Lesson 3

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Appendix 1

Year Level: 4 Time: 1:30 PM Date: 21/3/19 Students’ Prior Knowledge:
 Students can use digital resources to gather

Learning Area: English information about a topic

Strand/Topic from the Australian Curriculum:  Students can use appropriate simple,
Literacy – Creating Texts compound and complex sentences to express
Create short imaginative, informative and persuasive texts and combine ideas
using growing knowledge of text structures and language  Students can work cohesively in a group
features for familiar audiences, selecting print and
multimodal elements appropriate to the audience and
purpose. (ACELY1671)

General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)

Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and Ethical Personal and Intercultural

competence creative thinking behaviour Social understanding

Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)

As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:

 Illustrate and publish a childrens literature book on a culture’s animals
 Participate collaboratively with peers
 Utilise digital technologies apps such as Book Creator to create digital text

Teacher’s Prior Preparation/Organisation: Provision for students at educational risk:

 iPads  Any students with learning difficulties will have
 Apps downloaded: iMovie, Book Creator, My Story been placed in a group with more able
Maker for Kids, Stop Motion, Doink Green Screen, students or with their buddies
Voice Changer, Randomizer, Checklist, Flip Grid  Groups will have been selected by the teacher
 Posters from previous lesson so that friends who are distracted by one
 List of groups from Zoo excursion another are not in the same group

 Dinosaur toys  The teacher will be available during the lesson

to assist with any questions

LESSON DELIVERY (attach worksheets, examples, marking key, etc, as relevant)

Time Motivation and Introduction:


1:30pm  Students collect iPads from the front of the classroom

1. Teacher says: “Good afternoon Year Four, can you all please bring
your iPad down to the mat to begin our English lesson. Our Learning
Objective today is to begin illustrating and publishing a children’s
literature book about a culture’s animals. To be able to achieve this,
we must work collaboratively with our peers by active listening and

1:35pm Lesson Steps (Lesson content, structure, strategies & Key Questions):
2. Teacher says: “Yesterday, before we went home, I asked you all
 Voice Changer
think about what an Author and Illustrator is. Now, shuffle apart for
the moment and can you open our iPad App: Voice Changer+. I’d
like you to whisper your definition for Author and Illustrator and
choose your choice of voice. We must be able to understand it.”
 Students are given two minutes to create their recording using a
voice of their choosing
1:40pm 3. Teacher says: “Turn to your shoulder partner and share your
definitions with each other.”  Collaborative
4. Using Randomiser, teacher selects 5 students to explain each app posters
being used today.
5. Teacher says: “Can you please go back to your desks in your Perth  Randomiser
Zoo groups with your collaborative poster opened on a iPad.” App, iMovie,
6. Teacher uses the Randomiser App to assign the groups each an Book Creator,
iPad app they will use to create their piece of Children’s Literature My Story Maker

 Students move off into their groups and are given 15 minutes to work for Kids, Stop

on their piece of Literature Motion, Doink

7. Teacher walks around the class to help, observe and engage in Green Screen
apps, dinosaur
toys, Checklist
Lesson Closure:(Review lesson objectives with students)
8. Teacher says: “Ok Year Fours, it’s time to return to your seats
please. Today we got a start on the texts that we are creating with
the information we gathered from our excursion to the Perth Zoo. In
the next two lessons we will be finishing off these texts and
presenting them to the class in our groups.”
9. Teacher says: “Everyone please open our Flip Grid Reflective Tool


and key in this code to access the page. Record a video of you
responding to the following questions: What have you learnt from  Flip Grid
this lesson? If you could change or add everything, what would it be
and why?”

Transition: (What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?)

10. Students are asked to sit quietly at their desks to wait for the next
lesson, Maths

Assessment: (Were the lesson objectives met? How will these be judged?)
The objectives for this lesson were:
 Illustrate and publish a childrens literature book on a culture’s
 Participate collaboratively with peers
 Utilise digital technologies apps such as Book Creator to create
digital text
The assessment tools used for this lesson are Flip Grid Reflective Tool and
Checklist. The formative assessment tool Checklist will be used by the
teacher as they walk around the class to observe students’ progress. This
app will help to see if all three of the objectives are met. The app Flip Grid
will be used as a summative assessment at the end of the lesson to sum up
what students have learnt and decipher their attitudes towards the lesson.

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