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Strengthening Chinese and Indonesian Bilateral Relations Through Collaboration on Giant

Panda Conservation 2017

Talking about bilateral relations, China and Indonesia are two countries that have
established bilateral relations since 60 years ago. China and Indonesia have established
cooperative relations in several fields such as infrastructure, economy and trade. In 2017 the
governments of Indonesia and China agreed to establish cooperation in the environmental
field. Unlike the previous collaboration this time China and Indonesia collaborated through
giant panda conservation. The Chinese government lent two giant pandas to the Indonesian
government. The borrowing of pandas by China is closely related to China's diplomatic
efforts with the country in question known as panda diplomacy. Panda diplomacy is not the
kind of diplomacy that has just been carried out by China. This Panda diplomacy has been
around for a long time even since the Tang Dynasty in 618-907. At that time, Empress Wu
Zetian sent two pandas to Japan as state gifts. Countries that receive panda loans are countries
that have good bilateral relations. It was noted that Indonesia became the 16th official
country in the world to get GianT Panda's breeding loan from China. So what lies behind the
work of giant pandas between China and Indonesia? And the implications of this
collaboration for the two countries?

Cooperation on panda conservation has been initiated since 2010 when

commemorating the 60th Chinese and Indonesian diplomatic relations. After going through
the stages of negotiation and communication, on August 1, 2016, the Indonesian
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Chinese government was signed. The
mechanism of this collaboration is that the Government sent two Giant Pandas named Cai
Tao and Hu Chun from the China Wildlife Conservation Association to the Republic of
Indonesia and Taman Safari Indonesia to become the conservation of the two pandas. TSI is
the right choice as a center for Giant Panda conservation considering the existing facilities
and ability to protect animals. The introduction of giant panda conservation was carried out at
the Bogor Indonesia safari park through the handover of handover documents from the
Chinese Deputy State Forest Administration (SFA), Li Chunliang told the Director General
of Natural Resources and Ecosystem Conservation (KSDA) of the Ministry of Environment
and Forestry (LHK), Wiratno. a pair of Giant Panda received by the Indonesian government
is the result of the breeding of the China Conservation Research Center for the Giant Panda
(CCRCGP). The Chinese government breached the Giant Panda for Indonesia. cooperation in
the field of conservation is a symbol of strengthening and increasing the bilateral relations
that have been established before

For China the Panda is a symbol of friendship and peace and is used as a tool in
carrying out diplomatic relations. According to Chinese society, there are Yin and Yang
philosophies in panda animals. Yin and Yang are believed to be a form of balance for
Chinese society so far. The gentle, trusted nature of panda as Yin and Yang can bring peace
and harmony in life. Therefore, Panda is used as a gift of friendship given by China to
countries that have good relations with the bamboo curtain country, one of which is
Indonesia. Panda borrowing is a unique way for China to carry out diplomatic activities.
China has become a panda as a tool of diplomacy in several countries that have made soft
power to introduce China as an ideal partner to establish cooperation in the social field, in the
environment, to fulfill natural resources, to the state's economy.

Collaboration on panda conservation is one of the goals of the State of China as an

effort to preserve giant pandas outside its habitat (Ex situ). through the Indonesian safari
park, this place is considered to be a new place for panda breeding outside its habitat for the
next ten years. In addition, the presence of Giant Panda in this place can increase the number
of domestic / foreign tourists, which is one of the objectives of this collaboration for
Indonesia, is to increase 10 million Chinese tourists, and the introduction of safari parks as
the best panda conservation in Indonesia. In addition, with the arrival of the panda, it can also
build trust in Chinese investors to partner or invest in Indonesia, especially in the
infrastructure and e-commerce industries. As is known that e-commerce in Indonesia is
developing and China is one of the best countries in the field of e-commerce. With this Panda
Diplomacy concept, it is possible to increase the confidence of Chinese investors to invest in
Indonesia. Also another goal is Panda Diplomacy to eliminate anti-Chinese sentiment that
had hit Indonesia throughout the past year which greatly affected the arrival of Chinese
tourists to Indonesia.

On the other hand the collaboration of Panda conservation in Indonesia and China is
the effort of the two countries to traverse the bilateral relations that have been established
before. Indonesia and China are the two countries that have collaborated on tires as
neighboring countries of the People's Republic of China who are both good and good
working partners in building trust and in strengthening relations as a comprehensive strategic
partner. As a first step in cooperation between Indonesia and China in various fields in the
future, through this panda conservation collaboration the two countries will benefit from each
A celebration for the Indonesian Diplomacy team that has been able to pass Panda Diplomacy
through the conservation of the PPanda which began in the era of President SBY and
continued in the Jokowi era. Because there are only a few countries in the world that are
trusted by China to lend pandas and Indonesia is the 16th country to be loaned Panda for 10
years to be placed in Taman Safari Indonesia. Some author analysis

The presence of Hu Chun and Cai Tao in I (dementia can have a major impact on
Indonesian-Chinese bilateral relations. China sees Indonesia as a potential cooperation
partner in establishing cooperative relations as well as Indonesia.) Both countries have
established relationships in various fields such as infrastructure, education, and trade in terms
of trade or export of goods throughout 2016 China became the number one importing country
for Indonesia with a value of 30.69 billion dollars, the United States.The role of China's
imports for Indonesia over the past year was 26.24 per cent. many imported goods from
China went to Indonesia, Indonesia also recorded exporting commodity goods to the chian, in
August 2017 for example bps noted that Achina was the largest Indonesian export destination
country with a value of 1.94 billion Maerfika unions. 59 percent or 1.60 billion US dollars
compared to July 2017. Cumulatively, from January to August 2017, China is also still the
largest export destination of Indonesia with a value of 12.67 billion US dollars. Figures in the
field of trade show Indonesia's existence is very important for China,

But on the other hand many parties thought that regarding the formation of this conservation
collaboration. panda's arrival as china diplomacy to the country to invest more. China's desire
to revive the ancient Silk Road through two main axes, namely the Land Silk Road and the
Sea Silk Path, is widely regarded as China's foreign policy and economic strategy. And
Indonesia is considered one of the countries that played a role in China's efforts to revive the
Silk Road Maritime, this cooperation relationship may be taken as a result of President Xi
Jinping's decision to spark the idea of 21st Century Maritime Silk Road during his visit to the
country on October 2-3, 2013, and discuss his country's plan to send pandas to the country.
In the relationship of cooperation there is clearly a purpose and specific objectives which are
brought by each country in implementing cooperation. However, whatever the importance,
this panda conservation cooperation can make Indonesian and Chian bilateral relations
increase and open mutual cooperation cooperation in other fields. this cooperation is an
agreement between the two countries, if we see that there is no element of coercion or control
carried out by China to Indonesia, both countries are equally welcomed, where chna trusts
Indonesia as a place for good panda conservation and Indonesia accepts it as a form of trust
International world height, especially China.
However, on the other hand, many who view this conservation collaboration are
evenly mindful considering that the country which was given the opportunity to guard the
panda must bear the costs of the panda breeding culture. However, if we see the positive side
of pandas in Indonesian safari parks, it can increase the number of local and foreign tourists
which is one of the objectives of this discussion, namely, but the Panda duo is loaned to be
bred in Indonesia (loan breeding) Even so, the two countries have agreed, where any
problems faced during panda conservation are the responsibility of the two countries. In my
opinion, the relationship between Indonesia and China through panda conservation is one
step to strengthen bvilateral relations. Panda as a friendship ambassador and a symbol that
can strengthen Indonesian and Chinese relations.
Giant panda conservation cooperation between China and Indonesia is a good step
for both countries to strengthen diplomatic relations. On the other hand this collaboration is
the first step towards opening mutually beneficial cooperation cooperation in other fields.
The exploitation of Panda breeding is a symbol that Indonesia and China have a bilateral
relationship that is good and will continue to be intertwined and mutually beneficial. and
strengthen bilateral relations between China and Indonesia. China has been in a relationship
with Indonesia since 6 years ago because of that China sees Indonesia as a potential partner
for economic growth, as well as Indonesia sees China as a potential partner in the field to
achieve economic, trade, infrastructure and the environment.

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