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Fuller patented his Tensile Integrity Structures octeristic variety of soft, naturalistic forms, ir­

ond improved them in 1973 by his design of on regular plons and slanting masonry supports.
asymmetrical structural form, which even today Gaudi's most important apartment buildings in­
exists only as o model. clude the Caso Botll6 (1904-1906) ond the
Coso Mil6 (1906-1910) with their moulded fo­
�odes. Goudi devised o wove form for the roof
Antoni Goudi 1852-1926 and walls of the Sogrodo Familia school-house,
completed in 1909. Despite this wove form,
Antoni Goudi i Cornet studied from 1874 to only straight roof beams were necessary. Simi­
1878 in Borcelono. At this time he wos olreody lar forms were not employed again until the use
working in various architectural offices, includ­ of concrete become popular. From 1914,
ing the office of Francisco de Paulo de Villar, Goudi concentrated wholly on the completion
whose successor he wos to become in 1883 on of the Sograda Familia, a project which occu­
the building of the Sogrodo Familia cathedral. pied him for the rest of his life ond still remains
From 1878 he hod his own practice in Barcelo­ unfinished.
na, where he carried out most of his life's work.
In 1879 work began on his first project, the
Caso Vicens in Barcelona (1883-1885). Fronk 0. Gehry *1929
Goudi's love of quarry stones and coloured ce­
ramic tiles is apparent here right from the start. Gehry was educoted ot the University of South­
Goudi found a good friend and patron in the ern Colifornio in Los Angeles which he attended
textile manufacturer Eusebi Guell, for whom he until 1954. T hen he studied town planning ot the
designed among other buildings a town pal­ Harvard Graduate School of Design. Thereafter
ace, the Palacio Guell (1885-1889). From 1888 he worked in the offices of Welton Becket & As­
to 1889 Goudi took over the building of the sociates (1957-1958) and Victor Gruen (1958-
Colegio Teresiono. On both these projects he 1961) in Los Angeles, and Andre Remondet in
mode the first-ever use of his poroboloid vaults. Paris (1961). In 1962 he opened his own office
According to his calculations, the entire weight in Los Angeles, which he runs today as the firm
of the vaulting could be borne by appropriately of Frank 0. Gehry Associates. At the end of
angled pillars. To colculote the distribution of the seventies he built o series of residences with
weight for the church Colonic Guell, begun unusual use of space and industrial moteriols
near Barcelona in 1898, he devised for the pur­ such as the Spiller Residence in Venice, Colilor­
pose a hanging cotenory cord model with pel­ nio I 1979-1980) ond his own house in Santa
let weights that simulated the weight distribution Monico (1978); here he hos covered the existing
"upside down". He subsequently introduced building with on envelope of pink asbestos pan­
these design oids for the Sogrodo Familia. From els, corrugated metal sheets and wire caging,
1900 to 1914 he constructed ports of o pork de­ oil of which gives the impression of something
signed for Guell, the Porque Guell. The ports unfinished, unstable, and do-it-yourself. Of his
actually completed were two residences, the en­ larger work the most noteworthy examples ore
trance areo, the terracing and a network of in Los Angeles, such as the Loyola Low School
paths. Here, as elsewhere, Goudi used his char- (1981-1984), the California Aerospace Mu­
Richard Buckminster Fuller seum (1983-1984) ond the Francis Howard
Goldwyn Regional Branch Library (1986). The
Fishdonce Restouront in Kobe, Japan (1987)
and the recently completed museum for the
Vitro Furniture Company in Weil om Rhein are
evidence of Geh ry's increasing activity abroad,
while at home in California he is building de­
tached houses in which eoch room is treated os
o separate building structure.

Irving John Gill 1870-1936

Gill, son of o building engineer, joined the of­

fice of Donkmor Adler and Louis Sullivan in Chi­
cago in 1890, worked as o draftsman on pro­
jects such as the Tronsportotion Building for the
Columbian Exposition of 1893, and met Fronk
Lloyd Wright. In 1896 he opened his own office
in Son Diego. In the following years he de­
signed numerous buildings in California, mostly
cubic, whitewashed concrete houses like
Klouber House in Son Diego (1907-1910) ond
the Wilson Acton Hotel in Lo Jello ( 1908),
whose completely featureless fo�ade is sub-


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