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Grade: III rd

English Contest

1. Read the following text:

The Snake and the Monkey

You see two friends: a snake and a monkey. The snake is on

one side of a river and the monkey one the other side.
“Monkey! Come here!” says the snake.
“ What for? “
“It is very
important. I want to tell you something.”
It is very difficult to swim. At last the monkey is on the other
side of the river. It is very tired.
“What’s the matter?” asks the monkey.
“Can you see some good bananas on the other side of the river?”

a. Write true or false:

 The snake swims in the river. …………………….
 The monkey gives the snake some bananas. …………………….
 The snake wants the monkey to come to it. ………………….....
 This text is a joke. ……………………

2. Choose the correct word:

 Andy sees a/an elephant.
 This is my/me umbrella.
 This/These are her new dolls.
 Your T-shirt is/are yellow.
 I have/has a big brown hat.
 Meg like /likes playing tennis.
 There is/ are crocodiles in the river.
 Lions can’t/ can not fly.
3. Fill in the blanks using the words you, happy, are, school:

Dear Grandma,
How ………you? I hope …….are O.K. I like my new ………. . My
classmates are very nice. I am ……… to be here. Please write soon.
Love, Alice

4. Write the names of the animals:

7 2 3 1

4 5 6 8

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