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I. Introduction and Rationale

Undeniably, the use of social networking sites (SNSs) has grown exponentially in

the last decade. The statistics provided by Facebook in 2014 indicate that there were 1.28

billion active users on the site per month as of March 2014. Furthermore, the same data

reveal that at least 802 million users of Facebook logged into their accounts daily. From

the data it comes not as a surprise that Facebook emerged as the most popular SNS in

the world. Incidentally, Facebook is also one of the most popular websites on the Internet

and second only to Google where global usage is concerned (Wilson, Gosling & Graham,


Facebook is typically an online social network site where users can share with

family members and friends ideas, pictures, thoughts and other content as well as

connect with former or new friends. All these make Facebook a very popular platform

among students (Boyd & Ellison, 2008). Smith echoed this observation when he noted

how Facebook ranks as the most used site among students to the extent where it would

be hard to find students who were not Facebook users. Results of other surveys on use

of Facebook reveal that 85 percent of students use Facebook for entertainment,

maintaining existing relationships, passing time (Peluchette & Karl, 2008) and

communicating with other students in their courses (Ophus & Abbit, 2009).

While Facebook remains popular due to the great increase in use and interactivity

it has been observed that an amount of the student user population experiences some

negative effects of excessive Facebook usage. Scholars such as Henrichs (2009) have
named the phenomenon “Facebook addiction” as it is similar to the habitual patterns of

behavior associated with activities such as gambling, shopping and Internet addiction.

Stutzman (2005) noted how users of Facebook use it to learn about one another and to

develop social networks with their friends and classmates in school. Blumler (2003)

pointed out that one of the keys to understanding the popularity of mass media lies in the

identification of the factors underlying its use. This led researchers to examine whether

the use of Facebook can lead to negative outcomes such as disruption to daily life. While

Griffiths (2000) claimed that the use of social networking sites such as Facebook can be

a new form of addiction, Zeev (2004) stressed how increased online socialization can

affect users’ social skills and ability to interact offline. Whether excessive use of social

networking sites is a form of addiction and is a cause of concern, researchers find that its

use affect users (Vallerand et al, 2003; Zeev, 2004). It is in this context that this study is

proposed. It shall look into the Facebook use of the senior high school students at

Domalandan Center Integrated School during the school year 2018 – 2019.

II. Review of Literature

III. Research Questions

The research questions for this study are:

1. How often do you check/open your Facebook account?

2. What is your reason for using Facebook?

3. How does Facebook affect your daily life?

IV. Research Methodology

a. Research Design
This study shall use qualitative phenomenological methodology as social

networking site usage is a phenomenon with little research focus. According to Creswell

(1998), qualitative research provides a method for researchers to learn about a

phenomenon that has little research through exploration of the experiences of people in

their natural environment. The aim of this qualitative study is to look into the senior high

students’ use of Facebook and its effects on them.

b. Participants

The sample shall comprise 4 Grade 11 students representative of the 4 tracks,

namely, Automotive Servicing, Dressmaking, General Academic and Shielded Metal Arc

Welding. The selection has been done on the basis of the representation of the four (4)

tracks offered at DCIS and the number of years that they have been using Facebook.

c. Instruments

A demographics questionnaire and semi-structured interview guide shall be used

to gather the data needed. A demographics questionnaire shall be created in this study

that shall include categories such as age, sex and track. A semi-structured interview on

the other hand shall be developed and used to conduct face-to face semi-structured

interviews with the four participants.

c. Plan for Data Analysis

After the interview process is done, the researchers shall transcribe and analyze

the findings related to the data base of this study. Themes shall be identified as result of

the data analysis. Information shall be designated as a theme if three of the four

researchers agreed, resulting in a final consensus of themes (Graneheim & Lundman,


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