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Name : Day :
Class : XI IPS 4 (Set A) Date :

A. Choose the correct answer! SET A

1. “I am very grateful for the advice you gave me. It worked. I was so happy.”
What is the meaning of this expression?
a. To show gratitude d. To apologize
b. To ask for help e. To tell good news
c. To ask for suggestion

2. “I’m extremely sorry to say that I can’t be there next month. Something happened and I need
to fix it first.”
The purpose of this expression is to ….
a. say sorry for making a problem. d. ask for help to for the problem.
b. say sorry for coming late. e. ask for suggestion to fix the problem.
c. tell a bad news about cancelling a plan.

3. “I am totally ecstatic to tell that my brother passed the basketball player selection. Mom and
Dad are so proud of him.”
What does the writer mean by writing this expression?
a. She wants to congratulate her brother.
b. She wants to say gratitude to her brother for passing a selection.
c. She wants to tell a good news about her sibling.
d. She wants to tell a good news that she won a basketball competition.
e. She wants to help her brother for his selection.

This letter is for question no 4-9

5 Dewi Sartika
My best friend Dilan,
Hello Dilan, how are you? It’s been a month since I last heard from you. Well, I just wanted to
tell you that I was in hospital last week. According to the doctor, I was infected by dengue fever.
At first, I felt my body became weak then I fainted when I was studying in the classroom. Then,
I was taken to the hospital because of the high fever. At the hospital, I was brought into the emergency
unit. The doctor immediately gave some treatment. Finally, I had to stay there for one week. Every
day the doctor kept me on a drip.
At the seventh day, my condition was getting better. After the final check, the doctor gave me
permission to go home. Now, I’m okay and because of my illness, I am more careful about keeping
my house clean, especially my room. I don’t want to get the same illness anymore.
OK, I think that’s all from me, write to me soon okay?

Best wishes.

P.S My weight rose up after illness.

4. What is the purpose of the letter?
a. To deliver good news d. To ask suggestion
b. To deliver bad news e. To show gratitude
c. To ask for help

5. Why was the writer taken to the hospital?

a. She got diarrhea c. She got stomachache e. He got broken bones
b. She got high fever d. He got dengue fever

6. What did the writer do when she felt her body became weak?
a. She bought medicine d. She consumed the medicine
b. She took a rest all days e. She studied in the classroom
c. She went to hospital
7. How long she was taken care in the hospital?
a. Three days c. Five days e. Seven days
b. Four days d. Six days
8. Which of following statements is NOT true?
a. Milea was getting better a week after the treatment.
b. Milea became more diligent to keep her room clean.
c. Milea wouldn’t get fever anymore.
d. Milea was given different treatment for each by the doctor.
e. Milea asked permission to the doctor to go home at the seventh day.
9. “OK, I think that’s all from me, write to me soon okay?”
The writer wrote this expression to ….
a. ask a quick reply c. start the letter e. ask a favor
b. end the letter d. ask a suggestion

This letter is for question no 10-17

25 Mawar Road
96138 Gorontalo
February 12th, 2019
Hi, Ari. I am sorry I should have written earlier. I know that you were waiting for me at your
graduation party last week. Words are not enough to erase the pain I’ve given you but I want to say
how sorry I am that I couldn’t make it. My plane was delayed for more than five hours so I decided
not to come at all. But, rest assured I will make it up for you. I’ve already booked a ticket for you to
come to my place for spending your holiday here and it will be my treat. This is the least that I can do
for letting you down.
We can go to Limboto Lake for relaxing our body there in the hot spring. It will make your
muscle sore go away immediately. Moreover, in a couple of weeks, there will be a Karawo Festival. It
is one of the long-waited festivals here.
Can go to the event and take a lot of pictures with the parade. What do you think? Let me know
in your next letter! Bye.

Best wishes

P.S I send you my belated gift of your graduation along with this letter.
10. When was the letter written?
a. On February twelfth d. On February twelfth
b. On February twelveth e. On February second
c. On February twelve

11. Ari’s graduation was held on ….

a. February 12th 2019 d. February 5th 2019
b. February 10th 2019 e. February 3rd 2019
c. February 7th 2019

12. Which part is not included in the letter?

a. Postscript d. Closure
b. Salutation e. Signature
c. Greeting
13. “It will make your muscle sore go away immediately…” (line 8, par 2)
The underlined word refers to ….
a. Limboto lake d. Muscle sore
b. Hot spring e. Our body
c. Karawo Festival

14. The closest meaning to the word immediately in line 8 is ….

a. Lately d. Nearly
b. Closely e. Proximately
c. Directly

15. “Let me know in your next letter! Bye.” (line, par 3)

This expression shows….
a. Closure d. Body
b. Salutation e. Closing
c. Introduction
16. The purpose of sending this letter is to ….
a. deliver good news to Ari d. ask Ari’s suggestion
b. deliver bad news to Ari e. ask Ari’s help
c. apologize to Ari

17. Why couldn’t Satria go to Ari’s graduation party?

a. Because he decided not to come at all. d. Because he wanted to see Karawo
b. Because he forgot to come. Festival.
c. Because he couldn’t make it. e. Because his plane was delayed.

18. I am having problems accessing the Internet from my desktop. When I enter my password,
the screen freezes. Please, could you solve my problem? What should I do?

What is the writer’s intention to write this statement?

a. To ask for suggestion from the receiver
b. To tell the receiver about her/his problem
c. To inform the receiver about her/his new computer
d. To deliver bad news
e. To show gratitude
19. These are the expression to start a letter, except …
a. Thank you for your last letter d. I am waiting for a quick reply
b. Hi, there! How are you? e. It was so good to hear from you
c. Sorry for answering late

20. The parts that can be missed in a letter are …

a. signature and closing d. postscript and signature
b. closing and closure e. salutation and address
c. salutation and postscript

This letter is for question no 21-25

Awara Karya 16,
A Lots of love, 10 March 2018 C Kalimantan
Atlanta Hello, Nugi. Gorontalo

I was really pleased to read your last letter. News about disasters always makes everyone very
D worried, especially when I heard that you were not in your home when it happened. You know
pain filled our hearts when your family and I could not get in touch with you on the phone.

E Do you want me to send something from here? Please don’t hesitate to contact me again if you
need a hand.

F Thank you for your letter of 2 March.

G It’s such a relief to hear that the tsunami in the affected area has caused no problem.

H Everything is going very well here. I wish you and your family the best.

21. The correct arrangement of the jumbled letter is

a. C-B-F-G-D-H-E-A d. C-B-F-E-G-H-E-A
b. C-B-F-H-G-E-D-A e. C-B-F-D-G-H-E-A
c. C-B-F-D-H-G-E-A

22. Based on the letter, we know that Nugi …

a. was worry about disasters d. was in affected area at the time
b. was safe from the tsunami e. could not get in touch with anybody
c. was at home when tsunami happened

23. “Lots of love,” (Part A)

This expression can be replaced with ….
a. My love d. My dear lovely
b. My dearest e. Much love
c. Dear Atlanta

24. Based on the letter, part C, D, and E are called ….
a. Address, body, and closing. d. Address, body, and closure.
b. Salutation, body, and closure. e. Greeting, introduction, closure.
c. Greeting, body, and closing.

25. “I was really pleased to read your last letter. (Part D)

The word pleased has similar meaning with these words, except ….
a. delighted d. happy
b. thrilled e. depressed
c. glad

B. Answer the following questions based on the letter!

Parani Street, 27

July 5th, 2018

Dear Rossa

I hope you are in the best health and spirit. I am doing fine here. It has been a while since we
met or wrote letters to each other. So I thought of writing a few lines to check your condition.
I just got back from my vacation to Riau and had a superb time. I went to Bono River and
Jemur Island. They were amazing places. If you want  tos visit this beautiful province do let me know
and I will give you tips on sight-seeing, transportation, shopping, etc.
I want to say something that is making me worried these days. My mother has been sick and I
am really sad. Sometimes, I have bad dreams about her and my brother wakes me up in the middle of
the night. I am sure you know for what bad dreams I am talking about. Please don’t tell anybody
about this and I know you can be trusted.
Anyway, I heard you got the first place in Debate Competition in Jakarta. Congratulation for
this achievement! I am so proud of you. Please stay in touch and do write. See you soon!


26. What are the purposes of the text? How do you know?

27. How was Fera’s vacation in Riau?


28. Why did the writer feel worry?
29. Identify which are the introduction, closure, and closing!

30. “They were amazing places …. (line 4, par 2)

Who does “they” refer to?

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