Abstracts - Farmers Lifestyle and Their Problem

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Agriculture is the backbone of the Indian Economy. “The prosperity of the
country depends upon the prosperity of the agricultural sector”. It is the largest and
most vital sector of Indian economy. More then 67% of the population directly
depends upon the Agricultural sector and all rural population [about 74%] survives on
this sector in one way or the other. It is main source of livelihood for more than three
fourth of the country population and supplies food grains and other farm output also.
At present the agriculture and allied occupation like animal husbandry forestry etc.
contributes around one-third of the national income.
In India most of the people are residing in rural village. No one from city area
knows the problem of farmers and how the farmers are important to the economic
development of India. They don’t have any worries about food. Without farmers we
cannot get fruits, vegetables, food, and etc. they are the suppliers of our basic needs.
But now no one is willing to do the agriculture. The migration of farmers is in high
level during these days and the farmer’s suicides are the main problems in recent days.
We need farmers just for getting food items and etc. but we have to realize that they
are the life givers to the society. This study mainly concentrates in the problem of
farmers’ migration. This is not a fine thing to encourage.
This study aims basically to enquire into the life style of farmers and the
problems which are faced by the farmers
The study comprises of descriptive research design. The researcher has selected
simple random sampling technique. The Total sample size for the study is 100.The
collected data was analysed by using an appropriate statistical tools and techniques.
The analysis required for the purpose of study is:
 Percentage analysis
 Chi-square test
 Garret’s rank table

This study comprises the lifestyle of farmers which is tied up with problems.
Even though, some of them with standing in the agriculture. It also concentrates in the
economic development of the farmers. This study helps to understand the factors what
made them to switch over to other jobs or migrate to other place or attempt suicide. I
hope that this study will ensure the clear result of this problem
Broad outline of the profile of the farmers have also been analysed like age,
sex, educational level, size of family, caring members in the family.
Every country knows very well that India is an agricultural country and self
satisfied nation in agriculture. But now the recent trend is changing. Farmers are the
producers of the food. If they are moved to other job or other place, we cannot
imagine that too. That does not mean that farmer’s children should not study. It means
that we should encourage the agriculture students to involve in agriculture. It will
leads to innovative thinking and better production. My final conclusion is stop the
migration and suicide of farmers. Two people have the power to solve this problem.
They are farmers and the Government. It is an endless end.

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