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Brgy. Comon, Infanta Quezon

Senior High School Department



A research paper submitted

In fulfillment of the requirement of Senior High School,

Northern Quezon College Incorporated

Joyce Ann Rutaquio

Daniela Coronacion

Jeralph Justimbaste

Maria Katrina Shailyn Ritual

Carlot Virrey

Jessy Mae Napay*

Brgy. Comon, Infanta Quezon
Senior High School Department

Chapter I



People contribute man power to accomplish the goal. They uses their

knowledge, physical strength, skills, and capability to make living, to earn money,

to help others, to help his community, country and the world at large. In the book

of Entrepreneurship, people are define as the ultimate marketing strategies. They

play a crucial role in the success of the enterprise (Morató, 2017). The people that

the researchers talks about is the worker. According to Scott (2018) in

smallbusiness there are two classifications of worker, the blue collar workers and

white collar workers. White collar workers perform labor jobs and typically work

with their hands. White Collar workers usually perform job duties in an office

setting. They are highly skilled and formally trained professionals. Many white-

collar workers, such as accountants, bankers, attorneys and real estate agents,

provide professional services to clients. Other white-collar workers, such as

engineers and architects, provides services to businesses, corporations and

government agencies. On the other hand, the skills necessarily for blue collar

work vary by occupation. Some blue-collar occupations require highly skilled

personnel who are formally trained and certified. These workers include aircrafts

mechanics, plumbers, electricians and structural workers. Many blue-collar

employers hire unskilled and low-skilled workers to perform simple task such as
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Senior High School Department

cleaning, maintenance and assembly line work. Thus, construction workers are

belongs to Blue Collar workers. According to Collins English Dictionary,

construction workers are tradesman, laborer or professional employed in the

physical construction of the built environment and its infrastructure.

Construction workers work on all construction sites, doing a wide range of tasks

from the very easy to the extremely difficult and hazardous. Although many of the

tasks they do require some training and experience, most jobs usually require

little skill and can be learned quickly.

While some construction workers are constructing one of the buildings of

Northern Quezon College Incorporated, the researchers saw the dedication and

determination of construction workers to earn money. Are they happy in this

kind of work? That was just some of the questions that the researchers want to

answer. For these reasons, this study focuses in the construction workers’ vision,

motivation and challenges. They work very hard which motivates the researchers

to know what is the reason behind it. Also, the researchers wondered of what

vision these construction workers have, who or what motivates them to do hard

works, and what are the challenges they are up to. Do their age, sex, civil status,

educational attainment, number of years working and workers experience play an

important role in this kind of work? These are just some of the questions the

researchers want to answer.

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Senior High School Department

This study aims to explain and describe the problems, motivations and

visions of construction workers in Infanta, Quezon. Its purpose is to explore the

lived-experiences of construction workers. The researchers hope that the result of

this research study can give contributions and awareness to respondents,

students, educators, school administrators, parents and readers.


If you glance around you, and you are in a building it will probably be

apparent that construction workers have engaged in various task in your vicinity.

Floor have laid, windows installed and rooms with doors or other openings

created. Who has not been in a kitchen installed by a construction workers? Or

maybe you crossed a bridge on the way to work? By just looking around us it easy

to see things made by construction workers and start wondering about how they

made them, the diversity of task involved and the diverse skill required.

Professional construction workers must learn their skill in some way or another

in other words, they must each other become a construction worker (Fjellström,


Construction is also one of the most dangerous industries for workers

(following agriculture, mining and transportation) and the second highest rate of

non-fatal injuries and illness (after transportation) in 2005 ( BLS, 2006).

According to Philippines Statistics Office, the Philippines employs more than 2

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Senior High School Department

million construction workers. Due to the nature of industry, the workers are

constantly exposed to dangerous environments.

Construction workers ranges from child engineering and the infrastructure

project (dams, highways, airport) involving a multitude of individual

construction firms to the construction and renovation of residential and

industrial structures, to routine residential repair (U.S. Census Bureau, 2005). A

construction workers typically work as part of a team on a construction sites

(such as building, home, or other structure). A person may be responsible for a

number of tasks, including carpentry, demolition, drywall, finishing and roofing.

A construction workers hour may vary depending on the needs at the job sites;

works typically done during the day and may involve difficult conditions such as

extreme heat and cold. Construction workers may work long days, weekends, and

holidays, depending on the job deadline.

Modernization and industrialization have paved a good way to

construction industry. Small towns and cities become more organized and the

construction sector too has a got boost (Kumar, 2013). Irrespective of occasional

slumps in the economy or in construction works, the sector is going through a

faster growth. Apart from old urban/industrial center, and new industrial/urban

centers have appeared on the map where construction sector and in general, lack

of greater employment opportunity elsewhere has drawn large numbers of

workers in this sector (Kumar, 2013).

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Senior High School Department

According to The Scientific World Journal, in India, construction industry

is the second largest employer when compared to agriculture throughout the

world. The construction area of civil engineering is one of the most hazardous

industries. The number of fatal accidents taking place at the construction sites is

quite alarming and the major cause was found to fall on person from height and

through opening. Indian construction labour force is 7.5% of the total world labor

force and it contributes to 16.4% of fatal global occupational accidents. In the

construction industry the possibility of fatality is five times more likely than in a

manufacturing industry where the risk of a major injury is two and a half times

higher. India has the world’s highest accident rate among construction workers,

according to a recent study by the international labor organization (ILO) that

cited one survey by a local and group showing that 165 out of every 1000 workers

are injured on the job. Construction workers are not the only one who suffer an

accidents but also the public, including the children. These accidents diminish

the image of the construction industry, as a result there is shortage of skilled


According to The Scientific World Journal, there are several factors

responsible for health problems and construction site accidents. From the result

of occupational safety and Health Administration examination of the causes of

construction fatalities, it was shown that 39.o9% of fatalities in construction were

caused by fails, 8.4% were stucked by objects, 1.4% were caught in between

incidents, and 8.5% were electrocution.

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Senior High School Department

According to the Thesis of K. Ponnaian (2016) with the title of Problems

of Construction Workers in Kanyakumari, there are ten (10) problems of workers.

The said problems are the following:

1. Casual Nature of Employment

The nature of employment in construction industry remains casual and

uncertain. In fact, no one either contractor or owner gives an assurance of job to

the workers. It is seen that construction activity is slack in rainy seasons which

reduces the demand for workers. On the other hand, shortage of water in summer

season also affects the demand for workers in construction industry. Hence, this

is one of the most important problems faced by the construction workers. It affect

the family income and standard of living and it develops.

2. Uncertain Working Hours

Uncertain working hours is another problem faced by the workers in

construction sector. There is a fixed hours of work in government and non-

government departments or organized sectors. Generally, the working hours of

workers rangers between 6 or 8 and 10 in all sectors except in the construction

sector. Normally construction works begin at 8 or 8:30 a.m. and continue up to

4:30 or 5:30 p.m. every day. However, this working hours is not possible on all

occasions, sometimes constructions workers should work up to 5or 6:30 p.m. in

other words they should work more than the normal hours.

3. Unsafe working conditions

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Construction works require safe conditions to protect the workers from

getting injuries, mishap, and occupational diseases or at least keep themselves

safe in working environment. The construction workers should have tools and

equipment made of rubber, plastic or metal, to protect the skin, nose, lungs, eyes,

and hands and safety drinking water. Such measures help to maintain the

efficiency and health of the workers in construction sector.

4. Injuries

Construction activities are subjected to get injuries which cause physical,

mental, and fiscal problems. This happens when they use hammer, cutting

machine, sickle, spade, big axe, chisel and other sharp equipments or tools too

fast and carelessly. The careless handling of such instruments causes severe pain,

wounds and loss of blood and even they may cut nerves or fingers. Thus, masons,

carpenters, electricians, painters, lumbers, and helpers get injuries.

5. Noise

The use of modern technology cause noise which affects the hearing

capacity and working efficiency of construction workers .In fact, cutting

machines, drilling machines, breaking equipment and concrete preparing

machines create intolerable noise. Noise causes giddiness, vibration and loss of

hearing. Moreover, sudden and violent noise shocks the workers.

6. Working at High Places

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It is seen that height of the houses and buildings is higher than that of the

past one. In fact, the height of building increases from second floor to third floor

to fourth floor and so on according to need and fiscal power of the owners. The

workers who work at high place face problem such as fearness, tension, shivering,

giddiness and ache and leg pain. These problems cause labor absenteeism,

sickness and low labor efficiency. Thus, a number of construction workers are

affected by the height of the working places.

7. Non Availability of Raw Materials

Construction sector generates employment and income opportunities for

crores of people in India. However, the creation of employment opportunities in

construction sector depend on the availability of raw materials, such as granite,

bricks, cement, sand, iron materials, wood, paint, water etc. The non-availability

of raw materials affects the employment and income opportunities of workers

who depends on construction activities. Thus, the overall study indicates that out

of the total respondents (100), 62 per cent have faced this problem. Hence, it is

accepted that the non-availability of raw materials is one of the major problems

faced by construction workers in the district.

8. Lack of Co-operation and Satisfaction

Construction workers get employment continuously only when they

cooperate with the owners or contractors and work to their satisfaction.

Otherwise, they may change the laborers which affect the workers who have been
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Senior High School Department

already working in the construction sector. Lack of co-operation and satisfaction

with the contractors or owners cause many problems that they face in the

construction activities. It is observed that about 23 per cent workers are affected

by this problem.

9. Occupational Diseases

The respondents face occupational diseases in construction sector. In fact,

the study observes the diseases like cough, asthma, allergy, lungs, body pain and

bronchial diseases. This is because the construction workers work in unsafe

conditions in mud, stone, cement, steel and iron nails, sand, bricks, and

unhygienic water. Most of the masoney works depend upon cement mix material.

Moreover, the workers do not wear socks or gloves, or shoes or any other safety

devices. Similarly, carpenters smoke wood dust and cement mix which affects the

respiratory system. Further, helpers who engage in construction activities do not

use or wear any safety measures. Thus, construction workers get affected by any

one or two of the occupational diseases. The study of occupational diseases of

construction workers has drawn the attention of scholars and researchers at

national and international level. The study displays that out of the total

respondents, 31 per cent suffer from occupational diseases. It is also understood

that some occupational diseases affect the respondents chronically whereas

others frequently. However, construction works are subjected to occupational

diseases. Consequently, they have to loss their health and wealth.

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Senior High School Department

10. Absence of Social Security

The workers in the building construction are far away from the benefits of

social security and labor welfare programs run by the government. As a result,

workers work under the conditions like uncertain work, no medical facilities,

unsafe working environment and lack of fair wages and insurance facilities. Thus,

there is a total absence of social security schemes in construction sector. It affects

the hope of the workers and discourages them. Therefore, this study analyses the

views of workers in construction about the absence of social security. Most of

them realize that this is one of the problems which affect their interest and

attitude towards construction sector. It is seen that out of the total respondents,

93 per cent suffer due to lack of social security. Thus, this problem cannot be

neglected in construction industry.


This study attempts to determine the problems, motivations and visions of

construction workers in Infanta, a municipality in the province of Quezon and

their implication to the study.

Specifically, this investigation seek to answer the following questions:

1. How may the profile of the construction workers be described and

analyzed along the following variables:

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Senior High School Department

a) Age;

b) Sex;

c) Civil status;

d) Educational attainment;

e) Number of year/s working;

f) Working experience; and

g) Monthly Income?

2. What do these construction workers envision for themselves, families, and


3. What motivations do these construction workers have?

4. What working problems confront these construction workers in

accomplishing their vision?

5. How do construction workers cope-up these problems while fulfilling their

duties as a workers?

6. What implication may be derived from the results of this study?


The results of this study would be beneficial to the following;

To Construction workers (Respondent)

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Senior High School Department

Construction workers may be able to use the result of this study to spread

the importance of construction workers in the society and may use as a guide to

persuade our government to give them enough benefits. Also, the result of this

study may help the respondents to cope up their problems and struggles.

To the Family of the construction workers

This study would beneficial to them because it can give them awareness

about the experiences of their family member which is a construction workers.

Also, this study will help them to know what are challenges of their family

members and be able to solve those problem based on the narratives of the


To Construction Company

Construction’s company can use this study to understand the challenges

faces by their workers and the things that motivates their workers to work hard.

To Researchers

We, the researchers will definitely benefit from the present study because

who would be able to know what challenges does construction worker encounter

because of their work.

To Students

This study will be significant in providing learners with knowledge on the

roles and responsibilities needed being a child of construction worker. This study
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Senior High School Department

would also give them some insight on the importance of a construction worker in

our society.

To School Administrators

This study will also to benefit the school administrator. They will be able to

know what kind of problem they encountered being children of construction

worker. To know that some of the student in their school are child of construction


To Educators

This study will also benefit the teacher. As a teacher they encountered

problem between their students, some of their student is a child of construction

worker, so they will able to know some problem and challenges that their student



The study took into account the following assumptions:

1. The respondent will answer the questions honestly;

2. The respondent will fully participate in the research study;

3. The school where the study will undertake is safe and pleasant;
Brgy. Comon, Infanta Quezon
Senior High School Department

4. The teachers, students, parents and researchers will appreciate this research

study; and

5. The researchers will come up with the implications of the study.


The data used in this study pose some limitations to the research

conducted. The sample size may limit the generalizability of the results to the

general population of construction workers throughout the Philippines. Due to

the nature of the study, the researchers preferred to limit the respondent to

fifteen (15) construction workers.

This study is concerned with the discovery and description of the

problems, motivations, and visions of the construction workers. The researchers

will use the mixed approach to researcher to describe and explore the experiences

of construction workers.

This research will purposely delimited only to the municipality of Infanta,

a rural town in the province of Quezon for purposes of convenience. Along the

subject matter, the study just focus on the vision, motivation, problems and

challenges of the construction workers in this town. The conducting of data will

be on the month of February 2019.

Brgy. Comon, Infanta Quezon
Senior High School Department


The major terms used in this study are defined in order to avoid

misunderstanding and misinterpretation as they are used in the investigation.

The following terms have given their meanings, both conceptually and

operationally. The terms are the following:

Construction workers. It refers to the respondents of the study. They are

workers in Infanta, Quezon. It is a tradesman, laborer or professional employed

in the physical construction of the built environment and its infrastructure.

Infanta, Quezon. It refers to the place where the study takes place.

Motivation. It refers to person or thing that make an construction workers to

action toward a desired goal a reason to act, gives purpose and direction.

Problems. It refers to challenges, struggles and barriers faces by construction


Vision. It refers to the vision of the construction workers. It is defined as one’s

concept, imagination or thought picture or image of what the future will be or

look like.
Brgy. Comon, Infanta Quezon
Senior High School Department

Chapter II


This chapter includes the conceptual framework of the study, and a

number of literatures and studies reviewed that will give in depth understanding

of the problem under this study. The researchers uses thematic approach in doing

the related literature and studies. A study of literatures and related studies is

undertaken to identify those that are similar to the present one. At the end of the

chapter, a section on justification of the study is presented.

History of Construction

According to Hagos and Shewangzaw (2012), construction has been an aspect of

life since the beginning of human existence. The first buildings were huts and

shelters constructed by hand or with simple tools. As cities grew during the

Bronze Age, a class of professional craftsmen like bricklayers and carpenters

appeared. Occasionally, slaves were used for construction work. In the 19 th

century, steam-powered machinery appeared, and later on diesel and electric

powered vehicles such as cranes, excavators and bulldozers. Traditional

construction, might be considered as having properly, commenced between 4000

and 2000 BC in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia when humans started to

abandon a nomadic existence that caused a construction shelter. The

construction of Pyramids in Egypt (2700-2500 BC) might be considered the first

instance of large structure construction. Other ancient historic constructions

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include the Parthenon by Iktinos in Ancient Greece (4767-438 BC), the Apian

Way by Roman engineers (312 BC), and the Great Wall of China by General Ming

T’ien under orders from Ch’in Emperor Shih Huang Ti (220 BC). Similarly, the

Romans developed civil structures throughout their empire including aqueducts,

insulae, harbors, bridges, dams and roads.

Population growth and urbanization led to an increasing need for shelter

developments, and focused attention on the importance of local building

materials and techniques. Accordingly, the construction industry in many parts of

the world started to grow with an increasing demand. In line with this,

construction companies are growing at a fast pace all over the world. With this

growth of construction companies, contractual relationships related to

construction are increasing. Thus, there is a dire need for a coherent and efficient

law to deal with such contractual relationships (Hagos & Shewangzaw, 2012).

Coming into our country, the growth and increasing demand for the

construction industry has followed a similar pattern as observed in trend of the

world. Currently, construction is one of the sectors leading the way towards

modernization and industrialization in Ethiopia. The construction sector in

Ethiopia, generally in the world, contributes to the realization of about fifty

percent of the total capital. Being the second largest employer in the country, it’s

also an engine for technology, innovation and overall development (Hagos &

Shewangzaw, 2012).
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Senior High School Department

In the past history of Ethiopia the construction industry was not

considered as an independent sector of the national economy. It was rather

considered as incapable of generating national wealth. As a result, no

comprehensive strategy for its development was considered. This, in turn, has led

to the undesirable features of the current construction sector. These features

include lack of clear developmental objectives for the industry; inadequate co-

ordination of planning between the industry and infrastructure programs in the

various sectors of the economy heavy dependence on foreign resources such as

materials, equipment and expertise representation of the role players in the

construction sector by inadequate and ineffective organizations, inadequate

numbers of suitably qualified and experienced personnel at all levels that include

engineers, technicians, mechanics, operators and foremen, etc. inadequate

relevant local construction regulations and standards, and inadequate

consideration given to the use of local resources (including community

participation in labor-based works(Hagos & Shewangzaw, 2012).

Ethiopia witnessed a decline in the performance of almost all sectors of the

economy during the various periods of government prior to 1991. The post-world

war period in Ethiopia registered significant changes from the time of Emperor

Haile Selasie (1941-1947) to that of the Derg (1974-1991) culminating in the

events of 1991 which resulted in the formation of Transitional Government of

Ethiopia (hereinafter TGE). Even though various market based economic reforms

have been introduced to the various industries of the country, including the
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construction industry, since the downfall of the Derg regime in 1992, the

domestic construction industry has still faced several hindering factors in its

development (Hagos & Shewangzaw, 2012).

The construction industry is one of the three sectors of the economy

identified by the Ethiopia Government for special consideration to foster the

country’s economic development. However, the domestic construction industry

in Ethiopia is still characterized by inadequate capital base, old and limited

numbers of equipment, low levels of equipment availability and utilization,

deficiencies in technical, managerial, financial, and entrepreneurial skills, limited

experience and participation of the private sectors in construction and

consultation works, and insufficient and ineffective use of labor-based road

construction and maintenance technology (Hagos & Shewangzaw, 2012).

The construction industry in Ethiopia is a sector that opens the door for

the growth of many additional industries. Building works require different metal

products, clay works, and cement and cement products, etc. As much, the growth

of these industries will surely follow the growth of the construction industry.

Similarly, when the construction and renovation of housing increased; thereby,

indirectly, opening the door for growth of the furniture industry. All in all, the

construction industry is a sector that can entertain big micro companies, that is

widely labor based. All these being taken into consideration, the industry policy

of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia has sought to pay special

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attention to the construction industry of the country (Hagos & Shewangzaw,


The Construction Industry

According to Department of Architecture and Building Services, A

successful construction industry is essential to us all, benefits from efficiency

constructed buildings and infrastructures are well known and we all benefit from


The construction industry is associated with the fabrication of houses,

apartments, factories, offices, schools, roads, and bridges (James, 2011). The

construction industry is labor intensive, particularly in developing countries.

Construction in developing countries involves more workers per activity on site.

Typically, 2-10 times as many workers per activity are utilized, compared with

developed countries (Koehn & Reddy in James, 2011).

The construction industry is considered to be dangerous and of a highly

dangerous nature (Hinze & Olbina, 2008). Dangerous refers to bewing risky,

hazardous, or unsafe. Situations, tools, or other elements maybe either

imminently dangerous referring to an impending or immediate risk such as a

bare electrical cord, or inherently dangerous such as poisons, explosives or

chemicals. Globally the construction industry has one of highest injury rates

(Hinze, 2006). Accident frequently occur on building construction sites. These

accident could be in the form of Workers falling from heights, exaction accidents,
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the risk of falling debris or equipment’s etc. Researcher have shown that

accidents and injuries in developing countries are generally high when compared

to other European countries (Idoro, 2007). Some of these accidents could be

attributed to the fact that work takes place in unsuitable site conditions.

Ibrahim et al (2014) stated that the building construction industry is made

up of several personnel with different trades, these personnel are assembled on

the sites at various stages of the construction process. The single factor adds

more complexity to construction process, control of activities and personnel is

usually not easy as they come from different backgrounds with unique

characteristics special to them.

Construction Workers’ Health and Safety

The construction industry is a challenging place to work (Pillay & Haupt in

Hinze, Bohner & Lew, 2008). The diverse industry is, however, associated with

high risk environments and employees are exposed to harsh and dangerous

situations, e.g. employees have to work with dangerous machines and equipment.

The industry stands out from other industries as having the highest worker

injury and fatality rates. Every construction worker is likely to be temporarily

unfit to work at some time as a result of moderate injuries or health problems

after working on a construction site (Shakantu,Haupt & Tookey, 2006;

Smallwood, 2004).
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Employees are exposed to adverse weather and climatic conditions, as well

as noisy and dusty, inherently dangerous work environments that are physically

demanding (Coble & Haupt, 2000). Furthermore the mobility of construction

employees is considered paramount to industry vulnerability (Haupt, Chileshe &

Miller, 2005). Aspects of risk and vulnerability include sub-standard living

environments, high rates of alcohol abuse and the fact that employees are

separated from their families for long periods of time, thus enhancing visits to

prostitutes. They become HIV-positive and then return to their primary sexual

partners, spreading the virus in those home communities (Fourie &

Schonteich, 2002).

Huang and Hinze (n.d) analyzed accident caused due to fall of workers at

construction sites and the result showed that most fall accidents took place at

elevations of less than 9.15 m, occurring primarily on new construction projects

of commercial buildings and residential projects of relatively low construction


Indoor (2011) also concluded that all categories of Nigerian contractors do

not perform better than each other in health and safety issues, hence solicited the

support of stake holders in construction to improve health and safety

performance. The effects of inadequate health and safety performance in the

Nigerian construction industry is evident in the high number of fatalities and

injuries recorded across the country (Ayedun et al.,2012).

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Molenaar et al (2002) advocated that safety plans must not stop at the

levels of drafting them, rather they should go beyond that and ensure creation of

adequate safety culture, although Farooqi et al (2008) are of the perception of a

good and efficient implementation of health and safety measures in developing

countries. Virtually all construction sites in developing countries are faced with

unsafe conditions exposing the laborers to a wide range of hazards. These

hazards are unfortunately not pointed out to the workers, most of which are

usually novice in construction activities. The main goal of contractors in these

countries is the profit they make from executing such projects, hence they try as

much as possible to maximize profit. Records relating to safety in construction

industry still remain the poorest despite the dramatic improvement recorded in

recent times (Foad, 2011).

Koehn et al (1995) revealed that accidents are usually not reported in

developing countries, the employers usually provide some cash compensations to

these workers for injuries sustained while working on sites. These compensations

are usually regarded to be generosity from the employer as they can do without

making such payments.

Samuel et al (2010) revealed that there was a serious lack of structures and

procedures regarding worker safety at all levels of construction chain in Ghana.

Aniekwu (2007) concluded that accidents occur because majority of the

workers are done manually in the Nigeria construction industry. Globalization

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has significant effects on the practice of building in Nigeria with obvious threats

and opportunities which key players should recognize and adequately respond to

(Mbali et al,. 2012). The Bureau of Labour Statistics estimates that about 150,00o

construction site accidents occur every year.

The Effect of Gender on Construction Workers

Women are almost unskilled laborers and they face serious problems

related to work, wage discrimination, gender, sexual harassment, unhealthy job

relationship, lower wages, despite these, construction industry over whelming

attracts female workers. Their skills are never upgraded as they are allowed to

perform only certain types of work and usually they assist the male work force.

The female employment in the construction industry is very high, even though

they work only as the helpers or unskilled worker.

Women constitute half of the construction workers in India as semi-skilled

/ skilled jobs in other industries but in construction industry, women are

employed mostly as unskilled laborers (GOI.2008). They performs various

unskilled jobs in the industry, like cleaning building sites, carrying bricks, gravel,

mortar and water up to the skilled carpenters and masons, irrespective of the

number of years they worked, they are not upgraded from unskilled to skilled as

males (Jhabvala & Kanbur, 2002 ;Baruah,2008). This mindset has led to gender

discrimination in this work allocation and wage distribution (Suchitra and

Rajshekhar, 2006). Such anti-women attitudes and discrimination further

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complicate the work place culture of this women labour. They live very tough life

and do not enjoy equality of status and social justice for which they actually


Sexual harassment is a serious problem for female construction workers.

Studies also revealed that insecure nature of employment, particularly for

women, creates a vicious trap in which women are forced to please a

subcontractor in order to get work. It is evident that the overwhelming majority

of women in the industry are young, being between the ages of 16-40 years. (Rai

and Sarkar 2012).

The women workers at certain points were going through a number of job

stresses like sexual harassment, being jobless, gender-based discrimination,

proneness to different health hazard, physical problems, insomnia, nausea,

headache and other adverse outcomes. It is seen that at the work place they do

not have any privacy of sanitation. Both male and female workers work together

due to free mixing with the male co-workers they might get sexually transmitted

disease (Tiwari and Ganopadhyay 2011).

Gender stereotypes are present in many realms, including personality

traits and intellectual achievement (Ortner, T. & Sieverding, M. 2008). In

consideration of personality traits, men are regularly seen as more autonomous,

assertive and competitive, whereas women are perceived as more sensitive,

communicative, and tender-minded. These gender-based personality traits reflect

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and replicate archetypal social positions as the “male breadwinner” and the

“female caregiver”. In consideration of intellectual abilities from most viewpoints,

the male stereotype has the advantage. Men are generally seen as more

intelligent, and generally estimate themselves as so. Gender been stereotype were

most likely developed in earlier times under different social situations, as a

consequence of a gender-related divisions of labor (Ortner, T. & Sieverding, M.

2008). Women are played a phenomenon known as stereotype threat. Stereotype

threat is believe to happen when a person experiences the threat of substanding a

negative stereotype about their particular group (Jausovee, N. & Jausovee, K.


Females inexplicably run a greater risk than males of work-realted

musculoskeletal disorders (Nordander et al. 2008). A study by Nordander et al.

(2008) evaluated whether male and female workers, with the same repetitive job

tasks, different regarding the risk of disorders and physical or psychosocial


According to Griggs et al. (2016), the structure of labour force in the

construction industry are categorized into skilled and unskilled workers. The

labour force under the skilled workers are of varying abilities ranging from

apprentices to trades foremen or supervisors (Liepman, 2013). The apprentice

can be described a beginner who is willing and interested in learning a certain

trade in the construction industry. According to Bheemaih and Smith (2015)

Brgy. Comon, Infanta Quezon
Senior High School Department

skilled workers is a segment of the work force with a high skill level that creates

significant economic value through the work performed.

Women in South African construction industry are contributing through

various capacities to the construction industry and the economy. Government has

put in mechanism to boost women participation in the industry and this will lead

to women acquiring constructions specific skills to compete with their male


Vervey (2007) noted that in recent past, women have changed from

homemakers to builders and ultimate decisions makers in hiring contractors.

Women’s role have improved and are no longer just a small part of the decisions

making process of any building.

The Effect on Age on Construction Workers

According to proactive Safety Service (2016), the average age of

construction workers in the United States is 40 years old, and this number has

been on a steady rise. Nearly half of construction workers are baby boomers

(born between 1946 and 1964), so there are plenty of construction workers

pushing 70 years old, so there is tremendous range in terms of the age of

construction workers.

As for how old is too old to work in construction, it is not so much a matter

of age, but a matter of physical and mental health. If a construction worker stays

in a good physical condition, then there is no reason why age should impede his
Brgy. Comon, Infanta Quezon
Senior High School Department

or her ability to work. Simply being able to keep up so that the physically-

demanding work does not become too much to bear will allow people who fall

above the 40 years old average to continue working in the field of construction.

A mental lapse can prove to be deadly—not just for the worker committing

error, but others involved on the project, as well. So it is important that

construction workers stay on top on the mental side, too. If so, workers can work

well into their 50s beyond.

So as long as workers can stay in peak physical and mental condition,

doing construction is not too onerous of a task. The real constraint is the natural

physical (and sometimes mental) regression that comes with aging. But if

workers can stave off this decay—be it through exercise and other physical

activity—there is no reason that they should not be able to work long after the


One might suspect that younger, seemingly more vital workers will be

more popular hires by construction companies, but that is not so. In fact, the

experience that older construction workers bring to the table is attractive to

prospective employers. Not only can it indicate better knowledge of the ins and

outs of construction, it also shows commitment and an ability to stay in good

disciplinary standing.

Construction may not seem like a field cut out for older workers, but

construction workers are getting older, and, if they can maintain the necessary
Brgy. Comon, Infanta Quezon
Senior High School Department

physical and mental attributes, they are in fact a prized commodity for


Educational Attainment in Construction

According to United States Bureau of Labor and Statistics, educational

attainment of employees in construction is lower than in most industries expect

for agriculture. In 2010, about 40% of construction workers had some post-

secondary education, in contrast with 62% of the total workforce. These estimates

are based on the Current Population Survey, in which respondents are asked

about the highest level of education they have reached, coding each level of

formal education attained. In addition to formal education, most construction

knowledge is learned on the job or from special courses, licensing, or certification

requirements and apprenticeships.

Such information is not collected by the CPS (Current Population System)

but is available in other data sources. According to the CPS data, production

workers have lower educational attainment than the overall workforce, and the

level of formal education among production workers within the construction

industry is even lower than production workers in other industries. In 2010, 24%

of construction production workers had less than a high school diploma,

compared with 17% of production workers in all other industries combined.

Traditionally, there have been no formal educational requirements for most

production occupations; however, more and more construction trades now

Brgy. Comon, Infanta Quezon
Senior High School Department

require a high school diploma or its equivalent.2 Workers are often encouraged

or required to attend an apprenticeship program, trade or vocational school,

association training class, or community college to further their trade-related


In construction, union members are much more likely to have a higher

educational attainment than nonunion workers. In 2010, nearly one in three non-

union production workers lacked a high school diploma or equivalent compared

to only one in 10 union workers. Similarly, a larger portion of union members

had post-secondary education (41%) – including some college or an associate’s

degree – when compared to non-union workers (25%).

Educational attainment also differs among demographic groups. Hispanic

(Spanish) construction workers, who are more likely to be foreign-born are much

less likely to have a high school diploma or post-secondary education than non-

Hispanic workers. Women construction workers are more likely to have higher

educational attainment than men. There is no significant difference in

educational attainment between races in construction.

Problems of Construction Laborers

According to Kumar (2006), tssshese construction laborers, as a part of

unorganized work force remain the most exploited ones even after five decades of

independence. In the recent past the trend shows that all big cities of country

have become the centers to recruit casual laborers as construction laborers to

Brgy. Comon, Infanta Quezon
Senior High School Department

cities and urban areas. Most of the construction laborers migrate to cities and

metros are from poor families and are illiterate. Their lack of education and skill

make their choice very limited. When they come to big cities, they have to face

number of problems because of their inexperience and lack of skill. They become

easy victim of exploitation and have to work for their day today sustenance. The

present study is to analyze the extend of construction laborers problem in Pune,

Maharashtra in which the construction business is booming is a vast proportion

and there is greater migration of business class people, blue collar officers, IT

employees, students etc. Since need of accommodation is essential, the

construction industry also finding their business in its highest level.

Deshkal Society in their online article (2004) it is reported that:

1. Being part of unorganized sector of laborer, they lose in bargaining for fair

wages. They are not paid minimum wages; even the agreed wages are not paid in

time. Even after the construction work is over, substantial due remains with the

builders or the contractors, who are always on the look for devouring these due


2. Moreover, their working time and hours are not well regulated. They do not get

overtime rates for excess work. They work under very hazardous conditions. The

working conditions and the facilities provided at the sites are far from

satisfactory. Safety conditions and measurers are hardly met. In case of accident,
Brgy. Comon, Infanta Quezon
Senior High School Department

there is, in general, no provision for financial and medical aid. It is up to the

workers themselves to arrange for the treatment. There is no scheme like ESI

coverage for them. In the extreme cases like death, no body owns the


3. Apart from these, there is no recreational facilities, no availability of drinking

water, toilets, canteens etc.

4. If the workers are female, the problems at work site and while commuting gets

compounded and multiplied. More so if they are pregnant or having small

children. There is no system at all to take care of these children at work site. And

they just cannot take leave out of work during this period lest they would face

extreme financial problems.

5. The living conditions are no way better than the working conditions. It will not

be entirely wrong to say that the situation is still worse. They are destined to live

in slums where one does not get proper (at all) civic amenities. The surroundings

are totally unhygienic. There are no proper facilities for drainage, toilet, potable

water, electricity, recreation etc. There are no local medical facilities, hospital,

school and fair price shop.

6. Besides the problems and woes discussed above, the construction workers have

no social security & benefits in terms of labour welfare measures & provisions.

They don't have provisions like pension and insurance schemes, maternity leave,
Brgy. Comon, Infanta Quezon
Senior High School Department

accident and death claims, concession loans and financial aid for children's

education and medical needs.

Some construction companies are making provision of accommodation

facilities to the laborers. While majority laborers have to build temporary huts by

themselves, near by the site.

The construction company is not making provision of any electricity of

sanitation facility to the construction laborers. The sanitation hygiene of the

construction site and the laborer's houses found poor condition. Majority sites do

not have any toilets. Where the sites have toilets there it is having substandard

quality. There is limited provision of drinking water and the labourers have to

depend on bore well, tanker lorry water and public water supply. The

construction company is not making provision of water facility for washing cloths

and cleaning their utensils. There also the laborers have to depend on open well,

public water supply, bore well, etc. Some of the construction companies are not

making provision of facility for washing at all. Majority construction site doesn't

have any bathroom facility. Laborers have to depend on open bath, from where

water available.

Health of laborers is not at all matter to construction companies. Majority

companies do not pay medical cost incurred to the laborers. While a considerable

number of site laborers and company jointly meet the expenses incurred for the

medical treatment. The women laborers are not eligible to get the maternity
Brgy. Comon, Infanta Quezon
Senior High School Department

benefits. More over the companies are not ready to compensate with employee's

having partial and full injuries and are not covered by life insurance. Adequate

accident relief equipment like helmets, hand Gloves and shoes, safety belts,

protection eye wear etc like safety materials and equipment to the construction


The wage structure of the construction labor is also found inadequate

considering their labor. Majority laborers are getting a wage in between 50-

100Rs/day. Here the study observed differential wage system for the skilled and

unskilled laborers. For the unskilled laborers the wage comes around 41-


Leave facilities are not available for the construction laborers. Some

companies unofficially give medical leave and maternity leave to the construction

laborers. No holiday policy is found in majority construction sites. The working

hours of the construction laborers varied considerably. While majority

construction sites are making provision of 8-11 hour a day.

The laborers do not get healthy food from the construction site. Majority

companies are not making provision of better food to their laborers. Dal, Rotti,

Rice and Vegetables are the regular food habit. Women laborers have to look

after the food and home in addition to their regular work. The construction

companies are not provided with crèches for the children. Majority children are

wandering around the site while parents working in the site. No one to look after
Brgy. Comon, Infanta Quezon
Senior High School Department

these children and ensure their better health, education and care in their tender

age. Many factors like frequent migration from one area to another; economic

problems etc, cited by the construction laborers in making provision of better

education to their children.

Theoretical Framework

A motive is what prompts a person to act in a certain way or at least

develop an inclination for specific behavior (Kast & Rosenzweig,

1985),"Motivation" can be defined as those forces within an individual that push

or propel him to satisfy basic needs or wants (Yorks, 1976).The level of needs will

determine what rewards will satisfy an employee. According to Dessler, most

psychologists believe that all motivation is ultimately derived from a tension that

results when one or more of our important needs are unsatisfied (Dessler,

1986).Maslow also states that "Only unsatisfied needs provide the sources of

motivation; a satisfied need creates no tension and therefore no

motivation".(Burke 1987).

It is common that three qualities are included in most definitions of

motivation:(1) it is a presumed internal force, (2) that energizes for action, and

(3) determines the direction of action (Russell, 1971).Thus far, the motivational

process has been viewed as a decision-making process which takes place within

the employees (Aldag, 1979).Vroom defines motivation as a process governing

choices made by persons among alternative forms of voluntary activity (Hamner

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Senior High School Department

& Organ, 1978). Motivators are the factors that arouse, direct and sustain

increased performance (Duttweiler, 1986).

Motivation is such an important element in improving work productivity,

every educational administrator needs to have a firm understanding of how it

relates to job satisfaction and reward systems. Based on numerous state and

national studies concerning the condition of schools, a great deal of time, energy,

and effort is expended by educational administrators trying to improve the

effective-ness and efficiency of educational delivery systems. Understanding job

satisfaction and work motivation can be key elements to improving educational


General Discussion of Motivation

Essentially, three factors explain why some employees are motivated to

work, while others are not:

1) The motivation to work varies widely in people.

2) In the past decade, there has been a significant change in many

employees' attitudes toward work.

3) The increase in various government social support programs has

contributed significantly to the decline in work motivation in many people

(Stanton, 1983).
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Senior High School Department

The conceptual underpinnings of the various motivational principles put

forth by psychologists were predicated on the fact that America had a powerful,

impressive, and magnificent industrial machine that offered the prospect of

considerable prosperity for all of its citizens (Stanton1983, 210).However, while

the rest of the world seemed hell-bent on becoming more productive, much of

our workforce dropped the work ethic as though it were something to be ashamed

of. Instead of striving for superior performance, their goal was more pay and less

work (Rogers & Levey, 1987).

In addition to employees who are no longer easily motivated, the

employers who subscribe to the Protestant-ethic have no appreciation for their

subordinates' hygiene needs, and create employee dissatisfaction as a

consequence (Herzberg, 1976).

Motivation from three of the foremost theorists on motivation, Maslow,

Herzberg and McClelland, indicates that typical reward system used in public

schools satisfies only the hygiene factors and does not address the higher level

needs that truly motivate people. Changing how we attempt to motivate

employees requires a deeper understanding of these two motivational theories.

The classic theories of motivation from Maslow, Herzberg and McClelland

presented in this paper focus on how each theory supports the other and how

they are applicable in the workplace.

Comparison of Theories
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Herzberg argues that only the goal objectives associated with Maslow's

ego-status and self-actualization needs provide motivation or satisfaction on the

job. Meeting the lower order needs simply reduces dissatisfaction; it does not

provide satisfaction (Burke 1987, 33).

The relationship between Maslow's Hierarchy of needs and Herzberg's

motivation-hygiene theory have been compared by some researchers and have

been depicted by overlaying

McClelland's concept of achievement motivation is also related to

Herzberg's motivation-hygiene theory. People with high achievement motivation

tend to be interested in the motivators. People with low achievement motivation

are more concerned about the environment (Hersey and Blanchard1982, 61).

"Although not stated specifically in Maslow's need hierarchy, the need for

achievement underlies self-actualization."(Kast & Rosenzweig, 1970). McClelland

proposed no lower order needs. While his need for achievement is not identical

with Herzberg's motivators, or Maslow's higher order needs, there are some


The major differences is McClelland's emphasis on socially acquired needs

(Gibson, Ivancevich & Donnelly, 1979). Maslow is helpful in identifying needs or

motives and Herzberg provides us with insights into the goals and incentives that

tend to satisfy the needs (Hersey & Blanchard, 1982).

Brgy. Comon, Infanta Quezon
Senior High School Department

One major means of increasing an employee's level of intrinsic motivation

is through changing the work itself (Aldag, 1979).This can be done through job

rehabilitation. Rehabilitating jobs is called job enrichment (Herzberg, 1976,).

However, Aldag has said, "Employees dissatisfied with extrinsic factors are

unlikely to respond well to job enrichment attempts."(Aldag, 1979).

Job enrichment, a significant intervention within OD (Organizational

Development) and a critical element of quality-of-work-life (QWL) projects, is a

direct application of Herzberg's theory and at least an indirect application of

Maslow's theory (Burke, 1987).

Further analysis of these theories leads to the conclusion that when

managers incorporate motivations. Elements in work settings rather than simply

eliminating adverse hygiene factors, they can expect to see higher productivity

and job satisfaction. This seems to be a paradox in many working environments

where a great deal of time, energy and effort is expended on extrinsic factors

which do not lead to job satisfaction/motivation, but only serve to reduce job


The thrust of all of the motivational theories reviewed is that managers

should carefully review what they are incorporating into reward systems. If the

rewards are predominantly extrinsic factors then all that can be hoped for are

employees who are not dissatisfied with their work. Satisfying hygiene needs is

relatively simple, but the satisfaction is short-lived and these types of needs are
Brgy. Comon, Infanta Quezon
Senior High School Department

not additive in nature.Motivation can be achieved only bysatisfying a very limited

area of complex needs, which are additive in nature and whose satisfaction

results in much more long lasting effect.

What is actually required, therefore, is a two-way effort which is directed

first at the hygiene and then at the development of motivation (Haimann, 1973).
Brgy. Comon, Infanta Quezon
Senior High School Department

Conceptual Framework

Input Process Output

1. The demographic 1. Conduct an

profile of intensive review of
1. The researchers
construction related literatures will come up with
workers in Infanta, and studies. the summary,
Quezon in terms of:
conclusion and
a) Age; 2. Formulate and recommendation of
b) Sex distribute a survey the study.
c) Civil status; questionnaire and
d) Educational guide
attainment; questionnaires 2. The researchers
e) Number of among the will come up with
year (s) construction the implications
working; workers. derived from the
f) Working results of the study.
experience; 3. Gather data by
and means of those
g) Monthly questionnaires and
income? interview. Analyzed
2. Vision data.
3. Motivations 4. Tally, tabulate,
 Maslow’s analyze and
Hierarchy of interpret the
needs theory gathered data.
 Herzberg’s
motivation 5. Draw conclusi0n
hygiene and offer
theory recommendations Figure 1.
 McClelland’s based on the
concept of Conceptual Paradigm
findings of the
motivation study.
4. Problems
Brgy. Comon, Infanta Quezon
Senior High School Department


The research paradigm that will guide this study is seen in Fig.1.

The researchers used the input, process, and output approach.

The input box contains demographic profile of selected construction

workers in Infanta, Quezon in terms of age, sex, civil status, educational

attainment, number of year(s) working, and working experience (s). Also, the

vision, motivations and problems of selected construction workers in Infanta


The process box contains the review of related literatures and studies, the

formulation of survey questionnaires, the distribution of the formulated survey

questionnaires and interview guide questionnaires among selected construction

workers in Infanta, Quezon. Then, the data will be gather through the use of

survey questionnaires and interview then the data will be tally, tabulated,

analyzed and interpreted. So then, the researchers will be able to draw the

conclusions and recommendation based on the findings of the study.

And the output box, it contains the target outcome of the study. The

researchers will come up with the summary, conclusion and recommendation of

the study. Also, the researchers will come up with the implications derived from

the result of the study.

Brgy. Comon, Infanta Quezon
Senior High School Department

Justification of the Study

The various literatures and studies reviewed were very significant to the

process of conceptualization of the present study. It have clear relevance to the

present study. All studies reviewed contributed to the framework of the present

study. They are similar to the present study in the sense that both deal with

experiences of construction workers. Most of the studies reviewed used the

descriptive method of research which is also the one used by the present


However, it is clear that there is no duplication of any of the studies

reviewed. In a way, the present study is a replication of some of the studies

mentioned in the review.

The difference lies in the research venue, purpose, and specific focus of the

study that is more on experience. The present study gives more focus on the

vision, motivation and challenges of the construction workers in Infanta, Quezon.

Brgy. Comon, Infanta Quezon
Senior High School Department

Chapter III


This chapter covers the method of research used in this investigation, the

locale of the study, the instrument used, the techniques or mean used for data

gathering, research procedures, sampling technique, and the statistical treatment



This type of research is called mixed approach, both qualitative and

quantitative approaches are used. According to Bian (n.d), mixed methods

research focuses on collecting, analyzing, and mixing both quantitative and

qualitative data in a single study or series of studies. Its central premises is that

the use of quantitative and qualitative approaches, in combination, it provides a

better understanding of research problems than either approach alone (Bian,

n.d). Quantitative research design seek to find answer to questions how starting

with how many, how much, how long, to what extent and etc. Answer to those

questions come in numerals, percentages and fractions among others (Suter &

Rusell in Avenilla, 2017). Baraceros (1997) stated that the Qualitative research is

a research type that puts premium or high value on people thinking or point of

Brgy. Comon, Infanta Quezon
Senior High School Department

Non-experimental research design is a quantitative research design that is

capable of giving qualitative and quantitative data hence, this is often used in the

field of social sciences. It involves variables the way they naturally exist on earth

(Baraceros, n.d).

This study uses descriptive research design. According to Palispis (cited in

Dailo, 2017), “Descriptive study proceeds to describe certain phenomena such as

person, unit, agency or the occurrence of an event as it exists.” Baraceros (n.d)

stated that descriptive depicts an image or a picture of an individual or a group.

In short, descriptive design seeks to describe the current status of a variable or


Meanwhile, Good and Scale (1972) said that the descriptive method of

research includes studies that support present facts concerning the nature and

status of anything. This simply means that this method of research gives meaning

to the quality and standing of facts. For instance, one may become interested in

generating information about institution, a community, a persons, a class of

events, or any kind of experience about a given phenomenon. This method of

research is found appropriate for the research problem because it can describe

the problems, motivations, and visions of construction workers in identified

Brgy. Comon, Infanta Quezon
Senior High School Department


This study entitled “Vision, Motivation and Challenges of Construction

workers in Infanta Quezon” was conducted at Infanta Quezon.

Infanta, Quezon is 136.4 km from manila and takes 3 hours and 49

minutes to arrive you can ride a bus or van, you can find the route in Legarda,


The map shown above is the map of Infanta, Quezon. To find Infanta, you

can search it in the google map.

Brgy. Comon, Infanta Quezon
Senior High School Department


In gathering data to get much information, the researchers will utilize the

following instrument:

1. Interview guide question, for us to deeply understand the experiences of

selected construction workers.

2. The researchers used cellphone for interviewing, for picture taking, for

recording and for video, and notebook for documentation and collection of

available documents.

3. The study made used of survey questionnaire which was collaboratively

constructed by the researchers. The questionnaire consisted of two parts. The

first part is the demographic profile of the respondents, which includes the name

of the respondent, section, gender, and the course.

The second part of the survey questionnaire includes closed-ended

statement that will determined the visions, motivations and problems of

construction workers which employ Likert scale method with the options:

Strongly agree, Agree, Uncertain, Disagree and Strongly disagree. The verbal

interpretations given above employed by weight such as 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1

respectively for the purpose of computation.

Brgy. Comon, Infanta Quezon
Senior High School Department

The information that was gathered from the questions served as a very

important source of information of this study for it to reveal the answer of the

given questions.


In gathering the data and experience the respondents, the researcher used story-

telling and in-depth interview.

Story telling

Through story-telling, the researchers know the experiences of the co-researcher, they

encourage them to narrate their experiences freely,.

In-depth interview

The interview is one of the major techniques in gathering data or information. It

is defined as a purposeful face relationship between two person, one whom called die

interview who asks question to gather information and other called the interviewee of

respondent who supplies the information asked (Calderon & Gonzales, 1993).

Interviews are conducted orally, and the answers to the questions are recorded by

the researcher. The advantages of this instrument are that the researcher can clarify any

questions that are obscure and also can ask the question to expand on answers that are

particularly important or revealing (Fraenkel & Wallen, 2006).

Brgy. Comon, Infanta Quezon
Senior High School Department


The following steps was undertaken by the researchers in order to gather


1. The researchers seek permission to Senior High School Principal of Northern

Quezon College Incorporated and to the Mayor of the said community, Infanta

Quezon, through a letter to conduct a study and distribute a survey questionnaire

among the selected Construction workers.

2. The researcher seek permission to the respondent to be part of the study.

3. The respondents was given enough time to answer the questionnaire.

4. After the retrieval of questionnaires, the researchers will proceed to the face to

face interview with the used of interview guide schedule.

5. All data gathered from the respondents was tallied, tabulated and analyzed.


This study uses purposive sampling technique. Researchers assume that

they can use their knowledge and experiences of the population to judge whether

or not a particular sample will be represented. It is not expected that the person

chosen are themselves representative of the population, but rather they possess

the necessary information about the population. Researchers here do not simply
Brgy. Comon, Infanta Quezon
Senior High School Department

study who-ever is available but rather use their judgement to select a sample that

they believe, based on prior information, will provide the data they need. In

short, a purposive sample consist of individuals who have special qualifications of

some sort or are deemed representative on the basis of prior evidence (Fraenkel

& Wallen, 2006).

For these reasons the researchers made us of criteria to be able to judge

who will be qualified respondent in this study.

1. The construction worker have his own family.

2. The construction worker is willing to answer our questions and willing to share

his knowledge, experience and opinion.

3. The construction worker can express his problems, motivations, and visions.


Answers and responses of the selected construction workers from the

survey questionnaires were tallied, tabulated, and analyzed. All the data were

treated and organized based on the specific problems raised in this research

Brgy. Comon, Infanta Quezon
Senior High School Department

Percentage and Frequency

This is used in the demographic profile of the students. It is display of data

that specifies the percentage of observations that exists for each data point or

grouping of data points. The formula is:

P = f/n x 100

Where: P = percentage

F = frequency

N = number of cases

WM = (1F + 2F + 3F + 4F + 5F) /N


WM = weighted mean

F = frequency

N = total number of respondents

For the interpretation of the computed means of the construction workers’

problems, motivations and problems, the following rating scale with

corresponding verbal interpretation use. And to give an in-depth explanation, the

verbal interpretation give an adjectival interpretation give an adjectival

interpretation equivalent to each scale as shown below:

Brgy. Comon, Infanta Quezon
Senior High School Department

Weight Scale Verbal Adjectival

interpretation interpretation

5 4.2o – Strongly Agree Very Highly

5.00 Noteworthy

4 3.39 – Agree Highly

3.40 Noteworthy

3 2.60 – Uncertain Noteworthy


2 1.80 - Disagree Slight

2.59 Noteworthy

1 1.00 – Strongly Not Noteworthy

1.79 Disagree

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