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Download sequences in FASTA format

2. Open Excel file that contain name of Sequences (Column A) and Name of Country (Column B)
3. Put the formula [ =CONCATENATE(A2,"/",B2) ] in Column C

5. Here A2 or B2 are specific cell that want to join and “/” is symbol that want to be used as
6. Change the “cell format” for column where sequences to be paste to “text” (Here is column D)
7. Open sequences in MEGA software
8. Copy them and pate in same excel file in next column ( here is Column D)
9. Save excel file as .text (tab delimited ) *if dialogue box appear click OK and YES

10. Open URL
11. Upload file and Choose convert from tab to fasta

13. Convert and after conversion, save to desirable folder
14. Open in MEGA.

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