Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris Utama

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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Hari dan Tanggal :
Waktu : 10.00 – 11.30 WIB


1. Tuliskan identitas Anda dengan menyilang ( X ) pada huruf-huruf yang tersedia

dengan menggunakan pensil 2B
2. Waktu yang disediakan 90 menit untuk mengerjakan soal ujian ini.
3. Jumlah soal sebanyak 40 butir, 35 soal pilihan ganda dan 5 soal uraian.
4. Periksalah kelengkapan naskah soal ujian dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum Anda
5. Berilah tanda ( X ) pada huruf a, b, c atau, d yang Anda anggap benar pada lembar
jawab yang tersedia dan isilah jawaban soal uaraianmu di lembar jawab.
6. Laporkan kepada pengawas ujian apabila terdapat lembar soal yang kurang jelas,
rusak, atau tidak lengkap.
7. Tidak diijinkan menggunakan kalkulator, HP, table matematika, atau alat bantu hitung
8. Periksalah pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ujian.

I. Cross a, b, c or d for the correct answer!
1. Linda : Good afternoon, Dina?
Dina : . . . . , Linda.
A. Good afternoon C. Good morning
B. Good bye D. Good night
2. This is a . . .
A. Table
B. Chair
C. Door
D. Window
3. There are many . . . in our classroom.
A. Students C. Monday
B. Cats D. Door
4. This is a . . .
A. Cow
B. Butterfly
C. Cat
D. Dog
5. the air is do hot. Please trun on the …
A. Radio
B. Lamp
C. Fan
D. Television
The text is for number 6 to 7.
Mrs. Bella’s Job
Mrs. Bella is a doctor. She always help people. She work in a hospital. She goes to
hospital by motorcycle. Mrs Bella work on Monday to Sunday at 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
6. Who is Mrs. Bella ?
A. She is a nurse C. She is a farmer
B. She is a doctor D. She is a teacher
7. She work in a …
A. Hospital C. Office
B. Home D. Bank
8. … the blackboard, please!
A. Cut C. Clean
B. Read D. Repeat
9. I usualy go to … in the morning.
A. Stadium
B. Lunch
C. Dinner
D. School
10. Hilma : May I borrow this bicycle?
Dimas : ….
A. Of course C. No. thank
B. Thank You D. Here they are
11. Tania : where do you go if you get pain in your teeth?
Sari : I go to …
A. Dentist C. Librarian
B. Headmaster D. Farmer
12. Adam : Who is the Father of your Mother?
Nelse : He is my …
A. Cousin C. Grandmother
B. Uncle D. Grandfather
13. I use my … to walk.
A. Feet C. Arm
B. Head D. Hands
14. They are playing . . .
A. Football
B. Gymnastic
C. Basketball
D. Swimming
15. I like an . . .
A. Apple
B. Banana
C. Carrot
D. Grape
16. The colour of . .. . is red.
A. Banana C. Strawberry
B. Pineapple D. Grape
17. My sister buys some cabbages in the green grocer. The Indonesian of “cabbage” is . ..
A. Bawang merah C. Terong
B. Kubis D. Kentang
18. Which kinds of vegetables?

A. B.
C. D.

19. Which one is the kind of sweet food?

A. Pudding C. Omelette
B. Fried noodle D. Porridge
20. Risma : What kind of food … you like?
Rista : I like Fried ciken
A. Does C. Is
B. Do D. Are
21. The place is . . .
A. School
B. Harbor
C. Bus station
D. Airport
22. Ani : where do you live, Teddy?
Teddy : I live … Jl. Merak, No. 28.
A. Of C. On
B. Go D. Is
23. It is usually … in the wet season
A. Hot C. Cold
B. Warm D. Cool
24. The weather is so hot in … season
A. Dry C. Winter
B. Rainy D. Fall
25. We can’t play outside because it is . . .
A. dry
B. Summer
C. Spring
D. Rainy
26. Indonesia has two season. That are …
A. Dry and rainy C. Dry and summer
B. Snowy and dry D. Rainy and spring
27. People can go to the . . . to see sand and wave.
A. Mountain
B. Beach
C. Zoo
D. Lake
28. this is a . . .
A. Zoo
B. Beach
C. Mountain
D. Cave

29. The English of “belok kiri” is . . .

A. Go straight C. Turn left
B. Turn right D. Crossroad
For number 30 – 32

30. Where is the bank ?

A. The bank is beside the school
B. The bank in front of the restaurant
C. The bank is beside the restaurant
D. The bank in front of the school
31. Where is the school ?
A. The school is beside the hospital
B. The school in front of the restaurant
C. The school is beside the restaurant
D. The school in front of the hospital
32. Dania : … is the mall, azizah?
Azizah : the mall is beside the post office.
A. Who C. Which
B. Where D. When
For number 33 – 34
Todai is holiday, my family and I go to Jakarta. We want to visit my grandparents. We
go to Jakarta by plane.
33. Where the writer and his fimily go …
A. Surabaya C. Bandung
B. Jakarta D. Bekasi
34. How does they go there …
A. By bus C. By plane
B. By car D. By train
35. . Mother goes to the Bandung by . . .
A. By bus
B. By car
C. By plane
D. By train

II. Read and answer the questions!

36. Kerjakan dan ubahlah bentuk operasi bilangan di bawah ini dengan menggunakan
a. 58 + 35 = …
b. 22 + 34 = …
c. 43 – 17 = …

37. Terjemahkan kedalam bahasa inggris ?

a. Kemarin adalah hari selasa.
b. Besok adalah hari sabtu
c. Hari ini adalah hari jum’at

38. Susunlah kata-kata berikut ini!

a. saves – Father – money – bank – in – the – his
b. have – I – restaurant – the – dinner – in
c. Tony – seesaw – in – playing – the – playground

39. Terjemahkan kalimat dibawah ini ke dalam bahasa inggris!

a. Pamanku pergi ke bandara menggunakan motor.
b. Ayah pergi ke kantor menggunakan mobil.
c. Ibu pergi ke pasar dengan berjalan kaki.
40. Artikan kata – kata di bawah ini!
a. Zoo
b. Beach
c. Waterfall

*** Good Luck ***


1 A 11 A 21 D 31 D
2 A 12 D 22 C 32 B
3 A 13 A 23 C 33 B
4 B 14 A 24 A 34 C
5 C 15 B 25 D 35 D
6 B 16 C 26 A
7 A 17 B 27 B
8 C 18 B 28 D
9 D 19 A 29 C
10 A 20 B 30 C


a. 58 + 35 = fifty eight plus thirtyfive is ninety three
b. 22 + 34 = twenty two plus thirty four is fifty six
c. 43 – 17 = fortythree minus seventeen is twenty six

a. yesterday are Tuesday

b. tomorrow are Saturday

c. today is Friday


a. father saves his money in the bank

b. I have dinner in the restaurant

c. tony play seesaw in the playground


a. my uncle go to airport by motorcycle

b. my father go to office by car

c. my mother go to market on foot


a. kebun binatang

b. pantai

c. air terjun

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