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Chapter Contents Page

1 Abstract
2 Introduction
2.1 About The
2.2 About Project
3 Configuration
3.1 Hardware
3.2 Software Requitements

4 Software Spesfication
4.1 Visual Basic 6
4.2 Microsoft Access
5 System Design
5.1 Data Flow Design
5.2 Table Design
6 System Analysis
6.1 Problem Definition
6.2 Project Desription
6.3 User Interface
7 System Implementation
and Testing
8 Screen Layout
9 Sample Code
10 Conclusion
1. Abstract

The project is a web based application where users can get instant

electricity bill and pay them online via credit card. The system automates the

conventional process of paying electricity bill by visiting the place. Users have to

stand in queue for paying bill and wait for their turn. The process is tiresome and

time consuming. They even have to wait for the bill being delivered to their place

which sometimes can be delivered late by the delivery boy. Hence the system is

developed to automate the electricity bill calculation and payment for user


The system would be having two logins admin and user login. Admin can view

user account details and can even add or updates things in their account. Admin

has to feed the system with electricity usage data into respective users account.

The system then calculates the electricity bill for every user and updates the

information into their account every month. User can then view their electricity

bill and pay on the spot before month end. If user is incapable of paying the bill

before month end, it then calculates fine for each day.

2 Introduction

Our project entitled “Electricity Billing System” aims is to generate electricity

bill with all the charges and penalty. Manual system that is employed is extremely
laborious and quite inadequate. It only makesthe process more difficult and hard.
The aim of our project is to develop a system that is meant to partially
computerize the work performed in the Electricity Board like generating monthly
electricity bill, record of consuming unit of energy, store record of the customer
and previous unpaid record. We used Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 as front end and
MS-Access2000 as back end for developing our project. Visual Basic is visual
design environment. We can create a VB application by designing the form and
that make up the user interface. Adding visual basic application code to the form
and the objects such as buttons and text boxes on them and adding any required
support code in additionalmodular. Microsoft Access 2000 is a powerful
relational database application with which a desktop user can efficiently create
and manipulate database systems. Access targets the desktop category and works
best for individuals and workgroup managing megabytes of data for multi-user
access to the same database, Access uses file-server architecture, rather than
client-server architecture.

2.1 About the Organization

2.2 About Project

Our project aims at Business process automation, i.e. we have tried to

computerize various processes of Electricity Billing System. In the sector of
electricity board we have computerizes their department and stock maintenance.

Scope of any software depends upon the following things:

It satisfy the user requirement
2. Be easy to understand by the user and operator
3. Be easy to operate
4. Have a good user interface
5. Be expandable
6. Delivered on schedule within the budget.
We have tried to make such type of software, which satisfy the above
given requirement.
Objectives Of The System::
The objective of our project is as follows:
a. To keep the information of Customer.
b. To keep the information of consuming unit of energy of current month.
Electricity Billing System
c. To keep the information of consuming unit of energy of previous month.
d. To keep the information of employee working in the department.
e. To maintain the record of the department.

3 Configuration Requirements

3.1 Hardware Requirements

Hardware speciation

Processor - IntelPentium dual core

Ram - 2GB

Hard Disk - 500 GB

Monitor - 17”

Keyboard - Multimedia
Mouse - Optical mouse

3.2 Software Requirements


Operating system - Windows 7

Tool - Visual Studio

Front End - Visual Basic

Back End - Microsoft Access

4 Software Specification

4.1 Visual Basic 6

.NET is a software framework which is designed and developed by Microsoft.

The first version of .Net framework was 1.0 which came in the year 2002. In easy

words, it is a virtual machine for compiling and executing programs written in

different languages like C#, VB.Net etc. It is used to develop Form-based

applications, Web-based applications, and Web services. There is a variety of

programming languages available on the .Net platform, VB.Net and C# being the

most common ones are . It is used to build applications for Windows, phone, web

etc. It provides a lot of functionalities and also supports industry standards. .NET
Framework supports more than 60 programming languages in which 11

programming languages are designed and developed by Microsoft. The

remaining Non-Microsoft Languages which are supported by .NET Framework

but not designed and developed by Microsoft.

Common Language Runtime(CLR): CLR is the basic and Virtual Machine

component of the .NET Framework. It is the run-time environment in the .NET

Framework that runs the codes and helps in making the development process

easier by providing the various services such as remoting, thread management,

type-safety, memory management, robustness etc.. Basically, it is responsible for

managing the execution of .NET programs regardless of any .NET programming

language. It also helps in the management of code, as code that targets the runtime

is known as the Managed Code and code doesn’t target to runtime is known as

Unmanaged code.

Framework Class Library(FCL): It is the collection of reusable, object-oriented

class libraries and methods etc that can be integrated with CLR. Also called the

Assemblies. It is just like the header files in C/C++ and packages in the java.

Installing .NET framework basically is the installation of CLR and FCL into the

system. Below is the overview of .NET Framework The combination of

Operating System Architecture and CPU Architecture is known as the platform.

Platform dependent means the programming language code will run only on

particular Operating System. A .NET application is platform dependent because

of the .NET framework which is only able to run on the Windows-based operating

system. The .Net application is platform independent also because of Mono

framework. Using Mono framework the .Net application can run on any

Operating System including windows. Mono framework is a third party software

developed by Novell Company which is now a part of Micro Focus Company. It

is a paid framework.

Important Points:

 Visual Studio is the development tool which is used to design and develop

the .NET applications. For using Visual Studio, the user has to first install

the .NET framework on the system.

 In the older version of Windows OS like XP SP1, SP2 or SP3, .NET

framework was integrated with the installation media.

 Windows 8, 8.1 or 10 do not provide a pre-installed version 3.5 or later of

.NET Framework. Therefore, a version higher than 3.5 must be installed

either from a Windows installation media or from the Internet on demand.

Windows update will give recommendations to install the .NET


4.2 Microsoft Access

Basic Access
The Environment
When you first begin to use Microsoft Access, it is important to become
familiar with a few of the items you will encounter. When you open Access
2007, you will be greeted by the window below. Notice that you have the
option to create a new database in the center portion of the window, or you can
open a database that was recently used to the right of the screen.

If you opt to create a new database, you will be faced with the screen below.
This is where most people falter. The first big piece to understanding Access is
the actual look and feel of the environment.
At the top of the Access window is the title bar. The Title Bar will tell you the
name of the file you are using and the name of the name of the program that is
open. Just to the left of the title, you will see two new elements to Office 2007.
First, please notice the round colorful button on the far left. That is called your
Office Button, and in a lot of ways it will replace the file menu from prior
versions of the program. Moving over on the title bar to the right, you will find
the Quick Access toolbar. This is the only toolbar left in Office 2007. It will
likely have only three buttons, but it is customizable. Below the Title Bar, you
will find the Ribbon. The Ribbon has tabbed sets of commands. These
commands are on buttons to make the action quicker than using menus. The
buttons are grouped into sets that are labeled directly below the set. The new
series of tabs is designed to be more intuitive than previous versions of the
program. In the image below, the Title Bar is referring to the name of the
database which, in my sample, is called “Test.”
Below the Ribbon, you should see a Navigation Pane. This will help you move
between all of the areas within Access 2007. You will see that by default, it has
created a table for you. To create your own elements within Access, you will
have to click on the Tab called “Create.” Under the Create Tabbed sets of
commands, you will see buttons for everything you will need to create your

Tables are the main storage place for data in an Access database. This is just for
storage, and although you can do the data entry in this place, it isn’t the best
place for ease of use.

The tabbed set of commands is for forms. Forms are the best possible place to
do data entry. You can create a form for each table, and it will present you with
an environment to see all of the information that a record contains. It is almost
impossible to do this in a table. In a table, you would have to scroll left to right
to see all of the information.

The fourth set is for reports. Reports are used whenever you want to print the
information in your database. That will include printing mailing labels as well
as lists of names – in short, reports are for all printing.

The final area is for queries. You use queries to view, change, and analyze data
in different ways. You can also use them as the source of records for forms and
reports. It is a way to isolate information, search for records with a certain
criteria, so that you can manipulate that information.

The final section available in Access also includes the Macros and Modules
sections. These are mostly used in advanced situations where you want to
create a website, or automate commands and operations. The Modules tab is for
creating, viewing and editing Visual Basic code. Visual Basic is the name of
the underlying programming code.

In addition to knowing what all of the areas contain and are used for, it is
important to understand that there are multiple views for each of the objects on
each of the tabs. There is, in general, a view called design and one called view
for each section of work. Design View will let you edit the items in a database.
It will not show the data in this mode, but it will let you change appearance and
characteristics of the data. The View mode will let you see the data, or run the
query. This will be the mode used for data entry and printing reports.

Creating a Table with a Template

When you are creating the table of the database, you are beginning to form the
contents of the database. This process takes careful planning. Your database
will need three things in order to function appropriately. It will need labels to
identify Field Names in the database. The database will need data, the actual
information for each item. Finally, it will need a little bit of formatting in order
for the data to be stored correctly.
You will need to decide what the function of this database will be before you

If you decide that your database will be used to keep the addresses of your
customers, you will want to consider all of the possible fields that you will need.
For example, make sure that you have separate fields for first and last names. If
you create one large field for “name,” you will not be able to sort the
information in alphabetical order by last name. Plan ahead!
To begin, you will be able to use the option
labeled “Table Templates” to create tables
without too much trouble. Pressing the button
will show you a list of options. You will be
able to choose from the sample tables created
for business reasons or for personal reasons.
There is an option for a table for a contacts
list. For the purpose of this exercise, choose
that one.

Notice that all you have to do is choose the

option and a Table is created with all of the
typical field names that would be in a mailing
list. If there are options you do not want, or
would like to rename, you can do so my
Right-Clicking on the column header.

Creating a Table without Using a Wizard

Sometimes the Table Wizard will not be able to suit your needs for creating a
table. Perhaps you just want to create a small table quickly. Begin by going to
the Create Tab and clicking the button called Table Design. This will open the
table in design view so that you can begin to add to it. Notice that nothing is
pre-done for you in creating this table. All of the design elements of this table
are up to you. You will be asked to choose the field names, the data types and
include whatever comments about the field that you would like. Comments are
the only aspect of this creation that is optional.
Begin by typing in the name of the field that you are creating under Field Name.
Hit tab on your keyboard to bring yourself to the section for Data Types. You
can use Data Types to specify the kind of information that will be saved in this

Your choices of Data Type are Text, Memo, Number, Date/Time, Currency,
AutoNumber, Yes/No, OLE, Hyperlink, Attachment and Lookup Wizard. Text
will be used for most of your fields like names and addresses. You would use a
memo field for items that would require more typing – like a field for
comments. Numbers will let you have fields that you can calculate, and date
fields are pretty straightforward. Currency will allow you to have dollar signs
and 2 place decimal points. AutoNumber will automatically number your
records; this is the best choice for primary keys to insure that there will be no
repetition. Yes/No fields will let you have a check box. OLE is for Object
linking and embedding so that you may have an Excel Spreadsheet directly
inside the database. Hyperlinks will let you put in websites and e-mail
addresses. Attachments are for including a file with the record entry. The
Lookup Wizard will let you draw information from another table to
automatically enter data in a field.

Use the Lookup Wizard

You can use the Lookup Wizard in Microsoft Access to create professional
looking drop down menus in you database. In addition to adding an attractive
flare to your database, this feature will allow you to control the kinds of data
that are entered into any one particular field. Let’s say you wanted to limit the
entries to a field called “payment.” You want to make sure that the person
doing the data entry on the database only types in cash, check or credit. Not
only do you run the risk of typos or abbreviations, but typing the same three
items again and again can be tedious. Creating a menu can cut down on the data
entry time. In short, it is quicker, easier and more efficient.
The first step to creating this kind of menu is
to create a table with the options you would
like in your menu. Using our example, you
would create a table that had only three
entries: Cash; Check; Credit. It would look a
little like this display does. Close the table,
and return to the design view of the table you
would like to have the menu. Find the field
that you would like to alter and change the data type to the Lookup Wizard.
Selecting this option will automatically launch the wizard for you.

The first step in the wizard will ask you where you would like to get the
information from – a table or would you like to type them in yourself. Choose
the option to use a table.

The second step you like you pick which table you would like to use. Once you
have made that selection you are ready for the next step. The next step is to
pick which fields you would like for your menu, and the next step is asking you
if the list should be alphabetized. Next, you pick the size of the field.
Finally you get to name the new menu. Save the table you are working in, and
go to the data sheet view to make sure that it worked for you. You will notice
that the Data Type has changed to a Number. Don’t worry about this, but don’t
change it either. It means that it is drawing from a numbered list.

Creating a Form
The first step to creating a form is to move to the Form section of the Create
Tab. To begin, let us click the Form Button. You are immediately given a
form. You could stop here and have a functional space to do the data entry.
You can also customize it.

Notice that there are two new tabs available to you on the Ribbon. Editing the
Form to something more than the default setting will require the Contextual
Tabbed Set of Commands.

With Contextual Tabbed Sets of Commands, you only have access to those
commands in the specific circumstances. When you click anywhere but on the
chart, the Contextual Tabbed Set of Commands goes away. Notice that the
special tabs are color coded so that you can identify them as contextual.
Notice that you are on the Contextual Tab called “Format” and that you can add
elements to your form like a title, a logo and you can even change the color
palate using AutoFormat.

The Arrange Tab will let you reorder the Field Names in your Form.

The final step will be to name and save your form. You must save the form if
you intend to use it as a permanent object in your database.

You may also create a form in the design view. This kind of creation will allow
you even more flexibility in the appearance of your form. This will open a
blank space for you to use to create the design of your form. You will have to
bring in the field names and decide where they should go. This way of creating
a form takes a little longer, but it is easier to customize.

Using the Label Wizard in Reports

The primary use of creating reports is to generate something to print from your
database. The most common thing that people print is mailing labels. Built into
Microsoft Access is a Label Wizard. Using the Wizard makes this common
task quick and easy. First, go to the Reports section of the Create Tab and then
click the button that says “Labels.”

This will open a window that looks like the one below. Choose what size
mailing label you use in your office; select one and click the button that says
You are asked to choose a font and a font size for your label. The next step
wants you to choose which field names you would like and in what order.
Make sure that you put in all of the spaces between each field or there will be
none. You also want to make sure that you include a comma after the city field
or there will be none. Click the button that says Next. You are asked for a field
name to sort by, such as zip codes or last names. The last step is asking for a
name for the label. Make sure that your label name includes the label size as
well as any information about how it was sorted. So that you will remember the
next time you need to print these labels, and for anyone else using the database.

You will use queries to manipulate the information in your database. For
example, if you want to isolate the people from your list who are working in a
particular department. For the most part, you will perform most of your queries
in the design window. Move to the Queries section of the Create Tab and click
the Button for Design Design. This will open up a small dialog box where you
can decide which table or tables you will use in your query. Click the table you
want and then press the button that says Add. Make sure you only press it once,
because Access will add the table for every time you press the button. Once
you have finished, click the button that says “Close” and you can begin setting
the criteria for your query.

Notice that you have a little box in the query window that has all of the field
names for the table you selected. You can double click on individual field
names, or you can double click on the asterisk to bring in all of the field names.

In the section below the line notice that you have a line for field names, a line
for the table it is from and the place you can use for sorting the output of the
query. You will have below that the line to decide whether or not you would
like to show this field in the result of the query. You have lines below that for
putting in the criteria for your query. If you are looking for all of the people
that have the word “Connecticut” in the state field, then you will type the word
on the criteria line under the field name State.

Once you have set the criteria for your query you are ready to run it. Running
the query is as simple as pushing the button on the Ribbon that has a red
exclamation point. This will let you see the results of your query. You may
save the query from here, or go back to the design view to alter the criteria for
the query and run it again. Saving queries that work can be a way to save time
if you know you will be looking for this information again at some point. Be
sure that you name the query something that explains completely what the
search will yield.

5 System Design
5.1 Data Flow Design

Data flow diagram is a graphical representation of data movement,

process files used in support of an information system. Unlike detail flow
charts, DFDs do not supply detailed description of modules but graphically
describe a system’s data and how the data interact with the system. Workflow
focuses on what happens to the data through various points in the system. A
data flow diagram represents the information at each processing points in the
system and the direction it takes from the source and destination

To construct a data flow diagram, we use

 Arrows
 Circles
 Open-ended boxes
 Squares
An arrow identifies data flow or data in motion. Circle stands for a
process that converts data into information. An open-ended box represents
a data source or a temporary repository of data. A square defines a source
or the destination of given data

The following information rules govern construction of DFD

a) Arrows should not cross each other

b) Squares, circles, and files must bear names.
No two data flows, squares or circles can have the same etc.
5.2 Table Design
6 System Analysis

6.1 Problem Definition

The old manual system was suffering from a series of drawbacks.Since

whole of the system was to be maintained with hands the processof keeping,
maintaining and retrieving the information was verytedious and lengthy. The
records were never used to be in a systematicorder. there used to be lots of
difficulties in associating any particulartransaction with a particular context. If
any information was to befound it was required to go through the different
registers, documentsthere would never exist anything like report generation.
There wouldalways be unnecessary consumption of time while entering records
andretrieving records. One more problem was that it was very difficult tofind
errors while entering the records. Once the records were entered itwas very
difficult to update these records.In present, work done in the electricity board is
performedmanually which is a great headache for the department .The
reasonbehind it is that there is lot of information to be maintained and have tobe
kept in mind while running the business .For this reason we have provided
features Present system is partially automated(computerized), actually existing
system is quite laborious as one has to enter same information at three different
places. Following points should be well considered-:Documents and reports that
must be provided by the new system: there can also be few reports, which can
help management in decision-Electricity Billing System making and cost
controlling, but since these reports do not get required attention, such kind of
reports and information were also identified and given required attention. Details
of the information needed for each document and report. The required frequency
and distribution for each document. Probable sources of information for each
document and report. With the implementation of computerized system, the task
of keeping records in an organized manner will be solved. The greatest of all is
the retrieval of information, which will be at the click of the mouse. So the
proposed system helps in saving the time in different operations andmaking
information flow easy giving valuable reports.

6.2 Project Description

Existing System:
A system can be regarded as a set of interacting elements, producing outputs from
a set of inputs. Existing system is completely manual. There may be a lot of
chance of clerical and procedural errors. Existing system has several
disadvantages such as
1. Redundancy in stored data
2. Lack of security
3. Data is inconsistent
4. More time required
5. Waste storage space

6. Manpower required
7. Errors may occur
8. Regular watching and supervision is necessary

Faster performance

2. Redundancy can be reduced

3. Time saving

4. Inconsistency can be avoided

5. Data Sharing

6. Security restrictions can be applied

7. Less storage space required

8. Debugging

 Admin login: It has admin login who has the authority of the system and
acts as a communicator between user and seller. Admin can add and
delete notifications and updates in the system.
 User login: User has to first create an account in the system to gain access.
User can then view their account balance and electricity being used by
 Bill Calculation: The system uses a formula to calculate the bill according
to the electricity usage provided by the admin for each user.
 Payment option: Users can securely pay the electricity bill online via
credit card.
 Fine calculation: If the user is unable to pay the bill within month end,
the system automatically calculates the fine that the user has to pay for
subsequent days.
7 System Implementation and Testing


When the initial design was done for the system, the client was
consulted for the acceptance of the design so that further proceedings of the
system development can be carried on. After the development of the system a
demonstration was given to them about the working of the system. The aim of the
system illustration was to identify any malfunction of the system.

After the management of the system was approved the system

implemented in the concern, initially the system was run parallel with existing
manual system. The system has been tested with live data and has proved to be
error free and user friendly. Implementation is the process of converting a new or
revised system design into an operational one when the initial design was done
by the system; a demonstration was given to the end user about the working
system. This process is uses to verify and identify any logical mess working of
the system by feeding various combinations of test data.

After the approval of the system by both end user and management the
system was implemented. A product software implementation method is a
blueprint to get users and/or organizations running with a specific software
product. The method is a set of rules and views to cope with the most common
issues that occur when implementing a software product: business alignment
from the organizational view and acceptance from the human view.
The implementation of product software, as the final link in the
deployment chain of software production, is in a financial perspective of a major
issue. The Implementation methodology includes four phases - Discovery,
System Development, User Acceptance Testing and Production Rollout. It’s easy
to be overwhelmed by slick marketing presentations, particularly when the sales
force is talking about things that most people don’t completely understand.
Showmanship gets in the way of real capabilities. Unless the review team is
judging each vendor against the same list of needs, with the same understanding
of the significance of each rating, “likeability” can win over capability.

These implementation phases are designed to provide clients with a

seamless transition from an existing electronic or paper-based system to Sigmund
while ensuring all aspects of a client’s operations are accounted for by the
software. The Sigmund project team, comprised of individuals with clinical,
billing and operations experience, is equipped with the skills and tools to manage
the entire process from system requirements gathering to deployment. Sigmund
provides various levels of support, depending on client needs including client-
side Project Management.

The Discovery Phase is preceded by a Project Kick-off Work-session

that includes application demonstrations, completion and review of requirements
and configuration questionnaires, identification of key client documentation, as
well as consultation on possible process re-engineering needs. The Project Kick-
off provides your organization with the opportunity to not only introduce the
Sigmund Project Team to your organization, but also to define and structure your
organization’s Project Team.

The purpose of testing is to discover errors. Testing is the process of trying

to discover every conceivable fault or weakness in a work product. It provides a
way to check the functionality of components, sub-assemblies, assemblies and/or
a finished product. It is the process of exercising software with the intent of
ensuring that the Software system meets its requirements and user expectations
and does not fail in an unacceptable manner. There are various types of test. Each
test type addresses a specific testing requirement.



Unit testing involves the design of test cases that validate that the internal
program logic is functioning properly, and that program inputs produce valid
outputs. All decision branches and internal code flow should be validated. It is
the testing of individual software units of the application .it is done after the
completion of an individual unit before integration. This is a structural testing,
that relies on knowledge of its construction and is invasive. Unit tests perform
basic tests at component level and test a specific business process, application,
and/or system configuration. Unit tests ensure that each unique path of a business
process performs accurately to the documented specifications and contains
clearly defined inputs and expected results.

Functional tests provide systematic demonstrations that functions tested

are available as specified by the business and technical requirements, system
documentation, and user manuals.

Functional testing is centered on the following items:

Valid Input : identified classes of valid input must be accepted.

Invalid Input : identified classes of invalid input must be rejected.

Functions : identified functions must be exercised.

Output : identified classes of application outputs.

Systems/Procedures: interfacing systems or procedures must be invoked.
Organization and preparation of functional tests is focused on
requirements, key functions, or special test cases. In addition, systematic
coverage pertaining to identify Business process flows; data fields, predefined
processes, and successive processes must be considered for testing. Before
functional testing is complete, additional tests are identified and the effective
value of current tests is determined.


System testing ensures that the entire integrated software system meets
requirement. It tests a configuration to ensure known and predictable results. An
example of system testing is the configuration oriented system integration test.
System testing is based on process descriptions and flows, emphasizing pre-
driven process links and integration points.

White Box Testing is a testing in which in which the software tester has
knowledge of the inner workings, structure and language of the software, or at
least its purpose. It is purpose. It is used to test areas that cannot be reached from
a black box level.


Black Box Testing is testing the software without any knowledge of the
inner workings, structure or language of the module being tested. Black box tests,
as most other kinds of tests, must be written from a definitive source document,
such as specification or requirements document, such as specification or
requirements document.


Software integration testing is the incremental integration testing of two or

more integrated software components on a single platform to produce failures
caused by interface defects. The task of the integration test is to check that
components or software applications, e.g. components in a software system or –
one step up – software applications at the company level – interact without error.


User Acceptance Testing is a critical phase of any project and requires

significant participation by the end user. It also ensures that the system meets the
functional requirements.

Test Results: All the test cases mentioned above passed successfully. No defects
8 Screen Layout

9 Sample Code

10 Conclusion

Administrative staff can view all the details of consumer bill details and can
search for any result. Different types of reports can be obtained from the report
menu. Different types of reports can be obtained from the report menu. All
manual and paper works in the billing branch can be avoided by implementing
this software. Since this is built in java, it is platform independent and it can make
workable by simply installing JRE.






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