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Creating Boxed Plots Using a Plotting Grid Set

Creating Boxed Plots Using a Plotting Grid Set

This paper is intended for MineSight® users that have finished the Setting Up Plot Layouts
MineSight® Tutorial and have some experience creating plots. The procedure discussed takes advantage
of the properties of the Main Viewer in the Plot Layout Editor to maintain the selected page size,
use defined limits, and create a box around the plot window, title boxes, and legends. Also highlighted
is the use of Portable Network Graphics (PNG) files to provide the ability to zoom in and out on a plot.

When plotting data there are four factors that interact: the extents of the data that you want to
display; the size of the paper used; the scale used to plot the data; and the informative objects, such
as title boxes, legends, etc., that will transform the data to information. The first step in plotting is
deciding which factor is the most important, since that will determine the corresponding value of the
other factors. For example, with any paper size, the amount of data displayed is dependent upon the
Global scale. For any defined plotting limits, the paper size needed will depend on the scale. Likewise, for any
Mining scale, the paper size will determine the amount of data that can be plotted.
Software Factor 1 — Extents of the plotting window. The Extents are set in the Plot Layout Editor’s
Solutions Page tab in the Plot Page Settings Use Defined Limit dialog. While it is possible to
Since interactively set the Defined Limits, using a grid set to define the limits has many advantages.
1970 A grid set is reusable, can have multiple planes that can be plotted as a group, and when plotting
to a file is selected, the plane of the grid set used for the plot is part of the name of the saved file.
Using a grid set to plot lets the user mimic the plot in a 2D viewer.
Factor 2 — Paper Size and Orientation. This is the physical paper size and orientation, called
the Page in the Plot Layout Editor. Standard ANSI and ISO paper sizes are available as well as
custom paper sizes.
Factor 3 — Plot Scale. Plot Scale determines the scale of the data plotted on the paper. This is set
in the Plot Layout Editor Page tab in the Plot Page Settings Scale dialog.

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Creating Boxed Plots Using a Plotting Grid Set

Factor 4 — Title boxes, Legends, Scale bars. These are MineSight® objects that are created using
project information. A plot without these objects is just a picture.
Let’s say that we want to create some East-West
Vertical section plots that do not extend to the
project limits. For this, we will need to create a
grid set and then set the coordinates of the starting
point of the first plane of the grid set. We also need
to set the Grid Length of the major and minor
axis of the grid set. In this example, we are using
the standard MSOP training data set, with project
limits of 1000 to 4000 East, 4000 to 6500 North
and 2000 to 2960 Elevations. We are displaying
the original topography, the assay intervals of
the drillholes, the 3D Block Model blocks, the
ultimate pit, and an intermediate pit. The grid
set has grids every 60 meters. After viewing the
data, we have decided to limit the plots to within
the ultimate pit limits and have set the EWX grid
set to start at 1850 East, 4000 North and 2000
Elevation. We have set the major axis to be 1650
meters and the minor axis to be 960 meters.
This was done by opening the object properties
of the grid set, changing to the Planes tab,
selecting the first plane and clicking on the Edit
button. Type in the coordinates of the starting
point of the data to plot. Next, adjust the Grid
Length of the Major and Minor Axis to define
the other coordinate limits. This grid set is now
ready to attach to the viewer to control the data
displayed and plotted. We will use the grid sets’
limits to set the Defined Limits in the Plot Layout Editor.
By setting up a plotting grid set, we have decided that we will be using Defined Limits. This means
that we can vary either the scale or the paper size. Let’s say that we want to plot the plot window data at
1:5000, which is 1mm = 5000mm on paper. Since our plot window Major Axis is 1650 meters long, we
have 1650 x 1000 = 1,650,000mm of paper to cover, which divided by 5000 is a paper size of 330mm or
33cm. In landscape mode, this would be an A3 paper page size.
At a minimum, each plot will need a title box that describes the section/plane being plotted. It is Global
recommended that a cutoff legend be included for each drillhole and model view displayed. If multiple Mining
items are being displayed for drillhole or 3DBM view, it is recommended that a legend be created Software
describing each item. The title box uses tokens to virtualize the section/plane numbers, scale, dates, etc.
There are many options available, however, the two most important are Total Width and Total Height.
If we are grouping the title boxes and legends together at the bottom or side of the plot, the Total Since
Height of the title box will determine the maximum height of the legends. 1970

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Creating Boxed Plots Using a Plotting Grid Set

The legends can display drillhole or model view items, cutoff values, logos, geometry, or material
items. Legends can be stretched in the Plot Layout Editor. Below are two legends showing items
displayed in a model view and the cutoffs of an item.

After creating the title boxes and legends, the fourth factor is realized and it is time to create the plot.
Factors to Plot—Creating and editing a Plot Layout.
This is done by creating a plot layout object. It is suggested that the plot layout name describe the
plots, e.g., A3L for A3 size landscape plot. You can rename a plot layout object by clicking the Info tab
and editing the Layout name. The page sizes supported are the standard ISO and ANSII sizes, from
A4 to A0, B to F, letter and legal. The orientation choices are Portrait or Landscape. In order to apply
the Scale and Defined Limits to the plot page, we go to the Area tab of the Plot Layout Editor and
check the box Use Grid Set or Defined Limits.
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Creating Boxed Plots Using a Plotting Grid Set

We have now defined the three factors, but

one more step is needed in order to activate the
Defined Limits. That step is done in the Area
tab of the Plot Layout. When you create a plot
layout, a viewer is connected to the plot layout and
is named current viewer. Multiple viewers can be
used in the plot layout. Only one viewer can be the
Main Viewer and the Main Viewer has one very
important property. The Main Viewer is linked
to the Page, any change to the Main Viewer will
change the page size and the Main Viewer grid set
is the one that defines the planes to use.
We are going to create a new viewer and name Global
it PaperSizeViewer. Open the properties of the Mining
PaperSizeViewer and install the plotting grid Software
set, set the volume clipping on and enter 0.0 for the Solutions
volume clipping range. Change to the Camera tab Since
and set the camera target to a location where there
is no data. We are going to use this viewer to create
the box behind the plot window.

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Creating Boxed Plots Using a Plotting Grid Set

Note that this viewer does not need to be open, in fact, it is better is if it not. Select the current viewer
and change its type to Viewer, select the PaperSizeViewer and check the Main Viewer box. This will
keep the Page Size as defined in the previous steps, but since the camera target is pointing to a location
with no data, the only thing that will be plotted is the outline of the window, the box that defines the
page size set in the Page tab.
To display the data, click the + button and leave the new window as Current Viewer, but check the
Use Grid Set or Defined Limits box. This will activate the usage of the defined limits, but not change
the paper size. Click Print | Preview to preview the plot. We can now adjust the limits of the plot
window to allow for space within the PaperSizeViewer box for the title boxes, legends, scale bars, etc.
The current viewer will be limited to the viewer grid set and any changes to the current viewer window
will not affect the scale of the data. We need to make sure that the Viewer – PaperSizeViewer is at the
bottom of the plotting items.


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Creating Boxed Plots Using a Plotting Grid Set

Grab a corner of the current viewer and move it towards the center of its window. By having the main
viewer set to the page size and orientation as defined in the Page panel of the Plot Layout Editor, we
have a frame within which to organize the plot window and information objects.

Now we have space for the title boxes and legends without overwriting the plot window. If needed,
you can use one of the Standard Plotting Boxes available from Mintec Technical Support to provide a
finished look to the row of informative legends. These are a series of horizontal and vertical single row,
single column title boxes that are used in a similar fashion as the PaperSizeViewer. You can adjust
the height or width of these title boxes as needed to match your current plot. We do the same thing
with the standard plotting boxes; they get moved to the bottom of the plotting list, just above the

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Creating Boxed Plots Using a Plotting Grid Set

Before sending this plot to the plotter, it would be a good idea to give it a closer look. Save your Plot
Layout, create a PNG plot for a final preview, by clicking Print | PNG. When creating a PNG file,
you are prompted for a resolution in dots per inch (dpi). Since the size of the PNG file will depend on
both the amount of data displayed and the resolution, choose a relatively small dpi, such as 150. If you
find you need more resolution, simply recreate the file. Be aware that too high a resolution may create
issues with MineSight®. As with every digital methodology, you will avoid undo stress and frustration by
regularly saving your Plot Layout.
Once the PNG file is created, open Microsoft® Explorer and double click on it. All of the graphical
display programs associated with Microsoft® Explorer provide the ability to zoom in on the graphic.
Zoom in on the file and check that the title boxes and legends are snapped to each other correctly and
not intruding into the data window. Check that the legends are readable; if not you may need to increase
there size or change the font used in the legend. A sans serif font is recommended for readability.
Once you have finished checking the plot, you can send to the plotter or create HPGL2 plot files.
The steps to create the boxed, defined limit plots are:
1. Display data to plot and attach plotting grid set with plotting limits the viewer.
2. Open the PageSizeViewer, attach the plotting grid, open the viewer properties, set volume
clipping on, switch to the Clipping tab and set the volume to 0.01, switch to the Camera tab
Software and set the camera target to a location where there is no data, e.g., 0, 0, 0.
3. Create new plot layout object with Size and Orientation as part of name, e.g., A3L
4. Plot Layout Page tab
a. paper size and orientation (A3, landscape)
b. Plot Page Settings –
i. Use Defined Limits.
ii. Orientation – From Viewer Grid Set,
iii. Get Viewer Grid Set Values
iv. Compute Scale – for general plot
v. Fit To Page Scale – to fill paper

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Creating Boxed Plots Using a Plotting Grid Set

5. Plot Layout Area –

a. Add new viewer, set as viewer, select PageSizeViewer.
b. Put at bottom of plot list.
c. Add another viewer – check Use Grid Set or Defined Limits and preview plot. Notice
that the plot will be within the paper page size.
d. Adjust size of current viewer (white) within Main Viewer (yellow). Note that the corners
of the current viewer will snap to the Main Viewer within a tolerance. Your goal will
be to have the plot window within the page size box drawn by the Main Viewer, with
enough space for the title, legend, and other boxes.
e. Add a title box and snap it to the current viewer corner.
f. Add the other title boxes, legends, scale bars, etc., to the plot.
g. Preview often.
h. Create a PNG (150 or 300dpi) file for a final preview.
i. If editing is needed to place the title boxes, legends, scale bars, etc., switch the values from
% to cm/” so that you can specify exactly where the add-ons are placed.
Common Plotting sizes - All have ½” – 1.25cm margins on all sides
Size Width in. Length in. Width cm. Length cm. Nearest Eqv.
A (letter) 8.5 11 20.32 27.94 A4
B 11 17 27.94 43.18 A3
C 17 22 43.18 55.88 A2
D 22 34 55.88 86.36 A1
E 34 44 86.36 111.76 A0
F 28 40 71.12 101.6
A4 8.27 11.7 21 29.7 A
A3 11.7 16.5 29.7 42 B
A2 16.5 23.4 42 59.4 C
A1 23.4 33.1 59.4 84 D
A0 33.1 46.8 84 118.8 E

Legal 8.5 14 20.32 35.56

Imperial title Defaults to Metric title Defaults to
1.65 in. 42mm
Standard Plotting Boxes – used to finish a row or column of legends and title boxes. Includes a Solutions
standard RevisedBy title box. Contact Mintec Technical Support for copies. Since
H8.5.msr V-8.5.msr RevisedBy.msr 1970
H-11.msr V-11.msr
H-17.msr V-17.msr
H-22.msr V-22.msr
H-28.msr V-28.msr
H-34.msr V-34.msr
H-40.msr V-40.msr
H-44.msr V-44.msr
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