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a. Background of the Study

Fertilizers has a lot of things to do in growing healthy plants. Like every
human body, a plant will also need a source of nutrition aside from the nourishment that a
plain soil can give to it and this is the main reason why people use fertilizers. This will help
in growing a healthy plant by providing it with different nutrients but the problem is, these
fertilizers contains harmful contents such as nitrogen which is essential in growing plants
yet it can be very dangerous to humans when present at high levels. Overusing fertilizers
can also damage a plant instead of making it grow healthy. This is because overusing
fertilizers can cause a condition called root burn wherein the roots of a plant suffer damages
especially if the fertilizer used is not in a good quality. The researchers thought of a way
in which they can produce a fertilizer without risking the health of every human and at the
same time the quality of the plant. The researchers will conduct a test if contraceptive pills
can be a better fertilizer to plant. They will test if watering the plants with water induced
with contraceptive pills can help in growing healthy plants.
There were no previous studies about this topic though there were some
information that say that hormones can help a plant grow healthy and fast and contraceptive
pill is a good source of hormones. Inventing this kind of alternative fertilizer doesn’t have
a bad effect towards the environment instead it helps in growing plants faster and healthier
without risking the health of humans and other living things.

b. Statement of the Problem

This paper aims to know and study The Effect of Contraceptive Pills as
Fertilizer to the Growth of Tomato Plant. It aims to know how contraceptive pills help
in plant growth. It also aims to answer the following information:
 Height of the tomato seedlings
 Weight of tomato seedlings
 Quality of leaves

a. General Objective
The main objective of this study is to establish a new learning about the
effect of human sex hormones to plants.

b. Specific Objective
The researchers’ objective is to know if the female sex hormones found in
contraceptive pills such as estrogen and progestin, affect the growth of a tomato plant and
if it has something to do with the growth hormone of a plant. In addition, they also wanted
to know if it has a positive effect on the growth of the tomato plant.

H0 – Contraceptive pills has no significant effect on the following variables:
average height per plant, average weight per plant, and the quality of the plants.

H1– Contraceptive pills has a significant effect on the following variables:

average height per plant, average weight per plant, and the quality of the plants.


This study aims to help not just the farmers but also other plant growers on
how they can grow tomato plant easily without the use of harmful chemical fertilizers. It
also aims to help in establishing knowledge on how contraceptive pills and its content help
the plants grow. This study also tries to help the environment by using and recycling
contraceptive pills instead of it being thrown away.


This study includes an experiment to the development of tomato plant. The

experiment lasted from February 2, 2018 – March 6, 2018 (33 days).

Loam will be used for the tomato plants since this type of soil is the best all-
around soil for gardening. Purified water will be used in the experiment. Contraceptive
pills will also be bought in the same brand and type of hormone. The experimental group
will be watered with a 250 mL solution (water infused with contraceptive pills) while the
control group will be sprinkled with a plain purified water. The plants were watered daily.
On the other hand, a total of 140 tomato plants were planted for certainty and accuracy of
measurements. These plants were placed in an open environment, specifically in a lot with
no roof for sunlight exposure. The time of exposure is not controlled and it is dependent
on the time when the sun rises and sets. Those seeds were bought in a seed store located at
Binakayan Market.
The statistical method used to analyze the collected data and information
was the Pearson Correlation Coefficient.


The term Estrogen came from the Greek word “estrus” meaning “the
periodic state of sexual activity of females of most mammals” and “genos” meaning
“generation or produced by”. This term was coined by Charles R. Stockard and George
N. Papanicolaou. They first described estrogens’ actions in guinea pigs in 1917. Estrogens
are group of female hormones such as estrone, estradiol and estriol which are important for
sexual and reproductive development in female. It is produced and released into the body
via endocrine system, specifically the ovaries in female and testes and adrenal glands in
male. This group of sex hormones common in female is responsible for the development
of the so-called secondary female characteristics, such as breasts, wider hips and etc. It also
helps in regulating the menstrual cycle for female. The level of estrogen circulating around
the body is controlled by the brain. The neuro-hormones produced by the hypothalamus
and pituitary glands target the glands in the endocrine system to release estrogen.

The three main types of estrogen are the β-estradiol, estriol and estrone.
These mammalian estrogens are present and is occurring in our environment. According to
Shannon Atkinson, Marlin Atkinson and Ann Tarrant in their article entitled “Estrogens

from sewage in coastal marine environments” estrogens are found in the oceans, lakes,
rivers, streams, ground water and soil. These estrogens greatly affects animal-life
negatively like for example, its effect on the reproduction, development, and immune
response of the marine organisms. The effect of estrogen on animals are already understood
yet its effect on plants are not that known and strongly established.

1. Tomato Plant
Tomato plant or Solanum lycopersicum L. originates in the South American
Andes. It was then brought to Europe by the Spaniards in the 16th century and was later
introduced from Europe to southern and eastern Asia, Africa and Middle East. Tomatoes
are rich in minerals, vitamins, amino-acids, sugars and dietary fibers. It also contains much
Vitamin B and C, iron and phosphorus.
This type of plant grows well in all kinds of soil. It can grow in any season
as it is a day neutral plant. It grow best in warm season because frost can cause damage to
its fruit.
It has an annual average growth rate of 2.33 % in the Philippines during
1998 to 2002. There are two varieties of tomato namely: determinate and indeterminate.
The determinate type of tomato has a limited life span usually not more than 6 months and
is good only for one harvest season. The other type which is the indeterminate continuously
grow and produce tomatoes for several growing seasons. Tomatoes can grow all year round
in the Philippines but it is advisable to start planting this type of plant during the end of
summer season (May-November).

Birth control pills or contraceptive pills are used by men or women to

prevent pregnancy. A contraceptive pill contains hormones that prevents fertilization or
meeting of an egg and a sperm cell. The hormones prevents ovulation from occurring. If
ovulation doesn’t occur, it means that there will be no egg cell for a sperm to go into. The
pill also thickens the mucus on the cervix making it hard for the sperm cell to swim to an
egg cell.

There are myths roaming around the internet in online articles that talk
about how contraceptive pills affect the growth of a plant. There were some that say it was
effective and some say that it’s a myth and it’s not true.

The researchers have also found a previous study about how different
estrogens can affect the growth of potato plant. The researchers could use the information
for the paper as their basis or guidelines for their study such as the amount of estrogen
infused in water so they could use it as basis of how much contraceptive pills will infuse
with water to get the most accurate results in their experiment.

The researchers also found about tips on how to properly germinate the seed
of tomato and what are the important things to remember in growing a tomato plant.


The experiment shows the germination of the tomato seedlings that is

treated with contraceptive pills during its first stage of process. This is to show the effects
of contraceptive pills to the aspects of growth of the tomato seedlings.

a. Materials and Equipment

The materials used for the experiment were: two packets of tomato seeds,
contraceptive pills, water, 2 containers, paper towels, 2 plots (58x18x18cm), soil, ruler,
and triple-beam balance.

The two packets of tomato seeds were bought from a seed store in
Binakayan market. The seeds were the main ingredient of the research. Contraceptive pills
were obtained from the health center in barangay Wakas 1, Kawit, Cavite. The pills were
used as a fertilizer for the tomato seeds. The purpose of the two containers were for the
soaking of tomato seeds with contraceptive pills diluted in water; paper towels were for
drying of the seeds. The two garden plots were prepared in the school garden where there
is sufficient sunlight. The soil for the plots were obtained from that same garden.

For the height and weight of the seedlings, ruler and triple-beam balance were

b. Treatment/General Procedure

First, mix two contraceptive pills in each of the two plastic containers with
500ml water until it is dissolved. Second, all of the seeds in one packet are soaked in the
mixture so that it will be infused with the hormones from the contraceptive pills. On the
other hand, all tomato seeds in another packet were diluted in 500ml water. Both containers
were covered for 12 hours. After 12 hours, tomato seeds were then dried with paper towels
and placed in the two separate plots named Plot A and Plot B that were prepared before the
soaking of the seeds. The non-treated seeds are planted in Plot A and the treated seeds are
planted in Plot B. Both plots have soil that is about 7-10 cm deep. Plot A were then watered
every day with 250ml of water and Plot B were watered with 1 contraceptive pill diluted
in 250ml water. Both plots were watered until the 33rd day. After the 33rd day of
germination, a total of 140 seedlings will be collected. 70 from the treated seedlings and
another 70 from the non-treated seedlings. The length of the seedlings was measured with
a ruler from the stem to the tip of the highest leaf and the seedlings were weighed with a
triple-beam balance.

Fig. 1 Fig. 2

a. Findings





1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 69

Control Group Experimental Group

Fig. 3

The bar graph shows the difference in height of every seedling in the Control
Group and the Experimental Group. The Control group is noticeably taller compared to the
Experimental Group.






1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 69

Control Group Experimental Group

Fig. 4

The bar graph shows the difference in mass of every seedling in the Control
Group and the Experimental Group.The Control Group is heavier in contrast to the
Experimental Group.



6 Series1
4 Linear (Series1)
0 5 10 15 20 25

Fig. 5

The scatter plot shows the correlation between the height of the Control
Group and the Experimental Group. It indicates if there is a high or low relationship of the
given values. It shows that the points are not arranged in a linear pattern meaning the values
do not correlate.





0.15 Series1
Linear (Series1)


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2

Fig. 6

The scatter plot shows the correlation between the height of the Control
Group and the Experimental Group. It indicates if there is a high or low relationship of the
given values. It shows that the points are not arranged in a linear pattern meaning the values
do not correlate.

b. Analysis of Data

As the graphs shows the data, the researchers noticed that the Control Group
has greater value with respect to height and mass, compared to the values of the
Experimental Group.

The researchers also have found out that contraceptive pills did affect the
growth of the tomato seedlings but not the hypothesized effect that they made.

In Fig. 3, the average height of the control group is 14.3 centimeters. While
the average height of the experimental group is 8.7 centimeters. This shows that the
experimental group is smaller than the control group which helps the researchers to assume
that the contraceptive pills really had an effect on the tomato seedlings but instead of
helping the plant to grow taller than the usual tomato seedlings it does the opposite. It

seems that the seedlings in the experimental group has a slower growth rate in terms of
height than the seedlings in the control group.

On the other hand, as shown in the Fig. 4, the average mass of the control
group is 0.47 grams while the average mass of the experimental group is 0.20 grams. The
experimental group is lighter compared to the control group. The interpretation of this data
is just similar to the interpretation of the data shown in the previous figure. The researchers,
on the first hand, assume that the growth hormone of the plant will be more abundant and
activated in the presence of the contraceptive pills but the overall results shows the
contrary. The average height and weight of the seedlings in the control group is higher than
the average height and weight of the seedlings that belongs to the experimental group.

Using the gathered data, the researchers made an inference that the
seedlings that belongs to the control group is healthier, taller and heavier than the seedlings
that belongs to the experimental group. The observation of the researchers helped them to
formulate this inference. They noticed that the leaves of the seedlings in the control group
appears to be healthier and in a better condition than the leaves of the seedlings that belongs
to the experimental group. They also noticed that most of the leaves and the plant itself that
belongs to the experimental group are wilted compared to the control group.

To interpret the data better, the researchers tried to correlate the height and
weight of the seedlings in the experimental and control group. In Fig. 5, it shows the
correlation between the values of each tomato seedling in the control group and
experimental group. It doesn’t show a linear pattern which indicates that the values have
low relationship.

In Fig. 6, the values also do not form a linear pattern which also indicates
that the values of the mass of the control group and experimental group also have a low


Based on the data gathered by the researchers after conducting this study,
they can therefore conclude that their hypothesis is right although what they assumed was
the contrary of what happened. They were able to find out that the contraceptive pills has
a significant effect in the growth of the tomato seedlings in terms of its height, weight and
quality although the effect of it was negative. The contraceptive pills made the growth rate
of the tomato seedlings slower than the usual.

The researchers recommend that the experiment also covers until the tomato
plant bears fruit to determine there is any effect on the size of the tomato fruit. They also
recommend to use more accurate measuring instruments like a digital scale that can read
small values up to the hundredths of a gram.
The researchers also recommend to test the experiment to different plants
to determine if contraceptive pills do have an effect on the germination of the seedlings
and the growth of the plant itself. They also recommend to treat the plants with a
contraceptive pills after it has been transplanted and not on the period of germination.


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