50000-003 Electrical Safety Clearances HONI

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SD-50-003 RO hyd ro February, 1996 mi e ONE ydro One Networks Inc. Formerly: DESPRAM 5000-003 Electrical Safety Clearances TRANSMISSION STATIONS NETWORK MANAGEMENT TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION STANDARD COPYRIGHT ©2000 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED This standard may not be reproduced or copied, in whole or in part, in any printed, mechanical, electronic, film, or ‘other distribution and storage media outside of Hydro One Networks Inc., without the writen consent of the publisher. Recipients shall take reasonable steps to maintain confidential that information contained in this standard. SD-50-003 RO February, 1996 Neither Hydro One Networks Inc. nor any person employed on its behalf makes any warranty, or representation whatsoever, expressed or implied, or assumes any legal responsibility for the accuracy, adequacy, or completeness of the information contained in this document, or accepts any liability for the use, or damages, either direciy, consequentially, or otherwise, resulting from the use thereof. CONTACT/PUBLISHER This standard isthe responsibilty ofthe Techmotogy and Standards Department, Asset Strategy Division, Hydro One Networks In, Please contact the Manger andor the Senior Standards Engineer with any queries or suggestions. Network Management ‘Technology and Standards Department 483 Bay Stree (TCTISN) ‘Toronto, Ontario, MSG-2P5 FAX: (416) 245-5677 www.HydroOne.com PREPARED BY REVIEWED BY ‘APPROVED BY SIGNATURE: NAME: | TITLE: Senior Standards Engineer “Manager — Technology & Standards DATE: transmission design standards & practices stations ELECTRICAL SAFETY CLEARANCES T. KERTESZ 1.0 INTRODUCTION This article outlines the necessary design clearances for the safety of persons in transmission stations for voltages 13.8 to 500 kV. Safety clearances are specified for people on foot, in vehicles and in working locations adjacent to buildings and live buses. Clearances are also specified for roads limited to Ontario Hydro maintenance vehicles, roads for public vehicles, and roads incorporating trucks for railway equipment. This new revision of the article contains the latest clearances specified in Ontario Hydro’s Corporate Safety Rules & Policies (1994) and also reflects the changes in the height of service vehicles used in station maintenance. 2.0 BASIS FOR CLEARANCE VALUES Electrical safety clearances used for the design of transmission stations are defined as follows and illustrated in Figure No. 1. Minimum values for these safety clearances are presented in Table No. 1. 2.1 "A" - 13.8 to 230 kV inclusive - dimensions are established as 6200 mm (height of power transformer plus height of float) plus approximately 200 mu, plus outdoor phase to ground minimum striking distance. The 500 KV dimension is equal to that given in the Design Standards for ‘Transmission Lines - Section ET2 “Overhead Line Clearances’, § 8.2, September, 1995, 22 "B" - Dimensions established are the minimum distances for “Limits of Approach for Unqualified Personnel” adjacent to exposed live electrical apparatus. Dimensions are equal to those given in Ontario Hydro Corporate Safety Rules & Policies, Rule 203, Table IA (1994). 2.3 "C"- Porcelain/polymer base of insulator or bushing to be beyond the reach of a person with arm outstretched upward from a reasonably accessible standing position (2440 mm - height of person with arm stretched upward plus a buffer of 300 mm). 2.4 "D" - Established as 3500 mm (height of standard station maintenance service truck) plus approximately 500 mm (300 mm depth of snow in areas of switchyard travelled by maintenance vehicles plus a buffer of 200 mm for unexpected vertical movements of vehicle) plus outdoor phase to ground minimum striking distance. This clearance applies to vehicles travelling to and from work in switchyards and is based on the assumption that the vehicle travels stowed to its lowest normal travelling position and secured in such way that any of its parts cannot move upwards towards the electrical apparatus and no personnel is on top of the vehicle or in the bucket of the aerial device. ORIGINAL: Mar., 1977 [ere Vy | ELECTRICAL SAFETY | 80. 50000-0038 RB este FEBRUARY, 1996, CLEARANCES pPase 1 Of 5 OBIE mem Brine

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