Present Perfect 3º Eso Refuerzo 19

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5  Present perfect: affirmative

Present perfect affirmative Present perfect afirmativa El present perfect se usa para expresar:
I’ve finished yo he terminado (1) una acción ocurrida en el pasado que está
relacionada con el presente.
you’ve finished tú has terminado
(2) una experiencia.
he’s finished él ha terminado
Los verbos siguientes tienen un participio
she’s finished ella ha terminado
pasado irregular:
it’s finished (ello) ha terminado break – broken find – found
we’ve finished nosotros/as hemos terminado buy – bought do – done
eat – eaten lose – lost
you’ve finished vosotros/as habéis terminado
they’ve finished ellos/as han terminado

1 Completa la tabla con la forma afirmativa 3 Escribe frases. Usa el present perfect.
del present perfect.
Regular verbs
I phone I’ve phoned
you wash (1)
he start (2)
she play (3)
it finish (4)
Irregular verbs we / finish / our exams
we lose (5) We’ve finished our exams.
you break (6) 1 she / eat / the chocolate
they do (7)
she buy (8) 2 they / wash / the car

3 he / lose / his new trainers
2 Escribe los verbos entre paréntesis en la
forma afirmativa del present perfect. 4 you / do / your homework
You ’ve bought (buy) some new
trainers. 5 we / play / computer games
1 I (break) my laptop.
2 He (wash) his hair. 6 I / phone / my friends
3 They (eat) curry.
4 She (lose) her mp3 player. 7 she / buy / a new laptop
5 You (do) your homework.
6 We (find) some money. 8 they / start / a new school

Vocabulario clave
break  romper   buy  comprar   car  coche   chocolate  chocolate   computer game(s)  juego(s) de ordenador  
curry  curry   do your homework  hacer los deberes   eat  comer   exams  exámenes   find  encontrar  
finish  terminar   friend(s)  amigo/a(s)   hair  pelo   laptop  portátil   lose  perder   money  dinero  
mp3 player  reproductor de mp3   new  nuevo   phone  llamar   play  jugar   rugby  rugby   school  colegio  
start  empezar   trainers  zapatillas de deporte   wash  lavar(se)

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