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Keyes, K. M. et al. (2016). While perceived harmfulness of
How does state marijuana policy marijuana use appears to be
affect US youth? Medical decreasing nationally among
marijuana laws, marijuana use adolescents in the United States,
and perceived harmfulness: the passage of medical marijuana SUMMARY
1991-2014. laws (MML) is associated with
US National Library of increases in perceived
MedicineNational Institutes of harmfulness among young
Health. Addiction. 2016 adolescents and marijuana use
Dec;111(12):2187-2195. doi: has decreased among those who
10.1111/add.13523. Epub 2016 perceive marijuana to be harmful
Aug 26. after passage of MML.
National Institute on Drug “Some believe marijuana cannot
Abuse (2013). Marijuana Facts be harmful because it is
for Teens. National Institutes of “natural”. But not all natural
Health; U.S. Department of plants are good for you---take
Health and Human Services; tobacco, for example. One
NIH Pub No. 13-4037 serious risk is addiction. In DIRECT QUOTATION
2011, nearly 4.2 million people
12 and older had marijuana
abuse or addiction problem
because marijuana is nor
harmless as you may think.” –
Nora D. Volkow, M.D.
Wilkinson, S. (2013). More Recent years have seen
Reasons States Should Not substantial shifts in cultural
Legalize Marijuana: Medical attitudes towards marijuana for
and Recreational Marijuana; medical and recreational use.
Commentary Review of the Potential problems with the
Literature. Missouri State approval, production, SUMMARY
Medical Association: Mo Med. dispensation, route of
2013 Nov-Dec; 110 (6): 524- administration, and negative
528. Retrieved health effects of medical and recreational marijuana are
reviewed. Medical marijuana
should be subject to the same
rigorous approval process as
other medications prescribed by
physicians. Legalizing
recreational marijuana may have
negative public health effects.

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