Managerial Psychology in Action Assignment

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Decisional Mindset vs Egoistic Mindset in dealing with Subordinates
What do we call a perfect Managerial life as? It is generally defined as a life, where the Managers
and Subordinates tend to agree on all the delegations and decisions being taken without any kind
of debate or resistance. The inputs are gathered from all team members, but the final decision is
made by the manager, whose decision is appreciated by all other team members constructively.
However, the “Present” or “Real” Managerial world is dynamic as well as competitive.
The team members have the right or freedom to present their viewpoints which might disagree
with the viewpoints of the manager. However, the manager’s role is to manage the viewpoints in
order to achieve a perfect balance and embrace the disagreements rather than bemoan the thought
process that the subordinate would get subdued against his/her views.
Conflicts are inevitable at a workplace. When employees and managers are committed and
engaged, disagreement is bound to happen. However, it can signal the beginning of an important
and interesting process of learning. “Efficient” organizations are described as the organizations
who deal with disagreements or conflicts without subjugation. Productive disagreement is the key
factor which creates best teams. But how can a manager identify and resolve the disagreements
that perpetuate in the workplace? The following points provide an essence of the reasons of
disagreement and ways to deal with it.
• The team member may possess a better understanding of a particular situation: The
perspective of each team member is valuable. It is highly probable that the team members
understands better than the manager what should happen in the workplace and how things
have to be done effectively. The role of a manager, in this case, is to add the voice of the
team members in operational decision making rather than to suppress it. Personal
prejudices should be kept aside and the team member’s position should be evaluated on the
basis of the merit of the proposition. When the subordinate is correct, he/she must be
acknowledged and his/her proposition should be incorporated.

• Different styles of Personality: It is highly probable that people become hostile, owing to
their personality traits. Example: A particular member might be opinionated and may
express his/her feelings quickly without perceiving the feelings of others. The manager can
be cautious or unemotional in his/her style of communication which can produce a possible
disagreement. As a manager, one should explore and derive a person’s unique value and
incorporate this value into the operations. This, in turn, increases the effectiveness of the
manager as a leader. It might be possible that the subordinate is right in his/her opinion.
The manager should be receptive of the value that the subordinate is adding to the
organization. If the views of the subordinates clashes with that of the manager, he/she
should discuss the proposition with the subordinates in a positive manner, keeping in mind
the privacy of the proposition and should arrive at a mutual decision.

• Patience is the “key”: It is also possible that subordinates may not understand or are not
being able to reciprocate why a particular decision is being taken by the manager. The
manager’s role is to be patient and articulate clearly to the employees the reasons behind
making the decision. Feedbacks should be encouraged from the subordinates regarding the
decision making. The manager should listen to the opinions of the subordinates first before
making a decision.

• To be a typical “Manager” without being a leader: Leadership qualities should be highly

persistent in a manager. A manager should look at the wider horizon of things. The manager
should try to stand up for their employees when the situation forces them to do so. This
instills a sense of confidence in the subordinates, thereby reducing disagreement. Managers
should possess credibility in decision making. Managers should try to avoid “Fear Based”
Management as people generally don’t trust a fear based manager. Fear might seem to act
as a good motivator in the short term but it might prove to be useless in the long term
because the subordinates tend to realize that the manager has very limited control or power
over them.

• Failure to trust the subordinates: Managers should provide recognition to the

subordinates because it instills in them a sense of importance. Subordinates should not be
throttled as this can lead to a potential negative point of view against the manager. Trust is
important in increasing productivity and efficiency in the workplace.

• Lack of self-awareness: The work of a manager is to assume that he/she does not know
everything and try to become more realistic about his/her strengths and weaknesses.
Successful managers should possess the characteristic to gauge their abilities. One of the
studies suggests that the presence of self-awareness in a manager leads to increased respect
among the subordinates and better results in terms of strategy and revenue. It is also
proposed that managers who are well versed with their weaknesses tend to hire
subordinates who they believe will have a better performance in the categories where
he/she lacks acumen. These managers are also receptive of the fact that their subordinates
may have a better idea than them.

• When managers don’t appreciate employees: It is a general view that when a person is
appreciated, he/she will perform better than expected. The level of conflict is bound to
decrease because the subordinate has a natural feeling of affinity as well as respect towards
the manager. Subordinates are crucial in running and growing of business. It is the duty of
managers to be generous and encourage the subordinates and let them know that they are
an integral part of the workplace’s success.

• Saying “No” to change: The general viewpoint of managers who are strong in their
opinions is “What can be changed?” or “What can be made better?” Managers should
not try to escape from reality. Their policy cannot be appropriate all the time. If the
subordinates have a better idea in their minds of doing things, the work of a manager should
be to accept their ideas and recommend it. This can improve the job process and make it
more effective.

Managers are solely responsible in order to develop their subordinates by ensuring that
appropriate training is provided to them. Delegation of responsibility is an important statement to
subordinates because it shows or proves to what extent they are trusted and what is their value
addition to the firm.

Disagreement is an unavoidable phenomenon. However, the way in which a manager can

handle discord in the workplace will replicate how he/she is perceived as a manager and the rapport
that one has with the subordinates. This, in turn, will deliver fruitful results in the organization.


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