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A. Background

Agriculture in Indonesia is growing according to the people's knowledge. At the

beginning, cultivation is done by moving (swidden agriculture). The fields and forests are
opened, then planted with staple crops such as upland rice, taro, cassava, sweet potatoes, and
vegetables. The plant has not been given manure or other maintenance. Initially the plants
thrived, but the longer, the more degenerate also fertility. As production declines, farmers move
elsewhere and then re-open the forest and plant it. The fields that have been left will become
barren, even a field of reeds.

The shifting cultivation system then evolved into a traditional farming system. It is
called traditional agriculture because its management is still simple. New soil processing is
done during the rainy season. While on moor land, generally only planted one type of plant
continuously in a very long time, causing problems in the form of reduced soil fertility, yield
decline, and pests and diseases grow rapidly and uncontrollably. On sloping ground, fertility is
rapidly declining and there is much erosion because the soil has not been made terassering or

Actually organic farming is a farm that is familiar with the environment because it does
not use pesticides. However, production can not compete with or offset the growing food needs
of the population. To compensate for these food needs, efforts should be made to improve
products that then develop conventional farming systems or traditional farming. Organic
farming began to appear in Indonesia in 1984. Yayasan Bina Sarana Bakti started to develop it
in Bogor, precisely in Cisarua on an area of four hectares. After that, the agricultural system is
growing very rapidly. Organically grown crops are not limited to vegetables, but also fruit
crops, although not as large as vegetable, rice and medicinal plants.
B. Understanding organic farming

Currently the world of agriculture can not be separated from the use of chemicals, both
for fertilizer, growth spurts, and adhesives, grading, and controlling pests and diseases.
However, have you thought about the consequences of using these materials? Chemicals are
generally toxic materials so that when used can poison the soil, plants, air, water, and other
living environments. Because toxic to the environment, it affects human health, such as
disorders of the lungs, heart, kidneys, liver, blood, vital equipment, as well as cancer, and
sexual dysfunction.

In addition to toxic, fertilizer and pesticide prices are also increasingly expensive.
Especially if the subsidy from the government is revoked. This becomes a dilemma for farmers:
if not fertilized and sprayed with chemicals, production will decline. Meanwhile, when
cultivated and sprayed, the results obtained are not proportional to the cost of production. As a
result, farmers also become a loss. How to solve it? The answer is very simple, that is with
organic farming system. The problems faced in conventional agriculture can be solved by
developing an organic farming system. The concept of organic agriculture begins with the idea
that natural forests composed of many thousands of plant species can flourish without human
intervention. Forest conditions that feed the plants and protect them at temperatures suitable
for large and small animals, insects, fungi, bacteria, and other living things. Bird droppings or
other animals and the mulch of the leaves will slowly decompose into food (fertilizer) for
plants. If forests can be fertile in a natural way, then surely agricultural land can also be so ..
With the use of organic materials, dependence on chemicals can be reduced, because organic
materials can generally be obtained from the environment around farmland. In addition, the
positive impact is the environment on organic farms more clean, fertile, and healthy (eco-

The principle of organic farming is basically friendly to nature, not polluting and
damaging the environment. The main reason for the use of chemicals is to fertilize the soil and
eradicate pests and diseases. In fact, through organic farming systems, the two problems can
be overcome. To fertilize the soil, farmers can take advantage of leguminosae family plants,
such as beans, in addition to manure of course. This type of plant has a root nodule that is able
to inhibit the nitrogen that can be absorbed by plants. Meanwhile, as a substitute for pesticides,
farmers can use among others neem, tobacco, brotowali, awar-awar, gadung, kelor, mindi,
ketepeng kebo, mengkudu, mahogany, tuba teprosia, papaya, johar, fruit lerak, soursop,
srikaya, . These natural pesticides can be easily made, do not pollute the air, harmless, and do
not poison the consumer because 100% are bio-degradable. Moreover, these plants are easy to
obtain and cultivate.

Application of this organic farming system aims to produce agricultural products,

especially food that is safe for the health of consumers and maintain the balance of the
environment by maintaining its natural cycle. In addition, the application of organic farming
also aims to improve soil, maintain soil fertility and control of pests and diseases in plants.
Therefore in this case organic farming system is said as one of the efforts in realizing
sustainable agriculture because in its application to pay attention to the environment so that
ecosystems continue to run as they are and do not disturb the balance of the environment and
without breaking a link of living things. Land used for organic farming should be free of
synthetic chemicals such as fertilizers and pesticides. There are two land options that can be
used for the production of organic agriculture, ie newly opened agricultural land, or intensive
agricultural land that has been conserved into organic farming land. The duration of this
conservation period depends on the history of land use which includes the use of fertilizers,
pesticides, and cultivated species.
A. Principle of Organic Farming

Organic farming systems should also be based on the principles of organic farming that
include health principles, ecological principles, principles of justice, and the principle of

1.Principle of Health

Organic farming must conserve and promote the health of soil, plants, animals, people
and the earth as an indivisible whole. This principle shows that the health of individuals and
communities can not be separated from ecosystem health. Healthy soil will produce healthy
plants that can support animal and human health. Organic farming is intended to produce high-
quality, nutritious food that supports the maintenance of health and well-being.

2. Ecological Principles

Organic farming should be based on the ecological cycle of life by trying to maintain
it. This principle states that production is based on ecological processes and recycling. Food
and wellbeing are obtained through the ecology of a special production environment, for
example plants need fertile soil, animals need livestock ecosystems, fish and marine organisms
to require aquatic environments. Agricultural cultivation, animal husbandry and harvesting of
organic wild products must be in accordance with the ecological cycle and balance in nature.
Organic management should be tailored to local conditions, ecology, and scale.

3. Principle of Justice

Organic farming must build relationships that are capable of ensuring justice in relation
to the environment and the chance to live together. This principle emphasizes that those
involved in organic farming must build a humane relationship to ensure justice for all parties
at all levels such as farmers, workers, processors, dealers, traders and consumers. Organic
farming aims to produce sufficiency and availability of food or other products with good
quality. The principle of justice also emphasizes that livestock should be preserved in
conditions and habitats in accordance with the physical, natural and assured properties of their
welfare. The natural and environmental resources used for production and consumption must
be managed in a socially and ecologically fair way, and preserved for future generations.
Justice requires a system of production, distribution and trade that is open, fair, and takes into
account the actual social and environmental costs.
4. Principle of Protection

Organic farming must be carefully managed and responsible for protecting the health
and wellbeing of present and future generations and the environment. Organic farmers are
encouraged to improve efficiency and productivity, but should not jeopardize their health and
well-being. Knowledge is needed to ensure that organic farming is healthful, safe and
environmentally friendly. Organic farming should be able to prevent the risk of harm by
applying the right technology.

B. Advantages and Disadvantages of Organic Agriculture

Excellence in Developing Organic Agriculture :

1. Increase the activity of organisms favorable to the plant.

2. Improve taste and nutritional content.

3. Increased endurance from invasive organism attacks.

4. Extend the save element and improve the structure.

5. Help reduce erosion.

6. Does not cause environmental pollution (pollution of water, soil and air) as well as
maintaining the physical, biological and chemical properties of the soil.

7. The resulting product is healthier than using synthetic fertilizers because it does not
contain toxins.

8. Increase the product in the form of food that is safe and nutritious so as to improve
the health of maysarakat.

9. Increase the income and welfare of farmers because generally the cost of purchasing
organic fertilizer is cheaper and the selling price of organic farm products is more

10. Minimize all forms of pollution that may result during agricultural activities, thus
creating a safe and healthy working environment for farmers as it avoids exposure to
11. Improving and maintaining the productivity of agricultural land in the long run, as
well as preserving nature and the environment.

Weakness in Developing Organic Agriculture :

1. The availability of organic materials is limited and the quantity must be large

2. Transport is expensive because the material is bulky

3. Facing competition with other interests in obtaining residual crops and organic waste.

4. Can cause nutrient kekukar if organic material is given on the plant is not mature

5. Organic farming yields less when compared with non-organic farming using
synthetic chemicals especially at the beginning of applying organic farming.

6. Control of biological intruders remains ineffective when compared to the use of

chemical pesticides.

7. The need for more labor is mainly for pest and disease control because generally
control of pests and diseases is done manually.

8. Have a high potential in poisoning human health if the purification process of organic
fertilizer is not good enough.

Hart, John, “Water Pollution”, dalam Encarta Encyclopedia, Microsoft Corporation

Prabawa, Hadi, dkk. 1995. Ilmu Kimia SMU untuk kelas 2 semester 2, Jakarta: Erlangga.

Sutanto, R. 2002. Penerapan Pertanian Organik. Yogyakarta: Kanisius.

Murbandono, L., 1982. Cara Mudah Membuat Kompos, Jakarta: Penebar Swadaya,198

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