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Heavenly Forex and Dishonest Scales

Gold has a source and an ordained pathway for its dispensing.

Job 28:1-6

River flowing through Eden carried the gold across the entire earth as God's distribution medium
for wealth.
Genesis 2:7-12

By the presence of Gold in the land, that portion of land becomes the apex of the wealth of a
Gold is the storage capacity that determines the value of one's wealth.

The pathway for the transmission of gold through the hands and activities of men, other than
through the river of God's life in the Spirit is the place of the Silver.

The Curse of Adam

Adam sought for equality with God in the sense of wealth and not ability.

In the event of the curse (blessing blocker), God curses the land. Gen 3: 17-19
Land - Hiding Place for Gold & Silver.

The curse of the land not only affected the lands ability to produce food but also the league and
favour that Man had with the Land.

Job 5:23
The league of man with the land gave him access to wealth and influence through the stones and
the beasts.

Great men who amassed wealth and influence did so through favour with the stones or the
Eg. Nimrod - hunter

Because the curse of the land brought the immediate manifestation of difficulty in feeding, man's
basic preoccupation became the pursuit of possibility of constant feeding.

Because of this, the fallen man no more sees wealth as God's instrument for dominion but rather
the instrument for man's survival.

This birthed the era of dishonest scales.

Dishonest Scales
Leviticus 19:35-36
Lucifer's lust for wealth led him to employ a full array of dishonest and unrighteous standards in
order to increase his measure of wealth.

Having mastered the art, he now teaches the fallen man how to deal in trade; not as a righteous
distribution of wealth as God has ordained but a distortion of God's righteousness by subverting
another man for what is not due him.

The altar on which Lucifer employs this unrighteous trade through dishonest scales is called

The only worthy comparison to God is Mammon; because Mammon is the only entity that
requires worship apart from God.
Matthew 6:24-34

Amos 8:4-5, Proverbs 11:1, Proverbs 28:8, Hosea 12:7

The use of dishonest scale is the primary scheme that incites the love of money. 1 Timothy

Money is not used to produce wealth as many believe. It is a condition of the fallen man.

Wealth is created when man applies labour to natural resources; when a man sets his heart to
create an effect and to produce a course in the affairs of humanity.

God designed money to be of an uncha going value that man could use to trade.

Compare barter and the creation of money which necessitates the use of scales.

Gold and Silver are the only monetary assets ordained of God and their value is based in their
consistency, scarcity, durability, divisbilty and their mobility.

Dishonest Money
Money gain from nothing; cheating other reading partners in order to gain money you have not
worked for.

Isaiah 1:21
Israel created dishonest money by diluting the shekels (gold or silver weight standardized by a
scale and used as money) in order to create more shekels.

The resulting effect was that they had more shekels in the system but value was decreased.

As a result, you needed more shekels to purchase the same value of items as before - Inflation
Amos 8:4-5

The Use of Credit as tools for Dishonest Money

Goldsmith opens a vauch for storage of Gold and customers come to lodge their gold with

Goldsmith gives out gold notes as representation of the actual gold. People begin to use the
gold notes to trade and keep the actual gold as eventual withdrawal.
Goldsmith devices an idea to create more gold notes without actual gold reserves and loan
them out to people to use in the open market.

They further charge interest on the loans that are not backed by actual gold in order to increase
their dishonest gains.

Hosea 12:7, Proverbs 28:8

Over time, there are so many gold notes in the system which are actually not real but just debts.
This creates devaluation of the gold note, then further to inflation, and then the panic in people to
now go to the goldsmith for their actual gold.

It then evolves into the goldsmith attempting to melt the gold and reduce its quality so they
could have more gold for everybody - the breaking point of the banking system.

The technical nature of this complex system is powered by man's greed for wealth (birthed in
him by the serpent in the garden).

This greed makes man seek riches with haste.

Proverbs 28:20, Deuteronomy 25:13-16

Unrighteous Trade through the use of dishonest scale has fueled man's love of money and
corruption from the beginning. To this end, man based built a worldwide financial system that
operates according to an integrated network of dishonest scales.
This is known as "Commercial Babylon".

Last modified: 2:34 pm

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