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Spreading the Music: Orchestrating a Music Festival for the Community 

Stage 1 Desired Results

Standards: Goals:
HG.7 The student will investigate the role of I can understand the role of music in society.
music in society by 1. comparing and
contrasting the development of music in I can have engaging conversations about the development of music
diverse cultures throughout history; 2.
in diverse cultures.
examining various opportunities to
experience music in the community; and 3.
describing the role of technology and social I can seek opportunities available to me in the community.
media in the development of music.
I can use technology and social media to guide me through music.
HIB.20 The student will analyze and
evaluate music by 1. describing the I can discuss a composer’s use of style, cultural influences, and
importance of composers’ use of style, historical context.
cultural influences, and historical context for
the interpretation of works of music; 2.
I can use inquiry skills and music terminology to converse about
describing and interpreting works of music,
using inquiry skills and music terminology;
works of music.
3. describing accepted criteria used for
evaluating works of music; 4. describing I can adequately assess myself and others on musical performances
performances of music, using music in order to make improvements for future performances.
terminology; and 5. describing accepted
criteria used for critiquing musical
performances of self and others

Generative (Essential) Questions:

What effects does music have on a community?

How can music have a lasting impact on society?

How does social media and music intertwine?

Stage 2 - Evidence 

The students will be provided with guided questions to think about when providing feedback for the students. This
will help them to adequately assess not only others but also themselves.
The promotion team will have the opportunity to use social media to promote the music event.
The individual research will be guided so the students are able to access every opportunity available to them in the
When answering questions for views about the student’s musical artwork, they will be able to articulate their own
reasoning behind making certain musical choices.
Stage 3 – Learning Plan 

- Day 1: Making the Decision.

- The class has had the opportunity to explore different types of music in the media and we have
had discussions of musical choices. The students will be able to choose between music within
film, dance, radio, and songwriting and producing. Dependent on the size of class is the size of
the groups that people can be in if they choose. On this day, the students will present to me which
pathway they would like to focus on for the music festival.
- This presentation will be more like a conversation between teacher and student. The
students will brainstorm with me different ideas of what they want to do for the music festival
within one of these genres. The student can focus on one of the genres or they can also
incorporate more than one within their project.
- The students will also be put on different teams for organizing and planning the event.
- Day 2: Getting the Creative Juices Flowing
- The students will begin working on their own independent projects. I will be walking around the
classroom facilitating anything that the students would like/might need help with.
- Promotion Team: They will begin brainstorming how to promote the event.
- Event Planners: They will plan the time of the event and do research of the venue (most likely be
the high school).
- Day 3: Continue the Project
- Students will continue their research and brainstorming.
- Promotion Team: They will separate jobs within to promote on social media and around school.
They will start making posters to go on display.
- Event Planners: They will organize how the event will occur. Like any music festival, there will be
different areas within the venue that the students will have to perform in. The event planners will
figure out which areas within the high school are good for crowds of people to see where the
event is happening.
- Day 4: Project Idea Sharing
- For this day, the class will have an open discussion where the students can share their ideas and
receive feedback from their peers on what was strong and what could make it stronger. This will
help them to be able to fully solidify their ideas.
- Promotion People: They will have the poster event completed.
- Event Planners: They will organize the order of the event and determine who will be in what
rooms at different times.
- Day 5: Continuation of the Project
- The students will solidify their project. They should be almost halfway done with molding it
into what they want.
- Promotion People: They will have all social media promotion online as well as posters on
display in the school. They will handout flyers to the class to give out to students.
- Event Planners: They will open the event up to the class and runthrough what will be
happening during the event.
- Day 6: Almost Finished
- The student will be about 2/3rds complete with their project.
- Day 7: Solidification
- The students will be finished with their project.
- Promotion People: They will meet up and make sure that people are going to the event.
- Event Planners: They will reiterate what they will be doing with the students.
- Day 8: Class Sharing
- On this day, the students will share with the class what they have prepared for the music
festival. The class will give feedback on what was strong and what will make it stronger. This
class is focused on getting the students prepared to share the project with students outside of the
classroom and within the community.
- Promotion People: They will repromote because the event is coming up even nearer.
- Event Planners: They will make sure that the set is being run through in order.
- Day 9: Preparation
- The students will be putting together last minute preparations for the music festival,
whether this be meeting up with their organization teams or making sure they have all of the right
equipment for the day of their performance.
- Day 10: Music Festival
- The students will put on a music festival in order to express the choices that they made for
their own personal musical pathways. The students will be able to put their creations on display
and then have an open question and answer conversation with the viewers about what they
learned from this event as well as the impact that music has on a community.

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