of the chan­
nel route in it's preliminary stage. He said, "In the preliminary stage, there are sorne chan­
nels running routes in the simplest way which forro a line by two points. "Prof. Huang also
reports his channel study, "The channel originally is an illustration of a group of patholog­
ical mechanisms and acupuncture experiences of diagnosis and treatment." (Huang, 2002)

Master Tung rebuilt his family acupuncture based on the secret key he inherited through
oral tradition, incorporating his own experience of over three hundred thousand clinical
cases. From his family secret key, he kept the original linear five zang channels located in
various regions of the body; from his clinical cases he verified the five zang physiological
mechanism, pathological mechanism, palm diagnosis and treatment.

Tung' s acupuncture is based according to these linear channels that connect to the five
zang. You can follow these linear channels to find which unique point or points to treat
any five zang disease. Master Tung used three unique points or two unique points to ex­
press these linear channels. Far example, if the patient's root pathological cause is related
to the heart, the practitioner can use the heart linear channel (the center line of the anterior

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

thigh) . Then the practitioner can either look for color changes around this channel, or he
can palpate the channel for tendemess or nodules in order to find the reactive acu-points.
In this case the point or points may exactly match the location of the Open Heaven Group
(88.01 -03), or they may be located slightly proximal, distal, medial, or lateral. The practi­
tioner can then choose from these points, as they confirm that the corred points/channel
have been chosen for treatment.

The location of the acupuncture point is either between the muscle and bone, at a crevice
of the bone, beside the bone, or at the tip of the bone. It is hard to use words or sentences
to describe the exact location. The "cun" measurements are a general map. Do you think
you can use a general map to find the exact location on your patient's body? Everyone has
his or her own unique body contour, especially the muscles and bones. So, it is very hard
to find the exact acupuncture point by relying on "cun" measurements only.

When 1 followed and leamed from Master Tung in his clinic, 1 found that Master Tung
always examined for color changes around the point and palpated the point along the five
zang channel firstly, then he decided where to stick the needles. Master Tung gave us a
lesson, "You have to be bold but cautious. Your left hand is look like gripping the tiger,
and your right hand is like holding the dragan." (Chen, 1964) To be bold but cautious is to
observe the point carefully for any color change and needle with utmost attention; Grip­
ping the tiger is to palpa te the point firmly; Holding the dragan is to insert the needle with

Dr. Chen documented many of Master Tung's medical cases for Area 8 that illustrate the
use of the five zang channels. 1 will introduce these medical cases in a forthcoming publi­

Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area 8

Open Heaven Group il�7\�

The character "tong" in the name of this group is translated as "open", meaning
unobstructed entrance and exit; not shut or closed; affording free passage or access.

88.01 Open Gate (Tong Guan) i! ID1 7\

88.02 Open Mountain (Tong Shan) i!LlJ 7\
88.03 Open Heaven (Tong Tian) im.�7\

88.01 Open Gate: on the central line of the anterior thigh, 5.0 cun proximal from the knee
88.02 Open Mountain: 2.0 cun proximal from Open Gate (88.01).
88.03 Open Heaven: 2.0 cun proximal to Open Mountain (88.02).

Tung's Five Zang Channel: heart

Indications: all three points: heart disease, pericardium (heart mouth or opening) pain,
pain on both sides of the heart, cardiac rheumatism, dizziness, flowery vision, palpitations,
stomach disease, four limb pain, cerebral anemia.

Needle Technique:
88.01 Open Gate: 3 5 fen in depth.

88.02 Open Mountain: 5 - 8 fen in depth.

88.03 Open Heaven: 5 fen 1 cun in depth.

One should not use ali six of these points at the same time. Choose only 1 or 2 of them each time.
Especially for high blood pressure use only one needle, not two. Open Gate (88. 01) & Open Moun­
tain (88.02) for lymphadenitis, erysipelas and hand & foot pain.

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

Clinical Experience:
l. Master Tung's case: joint rheumatalgia ( 2 hands & 2 legs), two knee pain, Open Gate
and Open Mountain (88.01-02).
2. Master Tung's case: pantalgia (dislike fan and air-condition), stomach pain, Open Gate
and Open Mountain (88.01-02).
3. Varicose vein, prick blood firstly but very carefully, then stick Open Gate and Open
Mountain (88.01-02) bilaterally.
4. Master Tung said, "For all heart channel diseases, needling Shoulder Center (44.06)
and Open Heaven (88.03) will produce a special effect." (Chen, 1964)
5. Gastroxia: Open Heaven (88.03) Hui Ma Technique can strengthen the heart. (Chen,
1964) "Reinforce the mother zang (heart) to treat spleen deficiency condition."
6. Rhinitis: Four Horses Group (88.17-19) and Open Kidney (88.09). If heart channel
causes it, add Open Heaven (88.03). (Chen, 1964)
7. Master Tung said, "Joints pertain to the heart, for any joint condition, look for heart
channel points in order to treat"
8. Weak and cold knee pain, palpate the Open Heaven Group (heart linear channel) on
the ipsilateral side to find the most tender points (1 or 2) to needle.
9. Hip joint arthritis or pain, same method as described above.
10. For muscular pain and flaccidity of the lumbar area use the same method as outlined
above but needle contraleateral side.

88.29 Inner Open Gate (Nei Tong Guan) r;i mli.!1\

88.30 Inner Open Mountain (Nei Tong Shan) r;iJML.LJ
88.31 Inner Open Heaven (Nei Tong Tian) r;im�

Location: :
88.29 Inner Open Gate: 5 fen medial from Open Gate (88.01).
88.30 Inner Open Mountain: 5 fen medial from Open Mountain (88.02) .
88.31 Inner Open Heaven: 5 fen medial from Open Heaven (88.03) .

Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area 8

Tung's Five Zang Channel: heart

Indications: hemiplegia, four limb weakness, four limb paralysis, heart failure, loss of
speech due to stroke.

Needle Technique:
88.29 Inner Open Gate: insert needle 3 - 5 fen in depth.
88.30 Inner Open Mountain: insert needle 5 - 8 fen in depth.
88.31 Inner Open Heaven: insert needle 5 fen - 1 cun in depth.
One should not use all six of these points at the same time. Choose only 1 or 2 of them each
time. Especially for patients with high blood pressure use only one needle, not two.

Clinical Experience:
Master Tung's case: rheumatoid arthritis of the knee, 88.29, 88.30, 88.3 1 .



. .

11 88.3 1
88.03 10 l n ner Open H eaven
Open Heaven -i-::91----\--:.--\-�-

88.02 7 �---\---1�¡-�(9 '�----t-- l n ner Open M o untai n
Open Mounta i n

88.0 1 l n ner Open Gate
Open Gate

Anterior Thigh

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

88.04 Sister One (Jie Mei Yi) m�- �

88.05 Sister Two (Jei Mei Er)m�=�
88.06 Sister Three(Jie Mei San) m�=�

88.04 Sister one: 1 cun promimal and 1 cun medial from Open Mountain (88.02).
88.05 Sister Two: 2.5 cun proximal from Sister one (88.04) .
88.06 Sister three: 2.5 cun proximal to Sister two (88.05)

Tung's Five Zang Channel: six fu, kidney

Indications: uterine tumor, uterine inflammation, irregular menstruation , irregular men­

strual period, vaginal itch, intestinal pain, gastric hemorrhage.

Needle Technique: Insert needle 1 .5 - 2.5 cun. These three points are most commonly
needled bilaterally.

88.07 Common Cold One (Gan Mao Yi) mi ll - �

88.08 Common Cold Two(Gan Mao Er) mtll= �

88.01 Common Cold One Location: 1 cun medial from Sister Two (88.05).
88.02 Common Cold Two Location: 1 cun medial from Sister Three (88.06).

Tung's Five Zang Channel: six fu, lung

Indications: heavy cold, high fever, severe cold, headache d/t common cold.

Needle Technique: Insert needle 8 fen to 1 .5 cun. These 2 points are usually selected
simultaneously. Needle obliquely towards the center of the thigh .

Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area 8



15 88.06 Sister Th ree

13 --- 88.08 Com m o n Cold Two




88.07 Com m o n Cold One

88.04 Sister One

88. 1 1 Open Back

88.1 O Open Stomach

88.28 Release

88.09 Open Kid ney

Anterior Thigh

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

Open Kidney Group 11•�11

88.09 Open Kidney (Tong Shen)il•�
88.10 Open Stomach (Tong Wei) 11 • �
88.11 Open Back (Tong Bei) i!M�

88.09 Open Kidney: at the superior medial comer of the patella.

88.10 Open Stomach: 2 cun above Open Kidney (88.09) .

88.11 Open Back: 2 cun above Open Stomach (88.10).

Tung's Five Zang Channel: kidney.

Indications: nephritis, edema, proteinuria, dry mouth, throat pain, throat tumor.

Needle Technique:
88.09 Open Kidney: 3 5 fen in depth.

88.10 Open Stomach: 5 fen - 1 cun in depth.

88.11 Open Back: 5 fen - 1 cun in depth.

Use these three points together for swelling of the whole body, swollen extremities, and
dorsal foot swelling and redness. Usually two of the three points unilaterally or four points
on both thighs are selected simultaneously. It is forbidden to insert all 6 needles simulta­
neously. Any one of the three points can be selected as the auxiliary point in other rein­
forcement therapy. Any one of the three points can be selected as an auxiliary point far
miscarriage prevention. Continuous treatment should be performed far 15 days far cases
of threatened miscarriage.

Clinical Experience:
l. Master Tung' s case: Dry mouth, caused by a problem of the secretion gland. Master

Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area 8

Tung thought it to be related to the kidney channel so he needled Open Kidney (88.09)

bilaterally. (Chen, 1964)

2. An elderly woman who had difficulty walking because foot weakness, also had heart
palpitation and a slow pulse. Master Tung needled Shoulder Center (44.06), Open

Heaven (88.03) and Open Stomach (88. 10). After treatment she immediatly was able

to walk well. Chen's comment: Heart palpitation is due to water qi invading the heart.

These three points strengthen the heart to generate stomach which improves mobility.

(Chen, 1964)

3. A man complained of numbness of all the fingers and toes, Master Tung needled

these three points of the kidney channel and the numbness was gone immediately.

(Chen, 1964)

11 ¡ 88. 1 3 Heaven Yel l ow


15 88. 1 2 Brig ht Yel low


13 88. 1 4 Th is Yel l ow


10 1


l '

!: 1 F i re Com p�
Area 8 8
R i g ht Th i g h
M ed i a l View

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

Upper Three Yellows _t_fi1\

88.12 Bright Yellow(Ming Huang)B�:fi7\
88.13 Heaven Yellow(Tian Huang)�Ñ7\
88.14 This Yellow (Qi Huang) Jt:fi7\

88.12 Bright Yellow: At the midpoint of the center line of the medial aspect of the thigh.
88.13 Heaven Yellow: 3 cun above the Bright Yellow (88.12).
88.14 This Yellow: 3 cun below Bright Yellow (88.12).

Tung's Five Zang Channel:

88.12 Bright Yellow: liver, heart, kidney. The most superficial level is the kidney channel,
the liver channel is at the middle level, and heart channel is found at the deepest level.
88.13 Heaven Yellow: same as Bright Yellow (88.12).
88.14 This Yellow: gallbladder, liver and heart.

88.12 Bright Yellow: Liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, bone enlargement, vertebrae periostitis, liv­
er dysfunction leading to exhaustion , lower back soreness, vertigo, eye pain, Liver pain,
indigestion, leukemia (special effect) .
88.13 Heaven Yellow: same as Bright Yellow (88.12)
88.14 This Yellow: jaundice and all Bright Yellow (88. 12) indications.

Needle Technique:
88.12 Bright Yellow: 1.5 - 2.5 cun in depth.
88.13 Heaven Yellow: 1.5 - 2.5 cun in depth.
88.14 This Yellow: 1 .5 - 2 cun in depth.
These three points are major points for the treatment of hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, enlarge­
ment of the bones, various conditions due to liver dysfunction, splenceratosis, and tangue

Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area 8

sores, heart failure, heart disease, bulging disc. These three points bilaterally [penetrate
kidney, liver and heart channels], use with Kidney Gate (77.18) to treat Parkison's disease.

Clinical Experience:
l. Hand weakness: Upper Three Yellows plus Kidney Gate (77. 18) bilaterally; condition
cured in nine treatments. (Master Tung's case)
2. Upper Three Yellows (88.12-14) treat Parkinson disease with Central Meeting
(1010.01), and Calm Mind (1010.08). (Lai, 1987) DU26 can be added to improve the
blood circulation in the brain.
3. Upper Three Yellows (88. 12-14) with Kidney Gate (77.19) to treat hypoglycemia.
4. An emaciated man with tuberculosis and was cured by Master Tung after two

months of treatment. However, he could not raise his arm due to severe shoulder
pain. Master Tung read his palm and found dark-greenish spot in the area of the
liver/spleen channel. Then Master Tung needled the Upper Three Yellow Group
(88.12-14) to relieve his shoulder pain. (Chen, 1964)
5. Master Tung said, "Medical doctors always use surgery way to treat disc hemiation,
but even after surgery, additonal surguries may be needed. The root cause of disc
herniation is liver disease. The majar liver point is Bright Yellow (88.12). Mr. Fan
commented that Master Tung always uses Bright Yellow (88.12) point with Hui Ma
Technique." (Chen, 1964)
6. A man from Political Military College had lumbar disc herniation which pinched
nerve root to have severe both legs pain. Master Tung uses the Upper Three Yellow
Group (88.12-14) [liver channel] and Open Kidney(88.09) [kidney channel] to treat
him, sometimes adds Open Heaven (88.03) [heart channel] (Chen, 1964)
7. Skin itching: A lady's majar complaint was skin reddish and itching from both dorsal
feet to legs. Master Tung said, "This condition belongs to liver and kidney, stick
Bright Yellow (88.12) of liver channel and Open Kidney(88.09) of kidney channel to
cure it." (Chen, 1964)
8. Taiwan Air Force General Hospital: This group is good far the preliminary stage of

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

hepatic cirrhosis (four months), leukemia (only one point each time) and vertebra
periostitis. (Lai, 1 987)
9. Groin pain, palpate Upper Three Yellow liver channel line ipsilaterally, to find the
tender point (1 - 2) to needle.

88.15 Fire Branch (Huo Zhi) .*�1\

88.16 Fire Complete (Huo Quan) .*�1\

88.15 Fire Branch: 1 .5 cun above This Yellow (88. 14).
88.16 Fire Complete: 1 .5 cun below This Yellow (88.14).

Tung's Five Zang Channel:

88.15 Fire Branch: liver-gallbladder, heart
88.16 Fire Complete: liver-gallbladder, heart, vertebra

88.15 Fire Branch: jaundice, dizziness, flowery vision & back pain due to jaundice, chole­
88.16 Fire Complete: Same as 88.14 Fire Branch, plus vertebral pain & heel pain.

Needle Technique:
88.15 Fire Branch: 1 .5 - 2.5 cun in depth.
88.16 Fire Complete: 1 .5 - 2 cun in depth.
Bright Yellow (88.12), Fire Branch (88.15) & This Yellow (88. 14) together for jaundice and
cholecystitis. Needle Fire Complete (88. 15) only to treat vertebral pain and heel pain.

Master Tung's Unique Points / Area 8

Clinical Experience::
l. Master Tung treated a patient with a headache using points from the gallbladder chan­
nel, located below Bright Yellow (88.12). (Chen, 1964)
2. These two points along with Earth Water (22.11) are very good for epilepsy. One month
of treatment is needed. (Lai, 1987)

Three Four Horses l!l�-7\

88.17 Four Horses Center (Si Ma Zhong) l!l� cfl 7\
88.18 Four Horses Upper (Si Ma Shang) l!l�..t.7\
88.19 Four Horses Lower (Si Ma Xia) 1!1��7\

88.17 Four Horses Center: the points at the spot 3.0 cun anterior to the place touched by the
middle fingertip when one is standing erectly with the hands at the sides.
88.18 Four Horses Upper: 2 cun above Four Horses Center (88.17).
88.19 Four Horses Lower: 2 cun below Four Horses Center (88.1 7).

Tung's Five Zang Channel: lung, liver

Indicaüons: costalgia, back pain, sciatica and lower back pain due to lung dysfunction,
weak lung, lung disease, chest /back pain due to injury, pleurisy, rhinitis, deafness, tin­
nitus, otitis, facial nerve paralysis, red eyes, asthma, hemiplegia, psoriasis, skin disease,
protosis, facial black spots & freckles, pimples, red eyes, stuffy nose, over-eating

Needle Technique: Needle 8 fen to 2.5 cun in depth. Needle points unilaterally for costal­
gia, back pain, sciatica. Needle points bilaterally at the same time for the other indications.

Clinical Experience:
l. Sjogren's syndrome with Four Horses Group (88.17-19) bilatreal. (Dr. Tze )

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

2. Psoriasis, either whole back or whole body covered with rough, dry skin; Four
Horses Group(88. 1 7-19) bilaterally with prick blood at upper point of Ear Three
(99.08). (Lee, 1992)
3. Rib or flank distention and pain. The root cause belongs to lung, Four Horses Group;
the root cause belongs to intestine, needle the Four Horses Group and add Open
Heaven (88.03) and Open Stomach (88.10).
4. A man could not raise his hand, Master Tung said, "The root cause is cold evil invad­
ing the lung. Needle the Four Horses Group (88.17-19) three points, then add Open
Kidney (88.09) found in Kidney channel" . (Chen, 1964)
S. A soldier had wry mouth problem, needle the Four Horses Group (88.17-19). Master
Tung said, "When there is lung system disease, adding Open Kidney (88.09) will
increase the treatment efficacy." (Chen, 1964)

88. 1 8
Fou r Horses U pper

88. 1 7 • • • 10

Fou r Horses Center 9

88. 1 9
Fou r Horses Lower 7
U pper Spring 6

88.2 1
Centra l Spring

88.20 2
Lower Spring

Latera l Th igh
P o p l itea l c rease

Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area 8

Three Springs _m1\

88.20 Lower Spring (Xia Quan) "F m 1\
88.21 Central Spring (Zhong Quan) cp m 1\
88.22 Upper Spring (Shang Quan) ..t :m1\

88.20 Lower Spring: 2.5 cun above the knee along the midline of the lateral thigh.
88.21 Central Spring: 2 cun above Lower Spring (88.20).
88.22 Upper Spring: 2 cun above Central Spring (88.21).

Tung's Five Zang Channel: lung, face

Indications: facial paralysis, facial nerve twitch, wry mouth, strabismus.

Needle Technique:
88.20 Lower Spring: insert needle 3 5 fen in depth.

88.21 Central Spring: insert needle 3 8 fen in depth.


88.22 Upper Spring: insert needle 5 fen 1 cun.-

Always use these 3 points together contralaterally.

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

88.23 Lower Metal Anterior (Jin Qian Xia) �mrF�

88.24 Upper Metal Anterior (Jin Qian Shang) �M..t�

88.23 Lower Metal Anterior: 1 .0 cun above to the outer edge of the patella.

88.24 Upper Metal Anterior: 1 .5 cun above Lower Metal (88.23).

Tung's Five Zang Channel: lung, liver

Indications: protrusion of stemum, hypofunction of the lung and liver, epilepsy,

headache, and sensitive skin.

Needle Technique:
88.23 Lower Metal Anterior: insert needle 3 5 fen in depth.

88.24 Upper Metal Anterior: insert needle 5 fen 1 cun. -

Always use these 2 points together bilaterally.

The Killer of Neuralgia: -#.@1!�111.tfl"'J

88.25 Central Nine Miles (Zhong Jiu Li) cp tL.m �

Location: in the center of the median line of the lateral thigh.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: lung, four limb motion

Indications: back pain, lower back pain, lumbar vertebrae pain, hemiplegia, facial
paralysis, neck pain, dizziness, bulging eyes, numbness of the hand and arm, and leg pain
and enervation.

Needle Technique: insert needle 8 fen-1.5 cun.

1 62
Master Tung's Unique Points / Area 8



G l u te a l
fo ld l l n e l�

1 5'

..:! .. ................................... ... . . . . . ......... 141

Centra l N i n e M i les
88. 1 8
Fou r Horses U pper

88. 1 7
U pper N i ne M i les
Fou r Horses Center
Lower N i n e M i l es 8
88. 1 9
Fou r Horses Lower 7

U p per Spring

88. 24 Centra l Spring

- 1
Meta l Anterior Lower
P o p l ltea l crease

Lateral Thigh

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

Clinical Experience:
l. Patient supine, needle right Central Nine Miles (88.25)
The tip of needle aimed obliquely toward to left upper body for left arm conditions;
The tip of needle aimed directly at the femur bone for vertebrae conditions;
The tip of needle aimed obliquely toward to left lower body for left leg conditions.
The direction of the needle tip is very important. The wrong direction may result in
no effect. You can find the exact location of the point, but still not get a good enough
result due to wrong direction of the needle tip. The tip of the needle sometimes goes
through the space between the musde and bone; sometimes enters the crevice of the
bone; and sometimes goes along the bone. Tung' s Acupuncture always emphasizes
the importance of the needle depth, needle direction and the patient's position.
2. Central Nine Miles (88.25) also can escort peripheral nerve pathological changes
caused by diabetes.
3. Right dorsal foot pain referring to the leg, Central Nine Miles (88.25) & Seven Miles
(AOl) Hui Ma technique. Central Nine Miles (88.25) & Seven Miles (AOl) belong to
Tung's lung channel. Treatment can be performed on either the ipsilateral side or
contralateral side. (Master Tung's Case)
4. Left TMJ pain: only stick one point from Exterior Three Gate (77.27), plus Central
Nine Miles (88.25) & Seven Miles (AOl). Then prick out blood in the left lung area.
Finally, needle Kidney Gate (77. 1 8) bilaterally. (Master Tung's Case)
5. Central Nine Miles (88.25) with Seven Miles (AOl) Hui Ma Technique (contralateral
side) has an excellent effect for all trouble, flaccidity, contracture of the lateral half
body. (the direction of needle tip is very important).

Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area 8

88.26 Upper Nine Miles (Shang Jiu Li) ..t.1Lm7\

Location: 1 .5 cun horizontally anterior to Central Nine Miles (88.25).

Tung's Five Zang Channel: heart, kidney

Indications: arm pain (heart channel), abdomen distention and back pain due to kidney
qi deficiency.

Needle Technique: insert needle 8 fen - 1 .5 cun in depth.

Clinical Experience::
l. This point is good far anterior shoulder joint pain. (Yuan)
2. This point is also good far posterior upper extremity and hand pain.

88.27 Lower Nine Miles (Xia Jiu Li) "F1Lm7\

Location: 1 .5 cun horizentally posterior to Central Nine Miles ( 88.25).

Tung's Five Zang Channel: spleen

Indications: back pain and leg pain.

Needle Technique: insert needle 8 fen - 1 .5 cun in depth.

Oinical Experience::
l. Spleen channel point. I t i t good far muscular atrophy, and bone swelling. (Yuan)
2. Lower Nine Miles ( 88.27) needled contralaterally is very good for back pain in the
area between T3 and T6.

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

4 /


/ /'
¿ Area S S
88.32 Lost Voice Ri g ht Th i g h
M ed i a l View

88.32 Voice Lost (Shi Yin) �fi

Location: the first point is found in the center of the medial aspect of the knee joint. The
second point is 2 cun below the first.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: kidney

Indications: laryngitis, loss of voice, hoarse voice from shouting, thyroid disease, tonsilti­
tis, throat swollen.

Needle Technique: insert needle 3-6 fen in depth.

Clinical Experience:
Loss of voice due to something blocking the throat: Needle 88.32 bilaterally.
(Master Tung's Case)

Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area 8

88.28 Relieve (Jie ) •7'

Location: 0.3 cun proximal to the spot which is 1.0 cun superior to the outer edge of the

Tung's Five Zang Channel: heart

Indications: disturbance in qi and blood, escape of blood, swelling of the needling site
or pain produced by acupuncture, pain due to injection, traumatic injury, upset pain and
exhausted pain.

Needle Technique: Insert needle 3-5 fen in depth. The needle is slowly rotated after in­
sertion. When pain is relieved, the needle is withdrawn. Retention of the needle lasts 8
minutes at most. If the patient faints during acupuncture, force him to open the mouth,
and press his tongue root with a flat needle, chopstick, spoon, or finger for a few times.
When the patient is going to vomit, wash his head with cold water or cover his head with
a cold wet towel. Then give him half-glass of cold water to bring him around. Shock due
to torture can be alleviated with the same approach. If shock is caused by cholera morbus,
wash the head of the patient with cold water to bring him around. Then the acupuncture
therapy or medication is given.

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

1 68
Master Tun g ' s Unique Points

Area 9
Points on the Ear
Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

Area 9 9 EAR

99 . 0 3
Fi re Ea r _.,..�
9 9 . 04
Ea rth Ea r
99 . 0 6
W a te r --..¡,.----­
Ea r
99 . 0 1
Ea r Ri n g

99 . 05
M eta 1 Ea r---.;;.,,,---l.
99 . 0 7 ---....-e
Ea r Ba c k
9 9 . 0 2 ---..._.
Wood Ea r

1 70
Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area 9

In Dr. Chen's 1964 note, Master Tung has two medica} cases of Area 9:

"Producing saliva to treat dizziness. The point is at upper 2/3 of the dorsal side of
the helix, 0.5cm from the border of the dorsal side of the helix. Small fine needle,
stick obliquely, do not touch the soft bone." This point is Metal Ear (99.06).

"Drunkness: Master Tung said, Dispel the effects of alcohol, stick ear lobe."
This point is Ear Ring (99.01).

In 1968 Tung's note, there are only two points in Area 9: Ear Ring (99.01 ) and Wood
Ear(99.02). Mr. Yuan Guo-Ben made an illustration in his 1964 note which matches the
points in Area 99 in 1973 Tung' s textbook.

99. 02

1 71
Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

99.01 Ear Ring (Er Huan) Et:Ji

Location: in the center of the ear lobule.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: six fu

Indications: dispel the effects of alcohol, vomiting.

Needle Technique: insert a thin intradermal needle towards the face 1-1.5 fen in depth.

99.02 Wood Ear (Mu Er) *Et:

Location: 3 fen below the horizontal vein which is in the upper part of the dorsal ear.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: liver

Indications: liver disease, cirrhosis of the liver, enlargement of the liver, liver decline and
weakness leading to exhaustion and taxation, chronic gonorrhoea (lin bing) .

Needle Technique: using a thin, fine needle, insert 1-2 fen.

Clinical Experience:
l. Th e nomenlcature o f Wood Ear (99.02), Fire Ear (99.03), Earth Ear (99.04), Metal Ear
(99.05) and Water Ear (99.06) follows the Five phases which relates to liver, heart,
spleen, lung and kidney zang. These five points can be matched with Tung's palm
diagnosis. Far example, knee pain: if you find blue vessel in heart area of the palm
and the reflex point around Fire Ear (99.03) simultaneously, you can needle this point
to treat the knee pain. (Lai, 1 987)
2. All these five phase points can treat pain syndrome if you detect a reflex point.
(Lai, 1 987)

1 72
Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area 9

99.03 Fire Ear (Huo Er) .*:E¡:

Location: At the midpoint o f the exterior border o f the anti-helix. The location o f this point
in Mr. Yuan's illustration is more exact.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: heart

Indications: heart failure and weakness with knee pain, pain of the four Limbs.

Needle Technique: using a thin, fine needle, insert 1-2 fen.

99.04 Earth Ear (Tu Er) ±:E¡:

Location: Located i n the midpoint o f the ear concha. This point i s located a t the spleen
point in modem auricular therapy.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: spleen.

Indications: decline and weakness of the nerves, excess of red blood cells (i.e., polycythe­
mia}, high fever, diabetes mellitus.

Needle Technique: using a thin, fine needle, insert 1-2 fen.

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

99.05 Metal Ear (Jin Er) ��

Location: at the superior edge of the dorsal side of the helix.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: lung

Indications: lung weakness leading to sciatica, abnormal curve of the vertebrae of the low­
er and upper back, allergic common cold (i.e., allergic rhinitis)

Needle Technique: using a thin, fine needle, insert 1 2 fen.


99.06 Water Ear (Shui Er) 1.1<�

Location: at the inferior edge of the antihelix.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: kidney

Indications: kidney depletion, bilateral low back pain (aching), abdominal distention.

Needle Technique: Insert a thin fine needle 1 2 fen.


Clinical Experience:
1. Master Tung' s case: lower back soreness and weakness in both side
(kindey depletion), Water Ear point (99.06), retention 30 minutes.
2. Master Tung's case: parkinson disease, two ear points obliquely in the
right ear, as in the diagram to the right, Water Ear (99.06) Hui Ma

1 74
Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area 9

99.07 Ear Back (Er Bei) �M

Location: 3 fen superior from Wood Ear (99.02) o n the upper posterior area of the ear.
(horizontal vein)

Tung's Five Zang Channel: throat

lndications: laryngitis, throat tumor.

Needle Technique: using a three-edged needle, prick to let out blood.

99.08 Ear Three (Er San) �=

Location: These three points are located on the outer edge of the helix of the ear. Th e up­
per point is the apex of the helix. The middle point is at the middle of the outer edge of the
helix. And the lower point is at the inferior edge of the helix.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: lung, kidney

Indications: cholera, one-sided headaches, common cold.

Needle Technique: Using a three-edged needle, prick to bleed. Each time, use two points.

Oinical Experience:
l. Dehydration d/t cholera, prick UB40, TH 3 & Tai Yang (M-HN-9). (Lee, 1992)
2. The upper point is the apex of the helix, good for skin disease, red eyes, low back pain.
3. Cholera (Huo Luan SIL): In TCM, "any disease characterized by sudden and drastic
vomiting and diarrhea, including acute gastroenteritis, food poisoning and cholera
(western medicine)."

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

1 76
Master Tung' s Unique Points


Area 1 0
Points on th e F ace and Head
Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

In Dr. Chen's note from 1964, there are four unique points which are not in 1973 Tung's
textbook. They are Fire Mountain, Fire Smooth, Fire Sea and Below Receiving Fluid (Be­
low Ren 24).

Fire Mountain: 1 cun inferior from the pupil. Indicated for leg pain.
Fire Sea: 2 cun inferior from the pupil. Indicated for sciatica pain.
Fire Smooth: 1/2 cm inferior from the inner canthus. Indicated for cold and painful knee.
Below Receiving Fluid: Under CV24 (Receiving Fluid). U sed to treat lower back pain.

Master Tung said, "Fire Mountain, Fire Sea and Fire Smooth belong to the heart channel."
These three points are very close to Jade Fire (1010.21) in Master Tung's textbook.

There are only nine unique points shown in 1973 Tung textbook: Central Meeting (1010.01 ) ,

Ali Pivot (1010.07), Calm Mind ( 1010.08), Supreme Place (1010.09), Four Bowels One &
Two (1010.10-11 ), Horse Fast Water (1010.14), Water Pathway (1010.09) and Water Met­
al (1010.20). The other unique points are rebuilt gradually to 1973 Tung textbook. But in
Chen's 1 964 note, both Water Pathway (1010.09) and Water Metal (1010.20) have two dif­
ferent names:

Clamp Receiving Fluid (Jia Cheng Jiang �jJ(!!Jt) � Open Water (Tong Shui iffi l.)< ) �
Water Pathway (1010.19) (Shui Tong 7.)<iffi) .

Midway Receiving Fluid (Zhong Cheng Jiang r:j:l:;i( l!Jt ) �

Open Spring (Tong Quan ®*) �Water Metal (1010.20) (Shui Jin 7.)<i¿) .

Clamp Receiving Fluid point is located inferior to the comer of the mouth. It is indicat­
ed for hypochondriac pain due to kidney channe l disharmony. Midway Receiving Fluid
point is located between the CV24 (Receiving Fluid) & Clamp Receiving Fluid. It is also
indicated for lower back pain due to kidney channel disharmony.

1 78
Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area 10

Master Tung's Case: A middle age female had hypochondriac pain, Master Tung needled
the Clamp Receiving Fluid point (kidney channel) and the condition was cured immedi­
ately. When Master Tung was asked why he chose that point he replied, "palm diagnosis
revealed abnormal qi and blood flow in the kidney channel".

Open Water point: nourishes kidney water to treat low back or flank pain due to kidney
water insufficiency.

Open Spring point: same function as Open Water.

Master Tung's case: Insomnia, stick both Open Water, Open Spring and CV24 (Cheng

1010.19 Water Pathway (Shui Tong 7.l<D>

Location: 4 fen inferior from the comer of the mouth.
Tungs's Five Zang Channel: kidney.
lndications: rheumatism due to kidney disease; exhaustion due to kidney dysfunction,
dizziness & flowery vision; low back pain due to kidney vacuity or kidney depletion,
wrenched lower back & hard breathing (cha qi).

1010.20 Water Metal (Shui Jin 7.1<�)

Location: 5 fen medial from Water Pathway (1010.19)
Tungs's Five Zang Channel: kidney.
Indications: same as 1010.19 Water Pathway.

The process of naming these two points gives us a hint that Master Tung worked toward
rebuilding his family acupuncture according to the five zang channel system.

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

I O I 0.0 1
Area 1010 Jtt.if.

��5 �

1 0 1 0.08
1 0 1 0.09
r·"'1 0 1 0..l,O

/'¿ �///'/"�•
I O I O. l l

, ,,,wu t1A IVf1�11
��'"" ,,, ' '" ·

� '\' l kii'..
� �
1 0 1 0 08 /

m:t. � (
� -<
) ._w
� ' ;;t'1 0 1 0'r«it - ��
1 0 1 0. 1 6

=-r .!..,
1 0 1 0. 1 9 �!.to )

AREA 1 O: Face and Head (Master Tung's original diagram)

Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area 10

A rea 1010 (2)

AREA 1 O: Face and Head (Master Tung's original diagram)

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

A rea 1 0 1 0
(3) 1 0 1 0.06

fli"li •

AREA 7 0: Face and Head (Master Tung's original diagram)

Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area 10

1 0 1 0.01 Centra l Meeting 1 0 1 0.08 Ca l m M i nd

1 0 1 O.OS Anterior Meeti ng

1 0 1 0. 1 0
Fou r Bowel Two 1 0 1 0. 1 8
Wood Bra n c h
1 0 1 0. 1 1
Fou r Bowel One

1 0 1 0.22

1 0 1 0.2 1
Jade Fire

Horse Meta l Water

1 0 1 0. 1 4
Horse Fast Water
1 0 1 0.20 ------:--"=:-�"'"""-,---­
Water Meta l 1 0 1 0. 1 5 Bowel Fast

1 0 1 0. 1 6 Six Fast

1 0 1 0. 1 7 Seven Fast

1010.01 Central Meeting (Zheng Hui) iE•

Location: at the top of the skull at the juncture of the coronal and sagittal sutures.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: brain.

Indications: tremors of the four limbs, any wind evil syndrome, asthenic, infantile convul­
sions, wry-mouth & oblique-eye, hemiplegia, nerve system dysfunction and loss of speech
due to stroke, hemiplegia.

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

Needle Technique: insert needle 1-3 fen.

Clinical Experience:
l. Master Tung's case: Right hand shaking(chronic), esp . when writing. Needle Kidney
Gate (77. 18) perpendicularly, then Central Meeting (1010.01) & Posterior Meeting
2. Master Tung's case: Left leg neuralgia (heart channel), Needle left Heart Gate (33.12)
firstly, then stick Central Meeting(lOl 0.01) & Posterior Meeting (1010.06).

1010.02 State Round (Zhou Yuan) �Mlil

1010.03 State Hillside (Zhou Kun) fflf8
1010.04 State Mountainside (Zhou Lun) fflí#i

1010.02 State Round: 1 .3 cun to the left and the right of Central Meeting (1010.01) .
1010.03 State Hillside: 1 cun posterior to State Round (1010.02) .
1010.04 State Mountainside: 1 .5 cun anterior to State Round (1010.02).

Tung's Five Zang Channel: lung

1010.02 State Round & 1010.03 State Hillside: hemiplegia, loss of strength of the four
Limbs, flaccidity, asthma, Lung sciatica and upper back pain due to lung dysfunction,
nerve dysfunction.
1010.04 State Mountainside: brain tumor, the other same as 1010.02 State Round.

Needle Technique: Insert needle 1 - 3 fen in depth. Left brain tumor stick right
State Mountainside (1010.04); right brain tumor stick left State Mountainside (1010.04).

Master Tung's Unique Points / Area 1 0

l. 1 0 1 0.0 1
Centra l Meeti ng

2. 1 0 1 0. 1 0
State Mountai nside

3. 1 0 1 0. 1 1
State Round

4. 1 0 1 0.22
State H i l l side

5. 1 0 1 0.2 1
State Fire

6. 1 0 1 0. 1 9
State Meta l

1010.05 Anterior Meeting (Qian Hui) iFHil

Location: 1 .5 cun anterior from Central Meeting ( 1 0 1 0 . 0 1 ) .

Tung's Five Zang Channel: brain

Indications: dizziness, flowery vision, brain distention, neurasthenia.

Needle Technique: Insert needle 1 - 3 fen in depth. If someone is unconscious, needling

this point can revive the patient.

1 85
Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

1 01 0.06
Posterior Meeting

1 01 0.25
State Water

1 01 0.01 ----�d--���-"\
A l l Pivot

1010.06 Posterior Meeting (Hou Hui ) 1�e

Location: 1 .6 cun posterior to Central Meeting (1010.01 ).

Tung's Five Zang Channel: brain, spine.

Indications: bone tuberculosis, mild headache, dizziness, vertebrae pain (52 to tail bone),
cerebrovascular disease, loss of speech due to wind stroke, hemiplegia, nerve paralysis.

Nee d le Technique: insert needle 1 3 fen in depth.


Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area 10

1010.07 All Pivot (Zong Shu) ti�

Location: 8 fen superior to the posterior hairline along the sagittal median.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: elixir field

Indications: vomiting, restlessness of the six fu, headache, decline and weakness of the
heart organ, cholera, neck pain.

Needle Technique: Insert needle 1 2 fen in depth. Use of a three-edged needle to bleed is

even more effective. Insert 3 fen far aphasia. Pinch the muscle firstly, then use three edged
needle far bloodletting.

Clinical Experience:
l. The restlessness of the six fu always induces acute o f chronic enteritis, vomiting and
diarrhea in summer season, prick this point.
2. Vomiting case: Master Tung said, "Anti-vomiting method should focus on using All
Pivot (1010.07). Firstly the left hand pinchs up the neck skin, then the right hand
pricks from All Pivot (1010,07) to DU14 (pricking at each vertebrae) with a three
edged needle." (Chen, 1964).

1010.08 Calm Mind (Zhen Jing) MD

Location: 3 fen superior to the midpoint between the two eye brows.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: brain

Indications: mental disorders, tremors of the four limbs, both legs soreness, paralysis of
the four limbs, loss of sleep, infantile fright convulsions.

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

Needle Technique: insert needle 1-2 fen in depth, needling from above to below
(i.e., towards the nose). This point should be used together with Central Meeting (1010.01).

Oinical Experience:
l. Master Tung's case: heart palpitations, 2 - 3 fen in depth obliquely.
2. Master Tung treated a 4 5 year old child. He could only speak the word "mom", and

did not have any other symptoms. Master Tung said, " This is brain nerve problem."
He stuck two points, Central Meeting (1010.01) and Calm Mind (1010.08).
3. Any pain related condition where the patient is nervous, add Calm Mind (1010.08).
4. Add insomnia point located in the heel and HT7 to treat insomnia. (Lai, 1987)
5. Overuse of the sweating method which induces dizzyness and nausea, prick this
point, then stick Open Gate (88.01) and Kidney Gate (88.18).

1010.09 Supreme Place (Shang

Location: longitudinally, 2 fen superior to the medial end of the eyebrow.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: lung, eyes.

Indications: vertigo, headache.

Needle Technique: Using an intradermal needle, insert 1 2 fen vertically (downward).


1010.10 Four Bowels Two (Si Fu E) ll911=

Location: longitudinally 2 fen superior to the center of the eyebrow.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: lung, eyes

Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area 10

Indications: lower abdominal distention, vertigo, headache.

Needle Technique: Using an intradermal needle, insert 1 - 2 fen vertically (downward).

1010.11 Four Bowels One (Si Fu Yi) [9Jlj-

Location: longitudinally 2 fen superior to the lateral ends o f the eyebrow.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: lung, eyes

Indications: same as Four Bowel Two (1010.10).

Needle Technique: Using an intradermal needle, insert 1 - 2 fen vertically (downward).

These three points (1010.09-1 1) are the first aid point for headaches. They are not used for
chronic headaches.

Clinical Experience: An eighty-five year old female had a drooping upper eyelid so her
ophthalmologist suggested surgery. 1 needled these 3 points (1010.09, 10,11). After three
treatments her eyelid retumed to normal. Until today, ten years later, there has been no

1010.12 Original Source (Zheng Ben) iE�

Location: at the tip of the nose.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: lung

Indications: allergic rhinitis, demon and evil spirit condition (loss of mind by ghost) .

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

Needle Technique: Insert needle 1 - 2 fen in depth. Using a three-edged needle, prick­
ing to bleed is even better. For decline of brain power and lung weakness, this point can
supplement the patient.

Clinical Experience:
l. Paste cowherb seeds at this point to decrease snoring.
2. Paste cowherb seeds at this point to treat a stuffy nose which prevents sleep.

1010.13 Horse Metal Water (Ma Jin Shui) ,� �7.1<

Location: in the hollow just inferior to the zygomatic arch of the maxilla.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: kidney, lung

Indications: kidney stones, wrenched lower back, nephritis, rhinitis, cha qi (i.e., a feeling
of pain in the chest when breathing).

Needle Technique: Stick 1 - 3 fen in depth. If immediately relieved the pain after sticking
this point, the point location is correct. If blood comes out after withdrawal the needle, the
point location was wrong.

1010.14 Horse Fast Water (Ma Kuai Shui) 1§1*7.I<

Location: longitudinally 4 fen inferior to Horse Metal Water (1010.13).

Tung's Five Zang Channel: kidney, bladder

Indications: bladder stones, bladder inflammation, frequent urination, low and upper
back vertebral pain, rhinitis.

Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area 10

Needle Technique: insert needle 1 3 fen in depth.


1010.15 Bowel Fast (Fu Kuai) JJIR�

Location: 5 fen lateral from the inferior lateral edge of the wings of the nose.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: kidney, six fu

Indications: abdominal distention, abdominal aching and pain, Shan qi. Insert needle 1 3 -

fen in depth.

1010.16 Six Fast (Liu Kuai) t\�

Location: horizontally, 1 .4 cun lateral to Ren Zhong (GV 26).

Tung's Five Zang Channel: secretion

Indications: stones stuck in the urethra, inflammation of the urethra

Needle Technique: needle 1 - 3 fen in depth. Use Six Fast (1010.16) together with Horse
Fast Water (1010.14) for the treatment of stones stuck in the urethra.

1010.17 Seven Fast (Qi Kuai)t�

Location: horizontally, 5 fen lateral to the comer of the mouth.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: lung

Indications: facial paralysis, lung vacuity and weakness, stones stuck in the urethra.

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

Needle Technique: Needle from the comer of the mouth towards the outside (or later­
ally), insert 5 fen to 1 .5 cun in depth. For right-sided facial paralysis, treat the left side. For
left-sided facial paralysis, treat the right side.

1010.18 Wood Branch (Mu Zhi) *fR

Location: longitudinally 1 cun superior and 5 fen lateral from Horse Metal Water (1010.03).

Tung's Five Zang Channel: liver, gallbladder

Indications: gallbladder vacuity, stones stuck in the gallbladder, night-crying in children,


Needle Technique: insert needle 1-3 fen in depth.

1010.19 Water Pathway (Shui Tong) 7.l<il

Location: longitudinally 4 fen inferior from the comer of the mouth.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: kidney

Indications: rheumatism due to kidney disease, kidney dysfunction, exhaustion, dizziness

& flowery vision, kidney vacuity, kidney depletion, low back pain, wrenched lower back
& hard breathing (cha qi), asthma, hiccup (dysphagia), qi stagnation (between upper and
lower body), abdominal distention, vomiting, nausea, dry cholera, yang cholera.

Needle Technique: insert needle 1 5 fen obliquely from the inside towards the outside

(from medial to lateral).

Master Tung's Unique Points / Area 10

1010.20 Water Metal (Shui Jin)7j<j¡

Location: horizontally, 5 fen medial from Water Pathway (1010.19).

Tung's Five Zang Channel: kidney

Indications: same as 1010. 19 Water Pathway.

Needle Technique: Needling from inside to outside, insert 1 - 5 fen in depth. Water Path­
way (1010.19) and Water Metal (1010.20), used together mainly treat kidney vacuity. If this
point is indicated, one can usually find a darkened area at the location of this point. Needle
this dark area.

Clinical Experience:
1. Hand joint swelling and weakness: Four Flowers Center (77.09) firstly, if there is no
effect, needle Water Pathway (1010.19) & Water Metal (1010.20). (Master Tung's Case)
2. Severe relentless hiccups: Water Metal (1010.20) bilaterally. (Master Tung's Case)
3. Nape soreness, Water Metal (1010.20) bilaterally. (root cause: kidney)
4. These two points c an b e needled from Water Metal (1010.20) thru to Water Pathway
5. Asthma due to kidney, Water Metal (1010.20) & Water Pathway (1010.19).
Asthma due to lung, Four Horses Group (88.17-19).
Asthma due to heart, Three Scholars (33.13-15). (Lai, 1987)

1010.21 Jade Fire (Yu Huo) 3i.*

Location: a t the depression below the zygomatic bone just the line inferior from the center
of the eye.

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

Tung's Five Zang Channel: heart, liver

Indications: heart channe l sciatica, shoulder and upper arm pain, pain of the four Limbs,
knee pain, maxillary pain, mandibular pain.

Needle Technique: insert needle 1 3 fen in depth.


Clinical Experience: good for treating heart channel sciatica pain or numbness, radiating
along the posterior leg.

1010.22 Nose Wing (Bi Yi) a w

Location: in the depression superior to the alae of the nose.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: lung, kidney, spleen

Indications: supraorbital margin pain, dizziness, flowery vision, various types of nerve
pain due to kidney depletion, hemiplegia, bone pain of the four limbs, facial paralysis,
tangue pain, tangue stiffness and rigidity, one-sided headache, throat pain.

Needle Technique: insert needle 1 2 fen in depth.


1010.23 State Fire (Zhou Huo) �H!){

Location: 1 .5 cun superior t o the tip o f the ear.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: heart

Indications: heart palpitations, rheumatic heart disease, lack of strength of the four limbs
plus low back pain.

Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area 10

Needle Technique: insert needle 1 - 3 fen in depth.

1010.24 State Gold (Zhou Jin) ffl�1\

Location: 1 cun posterior t o State Fire (1010.23).

Tung's Five Zang Channel: lung

Indications: lung channel low back pain, sciatica and rheumatic disease.

Needle Technique: insert needle 1 3 fen in depth.


1010.25 State Water (Zhou Shui) ffl;rJ<

Location: Bi-point unit. On the sagittal midline on the back of the head, the first point is
located at the external occipital protuberance. The second point is located 8 fen above it.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: kidney

Indications: lower back vertebral pain, lower limb numbness or paralysis, lack of strength
of the nerve.

Needle Technique: This is a two-point unit. Insert needle 1 - 3 fen in depth.

Clinical Experience: State Fire (1010.23), State Metal (1010.24) and State Water all can treat
sciatica, but first it must be determined which zang disharmony is causing the problem.
(Lai, 1987).

1 95
Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

Master Tung' s Unique Points


Area DT + VT
Points on the Dorsal and Ventral Trunk
Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

According to Dr. Chen's note from 1964, Master Tung did not designate names for the
points located on the dorsal or ventral trunk, although there are numerous cases where
Master Tung applied bloodletting to that area. Regarding bloodletting of the dorsal trunk
Master Tung said, "The points of the upper back treat diseaases of the four limbs and blad­
der channel, while the points of the lower back treat gynecological diseases. Both areas are
treated by bloodletting."

Here are sorne of Master Tung' s bloodletting cases:

l. Master Tung performed bloodletting along the thoracic region of the bladder channel
to treat a man who complained of knee pain.
2. Master Tung performed bloodletting along the thoracic region of the bladder channel
to treat a twisted ankle. Master Tung said, "bloodletting in this area will treat dis­
eases in the four limbs" .
3. Heel pain: pinch the skin o f the nape to d o bloodletting a s the picture, I

very effective. .. .-:

4. An army officer felt dizzy and could not bend his neck or lower back.
Master Tung performed bloodletting from BL57-BL39/40 and both sides of the tho­
racic spine. The officer felt more comfortable immediately. This is the bladder chan­
nel method.
5. Another army officer had severe pain and stiffness in his left leg and had difficulty
walking. Master Tung pricked blood out along the left side of the spine, from the
lumbar to the cervical area. After the treament, the
officer could walk immediately. This is the bladder
channel method.

6. Mr. Xiao Jin had severe common cold, and suf­ \

fered from extreme chills even after wearing lots of

clothes. Master Tung prick blood out as in the pic­
ture. Dr. Lai Jing-Xiong said, "Master Tung always

Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area DT and VT

used this method to treat common cold, it's simple but very effective" .
7. Broadsword master Yu had severe headache and suddenly carne down with a very
high fever. He thought he had Goat Hair malignant. But it is Sha Distention due to
cold evil frozen the qi and blood. Master Tung's treatment as below: (1) prick blood
out in the diamond area of the chest; (2) prick but no blood out in the upper abdo­
men; (3) prick blood out in the thoracic and the lumbar area, threelines: vertebraline
and two Bladder channellines. Each cun one pricking; (4) prick blood out in popliteal
area; (5) prick blood out 0.5 cun above the eyebrows, each 5 fen one pricking."
8. The treatment of acute Double Throat Moths(acute tonsillitis in both sides): (1) From
PC7 - PC9, prick blood out each one cun; (2) Left hand pinch up the skin of throat,
right hand prick blood out by three edged needle; (3) If the moths (swollen tonsil)
continuously swollen to block up the throat, it will cause death. In these cases medi­
ca! doctors must resort to surgery to remove them "
9. Toxic deep-rooted boil mostly arises from foot, hand, head, face and back. The
treatment: (1) prick blood out in the chest, 1.5 cun away from CV18 - CV22; (2) prick
blood out in the back heart area; (3) No alcohol; (4) Acute condition will be relieved
4-5 hours after the treatment."

Interestingly, there are no specific point names mentioned in the cases above. This illus­
trates that Master Tung employed bloodletting in a free and flexible manner. Just observe
changes in the complexion of the trunk, palpate the muscle, tendon and bone, then you
will know the location to prick. Because there are no point names, your thinking will not be
limited to a specific location. This brings to mind the words of Lao Tzu stating that a cup's
usefullness depends on it being empty, thus usefullness arises from what is not there.
Far example, let' s consider the knee case outlined above. It states that Master Tung just
perfarmed "bloodletting in Bladder channel along the thoracic area." But in 1973 Tung's
textbook, the point group far this area is called Three Metal. They are 3 cun away from T3 -
T5. Many practitioners use the exact measurements far theses three points, but sometimes
the they cannot achieve good results. Personally, 1 examine and palpate the channel after 1

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

have correctly located the points, and if there are changes such as tendemess, redness, or
a rape like sensation, 1 will needle the reactive spot instead of the exact location. If I do not
find any reactive spots, I will not prick blood out in these areas. This is my approach for
bloodletting performed on the trunk.

Dorsal Tru n k
Fire Points: 1 03-1 08 202-208
Earth Points: 1 09- 1 1 1
Water Points: 1 02 1 1 4- 1 20
2 1 3-21 4 31 4-31 9
Metal Points: 301 -306
Wood Points: 307-30
405-408 402
• •


• 304. �3

305 2j4
• 40 • 20!i

• 3116. •
":'." -
---"'.'.'....- 406 • 2116
Dlll? e e 3117 .
:1 • 2117
31111 •

• JO'J fll

� 314

J l !i



J l ll


Dorsal Trunk (Master Tung's original diagram)

Master Tung's Unique Points / Area DT and VT


Fire Poi nts:

1 03 - 1 08, 202 - 208

Earth Poi nts:

1 09 - 1 1 1

Water Poi nts:

1 02, 1 1 4 - 1 20
2 1 3 - 2 1 4, 3 1 4 - 3 1 9 30'.!

303 '-103
Meta l Poi nts:
30 1 - 306, 402 - 404

Wood Poi nts:

307 - 309, 405 - 408




Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture


De-toxin Points: DTOl & DT02 Wt•�7' : 9�..t bi 1'7\

DT.01 Divided Branch Upper (Fen Zhi Shang) 9�..t

Location: longitudinally, 1 cun in­

ferior to the acromion process of the

Tung's Five Zang Channel:

endocrine glands

Indications: drug poisoning, poison

by snake/centipede/scorpion bite;
hircismus, halitosis, diabetes mellitus,
rabies, pain with urination, bloody
strangury, gonorrhoea, food poison­
ing, suicide by poison (mild condi­
tion, not severe condition), itching of
the entire body, poison by gas.

Needle Technique: insert needle 1-1 .5 cun in depth.

DT.02 Divided Branch Lower (Fen Zhi Xia) 9� 1'

Location: 1 .5 cun inferior and 5 fen medial from Divided Branch Upper (DT.01).

Tung's Five Zang Channel: endocrine glands, lung, breast.

Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area DT and VT

Indications: same as Divided Branch Upper (DT.01) plus breast inflammation.

Needle Technique: Insert needle 5 fen to 1 cun in depth. This point is normally used together
with Divided Branch Upper (DT.01).

Clinical Experience: A thirty-nine year old female had reddish and itching rash on her
face and head after dying her hair. The rash spread over her entire body with severe itch­
ing within a few minutes. She was treated five hours later by pricking blood at these two
points, and was also given Fan Fong Tong Sheng San. Two days later there was a 95%
improvement, and was cured after a second treatment.

DT.03 Seven Stars (Qi Xing) t� 7 Point Unit

Location: The first point, All Pivot (Zong Shu) (1), is located 1 cun above the middle of the
posterior hairling in the depression directly below the occipital protuberance. The second
point, Branch Pivot (Fen Shu) (2), is located longitudinally 1 cun inferior to the first. The
third point,Time Pivot (Shi Shu) (3), is located 2 cun inferior to the second point. The
fourth point, Branch Comer (Chi Yu) (4), is located 8 fen lateral and 8 fen inferior to the
second point. The fifth point, Scholar Comer (Shi Yu) (5), is located lcun inferior to the
fourth point. [Because points 4 and 5 are bilateral, this makes a total of seven points in all.]

Tung's Five Zang Channel: Ali Pivot ( 1 ), Branch Pivot (2), and Time Pivot (3): brain.
Branch Comer (4) and Scholar Comer (5) : lung.

lndications: vomiting (the five zang irritation), common cold headache, high fever in
children, pediatric diseases due to wind.

Needle Technique: Using a three-edged needle, prick Ali Pivot (1), Branch Pivot (2), and
Time Pivot (3). These three are the main points. The other two are adjunctive. Avoid deep
bleeding puncture of children which may cause deafness and aphasia.

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

DT03 Seven Sta rs


DT.04 Five Ranges (Wuling) li� 40 Point Unit

Location: the following points are arranged into five longitudinal lines on the back.

Firstline (10 points): Begins at T2, at the median. 102 - 1 1 1, 102 is the mouth of the river,
103 -108 are ali fire points. 109-1 1 1 are earth points.

Secondline (16 points): Begins at T2, 3 cun lateral from the firstline, bilateral 2 lines. 302 -
309, 8 points in oneline. 302 - 306 are metal points, 307 - 309 are wood points.

Thirdline (14 points): Begins at T2, 6 cun lateral from the firstline, bilateral 2 lines. 402-408,
7 points in one line. 402 - 404 are metal points. 405 - 408 are wood points.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: 103-108: heart. 109-1 1 1 : spleen. 302-306: heart, lung.
307-309: left, lung; right, liver. 402-404: lung. 405-408: left, lung & spleen. right, liver &

Master Tung's Unique Points / Area DT and VT

l 01 301
. 30'.! • 402
. 303 • 403
• 304 404
305 e 4o5
. 306
• 308


Indications: high blood pressure, severe common cold, high fever, acute headache leading
to dizziness, headache, high blood pressure leading to numbness of the hands and feet,
hemiplegia, yang cholera, yin cholera, vomiting and various sha syndromes, low back pain
due to arteriosclerosis, liver cholera, yin and yang cholera, acute stomach pain.

Needle Techique: Using a three-edged needle, prick to exit blood. When pricking the
points on the dorsal trunk, wipe with alcohol to clean the area first. Then use the thumb to
press the point before bleeding.

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

DT.05 Pair Phoenix (Shuang Feng) 11• 14 Point Unit

Location: 1 .5 cun lateral from the

spinous processes T2 - T8. 202 -
208, 7 points in one line. All points
belong to the element of fire.
�o: c10:
Tung's Five Zang Channel: heart
'IU;\ 1rn

'104 04
Indications: hand pain, foot pain, º'
hands numbness, feet numbness, DTOI

arteriosclerosis of the hands & feet. .:in ·


Needle Technique: use a three-edged needle to prick blood.

DT.06 Nine Monkey (Jiu Hou) j¡,JI 18 Point Unit

Location: 1 .5 cun lateral from the midline in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th intercostal spaces, 202-
204 (3 fire points). 3 cun lateral from the midline at TI - T4, 301-304 (4 metal points). 6 cun
lateral from the midline at T2 and T3, 402-403 (2 metal points).

Tung's Five Zang Channel: heart, lung.

Indications: monkey sha syndrome. (This sha syndrome produces a lot of itching, which
causes the patient to scratch like a monkey.)

Sha syndrome:
l. rash: skin eruption, generally referring to fine, sand-like papules
2. noxious attack: sudden attack of impaired consciousness or vomiting and
diarrhea in children in summer, attributed to the invasion of a noxious factor.

Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area DT and VT

• DT06
N i ne Mon key

30 1

30:? e 4o:?
. 303 403
• 304 404
305 405

Needle Technique: use a three-edged needle to prick blood.

DT.07 Three Metal (San Jin) = � 6 Point Unit

Location: 3 cun from the midline at T3, T4, and TS; in the 3rd, 4th and Sth intercostal spac­
es. 303-305 (3 metal points on each side).

Tung's Five Zang Channel: heart & liver

Indications: knee pain.

Needle Technique: Use a three edged needle to

prick blood ipsilaterally. If bilateral knee pain,
prick both sides.

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

e DT08


30� e -io�
303 e 3


DT.08 Essence Branch (Jing Zhi) *I� 4 Point Unit

Location: 6 cun lateral from the midline at T2 and T3, 402 - 403, (2 metal points in one line).

Tung's Five Zang Channel: lung, kidney

Indications: lower leg tight and distended, lower leg pain.

Needle Technique: use three-edged needle to prick blood ipsilaterally.

DT.09 Metal Forest (Jin Lin) �� 6 Point Unit

Location: 6 cun lateral from the midline of T4, TS and T6.

404 - 406, 1 metal point and 2 wood points in oneline.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: right-liver, kidney; left-spleen, kidney.

Indications: sciatica due to arteriosclerosis.

Needle Technique: use a three-edged needle to prick blood ipsilaterally.

Master Tung's Unique Points / Area DT and VT

DT.10 Top Pillar (Ding Zhu) Jitt 22 Point Unit

Location: Both lines begin at T4; the first is 3 cun from the midline and the second is 6
cun from the midline. 304 -309, (3 metal points and 3 wood points in oneline); 404 - 408, (1
metal point and 4 wood points in oneline).

Tung's Five Zang Channel: right-heart, liver, lung; left-heart, liver, spleen.

Indications: low back pain due to arteriosclerosis, wrenched lower back & hard breathing
(cha qi).

Needle Technique: use a three-edged needle to prick blood ipsilaterally, or bilaterally.

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

1 01 30 1
1 02 302 402
1 03 303 403
. 304 8 404
• 305 9405
e 3o6
e 30-
• 308

• 309

DT.11 Back Heart (Hou Xin) 1�11) 20 Point Unit

Location: First line is at the midline starting at T4, 104 - 109, (5 fire points and 1 earth
point); Second line: 1 .5 cun lateral from the midline, 204 -207 (4 fire points). Third line: 3
cun lateral from the midline, 304 - 306 (3 metal points).

Tung's Five Zang Channel: heart

Indications: goat's hair malignant, deep-rooted boils of face and extremities, heart fail­
ure, gastric disorder, acute heart failure, cold with wind invading interior, severe common
cold, wind-stroke, various sha syndromes.

Needle Technique: prick to expel blood for deep-rooted boils in the face or extremities,
heart failure and gastric disorder. For goat's hair malignant, pick out the goat's hair (wool­
like) from a purplish spot or black spot in severe cases) with a three-edged needle.

Master Tnng's Unique Points / Area OT and VT

303 03
e 204
1 º4 • 304 404
e 205
1 º5 • 305 405
e 206
1 06 . 306

e '.! O'"'
1 07 307


DT.12 Common Cold Three (Gan Mao San) 511= 3 Point Unit

Location: 101 at the median, at the spinous process of Tl, 303 (2 metal points) 3 cun lateral
from the spinous process of T3.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: 101: spinal cord, extremities. 303: heart.

Indications: severe common cold.

Needle Technique: using a thin needle, stick and penetrate the cutaneous skin
(excellent effect).

e DT1 2


302 40:!
. 303 03

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

e DT1 3
Water Center
e DT1 4
Water Bowel 1 13 e 2 1 3 (DT l 3 )

11 4 • 21 4 31 4
(DT1 4)
1 15 31 5

1 16 316
31 7

11 8 318

DT.13 Water Center (Shui Zhong) 1.J< cp

Location: 1 .5 cun lateral to the spinous process of L l .

Tung's Five Zang Channel: kidney

Indications: k.idney depletion, kidney vacuity, nephritis, irregular menstruation,

constipation, excessive thirst and lumbar vertebral pain.

Needle Technique: insert needle 8 fen to 1 cun in depth.

Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area DT and VT

DT.14 Water Bowel (Shui Fu) 7.l<IJI

Location: 1 .5 cun lateral to the L2 spinous process.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: common kidney

Indications: vertebral pain with inability to bend forward and back, women's menstrual
irregularity, kidney vacuity, kidney organ inflammation, excessive thirst, constipation, in­
testinal inflammation, loss of sleep, premature ejaculation, impotence, headache, diabetes
mellitus, wrenched lower back, dizziness, flowery vision, low back soreness and upper
back pain, acute inflammation of the kidneys, stones stuck in the bladder, urination not
free flowing, non-descent of dead fetus.

Needle Technique: insert needle 8 fen to 1 cun in depth.

DT.15 Three Rivers (San Jiang) =rr 19 Point Unit

Location: The first line begins at L1 at the midline, 113 (1 point) and 114 -119 (6 Water
points). The second line is 3 cun from the midline starting at L2, 314 - 319 (6 water points)
on both sides.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: kidney, six fu

Indications: amenorrhea, uteritis, enteritis, wrenched lower back & hard breathing
(cha qi), acute enteritis.

Needle Technique: use a three-edged needle to bleed.

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

1 13 :2 13 (DT13)

1 14 :!1 4 314
\DT1 4)
11s • 315

1 16 316

11 - • 3 1 ..,
1 18 • 31 8
1 19 • 319

1 20
1 21

l :!:!

1 13 :213 (DT1 3)

1 14 2 1 4 • 31 4
(DT1 4)
1 15 • 31 5

11 6 • 31 6
11 - • 3 1 "'
1 18 . 318
1 19 319

1 20

Master Tung's Unique Points / Area DT and VT

DT.16 Pair River (Shuang He) �fo.J 12 Point Unit

Location: Starting at L2, 3 cun from the midline, 314 - 319 (6 water points) in oneline.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: kidney, six fu.

Indications: forearm pain, scapular pain, back pain.

Needle Technique: Use a three-edged needle to exit black blood. If red blood exits, less

DT.17 Up-shooting Heaven (Chong Xiao) jEPf! 3 Point Unit

Location: 120 -122, (3 water points) at the midline staring at S3.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: cerebellum

Indications: cerebellar pain, cerebellar distention, pain in the median of the nape, car­
buncle on the nape.

Needle Technique: Use a three-edged needle to prick out blood.

• 319
DT1 7

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture


VT.01 Throat Moth 9 (Hou E Jiu) llill1L 9 Point Unit

Location: The center point is located over the thyroid cartilage. This is flanked by a point
to each side 1 .5 cun lateral. The upper three points are 1 cun superior and 1 .5 cun lateral.
The lower three points are 1 .5 cun inferior and 1 .5 cun lateral.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: lung

Indications: throat moth [tonsillitis], throat pain, thyroiditis, phlegm accumulating in the
throat which will not exit.

Needle Technique: Use a three-edged needle to bleed. This is an emergency treatment.

When bleeding these points, pinch up the skin and be careful not to injure the sinews or

VT.02 Twelve Monkeys ( Shi Er Hou) + =Jfl 12 Point Unit

Location: There are two lines of points inferior to the clavicle. The first line is 1 .3 cun infe­
rior to the clavicle. The second line is 2.8 cun inferior. Each line is made up of three points,
one in the middle and one 1 .5 cun to either side. There are six points on each side.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: lung

Indications: monkey sha syndrome, asthma due to arteriosclerosis, liver cholera,

(severe common cold, or cholera will induce Monkey Sha syndrome)

Needle Technique: use a three-edged needle to prick blood.

Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area DT and VT

\ Ventral

«11b {i-d -{L

-- @. �
VT04 Stomach Hair 7

VT05 '.'lest Bowel 23


Ventral Trunk (Master Tung's original diagram)

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

VT.03 Metal Five (Jin Wu) �1i 5 Point Unit

Location: This line of points is located along the mid line of the stemum. The first point,
Jin Gan is located in the depression between the manubrium stemum and the body of the
stemum. The remaining points are Jin Yin, Jin Yang, Jin Chuan, and Jin Jiao. Each of these
is 1 cun inferior to the previous one.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: heart and trachea

Indications: liver cholera, indigestion (stomach distention), flank pain, trachea blockage,
various Sha syndromes.

Needle Technique: use a three-edged needle to prick blood.

DT.04 Stomach Hair Seven (Wei Mao Qi) � =€t 7 Point Unit

Location: Seven-point group. Median line: the uppermost point is located just inferior to
the tip of the xiphoid. The other two points on this line are locate 1 & 2 cun inferior.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: heart, stomach

Indications: goat's hair malignant, gastric disorder, various types of cholera, heart palpita­
tions, gastric hemorrhage.

Needle Technique: Prick the points with three-edged needle. In the treatment of goat's
hair malignant, the wool-like hair is removed firstly.

Master Tung' s Unique Points / Area DT and VT

VT.05 Bowel Nest Twenty Three

(Fu Chao Er Shi San) 11.fll=+ _ 23 Point Unit

Location: These twenty-three points are located on the abdomen in a rectangular pattem.
The distance between each two points is 1 cun, except at the nave! [where there is no point.
Begin locating these points by measuring 1 cun above and below the nave! and 1 cun to
the right and left. From the superior point, measure 1 cun directly up the mid line to find a
point. From the inferior point, measure 1, 2, 3, and 4 cun downwards to find points. From
the lateral points beside the navel, measure 1 cun superior to find another point and 1 and
2 cun inferior to find another two points. Then measure 1 cun further lateral from the re­
sulting four points to find the farthest lateral line of four points.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: six fu

Indications: enteritis, uteritis, nephritis, renal pain, nave! pain.

Needle Technique: use a three-edged needle to prick blood.

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture


Master Tun g' s Unique Points



Additional important unique points which

were commonly used by Master Tung.

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

AOl Seven Miles (Qi Li) t�

Location: 2 cun distal from Central

Nine Miles (88.25).

Tung's Five Zang Channel: lung, four

r 88.28

Indications: Same as 88.25. Back pain,

low back pain, lumbar vertebral pain, �
88 . 24
hemiplegia, facial paralysis, neck pain,
dizziness, distending feeling of the
eye, numbness of the hand and arm,
and leg pain and enervation.

Needle Technique: insert needle 8 fen - 1.5 cun. 88.25 & AOl Daoma for above indications.

A02 YOl (aka.= Lung Y) _ j¿ - ( X� : J)fj j¿ )


Location: With the fist clenched loosely, the point is found proximal to the end of the fold
between the index & the middle fingers, at the border between red and white skin.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: lung

Indications: pain of the back and shoulder, refresh lung qi.

Needle Technique: insert needle from the web toward the metacarpal bones 1 - 1.5 cun
in depth.

Master Tung's Unique Points / Addendurn

A03 Y02 (aka. = Heart Y) =x = ( X � 11)_j¿ )

Location: With the fist clenched loosely, the point is found proximal to the end of the fold
between the middle & the ring fingers, at the border between red and white skin.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: heart

Indications: knee pain, refresh heart qi.

Needle Technique: insert needle from the web toward the metacarpal bones 1-1.5 cun in

A04 Y03 (aka. = Spleen Y>=x= ( x � IM =x )

Location: With the fist clenched loosely, the point is found proximal to the end of the fold
between the ring & the small fingers, at the border between red and white skin.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: spleen

Indications: lower back pain, ache feeling after

heavy exercise, refresh spleen qi.
= j¿ - _
Needle Technique: insert needle from the web
toward the metacarpal bones 1 1 .5 cun in depth.

Dorsal side .:PIHJ

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

A05 Tung's Wrist Pain

(Tung's Wan Tong) i!�Jfift7\

Location: Bi-point unit. First point is just under

cakaneus which directly down from the tip of
lateral malleolus; Second point is 2 cun distal to
the first one.

Indications: Special for wrist pain. I watched Master use this point in 1973, and he said,
"These two points are just for wrist pain., so I name these two points 'Tung Wrist Pain' .

9/4/ 1 973 Record in M a ster Tung's C l i n ic

\.... \ Lateral

Both wrists l nj u ry
¡-( malleol � )
--- � )
(bilatera l )
Special for Wrist

A06 Dividing Center (Fen Zhong) �cp 7\

Location: Fold hand into a fist. Locate the point 1 cun from the
third & fourth MCPJ on the dorsal side.

Tung's Five Zang Channel: heart, lung.

Indications: hypertension and excess sweating.

Needle Technique: insert needle 3 5 fen in depth.


Master Tung ' s

Special Needle Techniques

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

Tung's Hui Ma/Dao Ma Technique

Hui Ma Technique utilizes 2 needles spaced apart at distance of 1 cun, to promote the effect.
After inserting the needles, the doctor should ask about the patient's response. If there is
any adverse response, the doctor should withdraw the needles immediately. (Chen, 1964)

The first time the term "Dao Ma" appears in Master Tung's clinical record is November
9th 1971 . (Treatment Record of Stroke of President Lon Nol of Republic Khmere)

,W,, [ma] in Chinese is "horse". But the character fiU in Chinese has 2 pronunciations:

l. [dao] , which means "fall over", many writers misunderstand "Dao Ma" ([dao] [ma])
as falling horses to explain Dao Ma technique.
2. fiU another pronunciation is [ dao] which means "back" . The meaning of "Dao Ma" (
[dao] [ma]) should be "back a horse".
3. @l [huí] means " retum or go back", "Hui Ma" means "a horse goes back" . So, @l
[huí] is equal to the later {í!J [dao] , Tung's Hui Ma Technique or Dao Ma Technique
gives practitioners "more retuming space" to insert needles and reinforce the treat­

By using 2 or 3 needles, instead of only one, Master Tung could effectively FREE, UN­
BLOCK, or PROMOTE FREE FLOW in the organ of the ENTIRE body. Using Hui Ma
technique increases the strength and the force of the DE QI 1�*" sensation.

The Efficacy of Hui Ma Technique

Hui Ma Technique exerts a systemic influence to 'open' the 'san jiao', "harmonize' and
' regulate' all the bowels & viscera, and thereby "strengthen and overall efficacy of the
acupuncture." lt effectively treats the 'whole' body, which embodies the essence of 'tradi­
tional' Chinese medica! thought.

Master Tung's Special Needle Techniques

Tung's Conduct (Triangular) Technique

Conduct technique is performed by adding another needle to the side of the Hui Ma tech­
nique, forming a triangle. This technique is more powerful than Hui Ma technique. Master
Tung did not use this technique very often. (Chen, 1 964)

Tung's Mobilizing Qi Technique (Dong Qi Technique)

When taking care of the patient, after sticking the needles, Master Tung always asked the
patient, "Do you feel pain?" and "Please move your body". Asking about the feeling of
pain is psychological therapy, asking the patient to move prometes the circulation of qi
and blood to the affected area. (Chen, 1964)

Tung's Bloodletting Technique

Bloodletting technique is very important to Master Tung's Acupuncture. He made the fol­
lowing statements about this technique:

l. 1/3 o f all disorders can b e treated b y the three edged needle (bloodletting).
2. When you want to use this technique, your patient must in good condition. Do not use
this technique on extremely weak patients.
3. The root cause of four extremities with numbness and aching is blood stagnation.
Pricking blood on the back can resolve the problem.
4. After pricking more than 10 patients, the three edged needle must be sharpened.
5. The tip of three edged needle should be held obliquely, then use the "bird-pecking"
method to prevent the mistake of pricking too deep. (Chen, 1964)

Tung's Bloodletting technique mostly pricks blood at yang channel or yang part of the
body. Only in rare condition to prick at yin channel or yin part of the body, because it is
too easy to reduce the human yin and yang too much.

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

Dia gnosis and
Treatment Strategy

Introduction to Tung s Acupuncture

The Correspondence Law

Pick Tung's Unique Points by Correspondence Law

The diagrams below from the ancient Luo book show the correspondence of the eight
triagrams depicted on the back of a tortise. When the numbers of the eight diagrams are
superimposed on the back of the human body, they illustrate a system of correspondence
that can be used when selecting acupuncture points.

Principie of Correspondence: upper to lower, lower to upper, left to right, right to left.
The center of square 5 is the umbilicus of the whole body. The umbilicus is located at the

Square of 9 numbers:
6 & 8 LEG (4 comers)
5 CENTER (including umbilicus)

Diagnosis and Treatment Strategy

The C:'o1Tespo11dence
bet\vee11 Luo C�hart
(The Later Eight
Trigra1ns ) a11d tl1e
� ,

Hluuan Body

Luo Chaat Nmuber: -t5


2 9 4
Luo Chart Square

4 9 2

3 5 7

8 1 6

1 -9 on the back
of hu111 an being
Anterior pal1 of l11uua11 being
in Luo Chart Square

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

Examples of Body Correspondence Using Tung's Points:

Lower to Upper:
55.02 Flower Bone one can treat eye, nose, head, teeth & ear disease.
55.06 Upper Tumor can treat brain tumor, encephaledema pain of the cerebellum & cranial
nerve pain.

Upper to Lower:
1010.19 Water Pathway & 1010.20 Water Metal can treat kidney vacuity, kidney depletion,
lower back pain, wrenched lower back and hard breathing (cha qi)
1010.06 Posterior Meeting can treat vertebrae pain (2nd sacrum to tail bone)

8 - 2 or 6 - 4 Upper to Lower. Right to Left or Left to Right

22.05 Spirit Bone & 22.04 Great White Hui Ma (Dao Ma) can treat sciatica due to lung dys­
function, lower back pain, lower limb pain.

2 - 8 or 4 - 6 Lower to Upper. Right to Left or Left to Right

77.22 Beside 3 Miles & 77.23 Lower Beside 3 Miles Hui Ma (Dao Ma) can treat shoulder,
elbow & wrist pain.

Diagnosis and Treatment Strategy

l. The disease mechanism o f the five zang will give you a clue to finding the root cause.
2. Tung's palmar diagnosis and facial diagnosis helps determine which zang is the root
3. The inter-relationship of five zang diseases and five evils, the excess syndrome and
deficiency syndrome of five zang, and pulse diagnosis can assist in determining which
zang is the root cause.
4. After finding which zang is the root cause, press Tung's unique points by going along
Tung' s five zang channels to find the exact location of the point. Then needle or bleed
the point to treat the disease.

Diagnosis and Treatment Strategy


l n s pection: Spirit, Pa l m , Face, Ten g u e

Liste n i n g : Voice
Pathogenic Mech a n i s m
l n q u i ry : Sympto m s ( 1 9)
P u l se Diagnosis: Abnorm a l

Select Pathoge nic Mecha n i s m Come a n d Go (2)

( 1 / 1 9) .. Generat i n g and Restra i n i n g (5)

Direct Ca u se Root Zang D i sorder

l n d i rect Cause 1
l nd i rect Ca u s e 2
.. Seco n d a ry Za n g Di sorder
Terti a ry Zang D i sorder

Select A p p ropriate Tu n g 's Poi nts

and Tech n iq u e

In October 2012, 1 received a letter from Mr. Yuan Guo-Ben, the assistant editor o f 1973
Tung's Acupuncture textbook. He wrote, "One day, Master Tung called me only to his
office and told me the principie of the treatment. For any severe or chronic condition, it is
necessary to pick the major points from the five zang channel which is the root cause firstly
(e.g. heart channel: 88.01 -03 Open Heaven Group; liver channel: 88.1 2 - 14 Upper Three

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

Yellow Group; spleen channel: 77.05 - 07 Three Layer Group; lung channel: 88. 1 7 - 19 Four
Horses Group; kidney channel: 77. 18 Kidney Gate or 77. 1 7, 19, 21 Lower Three Emperors
Group), then add other points depending on the symptoms." First, needle or prick the
unique points to treat the root cause, then address the symptoms.

The Mechanism of Disease of the Five Zang

All disease with wind causing swaying and dizziness: liver.
All disease with cold causing contracting and pulling in: kidney.
All disease with dammed up qi resulting in the chest pressure: lung.
All disease with dampness causing swelling and fullness: spleen.
All pain disease with itching and sores: heart.

The mechanism of disease must be carefully examined according to the

nature of the disease. lf it has, it should be analyzed; if it does not have, it
also should be analyzed. lf there is excess, it should be explored; if there
is deficiency, it also should be explored. The disease caused by the pre­
dominance of five zang disorder should be differentiated first. Blood and
qi should be dredged and regulated so that they are balanced. This is just
what the mechanism of disease means.

Suwen, Chap. 74
Discussion on the Most Important and Abstruse Theory

The mechanism of disease is the clue to finding the root cause of the disease. Far example,
the mechanism of pain or itching is heart disease. However we must still determine which
zang is the root cause of the disease. In determining the root cause, we employ diagnostic
methods such as palmar diagnosis, facial diagnosis, pulse taking, and symptomatology.
Once the root cause is determined, Tung's unique points should be selected accordingly.

Diagnosis and Treatment Strategy

T u ng's P a l m a r D i ag n os i s

(HT 6FU I 1 1 .oJ t\: 41! 1

( H T 6FU) 1 1 .04 dll

1 1 .27
"<'. .4,A
ISP) . . . • • .. . . .
.,., 09
� · ···· · ···
(Kl l
. .\.
c:han nel

The Essence of Tung's Palmar Diagnosis

Master Tung' s diagnosis mostly depends on observing patient's palm. The five zang chan­
nels of the palm are displayed in the above figure. Examine the palm for blue vessels, re­
ness, abnormal spots, tendemess etc .. The channels of the palm are as follows:

• Line from index finger to LUlO: lung.

• From middle finger to PC8: heart.
• From the ring finger to the wrist crease: liver & spleen.
• From the small finger to the wrist crease and the ulnar side of the palm: kidney.

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

Palmar Diagnosis:
l. Observe the location (including unique points).
2. Observe the color and the luster.
Observe the floating vessels (sinew vessel):
Light blue: cold and deficiency;
Dark blue: pain and excess. Severe: bi syndrome (cold and pain)
Red or purple: heat and inflammation.
Observe the skin color:
Blue and black: pain.
Red and yellow: heat.
White: cold.
Light black: dampness and cold.
Yellow and atrophy (depression): deficiency.
Mixed with blue, red, black: cold and heat mix together.
If color is very dark, gloomy and heavy cloud without luster: evil invades to
interior, moderate to severe.
If color is very light with luster: evil
still in exterior, mild to moderate.
3. Palpate the palm:
Soft, depression or atrophy: deficiency.
Firm, tendemess: excess.
Warm feeling in palm: warm abdomen.
Cold feeling in palm: cold abdomen.
Dorsal hand, the depression between
Lu ng Liver
Middle White (22.06) and Lower Spleen

White (22.07) : spleen deficiency.

H ua n g Di Nei Jing Facial Diagnosis Areas

Diagnosis and Treatment Strategy

Facial Diagnosis

Tung' s Facial Diagnosis Based on the Huang Di Nei Jing.

The Essence brilliance and the five complexions, they are the effulgence
of the qi:
A red [complexion] should resemble [something of] vermilion [color ]
wrapped up in white; it should not resemble ochre.
A white [complexion] should resemble goose feathers; it should not
resemble salt.
A green-blue [complexion] should resemble the gloss of greenish jade; it
should not resemble índigo blue.
A yellow [complexion] should resemble realgar wrapped up in gauze; it
should not resemble clay.
A black [complexion] should resemble the color of multi-layered lacquer;
it should not resemble the sallowness of earth.
If the appearance of the five complexions is delicate and feeble, that [per­
son' s] life will not last far long.

Suwen Chap.17
Discourse on the Essentials of Vessels and the Subtleties of the Essence

Linshu, Chap.49: Five Colors

What are the disease demonstrated by the five colors?

Blue & black: pain.

Yellow & red: heat.
• White: cold.

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

L i n g s h u, Cha p.49: Five Co l o rs ( 1 )

Head/Facial Area

Th roat ----

Lung ----.....:



Spleen -----\-+----­

Bladder/Uterus --\:------41.

How to determine mild or serious according to the changes of colors?

• Complexion: lustrous - disease light, deep & dark - disease severe .

The colors extend upwards: the disease is aggravated .
• The colors extend downwards like dispersing cloud: the disease is improving .

The colors extend from the externa! to the interna!: the disease progresses from the
externa! to the interna!.
• The colors extend from the interna! to the externa!: the disease recedes from the inter-
nal to the externa!.

Diagnosis and Treatment Strategy

Li n g s h u, Cha p.49: Five Colors (2)

d '



Large l ntestine

Gro in

Ti bia

Examine the region between the eyebrows

• Color is light and lustrous: wind.

Color is deep and dark: bi-syndrome (blockage).

Deep and dark color in the lower region of the face: cold limbs .

Death Diagnosis

Red color appears on the cheeks with the size of a thumb, the patient will inevitably
die though the disease is slightly improved.
• Black color appears on the forehead with the size of a thumb, the patient will inevita­
bly die even if he has not contracted any disease.

lntroduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

The regions of the face that reflect the states of the viscera and the limbs
l. The forehead: head and face.
2. The region above middle point of the eyebrows: throat.
3. The region between the eyebrows: lung.
4. The region between the eyes: heart.
5. The region directly below the middle point of eyes: liver.
6. At the left side of liver: gallbladder.
7. Below the liver: spleen.
8. Lateral to the nose apex: stomach.
9. The central region of the cheeks: large intestine.
10. Lateral to the cheeks: kidney.
1 1 . Below the kidney: navel.
12. Superior and lateral to the nose apex: small intestine.
13. Below the nose apex: bladder and uterus.
14. The zygomatic regions: shoulder.
15. Posterior to zygomatic region: arm.
16. Below the arm: hand.
1 7. Above the inner canthus: chest and breasts.
18. Lateral and superior to the cheeks: back.
19. The region below the mandible: thigh.
20. The central region of the jaw: knee.
2 1 . Below the knee: tibia.
22. Below the tibia: foot.
23. The major crease on the angle of the mouth: medial side of the thigh.
24. The curved bones below the cheeks: kneecaps.

Five Zang Diseases by Themselves and Five Evils.

The forty-ninth and fiftieth difficulties are essential to understanding the relationship of
the generation and restriction of the five zang, five evils and five zang and the transfer of
five evils.

Diagnosis and Treatment Strategy

Five zang channels become diseased by themselves:

l. Grief, anxiety, thoughts and considerations damage the heart.
2. A cold body and chilled drinks damage the lung.
3. Hate and angry qi counterflow and ascension without descension damage the liver.
4. Drinking and eating without restraint, as well as weariness and exhaustion, damage
the spleen.
5. Enduring sitting on damp place, or over exertion and going into water damage the

Five evils:
l. To b e hit b y wind. The wind pertains t o the liver. The liver rules colors.
2. To be damaged by heat. The heat pertains to the heart. The heart rules odors.
3. To drink and eat without restraint, as well as weariness and exhaustion. This evils
pertains to the spleen. The spleen rules flavors.
4. To be damaged by cold. Cold pertains to the lung. The lung rules sounds.
5. To be hit by humidity. Humidity pertains to the kidney. The kidney rules liquids.

For example, heart disease. How can one know this was caused by being hit by wind?
l. The complexion should be red.
2. The liver rules the colors. Self-entry makes for blue-green.
3. Wind evils entering the heart makes for red.
4. Wind evils entering the spleen makes for yellow.
5. Wind evils entering the lung makes for white.
6. Wind evils entering the kidney makes for black.
7. Hence one knows from the red complexion of a patient that the liver has sent its influ­
ences into the heart, causing the presence of evil. (49th Difficulty)

In this example, one should choose points from Tung's liver channel, e.g. Upper Three Yel­
low Groups (88.12-12), or Liver Gate (33. 1 1 ) . In this case the liver evil (wind) that causes
heart disease is a deficiency evil.

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

Far example, heart disease:

l. damaged by wind (liver evil): deficiency evil.
2. damaged by heat (heart evil): regular evil and self disease.
3. damaged by drinking, eating, weariness and exhaustion (spleen evil) : excess evil.
4. damaged by cold (lung evil): faint evil.
5. damaged by dampness (kidney evil): thief evil. (SOth Difficulty)

The Forty-ninth and Fiftieth Difficulties can help us determine which zang is the root
cause, then you can follow Tung's five zang channels or Hui Ma (Dao Ma) area to find the
reactive points to treat the disease.

Outline of Deficiency and Excess Syndromes of Five Zang Diseases

Liver disease:
Excess syndrome: the hypochondriac pain and this pain pulls on the lower abdomen. lt lets
that person develop a tendency to be angry.
Deficiency syndrome: the blurred vision, deafness and frequent fear as if someone was
about to arrest him.
Treatment: Select the acupoints in liver and gallbladder channels. If adverse flow of qi
leads to headache, loss of hearing and bucea! swelling it can be treated by bloodletting.

Heart disease:
Excess syndrome: pain in the chest, distending hypochondriac fullness, hypochondriac
pain. This pain involves the chest, back and scapula as well as pain of the medial side of
the arm.
Deficiency syndrome: the distention of the chest and the abdomen. The area below the
flanks and the lower back pull each other and have referred pain.
Treatment: Select the acupoints on heart and small intestine channels. Also bloodletting
below the tangue. If heart disease changes into other disease, bloodletting in popliteal area.

Diagnosis and Treatment Strategy

Spleen disease:
Excess syndrome: the heaviness of the body, easy hungry, myasthenia, flaccidity of the
feet, frequent spasm, and pain of the soles in walking.
Deficiency syndrome: the abdomen is full and there are sounds in the intestines. Diarrhea
with undigested food and dyspepsia.
Treatment: Select the acupoints in spleen, stomach and kidney channels to do bloodletting.

Lung disease:
Excess syndrome: panting, cough, ad verse flow of qi, pain of the shoulder and back, sweat­
ing. Pain of the buttock, genitals, thigh, knees, femur, calves, shins,and feet.
Deficiency syndrome: shortness of breath, deafness and dry throat.
Treatment: Select acupoints in lung channel, outside of bladder channel and inside of liver
channel to do bloodletting.

Kidney disease:
Excess syndrome: abdomen distention and swelling of the tibia area; pants and coughs and
heaviness of the body; sweating in the sleep and aversion to wind.
Deficiency syndrome: pain of chest, upper and lower abdominal pain, the patient suffer
from coolness, and unhappiness.
Treatrnent: Select acupoints in kidney and bladder channels to do bloodletting.

Suwen, chap. 22
Discussion on the Association of the Zang Qi with the Four Seasons

The above treatments of five zang diseases emphasize bloodletting as well as filiform
needling. When applying Tung's acupuncture for example, kidney disease, the treatment
method is to follow Tung's kidney channel to find the appropriate points, e.g. the Lower
Three Emperor Group (77.1 7, 19, 21) or Kidney Gate (77.18), or Open Kidney Gate Group
(88.09-11), or Wrist Smooth One & Two (22.08-09); or choose the kidney, bladder and oc­
ciput bloodletting areas to prick the blood out.

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

Selecting Tung's unique points based on pulse diagnosis by Dr. Liu Yi

Dr. Liu is my first disciple. He is the director of Tung's Acupuncture Base and currently
the vice secretary-general of the World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Society.
He has authored the following outline that serves as a basic clinical guide, based on his
experience correlating Tung's points with pulse diagnosis:

Lung Pulse:
Excess and forceful: Stick Layer Water (22.01) & Layer Metal (22.02), plus prick apex of ear
Deficiency and forceless: Needle Spirit Bone (22.05) & Great White (22.04), or Four Horses
Group (88. 1 7-19).
Excess and forceful with wind and fire: prick Lll & LI2, or LUlO and BLl l-13.
Deficiency and forceless with wind and cold: Stick Common Cold (88.07-08) and Earth Ear

Heart pulse:
Excess and forceful: Stick Lower Three Fires (66.10-12), or prick Back Heat (DTl l).
Deficiency and forceless: Stick Open Heart Group (88.01-03), Shoulder Center (44.06), or
Fire Master (66.04).
Excess and forceful with wind and fire: Stick Curve Mound (33.16). Prick Nine Monkeys
(DT06), Metal Five (VT03).
Deficiency and forceless with wind and cold: Stick Back Vertebrae( 44.02) & Head Chief
(44.03), or Upper Three Fires (33.04-07) .

Spleen (Stomach) pulse:

Excess and forceful: Prick 109 -1 1 1 on the Dorsal Trunk. Stick Wood Keep (66.06), Earth
Water (22 . 1 1 ), Spleen Swelling (1 1 . 18) , Door Metal (66.05), or Heaven Emperor (77. 17).
Deficiency and forceless: Stick Four Flower Center (77.09), Four Flower Lower (77. 1 1 ),
Flower Bone Two (55.03), right Three Layers Group (77.05-07).
Excess and forceful with wind and fire: Prick Stomach Hair Seven (VT04) . Stick Wood Gy­
necology (66.02), or Leg Thousand Metal & Leg Five Metal (77.24-25)

Diagnosis and Treatment Strategy

Deficiency and forceless with wind and cold: Stick Earth Ear (99.04), Flower Bone two
(55.03), Three Eyes ( 1 1 .21) and Beside Three Miles (77. 22) .

Liver Pulse
Excess and forceful: Stick Wood Gynecology (66.02), Wood Keep & Scoop(66.07-08), Branch
& Falling Connection (44. 13-14).
Deficiency and forceless: Stick Retum to Nest ( 1 1 .06), Lower and Upper Curve (44.15-16),
Upper Three Yellow Group (88.12-14).
Excess and forceful with wind and fire: Stick Wealth Top (44.04), Intestine Gate (33.10) ,
Wood Fire ( 1 1 . 10).
Deficiency and forceless with wind and cold: Stick Gallbladder ( 1 1 . 1 3),, Hand Five Metal
(33.08), Four Horses Group (88 . 1 7-19).

Kidney Pulse:
Deficiency and forceless: Stick Open Kidney Group (88.09-11), State Water (1010.25).
Excess and forceful with wind and fire: Stick Four Flower Center (77.09), Fire Scatter
(66.12). Prick Three River (DT15).
Deficiency and forceless with wind and cold: Stick Kidney Gate (77.18), Smooth Wrist One
& Two (22.08-09), Human Emperor (77.21) .
Deficiency and large. looks like feeble old man: Stick Water Pathway (1010.19), Water Met­
al (1010.20), Water Phase (66.14), Finger Three Layers ( 1 1 .14).

The above outline provides a simple and practica! way for beginner's to select Tung's
unique points based on pulse findings.

Dr. Liu 's pulse diagnosis method is as follows:

Left cun, guan and chi indicate heart, liver and kidney.
Right cun, guan and chi indicate lung, spleen and life gate (ming men).

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

Additionally the five zang pulse method from three regions and nine divisions also can be
employed to gather more information. The areas to palpate the pulses are as follows:

Liver pulse: LV 3 (Tai Chong)

Heart pulse: HT 7 (Shen Men)
Spleen pulse: ST 42 (Chong Yang)
Lung pulse: LU 8 (Jing Qu)
Kidney pulse: KD 3 (Tai Xi)

Once diagnosis is complete, we have to understand the inter-relationship of each point's

name, function and Tung' s five zang channels and thier indications. Then we can explore
the reactive points by palpating Tung's five zang channels or Hui Ma (Dao Ma) areas. Fi­
nally, we needle or bleed these points to treat the disease.

Master Tun g ' s
Bloodlettin g Areas of the Le g

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

Master Tung' s Bloodletting Area 1

Location: rnidline frorn knee to the 2 cun above the ankle crease (ST41)
Indications: heart deficiency, chest tightness, palpitations, difficulty breathing

Location: 2 cun below the knee
Indications: supra-orbital neuralgia, liver qi stagnation, costalgia

Location: around ST41 La tera l
K n e e eye
knee eye
Indications: stornachache, duo­ TUNG
denal ulcer, stornach distention, B l ood l ett i n g
Area ( 1 )
regurgitation, esophageal cancer
A rea
Location: entire dorsal foot area
Indications: frontal headache,
+-t.....,-+- Hea rt
A rea
dizziness, vertigo, high diastolic

-+--"� Stomach
A rea
tera l nt a l le o l u s

Fronta l
A rea
R i g ht C r u s Ante r i o r V i e w

Master Tung's Bloodletting Areas of the Leg

Master Tung' s Bloodletting Area 11

location: medial leg from knee to medial malleolus
Indications: lower abdominal distention, lower abdominal suffocating pain


location: posterior to medial malleolus
Indications: breast pain, rib pain, stemum pain

Hernia (shan qi) AREA

location: around the medial malleolus
Indications: hernia (shan qi)
Tu n g ' s
l ett i n g
Area {2)

Rig ht C r u s
Med ia l View

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

Master Tung's Bloodletting Area 111

Location: around lateral knee eye
Indications: lip pain, toothache, mouth ulceration

Location: lateral leg from St36 to the line above lateral malleolus 3 cun
Indications: pneumonia, internal injury, aching from chest to back, stuffy chest, breath
difficult, chest throbbing pain
B lood ­
EAR AREA lett i n g
Location: above lateral malleolus 2 Area ( 3 )
cun area
Indications: tinnitus, ear ache, ear pus A rea


Location: lateral side of foot
Indications: headache, migraine

Left C rus Latera l View

Master Tung' s Bloodletting Areas of the Leg

Master Tung' s Bloodletting Area IV

location: popliteal to posterior leg area
Tu n g
B l ood
Indications: occiput pain/neck tightness/
- l ett i n g
stiffness, three high: high cholesterol,
Area ( 4
hyperlipidemia, hypertension, lumbar S/S,
sciatica, regurgitation, indigestion

location: around achilles tendon
Indications: scapular pain,
back pain

S h o u lder
& Ba c k
A rea

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

Tung ' s Acupuncture,
Its Re gular Channels & Unique Points
(1973 edited and modified by Master Tung)

Therapeutic Index

The following therapeutic index is translated from Master Tung' s book ''Tung's Acupunc­
ture, lts Regular Channels &: Unique Points". lt is arranged according to symptom and
disease along with point recommendations.

This section incorporates modifications to the prin ted book that

Master Tung verbally transmitted to his disciples in September of 1973.
Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture



Central Crevice ( 1 1 .05) ( 1 1 .05); 5pirit Bone (22.05); Middle White (22.06); Fire Bowel Sea
(33.07); lntestine Gate (33.10); Branch Connection (44.13) & Falling Connection (44.14);
Wealth Top (44.04) & Back Branch (44.05); Fire Hardness (66.03); Fire Connection (66.10),
Fire Chrysanthemum (66.1 1 ), Fire 5catter (66. 12); Four Flower Upper(77.08), Kidney
Gate (77.1 8); Human Emperor (77.21); Open Gate (88.01), Open Mountain (88.02), Open
Heaven (88.03) [pick 2]; Fire Branch (88.14), Fire Complete (88.15), Central Nine Miles
(88.25), 5even Miles (AOl); Anterior Meeting (1010.05); Posterior Meeting (1010.06); Water
Pathway (1010.19) & Water Metal (1010.20); Nose Wing (1010.22); Five Ranges (DT04);
Water House (DT14); Lll4; TB13; 5P6; 5P9; 512;513

5mooth Wrist One & Two (22.08 & 22.09); Earth 5cholar (33.14); Wealth Top (44.04) &
Back Branch (44.05), Flower Bone One (55.02); Fire Master (66.04), Four Flower Lateral
(77. 14) [bloodletting]; Kidney Gate (77. 18); Common Cold One & Two (88.07-08), Metal
Anterior Upper & Lower (88.24); Posterior Meeting (1010.06), All Pivot(lOl0.07);
5upreme Place (1010.09), Four Bowel Two & One (1010.09, 1010.10, 1010. 1 1 ) [Bloodlet­
ting]; 5even 5tars (DT.03) [bloodletting]; Five Ranges (DT.04) [bloodletting] ; Water Bowel
DT. 14), L14 & Lll l [bilateral]; Ear Apex [bloodletting], Two Comer Bright (11 .22) [frontal

5pirit Bone (22.05); 5ix Complete (66.08); Four Flower Lateral (77. 14 ) [bloodletting];
Three Layers Group (77.05, 77.06, 77.07); Ear Three (99.08) [pick either 2 bloodletting];
Nose Wing (1010.22)

Therapeutic Index

Occiput & Nape Pain

Restore Sinew Group (77.01-03); DU2 and above the 4th spinal process [bloodletting]

Cerebellar Pain
Upper Tumor (55.06); Up-shooting Heaven (DT17) [bloodletting]

Top of Head Pain

Five Tigers (11 .27) [the third point]

Brain Tumor:
Upper Tumor (55.06); Fire Connection (66. 10), Fire Chrysanthemum (66.1 1), Fire Scatter
(66. 12)[one side]; Three Layers Group (77.05, 77.06, 77.07); State Mountainside (1010.04)
[ contralateral]

Cranial Nerve Pain

Upper Tumor (55.06)

Hydrocrania (Da Tou Wen)

Upper Tumor (55.06); Restore Sinew One & Two (77.01, 77.02)

Cranial Bone Enlargement

Restore Sinew One & Two (77.01 & 77.02)

Brain Distention
Anterior Meeting (1010.05)

Fire Connection (66.10), Fire Chrysanthemum (66. 1 1),Fire Scatter (66.12) [one side];
Three Layers Group (77.05, 77.06, 77.07)

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

Decline of Brain Power

Original Source (1010.12)


Canthus Pain
Great Crevice ( 1 1 .01), Small Crevice ( 1 1 .02); Seal (66.01) [conjuntivitis];
Fire Scatter (66.12)

Eye Pain
Upper Three Yellows Group (88.12, 88. 1 3, 88.14 ); KI21, KI20

Pain in the Supra-Orbital Ridge and Nasal Bone Pain

Two Comer Bright (1 1 .12); Flower Bone One (55.02); Kidney Gate (77. 18);
Nose Wing (1010.22); SP9

Dry Eyes
Wood ( 1 1 . 1 7)

Wood (1 1 .1 7); Flower Bone One (55.02)

Yellow Eyes
Eye Yellow (1 1 .23)

Red Eyes
Upper White (22.03); Flower Bone One (55.02); Four Horses Group (88.17, 88.18, 88.19)

Therapeutic Index

Middle White (22.06) & Lower White (22.07); Light Bright (77.28)

Near Sightedness
Lower White (22.07); Kidney Gate (77. 18)

Flowery Vision
Smooth Wrist One & Two (22.08 & 22.09); Fire Bowel Sea (33.07); Intestine Gate (33.10);
Fire Scatter (66.12); Open Gate (88.01 ), Open Mountain (88.02), Open Heaven (88.03) [Pick
2 points]; Anterior Meeting (101 0.05); Four Bowel Two & One (1010.10 & 1010. 1 1 ); Water
Pathway (1010.19) & Water Metal (1010.20); Nose Wing (1010.22); Water House (DT14);

Water Phase (66.14) & Water Immortal (66.15); Light Bright (77.28)

Flower Bone One (55.02)

Flower Bone One (55.02)

Eyeball disease
Four Flowers Center (77.09) & Four Flowers Quasi (77. 10)

Deviation of Eyeball
Kidney Gate (77.18)

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

Optic Atrophy
ST37, ST38. ST39 [L]

Eye Lid Numbness

Light Bright (77.28)

Hard to Open Eyes

Light Bright (77.28); KI3 & KIS


Fire Bowel Sea (33.07); Finger Four Horses (11 .07); Heaven Scholar (33.15); Dividing
Metal (44.01 ), Door Metal (66.05) Daoma; Four Flower Lateral (77. 14 ) [chronic, bloodlet­
ting]; Four Horses Group (88.17, 88.18, 88.19) bilateral; Metal Ear (99.05)(allergic rhinitis);
Original Source (1010.12)[allergic, bloodletting]; Horse Metal Water (1010.13) & Horse
Fast Water (1010. 14); BL42, BL43, BL44

Nasal Bone Pain

Two Comer Bright ( 1 1 . 12); Flower Bone One (55.02); Kidney Gate (77.18)

Nose Bleeding
Smooth Wrist Two (22.09); Shoulder Center (44.06); Sinew Ball (77.04);
LUl l [bloodletting]

Earth Water (22. l l )[bloodletting]

Therapeutic lndex


Finger Four Horses (11 .07); 5pirit Bone (22.05); Flower Bone One (55.02);
Four Horses Group (88.17, 88. 18, 88. 19); 512 & 513; BL42, BL43, BL44

Hearing Impaired (Deaf)

5pirit Bone (22.05); Flower Bone One (55.02); Four Horses Group (88. 1 7, 88. 1 8, 88. 19)

Finger Four Horses (11 .07); Four Horses Group (88.17, 88.1 8, 88.19)

Four Flower Lateral (77. 14) [bloodletting]


Floating Crevice (11 .03) & Externa! Crevice (11 .04); Flower Bone One (55.02);
Four Flowers Upper (77.08); Four Flowers Lateral (77. 1 4) [bloodletting];
Beside Three Miles (77.22) & Beside Lower Three Miles (77.23)

Dry Mouth
Open Kidney (88.09), Open 5tomach (88.10), Open Back (88 . 1 1 )

Water Center (DT13) & Water House (DT14); Finger Kidney ( l l . 15) [excessive thirst]

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

Tumor in Mouth
Four Flowers Upper (77.08)

Tongue Sore
Upper Three Yellows Group (88.12, 88.13, 88. 14)

Tongue Pain, Stiffness or Rigidity

Nose Wing (1010.22)

Lip Pain
Upper & Lower Lip (77. 15 & 77.1 6) [bloodletting]

Lip Boil
ST35 [bloodletting]

Leukoderma Around Oral and Genital Area

Upper & Lower Lip (77. 15 & 77. 16) [bloodletting]

Jaw Pain (with difficulty opening the mouth)

Fire Hardness (66.03)

Bruxism in Sleep
77. 1 1 Four Flower Lower & 77. 12 Bowel Intestine


Facial Nerve Palsy

Finger Three Layers ( 1 1 .14 ); Wealth Top (44.04) & Back Branch (44.05);
Four Flowers Lateral (77. 14) [bloodletting]; Three Layers Group (77.05, 77.06, 77.07 );

Therapeutic Index

Beside Three Miles (77.22) & Beside Lower Three Miles (77.23); Upper Spring (88.22),
Central Spring (88.21), Lower Spring (88.20); Four Horses Group (88. 1 7, 88.18, 88. 19);
Seven Fast (1010.17); ST3; SP8, SP7, SP6

Wry Mouth and Eye

Three Layers Group (77.05, 77.06, 77.07 ); Upper Spring (88.22),Central Spring (88.21 ),
Lower Spring (88.20); Four Flower Lateral (77. 14 )[bloodletting];
Central Nine Miles (88.25) & Seven Miles (AOl); Central Meeting (1010.01); ST6, ST4

Facial Nerve Twitch

Upper Spring (88.22), Central Spring (88.21 ), Lower Spring (88.20)

Maxillary Pain
Jade Fire (1010.21)

Mandibular Pain
Jade Fire (1010.21)

Trigeminal Neuralgia
Three Layers Group (77.05, 77.06, 77.07 ); Central Nine Miles (88.25) & Seven Miles (AOl)


Dividing Metal (44.01); Leg Five Metal (77.25) & Leg Thousand Metal (77.24); 77.27
Exterior Three Gates(77.27); Lost Voice (88.32); Ear Back (99.07) [bloodletting];
LI18 & LI17 [bloodletting]; STS, ST9, STl l [bloodletting]

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

Throat Pain
Open Kidney (88.09), Open Stomach (88.10), Open Back (88. l l )(pick 2); 101 0.22 Nose
Wing; VTOl Throat Moth Nine [bloodletting]; PC9 & LUl l [bloodletting]

Sore Throat
Leg Five Metal (77.25) & Leg Thousand Metal (77.24)

Throat Moth
Ear Back (99.07) [bloodletting]; Throat Moth Nine (VTOl) [bloodletting]

Throat ltch
Throat Moth Nine (VTOl) [bloodletting]

Sputum Obstructing the Throat (difficult breathing, look like asthma)

Throat Moth Nine (VTOl) [bloodletting]

Scarlet Fever
ST12, 13, 14; Kl26, 27.

Fish Bone Obstructing the Throat

Leg Five Metal (77.25) & Leg Thousand Metal (77.24); GB38, GB37, GB36.

Three Layers Group (77.05, 77.06, 77.07 ); Leg Five Metal (77.25) &
Leg Thousand Metal (77.24); Lost Voice (88.32)

Three Layers Group (77.05, 77.06, 77.07 ); Leg Five Metal (77.25) & Leg Thousand Metal;
Lost Voice (88.32); Throat Moth Nine (VTOl)

Therapeutic Index

Tonsils Tumor
Exterior Three Gates (77.27); BL54 & BL36

Exterior Three Gates (77.27)

Lost Voice
Lost Voice (88.32); Ali Pivot (1010.07) [bloodletting]

PC5 [bilateral]


Neck Pain with Difficult Rotation

Wealth Top (44.04) & Back Branch (44.05); Fire Chrysanthemum (66.1 1 );
Restore Sinew One & Two (77.01 & 77.02)

Neck Pain
Lung Heart (11.1 1); Water Curve (66.09); Human Emperor (77.21) & Four Limbs (77.20);
Central Nine Miles (88.25) & Seven Miles (AOl), All Pivot (1010.07) [bloodletting]; BL59;

Pain in Midline of Cervical Vertebrae

Up-shooting Heaven (DT1 7) [bloodletting]

Skin Disease in Neck

Shoulder Center (44.06)

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture



Five Finger Pain

Five Tigers ( 1 1 .27) [first & second points]

Thumb Pain

Thumb & Index Finger Pain

Seal ( 66.01)

Index Finger Pain

Four Flowers Center (77.09) & Four Flowers Quasi (77.1 0)

Middle & Ring Finger Pain (hard to flexing and extending)

Wood Keep (66.06)

Finger, Palm & Hand Bone Pain

Earth Water (22.1 1 )

Palm and Finger Pain

Human Scholar (33.13)

Hand Pain
Human Clan (44.08)

Therapeutic Index

Hand Numbness
Human Emperor (77.21 ); Central Nine Miles (88.25) & Seven Miles (AOl); LllO; SP6; Kl5

Hand Trembling
DU20 & DU19

Hand Muscular Spasm

Fire Mound (33.05) & Fire Mountain (33.06)

Hand Done Pain

Water Curve (66.09)

Hand Weakness
Flower Bone Two (55.03)

Wrist and Dorsal Hand Pain

Water Cure (44.17) [bloodletting]

Wrist Pain
GB41, GB42, GB43 [bloodletting]

Forearm Pain
33.04 Fire Bunch

Elbow Arthritis
Curve Mound (33.15)

CBLital Pain
Four Flowers Center (77.09) & Four Flowers Quasi (77.10)

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

Elbow & Forearm Swelling and Painful to Move

Human Clan (44.08)

Arm Pain
Flower Bone Two (55.03); Heaven Emperor (77.17); Upper Nine Miles (88.26);
DoBLle Rivers (DT16)

Shoulder and Ann Pain

Human Scholar (33.13) & Heaven Scholar (33.15); Shoulder Center (44.06); Water Cure
(44.17); Four Flower Lateral (77.14 ) [bloodletting]; Exterior Three Gates (77.27); Jade Fire
(1010.21); GB31 & GB32.

Shoulder and Back Pain

Restor Sinew Three (77.03) & Sinew Ball (77.04);
Leg Five Metal (77.25), Leg Thousand Metal (77.24); BL56 & BL57

Scapular Pain
Heart Knee (11 .09); Four Flowers Center (77.09) & Four Flowers Quasi (77.10);
Seven Tigers (77.26)


Toe Pain
Five Tigers ( 1 1 .27) [third and second points]

Dorsal Foot Pain

Five Tigers ( 1 1 .27) [the fourth points]

Dorsal Foot Reddish & Swelling

Open Kidney (88.09), Open Stomach (88.10), Open Back (88. 1 1 )

Therapeutic Index

Foot Weakness, Tiredness When Walking

Spirit Bone (22.05) & Great White (22.04 ); Central Nine Miles (SS.25), Seven Miles (AOl)

Spirit Bone (22.05); Hand Five Metal (33.0S) & Hand Thousand Metal (33.09);
LI7 & Ll9 [contralateral]; Ll14 [contralateral]

Lower Leg Numbness

Hand Five Metal (33.0S) & Hand Thousand Metal (33.09)

Heel .Pain
Five Tigers (11 .27) [fifth point]; Fire Complete (SS.16)

Lateral Ankle Pain

Middle White (22.06) & Lower White (22.07)

Leg Distention (Pain)

Lung Heart (1 1 . 1 1); Hand Five Metal (33.0S) & Hand Thousand Metal (33.09);
Essence Branch (OTOS) [bloodletting]

Lateral Side Leg Pain

5113 & 5114

Leg Pain
Heaven Clan (44.10), Plum White (44.12), Fire Chrysanthemum (66 . 1 1 ); Central Nine
Miles (SS.25), Seven Miles (AOl), Lower Nine Miles (SS.27); Essence Branch (OTOS)

Calf Spasm
5inew Ball (77.04)

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

Knee Pain
Great Crevice ( 1 1 .01) & Small Crevice (11 .02); Central Crevice (11 .05);
Heart Knee ( 1 1 .09); Fire Knee ( 1 1 . 1 6); Layer Metal (22.02); Shoulder Center (44.06);
Fire Ear (99.03), Jade Fire (1010.21); Three Metal (DT07) [bloodletting]; Y02(A03);
BL43 [bloodletting]

Leg Soreness
Fire Bowel Sea (33.07), Water Cure (44.17)

Soreness in Both Legs

Calm Mind (1010.08)

Groin Pain
Heart Cate (33.12)

Lower Limb Numbness

State Water (1010.25)

Infantile Paralysis
Shoulder Center (44.06); Heaven Clan (44.10); Cloud White (44.1 1) & Plum White (44.12);
Lower Curve (44.15) & Upper Curve (44.1 6); Wood Keeper (66.06) & Wood Scoop (66.07).

Therapeutic Index


Hand & Foot Pain

Fire Master (66.04)

Hand & Foot Numbness

Five Ranges (OT04) [bloodletting]; Pair Phoenix (OTOS) [bloodletting]

Arteriosclerosis of the Hand & Foot

Pair Phoenix (OTOS) [bloodletting]

Four Limb Pain

Four Limbs (77.20); Open Gate (88.01 ), Open Mountain (88.02), Open Heaven (88.03)
[pick 2]; Fire Ear (99.03); Jade Fire (1010.21); Nose Wing (1010.22);
Pair Phoenix (OTOS) [bloodletting]; SJ13

Four Limb Trembling

Central Meeting (1010.ül) & Calm Mind (1010.08)

Four Limb Nerve Numbness

Calm Mind (1010.08)

Four Limb Weakness

State Fire (1010.23)

Four Limb Swelling

Middle White (22.06) & Lower White (22.07); Water Curve (66.09); Four Flower Lower
(77.11) & Bowel Intestine (77.12); Open Kidney (88.09), Open Stomach (88.10), Open Back
(88.1 1 )

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

Whole Body Bone Pain

Water Curve (66.09)

Whole Body Bone Pain, Soreness and Numbness

LU7 & LU10

Whole Body Weakness

SP12 & SP13

Middle White (22.06) & Lower White (22.07);
Smooth Wrist One & Two (22.08 & 22.09); Fire Bowel Sea (33.07); Wealth Top hjh(44.04);
Back Face (44.07) [bloodletting]; Branch Connection (44.13) & Falling Connection (44.14);
Wood Scoop (66.07) & Wood Keep (66.06); Upper Three Yellows Group (88.12, 88.13,
88.14 ); Wood Ear (99.02); Water Pathway (1010.19) or Water Metal (1010.20)


Collarbone Inflammation
Seven Tigers (77.26)

Stemum Pain and Swelling

Seven Tigers (77.26)

Protrusion of Stemum
Metal Anterior Upper & Lower (88.24 & 88.23)

Chest Pain
Upper White (22.03), Fire Mound (33.05) & Fire Mountain (33.06)

Therapeutic Index

Chest Pain and Oppression

Upper White (22.03); Fire Mound (33.05) & Fire Mountain (33.06); Heaven Scholar
(33.15); Four Flowers Center (77.09), Four Flowers Quasi (77.10), Four Flowers Lateral
(77.14) [bloodletting]; Four Flowers Lower (77. 1 1 ) & Bowel lntestine (77.12)

Chest Pain Referring to the Back

Four Horses Group (88.17, 88.18, 88.19)

Finger Four Horses (11 .07); Four Flowers Center (77.09), Four Flowers Quasi (77.10),
Four Flower Lateral (77.14 ) [bloodletting]; Seven Tigers (77.26);
Four Horses Group (88.17, 88.18, 88.19)

Pleural Pain
Finger Four Horses (11 .07); Four Horses Group (88.17, 88.18, 88. 19);
Metal Five (VT03) [bloodletting]; GB31 & GB32.

Abdominal Pain
Finger Five & Thousand Metal (11 .08); Flower Bone Four (55.05), Door Metal (66.05);
Bowel Fast (1010.15); Hand Five Metal (33.08), Hand Thousand Metal (33.09);
Intestine Gate (33.10)

Abdominal Distention
Back Face (44.07); Door Metal (66.05); Water Curve (66.09);
Four Flower Lower (77.11) & Bowel Intestine (77.12); Upper Nine Miles (88.26);
Water Ear (99.06); Bowel Fast (1010.15); ST26; ST43

Umbilicus Pain
Bowel Nest Twenty Three (VT05)

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

Lower Abdominal Swelling and Distention

Water Crystal (66.13); Four Bowel Two & One (1010.10 & 1010. 1 1 ); SP2 & SP3;
REN3, REN4, REN6 & REN7 [needle after urination]

Lower Abdominal Pain

Flower Bone Four (55.05)

Abdominal Chilly Pain



Posterior Shoulder or Back Pain

Restare Sinew Three (77.03) & Sinew Ball (77.04); Leg Five Metal & Leg Thousand Metal
(77.24 & 77.25)

Back Pain
Layer Water (22.01) & Layer Metal (22.02); Human Scholar (33.13); Open Stomach (88.10)
& Open Back (88.1 1); Four Horses Group (88 . 1 7, 88. 18, 88. 19); Central Nine Miles (88.25)
& Seven Miles (AOl); Lower Nine Miles (88.27); Finger Kidney (11 .15); Water Immortal
(66.15); Kidney Gate (77. 18); Middle White (22.06) & Lower White (22.07); Spirit Bone
(22.05), Smooth Wrist One & Two (22.08 & 22.09) [esp. Female]; Fire Branch (88. 15)

Vertebral Pain
Lung Heart (1 1 .1 1 ); Spirit Bone (22.05); Back Vertebrae (44.02) & Head Chief (44.03);
Flower Bone Three (55.04) & Flower Bone Four (55.05); Water Phase (66.14) & Water Im­
mortal (66. 15 ); Restare Sinew One & Two (77.01, 77.02); Human Emperor (77.21); Fire
Complete (88.16); Central Nine Miles (88.25) & Seven Miles (AOl); Posterior Meeting
(1010.06); Horse Fast Water (1010.14); State Water (1010.25); Water Center (DT1 3) & Wa­
ter House (DT14); BL59; TB 12; SP6.

Therapeutic Index

Vertebral SBLluxation
Back Vertebrae (44.02), Head Chief (44.03)

Waist Soreness & Back Pain

Fire Scatter (66.12); ; Upper Three Yellows Group (88.12, 88.13, 88. 14 );
Water House (DT14); SP9.

Lower Back Soreness

Middle White (22.06) & Lower White (22.07); Kidney Gate (77.18);
Fire Bowel Sea (33.07); Branch Connection (44.13) & Falling Connection (44.14)

Wrenched Lower Back & Hard Breathing (Cha Qi)

Two Comer Bright (1 1 . 12); Horse Metal Water (1010.1 3); 1010.19 Water Pathway or
Water Metal (1010.20); Water House (DT14); Three Rivers (DT15) [bloodletting] .
Spirit Bone (22.05); Back Vertebrae (44.02) & Head Chief (44.03); Water Curve (66.09);
Flower Bone Three (55.04); Restore Sinew Three (77.03) & Sinew Ball (77.04);
State Fire (1010.23 ); Central Nine Miles (88.25) & Seven Miles (AOl);
Smooth Wrist One & Two (22.08 & 22.09); Five Ranges (DT04) [bloodletting];
Top Pillar (DT04) [bloodletting]; Middle White (22.06) & Lower White (22.07);
Water Cure (44.17); Water Phase (66.14) & Water Immortal (66.15);
Lower Three Emperors Group (77.1 7, 77. 19, 77.21); Water Ear (99.06);
Four Horses Group (88.17, 88.1 8, 88.19); State Metal (1010.24); ST3 [bilateral]; SP4.

Upper White (22.03); Middle White & Lower White (22.06 & 22.07); Smooth Wrist One &
Two (22.08 & 22.09); Fire Bowel Sea (33.07); Hand Five & Thousand Metal (33.08 & 33.09);
Lower Curve & Upper Curve (44.15 & 44. 1 6); Flower Bone Three (55.04); Flower Bone
Four (55.05); Restore Sinew Three (77.03) & Sinew Ball (77.04); Kidney Gate (77. 1 8) &
Hand Thousand Metal (33.09); Four Flowers Quasi (77.10); Four Flower Lower (77. 1 1 ) &

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

Bowel Intestine (77. 12); Four Flower Lateral (77. 14 )[bloodletting]; Great White (22.04 ) &
Spirit Bone (22.05); Four Horses Group (88.1 7, 88.18, 88.19); State Round (1010.02), State
Hillside (1010.03), State Mountainside (1010.04); Metal Ear (99.05); Jade Fire (1010.21);
State Metal (1010.24); Metal Forest (DT09) [bloodletting]; LI 7 & LIS; SI 9 & 5110; GB43

Vertebrae Periostitis
Upper Three Yellows Group (88.12, 88.13, 88.14 )

Bulging Disc
Upper Three Yellows Group (88. 12, 88.13, 88.14 ); BUS & BL16

Metal Ear (99.05); Water House (DT14); BL22 & BL23; TB12

Therapeutic Index



Heart Disease
Great Crevice ( 1 1 .01); Heart Normal ( 1 1 . 1 9); Heart Gate (33.12); Human Scholar (33.13);
Earth Scholar (33.14); Earth Clan (44.09); Fire Master (66.04); 77.08 Four Flower
Upper; Four Flower Medial (77. 13) [bloodletting]; Heaven Emperor (77.1 7);
Open Gate (88.01), Open Mountain (88.02), Open Heaven (88.03) [pick 1 or 2 points];
State Fire (1010:23); ST32

Small Crevice (11 .02); Central Crevice ( 1 1 .05); Heart Normal ( 1 1 . 19); Fire Bunch (33.04);
Heart Gate (33. 12); Human Scholar (33. 13); Fire Hardness (66.03); Fire Connection (66.10),
Fire Chrysanthemum (66.1 1 ); Four Flowers Upper (77.08); Four Flower Medial (77. 13)
[bloodletting); Open Gate (88.01), Open Mountain (88.02), Open Heaven (88.03) [pick 2
points]; State Fire (1010.23); Stomach Hair Seven (VT04) [bloodletting]; ST32; Layer Metal
(22.02); Curve Mound (33.16)

Trembling with Fear

Gallbladder (1 1 .13) [bloodletting]

Heart Failure
Finger Kidney ( 1 1 . 15); Fire Master (66.04); 66. 10 Fire Connection, Fire Chrysanthemum
(66.11), Fire Scatter (66.12); Four Flowers Upper (77.08); Four Flowers Center (77.09),
Four Flowers Quasi (77.10), Four Flower Medial (77. 13) [bloodletting]; Upper Three Yel­
lows Group (88.12, 88.13, 88.14 ); Fire Ear (99.03); Ali Pivot (1010.07); Back Heart (DTl l )
[bloodletting]; Inner Open Gate/Mountain/Heaven (88.29-31) [pick 1 or 2 points bilater­

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

Rheumatic Heart Disease

Fire Knee ( 1 1 . 1 6); Heart Normal ( 1 1 . 1 9); Open Gate (88.01 ), Open Mountain (88.02),
Open Heaven (88.03) [pick 1 or 2 points]; State Fire (1010.23); SP12 & 13; SJ 2 & SJ3

Arteriosclerosis (Bilateral Heart Pain)

Back Branch (44.05); Earth Clan (44.09); Four Flowers Upper (77.08);
Four Flower Center (77.09), Four Flowers Quasi (77. lO) [bloodletting]; Open Gate (88.01),
Open Mountain (88.02), Open Heaven (88.03) [pick 1 ar 2 points]; Shoulder Center (44.06)
Branch Connect (44.13) & Lower Connect (44.14)

Fire Bag (55.01)

Revive Heart
Fire Hardness (66.03) [far coma]

High Blood Pressure

Wealth Top (44.04) & Back Branch (44.05); Branch Connection (44.13) & Falling Connec­
tion (44. 14); Lower Curve (44.15) & Upper Curve (44.16); Fire Connection (66.10) &
Fire Chrysanthemum (66. 1 1 ); Four Flower Lateral (77.14 )[bloodletting];
Heaven Emperor (77.1 7); Open Gate (88.01), Open Mountain (88.02),
Open Heaven (88.03) [pick only 1 point]; Five Ranges (DT04) [bloodletting]; Ll14; BLl l,
BL12, BL13, BL14, BUS, BL41, BL42, BL43, BL44 [bloodletting]; Blue veins in dorsal foot
[bloodletting]; Inner Open Gate/Mountain/Heaven (88.29-31) [pick 1 point bilaterally]


Liver Fire Rising, Spleen Qi Dryness

Wood ( 1 1 . 1 7)

Therapeutic Index

Wood Blaze (11 .20); Liver Gate (33. 1 1 ) [acute]; Lower Curve (44.15) &
Upper Curve (44.16) [bloodletting]; Upper Three Yellows Group (88.12, 88.13, 88.14 );
LV 9 & LV10

Cirrhosis of the Liver, Hepatomegaly

Wood Blaze ( 1 1 .20); Lower Curve (44.15) & Upper Curve (44.16) [bloodletting];
Upper Three Yellows Group (88. 12, 88. 13, 88. 14 ): SPl l; LV 9 & 10; Wood Ear (99.02)

Liver Disease
Fire Master (66.04); Wood Scoop (66.07) & Wood Keep (66.06);
Three Layers Group (77.05, 77.06, 77.07); SPl l; LV 9 & LVlO

Liver Pain
Upper Three Yellows Group (88.12, 88.13, 88.14); Liver Gate (33.1 1 )

Human Clan (44.08); This Yellow (88.14), Fire Branch (88.15), Fire Complete (88.16);
Eye Yellow (1 1 .23)

Gallbladder Disease
Wood Scoop (66.07) & Wood Keep (66.06); Human Clan (44.08)

Fire Branch (88. 15), Fire Complete (88.16); Wood Branch (1010.18)

Gallbladder Deficiency
Wood Branch (1010.18)

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

Wood Branch (1010.18)


Bronchitis with Yellow Sputum

Small Crevice ( 1 1 .02); SP18, SP19, SP20 [bloodletting]

Tracheal Blockage
Metal Five (VT03) [bloodletting]

Layer Water (22.01); Fire Bowel Sea (33.07)

Layer Water (22.01); Great White (22.04 ) & Spirit Bone (22.05); Fire Bowel Sea (33.07);
Human Scholar (33. 13), Earth Scholar (33.14), Heaven Scholar (33.15); Curve Mound
(33.1 6); Human Clan (44.08); Four Flowers Upper (77.08), Four Flowers Center (77.09),
Four Flower Quasi (77.10); Four Flower Lateral (77. 14 ) [bloodletting];
Four Horses Group (88.17, 88. 18, 88.19); State Round (1010.02), State Hillside (1010.03),
State Mountainside (1010.04); Water Pathway (1010.19) or Water Metal (1010.20);
Twelve Monkeys (VT02) [bloodletting]

Common Cold
Fire Bowel Sea (33.07); Earth Scholar (33. 14), Heaven Scholar (33.15); Dividing Metal
(44.01); Human Clan (44.08); Common Cold One & Two (88.07 & 88.08) [severe]; Metal
Ear (99.05); Ear Three (99.08) [pick 2 for bloodletting]; Original Source (1010.12) [bloodlet­
ting]; Seven Stars (DT03) [bloodletting]; Five Ranges (DT04) [bloodletting]; Back Heart
(DTl l ) [bloodletting]; Common Cold Three (DT12) [bloodletting]; ST31; Wood (1 1.17);
Layer Water (22.01 ) & Layer Metal (22.02)

Therapeutic lndex

Layer Water (22.01) & Layer Metal (22.02); Great White (22.04 )

Pulmonary Edema
Four Flowers Center (77.09) & Four Flowers Quasi (77. 1 0) [bloodletting]

Four Flowers Center (77.09) & Four Flowers Quasi (77. 10) [bloodletting] .

Four Flowers Center (77.09) & Four Flowers Quasi (77. 10) [bloodletting]

Lung Deficiency, Insufficency, Weakness or Dysfunction

Four Horses Group (88.17, 88. 18, 88.1 9); Original Source (1010.12); Spirit Bone (22.05) &
Great White (22.04); State Round (1010.02) & State Mountainside (1010.03)

Cold Pathogenic Disease


Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture


Spleen Swelling ( 1 1 . 18); Human Clan (44.08); Wood Scoop (66.07) & Wood Keep (66.06);
Three Layers Group (77.05, 77.06, 77.07 ) [Right leg only]

Spleen Swelling ( 1 1 .18); Three Layers Group (77.05, 77.06, 77.07)

Spleen Swelling (1 1 . 18); Three Layers Group (77.05, 77.06, 77.07 );
Upper Three Yellows Group (88.12, 88.13, 88.14)

Floating Crevice ( 1 1 .03) & Externa! Crevice ( 1 1 . 04); Flower Bone Four (55.05);
Four Flower Center (77.09) & Four Flowers Quasi (77.10) [acute, bloodletting];
Four Flower Lower (77. 1 1 ) & Bowel Intestine (77.12); Five Ranges (OT04) [bloodletting];
BackHeart (DTl l) [bloodletting]

Earth Water (22.11)

Stomach Disease
Earth Water (22.11) [chronic]; Fire Master (66.04); Open Gate (88.01),
Open Mountain (88.02), Open He a ven (88.03) [pick 2 points ];
Stomach Hair Seven (VT04) [bloodletting]; RENl O, RENl 1, REN12, REN 13

Indigestion (stomach distention)

Wood Scoop (66.07); Upper Three Yellows Group (88.12, 88.13, 88.14 );
Metal Five (VT03) [bloodletting]

Therapeutic Index

Acid Reflux
Heaven Emperor (77.17); SP9

Gastrorrhagia (s tomach bleeding)

Sister One, Two & Three (88.04, 88.05, 88.06); Stomach Hair Seven (VT04) [bloodletting].

Vomiting (Five Zang Irritation)

Seven Stars (DT03) [bloodletting].

Water Pathway ( 10 10.19) or Water Metal ( 1010.20)

Vomiting & Diarrhea (Huo Luan) Caus ing Mus cular Sp as m

Sinew Ball (77.04), Four Flowers Center (77.09) or Four Flowers Upper (77.08);
Four Flower Medial (77.13) [bloodletting]; All Pivot ( 1010.07) [bloodletting];

Vomiting & Diarrhea Due to Heat (Yang Huo Luan)

Curve Mound (33.15) [bloodletting]; Back Face (44.07) [bloodletting];
Water Pathway (1010. 19) or Water Metal ( 1010.20); Five Ranges (DT04) [bloodletting].

Vomiting&: Diarrhea Due to Cold (Gan or Ying Huo Luan)

Heart Gate (33.12); Curve Mound (33.15) [bloodletting]; All Pivot ( 10 10.07) [bloodletting];
Twelve Monkeys (VT02) [bloodletting]; Metal Five (VT03) [bloodletting];
Back Face (44.07) [bloodletting]; Water Pathway ( 1010.19) or Water Metal ( 1010.20);
Five Ranges (DT04) [bloodletting]; ST 12, 13, 14, 15, KI24, KI25, KI26, KI27, REN19,
REN20, REN21, REN22 [bloodletting]

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

Vomiting & Diarrhea Due to Heat & Cold Alternation (Yin Yang Huo Luan)
Back Face (44.07) [bloodletting]; Ear Three (99.08) [pick 2 for bloodletting];
Five Ranges (DT04) [bloodletting]; Stomach Hair Seven (VT04) [bloodletting].

Ear Ring (99.0 1)


Nep hralgia (Renal Pain)

Two Comer Bright ( 1 1.12); Bowel Nest Twenty Three (VTOS); Open Kidney/Stomach/
Back (88.09, 10. 1 1) [Pick one or two points]

Nep hritis
Smooth Wrist One & Two (22.08 & 22.09); Back Vertebrae (44.02) & Head Chief (44.03);
Water Cure (44. 17); Water Phase (66.14) & Water Immortal (66.15);
Lower Three Emperors Group (77. 17, 77.19,77.21 ); Horse Metal Water ( 1010.13);
Water Center (DT13) & Water House (DT14); Bowel Nest Twenty Three (VTOS); SP9

Acute Nep hritis

Water House (DT14)

Kidney Stone
Water Cure (44.17); Horse Metal Water (1010.13)

Arthritis Due to Kidney Channel

Water Pathway ( 10 10.19) or Water Metal ( 1010.20)

Therapeutic Index

Kidney Dep letion

Earth Scholar (33.14); Sinew Ball (77.04) & Four Flowers Center (77.09); Water Ear (99.06);
Water Pathway (1010.19) or Water Metal (1010.20); Water Center (DT13) & Water House
(DT14); LV7; Finger Kidney (11.15); Wrist Smooth One & Two ( 22.08, 09); Fire Scatter
(66.12); Water Phase & Water Immortal (66.14, 15); Kideny Gate(77.18), Earth Emperor
(77.19), Human Emperor (77.21); Nose Wing (1010.22)

Bladder Dtone
Horse Fast Water (1010.14); Water House (DT14)

Cy s titis
Horse Fast Water (1010.14)

Urolithias is
Horse Fast Water (1010.14); Six Fast ( 1010.16); Seven Fast (1010.17)

Floating Crevice (11.03) & External Crevice (11.04); Six Fast (1010.16)


Indirect Inguinal Hernia (Small Intes tine Qi)

Great Crevice (11.01), Small Crevice ( 11.02), Floating Crevice (11.03),
External Crevice (11.04); Heart Gate (33.12)

Hernia (Shan Qi)

Great Crevice (11.01), Small Crevice (11.02), Floating Crevice (11.03),
External Crevice (11.04), Central Crevice (11.05); Heart Gate (33.12); Seal (66.01);
Bowel Fast (1010.15); LV 1 [after bloodletting, moxa 3-4 zhuang]

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

Finger Five Metal & Finger Thousand Metal (11.08); Door Metal (66.05);
Four Flower Center (77.09), Four Flowers Quasi (77.10), Four Flower Lateral (77.14 )
[acute, bloodletting]; Four Flower Lower (77.11) & Bowel Intestine (77.12);
Leg Five Metal (77.25) & Leg Thousand Metal (77.24) (acute); Three Rivers (OTIS) [blood­
letting, either acute or chronic]; Bowel Nest Twenty Three (VT05); Spirit Bone (22.05);
Intestine Gate (33.10)

Intes tine Pain (Enteralgia)

Spirit Bone (22.05); Sister One,Two & Three (88.04, 88.05, 88.06)

Door Metal (66.05); Intestine Gate (33.10) & Liver Gate (33.11)

Ap p endicitis
Door Metal (66.05)

Gas trointes tinal Dis eas e

Four Flower Medial (77.13)

Three Doors Group (33.01, 33.02, 33.03)

Cons tip ation

Fire Bunch (33.04); Water Center (DT13)& Water House (DT14); SJ6

Three Doors Group (33.01, 33.02, 33.03)

Therapeutic Index


Frequent Urination
Return to Nest (11.06); Spirit Bone (22.05) & Great White (22.04 );
Horse Fast Water (1010.14)

Painful Urination
Spirit Bone (22.05) & Great White (22.04); Divided Branch Upper & Lower (DTOl, 02)

Earth Emperor (77.19) & Human Emperor (77.21)

Urinary Obs truction

Water House (DT14)

SP6 & SP9; Water Heal (44.17); Heaven Emperor (77.17), Earth Emperor(77.19), Open
Kidney (88.09), Open Stomach (88.10), Open Back (88.11)

Earth Emperor (77.19) & Human Emperor (77.21); Wood Ear (99.02);
Divided Branch Upper & Lower (DTOl)

Imp otence
Earth Emperor (77.19) & Human Emperor (77.21); Water House (DT14); SP6

Premature Ejaculation
Earth Emperor (77.19) & Human Emperor (77.21); Water House (DT14); SP6

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

Earth Emperor (77.19) & Human Emperor (77.21); SP6


Return to Nest (11.06) & Gynecology (11.24)

Hy s teroma (Uterine Tumor)

Return to Nest (11.06)& Gynecology (11.24); Fire Hardness (66.03) & Fire Master (66.04);
Water Crystal (66.13); Lower Three Emperors Group (77.17, 77.19, 77.21);
Sister One, Two& Three (88.04, 88.05, 88.06); SP12& SP13.

Hy s teritis (Uterine Inflammation)

Return to Nest (11.06) & Gynecology (11.24); Wood Gynecology (66.02);
Fire Hardness (66.03) & Fire Master (66.04); Water Crystal (66.13);
Sister One,Two& Three (88.04, 88.05, 88.06); Three Rivers (DT15) [bloodletting];
Bowel Nest Twenty Three (VTOS)

Malposition of Uterus
Return to Nest (11.06)

Abnormal Mens truation

Return to Nest (11.06) & Gynecology (11.24); Spirit Bone (22.05) & Great White (22.04 );
Three Doors Group (33.01, 33.02, 33.03); Wood Gynecology (66.02);
Lower Three Emperors Group (77.17, 77.19, 77.21);
Sister One,Two& Three (88.04, 88.05, 88.06); Water Center (DT13)& Water House (DT14);
REN13, ST25, REN3& LI4.

Therapeutic Index

Painful Mens truation

Gynecology (11.24); Spirit Bone (22.05); Wood Gynecology (66.02)

Aberratio Mens truorum

Spirit Bone (22.05); Middle White (22.06)

Spirit Bone (22.05); Three Rivers (DT15) [bloodletting]

Leukorrhea with Bloody Dis charge

Return to Nest (11.06); Three Doors Group (33.01, 33.02, 33.03); Heaven Clan (44.10);
Cloud White (44.11); Wood Gynecology (66.02)

TBLal Obs truction

Return to Nest (11.06) & Wood Gynecology (66.02)

Female Chronic Infertilty

Gynecology (11.24)

Mis carriage Prevention

Return to Nest (11.06)

Mis carriage
Open Kidney (88.09), Open Stomach (88.10), Open Back (88. 11) [pick one]

Difficult Labour
Spirit Bone (22.05); Fire Bag (55.01 ); Fire Master (66.04)

Retention of Afterbirth
Fire Bag (55.01 ); Fire Hardness (66.03)

Introduction to Tung s Acupuncture

Retention of Dead Fetus

Water House (DT14)

Femine Pos tpartum Fever

Water Phase (66.14)& Water Immortal (66.15)

Vaginal Itching
Heaven Clan (44.10); Cloud White (44.11)

Vaginal Pain
Heaven Clan (44.10); Cloud White (44.11)

Cloud White (44.11); Seal (66.01)

Vaginal Swelling
Return to Nest (11.06).

Breas t Engorgement
Finger Three Layers (11.14 );
Three Layers Group (77.05, 77.06, 77.07 ) [including breast tumor]

Breas t Pain
GB38, GB37, GB36.

Therapeutic Index


Hemip legia
Spirit Bone (22.05); Wood Fire (11.10); Shoulder Center (44.06); Lower Curve (44.15) &
Upper Curve (44.16); Four Horses Group (88.17, 88.18, 88.19) [bilateral]; Central Nine
Miles (88.25)& Seven Miles (AOl); Inner Open Heaven Group (88.29, 88.30, 88.31);
Central Meeting (1010.01); State Round (1010.02), State Hillside (1010.03) & State Moun­
tainside (1010.04); Posterior Meeting (1010.06); Nose Wing (1010.22); Five Ranges (DT04)
[bloodletting]; BL5, BL6& BL7.

Stroke Due to Heart Failure

Back Heart ( DTl 1) [bloodletting]

Post Stroke Four Limb Weaknes s or Atrop hy

Inner Open Heaven Group (88.29, 88.30, 88.31);
State Round (1010.02), State Hillside (1010.03)& State Mountainside (1010.04);

Post Stroke Heart Failure

Inner Open Heaven Group (88.29, 88.30, 88.31);

Ap has ia After Stroke

Inner Open Heaven Group (88.29, 88.30, 88.31);
Central Meeting (1010.01); Posterior Meeting (1010.06)

Post Stroke Stiff or Painful Tongue

Nose Wing (1010.22)

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

Hemiplegia of the Face

Spirit Bone (22.05); Three Layers Group (77.05, 77.06, 77.07);
Four Flower Lateral (77.14 ) [bloodletting]; Central Nine Miles (88.25)& Seven Miles (AOl)

Neurological Malfunction
Central Meeting (1010.01); Posterior Meeting (1010.06)

Hand Tremors
BL5, BL6, BL7; DU20& DU19

Mus cular Atrophy

Finger Three Layers (11.14 )

Vas cular Scleros is

Back Branch (44.05); Shoulder Center (44.06)

Posterior Meeting (1010.06)

Therapeutic Index


Skin Dis eas e

Finger Four Horses (11.07); Back Branch (44.05); Four Horses Group (88.17, 88. 18, 88.19)

Black Spot or Freckle

Finger Four Horses (11.07); Four Horses Group (88.17, 88.18, 88. 19)

Neck Skin Dis eas e

Shoulder Center (44.06)

Hand Skin Dis eas e

Wood (11.17)

Ps orias is
Four Horses Group (88.17, 88.18, 88. 19)

Four Horses Group (88.17, 88.18, 88.19)

Furunculos is
Back Heart (DTll) [bloodletting]

Sens itive Skin

Metal Anterior Upper & Lower (88.24 & 88.23)

Erys ipelas
Heart Gate (33.12); Open Gate (88.01) & Open Mountain (88.02)

Introduction to Tung s Acupuncture

Boil on the Nape

Up-shooting Heaven (DT17) [bloodletting]

Chronic Severe Sore or Tumor with Fl uid after Surgery

Control Dirty (11.26)

Three Layers Group (77.05, 77.06, 77.07 )

Dis infect
Back Branch (44.05)

Hidros ches is (Stop Sweating)

Wood (11. 17); ST36.

Body Odor
Heaven Clan (44.10); Plum White (44.12);
Divided Branch Upper & Lower (DTOl & DT02)

Eruptive Dis eas es (Sand Toxin or Sha)

Five Ranges (DT04) [bloodletting]; Back Heart (DTll) [bloodletting];
Metal Five (VT03) [bloodletting]; Nine Monkeys (DT06) [bloodletting];
Twelve Monkeys (VT02) [bloodletting]; LUI & LU2 [bloodletting]

Goat's Hair Furuncles

Back Heart (DTll) [pricking hair technique];
Stomach Hair Seven (VT04) [pricking hair technique]

Therapeutic Index


Night Cry ing

11.13 Gallbladder [bloodletting]; Wood Branch (1010.18); SPlO.

Drooling Problem
Stop Spittle (11.25)

Shoulder Center (44.06); Heaven Clan (44.10); Cloud White (44. 11); Plum White (44.12);
Lower Curve (44.15) & Upper Curve (44.16); Wood Scoop (66.07) & Wood Keep (66.06)

Infantile Convuls ions

Central Meeting (1010.01); Seven Stars (DT03) [bloodletting]; SPlO

Infantile Night-Terror
Calm Mind (1010.08) & Central Meeting (1010.01)


SBLluxation due to Neuropathy

Lower Curve (44.15) & Upper Curve (44.16)

Neural gia
Water Curve (66.09); Nose Wing (1010.22)

Fire Master (66.04); Earth Ear (99.04); Anterior Meeting (1010.05)

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

Parkins on's Dis eas e

Upper Three Yellows Group (88.12, 88.13, 88.14 )& Kidney Gate (77.18)

Mental Dis order

Central Meeting (1010.01); State Round ( 1010.02), State Hillside ( 1010.03)& State Moun­
tainside ( 1010.04); Posterior Meeting (1010.06); Calm Mind (1010.08)& Central Meeting
( 1010.01)

Needl e Fainting
Hand Release (22.10); Release (88.28); HT 7

Tonif y the Body

Three Eyes (11.21); Open Kidney (88.09), Open Stomach (88. 10), Open Back (88. 1 1)
[only pick 1 point]; ST36

Prol ong Lif e

Fire Bowel Sea (33.07) [moxa]

Fire Bowel Sea (33.07) [after sticking, moxa]; Kidney Gate (77.18); Open Gate (88.01)
Open Mountain (88.02), Open Heaven (88.03) [pick 2 points]

Aris e from Death (Res cue Lif e) Due to Critical Yang Col l aps e Sy ndrome
Earth Clan (44.09)

Pain Due to Exhaus tion

Release (88.28)

Therapeutic Index

Wind Sy ndrome
Central Meeting ( 1010.01)

Weaknes s
Central Meeting ( 1010.0 1);
State Round ( 1010.02), State Hillside ( 1010.03)& State Mountainside ( 1010.04);

Pain after Injection I Strains I Contus ions I Mental Stimulation

Release (88.28)

Diminis h Enlarging Bone

Recovery ( 11.22); Spirit Bone (22.05); Middle White (22.06)& Lower White (22.07);
Fire Hardness (66.03)& Fire Master (66.04); Four Flowers Center (77.09) & Four Flower
Lower (77. 1 1); Upper Three Yellows Group (88.12, 88.13, 88.14 )

Depres s ed Bone
ST37, ST38, ST39

Mus cul ar Atrophy

Water Curve (66.09)

Curve Mound (33.15); ST36& ST37

Leucocy tos is
Wood Keep (66.06); Upper Three Yellows Group (88. 12, 88.13, 88. 14 )

Stop Bleeding
Six Complete (66.08); Flower Bone Four (55.05)

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

Heaven Clan (44. 10); Lower Three Emperors Group (77.17, 77.19, 77.2 1);
Four Limbs (77.20); All Pivot ( 1010.07) [bloodletting]; Earth Ear (99.04);
Water House (DT14); SP6, SP9

Ins omnia
Heaven Emperor (77.17), Calm Mind ( 1010.08), Central Meeting ( 1010.01);
Water House (DT14)

Door Metal (66.05); Earth Ear (99.04); Seven Stars (DT03) [bloodletting];
Five Ranges (DT04) [bloodletting].

Exterior Three Gates (77.27)

Venous Aneurys m
Open Gate (88.01)& Open Mountain (88.02) [bilateral]

Poly cy themia
Earth Ear (99.04)

Promote Puls e Strength


Ly mphadenitis
Open Gate (88.01) & Open Mountain (88.02)

Over- Eating, Hard to Control Appetite

Four Horses Group (88.17, 88.18, 88.19)

Therapeutic Index

Uneas ines s due to Six Fu Sy ndrome

All Pivot (1010.07) [bloodletting]

Confus ion due to Ghos t or Evil Spirit

Original Source (1010.12) [bloodletting]

Epileps y
Kidney Gate (77.18); Metal Anterior Upper& Lower (88.23, 88.24) [voice like goat or dog]
BL42, BL43, BL44 [voice like goat or dog]

Toxin due to Medication or Ins ect

Divided Branch Upper& Lower (DTOl & DT02)

Injury due to Being Hit at Vulnerable Acu-Points

GVl 1 [bloodletting]

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

Master Tung' s
Modified Indications for Points
of Traditional Fourteen Channels
Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture


LU1 &LU2
Bloodletting for scarlet fever.

LU3 &: LU4


Asthma due to lung channel pathology.

LU7 &LlO
Pantalgia of bone, soreness and numbness.

Bloodletting for nose bleeding. For a child under 3 years old, just pinch this point very
gently for 5 minutes, no need to needle.


LI1 7 &: LI1 8

Bloodletting for laryngitis (throat inflammation) .

Foot pain (contralateral) and sciatica due to lung channel pathology.

Ll4&Ll1 1
Headache (bilateral).

Master Tung's Unique Points English/Chinese Name Index

Abdominal pain due to cold pathology.

Dizzy of hypertension (bilateral) and foot pain (contralateral).

Hand numbness.


Stick 3 fen in depth for lumbago (bilateral) and facial palsy.

Wry mouth with distorted eyes; one needle from ST4 to ST6, another needle from
ST6 to ST4.

ST5, ST9 &STll

Bloodletting for laryngitis (throat inflammation).

ST1 2, ST1 3&ST1 4

Bloodletting for scarlet fever.

ST12, ST1 3, ST1 4&ST1 5

Bloodletting for dry cholera (desire but failure to vomit, desire but failure to drain, severe
abdominal pain).

Release gas for abdominal distention.

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

Common cold.

Heart palpitation, heart disease.

Tonifying qi for excessive sweating.

Cholera cramps (cramps occurring when vomiting and diarrhea) and cramps.

ST37 , ST38 &ST39

Only stick to left leg for bone sag and optic atrophy.

Abdominal distention and pain.

Bloodletting for lip boil.


Hysteroma (uterine myoma), lower abdominal distention.

Cold Pathogenic Disease, lumbago.

Master Tung's Unique Points English/Chinese Name Index

Strangury, impotence, premature ejaculation, lumbar vertebral pain, neck pain, dizzy,
hand numbness, diabetes, proteinuria, urinate bleeding, nephritis.


Facial nerve palsy.

SP1 0
Convulsion of children, pediatric night cry. (Rub the point 3-5 minutes for baby)

Hyperacidity (acid stomach), regurgitation (esophageal reflux), nephritis, diabetes, pro­
teinuria, dizzy and blur vision, lumbago, backache, eyebrow bone ache.

SP1 1
Liver disease, cirrhosis, hepatomegaly.

SP1 2&SP1 3
Hysteroma (uterine myoma), rheumatic heart disease, general weakness.

SP18 , SP1 9 &SP2 0

Bloodletting to exist dark blood for bronchitis and spitting yellow sputum.

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture


Sciatica along the posterior leg due to Heart channel pathology.

Relieve needle fainting and upper body numbness after sticking needle (contralateral).


Dizzy, tinnitus due to Heart channel pathology.

519 &511 0
Sciatica due to Lung channel pathology.

51 4
Eye pain.

511 3&511 4
Lateral pain of the ems.



Hands tremor, hemiplegia.

BLU, BL1 2, BL1 3, BL1 4, BUS & BL41 , BL42, BL43, BL44
Bloodletting for hypertension, bad cold.

Master Tung's Unique Points English/Chinese Name Index

Bloodletting for knee arthritis.

BL42, BL43& BL44

Rhinitis, tinnitus, epilepsy (goat or dog pattern).


Tonsil tumor, tonsil cancer.

Posterior shoulder and back pain.

Vertebral pain, nape pain.

BL1 5&BL1 6
Vertebral protrusion.

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture


Scarlet fever.

Kl20 &Kl21
Eye pain.

Kl3&K1 5
Drooping eyelids ( Can not open eyelids).

Nape pain, hand numbness.


Sciatica due to Heart channel pathology, pain along the central line of the posterior leg.

Bloodletting for throat pain.

Thumb pain.

Filiform needle to promote pulse.

Master Tung's Unique Points English/Chinese Name Index


Dizzy due to hypertension.

Scoliosis, vertebral pain, hand foot pain.


Cardiac rheumatism.


Lateral shoulder pain, , pleuritis.

GB36, GB37 &GB38

Fishbone stuck throat, breast pain.

GB41, GB42&GB43
Sciatica due to Lung channel pathology.

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture


LV10 &LV11
Liver disease, cirrhosis, hepatitis.

Sciatica due to Kidney channel pathology, upper burner disease d/t kidney depletion.

LV6, plus LI4, SP6, Lill

Four limbs edema.

Shan qi (hernia), bloodletting firstly, then moxa 3- 7 cones, esp. for new-onset.


REN1 0 , REN1 1 , REN12&REN1 3

Stomach disease.

REN3, REN3 &ST25, LI4

Irregular menstruation.


Lower abdominal pain, 2 cun in depth. (sticking needle after urination)

Master Tung's Unique Points English/Chinese Name Index


Hand tremors due to enervation.

Bloodletting for vomit, pinch the skin firstly, then prick.


Bloodletting at apex of the ear for new-onset common cold, headache.

Bloodletting at TS for releasing the hit at the certain acupoints, adding BL43 for heart

Bloodletting at the blue vessels at the dorsal foot for high diastolic pressure.

Bloodletting at the upper area of GV2 for occiput pain.

Bloodletting at the tip of the nose for new-onset common cold and stuff nose.

ST12 - ST15, Kl24 - Kl27 , &REN19 - REN22

Bloodletting for dry cholera (desire but failure to vomit, desire but failure to drain, severe
abdominal pain).

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

Master Tung' s Unique Points
English/Chinese Name Index


The following point name index is arranged by point number followed by the English
translation, then PinYin and finally the original Chinese name. Some of the major 3 point
Hui Ma point groupings have been identified with a bold heading, so that they are
easily recognized and memorized by the reader. In order to correctly convey the inher­
ent five element properties and relay the meaning of Master Tung's points, I decided to
emphasize the English translations when referring to them. Additionally, I have provided
some alternate translations for some of the points. The reasoning behind these new transla­
tions is discussed under the individual point descriptions.
Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture


11 .0 1 Great Crevice (Da Jian ::kFs�) (Fs� =It� = Crevice)
1 1.0 2 Small Crevice ( Xiao Jian 1J\Fs�)
1 1.0 3 Floating Crevice (Fu Jian 1�Fs�)
11.0 4 External Crevice (Wai Jian 11-Fs�)
11.0 5 Central Crevice (Zhong Jian $ Fs�)
11.0 6 Return to Nest (Huan Chao �Ji)
11.0 7 Finger Four Horses (Zhi Si Ma rn.l'l,�)
11.0 8 Finger Five Metal& Finger Thousand Metal
(Zhi Wu Jin , Zhi Qian Jin rnli�EZrn-T�)
11.0 9 Heart Knee (Xin Xi ,c,,!l*)
11.10 Wood Fire ( Mu Huo**)
1 1.11 Lung Heart (Fei Xin ltrfl1C,,)
1 1.12 Two Comer Bright ( Er Jiao Ming =�13}3)
11.1 3 Gallbladder (Dan �)
11.14 Finger Three Layers (Zhi San Chong rn-=:.m:.)
11.15 Finger Kidney (Zhi Shen rn�)
11.16 Fire Knee (Huo Xi :k.!l*)
11.17 Mu (Wood *) (Aka: Common cold �'§1)
1 1.18 Spleen Swelling (Pi Zhong AA!!ll)
1 1.19 Heart Normal (Xin Chang 1Um)
11.20 Wood Blaze (Mu Yan*�)
11.21 Three eyes (San Yan .=:ff.N)
11.22 Recovery (Fu Yuan {�}]j'()
11.23 Eye Yellow (Yan Huang ff.N:lli)i
1 1 .24 Gynecology (Fu Ke �mf-4)
11 .25 Stop Spittle (Zhi Xian 1l:J�)
11 .26 Control Dirty (Zhi Wu iffUff)
11.27 Five Tigers (Wu Hu lirJf.)

Master Tung's Unique Points English/Chinese Name Index


22.0 1 Layer Water (Chong Zi mr) [r = Jj(]
22.0 2 Layer Metal (Chong Xian m{W)
22.0 3 Upper White (Shang Bai .LB)
22.04 Great White(Da Bai ::kB)
22.0 5 Spirit Bone (Ling Gu il1t)
22.0 6 Middle White (Zhong Bai cp B) (Aka: Ghost Gate .9ii F5)
22.0 7 Lower White (Xia Bai � B)
22.0 8 Wrist Smooth One (Wan Shun Yi �l&i- • !l9Hll&i-)
22.0 9 Wrist Smooth Two (Wan Shun Er !l9Hll&i= • �l&i=)
22.1 0 Hand Release (Shau Jie .:PM)
22.1 1 Earth Water (Tu Shui ±7-1<)


3 3.0 1 This Door (Qi Men ;!'t.F5)
3 3 .0 2 This Side Door ( Qi Jiao ;!'t.%3)
3 3 .0 3 This Portal (Qi Zheng ;!'t.IE)
3 3 .0 4Fire Bunch (Huo Chuan ;k..$)
3 3 .0 5 Fire Mound ( Huo Ling ;k.�)
3 3 .0 6Fire Mountain (Huo Shan XW)
3 3 .0 7 Fire Bowel Sea ( Huo Fu Hai ;k.Jliffw)
3 3.0 8 Hand Five Metal (Shau Wu Jin .:Pli�)
3 3 .0 9 Hand Thousand Metal ( Shau Qian Jin .:Pli�)
3 3 .10 Intestine Gate (Chang Men /mF5)
3 3 .1 1 Liver Gate (Gan Men lffF5)
3 3 .1 2 Heart Gate (Xin Men {,,F5)
3 3.1 3 Human Scholar (Ren Shi A.±)
3 3 .14 Earth Scholar(Di Shi :l:t!!±)
3 3 .1 5 Heaven Scholar (Tien Shi ;:R±)
3 3 .16 Curve Mound (Qu Ling (!:tj�)

3 13
Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture


44.0 1 Oividing Metal (Fen Jin �)
44.0 2 Back Vertebrae ( Hou Zhui f&ffE)
44.0 3 Head Chief (Shou Ying 1¥1�)
44.0 4 Wealth Top (Fu Ding 1;J� • 1;J�)
44.0 5 Back Branch (Hou Zhi f&tt)
44.0 6 Shoulder Center (Jian Zhong FFjtj:l)
44.0 7 Back Face (Bei Mian �!ID)
44.0 8 Human Clan (Ren Zong A*)
44.0 9 Earth Clan (Di Zong tlli*)
44.10 Heaven Clan (Tian Zong ::R*)
44.11 Cloud White (Yun Bai �S)
44.12 Plum White (Li Bai -*8)
44.13 Branch Connect (Zhi Tong >Z:ilft)
44.14 Falling Connect(Luo Tong liilft)
44.15 Lower Curve ( Xia Qu �Bil)
44.16 Upper Curve (Shang Qu l:lfi!)
44.17 Water Cure (Shui Yu 7..1<�)


55.0 1 Fire Bag ( Huo Bao .*'E!)
55.0 2 Flower Bone One ( Hua Gu Yi :ft�-)
55.0 3 Flower Bone Two ( Hua Gu Er :ft�=>
55.0 4 Flower Bone Three (Hua Gu San :ft��)
55.0 5 Flower Bone Four (Hua Gu Si :ft�lm)
55.0 6 Upper Tumor (Shang Liu _tj'j)

3 14
Master Tung's Unique Points English/Chinese Name Index


66.0 1 Seal (Hai Bao #ijf-=J)
66.0 2 Wood Gynecology (Mu Fu *�)
66.0 3 Fire Hardness (Huo Yin V<UJ!)
66.04 Fire Master (Hou Zhu V<.1:.)
66.0 5 Door Metal (Men Jin F��)
66.0 6 Wood Keep (Mu Liu *ii)
66.0 7 Wood Scoop (Mu Dou *4)
66.0 8 Six Complete (Liu Wan /\%)
66.0 9 Water Curve (Shui Qu 7..l<liH)
66.10 Fire Connection (Huo Lien V<�)
66.11 Fire Chrysanthemum (Huo Ju V<:§ffi [�])
66.12 Fire Scatter (Huo San V<tfj()
66.13 Water Crystal (Shui Jing 7}<.JL)
66.1 4 Water Phase (Shui Xiang 7..l<f�)
66.15 Water Immortal (Shui Xian 7..l<fLlJ)


77.0 1 Restore Sinew One (Zheng Jin IEnn)
7 7 .0 2 Restore Sinew Two (Zheng Zong IE*)
7 7 .0 3 Restore Sinew Three (Zhen Shi IE±)
7 7 .04 Sinew Ball (Bo Qiu :ft3*)

Three Lay ers Group =.iirOft

7 7 .0 5 First Layer (Yi Chong-&)
7 7 .0 6 Second Layer (Er Chong =m>
7 7 .0 7 Third Layer (San Chong .=:&)

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

77.0 8 Four Flower Upper (Si Hua Shang [[9:.(t;__t)

7 7 .0 9 Four Flower Center (Si Hua Zhong [[9:.ffi cp )
7 7.10 Four Flower Quasi (Si Hua Fu ll9:ffiiU)
77.11 Four Flower Lower (Si Hua Xia [[g:ffi�)
77.12 Bowel Intestine (Fu Chang JlJf..f�)
77.13 Four Flower Medial (Si Hua Li ll9:.ffim)
77.14 Four Flower Lateral (Si Hua Wai ll9:.ffi:$'�)
77.15 Upper Lip (Shang Chun __tlg)
77.16 Lower Lip (Xia Chun �Jg)

Lower 3 Emperors Group "'F =��-

77.1 7 Heaven Emperor (Tian Huang ::R�)
77 .18 Kidney Gate (Shen Guan �11Jl)
7 7 .19 Earth Emperor (Di Huang !ill�)

7 7.20 Four Limbs (Si Zhi [[9�)

77.21 Human Emperor (Ren Huang A�)
77.22 Beside Three Miles (Ce San Li ff(U.::=.JE)
7 7.23 Beside Lower Three Miles (Ce Xia San Li ffliff.::=.JE)
77.24 Leg Thousand Metal (Zu Qian Jin JE. =f�)
77.25 Leg Five Metal (Zu Wu Jin JE.1i�)
7 7.2 6 Seven Tigers (Qi Hu -t;lfe)
7 7 .27 Exterior Three Gates (Wai San Guan �=fim)
77.28 Light Bright (Guang Ming J\:;HA)

Master Tung's Unique Points English/Chinese Name Index


Open Heaven Group il�7\m
8 8 .0 1 Open Gate (Tong Guan�!Im)
8 8 .0 2 Open Mountain (Tong Shan�l-U)
8 8 .0 3 Open Heaven (Tong Tian�)'()

8 8 .0 4 Sis ter One (Jie Mei Yi Pli!!*-)

8 8 .0 5 Sister Two (Jie Mei Er ttll!!*=>
8 8 .0 6 Sister Three (Jie Mei San Pli!!* - )
8 8 .0 7 Common Cold One (Gan Mao Yi �'g-)
8 8 .0 8 Common Cold Two (Gan Mao Er �ig =>

Open Kidney Group m• ( •) 7\m

8 8 .0 9 Open Kidney (Tong Shen�W)
8 8 .1 0 Open Stomach (Tong Wei�'llJ)
8 8 .1 1 Open Back (Tong Bei��)

Upper Three Yellows GroupJ::.:=.JiJ'\*Jl

8 8 .1 2 Bright Yellow (Ming Huang EIJJ-Ji)
8 8 .1 3 Heaven Yellow ( Tian Huang )!(Ji)
8 8 .1 4 This Yellow (Qi Huang ;it:.!i)

8 8 .1 5 Fire Branch ( Huo Zhi 1<tt)

8 8 .1 6 Fire Complete (Huo Quan 1<�)

Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture

Four Hors es Group l!R1Uft

8 8 .17 Four Horses Center (Si Ma Zhong ty,J,rp)
8 8 .18 Four Horses Upper (Si Ma Shang ty,J,_t)
8 8 .19 Four Horses Lower (Si Ma Xia @Y,J, ""f)

8 8 .20 Lower Spring (Xia Quan ""f *>

8 8 .21 Central Spring (Zhong Quan rp *>
8 8 .22 Upper Spring (Shang Quan _t*)
8 8 .23 Metal Anterior Lower ( Jin Qian Xia izJW""f)
8 8 .24 Metal Anterior Upper (Jin Qian Shang iz1VJ_t)
8 8 .2 5 Central Nine Miles (Zhong Jiu Li rpfL![)
8 8 .26 Upper Nine Miles (Shang Jiu Li_tfL![)
8 8 .2 7 Lower Nine Miles (Xia Jiu Li""ffL![)
8 8 .2 8 Release (Jie {W)
8 8 .2 9 Inner Open Gate (Nei Tong Guan i7'Jim!llJ)
8 8 .3 0 Inner Open Mountain (Nei Tong Shan i7'JimLl!)
8 8 .3 1 Inner Open to Heaven (Nei Tong Tian J7gIB[7()
8 8 .3 2 Lost Voice (Shi Yin :$f;::1if)


99.0 1 Ear Ring ( Er Huang !fl.I)
99.0 2 W ood Ear (Mu Er i:!l=)
99.0 3 Fire Ear ( Huo Er X!f)
99.0 4 Earth Ear (Tu Er ±!l=)
99.0 5 Metal Ear (Jin Er 1fz:}j:)
99.0 6 Water Ear (Shui Er J.K!j:)
99.0 7 Ear Back (Er Bei }j:�)
99.0 8 Ear Three (Er San !j:.=_)

Master Tung's Unique Points English/Chinese Name Index


10 10 .0 1 Central Meeting (Zheng Hui IEff)
1 0 10 .0 2 State Round (Zhou Yuan 1'Mlil)
10 1 0 .0 3 State Hillside (Zhou Kun 1H�)
1 0 1 0 .0 4 State Mountainside (Zhou Lun 1'1'1W)
1 0 10 .0 5 Anterior Meeting (Qian Hui !Wff)
1 0 10 .0 6 Posterior Meeting (Hou Hui f&ff)
1 0 1 0 .0 7 All Pivot (Zong Shu �mo
10 10 .0 8 Calm Mind (Zheng Jing iiiW)
1 01 0.0 9 Supreme Place (Shang Li _tm_)
1 0 10 .10 Four Bowels Two(Si Fu Er IZBIDM=>
10 1 0 .11 Four Bowels One (Si Fu Yi [9.IJJM-)
1 010 .12 Original Source (Zheng Ben .IE:tls;:)
1 0 10 .13 Horse Metal Water (Ma Jin Shui .�1fi:J..f< • .�1fi:J..f<)
10 1 0 .1 4 Horse Fast Water (Ma Kuai Shui .�·�7..f< • .�19.tJ..f<)
101 0 .1 5 Bowel Fast (Fu Kuai .IDM·�)
10 1 0 .16 Six Fast (Liu Kuai 7\tJ:!)
1 0 10 .17 Seven Fast (Qi Kuai -t;•[9.t)
10 10 .18 Wood Branch (Mu Zhi *.ti)
1 01 0 .1 9 Water Pathway (Shui Tong 7..f<jM)
10 10 .20 Water Metal (Shui Jin 1.l<:tfi:)
1 01 0 .21 Jade Fire (Yu Huo ]ij()
1 0 10 .22 Nose Wing (Bi Yi ••>
10 10 .23 State Fire (Zhou Hua 1'MX)
10 1 0 .24 State Metal (Zhou Jin 1i'f 1ft:)
10 10 .25 State Water (Zhou Shui 1i'[7J<)

3 19
Introduction to Tung's Acupuncture


DTOl Divided Branch Upper (Fen Zhi Shang )tf.)t_t)
DT0 2 Divided Branch Lower (Fen Zhi Xia 7tf5ZT)
DT0 3 Seven Stars (Qi Xing -t£)
DT0 4 Five Ranges (Wu Ling Ii•)
DT0 5 Pair Phoenix (Shuang Feng !!ll.)
DT0 6 Nine Monkeys (Jiu Hou 1151*)
DT0 7 Three Metal (San Jin .=::1fi)
DTOS Essence Branch (Jing Zhi fflf.)t)
DT0 9 Metal Forest (Jin Lin �f;f)
DTlO Top Pillar (Ding Zhu JJ!U)
DTll Back Heart (Hou Xin f�{,,)
DT12 Common Cold Three (Gan Mao San �� .=:)
DT13 Water Center (Shui Zhong 7]<q:t)
DT14 Water House (Shui Fu 7.l<Jff)
DT15 Three Rivers ( San Jiang .=:rI)
DT16 Double Rivers (Shuang He !!¥BJ)
DT17 Up-shooting Heaven(Chong Xiao Mi•)


VTOl Throat Moth Nine ( Hou E Jiu Pf*titfL)
VT0 2 Twelve Mokeys (Shi Er Hou + =�)
VT0 3 Metal Five (Jin Wu 3il:Ii)
VT0 4 Stomach Hair Seven (Wei Mao Qi �=§-t)
VT0 5 Bowel Nest Twenty Three (Fu Chao Er Shi San JIJ!Hl= + .=:)


1. 1. Tung Ching-Chang j[j!�. 1973. Tung's Acupuncture, Its Regular Channels &
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2. Tung Ching-Chang jfj!�. 1972. Tung's Acupuncture, Its Regular Channels &
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4. ·Chen Du-Ren llJl!ifl.A, 1964. Ching-Chang Points & Medical Record jjt�i!if/\:&�191J,
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5. Lai Jing-Xiong it�Dt. 1987 The Unique Point Practice Record of Tung's Acupuncture

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6. Lee, Miriam. 1992. Master Tong's Acupuncture. CO. BluePoppy Press.
7. Hu Bien-Quan i!i/3F9f.I. 1986. The Clinical Major Secrets of Tung's Acupuncture j[.f;\;
�t1k&fn1*ffl���- Taipei -Er�t. Self Published 13EP.
8. Young, Wei-Chieh. 2005. Tung's Acupuncture. CA. American Chinese Medical Cul­
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9. Liu Yi lti�- 2010. Tung's Acupuncture with Annotation J[.f;\;tt1kr±iflit. Beijing �t*·
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10. Li Zhaoguo *fliji,I. 2005. Chinese-English Yellow Emperor's Canon of Medicine
Plain Conversation?�Einttflij-JiWl79*�*r"'�· Xi'an gs�. World Publishing!Wllllf

11. Li Zhaoguo *fliji,I. 2005. Chinese-English Yellow Emperor's Canon of Medicine
Spiritual Pivot. 1��!1flij-JiWl79*�11fli. Xi'angg�. World Publishing Co. tf!Wllllfl:f:\

12. Unschuld P.U. & Tessenow H. 2011. Huang Di NeiJing Su Wen, Annotated Transla­
tion of Huang Di's Inner Classic - Basic Questions. CA. University of California Press.

Introduction to Tung' s Acupuncture

13. Yun Zi-Yu 1!!i-f-•[f.J. 1988. Nei Jing Suwen Zhen Xiang Zhi Tan Tao

Taipei -Ei'�t. Self Published § EP.
14. Huang Long-Xiang :!lW.:f$. 2011. Zhen Jiu Shu Xue T ong Kao tt1R::fm11\jfil�.
Beijing �tJ?:. PMPHA.�1fj�tf:l/Wiffd..
15. Huang Long-Xiang ]liW,:f$. 2002. Zhong Guo Zhen Jiu Xue Shu Shi Da Gun c:f:t�ttfR::
�fi�::kM. Taipei -Ei'�t. Zhi Yin Publisher �01§-t±:l/IBiH.
16. Huang Long-Xian !lW.:f$. 2011. Zhen Jiu ttfR::. Beijing �tJJ{. PMPH A��j�l:f::llIBiffr±.

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