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Oral soft tissue cysts and cervico-facial have (in general) origin:
B. Embryonic

2.Oral soft tissue cysts can be the following, but less one of them:
C. Branchial(Cervical) cyst

3.Only one of the cysts listed can be localized cervical:

A. Tireoglosso Canal cyst

4.Dermoid cyst is a developing cyst and it's due to cystic transformation of:
D. Remaining epithelial inclusions at the place of union of branchial arches on median line

5.Typical localization of dermoid cyst is:

A. Buccal floor, median line

6.One of the characteristics of oral dermoid cyst is not true:

C. It has a rapid growth

7.One of the characteristics of suprahyoid dermoid cyst is not true:

E. In case it's perforated, liquid content is eliminated

8.One of the characteristics in treatment of dermoid cyst is not real:

D. Relapse after exterpation are frequent

9.One of the aspects below is characteristic of teratoid cyst that differentiate of dermoid
C. It's almost always congenital

10.Which affirmation is correct about the gastrointestinal heterotopic oral cyst?:

B. It's choriostoma with cystic transformation

11.One of the affirmations about oral lymphoepithelial cyst is not real:

D. If traumatized, it eliminates fluid content, brownish, salty

12.Branchial cyst is also called:

A. Cervical lateral cyst

13.Which is the incorrect information about branchial cyst?:

B. Derives from remaining epithelial inclusion of endodermic crease of the 3rd brachial cleft

14. One of the following characteristics of cervical lateral(branchial) cyst is not correct:
C. Mobilizes once with degluttion

15. About branchial cyst can affirm:

E. All affirmations above are correct(no adhesion to teguments, if suprainfected palpation is
painful, is suprainfected pacient presents clinical/general of latericervical suppurations
16. Which of the entities below (differential diagnosis of branchial cyst) is pulsating
D. Paraganglioma

17. One of the info about surgical treatment of branchial cyst is not correct:
D. In inferior portion branchial cyst has to be detached from the lateral wall of the pharynx
and of the tip of styloid apophysis

18. Thyroglossal duct cyst is also called:

A. Median cyst of the neck

19. Which of the affirmations about thyroglossal duct cyst is not true?:
B. It is not adherent to hyoid bone

20. In differential diagnosis of thyroglossal duct fistula following entities except one:
C. Lipoma

21. Oral mucocele is:

A. A formation at oral mucosa level that is known of perforation of excretory duct of salivary
gland accessories and penetrate salivary glands in adjacent tissue

22. Sialocele is:

B. A lesion due to cystic dilatation of excretory duct of salivary gland accessories due to
chronic obstruction of it and retention of consecutive mucous

23. Ranula is:

C. Transformation cyst of epithelium of excretory duct of sublingual gland that opens in
buccal floor or in terminal portion of Wharton's duct

24. Ranula "in bisac" also called:

C. Ranula suprahyoid

25. Diff diagnosis of ranula sublingual is done with:

E. All entities listed above(cystic dilatstion of Wharton's duct, dermoid cyst of buccal floor,
lymphamgioma of buccal floor, malignant tumor of mucosa of buccal floor)

26. Ranula suprahyoid with strictly evolution under milohyoid muscle need a surgical
B. Cutaneous cervical way, submandibular

27. Sebaceous cyst:

B. Its origin is at level of piloud follicle and includes sebaceous secretory glands of sebum

28. About epidermal inclusion cyst can affirm:

E. All above answers are correct(results in epithelium at derm level, traumatic cause,
surgical cause possible during suture, manifests as a nodular subcutaneous small
dimensions, mobile, nonpainful, without fistuslization)

29. Papilloma is part of :

E. Benign tumor of epithelium structure itself

30. Paraganglioma is part of:

B. Benign tumor mesenchymal of nervous structure

31. Soft tissue osteoma and chondroma is part of:

C. Bening tumor mesenchymal - osseous and cartilaginous choristoma

32. Epulis is:

A. A generic term that defines any excrescence with apparent tumoral aspect that localizes
at level of soft tissues of alveolar crest

33. Fibrous inflammatory hyperplasia localized at bottom of vestibular groove, as a chronic

irritation of this mucosa, due to unstable mobile dentures is called:
C. Epulis fissuratrum

34. Most frequent form of oral pyogenic granuloma is:

D. Gingival

35. Botriomicoma( pyogenic granuloma) is not localized:

C. Gingival

36. Epulis granulomatosum is pyogenic granuloma with localization:

B. Gingival

37. Tumor (gingival) of pregnancy also called:

C. Pyogenic granuloma of the pregnant

38. Peripheral ossifying fibroma also called:

B.Fibrous epulis

39. Diff diagnosis of peripheral ossifying fibroma is done with:

E. All listed above( gingival pyogenic granuloma, epulis with giant cells, malignant tumor of
alveolar crest mucosa, epulis granulomatous)

40. Peripheral giant cell granuloma is characterized by the following with aspect except:
A. Associates with hyperparatiroidism

41. Relapse percentage of peripheral giant cell granuloma (including hard structures
affected) is:
C. 10%
42. Papilloma is a proliferative benign tumor pf spinous layer of epithelium, a cause possible
infection with:
D. Human papilloma virus

43. Papilloma does not manifest clinical by:

C. Have usual dimensions over 2cm

44. Most frequent benign tumor of small salivary glands is:

D. Pleomorphic adenoma

45. Nevus melanocytic that has potential of malignancy significant 5-10% is:
E. Congenital Nevus melanocytic

46. Skin annexes are:

E. All of the above(pilos follice, sebaceous glands, sudoriferous(sweat) glands, some
apocrine specialized glands)

47. Most frequent benign tumor met at level of oral mucosa:

B. Fibroma

48. Gingival fibromatoses is:

D. Variant A (hereditary effect) B(autosomal dominant) C( without congenital cause)

49. Gingival fibromatoses can be part of a syndrome that includes:

D. Variant A (hypertricosis) B (mental retard) C (Epilepsy)

50. Most frequent tumor during childhood is

A. Hemangioma

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