Dynamic Calculation of Cement Mill Foundation

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thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions (France), BP 349000

F - 13799 Aix-en-Provence Cedex 3, France

Industrial Solutions

Dynamic calculation of cement mill foundation

Following vibrations found on cement mills, we would like to bring you the following answers:

- Dynamic calculation was carried following attached file from design office.
- Results presented highlight three main vibration modes with the following frequencies:
o Mode 1 :4.95 Hz
o Mode 2 : 5.52 Hz
o Mode 3 : 7.17 Hz
- Excitation frequencies are given in the following table :

Excitation frequencies
vitesse moteur 1180 tr/min
19,6666667 Hz

sortie réducteur 143,8 tr/min

2,39666667 Hz

engrènement 74,2966667 Hz

vitesse réelle broyeur 14,018239
nombre de releveurs 54
fréquence 12,6164151 Hz

In conclusion, three main natural modes of vibration are significantly different from excitation frequencies and therefore
vibrations found in cement mills are not due to foundation.

Siége Social et Etablissement d’Aix en Provence : 770, Avenue Guilibert de la Lauzière, 13290 Aix en Provence, France
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Etablissement de Sarreguemines : Parc Industriel Sud – ZI Neuwald – 1, rue René François Jolly – 57200 Sarreguemines
Téléphone : (33.3) Télécopie : (33.3) – email : sarreguemines.tkis@thyssenkrupp.com
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Société par actions simplifiée APE 7112 B- R.C.S. Aix-en-Provence B 775 729 007
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