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Republican Platform Revised 2019


Republican Platform Revised 2019
We dedicate this Platform to the Memory of Richard Nixon

Richard Nixon

Good night sweet prince, may a flight of angels take thee to thine rest
Republican Platform Revised 2019

By the 45th President
Donald J Trump
Republican Platform Revised 2019

Table of Contents
Something About a Dream

Rebirth of Watergate

America’s Natural Resources:
Let’s Destroy Them

Government Corruption

Communication Breakdown

Does Not Exist

A Useful Table of Contents
Republican Platform Revised 2019

Something About a Dream

Obama’s Economy Creating Jobs

We are currently governing
over the economy mainly set by the not the economy we inherited from
former administration and taking Obama. We shall take the credit and
credit for it. will hope that this growth continues,
but we’ll see what the tax cuts do.
We believe government is in
the way of a strong economy and it is Simpler Taxes Yes, Fairer Taxes No
up to the American people to build it. It is very important to have Pro-
From the 2016 Platform we growth tax reform and we believe it
said under Obama 3 million less has the greatest effect on the
private sector jobs were added below economy. The tax code under Obama
the estimates. Under the Trump was stupidly long and complex so we
administration in 2017, 2 million said it needed to be completely
private sector jobs were created along rewritten so in spirit of that we
with 2018 topping that with 4.8 changed a few things, changed some
million jobs being created, and finally rates and maybe removed a few things
to start out the new year 2019 in here and there.
January 300 thousand jobs were Hypocritical Principals?
created. Under Obama labor force
participation rates were staying below As said in the 2016 Platform
63% for far too long, under President we condemned liberal judges taking
Trump the labor force participation Congresses’ power of purse away by
rate hit far above 63% being 63.2% ordering higher taxes. To continue in
the tradition of condemning taking
In 2016 we said America could away Congresses’ power of purse
do better. Somehow it did. We have President Trump recently declared a
been recovering from the Great National Emergency to circumvent
Recession, obviously it must be us Congress on funding the border wall.
and definitely

Republican Platform Revised 2019
We also condemn tax policy We believe trade agreements
that divides Americans and promote need to be reformed so we did on
class warfare. So, we made our new NAFTA, pretty much just updated it.
tax cuts help high
We finally think
income earners the
that we should do what
most. We also didn’t We didn’t do is necessary to force
touch charities or this…Thank other countries to trade
religious God fairly. So, we started
organizations, so
with raising tariffs on
another promise kept.
steel to 25%, raising
We also had a belief in
the cost of American
the last platform, we want to repeal
automobiles, and 10% on aluminum.
the 16th Amendment and end income
This started China, the EU and many
tax. We didn’t do this…Thank God.
others to raise their tariffs, and
Competitive America possibly hurting international trade.
The stock market also plunged when
Corporations were too highly
these were announced.
taxed in America, so we wanted to
lower them. We did fulfill this Freeing Financial Markets?
promise to our base by lowering it
We argued for the abolishment
from almost 40% down to 21%. We
or Congressional control of the
also wanted to switch to a Territorial
Consumer Financial Protection
tax system, we fulfilled that promise
Bureau, as it is a threat to our
economy as it operates out of
Trade Wars for all Executive or Congressional control. It
harasses banks and makes it harder to
We wanted to put an end to
for Americans to buy homes. We so
massive trade deficits, at the end of
far have mixed up the leadership of
2009 the average trade deficit was
the agency by disbanding the advisory
around 60 billion dollars a month, it
board and stripping of enforcement
sharply fell after 2010 and began to
power in discrimination cases.
rise under Obama, and during his
presidency it usually stayed under 50
billion, but now with us in charge our
trade deficit stayed around the same
until it recently rose above 50 billion.

Republican Platform Revised 2019
Doing Nothing about the Future: Republican tax cuts we set this on a
America’s Electric Grid firm path of F**k it, and it is
estimated the cuts will add to the debt
We claimed to support the
by an increased deficit of 2.3 trillion
expedited expansion and redesign of
dollars over the next
the electrical grid and
decade and depending on
would because it
the current Congress, can
should not take ten “Starting increase this by much
years to plan and with the more if they choose to
construct one. The Republican extend the income tax
United States tax cuts we rates that are set to
electrical grid is set this on a increase.
aging and is firm path of
vulnerable to cyber F**k it”
and terrorist threats.
And still is because
we have not really
done much of
anything to do with infrastructure.
We believe the Federal Reserve
is not transparent and needs to be
audited so we gave a plan, a plan that
has a first step and no more, we
planned to audit the FED annually,
our plans did not go far and didn’t get
support and died in the Senate.
Increasing the Federal Debt
In the 2016 Platform we said
our national debt is a huge burden on
our economy, and the Obama
administration placed a burden on the
future generations by increasing it.
We claimed we would vigorously
pursue the repayment of the trillions
of dollars we owe. Starting with the
Republican Platform Revised 2019

Rebirth of Watergate

Republicans = America
from disaster relief fund or military
We are the party of the
construction does not seem anything
Declaration of Independence and of
like that. We also wanted a President
the Constitution even though we
who would return credibility to the
didn’t exist as a party until almost 100
Oval Office, because a huge two year
years after they were written. And to
investigation into the President with
put it simply we believe in God
many of his associates being indicted
(Christian) and he bestows rights unto
and charges absolutely does that, and
us. We also believe the Constitution is
who would end the abuses in agencies
in crisis because federal requirements
such as the IRS and EPA, and would
are mostly imposed by regulatory
not nominate someone like Scott
agencies. We believe the Obama
Pruitt who would resign from head of
administration exceeded its
the EPA under the current
constitutional authority and tried to
administration because of ethics
divide America into groups and turn
scandals and since he used his
them against each other. Democrats in
position to travel for free, free
Congress also enabled this by
security along, with a lot of
applauding Obamas efforts, and it is
unnecessary purchases and also
wrong, this has not happened with
giving his wife a government job, and
Republican control, and the whole
giving raises to those he liked and
thing with Senator Lindsey Graham
making other government employees
supporting Trump’s emergency order
run personal errands for him among
that pretty much takes money that
much, much more.
Congress could not approve, away

Republican Platform Revised 2019

We believe we should appoint
conservative minded Judges to the
Supreme Court, that did happen with
Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh.
We also believe we need to get Senate
approval for international agreements
and alliances. President Trump pulled
out of many but has not made any
without Senate approval.

We Don’t Like Gays

We believe marriage is between
one man and one woman. We
condemn the Supreme court rulings
that gave gay rights such as
Obergefell v. Hodges. Now
Americans have been robbed of their
authority to decide whose love is
better and now has to deal with all the
gay people and their having equal
Something About Privacy
We called for a repeal of The
Foreign Account Tax Compliance
Act. We believe it results in seizure of
personal financial information without
reasonable suspicion or probable
cause. So far, we have failed to really
do anything about this.

Republican Platform Revised 2019

America’s Natural Resources:

Let’s Destroy Them

A New Era of Pollution Environmental Regression

We claim that the Obama We planned to amend the Equal
Administration’s Clean Power Plan Access to Justice Act to cap and
for the EPA is a war on Coal and disclose payments made to
should be done away with environmental activists. So far, a bill
immediately. So far due to legal was passed in the House and is sitting
challenges not much has been done in the Senate and has been for almost
other than plans to replace it with one a year now. We also planned to stop
recently proposed by President the EPA from regulating carbon
Trump, it is still dioxide, that also has gone
pending, though nowhere. We said we would
studies found it give Congress the authority to
would be worse than “Nothing” make the National Ambient
doing nothing and Air Quality Standards, can
will increase you guess what happened to
pollution, thus that? Nothing. Moving on to
Making America the U.N., we demanded that
Polluted Again as the campaign the United States should immediately
slogan went. Finally, we said we halt funding to The U.N.’s
would make the Keystone Pipeline Framework Convention on Climate
that the Obama Administration Change (UNFCCC). So far, the
essentially killed, and in 2017 the Republican Senate has approved
Trump Administration approved the funds for the UNFCCC.
plan though construction has been
halted by Federal Judges.

Republican Platform Revised 2019

Government Corruption

Definitely Not Balancing the Budget

government shutdown to
As said before in the 2016
demand excessive spending...does
Platform the federal debt threatens the
that sound familiar? At the end of
security, liberty and the independence
2018, Trump started a government
of the Union as a whole. The Obama
shutdown because money for his wall
administration refused to work with
was not in the budget, this was the
us Republicans and raised our
longest shutdown in the history of our
national debt by 9 trillion dollars. We
country. We also called for an
claimed that by 2026 the debt will
Amendment to the Constitution that
reach 30 trillion if it is unchecked.
requires a balanced federal budget.
And oh boy is it unchecked, at the
That never was even talked about nor
time of the 2016 platform the debt
any progress made to fulfill this
was 19 trillion and now February of
2019 the debt is currently 22 Trillion
dollars and estimated to raise to hit 28 Medicare
Trillion at the end of Trump's 2
Medicare needs to be reformed
potential terms. So, it looks like the
if it is to survive for future
past estimates were wrong. The
generations. We put forth a plan to
national debt will get to 30 trillion far
create an alternative to traditional
faster under a Republican
Medicare and create a new premium-
administration. Going back to Obama
support model, this has not happened
the Republican party in Congress tried
yet, and currently is not even being
to stop his rising of the debt, we tried
talked about anymore.
to reverse the course, but he and his
administration manufactured a phony Destroying Internet Freedom
We in the 2016 Platform
reaffirmed our commitment to
keeping the internet independent and

Republican Platform Revised 2019
ensure that personal data is protected citizens in danger. Thus, we said we
and open to all ideas. Which is why in would take away federal funding to
2017 Republican commissioners in those cities. So far, the Trump
the FCC voted to end Net Neutrality, administration has attempted to take
this allows internet service providers federal funding away, but a federal
to discriminate based on content. judge blocked the action declaring it
Thus, this completely undermines unconstitutional.
open and free internet and everything
Leaving Treaties
we previously said about internet
freedom. We intended to pull out of all
national agreements made by the
Immigration and The Wall
Obama administration that were not
We said we support the official treaties approved by the
building of a wall across the southern Senate and although it might not have
boarder and proved this by The been the best idea many such as the
President declaring a state of Paris Climate Agreement, have been
emergency to pulled out of by the Trump
move 6 Billion Administration.
dollars from “Although if we
really cared we Bye IRS…or not
other sectors of
would have
government to We supported making
accepted the 25
the building of billion dollars in a the tax code easy to
the wall. bill that included a understand to a point were
Although if we pathway to the IRS is no longer needed,
really cared we citizenship for this has not been done.
former DACA
would have Although the standard
accepted the 25 deduction has been doubled
billion dollars in making it much simpler for
a bill that most of America but other
included a pathway to citizenship for than that it hasn’t been reformed and
former DACA “Dreamers” but due to the IRS will continue to operate. We
that they refused it. Or maybe we also said we would fight for the repeal
could have done something in the 2 of the Johnson Amendment, so far it
years where we controlled both has not been repealed, though it was
Houses of Congress. We also sort of attempted as part of the tax
condemned “sanctuary cities” because cuts but was taken out in the Senate.
they violate federal law and put their

Republican Platform Revised 2019
Audit the Pentagon
We called for an audit of the
Department of Defense and in 2018
the first audit was performed. As was
expected with such a huge
organization with such a large budget
it failed. Mainly in the account of
cybersecurity issues and accounting
Term Limits
We believe in term limits for
Congress and in 2019 two Republican
Senators have pushed for a
Constitutional Amendment imposing
term limits.
As a general Republican belief,
we believe in deregulation and in
2018 President Trump has rolled back
more federal rules and regulations
than any modern President.

Republican Platform Revised 2019

Communication Breakdown

Increasing the Dangers wanted to rebuild relationships with

our allies and reaffirm our nuclear
shield is their nuclear shield, they do
We said we would restore our not need to build their own nuclear
nation’s military and support keeping weapons. So far, our relationships
American superiority. We said we with our allies have never been worse
would undo Obama era damage to our and many counties are talking about
military, which we really had no building their own nukes and worse of
example of what he did to damage our all, European leaders are calling for a
military other than from moving from True European Army, thus trying to
a budget-based strategy to one that lessen their dependence on the United
puts our nation first. So, I guess the States for protection.
damage he did was making sure our Money for War
military operations did not cost more We wanted to increase the
than our budget...which sounds like a Military budget, in 2018 the Senate
good idea. We would abandon arms approved the budget of 716 billion
control treaties that benefit our dollars for 2019, this is an 82 billion
adversaries without helping our own dollar increase from 2017.
national security. We did somewhat Cleaning Up Bush’s Middle East
do this in the pulling out of the Iran
nuclear deal, whether it was a good Because of the agreement with
thing or a bad thing we will have to Iran was not approved by Senate it is
wait and see. And the suspension of non-binding and only benefits Iran
the Nuclear arms control treaty with and their funding of terrorism
Russia. We also interestingly enough worldwide. This we promised to
have claimed to end the policy of immediately pull out of this
Mutually Assured Destruction. Now
agreement and President Trump on
our enemies can nuke us without the
May 8, 2018 announced he was
fear of nuclear retaliation except as
usual this has not been done at all. withdrawing from the Iran Nuclear
Trump called for the modernization of deal thus filling the promise in the
our nuclear capabilities thus is 2016 Platform. ISIS was a great threat
pushing to fulfill our promise of to our democracy, it spread threw the
nuclear modernization. We also Middle East and burst through its

Republican Platform Revised 2019
borders into almost every continent. Russia > NATO
In Syria the dictator Bashar Assad
We have said in the 2016 Platform
rose and murdered thousands of his
that our fellow members in NATO
own people. We promised then in
must fulfill their commitment and
2016 to stand up to these two enemies
need for greater investment in their
of the United States, we promised to
armed forces. So far President Trump
destroy ISIS and support a change of
has called for this and now is even
leadership in Syria to a government
threatening to pull out of this
represented of people and protector of
extremely important alliance. When
their rights. So far most of ISIS’s
we said we fully support our fellow
territory has been liberated and only a
nations in NATO in the 2016
minuscule force remains. With its
Platform we were just kidding. Part of
Capital taken and leader killed it
this European Alliance section
poses only a small threat that could
confirmed our respect for the Russian
grow back to its former strength with
government and the want for greater
President Trump’s withdraw of troops
friendship. That has been greatly
from Syria, though he just recently
fulfilled with some loosening of
went back and is allowing 400 US
sanctions on Russia and private,
troops to remain thus this promise is
unrecorded meetings between the
on the edge of being fulfilled. Though
Russian President Putin and US
the latter promise has been taken back
President Trump. And what greater
as Trumps representative for Syria has
gift could we give than the dissolve of
confirmed the administration is no
the NATO alliance that kept Europe
longer interested to topple Assad and
safe from invasion from the Soviet
his regime.
Israel Has a Wall? We Must
Support Israel
We fully support Israel and
have fully been supporting them and
their defense under the Trump
Administration. Our main promise in
the 2016 Platform was to recognize
Jerusalem has the Israeli capital and
the Trump administration has and
moved the US Embassy to the city.

Republican Platform Revised 2019
Since the writing of the Republican Platform in 2016 the Republican party has
been greatly ineffective at governing. With control of both Houses of Congress and
the Presidency a lot more of the promises should have been keep or at least
compromised upon. Instead much talk has been made and not much acted upon.
Though quite a few promises have been kept it still is not what the American
people wanted when Trump said he would be working constantly and would be the
most effective President in history. The Trump Presidency was not the most
effective and has been called the laziest in modern history. What it has
accomplished though was shaking up the Republican Party, as seen in the
midterms America is turning towards the Democratic Party, we lost the House and
only have a small hold on the Senate. Trump himself went back on many of his
campaign promises that were very popular to his loyal supporters such as locking
up Hilary Clinton, Mexico paying for the Wall, repairing Americas infrastructure
and most importantly,
Making America Great Again.

Republican Platform Revised 2019

Republican Platform Revised 2019

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