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I Ndugwa Edward, declare that this work is original and true to the level of my knowledge. I am
sure that it has not been submitted for the award of either a diploma or bachelor at any institution
or university unless otherwise.

Signature…………………………… Date …………………………………………………


I certify that NDUGWA EDWARD carried out the field work under the supervision of the Royal
College Namugongo and my own supervision and is submitted with my approval.

SIGNATURE…………………………………… Date…………………………………..




I dedicate this report to my beloved parents, Mr. Mugisha Peter and Ms.Nampiira Sylvia, Sister
Margret Katyoko, Ms. Elizabeth Katyoko for their financial, physical, moral and spiritual
support extended tome both in my academics and the whole internship process that covered two
months. Their efforts were worthwhile and I really appreciate them

I also dedicate this report to my field supervisors Mr. Nagaba Anthony, Mr. Tweyambe
Mercury for their endless support, guidance and effort during the training to make I came out
practical and better ,the accounts office, bursar’s office and other departments. May the
Almighty God reward them abundantly?


I would first acknowledge the Almighty God who gave me knowledge; guidance, good health
and all necessary resources that enabled me come up with my report

I would love to acknowledge my family members for the great financial support given to me
during the studentship period

Sincere gratitude to the administration of Makerere University Business School for having
permitted me to conduct internship training and vital information given to me through lectures.

I would like to thank the staff of RCN for having given me chance to train with them for two
months. I was grateful for the love and support given by my trainers Mr. Tweyambe Mercury,
and Mr. Nagaba Anthony, they made my training a success and fruitful.

I would like to thank my academic supervisor for the support and guidance given to me in my
studentship period.

DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................ ii
APPROVAL .................................................................................................................................. iii
ACKNOWLEDGMENT................................................................................................................. v
TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................................................. vi
ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS .................................................................................... viii
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................... ix
CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................................................. 1
1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background about field attachment ..................................................................................... 1
1.1.1 Objectives of field attachment.......................................................................................... 1
1.2 Background of Royal College Namugongo ......................................................................... 2
1.2.1 Mission ............................................................................................................................. 3
1.2.2 School Vision ................................................................................................................... 3
1.2.3 School Motto .................................................................................................................... 3
1.2.4 Location ............................................................................................................................ 3
1.2.5 Values ............................................................................................................................... 4
1.2.6 Organizational Virtues ..................................................................................................... 4
1.2.8 Department Of Attachment .............................................................................................. 4
CHAPTER TWO ............................................................................................................................ 8
ACTIVITIES UNDERTAKEN DURING THE FIELD ATTACHMENT .................................... 8
2.0 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 8
2.1 Activities Undertaken .......................................................................................................... 8
CHAPTER THREE ...................................................................................................................... 16
LESSONS, EXPERIENCES AND SKILLS ................................................................................ 16
3. 0 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 16
3.1 Lessons ............................................................................................................................... 16
3.2 Experiences ........................................................................................................................ 20
3.3 Skills .................................................................................................................................. 24
CHAPTER FOUR ......................................................................................................................... 28
4.0 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 28
4.1 Challenges .......................................................................................................................... 28
4.1.1 Personal challenges ........................................................................................................ 28
4.1. 2 Organizational challenges ................................................................................................... 30
4.2 Limitations ......................................................................................................................... 31
4.3 Enjoyments ........................................................................................................................ 32
4.4 Disappointments ................................................................................................................ 34
CHAPTER FIVE .......................................................................................................................... 36
CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ....................................................................... 36

5.0 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 36
5.1 Conclusions ........................................................................................................................ 36
5.2 Recommendations .............................................................................................................. 37
5.2.1 To Royal College Namugongo ....................................................................................... 37
5.2.2 Recommendations to the students .................................................................................. 37
5.2.3 Recommendations to Makerere University Business School .............................................. 38
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 41
APPENDICES .............................................................................................................................. 42
Appendix 1: Acceptance letter ...................................................................................................... 43
Appendix 2; Sample of log book .................................................................................................. 44


Ass Assistant
D.O.S Director of Studies
Dep Department
EFT Electronic Funds Transfer
HT Head Teacher
Lab Laboratory
LPO Local Purchase Order
LTD Limited
NSSF National Social Security Fund
RCN Royal College Namugongo
RTG Real Time Gross
TTF Telegraphic Transfer Fund
VAT Value Added Tax
(U) Uganda

Field work is a training that is skill oriented which fastens and develops ones intellectual
integration of theoretical knowledge attained in lecture rooms into practice. The student
internship was carried out at Royal College Namugongo during the month of June- August 2018
respectively aimed at equipping the student with the necessary practical skills in the line of
profession. This was done in all the departments of the school.

First and foremost, the student came up with the background of Royal College Namugongo
where the student conducted the training. It focuses at the history, name, nature and type,
ownership, location and organizational. The student was also able to accomplish various tasks
and assignments on daily basis throughout the field attachment at the school. During student
internship, the student carried out activities like Orientation, Bank reconciliation, Invoicing,
making reports, document scanning, attended meetings, prepared cash and bank reconciliations,
computation of employee NSSF employment benefits among others.

In the process of performing the tasks, the student learnt, gained skills and experiences in line
with the profession and the lessons include the following: Confidentiality, Accuracy, Punctuality,
Need for transparency, learning the importance of a good filing system, Updating books of
accounts and accountability. Field attachment helped the student to acquire a number of skills
during the training. Among them includes; time management skills, typing skills, analytical
skills, communication skills and experiences include; record Keeping and filling of documents.

Despite gaining the above skills and experiences during Field attachment, the student
encountered several challenges. These included the following; typing speed, difficult in writing
minutes, over time work, busy schedule, inadequate transport among others. In conclusion, the
field attachment carried out by the student was a success during the two months period as the
student was involved in carrying out different activities at the school. The student recommended
the school to facilitate the students in terms of transport allowances.


This chapter involves the background about field attachment, school background,
activities done by different departments and activities done in the department the student
was attached to.

1.1 Background about field attachment

Field Attachment is an initiative of MUBS to be undertaken by all students of second
year across all faculties in the university as academic practical program which is
examined and is part of the curriculum. It is a pre requisite for the award of a program
undertaken by the student .In every academic year a student is tasked to look for an
organization in line with their respective courses that are being undertaken. Students are
given internship letters to take to various organization of their choice. The organization
that deploys the student serves him or her with an acceptance letter that is submitted by
the student to the faculty for approval and allocation of supervisor. The internship
program lasts for two months or three months after which a student is expected to write a
student internship report. This also serves to introduce the report for the student
internship carried out at Royal College Namugongo for a period of two months. This
exercise consists of an exchange of service for experience between the student and the
organization professionals. It can also be referred to as academic training. The students
attached to different organization under the supervision of the senior officers to direct,
guide and assess their performance. It is perceived as a way of relating lecture theories to
the real practical work and learning how to conduct them at work.

1.1.1 Objectives of field attachment

To acquire new skills, knowledge and experience.
To gain principles and techniques theoretically learnt.
To find out how several challenges are handled in the today life.
To provide practical and job related competences to students.
To enable the students acquire hands-on practical work experience.
To enable the Student gain experience on how to use different computer programs.

To enable the students get exposure to the demands and challenges at the work place.

1.1.2 Benefits of field attachment

Field attachment develops the students understanding of working ethics and
It helps the students to get experience even before they are exposed to the working
It helps the students mature in the working environment.
It helps the students compete favorably on the job market after they have graduated.
It helps the students interact with potential employers while in the field.
It helps the students relate theoretical knowledge acquired in class to practical knowledge
in the field.
It enables the students to achieve a sense of accomplishment by contributing to an
It enables the university to appreciate the client demands of its students.

1.2 Background of Royal College Namugongo

Royal College Namugongo, Mukono Campus is a mixed day and boarding private
secondary school. It started in February 2013 and is registered with the ministry of
education. It now occupies 35 acres of land. Royal College Namugongo, Mukono
Campus was founded by a team of Directors who include Madam Kwagala Salaam and
Mr. Mugabe Robert and it opened up on 06/02/2013.Purely private mixed day and
boarding, both ‘O’ and ‘A’ level school. It started under the headship of Mr. Atwine
Darius deputized by Mr. Tembo Eric with a team of twenty one (21) professional
teachers, six (6) supporting staff and its first term with 156 students. The school opened
with all its facilities needed for the smooth running of the teaching and learning of the
students that is; 12 class rooms, administration block, laboratory block, library and
enough boarding facilities. It’s fully registered by the ministry of education and sports
under Registration number PSS/R/104 and UNEB center number 3453.So far Royal
College Namugongo Mukono Campus has been in existence for full 5 years with the
population of 499 students, 35 teaching staff and 21 supporting staff.

Facilities of the school
Enough specious class rooms with adequate furniture. Well stocked science laboratories,
spacious Dormitories with adequate furniture, 18,000 liters’ underground water tank,
spacious main hall and Dining hall, school farm with Dairy cows, poultry, goats and
The school fees structure for the student
“O” Level UGX.600,000
“A” Level UGX.650,000

Curriculum of the school

The school has both ‘O’ and ‘A’ levels and offers the following subjects: English,
Principal Mathematics, Subsidiary Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics,
Agriculture,Economics,Commerce,Entrepreneurship,Geography,History, Christian
Religious Education, Islamic Religious Education, French, Kiswahili, Computer,
Luganda, Fine Art, Literature in English and Physical Education. The co-curricular
activities include music dance and drama, football, netball, volley ball, athletics, indoor
games and club activities of science club, wild life club, Business club, Debating club
and writes club. The school also treasures the inter-Religious denominations.

1.2.1 Mission
To provide quality education in a conducive environment.
1.2.2 School Vision
To provide equitable learning opportunities to foster creativity and promotion of moral
values in a conducive learning environment.
1.2.3 School Motto
Determined we succeed

1.2.4 Location
Royal College Namugongo Mukono campus is located in Kasayi B – Kyampisi sub-
county, Mukono District on Sonde – Bukere Road, & 7km from Uganda martyrs church
Namugongo. Royale College Namugongo Mukono Campus mixed day and Boarding
P.O.BOX 3092 Kampala – Uganda
Tel: +256-782746410, 0750300729

1.2.5 Values
 Hard work
 Discipline
 Sacrifice
 Punctuality

1.2.6 Organizational Virtues

 Self-discipline
 Excellence
 Commitment
 Prudence
 Prayer
 Obedience

1.2.7 Organizational skills

 Organization
 Self-reliance
 Leadership
 Smartness
 Determination

1.2.8 Department Of Attachment

The student was attached to the Finance Department

The finance department is one of the main departments of the school, it handles the entire
financial role, accounting and keeping all the records of the financial statements of the
school. Their roles included the following; receiving of the creditors invoices making of
the invoices, stocktaking of the general stores of the school at the beginning of every
month, processing the payment vouchers of the workers and food suppliers, entering the

suppliers accounts with respect to their deliverances, making payment to employees
authorising payments, disposing of non-moving assets and receipting of the school fees
dues of different students.

However the student performed other activities in different department units

Stores Department

This department cosists of the stores manager who provides a safe custody for RCN
property like food products, school chairs and tables and office supplies free from
damagies and contamination.
IT Department
This departmentconsists of the computer labolatory attendantwho manages and maintains
all the IT facilities in the school which include both the hardware and software.
Human Resource Department
This department consits of the Human resource manageras the superior head and other
human resource officers .These are concerned with functions of human resource
department such as succession planing, training and development,managing performance,
welfare and recruitment of the employees at RCN especially teachers and casual workers
at RCN.

1.2.9 The organizational set up

RCN is headed by the board of governors. This is a several member group that over sees
or manages the running of the school. The role of board of governors is to manage the
school with the view to proving the best possible education and educational opportunities
for all the pupils. This involves setting the strategic direction for the school and taking
corporate decision in relation to statutory functions of the board of governors. The board
of governors delegate through the managing directors who are responsible for the
performance of the school as dedicated by the board’s overall strategy. Managing
directors are responsible for formulating and successfully implementing the school
policies, maintaining the operational performance of the school, putting in place adequate
operational planning and financial control systems.

The managing directors assign duties to the head teacher who is the staff member with
the greatest responsibility for the management of the school. The head teacher is
responsible for the education of all students, management of the staff, and for school
policy making. The head teacher also leads, motivates and manages staff by delegating
responsibility, setting expectations and targets as well as evaluating staff performance
against them.

The deputy head teacher is the second most senior teacher in the school who is normally
in charge of specific areas of the school such as administration, staff appraisal, discipline
and handling of issues of non-teaching staff. He also heads the school in the absence of
the head teacher. The deputy head teacher is helped by the dean of students that is
concerned with handling of different challenges faced by students and also the
disciplinary committee that is responsible for handling the disciplinary cases of the
different students within the school. The deputy head teacher also handles the issues
concerning non-teaching staff such as the cooks, bursar, Askaris, warden, matron and
teachers with special responsibilities.

The director of studies (D.O.S) is in charge of the academics of the school and the
academic team who are the teachers. The D.O.S ensures that students are classed
appropriately, and placed to the right classes, also ensures that the teachers prepare for
their lessons to a high standard and also is responsible for the implementation and
administration of all aspects of the academic programme including the management of
the teaching team and their performance.

The deputy director of studies performs matters in the absence of the DOS. The deputy
also handles matters concerning different heads of departments of different subjects the
laboratory attendants, the laboratory technicians, librarian, class teachers and the subject

Board of Governors

Directors Parents

Head teacher

Dep. Head teacher D.O.S

Dean of Disciplinary Assistant. D.O.S

students committee


Other members of Teachers with master/mistress

non-teaching staff special
with responsibility responsibility
Head of Department

Librarian Lab Technician


Prefects’ patron

Class Teachers

Askaris/Cooks Monitors and Counselors

Subject Teachers


(Source: Royal College Namugongo – Mukono campus administration manual, 2017)

2.0 Introduction
This chapter covers the activities the student was able to do and complete in time during
the training at Royal College Namugongo.

2.1 Activities Undertaken

2.1.1 Orientation
Orientation is a special kind of training designed to help new employees to learn about
their tasks, to be introduced to their co-workers and to settle in their work situation with a
vital ingredient of internal corporate communication (Bennet, 2001). On the first day of
internship, the student had an orientation where the student was briefed on the school
policies for example dress code of conduct, rules and regulations among others and was
also taken through what the student was expected of. After the induction, the student was
introduced to the different departments of the school. This introduced the student to the
new working environment and set up which enabled the student to understand the
school’s goals and strategy.

2.1.2 Document scanning

Scanning is to cause a surface, object, or part of the body to be traversed by a detector or
an electromagnetic beam. The student was assigned a task of scanning different
documents using an image optical scanner. These documents were originally in hard copy
and need always arose when they had to be converted to soft copy for purposes of storage
in the system or emailing. Among the documents the student was assigned to scan were
passport photos, receipts, employees’ academic documents among others. Document
scanning improves information accessibility, reduces paper work, increases data security
and makes information sharing easier within RCN.

2.1.3 Attended meetings

A meeting is a gathering of two or more people that has been convened for the purpose of
achieving a common goal through verbal interaction, such as sharing information or
reaching agreement (Montgomery, 1994). The student attended various school meetings
where different issues such as the dressing code of employees, time management among

others were discussed and solutions were reached at. The school held meetings every
week on a Tuesday which gave me an opportunity to attend since all members of the
school staff were supposed to attend. During the meetings, the student was able to assess
how the school was performing and was further assigned a responsibility of writing
minutes during the course of the meeting. This helped the student to understand and gain
knowledge on how meetings are conducted successfully.

2.1.4 Prepared Cash and Bank Reconciliations

Bank Reconciliation is a process that explains the difference on a specified date between
the bank balance shown in an organization's bank statement, as supplied by the bank and
the corresponding amount shown in the organization's own accounting records (Carl,
2010). The student carried out cash and bank reconciliations which were usually prepared
on a weekly basis and sometimes on daily basis for all the transaction handled during that
week or that day if daily for both RCN. The student did this activity while in the accounts
department where he updated cashbooks for each account to determine whether the cash
balances tallied with the bank statements. Reconciliations also involved the checking of
errors regarding payments and receipts such as dishonored cheques, cancelled cheques,
direct debits and credits. This enabled the student to understand how different books of
accounts are reconciled.

2.1.5 Invoicing
The student participated in preparing and recording of invoices coming and going out of
RCN to check if they were correct with the exact amounts and figures. The student
worked on the incoming invoices from Grain miller supliers and National Water and
Sewerage Corporation.The student was often assigned by the Bursar to write invoices and
issue them out to the respective clients. In this the student also made provisions for the
invoices such as those for utilities like electricity and water. Later at the end of the month
the student was tasked to reconcile the different invoices with their respective ledgers and
also the general ledger to check if the figures matched.

2.1.6 Computation of employee NSSF employment benefits

This activity is mainly concerned with declaration of the percentage of the basic salary of
the employee to be submitted to the NSSF retirement fund to cater for employees’ future

retirement, which includes 5% contribution of the employees’ basic salary and 10% by
the employer summing up to 15% monthly. During preparation of pay rolls the student
computed 5% of the employees’ basic salary and 10% which is usually contributed by the
employer. This enabled the clients to know how much to be declared to NSSF.

2.1.7 Pay roll preparation

This involves making ready a list of employees who receive salary or wages together
with the amounts due to each. The student also participated in preparing the payroll list of
the different employees of the school in order to determine their net salaries.The net
salary of each employee was determined by adding the salary earned with the allowances
and subtracting the deductions like the paye(pay as you earn) and the local service tax,
NSSF(5% charged to employees). The net wages and the salaries were recorded in the
school’s general ledger. This enabled the student to obtain more knowledge on the
computation of the NSSF contibutions and the local service tax.

2.1.8 Record management

Record management is the administration of records and documented information used
by the company for future reference. The student was involved in every day filing of
documents in to their respective files and the documents included all income and
expenses, financial statements, and engagement letters among others. The completed files
were also arranged accordingly to their years of registration for easy retrieval and were
then organized in their respective shelves which eased access in case of need. This
enabled the student to obtain more knowledge on how to manage different records.

2.1.9 Prepared documents

A document is a piece of written, printed or electronic matter that provides information or
evidence or that serves as an official record. During the field attachment training, the
student prepared some school documents such as requisition forms and receipts under the
supervision and approval of the bursar. This helped the student to understand the
importance of preparing such documents especially the requisition forms because they
help in describing what is needed in a particular department among others.

2.1.10 Writing Reports
A report is any informational work (usually of writing, speech, television, or film) made
with the specific intention of relaying information or recounting certain events in a
widely presentable form (Ronald, 2003).The student was requested to make daily, weekly
and monthly reports about the activities undertaken. The student did this by compiling
the daily report which included the daily activities , challenges encountered during
the engagement in those activities and their recommendations. This helped the student
to compile the weekly report which included all the activities undertaken during the
week and later monthly report was done at the end of every month. This helped the
student to gain report writing skills which have enabled the student in making the field
attachment academic report.

2.1.11 Photocopied documents

Photocopying is the production of copies of original documents that occurs when there is
exposure to electro static energy, heat or light (Xerox, 1950). The student therefore
photocopied and bound documents most especially receipts, bank statements and all other
documents that were always available to be used in the bursar’s office. This enabled easy
access of information on hardcopies whenever power to run computers was off and this
reduced delay in execution of duties.

2.1.12 Typed and printed documents.

Typing refers to the use of physical body contact mostly fingers with a key board to enter
characters into the computer and printing refers to the process of producing printed
material by means of producing ink on the surface by a machine. The student was given
work for typing on the computer. This was mainly in Microsoft Excel, presentation and
word. The work included the payrolls, inventory recording, taxation forms, and, feeding
of new names of the employees into the system among others. The typed work was then
printed and filed in to the school files. This enabled easy access of information on
hardcopies whenever power to run computers was off and this reduced delay in execution
of duties.

2.1.13 Created working teams
This is a process of joining people who are meant to do the same activity into a group in
order to work together and encourage synergy. The student wrote down the details of the
group members where the group comprised of five members and the student was the
group leader and used to interconnect the group members and the head teacher. This
enabled the accomplishment of the tasks in time and meeting the deadlines given by the
head teacher and the bursar.

2.1.14 Revised source documents

This involves reviewing the business papers that provide evidence of occurrence of
transactions and information that is recorded in the books of account. The student
reviewed several source documents which included receipts, bank slips, payment
vouchers, invoices and many others. For example, the student verified payment vouchers
to ensure that the expenditure made was within the budget and that the vouchers with all
respective support documents were stamped with a dated ‘paid’ stamp to ensure that the
documents were not used more than once and the clarity of authorization of each payment
to be ensured by signing against each voucher. This enabled the student to acquire
knowledge on analyzing and revising the source documents.

2.1.15 Writing of cheques

The student participated in preparing cheques to settle debts after the cashflow statements
had been prepared in the first and second weeks of the month. The student was given a
task of writing on cheque leaflets to UMEME, National and Sewerage Corporation and
these were meant to settle obligations in the first two weeks of the month after the
cashflow statement of the school had been released . The student eased the work of the
bursar and efficiency prevailed within the department of attachment.
2.1.16 Journalizing
This is the process of recording transaction into the books of original entry at first once
they have occurred; here the double entry system is followed. Through this process, the
student recorded entries such as commission income, salaries expenses, fuel expenses,
Moto vehicle hire expenses and many others into the general journal and this enabled the
student to understand some details which may become useful for reference and checking

such as quantities, and unit prices trade discount terms and many others. This enabled
easy reference of the details of each single transaction that occurred.

2.1.17 Arranged the office

The student was able to arrange different items in the office such as chairs, tables,
computers, and files. The student arranged different source documents like vouchers,
cheques and receipts and the files that were cleared /closed off. Files were also arranged
accordingly in their respective shelves and this made conditions favorable for work
further organized the office, dusted off the computers and the furniture in the office since
it was against the school rules for one to work in untidy environment.

2.1.18 Verification of payment vouchers

Verification is the physical examination of documents in order to have additional proof
that they are correct. The student checked payment vouchers to ensure that the amounts
written on them were correct, and that the vouchers with all the respective support
documents were stamped with a dated “paid” stamp to ensure that the documents were
not used more than once. The student took the verified vouchers to the finance
department where they were reviewed again and payments were made. This activity
helped to confirm whether the amounts on the payment vouchers matched with the
amounts in the accounting system. It also helped to ensure that there was no over
payment or under payment. This enabled the student to acquire knowledge on the
verification of the payment vouchers.

2.1.19 Making and answering phone calls

The student made phone calls to job applicants to come for job interviews, contacted
newly recruited employees to pick their appointment letters and employment contracts
and also the different suppliers that were demanding the school. The student also
answered phone calls from different people especially job applicants who were doing a
follow up on their application letters. This improved the student’s public relation skills
basing on the business communication skills acquired in class on how to attend to a
phone call.

2.1.20 Writing comfirmation letters
Confrmation letters are letters that mainly provide evidence on existance and rights over
a certain transaction. The student participated in writing comfirmation letters to different
banks when cheques had been written and verified by the different authorised officers, a
confirmation letter was written with the cheque dates, numbers, payee, and the amount to
be paid. This was done to assure the bank that the cheques were valid. Forexample
comfirmation letters were written to Housing finance bank by the student together with
the bursar to confirm the existance of the cheque.

2.1.21 Entering the purchases invoices in the purchase journal

The purchase invoices are documents sent by the suppliers to the entity showing the
quantity of goods purchased with their respective amounts to be paid to the suppliers.The
student alsoparticipated in entering the different purchase invoices of different suppliers
like the Karagi Graine Millers who supplied posho to the school and recorded the
purchase invoices in the purchase journal and the payables ledger control account. This
enabled the student to acquire knowledge on how to enter invoices of different suppliers
to the purchase journal.

2.1.22 posting to ledgers

This is an activity that involves transferring journal entry information from the journal to
a book that has pages bound together or loosely connected with each page containing the
name of an account. The student posted figures of different classes of accounts into “T”
accounts and this enabled the student get balances to extract into the trial balance.

2.1.23 Extraction of a trial balance

This involves extraction of all the totaled up balances from all the individual ledger
accounts of an organization in order to prove accuracy of the double entry system of
Accounting (ACCA, 2018). From the already prepared ledgers the student was able to
extract balances into the trial balance and this helped me to come up with financial

2.1.24 Preparation of the financial statements
According to (Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, 2018) preparation of
financial statements involves applying of rules in the conceptual and regulatory
framework of financial reporting in order to make an Income statement, statement of
financial position, statement of changes in equity, cash flow statement and notes to the
financial statements prepared an income statement and statement of financial position
among others through the use of Microsoft Excel software so as to prepare the financial
statements from the available trial balance and notes to the statements. This enabled the
client to understand the financial position of their business and also helped me to acquire
knowledge on how to prepare the financial statements.



3. 0 Introduction
This chapter of the report includes lessons learnt by the student, experiences gained
during internship and the skills attained by the student after executing the tasks carried
out during the internship.

3.1 Lessons

3.1.1 Professionalism at the work

Professionalism in simple terms is the culture at a work place of executing different tasks
and responsibility shown at the work Professionalism at workplace by the employees. It
has to do with how someone carries himself or herself at the work place. It includes the
dressing code, use of the official language, time management, response to the people at
the work place, etc. This was part of the student’s life during the training course.

3.1.2 Dressing and presentation

It is a very important business principle that needs to be implemented by anyone at the
work place. Throughout the internship training, the student got to learn how to dress
under appropriate attires whenever at the work place in such a way that the student would
present himself professionally and the official manner.

3.1.3 Time management

As the saying goes a “time lost can never be gained” and likewise, it applied in this
school where it was the school’s policy that every staff member had to arrive at the
school’s premises by 8:00am. Time keeping and punctuality were so essential. The main
intention for this was to ensure each and every one completed their tasks at the required
time. Hence the student learnt a lesson of time management by arriving at the school
premises by 8:00 am.

3.1.4 Conflict Management

It is always a usual situation where many people working together have to be in
disagreements and misunderstandings. Such situations could raise conflicts and the lesson

that the student learnt from this was that if such situations of disagreements arouse the
student had to be neutral so as to avoid siding with in the diplomatic way.

3.1.5 Documentation
One of the most valuable lessons the student learnt throughout internship was that one
never edits the document or works on it many times. The different documents were
looked at in the bursar’s office and these included; requisition notes, cheque, minutes,
reports budgets receipts etc. The student was able to know their importance for example
the requisition note was used by different workers of the school to make their

3.1.6 Filing and Record keeping

Filing refers to safe guarding of the documents and keeping of records in a particular file
while record keeping requires maintenance of the files and carefully keeping them for
future reference. Therefore, by so doing the student learnt that every document is useful;
and was supposed to be kept well and safely stored for future reference. In bursar’s
office, the schedules of the cleared and queried files were kept in their respective files.

3.1.7 Dealing with cash books

This is the book of original entry that records incomes and the expenditure of the school
within the bursar’s office. The student was introduced to this book of original entry
where he learnt that it records the incomes and the expenditures within the Bursar’s
office, records other incomes either by cash or by bank and the expenditures either by
bank or cash. The student viewed in the school cash book where he saw the different
details, folio, and cash column, bank column on the side of the incomes plus the date,
expenses and the amount on the side of the expenditure. For example the cashbook
recorded the school fees payments of the different students on the debit side of the cash
3.1.8 Personal management
This was key during internship as the student learnt to adjust to the work environment
that is to say; dress code which was basically decent office wear, obeying all necessary

rules and regulations and; anger management among others while dealing with unruly
people who had salary claims.

3.1.9 Receipting of the school fees dues

This was another lesson acquired by the student during training at Royal College.
Receipting of the school fees dues was the process of clearing students who could come
to the Bursar’s office to pay for their school fees dues. These included: school fees,
Uniform fees, Identification cards fees, Liquid soap and reams all of which had to be
receipted to show their clearance status.

3.1.10 Purchase invoices

The purchase Invoice is the document that is provided by the supplier to the buyer for the
products being supplied to the buyer showing the corresponding amounts for the goods
supplied. The student had to learn how to deal with this document as it was used by the
school to pay its suppliers this document. The student also learnt how the purchase
invoice was posted to the purchases ledger and also to the general ledger of the school.

3.1.11 Expenses
Recording of the different expenses encountered by the school that included the direct
and the indirect expenses that the school encountered was another lesson learnt by the
student. Direct expenses are the expenses that are directly faced by the school while
indirect expenses are the expenses that are indirectly faced by the school. This was
required especially to help come up with good accountabilities to handover to responsive
people and for proper planning.

3.1.12 Decision making

Decision making is the process one goes through to choose between two alternatives.
When a decision is made or taken it can have a great impact for it may or may not be
welcomed by all /everyone but if you believe that it’s a benefit, then its worthy making /
taking that particular decision. The student also learnt how to make decisions that helped
in solving many problems.

3.1.13 Bank Reconciliation
This is a document or the statement that is used to reconcile the details within the bank
account similar to the school cash book account. The student learnt how to make bank
reconciliations statement with the cash book so as to bring the cashbook balance and the
bank balance at conscience. This helped the student learn the importance of writing the
cashbook daily for reference of the bank statements.

3.1.14 Accountability
This was another lesson acquired by the student during training at Royale College. While
at internship, the student learnt being accountable because he could be given money to
pay off different suppliers. For example those who supplied posh and beans to the school,
the student could be asked by the Bursar to provide a comprehensive report on how the
transactions were carried out. The student learnt the importance of accountability for time
and money especially with evidence of payment voucher expenditure and
acknowledgement sheets.

3.1.15 Office management

The student was involved in office management activities like organizing documents and
files, filing, printing and scanning of documents. The student got involved in office
management since he was left in office to work when the Bursar was away for various
meetings and retreats

3.1.16 Persistence
The lesson of persistence was given to the student in the best possible way during the
training course. Persistence is an important business acumen that needs to be followed by
any individual desiring to see success in their business. Sometimes customers showed
little or no interest in the schools services that were being offered, so the student’s duty
was to persist and make them pick interest.

3.1.17 Confidentiality
Confidentiality is a set of rules or a promise that limits access or places restrictions on
certain types of information. This was one of the core values of RCN and all staff that
expected to keep information on certain reports. Employees were expected to be
confidential as regards information in files of the school in which the information was not
meant to be exposed to the public. The student learnt that confidentiality of the school’s
information received that was ensured at any given position. This was learnt from the
staff meetings of the school.

3.2 Experiences
These are areas of knowledge accumulated from the training about the organization
employees and business code of conduct.

3.2.1 Self-regulation and empathy

The student gained a lot of self- regulation and empathy. The student gained an
experience on how to redirect disruptions and keep focused on how to suspend judgment
and also and gained the ability to understand the emotions of other people. The student
further learnt how control emotions especially during arguments.

3.2.2 Experience in dealing with different people

The bursar’s office handled the endless salary, allowance problem complaints like the
delayed payments, under payments among others. The student gained an experience on
how to deal with different people in the school and this helped to improve on the social
life and how to deal with issues more professionally than replying them angrily when
they approached me angry.

3.2.3 Tying experience

The student gained this experience as the result of typing many documents of the school,
for example the student would sometimes type and update the schedules of the cleared
and the queried files.

3.2.4 Moral aspect
With the moral aspect, it has to do with the discipline practiced as acceptable in the
particular organization. The moral aspect greatly rewarded the student in the experience
because it guided on how to respect, and what extent the student associated and interacted
with the different people within the school. It was the most demanding thus a lot was
expected from me.

3.2.5 Preparing pay roll lists

The student gained experience in preparing various pay roll lists of the different workers
of the school to determine their salaries. The pay roll lists included; name of the workers,
the amount of salary earned by each of each worker plus their gross pay.

3.2.6 Computer applications

The student gained experience in computer application by entering data into the computer
using Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Tally systems and others specified accounting
packages. The student was able to get experiences on how to use the computer most
efficiently. The Bursar used to be with a lot work to be entered into the computer like
payroll list, Requisition notes, Cheques, Invoice notes, Cash notes, and Salary adjustment
letters. Hence some of the work was assigned to the student which made the student gain
experience on computer application.

3.2.7 Cash books

The student gained experience on how to deal with the cash book of the school where the
student learnt that the side of the income records the incomes of the school like the
receipts of the school fees from the students and the expenditures of the school like
payment to the suppliers with their amounts. The various details of the cash book
Date Details Folio Cash Bank Kind Date Expenses Amount

3.2.8 Self drive
Being the student in a large school was not an easy task and it was thus a daunting task
and needed high amounts of self-drive. Working in the school required the student to
exercise and cultivate high levels of self-motivation. Waking up early and being at work
in time and at times leaving late after the school hours helped to learn how to motivate
myself and keep with the pressure at the school such as meeting the deadlines of making
the work plan and clearing the salary files whenever needed by the bursar.

3.2.9 Time management

The student gained experience in time management whereby the school had policies
where all the workers were supposed to arrive by 8:00am and they had to sign in the
books for arrival. The penalty for late coming was going back home since gates would be
closed by 8:00 am. With this, the student gained an experience on how to manage time
as, he was taught the principles of management of time and it also introduced the
student’s mind the fact that time is money and a factor of production.

3.2.10 Stress management

This was due to the fact that the student had never experienced work related stress not
until during the field attachment exercise that the student came into direct contact with
occupational stress that was often talked about during lecture rooms. These were
moments when the student was piled with a lot of work, which work was required to be
done in a short period of time, it is during those moments the student felt stressed.

3.2.11 Following rules and regulations

One of the experiences the student obtained was that the rules and regulations ought to be
followed as they are not only meant to guide but also prevent people from getting into
compromising situations. RCN had procedures that were followed before one’s salary
was paid which included writing a letter to the respective protocols through the head
teacher and the bursar requesting for the payment and filling in the required forms which
included the employee name, employee number, and post title and the bank details
among others.

3.2.12 Confidence at work and encouragement to work
The period for which the student had with the school in the field attachment program
made the student gain confidence in the office work and able to work under pressure.
This was done by doing assignments the field supervisor approved to be right with little
or no improvement need hence motivating the student.

3.2.13 Professional work environment

The student got exposed to a professional work environment. This helped the student to
evaluate the overall education and the carrier at large thus building and improving the
business carrier where it necessitated the student to do so. To benefit here the student
participated in different activities of work that were assigned or delegated to facilitate the
development of the carrier. Hence the student gained the experience of professionalism at
the work place.

3.2.14 Relating theory to practice

The student gained experience in relating theory to practice e.g. preparation of reports,
handling suppliers and making financial reports and accountability was not only
accounting for the money but also other accountabilities and had a review of the previous
budgets of the school of the different terms so that they could draft a new school budget.

3.2.15 Filing documents

The student gained experience in filing documents in their corresponding carbines and
files which had confidential records. The student, at several occasions would be asked by
the bursar to organize files in order of their dates and years. These documents included
the budgets for different departments, the purchase invoices, and the monthly financial

3.2.16 Team spirit

The student gained experience on how to work in teams. This is where the student
enhanced his team work ability as a member. Prior to the field attachment the student was
somehow individualistic but during the course of the training the student realized the
importance of team work because tasks were done jointly. These enhanced the students’
decision making skills, reasoning logically and critically.

3.3 Skills
The student was able to acquire the following skills during internship at Royal College

3.3.1 Problem solving skills

As the student, everything during internship period was not on straight line, some of the
challenges faced needed personal solutions to handle them, also the different activities
handled during internship period for example the activities that involved in dealing with
the students that had school fees problems helped in the acquisition of the problem
solving skills that was through handling these problems.

3.3.2 Adaptability skills

The student was able to adapt to different scenarios that were faced for example getting
work while having another one hence looking for the way of balancing the two things at
the same time. Also, the willingness to be used to all the activities of the organization not
only to the directorate, the student was attached thus requiring to adapting to the different
situations of the work place.

3.3.3 Creativity skills

Some of the tasks carried out during internship training were not as direct as one could
expect and therefore they required one to be creative enough so as to make it easy to
handle such kinds of tasks. For example, through data entry in the books of account the
student would come up with ways of organizing data by sorting it according to a certain
order, bring together the related data, filtering, hence being creative and this improved on
the creativeness and therefore resulting into creativity skills. The student was able to
acquire this skill after carrying out tasks of such kind for more than one time.

3.3.4 Communication skills

Communication simply means imparting information by writing, speaking, and also using
means like electronic gadgets, it can be verbal, non-verbal. The student used to
communicate orally to the staff members of RCN which sometimes depended on where
the communication was done and the kind of people communicating to require the
respect of hierarchy which the student was able to deal with during the internship period.

Communication was also done through writing that was the report writing especially after
two weeks, such reports were done following a certain order which was part of
communication. Communication was also done using the electronic devices like
computers, phone calls to some of the staff members where necessary hence acquiring the
communication skills.

3.3.5 Leadership skills

Through coordination and communication of different requirements to the fellow
students, to other people within the organization helped in the acquiring of some
leadership skills while doing internship training. Some of the tasks carried out during the
internship training required coordinating fellow members to inform them about what was
supposed to be done, gathering information and such work required different characters
and the qualities of a leader which at the end of it helped the student to acquire
leadership skills through coordinating, communicating, presenting to the fellow students.

3.3.6 Listening skills

The student gained listening skills. Listening is giving ones attention to a sound or takes
notice of an act on what someone says. The student always had to listen carefully while
being instructed by the field supervisor and other bosses like Mr. Mugabe Robert the
director of the school. This was crucial as one was being given different tasks to perform;
listening to complaints among others as listening was a sign of respect in the work

3.3.7 Typing skills

Data entry was a task that the student performed on a daily basis. While at RCN, the
student often had to update the school records. For example the student had to type
confirmation letters and reports hence acquiring the typing skills.

3.3.8 Customer care skills

The beneficiaries and clients are the key factors for success of the school. .During the
period of field attachment the student dealt with different kinds of people whereby some
were rude, others harsh and some good. The student had to deal with all these kinds of

people with their different behaviors, thing which helped the student to gain skills on how
to handle clients.

3.3.9 Conceptual skills

This refers to the ability to view the school as a whole and as a system comprised of
various parts and sub systems integrated into single unit. The student was able to know
the general duties of the school at large and the responsibilities of the different
departments and individual employees towards the achievement of the overall
organizational goals hence gaining conceptual skills.

3.3.10 Job etiquette skills

These skills are to do with what is expected of a worker at work place. These are various
expectations of a worker and the student learnt them from the school workers. For
example a worker was expected to perform her or his duties on time, to sit properly while
on computer so to avoid any complications, to attend to her or his duties other than
personal affairs while at work among others. While at RCN, the student was able to
master the code of ethics of accountants, how to handle clients and how to relate with

3.3.11 Interpersonal skills

Maintaining a good relationship amongst one another is a major role for employees to
play as it greatly contributes to the success of the organization. While at RCN, employees
often interacted with one another regardless of the positions they held. They always
respected one another and even when they joked around with one another; it wouldn’t
cost the person they would joke with. They were often polite and courteous to one
another but when it came to work issues they still interacted with seriousness and respect
to one another. It was an attractive gesture that the student found necessary to adopt
hence gaining interpersonal skills.

3.3.12 Analytical skills

During the training the student was often given tasks that required analysis. For example
while reconciling the different bank reports and also correcting the local purchase order

book, it was the student’s duty to carefully analyze each report and make sure that
transactions which appeared on one report appeared on the other as well.

3.3.13 Organizing skills

The student gained organizing skills whereby the student was always given files and
documents to organize them in the order so as to be properly organized in their respective
files among others. Hence enabling the student to gain organizing skills.

3.3.14 Managerial skills

The student also attained managerial skills since everything involved an element of
management. The student was exposed to management tips through both observations
and interactions with top management of not only one department but also other
departments where the student was exposed to how managerial issues could be dealt with
which the student did not know how to apply them practically but had attained such skills
in the course unit of principles of management.

4.0 Introduction
This chapter introduces the challenges that were faced during the field attachment period
and these include the personal and organizational challenges that limited the student from
learning process during internship as discussed below.

4.1 Challenges
A challenge is a situation of being faced with something that needs great mental or
physically effort in order to be done successfully and therefore tests a person’s ability.

4.1.1 Personal challenges Time management
This was a challenge at the start as the student was required to report as early as 8:00am
which the student was not familiar with. The student overcame this by waking up very
early at 6:10am in order to reach RCN in time. Language barrier

During internship, some people who visited the offices especially the contractors and
suppliers of raw materials and other items were never conversant with English. This
made it somehow difficult for the student to communicate with them. This was solved by
approaching and directing them to some skilled personnel who were vast with the
languages of the clients. Adopting to the work environment

Adapting to the RCN environment was almost unbearable since it embraced a more
corporate kind of life in terms of dressing and character which was different from school
life that was more free and cheaper. The student adjusted by buying clothes to fit in the
environment and benchmarking from field supervisor to change the character flexibly.

28 Long distance between home and Royal Collage Namugongo
The distance between the students’ home and RCN was long and on several occasions;
the student would get late to work since public means were not accessible in the home
area. The transport costs also proved to be high since the student was very punctual and
worked throughout the week. The student overcame this by waking up very early at
6:10am in order to get early to RCN in time. To cater for transport costs, the student was
funded by his parents, family friends. Unnecessary errors

The student being new at work place was prone to some unavoidable errors and these
include mistakes in the report writing such as daily and weekly reports, making mistakes
while writing on the cheques, preparation of the source documents and sometimes filing
wrong documents to wrong files. To overcome this challenge, the student always
consulted the field supervisor whenever he found a problem of dealing with certain
activities so as to avoid unnecessary errors. Boredom
There was boredom due to the fact that the student was doing almost the same things
daily and on some days there was no work. To overcome this challenge the student
engaged himself in volunteering in other departments which kept him occupied whenever
he had no activity to assign to do by the field supervisor. Financial issues

The fact that the student was not entitled to any allowance was not only demotivating but
posed a great challenge since transport proved expensive, the student above all had
limited source of funds either from parents and personal saving. The student was
privileged as field supervisor gave some allowances and, this money reduced dependence
on parents and helped on reduction of costs on transport.

29 Inadequate preparation for internship
There was inadequate preparation for field attachment, putting into consideration that
field supervisors were not fully given information about the areas that the student had
covered in writing and this made allocation of assignments to the student complicated.
Being in third year, the field supervisor always found it hard to assign tasks as claimed
that it was complicated. The student overcame this by being flexible whenever the
student was assigned tasks and in whatever office. Technical terms used

This was challenging especially at the starting period where the student was confused
about the technical terms used like RCN. This proved to be one of the biggest challenge
faced. The student managed this through consulting the field supervisor and staff
members who explained to the student the meaning of such terms.

4.1. 2 Organizational challenges Inadequate equipment
Equipment like computers, chairs and tables were not enough to cater for the large
number of students at the organization. This made some of the students not to get a
chance of using the computers. This was overcome by putting students in shifts that they
could all get a chance of using computers and even get where to seat. Power disruptions

This would disrupt work from going on because at some point the generator would not be
ready hence less productivity. Since the student didn’t have what to do at such a time he
could loiter around the compound, and even could go back home. This challenge was
solved by putting backup generators in place in case the power blacked out. A lot of manual work

Most of the work done was manual apart from the little which needed typing that became
so boring for example filling of documents, carrying boxes of documents and even
organizing tables. There were also limited computers in the school since it has not yet
embraced the use of computers in all departments.

30 Limited access to school accounting documents
The school was highly cautious about their information however this proved a great
challenge to the student as he had limited access to the required information and in case
he had to accomplish a task, he had to ask for permission from one of the authorized
personnel thus making execution of the tasks sloe and rendering the student ineffective. Understaffing
This was a major problem at RCN where staff from the departments often complained of
being understaffed. This was mainly due to the fact that some employees would take
leave but nobody came in to take up their responsibilities while at leave. The school
overcame this by rotating workers from different departments to work in departments that
were understaffed. Bureaucracy
There was a lot of bureaucracies in RCN where by the orders had to be passed from the
program coordinator to solve any situation at hand. This was very challenging because it
slowed down the decision making process hence bringing the work to a standstill at times
and also made the work very slow.

4.2 Limitations
4.2.1 Limited work space
This was a limitation faced especially with the carrying out various activities like data
computation. The work room for the accomplishing this activity was not enough
compared to our numbers. In addition to this, the room for attending the public meeting
was small compared to the number of the students.

4.2.2 Limited access to information

The student was not allowed to freely access the information because all computers were
restricted by use of Passwords that were unknown to the student. These therefore limited
operations since the student was not equipped with the full information about the tasks
assigned. The student requested the supervisor to avail all passwords of the computers in
the office to easily access of any information that was needed.

4.2.3 Limited time for training
The training the student underwent was good for his professional growth but the duration
was short compared to the benefits enjoyed from the place of work, despite the fact that
the University gives students two months, but according to the organizational program
and agenda, the time was not adequate. This made the student who had coped up with the
organizational programs and culture to leave prematurely yet it was good for the student
to stay for some more time so as to gain more experience and this limited the student to
explore more.

4.3 Enjoyments
4.3.1 Associating with staff of different levels of management
During the stay of the student at the field attachment place, the student got to interact
with different employees including heads of departments, top officials and learnt a lot
from them through the conversation about academics and other aspects of life.

4.3.2 Interaction with the clients

The student also interacted with various clients and this enabled the student to gain
exposure and get to know of their problems such that the student could get ways of
solving such problems so as to satisfy their needs. These interactions helped to improve
the student’s social life as well as creating friends outside.

4.3.3 Vast knowledge

The student, while at the field attachment place got acquainted with various knowledge
on the organizations regarding values, norms, codes of conduct and above all relations
class work with field work experiences.

4.3.4 Freedom
The organization and its workers were so free with the student. They could share
various stories with the student. The student could request for days off due to various
reasons such as attending family functions and those could be granted with limited

hesitation. In case the student came late sometimes due to circumstances beyond control,
the student would explain and the field supervisor could understand.

4.3.5 Using the internet

While in the field, the student enjoyed using wireless Hotspot that was always available
in the office. He was given the password of the wireless networks and would access it
any time whenever need arose. It enabled the student to get information that was needed
such as the organizational background, different programs of the organization among
others. The internet was also used to get into contacts with friends on social media and
this was during the times when there was no work or less work load.

4.3.6 Hospitality
The people at RCN were so welcoming. Actually the head teacher was so happy to see
the student and immediately called the student to his office to interact with him. This
made the student to feel at home and also helped the student to stay comfortable
associating with the rest of the workers in the organization. It also enabled the student to
learn about what takes place in the school at a faster pace.

4.3.7 Reading newspapers

The organization always purchased daily newspapers for the school Library and they
were freely readable by any person including the students. This enabled the student read
relevant information and got know what was taking place in the rest of the world.

4.3.8 Refreshments
Sometimes the organization provided refreshments to employees such as sodas and
biscuits after a long period of great hard work by the students. This was a great
motivation and morale booster for students to keep on working without hesitation.

4.3.9 Breakfast and lunch facilitation

The student was provided with breakfast and lunch every day, courtesy of the field
supervisor. This was a motivator since it gave the student some strength to do work as
well as bonding the bosses plus the student.

4.4 Disappointments
4.4.1 Monotony of work
This involves doing the same work over a long period of time. The student was somehow
disappointed because he did the same work time and again, for example receiving and
recording of incoming invoices. This made the student have a limited scope of activities,
lessons learnt, experiences and skills got during the time of the internship placement.

4.4.2 Limited supervision and high levels of autonomy

Low supervision was experienced by the student and this reduced the tension over
carrying out the different activities. This therefore made the student to carry out different
tasks well since he enjoyed high levels of autonomy in the tasks he was carrying out.
Through this the student would only consult the field supervisor on how well to do the
activities and present the work done to the supervisor. This made the student enjoy the
internship exercise.

4.4.3 Absence of monetary facilitation

This was a direct demotivate given the fact the student was regarded as an officer and
helped in the running of the school, but was not entitled to any monetary allowance. The
officers also emphasized office wear which was rather expensive.

4.4.4 Long and tiresome activities

Sometimes the activities became hectic and tiresome yet they had to be finished in the set
time. For example entering data in the computer for the whole day became so tiresome as
the hands could get tired, the back ache, and eyes would be so painful .This made work
so difficult and led to de-motivation of the student. More so, analyzing which required
dealing with figures would also create problems and confusion at a point.

4.4.5 Attitude of some employees

Some of the workers at the organization seemed not to have liked the idea of students
associating with them. For example the casual workers complained and accused the
students for dirtying the offices. Some of them complained that the students consumed a
lot of space in offices while others even refused to offer assistance in form of guidance.

4.4.6 Withholding information
Some officers withheld some vital information probably to maintain a level of
confidentiality. This limited the student from having a broader picture of RCN operation.

4.4.7 Descriptions and explanations

Some employees failed to give the detailed explanations of the assigned activities yet
they were required to be done in time. This caused commotion and inquiring from such
people would be kind of difficult since they claimed to have explained the required very
well. In addition, even if some accountants endeavored to explain very well, some things
were hard to understand and would require a lot of time and practice.

5.0 Introduction
This is the last chapter of the report and it covers the conclusions drawn by the student
during the field attachment and giving out recommendations to university, organization,
and to the future students after the internship carried at RCN.

5.1 Conclusions
The internship report shows what transpired during the whole process of internship.
Generally the student got to learn a lot from the training that was carried out at RCN. The
field attachment was a success since the gained a lot of new things such as; time
management, being organized and performing leadership activities. The student also
acquired a number of skills for example; computer skills, writing skills, filling skills,
communication skills and typing skills. The student however was also faced with some
challenges such as limited computers to do work, limited space, long working hours and
others. The reward goes to the university for the good initiative of internship which has
enabled the student acquire a number of lessons, skills and experiences.

The time the internship spent at RCN for the field attachment was important to the
understanding of the practical world and how business is conducted. The student
understood the values of the organization, ownership and its nature. The field attachment
program opened the minds of the student to the organization which in most times are
most likely to be the future employers, the student also came to know the organization
much more and learnt how employees do the work which they are expect to do. The
student also faced some challenges and other limitations while in the field attachment
program which limited learning and also limited the organization activities. The student
also learnt that that while at work there are enjoyments and disappointments.

5.2 Recommendations
5.2.1 To Royal College Namugongo Expose the students to relevant information:
The student recommends that RCN especially the finance department where the student
did work, to expose the students to the relevant information and give training in all the
necessary fields so that the students successfully accomplish the training. Facilitate students

The school should facilitate students to motivate them to do good work since they highly
do benefits from their services. Give certificates of participation

The school should always give certificates of participation to the students upon their
completion of training which supplement their curriculum vitae hence increasing chances
of job opportunities. Give transport allowance

The school should put in place enough facilitation in terms of transport, lunch, air time to
enable its workforce carry out the field work effectively which would improve its
personal selling, sensitization, training of clients and signing deals. Emphasize time management

The school should emphasize keeping time and accomplishing duties on time to ensure
efficiency and effectiveness in the organization.

5.2.2 Recommendations to the students Building relations with supervisors
Students should cooperate well with their supervisors and build strong relationships with
them as these could be potential employers or points of reference in future. This also
helps to eliminate problems that may result from poor cooperation making students
develop a negative impression of the program.

37 Taking Field Attachment seriously by students
The students should undertake the field attachment program with the major aim of
achieving the intended objectives so as to yield better results rather than for just passing
time. Time keeping and punctuality

Some of the students tend to absent themselves from work because they are students. The
student therefore recommends to the students to always go to work on a timely basis. Respect rules and Regulations

The student should respect rules and regulations of the organizations where they carry out
their field attachments to ensure good collaboration with the institution.

5.2.24 Positive attitude towards work

The students should have a positive attitude about internship that it’s not where someone
works for free. They should have an attitude that they are trying to gain experience and
paying them at that point is not essential.

5.2.3 Recommendations to Makerere University Business School Carrying out Field Attachment training yearly:
Internship training should be done at the end of every year of study to awaken those who
have finished first and second year and would think that lecturers give them all they need
yet outside studies there are many practical related activities that need to be explored
unlike in class work Finding internship placements are in line with courses for students:
The University should help in the allocation of students to organizations since some
students are placed in organizations that do not relate to their courses ending up without
the relevant skills. This should also minimize on the cases of students failing to get
placed to any organization.

38 Improving the platform of communication
The University should come up with clear communication structures that are accessible
by all students especially in the course of training. This is important because many
students stay less informed about the progress of activities as it is only student mails that
are used which are not activated by every student. Attachment of students to different organizations

This involves attaching students to different organizations by the University. This would
save the time students spend on looking for places of attachment and also much resources
needed little transport costs and these places should be according the areas of
specialization. Find internship placements for students

The University should also help students get places for field attachment in different
organizations. This would allow students concentrate on their academics during the
semester instead of wasting vital time walking on the streets looking for Field
Attachment places which they even fail to get. Increase duration for internship

More time should be allocated for field attachment then the normal one or two months
because there’s a lot that need to be covered as the activities to cover and areas are wide
and a lot. Inform and sensitize students

The University should endeavor to inform the students about the objectives and aims of
the field attachment. This will yield positive attitudes towards field attachments. Widen relations with various organizations

The University needs to strengthen and widen its relationship with various organizations
and create corporate network to enable students get more access to organizations where
to carry out their field attachment training.

5.2.4 Recommendations to policy makers Making the public aware about Field Attachment and its benefits
The policy makers should put a law on the provision of field attachment placements in all
the companies and organizations in the country. They should also create public awareness
of the field attachment program and its benefits to the students and to the company for
example getting cheap labor and producing competent workers thus giving back to the
community. Putting in place a law regarding facilitation and remuneration of trainees

The policy makers should also put a law on field attachment facilitation and companies
should give some remuneration to trainees. This will help in facilitating them through the
field attachment in terms of transport, breakfast and lunch, research among others thus
overcoming a challenge of the financial constraint.


Ndugwa Edward. (2018). Students Internship Log Book. Kampala: Makerere University
Business School.(see appendix ii)

Makerere University. (2016). Retrieved August 12, 2018, from Makerere University Web site:

Bennet, R. (2001).“Orientation to work and some implications for management”, Journal of

Management Studies, 1, 149-62.

Montgomery, Rhonda J. Strick, Sandra K. (1994). Meetings, Conventions, and Expositions: An

Introduction to the Industry. New York: Wiley. ISBN 9780471284390. Retrieved 2016-

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September 2017.

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74909-1.Retrieved 9 April 2012.

Blicq, Ronald (2003). "Technically-Write!".Prentice Hall.ISBN 0-13-114878-8.

Appendix 1; Acceptance letter

Appendix 2; Sample of log book

Appendix 1: Acceptance letter

Appendix 2; Sample of log book


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