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pp. 41-44, "Raising Capital in the United Kingdom" copyright © Lauren Mills

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ISBN-10:1-84930-019-4 ISBN-10: -84930-020-8
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ISBN 978-1-47292-467-4 (ePub)
Contributors vii

Best Practice—Issuing Debt l

Optimizing the Capital Structure: Finding the Right Balance
between Debt and Equity Meziane Lasfer 3
Issuing Corporate Debt Steven Lowe 7
Banks and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises:
Recent Business Developments Sergio Schmukler, Augusto de la Torre,
and Maria Soledad Martinez Peria 11
Capital Structure: A Strategy that Makes Sense John C. Groth 17
Capital Structure: Perspectives John C. Groth 25
Capital Structure: Implications John C. Groth 31
Credit Ratings David Wyss 37
Raising Capital in the United Kingdom Lauren Mills 41
Minimizing Credit Risk Frank J. Fabozzi 45
How and When to Use Nonrecourse Financing Thomas McKaig 49
Understanding the True Cost of Issuing Convertible Debt
and Other Equity-Linked Financing Roger Lister 53
Securitization: Understanding the Risks and Rewards Tarun Sabarwal 57
Using Securitization as a Corporate Funding Tool Frank J. Fabozzi 63
What the Rise of Global Banks Means for Your Company Chris Skinner 69
Public—Private Partnerships in Emerging Markets Peter Koveos and Pierre Yourougou 73

Best Practice—Equity Investment 81

Sources of Venture Capital Lawrence Brotzge 83
Assessing Opportunities for Growth in Small and Medium Enterprises Frank Hoy 89
Equity Issues by Listed Companies: Rights Issues and Other Methods Seth Armitage 93
Attracting Small Investors Wondimu Mekonnen 97
Raising Capital in Global Financial Markets Reena Aggarwal 103
Financial Steps in an IPO for a Small or Medium-Size Enterprise Hung-Gay Fung 109
The Role of Institutional Investors in Corporate Financing Hao Jiang 115
Understanding and Accessing Private Equity for
Small and Medium Enterprises Arne-G. Hostrup 123
Assessing Venture Capital Funding for Small and
Medium-Sized Enterprises Alain Fayolle and Joseph LiPuma 129
Price Discovery in IPOs Jos van Bommel 135
How to Set the Hurdle Rate for Capital Investments Jon Tucker 141
Private Investments in Public Equity William K. Sjostrom, Jr 147
Understanding Equity Capital in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Siri Terjesen 151
IPOs in Emerging Markets Janusz Brzeszczynski 159
Managing Activist Investors and Fund Managers Leslie L. Kossoff 165
Acquiring a Secondary Listing, or Cross-Listing Meziane Lasfer 169
The Cost of Going Public: Why IPOs Are Typically Underpriced Lena Booth 173

Checklists—Issuing Debt 177

Assessing Cash Flow and Bank Lending Requirements 179
The Bond Market: Its Structure and Function 181
Financial Intermediaries: Their Role and Relation to Financial Markets 183
Franchising a Business 185
How to Manage Your Credit Rating 187
How to Use Receivables as Collateral 189
Maintaining the Banking Relationship 191
Measuring Gearing 193
Money Markets: Their Structure and Function 195

Financing and Raising Capital

£ Overview of Loan Agreements 197

C Raising Capital by Issuing Bonds 199
£2 Steps for Obtaining Bank Financing 201
fi Understanding and Using Interest Coverage Ratios 203
£.9 Understanding and Using Leverage Ratios 205
Understanding Debt Cover 207
Understanding Fixed-Charge Coverage 209

Checklists—Equity Investment 211

Dealing with Venture Capital Companies 213
Investors and the Capital Structure 215
Options for Raising Finance 217
An Overview of Stockholders' Agreements 219
Raising Capital by Issuing Shares 221
Raising Capital through Private and Public Equity 223
Sovereign Wealth Funds—Investment Strategies and Objectives 225
Sovereign Wealth Funds—Profiles of the Top 10 Players 227
Understanding Capital Markets, Structure and Function 231
Understanding Capital Structure Theory: Modigliani and Miller 233
Understanding the Cost of Capital and the Hurdle Rate 235
Understanding the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) 237
Using Mezzanine Financing 239

Index 241

Reena Aggarwal is the Robert E. McDonough financial services company), and five years as a p"
professor of business and professor of finance at founder of a corporate venturing project, which gj
Georgetown University's McDonough School of resulted in Providian establishing an entirely j-
Business in Washington, DC. She specializes in new business. Since 1994, Brotzge has been an g"
international stock markets, demutualization of independent consultant and an angel investor. 1^
stock exchanges, initial public offerings, He has an ownership position in several small/ *
international investments by mutual funds, and start-up businesses and consults with a number
international corporate governance and market of other companies.
valuation. She has been named among
"outstanding faculty" in the Business Week Guide Janusz Brzeszczynslri is a senior lecturer in
to the Best Business Schoob. She is also a faculty the Department of Accountancy, Economics and
associate of the Capital Markets Research Center. Finance at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh,
Dr Aggarwal is a frequent guest on local and and specializes in internationalfinance,financial
international radio and television stations. Her markets, and financial econometrics. Before
research and comments have been cited in the joining Heriot-Watt, he held a Fulbright
Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, scholarship in the United States and worked as a
Business Week, and the Financial Times, among visiting professor in the Department of
other media outlets. Economics, Arizona State University. He was
also a visiting scholar at the Swiss Institute of
Seth Armitage is a professor of finance and Banking and Finance, University of St Gallen,
director of the MSc in finance and investment at Switzerland, and assistant/associate professor
the University of Edinburgh Business School. at the Chair of Econometric Models and
His research is mainly in the area of corporate Forecasts, University of Lodz, Poland. Besides
finance and includes projects on rights issues the Fulbright scholarship, he was also awarded
and open offers, the cost of capital, the role of an ESKAS post-doctoral scholarship at the Swiss
banks in funding companies, and mutual Institute of Banking and Finance and a DAAD
financial institutions. He is author of The Cost of doctoral scholarship at Kiel University, Germany.
Capital: Intermediate Theory (Cambridge Dr Brzeszczynski has published in a number of
University Press, 2005). He was on the faculty of finance journals.
the University of Edinburgh from 1989 to 2002,
and before rejoining in 2007 he was head of the Augusto de la Torre is the chief economist for
Department of Accounting and Finance at Latin America and the Caribbean at the World
Heriot-Watt University. Bank. Since joining the Bank in 1997, he has held
the positions of senior adviser in the Financial
Lena Booth is associate professor of finance at Systems Department and senior financial sector
the Thunderbird School of Global Management adviser for the Latin American and Caribbean
and served as the first executive director of the regions. From 1993 to 1997 he was the head of the
Thunderbird Private Equity Center (TPEC). Dr Central Bank of Ecuador, and in November 1996
Booth has been a member of the Thunderbird Euromoney nominated him as the year's "Best
faculty since 1995 and has taught and presented Latin American Central Banker." From 1986 to
research in many countries around the world. 1992 he worked at the International Monetary
Her research interests lie mainly in capital Fund, where, among other positions, he was
raising and security issuance by firms, with the the IMF's resident representative in Venezuela
primary focus on initial public offerings. She has (1991-1992). De la Torre has published on a
received several teaching and research awards broad range of macroeconomic and financial
during her tenure at Thunderbird. Born and development topics. He is a member of the
raised in Malaysia, Dr Booth holds a BBA from Carnegie Economic Reform Network.
the National University of Singapore, an MBA
from Northern Arizona University, and a PhD Frank J. Fabozzi is professor in the practice of ^~.
(finance) from Arizona State University. finance at Yale School of Management and H—1
specializes in investment management and 2^
Lawrence Brotzge's business background structured finance. He is editor of the Journal of £>
includes 11 years with Ernst & Young, 10 years as Portfolio Management and has authored and ^
corporate controller and CFO for two major edited many acclaimed books, three of which ("")
divisions of Providian Corp (a Fortune 500 were coauthored with the late Franco Modigliani W

Financing and Raising Capital

* and one coedited with Harry Markowitz. Professor education and conducts executive development
O Fabozzi is a consultant to several financial programs. In addition to his work in finance, he
t2 institutions, is on the board of directors of the researches and speaks on human capital and
,X2 BlackRock complex of closed-end funds, and is on creativity and is a keynote speaker. In 2006 he
"C the advisory council for the Department of was designated a Mays Faculty Fellow in Teaching
"2 Operations Research and Financial Engineering Innovation.
O at Princeton University. He was inducted into the
O Fixed Income Analysts Society Hall of Fame in Arne-G. Hostrup has been a managing
November 2002 and is the 2007 recipient of the director at netzwerk nordbayern since January
C. Stewart Sheppard Award given by the CFA 2003. His main remits are fiscal planning and
Institute. private equity finance of high-growth companies
by business angels and venture capital. Over the
Alain Fayolle is professor and director of the last ten years, netzwerk nordbayern has matched
entrepreneurship research center at EM Lyon €130 million in venture capital to start-ups. He
Business School, France. He is also visiting has gained professional experience in several
professor at Solvay Brussels School of Economics positions: as commercial leader of a German
and Management, Belgium, and HEC Montreal, medium-sized company, in the franchise
Canada. His current research work focuses on operations of an international fast-food
the dynamics of entrepreneurial processes, the company, as project leader of the Northern
influence of cultural factors on organizations' Bavarian Business Plan Competition, and as
entrepreneurial orientation, and the evaluation of finance director involved in building a start-up
entrepreneurship education. Professor Fayolle's in the media area. As a member of the board of
most recent books are Entrepreneurship and the European Business Angel Network (EBAN)
New Value Creation: The Dynamic of the he has committed himself to the establishment
Entrepreneurial Process (Cambridge University of the business angel culture in Europe.
Press, 2007) and The Dynamics between
Entrepreneurship, Environment and Education Frank Hoy is the Paul Beswick professor of
(Edward Elgar, 2008). entrepreneurship and director of the Collab-
orative for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at
Hung-Gay Fung is a professor of Chinese Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Dr Hoy earned
studies at the College of Business Administration his PhD at Texas A&M University, where he
of the University of Missouri, St Louis. He holds developed a small business outreach program
a BBA (1978) from the Chinese University of for the Texas Agricultural Extension Service.
Hong Kong and a PhD (1984) from Georgia State Subsequently, he became director of the Small
University, in both cases majoring in finance Business Development Center for the State of
with a minor in economics. His teaching areas Georgia. He moved from the University of
are investments, risk management, corporate Georgia to Georgia State University in 1988 as
finance, and international investments. His the Carl R. Zwerner professor of family-owned
research focuses on international finance, businesses. From 1991 to 2001 Dr Hoy was dean
banking, derivative markets, and small business of the College of Business and subsequently
finance. In 1999 he won a best paper award (with director of the entrepreneurship program at the
G. Lai, R. MacMinn and Bob Witt) given by the University of Texas at El Paso.
Committee on Online Services (COOS) of the
Casualty Actuarial Society. Hao Jiang is assistant professor of finance at
Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus
John C. Groth is professor of finance in the University. Dr Jiang's main research areas
Department of Finance, Mays Business School, include asset pricing, investments, the behavior
at Texas A&M University. He has received many of institutional and individual investors, and
teaching awards, authored numerous publi- international finance. At Erasmus he teaches
pq cations, and been cited as a major contributor to portfolio management, investments, advanced
QJ the finance literature. Dr Groth received his PhD asset pricing, and behavioral finance. His work
^ from the Krannert School, Purdue University. He will appear in the JournalofFinancial Economics
<t* also holds degrees in physics and in industrial and he has conducted industry and academic
*7 administration. He serves as a consultant in the presentations across Europe, the United States,
1—1 areas of corporate finance and management and Asia.


Leslie L. Kossoff is an internationally Joseph LiPuma is an affiliate professor in O

renowned executive adviser specializing in next strategic management at EMLYON Business 2
generation thinking and strategy for executives School. He has a BS in mathematics and an MBA ^
and their enterprises. For over 20 years she has from SUNY Buffalo, and received his doctorate 3.
assisted clients ranging from start-ups to Fortune in business strategy and policy from Boston ^
50's across industries and sectors in the United University. LiPuma has nearly 20 years of S-
States, Japan, and Europe. Her clients include professional experience, including senior ©
Fidelity Investments, Sony, TRW, Kraft Foods, management, operating committee and board- G»
Baxter Healthcare, the UK National Health level roles. He has established new businesses
Service, Seiko/Epson, 3M, Infonet and GM/ (information technology consultancies) in both
Hughes. A former executive in the aerospace/ US domestic and international environments.
defense and pharmaceutical industries, Kossoff His research focuses on international
enjoys an outstanding reputation as an invited entrepreneurship, specifically new venture
speaker at conferences worldwide. She is the internationalization and its relationship to the
author of the Executive Field Guides, the award manner in which ventures are capitalized. He
winning book, Executive Thinking, and more teaches masters-level courses in strategy,
than 100 articles in journals and newspapers, international business, and entrepreneurship.
including the Financial Times and CEO
Magazine. Roger Lister is a chartered accountant and a
professor of finance at Salford University. After
Peter Koveos is professor and chair of the reading modern languages as a major open
Finance Department at the Whitman School of scholar at Oriel College, Oxford, he worked for
Management, Syracuse University. He is also international accounting firms KPMG and PwC,
the Kiebach chair in international business, specializing latterly in corporate taxation with
director of the Kiebach Center, and executive particular interest in the taxation of groups. In
director of the Africa Business Program at the his academic posts at Liverpool and Salford
Whitman School. As director of ExportNY, an universities, Lister has taught accounting,
institute for international business executives, corporate finance, and corporate tax and given
and the International Business Forum he works specialized courses on capital structure. His
closely with New York companies to develop research and publications have focused on
their international business strategies. He is also corporate finance. Recent work has included an
president of the Central New York International interdisciplinary perspective in which he
Business Alliance and has worked extensively in examines alternative cultural models and
Asia. Professor Koveos is editor of the Journal advocates a role for the arts in business
of Developmental Entrepreneurship and his education.
work has appeared in numerous professional
journals. Steven Lowe is a director at Pension
Corporation. Previously he was a senior credit
Meziane Lasfer is professor of finance at Cass portfolio manager with Legal and General
Business School, London, which he joined in Investment Management (LGIM), where he
1990. He has written extensively on corporate focused on structured solutions, derivatives, and
finance, capital markets, and corporate investment-grade credit for pension fund clients.
governance issues. His research is widely Before working at LGIM, he worked at Barclays
reported in the financial press and is published Global Investors, State Street Global Advisors
in top academic journals such as the Journal and Baring Asset Management. Lowe has 15
of Finance, the Journal of Finance and Quant- years of investment experience and was awarded
itative Analysis, the Journal of Banking and the Chartered Financial Analyst designation in
Finance, the Journal of Corporate Finance, the 1997-
Journal of Business Finance and Accounting,
Financial Management, the National Tax Maria Soledad Martinez Peria is a senior jT\
Journal, and European Financial Management. economist in the finance team of the Development ^^
He is a visiting professor at University Paris- Economics Research Group of the World Bank. 1—1
Dauphine. He teaches extensively masters, Her published research has focused on currency \Z^
PhDs, and executives at Cass and abroad. and banking crises, depositor market discipline, ?>

Financing and Raising Capital

* and foreign bank participation in developing Times, the Daily Telegraph, the Daily Mail, the
O countries. Currently she is conducting research Financial Times, and the Independent on
t|j on financial sector outreach and on the impact of Sunday.
jQ remittances on financial development. Prior to
*E joining the World Bank, she worked at the Tarun Sabarwal is assistant professor of
"2 Brookings Institution, the Central Bank of economics and Oswald Scholar at the University
O Argentina, the Federal Reserve Board, and the of Kansas. He received his doctorate from the
O International Monetary Fund. She holds a PhD University of California at Berkeley. His research
in economics from the University of California, interests include microeconomic theory and
Berkeley, and a BA from Stanford University. financial economics. Dr Sabarwal's work has
been published in a number of academic journals,
Thomas McKaig is a widely recognized most recently in Economic Theory, in Regional
Canadian author with 30 years of international Science and Urban Economics, and in Annals of
business experience in 40+ countries. He Finance, among others. He has presented his
delivers quality business solutions to clients in work at conferences around the world.
five languages. He owns Thomas McKaig
International, Inc., found at Sergio Schmukler is lead economist with the
He speaks internationally on quality management Development Research Group of the World
and international trade, and is an adjunct Bank. He has also worked continuously for the
professor, teaching Global Business Today in the Office of the Chief Economist for Latin America
Executive MBA program at the University of and for the East Asia and South Asia regions.
Guelph. His most recent book is Global Business Besides his work for the World Bank, he has
Today (McGraw Hill-Ryerson), with his next been treasurer of LACEA (Latin American and
international business book due in stores in Caribbean Economic Association) since 2004,
November 2011. He has served as executive in was associate editor of the Journal of
residence at the University of Tennessee and Development Economics (2001-2004), taught
Universidad de Montevideo and was worldwide in the Department of Economics, University of
strategic marketing adviser to the United States Maryland (1999-2003), and worked in the
Treasury Department Bureau of the US Mint's International Monetary Fund Research
Gold Eagle Bullion coin program. Department (2004-2005). He gained his PhD at
the University of California at Berkeley.
Wondimu Mekonnen is a program director
of accounting and finance and a lecturer in William K. Sjostrom, Jr, is a professor of law
management accounting at the University of at the James E. Rogers College of Law at the
Buckingham. Before joining the University University of Arizona. He graduated magna cum
of Buckingham, he lectured at Addis Ababa laude from Notre Dame Law School in 1996,
University for many years and briefly at Grafton where he was an editor of the Law Review and a
College. He also worked for seven and a half years Dean's Scholar. Prior to law school, Professor
for JSA Services, a firm of chartered accountants Sjostrom worked as an options trader at the
based in Watford, UK, in the capacity of Chicago Board Options Exchange. He received
accountant and corporate tax accountant, where his undergraduate degree in finance with high
he gained extensive experience of dealing with honors from the University of Illinois in 1991.
small investors and private entrepreneurs. Before entering academia, Sjostrom worked for
four years at the Minneapolis law firm of
Lauren Mills is a senior financial journalist Fredrikson & Byron, where he focused on public
with 17 years' experience working for business and private securities offerings, venture capital
publications and national newspapers. She was financing, and mergers and acquisitions.
retail correspondent for the Sunday Telegraph
for more than five years and went on to become Chris Skinner is well known as an authority on
;_L} enterprise editor at the Sunday Express, before the future of banking. He chairs the Financial
QJ joining the Mail on Sunday's financial desk Services Club, a European networking group,
^ covering a range of sectors that now includes works with the media, and presents extensively
<H banking, insurance, private equity, mining, at conferences globally, speaking about the
>^ pharmaceuticals, and manufacturing. She has future of banking. He has written several books
H-H also contributed business articles to the Sunday on the subject and keeps a daily blog at

Contributors Previously, he was vice several studies on IPOs, but is also interested in O
president of marketing and strategy for Unisys private equity, venture capital, and international ©
Global Financial Services and strategy director finance. He also studies the market's S
with NCR Financial Services. Skinner is also a microstructure and investigates the strategic £2.
cofounder of the website for strategists behavior of informed and less informed traders O- to better understand how information is re-
incorporated into market prices. Dr van Bommel ©
Siri Terjesen holds a PhD from Cranfield holds a university degree in engineering from (ft
School of Management (2006), a master's in the University of Eindhoven, an MBA from the
international business from the Norwegian IESE Business School, and a PhD in finance from
SchoolofEconomicsandBusinessAdministration INSEAD. In between his studies he worked in
(Norges Handelshuyskole), where she was a international sales and marketing.
Fulbright scholar (2002), and a BS in business
administration from the University of Richmond, David Wyss is chief economist at Standard &
Virginia (1997). She is an assistant professor in Poor's. He is responsible for S&P's economic
the Kelley School of Business at Indiana forecasts and publications. Wyss joined Data
University and a visiting research fellow in the Resources, Inc., in 1979 as an economist in the
entrepreneurship, growth, and public policy European Economic Service in London, which
group at the Max Planck Institute of Economics was acquired by McGraw-Hill. He returned to
in Jena, Germany. She has been widely published the United States in 1983 as chief financial
in leading journals and is a coauthor of Strategic economist for DRI/McGraw-Hill, became chief
Management: Logic & Action (Wiley, 2008). economist for Standard & Poor's DRI in 1992,
and chief economist for Standard & Poor's in
Jon Tucker is professor offinanceat the Bristol 1999. Wyss holds a BS from the Massachusetts
Business School of the University of the West of Institute of Technology and a PhD in economics
England and is director of the Centre for Global from Harvard University.
Finance there. He holds a PhD in European
corporate finance (1995) and a BSc in applied Pierre Yourougou is associate professor of
economics (1991), both from the University of finance at the Whitman School of Management,
Plymouth. He has published frequently in Syracuse University. He is also managing
leading finance journals and is associate editor director of the Africa Business Program at the
of the Journal of Finance and Management in Whitman School. His research and teaching
Public Services. He is chief examiner in interests are in the areas of corporate finance,
investment analysis for the Securities and financial institutions and markets, and emerging
Investment Institute and visiting professor at markets. Prior to joining Syracuse University in
Universitatea Babes-Bolyai, in Romania. 2006, Professor Yourougou worked for the
World Bank, where he held various senior level
Jos van Bommel is associate professor at CEU positions in the corporate finance, financial
Cardenal Herrera University, in Valencia, Spain. products development, and public debt
He was formerly a lecturer in finance at Oxford management departments. He received his PhD
University's Said Business School and conducts in banking and finance from New York
empirical and theoretical research in various University's Stern School of Business.
areas of corporate finance. He has completed


Best Practice
Issuing Debt
Optimizing the Capital Structure: Finding
the Right Balance between Debt and
Equity by Meziane Lasfer
• Just over 50 years ago Miller and Modigliani (1958) showed that under a certain set of
conditions—namely perfect capital markets with no taxes and agency conflicts—a firm's capital c
structure is irrelevant to its valuation.
• Their results are controversial and have raised a large number of questions from academics and era
• This article summarizes the main issues underlying the choice by firms of an appropriate capital
structure, taking into account their specific fundamentals as well as macroeconomic factors.
• It presents the benefits and costs of borrowing, describes how to assess these to arrive at the
basic trade-off between debt and equity, and examines conditions under which debt becomes

TYPES OF FINANCING interest and tax, it does not have priority in

There are three financing methods that bankruptcy, and it provides management
companies can use: debt, equity, and hybrid control for the owner.
securities. This categorization is based on the
main characteristics of the securities. Hybrid Securities
Hybrid securities are securities that share some
Debt Financing characteristics with both debt and equity and
Debt financing ranges from simple bank debt include, for example, convertible securities
to commercial paper and corporate bonds. It is (defined as debt that can be converted into
a contractual arrangement between a company equity at a prespecified date and conversion
and an investor, whereby the company pays a rate), preferred stock, and option-linked bonds.
predetermined claim (or interest) that is not a
function of its operating performance, but which In 1958 Modigliani and Miller demonstrated that,
is treated in accounting standards as an expense under a certain set of assumptions, the choice
for tax purposes and is therefore tax-deductible. between any of these securities (referred to as
The debt has afixedlife and has a priority claim capital structure or leverage) is not relevant to a
on cash flows in both operating periods and company's valuation. The assumptions include:
bankruptcy. This is because interest is paid no taxes, no costs of financial distress, perfect
before the claims to equity holders, and, if the capital markets, no interest rate differentials,
company defaults on interest payments, it will be no agency costs (rationality), and no transaction
declared bankrupt, its assets will be sold, and the costs. These assumptions are, in fact, the main
amount owed to debt holders will be paid before drivers of capital structure and gave rise to the
any payments are made to equity holders. trade-off theory of leverage.
Equity Financing THE TRADE-OFF OF DEBT
Equity financing includes owners' equity, In this so-called Miller-Modigliani framework,
venture capital (equity capital provided to a
private firm in exchange for a share ownership
firms choose their optimal level of leverage by
weighing the following benefits and costs of debt o
of the firm), common equity, and warrants (the financing.
right to buy a share of stock in a company at a
fixed price during the life of the warrant). Unlike Benefits of Debt
debt, it is permanent in the company, its claim There are two main advantages of debt financing:
is residual and does not create a tax advantage taxation, and added discipline. O
from its payments as dividends are paid after Taxation: Since the interest on debt is paid

Financing and Raising Capital

before taxation, whereas dividends paid to equity bondholders, loss of future financial flexibility,
holders are usually paid from profit after tax, the and the cost of information asymmetry.
cost of debt is substantially less than the cost of Expected bankruptcy cost. Given that debt
equity. This tax-deductibility of interest makes holders can declare a company bankrupt if it
u debt financing attractive. Suppose that the debt of defaults on its interest payment, companies
a company is $100 million and the interest rate is that have a high level of debt are likely to have
(A 10%. Every year the company pays interest of $10 a high probability of facing such a default. This
million. Suppose that the corporation tax rate is probability is also increased when a company is
30%. If the company does not pay tax, its interest operating in a high business risk environment.
will be $10 million and the cost of debt will be Debt financing creates financial risk. Thus,
10%. However, if the company is able to deduct companies that have high business risk should
Q the tax on this $10 million from its corporation not increase their risk of default by taking on
tax payment, then the company saves $10 million a high financial risk through their use of debt.
c x 30% = $3 million in tax payments per year, Evidence indicates that much of the loss of
• IN making the effective interest payment only $7 value occurs not in the liquidation process but
to million. If the debt is permanent, every year in the stage of financial distress, when the firm
en the company will have a $3 million tax saving, is struggling to pay its bills (including interest),
referred to as a tax shield. We can compute the even though it may not go on to be liquidated.
present value (PV) by discounting annual value Agency costs: These costs arise when a company
by the cost of debt, as follows: borrows funds and the managers use the funds to
finance alternative, usually more risky, activities
k x Dx t
PV of tax shield - - - -Dxt
than those specified in the borrowing contract
to generate higher returns to stockholders. The
greater the separation between managers and
where kd is the cost of debt, D is the amount of lenders, the higher the agency costs.
debt, and the product of kd and D gives the amount Loss of future financing flexibility: When a
of the interest charge. tc is the corporation tax firm increases its debt substantially, it faces
rate. We simplify the ratio by kd to obtain the difficulties raising additional debt. Companies
present value of the tax shield as the product of that can forecast their future financing needs
the amount of debt and the corporation tax rate. accurately can plan their financing better and
Thus, the value of a company that is financed may not raise additional funds randomly. In
with debt and equity (such a company is referred general, the greater the uncertainty about future
to "levered") should be equal to its value if it is financing needs, the higher the costs.
financed only with equity plus the present value Information asymmetry: When companies
of the tax shield. We can write this value as: do not disclose information to the market, their
information asymmetry will be high, resulting in
Value of levered firm with debt D = a higher cost of debt financing.
Value of nonlevered firm + D x f. Redeployable assets of debt: Lenders require
some sort of security when they fund a company.
These arguments suggest that the after-tax cost This security is referred to as collateral. Lenders
of debt can be computed as 10% x (1 - 30%) = accept assets that can be resold or redeployed
7%. into other activities, such as property (real
Added discipline: In practice, the managers estate), as collateral. In general, the lower the
are not the owners of the company. This so- value of the redeployable assets of debt, the
called separation of managers and stockholders higher are the costs.
raises the possibility that managers may prefer
to maximize their own wealth rather that of the FINANCING CHOICES AND A FIRM'S
stockholders. This is referred to as the agency LIFE CYCLE
conflict. In general, debt may make managers Although companies may prefer to use internal
more disciplined because debt requires a fixed financing to minimize the issuance (transaction)
payment of interest, and defaulting on such costs, the trend in financing depends critically
payments will lead a company to bankruptcy. on the firm's life cycle.
Start-ups are small, privately owned companies.
Costs of Debt They are likely to befinancedby owners' funds and
Debt has a number of disadvantages, including bank borrowings. Their funding needs are high,
a higher probability of bankruptcy, an increase but their ability to raise external funding is limited
in the agency conflicts between managers and because they do not have sufficient assets to offer as

Optimizing the Capital Structure: Balancing Debt and Equity

security tofinanceproviders. They will try to seek CONCLUSION

private equity funding. Their long-term leverage is This article discussed the different financing
likely to be low as they are mainly financed with en
methods companies can use and then argued
short-term debt. that their choice depends on the costs and
Expanding companies are those that benefits of debtfinancingand the firm's life cycle.
have succeeded in attracting customers and
For example, whereas start-up companies are
establishing a presence in the market. They
are likely to be financed by private equity and/ likely to be financed with private personal funds,
or venture capital in addition to owners' equity making their leverage low, mature companies
and bank debt. Their level of debt is low and they tend to have high leverage because they are
have more short-term than long-term debt in able to mitigate the costs of debt and gain from (ft
their capital structure. the tax benefits. In addition to these factors, s=
High-growth companies are likely to be in practice firms may choose their financing
publicly traded, with rapidly growing revenues. mix by mimicking comparable firms, or they «
They will issue equity in the form of common may adopt the average level of debt of all the
stock, warrants, and other equity options, and
probably convertible debt. They are likely to
companies in their industry. These methods are 8-
not highly recommendable as they may result in
have a moderate leverage.
a suboptimal choice. In other cases they follow
Mature companies are likely to finance their
activities by internal financing, debt, and equity. a financing hierarchy, where retained earnings
Their leverage is likely to be relatively high but are the preferred option, followed by external
will depend on the costs and benefits of debt and financing in the form of debt, and then equity.
their fundamental factors, such as business risk This preference is driven by the transaction and
and taxation. monitoring costs.

The choice of financing is strategic and involves the following issues:
• Both low- and high-debt financing are suboptimal. Companies should aim for the most
advantageous level of debt financing, whereby the costs are minimized and the benefits are
• The costs of debt include a greater probability of bankruptcy, an increase in the agency conflicts
between managers and bondholders, a loss of future financial flexibility (including the availability
of collateral assets), and information asymmetry costs.
• The benefits relate mainly to tax shields and the added discipline to mitigate the agency conflicts
between stockholders and managers.
• This equilibrium applies primarily to mature companies. Start-ups and growth companies are
likely to have lower leverage as their borrowing capacity is low. It also applies to companies that
normally pay dividends and do not accumulate cash for reinvestment in order to avoid the need
to raise external financing.
• The recent financial crisis has highlighted another issue in debt financing, namely liquidity.
Leverage concepts were developed mainly in times when debt financing was fully available.
In the current credit crisis this is no longer the case. Companies therefore now have to pay
an extra liquidity cost to raise additional capital. The question is whether this is a temporary
situation or a permanent one, in which case debt will become more costly and leverage will be
lower than in the past.
• Another challenge of debt financing relates to the ethics of the use of excessive debt financing,
particularly by financial institutions. Pettifor (2006) was able to foresee the current crisis, tracing
debt financing back to early times and arguing that religions are against debt because it results
in usury. She provides interesting arguments, challenging the whole structure of debt financing,
payment of interest, and interest tax deductibility. Possibly a new structure of debt that is linked
to the profitability of assets and incurs no interest will emerge from the current crisis.

Financing and Raising Capital

jj Books:
£j Damodaran, Aswath. Applied Corporate Finance: A User's Manual. 2nd ed. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley,
£ 2006.
4-» Pettifor, A n n . The Coming First World Debt Crisis. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2 0 0 6 .
,S» Articles:
Graham, John R., and Campbell R. Harvey. "How do CFOs make capital budgeting and capital
4^ structure decisions?" Journal of Applied Corporate Finance 15:1 (Spring 2002): 8-23. Online at:
^ Lasfer, Meziane A. "Agency costs, taxes and debt: The UK evidence." European Financial
\JT Management 1:3 (November 1995): 265-285. Online at:
*fl Modigliani, Franco, and Merton H. Miller. "The cost of capital, corporation finance and the theory of
(Z> investment." American Economic Review 48:3 (June 1958): 261-297. Online at:
Websites: article "Debt financing—Pros and cons": article "Debt financing":
Washington State University teaching module "Financing sources for ICTs: Debt finance":


Issuing Corporate Debt by Steven Lowe
• The Nobel Prize-winning Modigliani and Miller theorem that capital structure does not matter
does not reflect the inefficiencies of the real world.
• Taxes, default costs, agency costs, equity dilution issues, credit rationing, and stockholder/
debtholder tensions all impact the economists' perfect market.
• Divergent goals between debt and equity holders lead to a number of behaviors, such as
decision risk shifting, underinvestment, and asset stripping, which can skew the financing
decision. Debt covenants exist to even out the risk/reward structures between debt and equity
• Current economic theory suggests that an optimal capital structure that balances the risk of
bankruptcy with the tax savings of debt does exist, although it can be a struggle for individual
corporations to hit this target amid the constantly changing influences of the modern operating

INTRODUCTION of possible explanations for the relevance of

The existence and determination of optimal particular financial structures has emerged,
capital structure is an ongoing topic of research centering around the impact of taxes, the costs
in corporate finance. In a perfect market setting, of default, agency costs, equity dilution, and
with no frictions, Modigliani and Miller's seminal credit rationing, as well as the differing goals
research in 1958 suggested that the market value of management and sponsors. Modigliani and
of a firm is independent of its capital structure. In Miller have also suggested that firms maintain
other words, capital structure does not matter. a reserve borrowing capacity to allow for
Miller (1991) explained the intuition for this economic uncertainty. We will look at each of
with a simple analogy: "Think of the firm as a these potential inefficiencies in turn.
gigantic tub of whole milk. The farmer can sell
the whole milk as it is. Or he can separate out the IMPACT OF TAXES
cream, and sell it at a considerably higher price Of the most obvious violations of Modigliani
than the whole milk would bring." He continued: and Miller's assumptions are corporate taxes
"The Modigliani-Miller proposition says that and the tax deductibility of interest payments.
if there were no costs of separation (and, of Usually, interest payments made to debtholders
course, no government dairy support program), are deducted from corporate profits before
the cream plus the skim milk would bring the they are taxed. Consequently, the corporate tax
same price as the whole milk." The essence of saved acts as a subsidy on interest payments.
the argument is that increasing the amount of For example, if the tax rate is 34%, then for
debt (cream) lowers the value of outstanding every dollar paid in interest payments 34 cents
equity (skim milk)—selling off safe cash flows of corporate taxes are avoided by the company
to debtholders leaves the firm with more lower- (although those receiving the interest must pay
valued equity, keeping the total value of the firm tax on their interest income). In contrast, if
unchanged. Put differently, any gain from using income is paid out as dividends to stockholders,
more of what might seem to be cheaper debt is that income is taxed twice, once at the corporate
offset by the higher cost of now riskier equity. level via corporate taxes, and again as an income
Hence, given a fixed amount of total capital, the tax on the equity holder. Hence, any corporation
allocation of capital between debt and equity is seeking to minimize its taxes and maximize the
irrelevant because the weighted average of the revenues available to investors should finance
two costs of capital to the firm is the same for all itself entirely with debt.
possible combinations of the two. In a 1977 article, "Determinants of corporate
Of course, corporations do not operate in borrowing," Myers showed that considering
a perfect world, and few if any companies are corporate taxes in isolation does not reflect
100% debt financed. Since Modigliani and real world economic interactions. Transferring
Miller's Nobel Prize-winning paper, a host interest payments to individual bondholders to

Financing and Raising Capital

avoid corporate taxes does not make investors AGENCY COSTS

any better off if they then have to pay higher The decision to issue corporate debt arises
personal taxes on that interest income than the from the conflict between competing sources of
corporation and investors would have owed had finance offered by the debt and equity markets.
u the corporation not used debt. Miller argued that There are large differences between a firm that
because tax rates on capital gains have often been is 100% owner managed and one in which the
lower than tax rates on individuals' dividend and equity is owned by external stockholders or a
M interest income, the firm might lower the total mix of the managers and outside stockholders.
tax bill paid by the corporation and investor With external stockholders, the managers act as
combined by not issuing debt at all. Moreover, agent for the ultimate owners. Although these
-8 taxes owed on capital gains can be deferred until agents should run the firm to maximize its value,
they may not be perfect agents for the equity
Q the realization of those gains, further lowering
the effective tax rate on capital gains. Because owners as they may make some decisions to
of this interaction, there is an optimal level of further their own interests ahead of the ultimate
debt (less than the 100% suggested above) for owners. Agents could award themselves excess
pay or benefits, or indulge in empire-building to
corporations as a whole.
increase their own reputations. They may even
favor the security of the debtholders rather than
DEFAULT COSTS the returns of the stockholders. The impact of
Costs associated with financial distress these agency costs can affect the distribution of
and, more obviously, bankruptcy also keep financing for a corporate.
firms from issuing large levels of debt
compared to their level of underlying equity CREDIT RATIONING
finance. These costs can take two forms, being Traditional economics argues from the
either explicit or implicit. Explicit default standpoint that markets are efficient (as we have
costs include the payments made to lawyers, seen with Modigliani and Miller's contribution).
accountants, and other professional advisers In 1981 Joseph Stiglitz and Andrew Weiss
in the case of bankruptcy and liquidation, suggested that markets are only efficient under
or filing for Chapter 11 protection. These exceptional circumstances. To reduce potential
costs can represent a significant portion of total losses, lenders without perfect knowledge of
corporate assets, which are lost to investors their counterparties have an incentive not only
in the case of bankruptcy. Corporations also to charge higher rates to high-risk lenders, but
need to consider the indirect costs of financial also to ration the provision of credit to them
distress that occur as a company moves closer as well. The concern for the lender is that, as it
to default and bankruptcy. These can include raises the rate of interest charged for its loans,
higher costs from suppliers which fear that the only those firms which are most desperate
company might not pay its future bills, and the for finance will take the loans, and these are
loss of customers who want stable and long- precisely the corporations that are most likely
term relationships with their suppliers and to go into bankruptcy. If bankruptcy occurs, the
counterparties. corporation is able to walk away from its debt
and the lending institution underwrites the cost
Clearly, investors would prefer that firms stay of failure. This suggests that if a firm is able to
out of default or financial distress so that these obtain a large amount of loan financing, it has a
costs, both explicit and implicit, are not incurred. large incentive to undertake higher-risk projects
However, as a corporation takes on more because the risk is asymmetric.
and more debt, the probability of bankruptcy Typically, credit rationing will most often
increases. Hence, the marginal benefit of further happen with smaller and younger corporations,
increases in debt declines as debt increases. At which are more likely to be owned by their
the same time, the marginal cost increases, so founders, rather than to firms that have a track
that afirmthat is optimizing its overall value will record or some existing external investors. It is
focus on this trade-off when choosing how much
U debt and how much equity to use for financing.
with these owner-managed firms that the risk
of imperfect knowledge creates most tension
These costs are one of the factors that restrain between equity and debt holders. Not only is
firms from maintaining very high levels of debt, it likely that the manager/owner of a firm has
and are why different industries, with different superior information on his business, but he
earnings volatility, can support different levels can also adjust his managerial or investment
of debt. strategy after concluding a debt contract.

Issuing Corporate Debt
Only corporations with riskier projects would the bondholders would be better off with the
be ready to take high interest rate loans, so investment, equity holders will be unwilling to
raising the interest rate without credit rationing pay for them. Alternatively, as corporate default
would increase the proportion of risky borrowers approaches, equity stockholders will be willing
and reduce the overall profitability of the to invest all their current investment in a very
lender. risky project with high potential returns. If the
project fails, the bondholders will lose more, but
EQUITY DILUTION the stockholders can be no worse off because
Myers and Majluf (1984) produced research their claims were worthless anyway. If, however,
suggesting that owner-managers use external the project succeeds, the stockholders will be the
financing (debt or equity) only when there is major beneficiaries.
insufficient internal financing (i.e. their own Finally, and perhaps most obviously, stock-
money) available for new projects. Indeed, they holders could just pay out all of the firm's
go as far as to suggest that managers prefer to assets as dividends to themselves, leaving
issue debt over equity. The idea behind this an empty shell for the bondholders to claim
theory is that managers often believe they have a when the firm is then unable to repay its debt.
better idea of the true worth of their corporation In an effort to prevent this, most debt issues
than potential outside bond or equity investors. or bank lending will have covenants attached
Since potential investors cannot adequately to prevent the equity holders stripping assets,
value stock, it would generally be sold at a price and hence security, away from the corporation
below the price the managers think appropriate. that takes on the debt financing. These covenants
Rather than sell stock too cheaply, therefore, exist to restrict stockholders' freedom of
managers who need externalfinancingwill prefer action, and to try to even out the risk/reward
to issue debt. It can be argued that in issuing structures between debt and equity holders.
equity to outside investors, owner-managers
However, bond contracts cannot prevent all
might think that the firm is overvalued and that
the current owners are taking advantage of this
overvaluation. This reinforces the view that debt All of these strategies—risk shifting, under-
is likely to be preferred over equity in smaller, investment, paying out large dividends—are
private companies. more likely the more indebted is the firm.
Stockholders may adopt policies that benefit
themselves at the expense of the bondholders,
and the incentive to do this is strongest when it
is not clear that the firm will have sufficient cash
The idea of bondholder and stockholder conflict is
flow to cover its debt payments.
widely accepted as a key determinant of financial
policy. Bondholders and stockholders often have Potential lenders know this and limit the debt
competing aims and attitudes to risk-taking they extend accordingly. Similarly, corporate
behavior. Even in highly profitable corporations, managers who want to attract lenders and debt
stockholders bear most of the investment funding have to judge how much debt is suitable
costs but share the benefits with bondholders. for a company in a particular industry and state
Consequently, bondholders typically value a of growth. Youngfirmsin high-growth industries,
risk-averse strategy as that will increase the for example, tend to use less debt, and firms in
chances of getting all their investment back. stable industries with large quantities of fixed
Stockholders, on the other hand, are willing assets tend to use more debt.
to take on riskier projects. If the risky projects
succeed, they will get all the profit themselves, CONCLUSION
whereas if the projects fail the risk is shared with Current economic theory, based on many of the
the bondholders. ideas discussed above, suggests that an optimal
Another area where these divergent goals capital structure exists that balances the risk of
are clearly demonstrated is with the problem bankruptcy with the tax savings of debt. Once
of underinvestment in times of financial established, this capital structure should provide
difficulty. Stockholders have little incentive greater returns to stockholders than they would
to invest in new projects as corporate default receive from an all-equity firm. However, the
approaches, because the funds they contribute complexities of the competitive environment
to the enterprise will benefit bondholders and and the huge diversity of corporations and their
other creditors in the event of default; this is competitive environments all affect an individual
the so-called debt overhang problem. Even if corporation's optimal capital structure.

Financing and Raising Capital

y • Economic theory can only help so much in deciding the optimal financing structure for a
5J corporation.
QH • Modigliani and Miller's seminal work in 1958 suggested that it did not matter whether a
•M corporation was debt or equity financed, but the perfect assumptions on which their theorem
V rested have proved an unrealistic fit to corporate experience of the real world. Here taxes, the
PQ fear of bankruptcy, and the divergent aims of bond and stockholders, particularly in times of
• financial distress, far outweigh the pull of economic theory.
jS • The ideal mix of financing for an individual corporation is almost impossible to find because of
<W near constantly shifting debt and equity market sentiment in response to perceived risk and
" return, and the competitive environment of an individual corporation.
I? • However, a corporation can benchmark its financing structure against its competitors, similar
•JH industries, and the advice of consultants and investors.

Chew, Donald H., Jr. The New Corporate Finance: Where Theory Meets Practice. 3rd ed. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 2 0 0 1 .
Jaffee, D. M. Credit Rationing and the Credit Loan Market. New York: Wiley, 1 9 7 1 .
Allen, Franklin, and Douglas Gale. "Optimal security design." Review of Financial Studies 1:3 (Fall
1988): 2 2 9 - 2 6 3 . Online at:
Donaldson, Gordon. "Financial goals: Management vs stakeholders." Harvard Business Review
(May-June 1963): 116-129.
Hackbarth, Dirk. "Determinants of corporate borrowing: A behavioral perspective." Paper presented
at 14th Annual Utah Winter Finance Conference, February 5 - 7 , 2004.
Harris, Milton, and Artur Raviv. "The theory of capital structure." Journal of Finance 4 6 : 1 (March
1991): 2 9 7 - 3 5 5 . Online at: = 11098
Jensen, Michael C , and William H. Meckling. "Theory of the f i r m : Managerial behavior, agency
costs and ownership structure." Journal of Financial Economics 3:4 (October 1976): 3 0 5 - 3 6 0 .
Online at:
Miller, Merton H. "Debt and taxes." Journal of Finance 32:2 (May 1977): 2 6 1 - 2 7 5 . Online at: asp?ref=9267
Miller, Merton H. "Leverage." Journal of Finance 4 6 : 2 (June 1991): 4 7 9 - 4 8 8 . Online at:
Modigliani, Franco, and Merton H. Miller. "The cost of capital, corporation finance and the theory of
investment." American Economic Review 48:3 (June 1958): 2 6 1 - 2 9 7 . Online at:
Myers, Stewart C. "Determinants of corporate borrowing." Journal of Financial Economics 5:2
(November 1977): 147-175. Online at:
Myers, Stewart C. "The capital structure puzzle." Journal of Finance 39:3 (July 1984): 5 7 5 - 5 9 2 .
Online at: 10308
Myers, Stewart C , and Nicholas S. Majluf. "Corporate financing and investment decisions when
firms have information that investors do not have." Journal of Financial Economics 13:2 (June
1984): 1 8 7 - 2 2 1 . Online at:
Simerly, Roy L , and Mingfang Li. "Re-thinking the capital structure decision: Translating research
into practical solutions." B>Quest (2002). Online at:
UA Stiglitz, Joseph E. "On the irrelevance of corporate financial policy." American Economic Review
QJ 64:6 (December 1974): 8 5 1 - 8 6 6 . Online at:
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pK Stiglitz, Joseph E, and Andrew Weiss. "Credit rationing in markets with imperfect information."
^ American Economic Review 71:3 (June 1981): 3 9 3 - 4 1 0 . Online at:
LL, Website:
Q^ Wikipedia article on capital structure:

Banks and Small and Medium-
Sized Enterprises: Recent Business
Developments by Sergio Schmukler, Augusto
de la Torre, and Maria Soledad Martinez Peria
• Banks consider SMEs to be core strategic businesses with a high profit potential.
• To serve SMEs, banks are now establishing separate dedicated units, standardized processes,
and risk-management systems.
• The relationship manager's role is crucial for attracting new customers, and selling products to G
existing SME customers.
• Banks are increasingly serving SMEs through different transactional technologies, which
emphasize cross-selling.
• Large, multiple-service banks are the main players in the SME market.

INTRODUCTION 2006). Third, banks try to serve SMEs in a

A common perception is that small and holistic way through a wide range of products
medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) cannot and services, with fee-based products rising in
access appropriate financing. This perception importance, placing cross-selling at the heart of
is often supported by academic and policy their business strategy.
circles' "conventional wisdom" that banks are Under this new model of bank engagement
generally not interested in dealing with SMEs, with SMEs, larger, multiple-service banks
mainly due to SMEs* perceived opaqueness1 and exhibit, through the use of new technologies,
higher informality.2 As capital markets do not business models, and risk-management systems,
compensate for these deficiencies in the banking a comparative advantage in offering a wide
sector, the need to receive special assistance, such range of products and services on a large scale,
as government programs to increase lending, has becoming leaders in this business segment.
been suggested.3 In recent years, SME financing
initiatives included government-subsidized lines
of credit and public guarantee funds.4
Banks' high level of interest towards SMEs
In the academic literature, there is evidence has, consequently, brought major changes to
that banks (especially small and niche players) business models. First, as SMEs have become
engage with SMEs through relationship lending. a strategic sector, banks are changing their
Relationship lending can overcome opaqueness
organizational set-up to approach and serve this
due to the primary reliance on "soft" information
segment efficiently. Two main structures can be
gathered by the loan officer through continuous,
broadly categorized. The first combines the work
personalized, direct contacts with SMEs.5
However, in a series of studies recently conducted of a commercial and credit risk team established
by the World Bank, new stylized facts point to a at headquarters, with relationship managers
gap between the conventional view and the way distributed throughout the branches. The
banks are actually interacting with SMEs.6 second consists of business centers or regional
First, new evidence suggests that most banks, centers that operate as mediators between
including large and foreign banks, indeed serve headquarters and branches, with a team leader
SMEs, finding this segment very profitable.7 or regional manager who controls and trains
Second, different transactional technologies the relationship managers of the corresponding O
that facilitate arms-length lending (such as branches. In addition, banks are establishing
credit scoring and significantly standardized separate, dedicated units with new strategies to
risk-rating tools and processes, as well as special cater adequately for the specific needs of SMEs.
products such as asset-based lending, factoring, These dedicated business units approach SMEs in
fixed-asset lending, and leasing) are increasingly an integrated way, offering them a wide variety of
products and services, including both deposits
applied to SME financing (Berger and Udell,

Financing and Raising Capital

and loan products. In this set-up, relationship scoring models are still being developed, and
o primarily applied to small loans.
managers (RMs) are instrumental in attracting
new customers, and selling products to existing Monitoring of the credit-risk outlook is
ones. RMs look for new clients and prepare the standardized at the majority of banks. Some
information of each SME that is presented at the monitoring mechanisms used frequently are
regional centers or at headquarters. They develop preventive triggers and alerts automatically
a relationship with the client, and, in some cases, generated to signal the deterioration of the
RMs are allowed to express their opinion, make SMEs' payment capacity. However, credit-risk
recommendations, or even present the case to monitoring still depends on the diligence of the
the credit committee. relationship manager or the credit-risk analyst.
v Second, the new model serves SMEs at all Some banks use a system that allows different
Q branches, and with standardized processes, individuals to provide input on each enterprise
facilitating the reduction of the high transaction (such as auditors, back-office staff, sales
C personnel, and risk analysts).
costs that dealing with each SME entails. In most
cases, branches and headquarters complement The business and risk-management models
CO each other and undertake different functions. described above can be better pursued by large
The initial stages of granting loans to SMEs universal banks, especially foreign ones, which
are decentralized in most banks, while later can be more aggressive in reaching out to SME
stages, such as risk analysis or loan recovery, are clients, and are better suited to conduct lending
usually centralized. In addition, banks exploit based on automated scoring models for small
the synergies of working with different types of loans (as they have the know-how and models
clients. Using information from existing firm to do so) and template-type rating systems for
databases, such as credit bureaus, relying on larger loans (based on streamlined, standardized
existing deposit clients, and attracting clients versions of corporate rating).
with bank credit are also common approaches
that banks use to identify prospective SMEs. SME EVIDENCE
SMEs interact with banks using a variety of
Third, regarding credit-risk management,
products, mostly checking and savings accounts,
banks are reorganizing their systems, with
as well as term loans.8 Furthermore, SMEs do
a greater degree of sophistication among not exclusively obtain financing via "relationship
international banks and the leading, large loans." SMEs accessfinancingproducts that do not
domestic banks. Typically, risk management depend on the bank processing soft information
is a process that is organizationally separated on the firm.9 An interesting finding is that the
from sales, and primarily done independently provision of loans through public programs or
at headquarters. In most large banks, credit-risk guarantees is low. The highest usage of public
management is not automated. Furthermore, programs observed is in Chile, with 8% of SMEs
in most cases, credit-risk management involves reporting using them; other countries are reporting
a credit-risk analyst, who is in charge of percentages of around 3% (World Bank, 2007a).
conducting both qualitative and quantitative Nonetheless, while SMEs increasingly interact
risk assessments on the SME. The quality rating with banks to purchase a range of products and
of SME management and SWOT (strengths, services, SMEs still appear unable to obtain
weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) access to crucial products such as loans secured
analysis are the main components of qualitative by certain forms of collateral (for example,
assessments, while the financial analysis and accounts receivable, inventories, equipment,
projections of the SME firm and the SME cattle, and intangible assets), or long-term,
owner are the main quantitative assessments. fixed-interest rate loans in domestic currency.
Qualitative assessments usually include an However, it is still unclear how much SMEs
analysis of the SMEs' products, their demand and in developing countries would be able to rely
market structure, the quality of the owners and on banks to obtain those products. As the US
managers (including the degree of separation literature indicates (Carey et al, 1993; and
u between management and owners), the degree Berger and Udell, 1996), SMEs might have
z of informality, the years of activity in the sector, to rely on private placements and non-bank

and the vulnerability to foreign-exchange-rate institutions. Bank financing for certain SMEs,
fluctuations. Quantitative assessments entail such as start-ups (in particular, those in high-
an analysis of profitability, cash-flow generation tech or research-based industries), is also likely

capacity, solvency, quality of assets, structure of to remain limited, as has proven to be the case in
balance sheets, and global guarantees. Moreover, developed markets such as the United States.

Banks and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

Government Interventions in Colombia10
While direct government funding programs have been described as relatively unsuccessful, policy
innovations could still prove important for SME financing. For example, in Colombia, several policy
measures targeted towards the micro and SME segments have been introduced since 2004. On
the one hand, non-financial instruments have been implemented, including training programs to
increase competitiveness, and promote technological development and exports. On the other hand,
financial instruments have been introduced, including the further expansion of existing government
programs, and promoting the development of alternative financing instruments (investment funds, (ft
factoring/supplier financing, fiduciary structures, etc).
Colombian government programs include long-term development funds and partial credit
guarantees. Longer-term development funding is mainly provided in the form of rediscounting lines
at below-market rates by the state-owned, second-tier credit institutions, Bancoldex,11 Finagro,12 d
and Findeter.13 Partial credit guarantees—typically around 50% loan-loss coverage—are provided
by FNG,14 as well as by FAG1S for the agricultural sector. The role of these institutions—particularly
Bancdldex and FNG—has been cited as instrumental in promoting access to credit for SMEs.
The authorities have recently embarked on an initiative to improve financial access, including
for SMEs. The low level of financial penetration in Colombia, both in response to pre-crisis levels
and in comparison to regional peers, has prompted the authorities to take measures to expand
access to credit and other financial services. Both demand- and supply-side barriers have been
identified, and will be tackled via regulatory reforms and the Banca de las Oportunidades initiative.
Recent policy measures include the introduction of correspondent banking arrangements, changes
in the definition of the interest-rate ceiling, the passage of legislation on credit reporting, and the
strengthening of creditor rights via a new bankruptcy law. Additional proposed reforms include
changes to the civil code on enforcement procedures and to the financial system structure, as well
as plans for the introduction of a special savings account for low-income households. In addition,
the Banca de las Oportunidades initiative aims to design and propose measures to stimulate
financial access, particularly for low-income households.

CONCLUSION segment, it is likely that the models to work with

In summary, the new evidence shows that the SMEs will evolve significantly as the involvement
whole spectrum of private banks Oarge and small, with the SME segment increases.
domestic and foreign) has started to perceive However, there are issues that remain for future
SMEs as a strategic sector. Banks are aggressively work. Although banks appear to have become
expanding, or planning to expand, their operations more involved with SMEs, banks may not be
in the SME segment. As a consequence, the SME able to measure comprehensibly their exposure
market is becoming increasingly competitive, to the segment in terms of income, costs, or risk.
although far from saturated. The evidence Furthermore, banks are not adequately tracking
suggests that banks are learning how to deal their loan-loss experiences. We might be witnessing
with SMEs, and, at the same time, making the a process in which banks are only now developing
investments to develop the structure to deal the structure to deal with SMEs, and, through their
with a growing market in the years to come. As interactions with the segment, they will be able to
banks have recently discovered a key, untapped reduce the involved costs and risks.

Financing and Raising Capital

2 Berger, Allen N., and Gregory F. Udell. "Universal banking and the future of small business lending."
OH In Anthony Saunders and Ingo Walter (eds). Financial System Design: The Case for Universal
*£ Banking. Burr Ridge, IL: I r w i n , 1996; 5 5 9 - 6 2 7 .
<W de la Torre, Augusto, Maria Soledad Martinez Peria, Mercedes Politi, Sergio Schmukler, and Victoria
tt Vanasco. "How do banks serve SMEs? Business and risk management models." In Benoit Leleux,
* Ximena Escobar de Nogales, and Albert Diverse (eds). Small and Medium Enterprise Finance in
,£) Emerging and Frontier Markets. IMD and IFC, 2008a.
2£ DeYoung, Robert, and William C. Hunter. "Deregulation, the internet, and the competitive viability
of large and community banks." In Benton E. Gup (ed). The Future of Banking. Westport, CT:
Quorom Books, 2003; 1 7 3 - 2 0 2 .
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The SME Financing Gap:
55 Volume I—Theory and Evidence. Paris: OECD Publishing, 2 0 0 6 .
| H
- Articles:
Berger, Allen N., and Gregory F. Udell. "A more complete conceptual framework for SME finance."
Journal of Banking and Finance 3 0 : 1 1 (November 2006): 2945-2966. Online at:
Carey, Mark, Stephen Prowse, John Rea, and Gregory Udell. "The economics of the private
placements: A new look." Financial Markets, Institutions and Instruments 2:3 (August 1993):
Carter, David A., James E. McNulty, and James A. Verbrugge. "Do small banks have an advantage
in lending? An examination of risk-adjusted yields on business loans at large and small banks."
Journal of Financial Services Research 2 5 : 2 - 3 (April 2004): 2 3 3 - 2 5 2 . Online at:
DeYoung, Robert. "Mergers and the changing landscape of commercial banking (part I I ) . " Chicago
Fed Letter 150 (February 2000). Online at:
DeYoung, Robert, William C. Hunter, and Gregory F. Udell. "The past, present, and probable future
for community banks." Journal of Financial Services Research 2 5 : 2 - 3 (April 2004): 8 5 - 1 3 3 .
Online at:

Beck, Thorsten, Asli Demirgiic-Kunt, and Marfa Soledad Martinez Perfa. "Bank financing for SMEs
around the world. Drivers, obstacles, business models, and lending practices." Policy Research
Working Paper 4785. World Bank, November 2008. Online at:
de la Torre, Augusto, Juan Carlos Gozzi, and Sergio L. Schmukler. "Innovative experiences in
access to finance: Market friendly roles for the visible hand?" Policy Research Working Paper
4326. World Bank, November 2007. Online at:
de la Torre, Augusto, Maria Soledad Martinez Peria, and Sergio L. Schmukler. "Bank involvement
with SMEs: Beyond relationship lending." Policy Research Working Paper 4649. World Bank, June
2008b. Online at:
Independent Evaluation Group (IEG). "Financing micro, small, and medium enterprises through
financial intermediaries." Washinton, DC: International Finance Corporation, World Bank, 2008.
Stephanou, Constantinos, and Camila Rodriguez. "Bank financing to small and medium-sized
enterprises (SMEs) in Colombia." Policy Research Working Paper 4 4 8 1 . World Bank, January
2008. Online at:
pq World Bank. "Bank financing to small and medium enterprises: Survey results from Argentina and
QJ Chile." 2007a. Online at:
^7 World Bank. "Bank lending to small and medium enterprises: The Republic of Serbia." 2007b.
<H Online at:
*jr World Economic Forum (WEF). "World Economic Forum on Latin America: Securing a place in an
»—i u n c e r t a i n e c o n o m i c l a n d s c a p e — C a n c u n , Mexico 1 5 - 1 6 April 2 0 0 8 — R e p o r t . " Online a t :


Banks and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

1 Opaqueness means that it is difficult to ascertain if describing the institutional and macroeconomic

firms have the capacity to pay (for example, viable contexts, their banking industries and trends, and the

projects) and/or the willingness to pay (due to data in detail. See World Bank (2007a and 2007b)

moral hazard). For example, lack of audited financial and Stephanou and Rodriguez (2008).

statements prevents banks from engaging in what 7 Using data from 9 1 banks in 45 countries, Beck er
is known as financial-statement lending, by which al. (2008) found that all banks in the sample have
the loan contract terms are set on the basis of the SME customers, over 8 0 % perceive the market to be
company's expected future cash flow and current big and prospects to be good, and more than 6 0 %
financial condition, as reflected in audited statements have a separate department managing their relations
(see Berger and Udell, 2006). with SMEs. On average, the share of bank loans to
2 If firms do not reliably report their full financial small (medium) enterprises averages 1 1 % ( 1 3 % ) ,
activity on their financial statements, banks do not compared to 3 2 % in the case of large firms. The
count, for example, with complete information on share of non-performing loans for small (medium)
warranties for lending. See OECD (2006) for more on enterprises is 7.4% ( 5 . 7 % ) , compared to 4 % in the
the factors that drive SMEs to operate in the informal case of large firms.
economy, especially in emerging economies. 8 Banks have developed a wide range of fee-based,
3 The need to provide support to SMEs through non-lending products and financial services for SMEs.
critical government investments was stated at the Loans are not all always the main product offered
World Economic Forum on Latin America Summit in to SMEs. Moreover, loans are often offered as a way
2008. In addition, re-examination of tax regimes, to cross-sell other lucrative fee-based products and
regulatory reforms, and provision of capital through services. See de la Torre etal. (2008a, 2008b).
public-private partnerships were mentioned. See WEF 9 de la Torre et al. (2008b) argue that banks are
(2008). developing new technologies and business models to
4 Chile's Fondo de Caranti'a para Pequenos Empresarios serve the SME segment, reducing their dependence
(FOGAPE) is a fund created to encourage bank on "relationship lending" and the gathering of "soft"
lending to SMEs through partial credit guarantees. information, which is costly and time-consuming.
The Colombian Fondo Nacional de Garantias (National 10 This case study can be found in Stephanou and
Guarantee Fund) provides similar partial credit Rodriguez (2008).
guarantees. Structured finance transactions arranged 11 Banc6ldex's main aim is to provide low-interest lines
by FIRA, a Mexican development financial institution of credit via first-tier credit institutions for exporters
focused on the agricultural sector, are another and SMEs.
example of a government effort to provide financing 12 Finagro's main aim is to provide low-interest financing
to rural SMEs. Furthermore, the Mexican development for agriculture, livestock, forestry, and related rural
bank, NAFIN, has initiated a reverse factoring projects.
program to provide working capital financing to SMEs 13 Findeter was set up in order to lend (via first-tier
through a process of online sale of receivables from banks) to subnational entities for infrastructure and
large buyers. See de la Torre et al. (2007). other development projects.
5 See DeYoung (2000), DeYoung, and Hunter (2003), 14 FNG is a guarantee fund that "backs" credits to
Carter e r a / . (2004), and DeYoung etal. (2004) for a all economic sectors (except agriculture) with the
discussion of the comparative advantages that small primary objective of facilitating access to credit for
community banks have in lending to small firms micro enterprises and SMEs.
through relationship lending. 15 FAG is a guarantee fund that "backs" working capital
6 See de la Torre et al. (2008a, 2008b) for a and investment loans for the agricultural sector that
comprehensive analysis. Case studies are also are financed either with Finagro discounting, or with a
available for Argentina, Chile, Colombia, and Serbia, credit institution's own funds.

Capital Structure: A Strategy w
that Makes Sense by John C. Groth
• Perfect capital markets prescribe an optimal capital structure.
• Imperfect capital markets, the seasonal and cyclical aspects of an economy, and the variability
of market conditions argue that a company should have a target capital structure and an
operating capital structure range.
• Managers should be sensitive to changes in the business risk of a company, as these alter the
optimal capital structure.
• Maintaining good debt capacity makes sense and may favorably influence stock price. cro
• Using bad debt capacity does not make sense from the viewpoint of stockholders and primary
creditors. «
• Projects with good economic returns restore debt capacity and reduce the debt/equity (D/E)
ratio. Bad projects that do not have attractive economic returns will have an adverse effect on
capital structure, increase the D/E ratio, and eventually decrease the optimal D/E ratio.
• Managers may adjust capital structure quickly or gradually. Whether quickly or gradually hinges
on a variety of factors.
• Capital structure is important for privately held firms.
• Stock repurchase programs call for sensitivity and possible adjustment of debt capital so that
one attains and/or preserves the desired capital structure.
• Leveraged buyouts often distort capital structure. The decision to accept abnormal capital
structures originates with those promoting the buyout and their perceptions about gains relative
to personal capital at risk.
• Issues related to control may influence the choice of capital structure.

INTRODUCTION pursue opportunities even (or especially) during

Perfect capital markets enjoy an array of periods of high market stress. A company with
assumptions, including no cost to bankruptcy, financial flexibility may find bargains during
infinitely divisible financial assets and liabilities, periods of distress.
no transaction costs, etc. Pursuing a selected In this article we first address background
optimal capital structure would allow minute issues. Then we will move to recommendations.
adjustments, the issuance or redemption of small We will see that the suggested strategy does not
amounts of capital, and other conveniences. We seek to have the theoretical optimal debt/equity
would simply strive for the optimal debt/equity (D/E) ratio.
ratio depicted in Figure 1. Indeed, in this unreal
world one would keep all the equity for control Good and Bad Debt Capacity
and to maximize wealth—and employ massive A company that has a less than optimal D/E ratio
amounts of debt.1 has unused good capacity. Normally a company
with "good" debt capacity can borrow quickly
Imperfect Capital Markets on favorable terms to pursue an attractive
The rudeness of imperfect markets prompts opportunity. Thus, it can obtain capital quickly
us to adopt a reasonable strategy that allows without the delays or possible undesirability of
one to benefit from the tenets of capital an equity offering.
structure theory while respecting the reality Exceeding the optimal D/E ratio results
of markets and economies. Imperfect capital in the company using "bad" debt capacity.
markets, bankruptcy costs, and that a company History tells us that it is possible to do stupid O
with financial flexibility may have attractive things. Occasionally, we also see agents taking
opportunities during periods of adverse actions that promote their own interests, rather
market conditions argue for a strategy for the than acting in a way that benefits owners and
management of capital structure. Additionally, creditors. Bad debt capacity adversely affects the
capital market participants may value a company
with the financial flexibility that would allow it to
weighted cost of capital, limits flexibility, and
decreases stock price. o

Financing and Raising Capital


Interrelationships STRUCTURE
The expected streams of cash flows that The company might select a gradual, a lumpy, or a
C0 originate in the business or operating side of a quick process for adjusting capital structure. For
company service the sources of capital, including discussion, we will assume that the company has
short-term liabilities such as accounts payable. the ratio D/E = C in Figure 1, a level which is less
Choices on the asset side of the company, and than the optimal D/E = O. Its WCOC is higher
how successfully the company operates assets than it need be, and the value of the company
and interacts with the markets for goods and and equity are lower than they could be.
services, precipitate effects on the financing side We will examine different ways of altering the
X5 of the company. D/E ratio. Our discussion will explain ways to
Q Although EBITDDA (earnings before interest, either increase or decrease the D/E ratio to show
taxes, depreciation, depletion, and amortization) how different variables influence the ratio. Later
C is not necessarily a cashflowin a period of time, we will suggest how this sample company might
'3 for reasons explained in my article "Accounting
and economics—Critical perspectives,"2 let us for
move towards the optimal point. Shortly we will
explain why normally we probably don't want to
M simplicity assume that it is a cashflow.Those who move to the optimal point.
have provided financing for the company have a
keen interest in the level of expected cash flows, Possible Gradual Process Steps
and the timing and the uncertainty of those cash To move the D/E ratio to the left (which is not
flows. Hence, what the company chooses to do our objective for the company in Figure 1), do
(its investments) and how well it employs those one or more of the following:
assets to generate cash flows (production, sales, • If a dividend-paying company, have a payout
collections, etc.) influence the business risk of ratio of less than 100%. To adjust the payout
the company. ratio, one can increase dividends at a slower
The business risk, and factors such as tax rate than the growth in earnings.
rules and rates, influence the optimal financing • Pay off some of the principal of the debt using
for the company and, in turn, the financial risk cashflowfrom operations and/or from the
of the company. Let us share some summary sale of assets.
comments. • Do both.

Figure 1. Adjusting capital structure

Return on equity (%)

Cost of Weighted
equity cost of
capital, capital
no debt (WCOC)

P-l Risk-free
z C: Original D/E O: Optimal D/E interest rate

$ •

Debt/Equity ratio (D/E)

Capital Structure: A Strategy that Makes Sense

To move the D/E to the right, towards the not be as easy, or at least not as advisable, under td
optimal ratio: certain market conditions. Even if capital markets a
• Increase the payout ratio. are in turmoil, some theorists will argue for the en
• Delay, if without penalty and with following approach: announce the issuance of
explanation to the market, the retirement of common stock, with the proceeds dedicated to
principal on debt.3 retiring some debt. The market's knowledge of
this act of moving towards the optimal debt ratio
The Lumpy Approach should favorably affect the price of the stock.
The borrowing of chunks of money for corporate Practitioners might suggest that such a change
use, such as capital projects, will result in a jump could have adverse effects if the company is
to the right in the D/E ratio. Employed wisely under duress or when markets are in tumult.
in projects that have good economic results, the Some would argue that the funds realized from
freshly raised capital generates fresh additions to the equity offering make this a poor strategy. S3
equity. The D/E gradually moves back to the left. Instead, the company should ride out the bad OQ
times or bad markets and make adjustments to
The Quick Process
Adjusting capital structure quickly is relatively
its capital structure at a later date.
easy if the company has less than the optimal ISSUES CONCERNING CONTROL
amount of debt and wants to increase its D/E A company may alter its capital structure for
ratio. The tactic calls for arrangement for, reasons of control. Equity holders—except for
and announcement of, the borrowing of the certain classes of stock found in some markets-
appropriate amount of money for the purpose have voting rights. Assume that some current
of using the proceeds to repurchase some of equity holders value control. We will term these
its stock to adjust the capital structure to an the "control group." The nature and manner
optimal level. Explaining the purpose for the of altering the capital structure may influence
borrowing gives notice to all stockholders and control in one or more ways:
offers a positive reason for stock repurchase, • The company repurchases some of its stock.
thus avoiding arguments of possible negative Repurchased shares, or "treasury stock," do
signaling associated with stock repurchase. not confer voting rights. Those in the control
To increase the D/E ratio quickly, one group do not sell any stock. The control group
might borrow a chunk of capital (again with now has a larger percentage of ownership.
explanation to the market) and declare a The D/E moves to the right.
special cash dividend. This approach requires • The company issues new stock with a rights
careful consideration of tax preferences of offering. The D/E moves to the left. Members
the stockholders in tax environments where of the control group exercise their rights and
dividends are taxed at a high rate. buy the shares. If not all other stockholders
As part of an acquisition strategy—though not exercise their rights, one or both of the
as a reason for acquisition—the company might following may occur:
acquire another company that has too much debt. • Some do not exercise rights at all: the
The combined companies could have a capital control group's proportion of ownership
structure closer to the optimum. This is shown as increases.
follows. If the acquiring company has a less than • Some sell rights to others, who exercise the
optimal D/E ratio, its stock price will be depressed. rights and buy stock, leading to dispersion
If the acquired company has a D/E ratio greater of stockholder ownership. Dispersion
than the optimal, its stock price will also be of ownership may increase the effective
depressed. A combination of two companies with control of the control group, even with the
the "correct" proportions will result in an increase exercise of all rights.4
in value traceable to the movement towards a
more optimal capital structure. OTHER ISSUES
This improvement in stock value could be
realized without the acquisition by just adjusting
Risk Preferences and the Choice of D/E Ratio
Recall a fundamental principle of the valuation o
the capital structure of both companies. We of risky assets. Markets value assets, not
mention this only because capital structure management or the board of directors. The
considerations and adjustments are sometimes
implications of this fundamental principle are
important in acquisitions. straightforward—and important. Do what the
If a company has more than the optimal markets like. The risk preferences of market
amount of debt, adjusting capital structure may participants, rather than the personal preferences o
Financing and Raising Capital

V of management, should guide decisions and Strategy

•rt influence the choice of capital structure. Select Pursue a capital structure that garners a
O a target capital structure based on market inputs. substantial portion of the benefits of an optimal
U capital structure. Preserve flexibility for the
Q* Capital Structure and Privately or Closely Held company. Explain the strategy to the markets.
*j* Organizations Hope—and we think it will—that markets value
ii Decisions and strategies for privately/closely held the strategy.
PQ taxable companies rest on the same principles. In my article "Capital structure: Perspectives"
• However, the tax scenario for the corporation as (pp. 25-30), Table 1 depicts the behavior of the
jj-j well as its tax position with respect to the other weighted cost of capital as one alters the D/E
W taxable entities owned by the same people—and ratio. A substantial proportion of the decline
M the resultant consolidated tax position—may in the WCOC occurs with the first increments
W suggest different strategies. of debt. The decline in the WCOC becomes less
,2 For example, owners with deep pockets who are with increasing increments of debt as one moves
P willing and ready to provide infusions of equity in towards the optimal D/E. Figure 2 depicts this
05 bad times may argue for a more aggressive D/E relationship. Note the portion of the curve
l H
" ratio for the company in the hope of garnering marked as "Shallow portion" and on the vertical
greater tax benefits. Additionally, different axis the indication of the WCOC for the two
risk preferences influence choice. If one "owns marked points.
the store" and currently has no concern about Suppose the company operates with a D/E
market valuation, the choice of capital structure ratio in the shallow range. The "Possible price of
will anchor to personal tax circumstance and flexibility" in Figure 2—the maximum possible
risk preferences. The issues are complex and difference in WCOC over this range—represents
very sensitive to the particular consolidated tax the maximum costs of operating in this range
position, as well as to personal risk preferences rather than at the optimal D/E.
and attitudes towards debt. In Figure 2, let the asterisk represent the
company's current D/E ratio, and recall that
Agency Costs with this ratio the company has unused good
Investors should guard against a form of debt capacity. Consider the flexibility offered by
management agency costs, namely, the use of bad the shallow range, illustrated by the following
debt capacity to further management's objectives example.
and interests at the expense of stockholders, and Markets are in turmoil. The company
possibly creditors. For example, management may recognizes an opportunity. The good debt capacity
employ excessive debt to protect against takeover, allows it to borrow money quickly to pursue the
and thus preserve its position. In another example, opportunity. The borrowing moves the asterisk to
a management might use excess debt rather than the right by a chunk, but not past the optimal D/E
raise equity, because raising equity would dilute ratio. The good economic results of the project
its equity position, including the proportion of generate equity and move the D/E back to the
votes it controls—which is important in preserving left, restoring the good debt capacity. This occurs
board/management control. This dilution could because good projects increase the value of equity
occur for one or both of the following reasons: (and we measure D/E in market values), and
managers own the stock but are not willing to such projects generate returns to equity. As the
purchase the correct proportions of the new company generates cash flow, it may also pay off
equity; ownership of stock is dispersed in a way principal on the debt, accelerating the movement
such that newly issued shares are held by those oftheD/Etotheleft.
who are less supportive of management.
The Value of Flexibility
A R E C O M M E N D A T I O N F O R CAPITAL Investors may value flexibility. We suspect that
STRUCTURE STRATEGY both equity and debt holders do place value on
|i) Transaction costs associated with the issuance flexibility, especially in the recent years of turmoil
^ of securities, changes in economic and in capital markets. To the extent that investors
^j market conditions, the "lumpiness" of capital value flexibility, the company may not actually
<5^ investments, and the arrival of misfortune pay the price in terms of WCOC. In fact, the
J2 despite the best planning, the potential for company and its investors may benefit. Figure
>—i unexpected opportunities, as well as other 3 depicts possible relationships, showing the
iT, factors prompt us to suggest a particular strategy optimal D/E in terms of theory, and the optimum
{J for capital structure. that exists if investors value flexibility.

Capital Structure: A Strategy that Makes Sense

Figure 2. Capital structure versus WCOC

Return on equity (%) en

Possible price
Cost of
of flexibility Weighted
capital, cost of
no debt capital (ft
(WCOC) 0
Shallow portion O
RF I- cr
O: Optimal (high Risk-free
range for D/E) >. interest rate

L: Low D/E for strategy

Debt/Equity ratio (D/E)

In these figures I have plotted stock price versus results in a stock price that is maximized with
D/E.5 Figure 3 shows the stock price maximized less than the "Optimal theory" D/E ratio. The
for the optimal D/E ratio according to theory. heavy dotted curve for stock price intentionally
If investors do indeed value the flexibility we has a slightly higher maximum stock price—a
describe, the stock price might be higher if the speculation on our part. We caution that many
company pursued a capital structure that moved theorists would not agree with this conclusion. On
about in the shallow portion of the curve, resulting the other hand, a number of practitioners as well
in the "Optimal practice" in Figure 3. This scheme as investors might find the assertion reasonable.

Figure 3. Flexible capital structure and value

Stock price

Shift in "optimal" D/E

if investors value flexibility

f f Debt/Equity ratio (D/E)
Optimal Optimal
practice theory

Financing and Raising Capital

CONCLUSION, IDEAS, AND ACTIONS seeking acquisitions. The buying company

Theory is important. Common sense is powerful. can use your unused good capacity as a way
Strategy benefits from theory and common offinancingthe acquisition, or to move the
sense. The time horizon for strategy depends combined company capital structure to a more
u favorable range.
PH on a variety of factors, including the dynamics
of the social, political, economic, and technology • Changing from the use of bad debt capacity
environments. Tactics should be consistent might involve one or several different actions,
with short-term success and long-term including the acquisition of a company that
opportunities. has unused good capacity. Do not buy a
Here are some suggestions that might fare company for this reason alone! However,
well in dynamic environments and prepare you recognize this potential effect in acquisition
ft to survive on a favorable basis in periods of high strategies.
economic uncertainty and market turmoil. • Evaluate whether control issues are important
• Estimate your current optimal capital or even dominant; control is often a concern
structure. for private or closely held companies. We
en assert that, for public companies, efforts
CO • Many (all) economies enjoy/suffer the effects
of cycles. When times are good, and as the tide by management to protect management's
moves to flood, pay down some debt. Move to position and issues of control should rarely if
the left on the shallow portion of the capital ever determine the correct course of action.
structure curve, rather than remain in the • Decide on a strategy for capital structure that
region of theoretical optimal debt. Increasing is consistent with the corporate strategy.
good unused debt capacity not only helps in • Communicate your capital structure target
survival, but also may allow for harvesting and strategy to markets. Separately from
opportunities when the falling tides have the choice of D/E and the strategy, effective
carried others to peril. communication reduces the uncertainty in
• Operate in the shallow part of the WCOC investors' minds. Here is a sample statement:
curve. Leave a reasonable chunk of unused • "Given our intended investments, likely
debt capacity, enough to allow rapid financing market conditions, and the tax environment,
of unusual opportunities. our target D/E is about 25%. To allow us to
• Compare the current D/E to the target D/E take advantage of favorable opportunities
and the shallow curve range for the D/E. If it during different phases of economic cycles,
lies within the shallow curve range, you don't we will typically maintain a working D/E
need major adjustments now. Continue to capital structure, in the 15% to 25% range."
track and anticipate how the company will • "This strategy allows us to employ good
"walk about" in the shallow curve range. debt capacity to obtain funds quickly to
• If the company is outside the shallow curve pursue attractive opportunities, regardless
range, decide on the strategy to move to the of economic conditions and capital market
target range. The choice of how to move to circumstances"
a more optimal debt/equity ratio hinges on • "We feel that investors value a flexible
a number of factors, including the expected financing policy that allows their company to
internally generated cash flows, the expected maintain choice of action and to avoid ever
internal generation of equity, the principal being forced to take particular actions."
repayment/refunding schedule, cash flow • Behave consistently with your strategy.
relative to capital investments, dividend Demonstrated behavior builds and sustains
policies, and external market conditions. credibility. Increased credibility reduces
• Compare the business risk of actions you investor uncertainty and enhances stock
anticipate taking with your current business. prices.
Recognize and react to a change in the • Remember that an increase/decrease in the
business risk of the company. If the business corporate tax rate increases/decreases the
risk of the company increases/decreases value of using debt. Changes in tax rates
U as a result of good investment choices that should prompt a review and adjustment of
z are of higher risk, adjust financial risk by
decreasing/increasing the target debt/equity
capital structure.

It ratio.
• If you currently have significant unused good
The prudent use of debt in financing if interest is
PL, debt capacity, recognize that this good debt tax-deductible offers the prospect of increasing
capacity is of potential interest to a company firm value.

Capital Structure: A Strategy that Makes Sense

Issues of control also influence the use of debt that a company should never be forced into a
versus equity.6 For publicly owned companies, course of action—but should be able to choose to w
managers might, inappropriately, use too much follow a course of action. 09
debt as a means of perpetuating management's Operate with a debt/equity ratio that is lower
control or to promote management's interests. than the optimal ratio. This posture provides
Making D/E choices to perpetuate control is flexibility, allows practical management in raising
defensible (although perhaps not wise) to maintain capital, and keeps the company away from the
control of private and/or family-owned firms. steeply increasing WCOC that occurs above the
Perfect capital markets with the tax- optimal D/E. This position of creditworthiness
deductibility of interest argue for an optimal debt/ allows one to raise a chunk of capital from debt
equity ratio. The presence of imperfect capital to fund an opportunity independent of the IB
markets, seasonal and cyclical business cycles, a conditions in capital markets.
change in the nature and risks of investments, Investing the raised capital in good 3
and human behavior suggest a strategy for the investments will generate cash flow and increase ore
management of capital structure. the equity base, with a resultant decrease in
Finance the company in the shallow segment the D/E ratio, moving it back to the left. Good
of the weighted cost of capital curve. Leave projects that are managed well restore good debt
some unused good debt capacity to allow the capacity and will allow one to repeat the process
company to pursue opportunities even if capital in future periods.
market conditions are unfavorable, or to use as In summary: capital structure makes a
an emergency reserve. The emergency reserve difference in an environment in which interest
concept rests on the common sense perspective is tax-deductible.

Groth, John C , and Ronald C. Anderson. "Capital structure: Perspectives for managers."
Management Decision 35:7 (1997): 5 5 2 - 5 6 1 .
Online at:
Israel, Ronan. "Capital structure and the market for corporate control: The defensive role of debt
financing." Journal of Finance 46:4 (September 1991): 1391-1409.
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Miller, Merton H. "The Modigliani-Miller propositions after thirty years." Journal of Applied
Corporate Finance 2 : 1 (Spring 1989): 6 - 1 8 .
Online at: d x . d o i . o r g / 1 0 . I l l l / j . l 7 4 5 - 6 6 2 2 . 1 9 8 9 . t b 0 0 5 4 8 . x
Modigliani, Franco, and Merton H. Miller. "The cost of capital, corporation finance, and the theory of
investment." American Economic Review 48:3 (June 1958): 2 6 1 - 2 9 7 .
Online at:
Prezas, Alexandres P. "Effects of debt on the degrees of operating and financial leverage." Financial
Management 16:2 (Summer 1987): 3 9 - 4 4 . Online at:
Prezas, Alexandres P. "Interactions of the firm's real and financial decisions." Applied Economics
20:4 (April 1988): 5 5 1 - 5 6 0 . Online at:

1 Since in perfect capital markets one has no costs and 4 Depending on circumstances, the structuring of the
bankruptcy has no undesirable consequences. rights offering can almost certainly ensure that some
2 See Groth, John C. "Accounting and economics- shareholders not in the control group do not exercise
Critical perspectives." Online at: their rights. 5 In many presentations and discussions the plot/ rO
3 We want the market to understand that the delay in discussion is total firm value versus D/E.
repayment of principal is part of altering the capital 6 Managers and boards of directors that make capital
structure—to avoid any perception that the company structure decisions to protect their position or
is unable to make the payments of principal. This influence their rewards generate agency costs borne
delay approach is only to avoid debt issuance costs
for fresh debt.
by stockholders and, in some circumstances, also by

Capital Structure: Perspectives w
by John C. Groth (ft

• Capital structure reflects the financing strategy and potentially influences the value of a
• The potential value to shareholders of capital structure depends on the tax environment.
• Understanding the logic of capital structure and the origin of potential value is of import to as
leaders, strategists, and managers. C
• The greater the business risk, the lower the optimal debt/equity (D/E) ratio.
• Tax strategy and management should consider capital structure. The higher the expected tax
rate, the more important are capital structure decisions and management. d
INTRODUCTION financing relative to total financing. Types of
Capital has three forms: human, tangible, financing fall into broad categories: equity,
and financial. In this article, we focus on how representing ownership; debt; and preferred
financing choices influence the cost of financial financing. Interestingly, in some economies the
capital and company value. Capital structure concept of equity or ownership was unfamiliar
focuses on the sources of financial capital. The until recently, as historically individuals did not
choice of structure affects firm value in some enjoy the privilege of ownership.
economies.1 Capital structure is about dividing up expected
The seminal works of Nobel laureate Franco economic returns (not accounting returns) and
Modigliani conceived important relationships risk, in exchange for providing capital. Those
and issues in capital structure. Subsequently, divisions are specific. For example, a pecking
researchers have nourished the development order exists amongst the different creditors. The
of capital structure theory and the related "covenants" of debt arrangements, as well as
literature, and they have influenced practice. precedent in practice and legal arrangements,
Many companies follow the prescriptions of address these relationships. For example, in
capital structure theory, and create value for practice "normal" trade credit is often not
stockholders and society.2 formalized, and the company routinely pays
We do not have the "perfect" capital markets trade creditors.3
described by economists, and key factors In the context of capital structure and an
influence the choice of capital structure. For "ongoing enterprise," equity ownership is last
example, investors are concerned with the in line with a claim on what others have not
potential for, and cost of, bankruptcy. If a claimed of the returns. Equity holders also bear
company disappoints investors by using too the risks which the creditors and preferred
little or too much debt, its stock price will suffer. shareholders (if present) have not accepted. In
Understanding exactly how the use of some the event of financial distress or bankruptcy,
debt may add to company value is essential to in most economies very specific rules apply to
understanding capital structure. dividing up the carcass.4
First, we will clarify the meaning of capital In Figure 1, the balance sheet depicts the
structure. Then we will address other issues. "assets" and the source of financing, and,
consequently, the claim on the assets. For
CAPITAL STRUCTURE simplicity, we will focus on financing with
The decision on capital structure is the choice a combination of debt and equity, ignoring
of how to finance a company. Capital structure
represents the proportion of each source of
preferred shares as a source of capital. In fact,
many firms do not have preferred shares.

Financing and Raising Capital

4) Figure l. Alternative capital structures higher debt/equity ratio than B. Assuming that
O ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ the nature of liabilities (discussed shortly) for
B and C are the same, C, which has the higher
^ A B C D debt/equity ratio, has greater financial risk. We
will explain alternative D later in the chapter.
£ ^M MH H I HHI »»
I ^H ^H ••I | 2 HB Relative Position and Risk
Capital structure does not involve sharing, but

dividing and ordering. Deciding to use debt
^^^H ^^^H IH||H ^^^H ^^^9 and/or preferred ownership entails dividing
expected returns and risk, and ordering claims—
both for "normal" times, as well as in the event
WD of bankruptcy. Think of a line of people, an
fi The choice of assets, how well we manage uncertain future, and expected benefits that may
*jj the assets, and the nature and success of our stem from the operation or sale of a company's
* providing product/services to markets, taxes, assets, or benefits that might arise from the
M and other factors determine the business risk of financing of the company.
the company. The business risk influences the A metaphor helps in understanding the issues
cost of equity capital. For a firm without debt, and relationships. Imagine an apple orchard.
or an "unlevered" firm, the cost of equity equals Uncertainty exists about future crops in terms of
the risk-free rate of interest plus a premium the size, and quality, of the apples. Variance in
for business risk. Collectively, the business risk quality means not all apples in a crop have equal
factors will determine the expected level and risk value. Let's see how the ordered line works.
of cash flows that originate in the asset side of the Governments are first in line, taking the most
company. These expected cash flows that come certain and best apples for taxes. Some taxes are
from the asset side of the company must service ardent claims, which are due independent of the
any debt. After debt service and the payment of sufficiency of the crop. Equity holders bear this
taxes, the net remaining cash flows provide the tax responsibility. However, tax circumstances
expected returns to equity holders. also affect creditors and other providers of
The higher the business risk of a company— capital.
and hence, the greater the uncertainty in cash
flows from the asset side of the business—the Fundamental Principle: The Division of Risk and
less financial risk a company should have, and Expected Return
the lower the optimal D/E ratio. A position first in line gives first access to the
Consequently, the more uncertain the orchard, and the right to take the best apples.
environment, and the greater the sensitivity of Others enter the orchard according to their
the business side of the company to the economic order in the line, each taking the apples they
environment, the more important it is that one are allowed—if apples are available. The average
select a capital structure with care. Companies quality of the remaining apples declines with the
with high sensitivity to the cyclical effects of the successive removal of the best of the remaining
economy should consider a more conservative crop, as those in line are careful and claim the
capital structure, and have a strategy to manage best apples to which they are entitled. Remove
the structure across economic cycles. the best, and the quality of what remains must
For the purposes of discussion, Figure 1 be lower—and the risk that insufficient or no
shows four alternative financing arrangements. apples remain increases.
In financing alternative A, only equity holders After the tax authorities, creditors are next
provide capital. In finance jargon, situation A in line, with multiple creditors each careful to
represents an unlevered firm. Each equity holder specify and protect their position in the line.
has a claim on the after-tax benefits of owning Sometimes creditors limit the number and/
rT i and operating the assets, as well as on the assets or magnitude of other credit claims in line.
r -\ themselves. The proportion of total shares Preferred stockholders (if the company has
•7 owned determines the claims of each. In some any) have a position in line ahead of common
\"2 instances, different classes of equity exist, with stockholders, but behind creditors. A company
Sj the rights of each class defined accordingly. may have different classes of stockholders, with
f~ki Alternatives B and C represent different ways the classes also ordered.
Equity holders are last in line, expecting to
p-t of financing the same assets, with C having a

Capital Structure: Perspectives

get the lower-quality (higher-risk) apples that sufficient pretax income to allow the deduction
are left, and having a claim on all that are left. of the interest before calculating taxes. The net w
Equity holders, last in line, have the most risk, effects are: en
but also the possibility of unlimited returns. • Lenders expect payment of 10%, whether the
Equity holders bear the risk that others have not company has taxable income or not.
accepted, and they get what is left over. Different • If the company realizes the tax deduction, the
classes of equity holders may exist, with these after-tax cost = 10% (1 - 0.3) = 7%.
classes differentiated and "labeled," for example, • The expected benefit of the tax deduction
class A. The classification scheme specifies the goes to stockholders.
positions, potential rights, and claims of each • The stockholders have increased financial
class. risk that stems from the borrowing—and (ft
With distress or bankruptcy, the provisions letting creditors precede them in line. 0
of the various sources of financing specify the • Stockholders are astute. Increased risk
relative position and claims of each party, but increases the cost of equity capital. orq
with one usual modification: tax liabilities,
attorneys, and related costs often take first from
• However, if the expected value of the tax
savings is attractive to stockholders relative
the carcass. After that, an ordered picking over
the corpse follows.
to the added risk of borrowing, stockholders 8-
are happy, and the share price increases.
• The right choice of capital structure will
Motivation for Using Debt result in a reduction of the weighted cost of
A logical question surfaces: why would equity capital—even though the cost of both equity
holders allow others to go ahead of them in and debt capital increase with debt, as Table 1
the line? There are two main reasons for this: illustrates, and we discuss below.
garnering incremental value; and/or issues of Importantly, the tax deduction and its benefit
control. is an expected benefit, as the uncertain pretax
income (EBIT or NOI in several economies) must
Increased Value be large enough to allow the interest deduction.
Potential increases in value stem from "leveraging
effects" (stockholders) and tax effects (total firm Tax Rate and Implications
value). Capital structure theory generally focuses Notice that the higher the tax rate, the greater the
on the value that may originate in tax effects potential impact of the deductibility of interest
that result from the use of debt. This article on the after-tax cost of debt. For example, with
focuses on capital structure, but we will first the same 10% borrowing rate but a 40% tax rate,
briefly comment on the classic financial leverage the after-tax cost is 10% (1 - 0.4) = 6%.
reasons for using debt. We take care not to confuse issues. We don't
benefit from higher tax rates. However, the
Equally Clever Creditors and higher the tax rate we endure, the more important
Stockholders Have Implications becomes the choice of capital structure.
The presence of astute creditors and stockholders To reiterate, the tax benefits of using debt do
will result in no bargains or favors in terms of not alter the promised cash flows in the form of
dividing up expected returns and risks. Creditors interest or principle to creditors. Any tax benefits
will not give stockholders a bargain just to be nice. therefore precipitate to stockholders, and that is
Absent control issues, capital structure is only core to understanding how capital structure can
important if interest on debt is tax-deductible, create value.5
and dividend payments are not deductible.
Asymmetry of Effects
TAX-DEDUCTIBLE INTEREST The use of some debt in place of some equity
In some economies, interest is tax-deductible. will lever up (down) the expected returns to
The expected deductibility of interest payments stockholders. If interest is tax-deductible, the
provides opportunity for value. The expected potential good or bad leveraging effects are
benefit of this deduction flows to stockholders,
which is best illustrated with an example.
asymmetric. If the company has returns on its
assets that exceed the cost of debt, a positive
leveraging effect accrues to stockholders. If
Example stockholders view these returns as attractive,
A company borrows money at afixedrate of 10%. given the financial risk of the added debt, the
The tax rate is 30%. The company expects to have stock value increases.

Financing and Raising Capital

4) If the EBIT for tax accounting is insufficient to Entries reflect the raising of money from debt
o allow the deduction of interest, stockholders and equity in different proportions. The more
must now bear the full cost of debt rather than debt that is used as a proportion of the total,
a benefit from a lower after-tax cost.6 This shift the less equity (and fewer shares). Costs are
u in tax impact results in a greater and adverse after-tax costs to the company. The cost of debt
Hi leveraging effect on returns to stockholders, as represents the weighted cost of debt, reflecting
*-» equity investors must now cover the full cost of the fact that first-in-line creditors have lower
debt, rather than the after-tax cost of debt. Using risk, and the borrowing cost is lower. Creditors
the original example above, the cost of debt that follow in line have greater risk, and demand
rises from the after-tax 7% to the full 10%. The a higher rate.
inability to realize the interest deduction results For all entries in this table, the company is
Q in an asymmetric effect on expected returns to getting the same amount of money. The values
stockholders. show the effects of getting this money in different
proportions from debt and equity, which is the
BEHAVIOR OF WEIGHTED COST OF capital structure decision.
CAPITAL Choices of capital structure seek to increase
An example showing the behavior of the the value of the firm. Hence, in Table 1 and
component costs of capital and the weighted all discussion in this chapter and the chapter
cost of capital (WCOC) appears in Table 1. For "Capital structure: A strategy that makes sense"
simplification, we consider only equity and debt (pp. 17-23), debt and equity refer to the market
sources of capital. One might employ one or values of debt and equity. Hence, the D/E ratio
more models, or different forms of models, as we calculate uses the market values of the debt
well as alternative econometric procedures to and equity.
estimate the costs of the components of capital Note in Table 1 that the weighted cost of
for different levels of leverage.7 capital (WCOC) at first decreases, reaching a
Table 1. Calculation of weighted cost of capital (WCOC)
Weighted cost of Weighted cost of
Source of capital Relative proportion Cost of component component captial

Debt 0% 5.40% 0.00%

Equity 100% 13.00% 13.00%


Debt 10% 5.40% 0.54%

Equity 90% 13.40% 12.10%


Debt 20% 6.10% 1.22%

Equity 80% 13.90% 11.12%


Debt 30% 6.60% 1.98%

Equity 70% 14.50% 10.15%


Debt 40% 7.60% 3.04%

Equity 60% 15.50% 9.30%

z 12.34%

t Debt






Capital Structure: Perspectives

minimum when about 30% of capital comes OTHER ISSUES

from debt and 70% from equity. Observe also The Nature of Liabilities and Optimal D/E
that this decrease occurs even though the The nature of the liabilities influences the choice
weighted cost of debt increases with the use of an of capital structure. Let alternative D in Figure
increased proportion of debt capital. Recognize 1 represent the same capital structure as in
that successive increments of debt cost more, alternative C. Suppose that certain characteristics
as successive creditors in the line of claimants of the liabilities for C and D differ. To illustrate,
demand higher expected returns to compensate assume that the weighted maturity of liabilities in
for their higher risk. D is less than that in C, and/or that C represents
With an increase in the use of debt, the cost of borrowing at a fixed rate while some debt in D
equity increases as well. Equity holders recognize has a variable rate of interest. (ft
the greater financial risk attendant with a higher Despite the same D/E ratio, the financial risk
D/E ratio, and demand increased expected of D is greater than that of C because D is bearing 3
returns. interest-rate risk if the debt has a variable rate of ore
Seemingly, the WCOC could not decline if the interest, and D has more risk as it faces refunding O
cost of components increased. The reason for of debt sooner. Less flexibility in the timing of
the decline stems entirely from the expected tax- refunding the debt is a potentially important
deductibility of debt, and equity holders think issue, as capital market conditions vary over
the value of the tax benefit is attractive compared time. The developments and difficulty for firms
to the added risk. As the D/E ratio increases, of obtaining "replacement" credit in the 2008
the amount of equity decreases because we are crisis illustrate this refunding risk.
raising the same amount of capital everywhere in Logically, the nature of the liabilities
Table 1. If we raise more from debt, less comes therefore affects the optimal D/E ratio. For
from equity. The use of some debt rather than all
A, B, C, and D, the business risk is still the
equity amplifies the effect on a per-share basis,
same. The use of liabilities with greater risk (in
as the company needs fewer shares for the same
amount of capital. The result is that with an this scenario, maturity and interest rate risk)
increasing D/E the expected tax benefits increase, results in a lower optimal D/E, despite the
and these are spread over fewer shares. same business risk on the asset side of the
company. Thus, if the structure shown for C is
In the example in Table 1, note that obtaining
more than 30% of capital from debt results in optimal, the structure shown for D is incorrect.
an increase in the WCOC. Above 30% debt, D should have a lower optimal D/E ratio than
stockholders do not think that the incremental C, as the nature and structure of liabilities for D
tax benefits of more debt are attractive enough results in higher risk on the financing side of the
to compensate them for the incremental financial company.
risk, and the uncertainty of realizing the tax
benefits. Hence, the demanded rate of increase in CONCLUSION
the cost of equity and debt overpowers the effects The tax deductibility of interest provides
on value of the expected incremental tax benefits the opportunity to add to company value by
of employing more debt. employing the correct amount of debt relative
to equity. The underlying relationships that
Summary cause this potential increment in value rest on
Given a particular business risk of a company, the logical behavior of informed investors who
determined by the asset side of the business and agree to divide risks and expected returns.
how well the company employs its assets, an The deductibility of interest has expected
optimal capital structure exists—optimal, as it economic benefits that flow to equity holders.
lowers the WCOC of the company. For example, Consequently, the use of debt is logical if
in Table 1, using about 30% from debt and 70% interest is tax deductible and we expect to realize
from equity will result in the lowest weighted the benefit of that deduction. The higher the
cost of capital.8 Note in the table that the cost of corporate tax rate we must endure, the greater
components increases in a nonlinear manner as
the use of debt increases. This behavior is related
the value of issuing debt.
The choice of how to finance the company,
to several factors, including: the risk of realizing and its resulting debt/equity ratio, is the
the expected tax benefit of debt; potential distress capital structure decision. Issues relating to the
caused by excess debt, and its effects on operations strategy and management of capital structure
as well as opportunities and investments; and
possible bankruptcy with attendant loss.
are discussed in the article "Capital structure: A
strategy that makes sense" (pp. 17-23). o

Financing and Raising Capital

Remember that the expected tax deductibility of interest is the origin of any value that arises from
the choice of capital structure.
• In capital structure decisions, the examination focuses on the market value of debt and equity.
• Changes in the tax rate will influence the optimal capital structure.
• The greater the business risk, the lower the optimal D/E ratio.
• The choice of capital structure will influence the cost of the individual sources of capital, and, in
turn, the weighted cost of capital.
• "Real world" considerations argue for a target capital structure, and a strategy to pursue that
structure. The chapter, "Capital Structure: A Strategy that Makes Sense," examines these issues
and offers guidance on a strategy.
Groth, John C, and Ronald C. Anderson. "Capital structure: Perspectives for managers."
Management Decision 35:7 (1997): 552-561. Online at:
Miller, Merton H. "The Modigliani-Miller propositions after thirty years." Journal of Applied
Corporate Finance 2:1 (Spring 1989): 6-18. Online at:
Weighted average cost of capital:

1 Issues of control can influence choice of capital existence of trade notes payable on a balance sheet
structure, for example, with current managers not signals concerns by trade creditors of the financial
willing to issue equity as the issuance would dilute viability of the company.
management's "personal" control percentage, or alter 4 Multiple classes of equity may exist, with specified
the distribution of shares in float. relative claimant positions during normal operations as
2 Actions that lower the cost of capital result in benefits well as in bankruptcy.
to individuals in economies and societies. In contrast, 5 In imperfect markets with multiple periods, and with
in 2008 we have witnessed the adverse and spreading certain tax rules, the risk of promised cash flows to
effects that result from interruptions in the availability creditors may be reduced by the tax-deductibility
and/or cost of capital in economies. of interest in previous periods or by carry-back tax
3 If suppliers perceive unnecessary risk or the likelihood effects. These issues are beyond the scope of this
of financial distress, suppliers may demand trade article.
notes payable. Trade notes payable formalize trade 6 In some environments, differences exist in accounting
u credit, and seek to clearly identify the obligation. for taxes, and accounting for financial reporting.

z Hence, requiring formalization of obligation with

trade notes payable clarifies as well as "perfects" the
7 The most common approaches include several different
model forms based on the capital asset pricing model,
supplier's interest, and relative claimant position. This multi-factor models, discounted cash flow models, risk-
$ formalization can alter the risks to the suppliers of premium models, and other pricing models.

o receipt of payment, both during ongoing operations

as well as in the case of bankruptcy. Normally, the
8 This is an approximation. Estimating the WCOC curve
and finding the minimum point is not a precise science.

Capital Structure: Implications w
by John C. Groth
• Reducing the weighted cost of capital increases the net economic returns, and adds to company
value. ft
• Place the company in a position that it can choose what it wants to do, rather than have
circumstances force it to take a course of action.
• The use of too little debt (L) results in a lower stock price, and too much debt (M) also lowers
the stock price.
• The more uncertain an environment, the greater the importance of the choice of and the Crq
strategy for managing capital structure. d
• If a company's business risk is very sensitive to economic cycles, a company should manage its
debt/equity (D/E) ratio across the cycle.
• Knowledge of capital structure theory and practice is important in stock repurchase programs,
mergers and acquisitions, divestitures, leveraged buyouts, and strategies aimed at defeating

A tax environment that allows for the deduction there are changes in the D/E ratio, we now review
of interest charges, but not the deduction of how the correct capital structure ultimately
dividends, results in an optimal capital structure adds benefits in terms of economic margins and
for a company. The optimal structure results resultant value.
in a lower weighted cost of capital (WCOC) Figure 1 illustrates the origin of value, and
for reasons examined in the article "Capital the significance of lowering the WCOC that
structure: Perspectives" (pp. 25-30). This article results from selecting the optimal D/E ratio for
examines the implications of capital structure, a company. Recall that value arises from earning
and some of the key factors that influence capital a net economic return that exceeds the cost of
structure. capital. For example, the net present value of
a project represents the dollar value of having
KEY IMPLICATION: WCOC AND VALUE earned economic returns in excess of the cost of
Recognizing the behavior of the WCOC when capital while the capital is in a project.

Figure 1. WCOC and net economic returns as D/E ratio varies

Return on
equity (%)
Net economic return (NER) - Optimal

Cost of equity Weighted

capital, no debt cost of

interest rate

Debt/Equity ratio (D/E)


Financing and Raising Capital

In Figure 1, with no debt the economic returns company. The greater the business risk of
are labeled NER @ D/E = o. Moving down the the company, the higher the cost of equity,
WCOC curve in the diagram increases the net and the lower the optimal debt/equity ratio.
C0 economic returns, with attendant increases in Changes in business risk stem from one or
U value. The WCOC is for projects that do not alter more of the following:
the business risk of the firm. • Changes in market conditions: For example,
Figure 2 graphically illustrates the impact of an increase in competition, trends in
PQ capital structure on stock price, keeping in mind consumer preferences, greater uncertainty
that as we go from no debt to an increasing D/E we about the costs of inputs, political risk, and
are reducing the number of shares. The use of too other forces over which a company normally
little debt (L) results in a lower stock price, and too has no or little control;
C much debt (M) also lowers the stock price. • Changes in how things are done: for example,
Moving from L to the optimal level is quite easy. management of the operating cycle, decisions
C Borrow money and buy back some shares. Moving on working capital, cost control, efficiency of
S3 from M back to the optimal level is, in theory, operations, effectiveness of product design,
as equally easy, but in practice may face challenges marketing.
depending on market conditions. Capital structure • Changes in what is done: for example, the
strategy is discussed in the article "Capital structure: markets pursued, and the investments made
A strategy that makes sense" (pp. 17-23). to support those choices.

Figure 2. Capital structure and stock price

Stock price
L = Too little debt
M = Too much debt


Optimal D/E M

The Core Implication Investments and Optimal Structure

Reducing the weighted cost of capital increases The interrelationships between capital struc-
the net economic returns, and adds to company ture, assets, and a dynamic environment have
value. Remember that the relationship between implications in terms of risk, value, choice,
WCOC and value is non-linear, making the strategy, and actions. For example, if a company
choice and management of D/E particularly changes the nature or structure of its assets
important.1 by investing in projects of greater risk than its
current risk, and/or if external changes and
trends in markets alter the business risk of the
Capital structure has numerous additional company, then the optimal capital structure
implications, including the following.

Business Risk Change and Capital Structure
• Recall that business risk is the risk associated
Effects of Financial Risk on Business Risk
In imperfect markets, excess financial risk

(it with the asset side and operations of the resulting from the financing of the firm may

Capital Structure: Implications

affect the business risk of the company.3 This Stock Repurchase

crossover or feedback effect alters the risk on the Knowledge of capital structure theory and w
operating side of the company. Developments n
practice is important in stock repurchase en
in the economy, and the automotive industry programs. If the company does not issue new
in the fall of 2008 are an examples. A company common stock—for example, issuing stock for
offers a 100,000-mile warranty on its cars, but an acquisition, or as a result of the exercise of to
customers feel that high financial risk might options—the repurchase of a company's own
result in the company going bankrupt. Hence, stock is a reduction in equity that will reduce
the high perceived financial risk of the company the D/E ratio of the company. To maintain the
by customers affects purchase decisions, and the desired target D/E ratio, a repurchase of stock
perceived value of the warranty in their purchase will require a corresponding reduction in the Oft
decision. In reality, the asset side and finance company's debt.
side of a company are not independent.
Acquisitions QfQ
Cyclical Business A company making an acquisition should d
The choice of capital structure has an impact on consider the implications in terms of optimal
alternatives, decisions, and strategy—especially capital structure. To the extent the business risk a*
across economic cycles. In a cyclical business, of the target and acquiring companies differ, the
the patterns and magnitudes of expected cash optimal D/E ratios for the target and acquiring
generation from the business, or "asset side," of companies differ. One may adjust to the
the company are subject to the influence of the desired post-acquisition target D/E, coincident
economy, an influence over which a company with the acquisition and attendant financing
has no control. In this scenario, the business risk arrangements. Additional issues are important,
of the company changes as it lives through the including the following.
ebbs and flows in the economy. Independent of any operational or "synergistic
The sensitivity of companies to a cyclical effects" that may result from a merger, a pure
economy varies. A company may adjust its asset financial merger benefit may exist. Lewellen
structure and operations in anticipation of, or in (1971) offered astute arguments addressing
response to swings in the economy. However, this issue. Essentially, one can demonstrate
other than adding liquidity in anticipation of a that the mere combination of firms may offer
deteriorating economy, major changes in other financial benefit. The combined cash flows of
assets are often costly, or not practical.4 Some the two companies may result in lower risks to
companies may also try to insulate the adverse creditors, with this reduction stemming from a
effects of the cycle on the business risk of co-insurance effect.
company with other strategies, such as in-house Capital structure opportunities may also exist
finance companies to support credit sales.5 if the target company does not have an optimal
A change in the business risk (BR) alters the capital structure. These particular benefits differ
optimal capital structure of the company. An from the pure financial rationale, and their
increase (decrease) in BR decreases (increases) realization is not dependent on the acquisition. If
the optimal D/E. A significant sensitivity to the current management of the target company
the business cycle has important implications.6 has ignored the prescriptions of capital structure
A company will survive (or perish), or have theory, the acquiring company may benefit by
opportunities (or miss opportunities), according adjusting the capital structure concurrently with
to its strategy and financial position at a point the acquisition. In a merger, "good" or "bad"
in time. debt capacity in the target or acquiring firms has
Place the company in a position that it can practical implications.8 Returning to Figure 2,
choose what it wants to do-rather than have we can consider two scenarios:
circumstances force it to take a course of • Assume the target company has too little
action.7 debt, shown by the D/E of L. The target
The implication is that a company that
generates cash flow in a cyclical pattern should
company has unused good-debt capacity,
and also a share price that is lower than the
optimal level. The acquiring company can
reduce its debt during periods of high cash
generation, moving its D/E to the lower D/E limit use this unused good-debt capacity to help
of the target capital structure, consistent with finance the acquisition, and, at the same
the discussion in the article "Capital structure: A time, realize the increment in share price
strategy that makes sense" (pp. 17-23). represented by the change from the D/E of L

Financing and Raising Capital

to the optimal D/E. optimal D/E would remain.9

• Assume the target company has too much In many tax environments, a company may
debt, shown by the D/E of M. Unused good- carry back or forward certain tax variables, and
a debt capacity does not exist in the target realize tax effects in previous or future periods.
u company. However, if the acquiring company This results in timing the realization of tax
"refinances" the acquisition and, in effect, benefits, and thus affects the present value of
CO moves the acquired company to the optimal the tax treatment. In addition, tax issues can be
D/E, the acquiring company realizes the very important in an acquisition, especially if
value represented by the share-price gain that certain tax options will expire at a point in time.
would result from the company moving from In some tax environments and circumstances,
M D/E back to the optimal D/E. an acquisition with attendant changes in capital
ft Again, the gains for these scenarios have nothing structure might allow realization of a tax benefit,
to do with acquisition itself, but result from
or at least preserve it for a future period.
c correcting the mistakes made by management in
• IN the capital structure of the target company.
Other Implications
3 Strategies aimed at defeating a potential takeover
Divestments have, some assert, included exceeding the
Capital structure in the divesting of a portion optimal amount of debt to make the company
of the company is important. Separate from the an unattractive target. Following this practice
appropriateness of the divestment, casting off is inappropriate, and generally not aligned with
the new company with the optimal D/E ratio will shareholder interests. However, the observation
maximize the value realized.
reflects that a management might understand
and employ capital structure theory to promote
Tax Issues
management's rather than shareholder
Assuming interest is tax-deductible, uncertainty
about future tax rates and other changes in
taxes do influence capital structure decisions. In a leveraged buyout (LBO), equity
If one knew the effective dates of new tax rates, participants often intentionally ignore the
or thought tax rates would increase (decrease) guidelines of capital structure in an attempt
in the future, one would consider altering the to maximize personal wealth. For example, in
target D/E ratio. Recall that the higher the tax an LBO those with an equity position attempt
rate, the lower the after-tax cost of debt—if the to maximize personal return on equity.
company has sufficient pretax income to allow Consequently, over the shorter term, they allow
the interest deduction. the company to greatly exceed the optimal D/E
Implications for capital structure would ratio, as they seek to maximize the future value
exist if dividends also became deductible. If the of equity interest, rather than a current share
tax-rate effect was the same for dividends or price. With this approach, the plan is that, over
interest deductions, under some circumstances time, the company can pay down debt, and attain
an optimal D/E would no longer exist, as debt an optimal D/E ratio. Then those with the equity
offers no advantage over equity. If interest and interest take the company public with a stock
dividend payments were both deductible, but the issue, and the pricing of the equity issue reflects
tax rate applicable to these deductions varied, an the now-optimal D/E ratio.

The implications of capital structure theory are many. We have shared some of the most important.
In summary:
• Recognize that changes in what you do, and how you do it (markets pursued, capital
investments) influence the capital structure decision, and the management of capital structure.

u • Changing the business risk of a company changes its optimal capital structure.

z • Changing the capital structure of a company will change its risk, and its value.
• Reducing unnecessary business risk 10 allows one to derive greater benefits from capital structure
since one will enjoy a higher optimal debt/equity ratio.
• The interrelationships between capital structure, assets, and a dynamic environment have
implications in terms of risk, value, choice, strategy, and actions.
Capital Structure: Implications

The nature of liabilities in terms of maturity, variable versus fixed interest rate, principal
repayment schedules, restrictive covenant of debt, etc., influence the optimal capital structure. w
Reduce uncertainty in investors' minds by adopting and disclosing an optimal target D/E ratio. en
Provide a simple explanation of the logic for the company's target D/E ratio, and the strategy
the company will follow. The article "Capital structure: A strategy that makes sense" (pp. 17-23)
focuses on issues in capital structure, and strategy.
If a company's business risk is very sensitive to economic cycles, a company should manage
and adjust its D/E across the cycle. Reducing the D/E ratio during periods of robust economic
activity and high cash generation restores debt capacity to sustain and support the pursuit of
opportunities during downturns in the economy.

CONCLUSION Understanding core issues allows one to

The fact that interest is tax-deductible in many make/manage prudent actions in a dynamic O
economies is an argument for the use of some debt environment. In particular, we should recognize
in financing a company. The right combination of that although a company should have a target
debt and equity results in a capital structure that capital structure, its management must remain
reduces the weighted cost of capital. The lower sensitive to internal changes as well as changes
weighted cost of capital results in a higher net in the markets and economies, and pursue a
economic margin—the difference between the strategy that "makes sense." For example, if a
economic return on a project and the weighted company alters its business risk, it should adjust
cost of capital. its debt/equity ratio. Similarly, if management
The expected benefit of the tax deduction perceives greater/less risk in the external
flows to shareholders, who bear the added environment, it should decrease/increase the
financial risk associated with the debt. As long debt/equity ratio.
as shareholders view the expected value of the In the end, we see the need for a keen awareness
tax benefits as attractive compared to the added of circumstance and future possibility, coupled
financial risk, then they welcome the use of with an understanding of fundamental concepts
debt. better equip us to make judgments—and then
A dynamic environment complicates decisions. take actions that add value.

Israel, Ronan. "Capital structure and the market for corporate control: The defensive role of debt
financing." Journal of Finance 46:4 (September 1991): 1391-1409. Online at:
Lewellen, Wilbur G. "A pure financial rationale for the conglomerate merger." Journal of Finance
26:2 (May 1971): 521-537. Online at:
Prezas, Alexandras P. "Effects of debt on the degrees of operating and financial leverage." Financial
Management 16:2 (Summer 1987): 39-44. Online at:
Prezas, Alexandras P. "Interactions of the firm's real and financial decisions." Applied Economics
20:4 (April 1988): 551-560. Online at:
Basic Modigliani-Miller theorem:

Financing and Raising Capital




1 As addressed in Groth, John C. "Risk—Perspectives and selling appliances sounds like the correct strategy.
and common sense rules for survival." In Approaches If one wants to be in consumer credit or speculate on
to Enterprise Risk Management. London: Bloomsbury interest rates, then do that elsewhere.
Information, 2010; 13-17. 6 Theorists might argue that capital markets anticipate
2 If investing in projects with a risk different from the
potential changes in the economy, and recognize that
company's normal investment, one must be careful to
some companies are more sensitive to economy-wide
adjust the cost of capital used in project evaluation.
3 For example, perfect capital markets assume no cost swings than are other companies. Consequently, some
to bankruptcy—clearly not the case for shareholders, argue these "variances in business risk" across time are
creditors, customers, the economy, and society. recognized, and already captured in the market-derived
4 A company might also seek to mitigate or hedge estimates of an optimal D/E and attendant WCOC.
certain risks that influence the asset side of the 7 See Groth.1
8 A discussion of good and bad capacity appears in the
5 Some companies sales and operations are quite
article "Capital structure: A strategy that makes sense"
sensitive to interest rates, and the availability of credit
to their customers. Some suggest one strategy (we (pp. 17-23).
do not): have an in-house finance company to finance 9 The issues and arguments concerning these issues are
sales to customers; engage in actions to offset the beyond the scope of this article. For example, whether
interest-rate risk in the finance company; and then
a company would or would not pay a cash dividend
attempt to reduce the impact on sales of economic would influence the decisions. Issues to do with control
and consumer credit conditions by offering customers

might also be an argument for debt rather than equity.
cut-rate financing. Remember that an in-house finance
For example, if a company issues equity, those with
company does not make the risk go away, but rather
parks the risk in a different place. This doesn't sound control dilute their ownership unless they invest at
like a good idea. For example, if in the business of least proportionately in the new equity issue.
making and selling appliances, focusing on making 10 See Groth.1

Credit Ratings by David Wyss w

• A credit rating is an opinion from a credit rating agency about the creditworthiness of an issuer
or the credit quality of a particular debt instrument.
• Primarily, the rating opinion considers how likely the issuer of the debt instrument is to meet its
stated obligations, and whether investors will receive the payments they were promised.
• A failure to meet such payments may be considered a default.

INTRODUCTION agencies have a strong track record, as reported 3
There are three major international rating in their default and transition studies. Over the
agencies in the United States: Standard & Poor's long run, securities with a higher credit rating O
Ratings Services (a unit of The McGraw-Hill have consistently had lower default rates than
Companies), Moody's Investors Service, and securities with lower ratings. Ratings are just
Fitch Ratings (a unit of Fimalac SA). In addition, opinions, however, and there have been certain
there are many regional and niche rating periods when highly rated securities in a specific
agencies that tend to specialize in a geographical sector ultimately performed worse than other
region or industry. The major agencies state that securities rated in the same category. Accordingly,
their opinions of the credit quality of securities ratings do not remove the need for the investor to
are based on established, consistently applied, understand what he or she is buying.
and transparent ratings criteria. Although the The Standard & Poor's rating scale is a simple
agencies use different criteria, definitions, and easy-to-understand shorthand for its credit
and rating scales, they each state a view on the opinions. A more detailed analysis is typically
probability that an entity or security will default. available from Standard & Poor's, including the
Some rating agencies also assess the potential for rationale behind the rating opinion. Investors
recovery—how likely the investors are to recoup are encouraged to read the detailed analysis
their investment in the event of default. carefully to understand why an agency assigned
Issuers of most fixed-income securities issued a particular rating.
in world financial markets request and receive Having a rating may be useful even if a
a credit rating from a rating agency. Although corporation elects to raise money privately rather
credit rating evaluations are not always than through a public bond issue. Obtaining a
required, they may increase the marketability rating may make it easier for a company to seek
of a debt instrument by providing investors with funding from a private lender or bank. Although
an independent opinion about the instrument's not every company needs a credit rating, most
relative credit quality. medium-sized or larger firms find it useful.


CREDIT RATING? Credit rating agencies assign ratings to issuers,
A credit rating opinion is often required by including corporations and governments, of debt
investors before they purchase securities. Many securities, as well as to individual issues such as
investors want to see an established opinion bonds, notes, commercial paper, and structured
about the credit quality of a security that is not finance instruments. The agencies rate an
from the issuer or underwriter. In addition, issuer by analyzing the borrower's ability and
some funds have made it a requirement for their willingness to repay its obligations in accordance
investment guidelines or as part of what they with their terms. The agency's analysts consider
have promised their investors. Issuers who are a broad range of business and financial risks that
not well known or who are trying to sell into
international markets may benefit from a rating
may interfere with prompt and full payment.
Most rating agencies use a mix of quantitative
from a recognized rating agency. and qualitative analysis. Typically, analysts who
The rating provides market participants with consider qualitative factors contact management
an opinion on the credit quality of a particular at the firm being rated to obtain additional
investment. Ratings from the major credit rating information that may help them to arrive at

Financing and Raising Capital

an informed opinion. In some cases, they will they are issued. However, sometimes a private
ask for information that is not available to the rating may be issued for an individual investor
general public, such as details of business plans, or group of investors, usually for a security that
strategies, and forecasts. Agencies generally also is not intended for public trading. Many firms
examine the company's audited financial reports want a confidential rating for management
to analyze credit strengths and weaknesses. purposes and as a second opinion on the credit
A rating can apply to an individual issue, quality of a loan.
PQ although the issuer may also be assigned an Ratings are not static, and rating opinions
underlying rating based on its overall financial can change (or transition) if the credit quality
strength. An individual issue is usually given an changes in ways that were not expected at the
42 evaluation based on information provided by the time the security was issued. Ratings may be
issuer or obtained from other reliable sources. reviewed and updated on a regular basis, or when
Key considerations include: a significant change occurs in the performance
• the issue's legal structure, including terms of the issuer, the markets, or the economy.
and conditions; The acquisition or divestiture of a company, a
(A • the seniority of the issue relative to the other political threat to (or from) the government,
M debt of the issuer; or erosion in the economy or credit markets
• the existence of external support or credit can cause a rating to be adjusted. Normally,
enhancements, such as letters of credit, warning of a likely change is provided through
guarantees, insurance, and collateral—which an "outlook" or "credit watch" that states the
are protections that are designed to limit the direction in which a rating may move. However,
potential credit risk. sometimes a sudden deterioration may force a
When an issuer requests a rating, it generally shift in a rating with little warning.
supplies the rating agency with its audited
financial statements. In most cases, the rating RATING SCALE
agency will also meet with the issuer to discuss Each credit rating agency uses its own criteria
any questions that the agency may have and to and methodology to evaluate creditworthiness.
learn about any business plans or other factors The process may be predominantly quantitative
considered to be important. Frequent issuers will or qualitative, but is usually a blend of the two.
often have a longer-term contractual relationship Once an agency completes the analysis, it issues a
with the rating agency that may include rating all rating based on its own scale. Ratings are typically
new debt issues. expressed as a grade, such as AAA, BB, or CC, with
Credit ratings from the major rating agencies AAA (or equivalent) denoting the strongest and D
are normally paid for by the issuer of the (or its equivalent) the weakest (i.e. that a default
securities, and are made public immediately has already occurred). Note that the rating scale
thereafter, although in some cases issuers or for short-term instruments such as commercial
investors may request a "private" rating on a paper is different from the long-term scale. For
security. When ratings are requested by parties example, at S&P the top long-term rating is AAA,
other than the issuer, and without direct access while the highest short-term credit rating is A-i+.
to the issuer for questioning, they are usually D stands for default in both scales.
marked as "public information" or given similar Although a rating scale is relatively
subscripting by the rating agency. The issuer- straightforward, the assumptions, consider-
pays model has two hallmarks: First, the major ations, and judgments behind the opinions
rating agencies make ratings public (and if they can be complex. Most agencies explain their
didn't, that news would quickly become public), rationale in published documents that may be
so it is hard to get investors to pay for what they read by investors. Among others, the risk factors
can get for free on the news. Second, issuing a include the financial performance of the firm,
rating often involves access to the company's the characteristics of the economy and industry
confidential data, which is not permissible under it operates, and the quality of its management.
a subscriber-pays model. Standard & Poor's credit ratings strive to be
U In some circumstances, most agencies will forward-looking, focusing not just on the past
rate some securities without any consultation but also on the likely future state of the industry
with the issuing firm. In these cases the ratings and the firm.
are based only on public data, and are normally Standard & Poor's ratings are intended to be
OH indicated as such. consistent across all issuers and debt instruments.

o Ratings are generally published at the time Over the very long term, all instruments with

Credit Ratings

the same (say, A) rating are expected to have opinion regarding the shariah compliance of
similar default experience. However, the short- any Islamic financing instrument, institution, w
term behavior of these instruments may be very or debt issue. It is the responsibility of the ft
different. Different industries respond differently shariah board of the originating institution to
to economic and credit cycles. rule on compliance with Islamic law. The agency
Credit ratings are not exact measures ofthe default rates the security based on its analysis of the
probability of an issue or issuer, but an opinion willingness and ability of the issuer to make the
about relative credit risk. In assigning ratings, agreed payments, as specified in the security.
agencies rank relative credit risk from strongest to
weakest, based on relative creditworthiness and RATINGS AND INVESTMENT
credit quality within the rated universe. Actual Although credit quality is an important element in
default probabilities may change over time. an investment decision, it is not the only or even C
the most important element. Ratings opinions are S3
RECOVERY not investment recommendations. In making any ore
Some credit rating agencies incorporate the investment, the investor should consider the trade-
potential for recovery into their opinions, while off between risk and reward. Credit quality is only
others may give a recovery rating that is separate a partial measure of one of those trade-offs. cr
from the credit rating. Recovery prospects after A security's price is generally one of the most
default are an important component in evaluating important considerations for an investor. If
credit quality, particularly in evaluating more the price is low enough, almost any investment
risky debt issues. becomes desirable; if the price is too high,
any investment becomes unattractive. The
ISLAMIC CREDIT price determines the long-run return on the
Mounting demand for s/iaria/i-compliant investment, assuming that it pays as scheduled.
financial products and services has fueled the As a minimum, three other factors besides
rapid expansion of the Islamic banking industry. price and credit quality should be considered.
More and more banking clients are choosing to First, what is the downside risk or likely recovery
invest in a broadening range of Islamic financial if the security defaults? Second, what is the
instruments (IFI) through long-established liquidity of the investment—how easy is it to
banks in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) sell if it must be disposed of before its maturity
and Malaysia. The model has spread beyond the date, and how responsive is pricing to changes in
Gulf to the Maghreb and Muslim Asia, as well interest rates or the market environment?
as to Muslims in predominantly non-Muslim An important issue for investors buying outside
countries in the West, Asia, and Africa. their home country is the potential for exchange
Demand for sftana/i-compliant instruments rate change or government interference with the
has risen sharply as a result of strong economic ability to collect payment. Fortunately, foreign
growth within the Islamic world and the large exchange controls have become very rare outside
surpluses of the oil-producing countries. The of a few very weak emerging economies, but
volume of sfrari'a/i-compliant instruments foreign exchange risk is very real. The US dollar/
outstanding is estimated at over $500 billion, euro exchange rate went up 20% in early 2008
with sukuk (an Islamic financial certificate) and then down 20% over the next three months.
issuance reaching $100 billion. Islamic banks
have focused on the retail segment in the Arab CONCLUSION
world and Malaysia but are expanding to other Credit ratings may be used by investors and
countries. North Africa has been a recent region other market participants in making investment
of strong growth, with Tunisia and Morocco and business decisions that are aligned with
authorizing Islamic banks for the first time in their risk tolerance or credit risk guidelines.
2007. The central bank of Morocco became Credit ratings are opinions about the perceived
a shareholder in the International Financial credit risk of a particular debt issue. In general,
Services Board (based in Malaysia), which serves the greater the credit risk, the higher the return
as a transnational regulatory body to harmonize investors may expect for assuming that risk. For
regulation and supervision for Islamic banks. that reason, credit ratings may be useful for both
Islamic securities such as sukuk are rated issuers and investors when a debt issue is first
by agencies employing the same fundamental issued in the primary markets and continues
analysis as are used for rating other issues. The to be so for investors who trade securities in
rating provided does not, however, express an secondary markets. O

Financing and Raising Capital

^ • Ratings can be obtained from a variety of agencies. Consider who will be your likely investors
U before deciding t o go with a global or a local rating agency.
• Have your financial and business plans in order and fully audited by a reputable firm before
K trying to get a rating.
PQ • Ratings are opinions about credit risk, and not investment advice or opinions on pricing.
* • Work with your banker on determining which agency to use and whether a rating is desirable.

'3 MORE INFO and Kenneth Singleton. Credit Risk:
Duffie, Darrell, Pricing, Measurement, and Management.
g Books:
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2003.
Fuchita, Yasuyuki, and Robert E. Litan (eds). Financial Gatekeepers: Can They Protect Investors?
Baltimore, MD: Brookings Institution, 2006.
Langohr, Herwig M., and Patricia T. Langohr. The Rating Agencies and Their Credit Ratings: What
They Are, How They Work, and Why They Are Relevant. Chichester, UK: Wiley, 2008.
Levich, Richard M., Giovanni Majnoni, and Carmen Reinhart (eds). Ratings, Rating Agencies and
the Global Financial System. Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic, 2002.

Cantor, Richard. "An introduction to recent research on credit ratings." Journal of Banking and
Finance 28:11 (November 2004): 2565-2573. Online at:

The main sources of information on ratings are the websites of the three major rating agencies:,, and A good discussion of
ratings trends is found in the "Guide to credit rating essentials" produced by Standard & Poor's
(2008, 20 pages): [PDF].

• — i


Raising Capital in the United Kingdom w
by Lauren Mills

• It has never been harder to raise capital. The credit crunch means banks are even less willing
to lend money to small and medium-sized enterprizes (SMEs). So raising capital is likely to be
more time-consuming and costly than before. It is therefore vital you know how much money
you need, and what you need it for, before approaching potential backers.
• A lot will depend on whether you are funding a start-up, buying an asset, seeking growth
finance, or looking for an exit. 3
• Whatever stage you are at, you must have a business plan, strong management, and good OQ
growth prospects—or potential backers are unlikely to be interested. re

INTRODUCTION • A £10 billion Working Capital Scheme,

Raising capital to grow a business has never been securing up to £20 billion of short-term bank
more challenging or time-consuming. While lending to companies with a turnover of up to
there are still many sources of finance, ranging £500 million.
from government and EU grants, to bank loans, • An Enterprise Finance Guarantee Scheme,
private equity, angel investors, or a stock market securing up to £1.3 billion of additional bank
flotation, some will be easier to come by than loans to small firms with a turnover of up to
others in the post-credit crunch climate. One £25 million.
of the biggest problems will be deciding which • A £75 million Capital for Enterprise Fund
route is best for you. (£50 million from government, plus £25
Before weighing up the pros and cons of each, million from banks) to invest in small
carry out a ruthless analysis of your business. businesses which need equity.
Start by asking yourself some elementary The Working Capital Scheme is a direct response
questions. Do you have strong management to the constraint on bank lending to ordinary-risk
in place? Do you have a business plan? Do you businesses with a turnover of up to £500 million
know what you need to do to move your business a year. The Government has agreed to provide
to the next stage? This may sound somewhat banks with guarantees for 50% of the risk on
elementary, but it is surprising how many existing and new working capital portfolios
companies keep drifting in one direction without worth up to £20 billion as part of the scheme.
knowing whether this is the best route to pursue, The Government guarantee will free up capital,
or whether the best captain is at the helm. which the banks must use for new lending as a
It is therefore essential to have a clear idea of condition of this scheme. This is lending that
what you want to achieve and how you are going to would otherwise not have been provided, the
achieve it before approaching potential financiers. UK Government has claimed. The first £1 billion
guarantee tranche of the scheme is expected to
GRANTS be available in March 2009.
In January 2009, the United Kingdom's Business The Enterprise Finance Guarantee is intended
Secretary, Lord Mandelson, announced a new to help smaller, credit-worthy companies which
package offinancialmeasures to help businesses might otherwise fail to access the finance they
with short-term funding issues weather the need for working capital or investment finance
economic downturn. Help is also available for due to strict lending conditions.
companies looking to finance the next stage of
The Government will provide £1 billion worth
of guarantees to support £1.3 billion of bank o
The support package consists of loan guarantees lending to smaller firms with an annual turnover • — 1

and a new Enterprise Fund. It is intended to help of up to £25 million, which are looking for loans
companies which are struggling to obtain finance of up to £1 million for a period of up to 10 years.
for working capital and investment. The guarantee, available through high street
The Government measures include: banks, will apply to loans and can also be used to o

Financing and Raising Capital

^ convert existing overdrafts into loans to enable forms. They must also demonstrate how
W businesses to free up their current overdraft they will satisfy the funding conditions and
§ facilities to meet working capital requirements. requirements of any one scheme. It is essential
Cd To help businesses raise new long-term that you understand the Government's economic
£ finance, the UK Government is also offering objectives in providing grants and tailor your
+j to invest in viable companies which have high application to meet them.
5R levels of existing debt through t h e new Capital
PQ for Enterprise Fund. BANK LOANS
• The Government also provides a range of Individuals looking for start-up capital, or small
•g financial support to businesses—including loans firms seeking finance to pay for assets such as
& and loan guarantees, grants, and equity—through computer equipment, machinery, or cars, could
Q various "Solutions for Business" products. look to their bank or building society for the
WD To find out more about what is on offer, cash. But lending criteria are far tougher now
,5 t h e best starting point is your local Business than before the credit crunch hit.
J3 Link. This is t h e Government's business The advantage of a bank loan—if you can get
05 advice network, which offers an abundance of one—is that it will be for a fixed sum, over a fixed
information online, over the telephone, or via period of time, so you know how much you need
face-to-face meetings with an adviser. to pay back and for how long. In theory, this
A new "one-stop shop," easy-to-use web portal should make it relatively easy to manage your
has been launched on the Business Link website budgets. And while you will have to pay interest
to direct companies to the most appropriate form on bank or building society loans, you will not be
of support, and help them assess their eligibility obliged to hand over a percentage of your profits
for the various schemes. or a share of your company.
There is also a Grant for Business Investment Even before the global financial meltdown
(GBI), which provides capital to support there were drawbacks:
business investment or job creation projects • The banks impose strict terms and conditions
and is part of the Government's Solutions for on most loans. In some cases they may even
Business portfolio. The idea is to help businesses insist you offer some sort of security. So you
grow, become more efficient, modernize, and may be required to secure the loan against the
diversify. assets of your business or even your home.
A grant under GBI is for the acquisition • Bank loans are not very flexible, so you may
of key assets such as buildings, machinery, find yourself paying interest on funds you
and equipment, and to help create new jobs are not using. You will also have to make
or safeguard existing ones. Grants start at a regular repayments, which may make it hard
minimum of £10,000 and there is no maximum to manage cash flow if your customers are not
limit. The final amount will depend on the size paying their bills on time.
and location of the business, and the size and If you feel a bank loan could cover your business
quality of the project. It is also worth bearing needs, then remember to research the market
in mind that businesses applying for this grant carefully.
will be assessed according to the level of skills A good place to start is the website Money
they require within their workforce, and their Supermarket, which offers information on
anticipated productivity improvement. So business current accounts—which will give you
companies must be clear about what they hope an idea of which banks to approach.
to achieve before applying. The Institute of Chartered Accountants in
In Scotland, this is called the Grant for England and Wales (ICAEW) reckons nine out
Regional Selective Assistance (RSA). Information of 10 SMEs are likely to be contacted by their
about this can be found on the Scottish Business banks to discuss the terms of their overdrafts by
Grants website. the end of 2009.
, In Northern Ireland, it is called the Enterprise Clive Lewis, SME expert at ICAEW, believes
fi NI Loan Fund (ENILF). Information is available businesses should explore a range of financing
>y. on the Enterprise NI website. alternatives and use "appropriate funding." This,
^~j Remember, there is a limited pot of cash he says, could include asset finance, factoring,
S available, so competition for grant funding is hire purchase, invoice discounting, leasing, and
{£3 extremely fierce. Furthermore, the application equity finance.
PM process is often long-winded and arduous. Lewis warns of even tougher times ahead. He
O' Applicants must complete detailed application advisesbusinessownerstoseekadviceonalternatives

Raising Capital in the United Kingdom

to bankfinance,because there is an estimated £800 sound ideas from speculative pipe dreams.
billion funding gap between deposits and lending in The main advantage of private equity financing w
the United Kingdom. This is because savings levels is that the investor will have a vested interest in (ft
have dropped off and cheap foreign capital from the your business's success. These types of investors
wholesale markets has dried up. are also often prepared to offer follow-up funding
as the business grows.
Private equity firms and venture capitalists are Business angels are high net worth individuals
still looking to invest in businesses with strong who invest on their own, or as part of a syndicate, (ft
management and good growth prospects. in high-growth businesses. In addition to money, (ft
However, they are more likely to invest in they often make their own skills, experience, and c
companies they have already backed than take contacts available to the companies they invest
on new risk in the current economic climate. in. According to the British Business Angels Qrq
It is worth remembering that private equity Association (BBAA), angel investors rarely have O
investors tend to invest in a business for the a connection with a company before they invest cr
medium term, rather than the longer term. in it. However, they are more than likely to have
In practice this often means from three to five experience of its industry or sector, so could
years, although they may invest for far longer or bring invaluable experience to the table.
much shorter periods of time. The BBAA believes business angels are "an
Unlike lenders, they tend not to have rights to important but still under-utilized" source of
interest or to be repaid at a particular date. But money for new and growing businesses.
they will want a share of the ownership and in Typically, business angels invest between
some instances may demand an element of control £10,000 and £750,000 in an investment, making
of the business. They often insist that a non- them an attractive alternative for smaller firms
executive is appointed to the board. This is not looking to raise smaller sums.
necessarily a bad thing. If you do your homework Before investing, business angels will check out
and bring in an external investor with experience factors ranging from management expertise and
in your sector, then you could be adding another track record, to a company's competitive edge
dimension to your business by beefing up senior and compatibility between the management, the
management expertise. And this can be invaluable business plan, and the business angel's skills and
in terms of brainstorming for new ideas. investment preferences.
Venture capital or private equity financing A good starting point for further information
tends to be best suited to businesses gearing up is the BBAA's website.
for a flotation or trade sale—both of which will
be hard to achieve while stock markets remain STOCK MARKET FLOTATION
volatile and credit is hard to come by. This is The number of companies seeking a stock
because the investor will need to be able to market flotation has plummeted in the wake of
realize a return for the investment via a well- the credit crunch. In the first half of 2008, only
thought-out exit strategy. 333 companies sought to raise finance through
Before approaching potential private equity an initial public offering (IPO), compared to 702
investors, it is essential to ask yourself how companies in the same period a year earlier.
credible your management is. Do you have Given the turbulent state of the world's equity
a solid track record? And do you have the markets, it is unlikely that IPOs will regain their
communications skills necessary to sell your status as a popular route to new finance in the
story effectively? You will need a strong product foreseeable future.
or service. And you must be able to show that A stock market flotation involves selling
you can deliver year-on-year growth to realistic shares in your business on one of the stock
markets. There are three markets in the
targets. Ultimately, you must still be highly
ambitious and driven to attract interest from United Kingdom. The London Stock Exchange
private equity backers. Main Market is mostly populated with
Once you have completed a serious analysis of larger companies. However, the Alternative
your business and its prospects, you must draw Investment Market (AIM) and the PLUS
up a detailed business plan. It should be written market are both aimed at smaller companies.
in plain English, without jargon or fluff—private
equity professionals have a nose for sniffing out
If an IPO is a realistic option for your business,
it is important to remember it is not an exit—it n
Financing and Raising Capital

is the beginning of the next stage of growth. not require a company to have a trading
Companies considering a stock market flotation record. And while it is part of the London Stock
must have strong management, a healthy track Exchange, it offers a more flexible regulatory
record, and excellent growth prospects. environment and is less expensive. There is
u Traditionally, the main advantage of a stock no minimum percentage of shares that has to
market flotation is ready access to funds. be traded, yet AIM-listed companies attract a
Flotation may also add to your company's wide range of investors, including institutional
credibility and raise its profile. It also provides backers. AIM offers tax breaks and incentives for
an opportunity for business owners and other owner-managers, and is a very liquid market. A
investors, such as private equity backers, to nominated adviser is required at all times.
realize their investment. Having your own traded PLUS is aimed at smaller companies seeking
shares may also help you grow your business to raise up to £10 million. While it is regulated,
wo because you can offer shares as well as cash in the rules are not as stringent as those of AIM
any potential takeover bids. or the Main Market. While the costs associated
There are disadvantages, however. Costs with floating and running a company on the
(A associated with floating a business can be PLUS market are lower than its larger rivals,
substantial. There will be higher ongoing the pool of investors is not as deep and is mainly
professional fees, as you will need advisers to help restricted to private investors.
you comply with the added regulatory burden that If you think your company is ready for a stock
floating a business can bring. You will also have market flotation, then remember that preparing
to consider the interests of shareholders when for a float is a challenging and expensive process.
running the company—and there will be times It can take months to organize. For businesses
when their objectives will differ from yours. that have not been part of a regulated industry
Choosing the right market is vital. London's before, it can be a cultural shock.
Main Market is the most stringently regulated
and is only suitable for the largest companies. A CONCLUSION
minimum of 25% of the company's equity must Choosing the right type of finance for your
be traded, to ensure liquidity, and companies business is incredibly important. You must have
must have been trading for at least three years. a thorough understanding of what stage your
While the main market gives access to the widest business is at and what you need the money for
possible audience of potential investors, it comes before you pursue any one of the options. A lot
at a price. Professional fees and costs are far will depend on whether you are funding a start-
higher than for AIM or PLUS. up, buying an asset, seeking growth finance, or
In contrast to the main market, AIM does looking for an exit.

British Business Angels Association:
Business Link:
Enterprise NI Loan Fund:
Money Supermarket:
Scottish Business Grants:



Minimizing Credit Risk by Frank J. Fabozzi
• Credit risk encompasses credit default risk, credit spread risk, and downgrade risk.
• Market participants typically gauge credit default risk in terms of the credit rating assigned by
rating agencies.
• Factors that are considered in the evaluation of a corporate borrower's creditworthiness are: the
quality of management; the ability of the borrower to satisfy the debt obligation; the level of
seniority and the collateral available in a bankruptcy proceeding; and covenants.
• Credit risk transfer vehicles allow the redistribution of credit risk. 3
• Securitization is a credit risk transfer vehicle for corporations that is accomplished by selling a
pool of loans or receivables to a third-party entity.
• Credit derivatives are a form of credit risk transfer vehicle.

INTRODUCTION or issuer will be downgraded, resulting in an

Financial corporations and investors face several increase in the credit spread demanded by the
types ofrisk.One major risk is credit risk. Despite market. Hence, downgrade risk is related to
the fact that market participants typically refer to credit spread risk. Occasionally, the ability of an
"credit risk" as if it is one-dimensional, there are issuer to make interest and principal payments
actually three forms of this risk: credit default diminishes seriously and unexpectedly because
risk, credit spread risk, and downgrade risk. of an unforeseen event. This can include any
Credit default risk is the risk that the issuer number of idiosyncratic events that are specific
will fail to satisfy the terms of the obligation with to the corporation or to an industry, including
respect to the timely payment of interest and a natural or industrial accident, a regulatory
repayment of the amount borrowed. This form of change, a takeover or corporate restructuring, or
credit risk covers counterparty risk in a trade or corporate fraud. This risk is referred to generically
derivative transaction where the counterparty fails as event risk and will result in a downgrading of
to satisfy its obligation. To gauge credit default risk, the issuer by the rating agencies.
investors typically rely on credit ratings. A credit
rating is a formal opinion given by a company FACTORS CONSIDERED IN ASSESSING
referred to as a rating agency of the credit default CREDIT DEFAULT RISK
risk faced by investing in a particular issue of debt The most obvious way to protect against credit
securities. For long-term debt obligations, a credit risk is to analyze the creditworthiness of the
rating is a forward-looking assessment of the borrower. In performing such an analysis,
probability of default and the relative magnitude credit analysts evaluate the factors that affect
of the loss should a default occur. For short-term the business risk of a borrower. These factors
debt obligations, a credit rating is a forward- can be classified into four general categories—
looking assessment of the probability of default. the quality of the borrower; the ability of the
The nationally recognized rating agencies include borrower to satisfy the debt obligation; the
Moody's Investors Service, Standard & Poor's, and level of seniority and the collateral available
Fitch Ratings. in a bankruptcy proceeding; and restrictions
Credit spread risk is the loss or under- imposed on the borrower.
performance of an issue or issues due to an In the case of a corporation, the quality of
increase in the credit spread. The credit spread the borrower involves assessing the firm's
is the compensation sought by investors for business strategies and management policies.
accepting the credit default risk of an issue or More specifically, a credit analyst will study the
issuer. The credit spread varies with market corporation's strategic plan, accounting control O
conditions and the credit rating of the issue or systems, andfinancialphilosophyregardingthe use
issuer. On the issuer side, credit spread risk of debt. In assigning a credit rating, Moody's states:
is the risk that an issuer's credit spread will "Although difficult to quantify, management
increase when it must come to market to offer quality is one of the most important factors
bonds, resulting in a higher funding cost. supporting an issuer's credit strength. When o
Downgrade risk is the risk that an issue the unexpected occurs, it is a management's

Financing and Raising Capital

^ ability to react appropriately that will sustain the enabling lenders to take positive and corrective
W company's performance." 1 action before the situation deteriorates further.
•§ The ability of the borrower to meet its Covenants play an important part in minimizing
etf obligations begins with the analysis of the risk to creditors.
*T borrower's financial statements. Commonly
^ used measures of liquidity and debt coverage CREDIT RISK TRANSFER VEHICLES
$ combined with estimates of future cash flows There are various ways that investors, particularly
QQ are calculated and investigated if there are institutional investors, can reduce their exposure
• concerns. In addition, the analysis considers to credit risk. These arrangements are referred
ti industry trends, the borrower's basic operating to as credit transfer vehicles. It should be borne
Q^ and competitive position, sources of liquidity in mind that an institutional investor may not
Q (backup lines of credit), and, if applicable, the necessarily want to eliminate credit risk but may
150 regulatory environment. An investigation of want to control it or have an efficient means by
fl industry trends aids a credit analyst in assessing which to reduce it. The increasing number of
3 the vulnerability of the firm to economic credit risk transfer vehicles has made it easier for
^ cycles, the barriers to entry, and the exposure financial institutions to reallocate large amounts
^ of the company to technological changes. An of credit risk to the nonfinancial sector of the
investigation of the borrower's various lines of capital markets.
business aids the credit analyst in assessing the For a bank, the most obvious way to transfer the
firm's basic operating position. credit risk of a loan it has originated is to sell it to
A credit analyst will look at the position as another party. The bank management's concern
a creditor in the case of a bankruptcy. The US when it sells corporate loans is the potential
Bankruptcy Act comprises 15 chapters, each impairment of its relationship with the corporate
covering a particular type of bankruptcy. Of borrower. This concern is overcome with the use of
particular interest here are Chapter 7, which syndicated loans, because banks in the syndicate
deals with the liquidation of a company, and may sell their loan shares in the secondary
Chapter 11, which deals with the reorganization market by means of either an assignment or a
of a company. When a company is liquidated, participation. With an assignment, a syndicated
creditors receive distributions based on the loan requires the approval of the obligor; that
absolute priority rule to the extent that assets is not the case with a participation since the
are available. The absolute priority rule is the payments by the borrower are merely passed
principle that senior creditors are paid in full through to the purchaser, and therefore the
before junior creditors are paid anything. For obligor need not know about the sale.
secured creditors and unsecured creditors, the Two credit risk vehicles that have increased in
absolute priority rule guarantees their seniority importance since the 1990s are securitization and
to equity holders. However, in the case of a credit derivatives. It is important to note that the
reorganization, the absolute priority rule rarely pricing of these credit risk transfer instruments
holds because in practice unsecured creditors do is not an easy task. Pricing becomes even more
in fact typically receive distributions for the entire complicated for lower-quality borrowers and for
amount of their claim and common stockholders credits that are backed by a pool of lower-quality
may receive something, while secured creditors assets, as recent events in the capital markets
may receive only a portion of their claim. The have demonstrated.
reason is that a reorganization requires the
approval of all the parties. Consequently, secured SECURITIZATION
creditors are willing to negotiate with both Securitization involves the pooling of loans and/
unsecured creditors and stockholders in order to or receivables and selling that pool of assets to
obtain approval of the plan of reorganization. a third-party, a special purpose vehicle (SPV).
The restrictions imposed on the borrower By doing so, the risks associated with that pool
(management) that are part of the terms and of assets, such as credit risk, are transferred to
(JLJ conditions of the lending or bond agreement are the SPV. In turn, the SPV obtains the funds to
QJ called covenants. Covenants deal with limitations acquire the pool of assets by selling securities.
^? and restrictions on the borrower's activities. When the pool of assets consists of consumer
<* Affirmative covenants call on the debtor to make receivables or mortgage loans, the securities
*~Z promises to do certain things. Negative covenants issued are referred to as asset-backed securities.
1—1 are those that require the borrower not to take When the asset pool consists of corporate loans,
j^T. certain actions. A violation of any covenant the securities issued are called collateralized
\J> may provide a meaningful early warning alarm, loan obligations.

Minimizing Credit Risk

A major reason why afinancialor nonfinancial linked notes, credit spread options, and credit
corporation uses securitization as a fund-raising spread forwards. In addition, there are index- n
vehicle is that it may allow a lower funding cost type or basket credit products that are sponsored en
than issuing secured debt. However, another by banks that link the payoff to the investor to a
important reason is that securitization is a risk portfolio of credits. Credit derivatives are over-
management tool. Although the entity employing the-counter instruments and are therefore not
securitization retains some of the credit risk traded on an organized exchange. Hence, credit
associated with the pool of loans (referred to derivatives expose an investor to counterparty
as retained interest), the majority of the credit risk, and this has been the major concern in
risk is transferred to the holders of the securities recent years in view of the credit problems
issued by the SPV. of large banks and dealer firms who are the
CREDIT DERIVATIVES Credit derivatives also permit banks to transfer
A financial derivative is a contract designed to credit risk without the need to transfer assets
transfer some form of risk between two or more physically. For example, in a collateral loan d
parties efficiently. When a financial derivative
allows the transfer of credit exposure of an
obligation, a bank can sell a pool of corporate
loans to a special purpose vehicle (SPV) in
underlying asset or assets between two parties, order to reduce its exposure to the corporate
it is referred to as a credit derivative. More borrowers. Alternatively, it can transfer the
specifically, credit derivatives allow investors credit risk exposure by buying credit protection
either to acquire or to reduce credit risk exposure. for the same pool of corporate loans. In this
Many institutional investors have portfolios that case, the transaction is referred to as a synthetic
are highly sensitive to changes in the credit collateralized loan obligation.
spread between a default-free asset and a credit- An understanding of credit derivatives is
risky asset, and credit derivatives are an efficient critical even for those who do not want to use
way to manage this exposure. Conversely, other them. As Alan Greenspan, then the Chairman
institutional investors may use credit derivatives of the Federal Reserve Board, in a speech on
to target specific credit exposures as a way to September 25,2002, stated:
enhance portfolio returns. Consequently, the "The growing prominence of the market for
ability to transfer credit risk and return provides credit derivatives is attributable not only to its
a tool for institutional-investors; the potential ability to disperse risk but also to the information
to improve performance. Moreover, corporate it contributes to enhanced risk management by
treasurers can use credit derivatives to transfer banks and other financial intermediaries. Credit
the risk associated with an increase in credit default swaps, for example, are priced to reflect
spreads (i.e., credit spread risk). the probability of net loss from the default of
Credit derivatives include credit default an ever broadening array of borrowers, both
swaps, asset swaps, total return swaps, credit financial and non-financial."2

A credit-linked note (CLN) is a security, usually issued by an investment-grade-rated corporation,
that has an interest payment and fixed maturity structure similar to a standard bond. In contrast
to a standard bond, the performance of the CLN is linked to the performance of a specified
underlying asset or assets as well as that of the issuing entity. There are different ways that a CLN
can be credit linked, and we will describe one case here.
British Telecom issued on December 15, 2000, a CLN with a coupon rate of 8.125% maturing on
December 15, 2010. The terms of this CLN stated that the coupon rate would increase by 25 basis
points for each one-notch rating downgrade of British Telecom below A-/A3 suffered during the
life of the CLN. The coupon rate would decrease by 25 basis points for each rating upgrade, with
a minimum coupon set at 8.125%. In other words, this CLN allows investors to make a credit play
based on this issuer's credit rating. In fact, in May 2003, British Telecom was downgraded by one
rating notch and the coupon rate was increased to 8.375%.

Financing and Raising Capital

0) CONCLUSION the borrower, the ability of the borrower to satisfy

.S* While market participants typically think of the debt obligation, the level of seniority and the
Jj credit risk in terms of the failure of a borrower collateral available in a bankruptcy proceeding,
2 to make timely interest and principal payments and covenants. Credit risk transfer vehicles
PH on a debt obligation, this is only one form of include securitization and credit derivatives.
to credit risk: credit default risk. The other types of Credit derivatives include credit default swaps,
-Sj credit risk are credit spread risk and downgrade asset swaps, total return swaps, credit linked
# risk. When evaluating the credit default risk of notes, credit spread options, credit spread
•M a borrower, credit analysts look at the quality of forwards, and baskets or indexes of credits.
.5 Controlling credit risk requires not just an understanding of what credit risk is and the factors that
J affect a borrower's credit rating but other important implementation issues. These include:
!* • establishing the credit risk exposure that a corporation or institutional investor is willing to
• quantifying the credit risk by using the latest quantitative tools in the field of credit risk
• understanding the various credit risk transfer vehicles that can be employed to control credit
• evaluating the merits of different credit risk transfer vehicles to determine which are the most
appropriate for altering credit risk exposure.

Anson, Mark J. P., Frank J. Fabozzi, Moorad Choudhry, and Ren-Raw Chen. Credit Derivatives:
Instruments, Pricing, and Applications. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2004.
Fabozzi, Frank J., Moorad Choudhry, and Steven V. Mann. Measuring and Controlling Interest Rate
and Credit Risk. 2nd ed. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2003.
Fabozzi, Frank J., and Moorad Choudhry. "Originating collateralized debt obligations for balance
sheet management." Journal of Structured Finance 9:3 (Fall 2003): 32-52. Online at:
Fabozzi, Frank J., Henry A. Davis, and Moorad Choudhry, "Credit-linked notes: A product primer."
Journal of Structured Finance 12:4 (Winter 2007): 67-77. Online at: 12.4.67
Lucas, Douglas J., Laurie S. Goodman, and Frank J. Fabozzi. "Collateralized debt obligations and
credit risk transfer." Journal of Financial Transformation 20 (2007): 47-59. Online at: [PDF].
DefaultRisk.Com—for credit risk modeling and measurement:
Vinod Kothari's credit derivatives website:



o 1 Moody's Investor Service. "Industrial company rating

methodology." Global Credit Research (July 2008): 6.
2 Speech titled "World Finance and Risk Management,"
at Lancaster House, London, United Kingdom.

How and When to Use Nonrecourse
Financing by Thomas McKaig
• Nonrecourse financing is debt where the loan is completely secured by collateral, which is
often real estate. In case of default, the borrower is not liable because the lender is limited to
collateral pledged for that loan—the lender has "no recourse" to the borrower's other assets.
• Nonrecourse financing is typically found in infrastructure projects such as the construction
of toll roads and bridges. In this case, the borrower (a large construction company) is under
no obligation to make payments on the loan if the revenue generated from the project on
completion (the bridge or the toll road when built) is insufficient to cover the principal and
interest payments on that loan.
• Although the benefits of such financing are obvious (the borrower is not using its balance sheet
for the loan and can therefore undertake more leveraged projects than it could otherwise), such
financing comes at a cost. Lenders often seek other credit guarantees and will almost certainly
charge more for the loan than with more traditional, recourse financing.
• Nonrecourse financing does not mean "no risk," and some companies may undertake projects
that have a riskier profile than they should otherwise assume, as will be shown in a case study.

INTRODUCTION corporate liability, they do not release whatever

When companies are negotiating loans from property is used as collateral for the loan—the
lenders, there are many clauses that are lender still has an interest in the property as
important points for negotiation over and above security for the loan.
the amount of the loan and interest charged. Nonrecourse financing is the norm in the
These items can include assignment of the world of project financing for major projects
loan (on the part of either the borrower or the that are government or quasi-govemment
lender), future fund advances, and prepayment sponsored (infrastructure projects such as toll
capability. Another key clause is the nonrecourse roads, hospitals, or power generating plants). It
clause, under which the lender agrees not to hold is so much a part of project financing that many
the borrower (the company) liable in the event of textbook definitions of "project finance" specify
default on the loan. that it is a key component: a project is financed
Typically, therefore, nonrecourse financing is based on, and secured by, the project itself,
different from personal loans, such as mortgage with the lender being repaid out of the project's
loans, where the lender holds the borrower cash flow, rather than the project being secured
personally responsible for the sum borrowed if by the general assets or creditworthiness (the
the value of the item being financed (the house) balance sheets) of the sponsors (the engineering
is insufficient to repay the total amount of the companies, the construction companies, or even
loan. Such loans are often called recourse loans. the government bodies) of an infrastructure
On the corporate side, most small business start- project. In most of these cases, the companies
up loans are recourse loans—if the business fails, undertaking the project are either not sufficiently
the owner is still liable to repay the loan amount creditworthy, or else unwilling to assume the
in full. high debt loads associated with traditional
Not all nonrecourse financing is the same—the financing for large, multibillion dollar projects.
phrase itself is very broad. Nonrecourse clauses in Nonrecourse financing is also the norm in the
loan agreements, for example, may state the specific commercial real estate world for the construction
conditions under which the lender will not hold the of major projects such as office buildings or
borrower personally liable in the event of default. shopping malls.
If these conditions are not met, then the borrower The benefits of nonrecourse financing to
becomes liable. Such financing is sometimes the borrower are obvious. Borrowers are able
referred to as limited-recourse financing. to enter into agreements that they could not
It is also important to remember that, while afford under traditional financing methods.
nonrecourse loans relieve the borrower of Project financing deals are also highly leveraged,

Financing and Raising Capital

0) allowing borrowers (more accurately called "the nonrecourse financing to fund the construction
,y sponsoring parties" to the agreement) to put of a new building because the institution as a
y fewer of their own funds at risk. Furthermore, whole would not want to put its balance sheet at
2 depending on the structure of the loan agreement, risk to fund the construction of one building.
(^ borrowers may not be required to report any of However, some dangers accompany this
^3 the project debt on their balance sheet. increased exposure to risk. "Non-recourse" is
^ A large firm undertaking a project may use not a synonym for "no downside risk," though
^ nonrecourse debt as a way of limiting its risk some companies may come to believe that. The
4_* exposure by effectively isolating a new project. Case Study illustrates some of the dangers when
*•§ For example, a large university might use companies forget about increased risk exposure.
>•"< Nonrecourse Does Not Mean No Risk
The early 1990s were a tough time for real estate investments in North America and throughout
much of the world. But it was preceded by many profitable years of highly speculative construction
and development of office buildings and retail facilities. This long building boom also encouraged all
parties in the development process to stretch themselves and become more exposed to the overall
project, which everyone agreed could only increase in value. Lenders soon became co-owners of
projects. Developers, who used to sell a project on completion, wished to keep a portion of the
development for themselves, and tenants wondered why they should pay rent when they could
explore co-ownership arrangements.
Consider the example of a mid-size real estate asset management firm that became tired of
managing the assets of others, and wanted a piece of the pie for themselves. Their plan was to
obtain a nonrecourse loan for the construction of a major shopping mall. The real estate company
would make money during the construction process (as construction managers) from ongoing
mall management and from a small equity stake in the mall, which the managers would keep
for themselves. And with a nonrecourse loan, the real estate firm wouldn't be liable for interest
payments if things went badly. It was a "no lose" situation.
However, no liability is not the same as having no exposure. The real estate manager, aided by
the thought that nonrecourse meant no possibility of loss, staked all of the firm's time and effort
on this one project, rather than diversifying among many real estate holdings, as other managers
had done. When the lender eventually took over the half-finished project, it was true that the
real estate manager had no further financial liability for this project. However, because the lender
stopped the project, the construction fees to the manager stopped, their own minority equity stake
shrank to zero, and they didn't survive long enough to benefit from the ongoing mall management
contract. The project was eventually completed many years later, but neither the original lender
nor the real estate asset manager remained in business to enjoy the eventual profit.

In any negotiation—especially a loan negotiation—no concession, such as a nonrecourse clause,
comes for free. In many cases, the lender may seek to mitigate its increased risk from writing a
nonrecourse loan by seeking additional guarantees or warranties from the borrower, from other
parties that are part of the project finance group, or even from third parties such as governments
or quasi-governmental agencies. Such "credit enhancement" can produce an end result where
pj the borrower ends up with exposure that is very similar to a recourse loan. In still other cases,
(_) additional equity has to be pledged by the borrower to cover the lender's risk. Once again, if the
*7 borrower is pledging assets worth 110% or more of the loan amount, it is wise to question what
<j^ you have to gain from having a nonrecourse loan.
^7 Borrowers also pay for the nonrecourse clause in a loan agreement. This can either come about
H—i in the form of higher interest rates for the loan, or higher up-front financing costs and fees to
]^j arrange the loan, or both. Nonrecourse financing may also result in a shorter list of lenders (and
O therefore a less competitive and higher-priced marketplace) than recourse loans. The final cost

How and When to Use Nonrecourse Financing

comes from the greater amount of time needed to both negotiate and, ultimately, structure a
nonrecourse financing agreement. Legal costs and time costs associated with these more complex w
financing arrangements must be considered in the overall financing equation. Selling property <•+
that is encumbered by a nonrecourse loan will often give rise to a more complex tax situation hj
(depending on the country the company is operating in), which is another factor to consider. p

CONCLUSION have broken ground if more traditional financing *
There are some real advantages to nonrecourse methods were used. But, as the economists say, c«
financing for the borrower. In some cases, such there is no such thing as a free lunch. Be sure g
as large project financing agreements, it allows to take into account the costs of this financing g»
projects to be completed that might not otherwise before rushing into a nonrecourse deal. ^q

_1 ^
' cr
• In any loan negotiation ask yourself, "Can I afford to have nonrecourse financing?"
• When any loan is coming up for renewal, ask yourself if nonrecourse financing is appropriate for
your firm.
• When circumstances at your firm change (for example, if your balance sheet strengthens),
examine the appropriateness of nonrecourse financing.
• Also consider the appropriateness of nonrecourse financing when circumstances in the world
change (for example, the credit market is looser/tighter, or a project is nearing completion so its
risk profile changes) and you are renegotiating a loan.
• Government-backed programs can often stand between a lender and a firm, offering
nonrecourse loans to the firm but providing a government guarantee if things go wrong, thereby
offering a service to the lender as well. These programs vary by country and usually apply to
specific, targeted industries—small business, agriculture, or protected industries. Check what
programs apply to your firm, both now and in the future.

Liaw, K. Thomas. The Business of Investment Banking. New York: Wiley, 1999.
Ling, David C , and Wayne R. Archer. Real Estate Principles: A Value Approach. 2nd ed. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 2006.
Slee, Robert T. Private Capital Markets: Valuation, Capitalization, and Transfer of Private Business
Interests. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2004.
Tjia, John. Building Financial Models: A Guide to Creating and Interpreting Financial Statements.
New York: McGraw-Hill, 2004.
Collaboratory for Research on Global Projects at Stanford University:
International Project Finance Association (IPFA):
National Council for Public-Private Partnerships (NCPPP):
Project Finance Magazine:
j 1 "]
Project Finance Portal, Harvard Business School: 2
Public Financial Management blog, International Monetary Fund: £> 2
Urban Land Institute (ULI): f\

Understanding the True Cost of Issuing w
Convertible Debt and Other Equity-Linked
Financing by Roger Lister
• Convertible securities (CSs) combine debt and equity. In option terms, CSs are a call option on
a specified number of shares whose exercise price is the debt claim forgone in exchange for the CA
shares. CSs are also like a stock with a put option whose exercise price is the market value of
the convertible. 3
• Some critics insist that CSs are uneconomic because they address several habitats of investors OfQ
at the same time. Others say that they comprise flexible, non-dilutive, easily executed, and O
cheap finance, which appeals to many professional investors including hedge funds.
• The basic formula defines the cost of CSs but ignores tax and dividends. The formula produces a a*
weighted average of the cost of the debt and the cost of a call option on the issuer's shares.
• Management's task is to measure the cost of CSs with the formula while allowing for the real
world influences that the basic model ignores.
• Cost-influencing factors include dividends, tax, and resolution of agency costs.

INTRODUCTION to investors interested in debt. At the same time

Convertible securities (CSs) and other equity- some straight equity investors crossed over into
linked instruments combine debt and equity. convertibles attracted by the combination of
Depending on the terms and the issuer's future yield and equity option.
performance, CSs can range from almost pure A counterargument is that CSs areflexible,non-
equity to an option-free bond. In option terms, dilutive, easily executed, and cheap finance. CSs
a CS can be viewed in two ways. It amounts to appeal to professional investors, including hedge
a straight bond with a call option on a specified funds which exploit arbitrage opportunities.
number of shares. It is also effectively a share Rating agencies such as Fitch see sense in
with a put option whose exercise price is the both viewpoints and hold that the desirability of
market value of the convertible. CSs depends more strongly than other sources
Some iconoclasts persistently argue that CSs and offinanceon individual corporate circumstances
other equity-linked instruments are essentially and market context. Fitch (2006) concludes:
uneconomic. Classically championed by Tony "Issuers must find continuing compelling
Merrett and Allen Sykes, critics maintain that by reasons for such issuance...The lower costs
jointly approaching the equity and fixed interest of such issuance compared with the cost of
markets a company must offer costly conversion issuing equity are certainly supportive, as are
rights to attract the equity investor while giving the gradual standardisation, transparency and
virtually the same rights to the fixed interest consistency of documentation, market practice
investor who values them less. Likewise, issuers and the activities of the agencies. On the other
must give fixed interest investors an acceptable hand, issuers and their advisers must always
income. In short, CSs contradict the advantage of strive to satisfy several constituencies, including
specialization whereby capital-raising is tailored regulators, legal and tax authorities, the
to habitats of investors. The iconoclasts invoke agencies and finally, investors. Investor appetite
studies like Ammann, Fehr, and Seiz (2006) to underpinned the buoyant corporate activity of
the effect that negative equity returns follow the recent years. However, that appetite arose in an
announcement and issue of CS.
Loss of interest on the part of one habitat
environment of low interest rates that will not
persist indefinitely."
can lead to greater interest from the other. The What is the true cost of CSs? Definition is less
mini-boom in convertibles in the spring of 2009 difficult than measurement. Having defined the
occurred as the reduced value of the equity parameters and influences on cost, management •n
element led to higher yields becoming available must frankly ask whether their measurements

Financing and Raising Capital

0) are so unreliable as to make them a dubious basis assumes that the issuer pays neither dividends
W for decision-taking. Of course this applies across nor tax (see, for example, Berk and DeMarzo,
•fi financial management, but it is particularly acute 2007, Chapters 21, 22, 23; Brealey and Myers,
cd for the cost of capital. 2007, Part 6; and packages like the London
Business School's).
* The cost of a CS is a weighted average of the cost FACTORS I N F L U E N C I N G COST
pq of its debt element and the cost of a call option on In the real world, dividends, tax, and mitigation
« the issuer's shares, since the investor in a CS is a of agency costs influence the cost of a CS.
•M lender and the holder of a call option on the value Dividends: If a company pays dividends then
^ of the firm. The difference between a conversion the value of the call option C changes. A call
Q right and a regular call option is that a CS holder option on a dividend-paying share suffers, since
5Q gets new shares upon exercise. It follows that if a cash dividend liquidates some corporate value
fl the price at which the CS holder is entitled to and the proceeds go to shareholders but not
*;3 shares is below market price, then the value of option holders. The larger the dividends, the
^ all corporate equity, including the convertor's, is more the option suffers. Option holders who try
M diluted. This explains why a convertible warrant to anticipate this by early exercise gain dividends
is worth less than a straight call option on the but lose interest on the exercise price.
company's shares whose exercise leaves existing Options on dividend-paying stocks with
equity intact. assumed-continuous or, more realistically,
The market will discount each element to discrete dividends can now be valued
the present using appropriate required rates of (Chandrasekhar and Gukhal, 2004), but only
return. The cost of CS is an average of the rates with protracted and complex mathematics
weighted by each element's share of total market beyond the present scope.
value. Tax: The impact of tax on cost is unique for
The starting point is the textbook formula every issuer, holder, and regime. Tax impinges
(see, for example, Copeland, Weston and Shastri, on C, the value of the call, on R, its systematic
2004, Chapter 15) which can be summarized as risk and on kb, the cost of debt. The impact in any
follows. particular case depends on:
These are the essential terms: km is the cost of • the issuer and holder's tax regime;
convertible debt; B is the value of debt element; • interacting intra-group regimes;
Wis the value of equity element, being the value • corporate, inter-corporate, and personal
of a call option on the company's shares; B + taxes at critical decision points;
W is the value of the convertible security; kb is • the taxable status of issuer, holder, and
the required rate of return on debt; and kc is the associates;
required rate of return on a call option on the • how issuer and holder prioritize tax
company's shares. See below. allowances.
Using the capital asset pricing model, Some aspects of recent relevant tax regulations
for the United Kingdom are illustrative. The issue
* c =/?, + [E(RJ-RJ/3c price is split between debt and equity. The debt
element is valued by discounting comparable
where kc is the required rate of return on a call straight debt at the interest rate that would have
option on the company's shares with the same been payable had the security contained no equity
maturity as the CS; Rf is the risk-free rate of conversion feature. The difference between this
return for a bond with the same maturity as value and the issue price of the security is treated
the CS; E(Rm) is the expected rate of return as being either an equity instrument or an
on a portfolio comprising all the shares in the embedded derivative, according to whether the
market; /?c is the systematic risk of the call option company can only issue shares or whether it has
expressing its correlation with the market. /?c is the discretion to pay cash. In the former case the
rTl computed by reference to the B of an underlying conversion right is treated as an equity issue and
r -\ share of the company adjusted to option using is disregarded for tax. In the latter case it is in
yy the Black-Scholes option pricing programme: principle taxable as an embedded derivative. If
so, a chargeable gain or allowable loss will arise
when the company pays cash to the holders. The
gain or loss is determined by a formula based
HI on the difference between the book value of the
fV The basic Black-Scholes option pricing scheme equity element and the amount paid.

True Cost of Equity-Linked Financing

Any difference between the deemed issue price interdependent risky investments, which is only
of the debt element and the amount payable on beneficial if the first succeeds. Either finance can w
its redemption is amortized and is tax-deductible be borrowed at the outset for both projects or CSs a
over the life of the security. can be issued that will be sufficient for the first to
A company can get a high and timely tax project while providing enough for the second

deduction by paying high interest on a CS with on conversion. If all goes well, the second project P
a short life. This reduces k., the cost of debt. will be duly financed by conversion. If the first
However if CS holders are taxable, their personal project fails, the value of the CS will fall, nobody
tax may negate the deduction: if debt is tax- will convert, and management will be able to
inefficient relative to equity, such investors will repurchase the debt at its low value in the open
require compensation by way of a higher return. market. Indeed Mayers (2003) has observed a
Furthermore tax benefits may be truncated correlation between conversion and spates of
by bankruptcy, voluntary conversion by corporate investment. If all had been borrowed B
bondholders, or a company decision to force upfront and if thefirstproject failed, management crq
conversion. If cross-border jurisdiction is might be tempted to invest the unused borrowings d
involved it becomes necessary to examine how
CSs would be categorized under relevant tax
in easy, unprofitable projects.
treaties, EC directives, and double taxation A TREND AND ITS REVERSAL
resulting from any inconsistent classification. A suitably selected trend illustrates in
Mitigation of agency costs: Agency costs combination a number of the factors discussed.
are costs of conflict among different classes of Such was the boom of 2003 (Economist, 2003)
investor and between managers and investors. and the subsequent fall.
They reflect opportunities for equity to exploit The factors that prompted the surge in the
debt and for managers to invest sloppily, forgo early 2000s to issuance to a near-historic high
good investments, shirk, and enjoy perks. are concerned with cost, capital structure, value,
Endangered parties impose monitoring costs financial mobility, and market context:
on the shareholders. If the endangered party is • The market had no appetite for equity, and at
a lender, then the cost of debt rises. With CSs an the same time companies were suffering from
equity sweetener reduces the monitoring costs unpalatable gearing levels. CSs with a low coupon
by aligning the interests of debt and equity. providedfinancialmobility and some reassurance
CSs can reduce the managerial incentive to anxious investors and garnered tax advantage.
to overinvest in poor, low-return projects. • Hedge funds were attracted to CSs because
For example, consider the second of two they perceived a bargain insofar as the issue

Figure 1. Annual global convertible issuance, data through March 10, 2004. (Source;
Standard & Poor's Global Fixed Income Research, Thomson Financial)
Volume of issuance (left scale) Count (right scale)



40 M

20 100

1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
0 o

Financing and Raising Capital

^ price underestimated the volatility of the • for tax reasons dividends increased, and
W equity, which meant that the call option, C in this hurt short sellers who had to pay the
"§ the basic formula, was undervalued. dividends to their purchaser.
g • Hedge funds bought the convertible, sold The above trend and its reversal illustrate
^ the debt, and kept the undervalued call an underlying decision process. An issue of
+-i option. They then sold shares short to exploit convertibles may be based on perceived market
<y underestimated volatility. opportunity as above. Alternatively it m a y b e
PQ A reversal of the trend came when a reaction against t h e relative costs of issuing
• • the volatility of equities declined; straight equity or straight debt. Onerous
jlj • companies grew wise to the excessive cost of regulation may further militate against either or
W CSs that they were suffering; both straight instruments.
M — — —
5 The decision to issue CSs follows the answers to a series of questions.
eft • Is there presently a "hot convertible debt window" in the market or are there contraindications?
• Do the causes of the window or the contraindications apply to us?
• What is our debt capacity? If we are near its limits will CSs bust us or will they enable us to stretch
our borrowing?
• Can we tailor CSs to our real investment needs? Can we at the same time mitigate agency costs?
• What tax-planning opportunities do CSs offer? Should we prioritize other tax benefits?
• Measurement of the parameters of the cost of capital is notoriously difficult. How reliable are our
estimates? For example, how stable is our beta and how reliable is our estimate of volatility?

Berk, Jonathan, and Peter DeMarzo. Corporate Finance. Boston, MA: Pearson Addison Wesley, 2007.
Bhattacharya, Mihir. "Convertible securities and their valuation." In Frank J. Fabozzi (ed). The
Handbook of Fixed Income Securities. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2005; 1393-1442.
Brealey, Richard A., Stewart C. Myers, and Franklin Allen. Principles of Corporate Finance. 9th ed. New
York: McGraw-Hill, 2007.
Copeland, Thomas, Fred Weston, and Kuldeep Shastri. Financial Theory and Corporate Policy. 4th ed.
Boston, MA: Addison-Wesley, 2004.
Tuckman, Bruce. Fixed Income Securities: Tools for Today's Market. 2nd ed. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2002.
Ammann, Manuel, Martin Fehr, and Ralf Seiz. "New evidence on the announcement effect of
convertible and exchangeable bonds." Journal of Multinational Financial Management 16:1
(February 2006): 43-63. Online at:
Asquith, Paul. "Convertible bonds are not called late." Journal of Finance 50:4 (September 1995):
1275-1289. Online at: 11557
Campbell, Cynthia J., Louis H. Ederington, and Prashant Vankudre. "Tax shields, sample selection
bias, and the information content of conversion-forcing bond calls." Journal of Finance 46:4
(September 1991): 1291-1324. Online at: 11156
Economist. "Convertible bombs." November 14, 2002. Online at:
Economist. "Options and opportunities." July 17, 2003. Online at: ?story_id=El_TJNSDRJ
Fitch Ratings. "Guide to hybrid securities." 2006. Online at:
Laurent, Sandra. "Convertible debt and preference share financing: An empirical study." Working
paper, 2005. Online at:
Gukhal, Chandrasekhar Reddy . "The compound option approach to American options on jump-
diffusions." Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 28:10 (September 2004): 2055-2074.
PH Online at:
Securitization: Understanding the Risks w
and Rewards by Tarun Sabarwal
Securitization creates value for organizations, investors, and consumers:
• It separates the funding of receivables from their origination and servicing, and allows
origination and servicing revenues to grow without additional balance sheet financing.
• It provides cash flow and balance sheet management benefits.
• It allows for targeted asset liquidation, improvements in asset liquidity, and access to capital
markets at rates different from enterprise credit ratings. w
• The flexibility in transforming risks permits mutually beneficial matches in targeted market
opportunities, both for organizations and investors.
• Deeper capital markets allow for price discovery of illiquid assets, greater access to funds for
new firms and consumers, and greater financial innovation.
Securitization creates risks of moral hazard and lack of transparency:
• Separation of funding from origination can create moral hazard, generating higher-than-
expected risks and leading to conflicts between investors, firm shareholders, and firm creditors.
• Complexity of structural transformations creates lack of transparency, which, in turn, can lead to
greater illiquidity and possible market failure. These effects are worse in globally inter-connected

INTRODUCTION entity. This entity in turn issues securities

In broad terms, securitization can be viewed as backed by a beneficial interest in the receivables.
pooling receivables and selling claims to these For a successful securitization, it is important to
receivables in capital markets. For example, a understand this process in detail.
mortgage lender may pool together thousands The originator of receivables identifies a pool
of mortgages and sell claims on mortgage of receivables to be securitized. For example, a
receivables to investors. Historically, the first mortgage lender identifies which loans will form
securitizations in the 1970s in the United States a particular pool for a securitization. As borrower
were those of pools of mortgages. With the and loan characteristics affect receivables
success of mortgage-backed securities, other and losses on a loan, the credit quality of the
groups of receivables were securitized as well, receivable pool is affected by its loan quality.
including auto loan receivables, credit card The originator transfers the receivable pool to
receivables, and home equity receivables. a special-purpose entity (SPE), typically a type of
Although a majority of securitizations are of trust. Accounting rules govern the balance sheet
receivablesonconsumerdebtHwhethermortgage treatment of such a transfer. For example, if this
or nonmortgage), in principle, any cash flow transfer is classified as a sale, an originator can
receivable can potentially be securitized. There remove these receivables from its balance sheet,
are several so-called "exotic" securitizations—for but in the case of a financing, it cannot do so.
example, securitization of mutual fund fees, Moreover, for a transfer of receivables to be a
movie revenues, tobacco settlement fees, and true sale, the ownership of these assets should be
even music royalties. Moreover, student loans, separated from the transferor to the extent that
manufactured housing loans, equipment leases, in the case of the transferor's bankruptcy, the
and commercial mortgages are also securitized. transferor's creditors should not be able to access
these receivables and jeopardize the beneficial
oh i
SECURITIZATION BASICS interest of the investors in the securities.3
Securitized products have some common The SPE issues securities backed by the >—<
characteristics.2 They typically involve an
collateral of receivables in the pool. Different
originator of receivables who forms a pool of securities (or tranches) issued on the same
receivables that is then sold to a special-purpose collateral pool may have very different risk
Financing and Raising Capital

4) characteristics.dependingonhowpoolreceivables provide cash flow and balance sheet management

W are allocated to securities and depending on benefits, structural flexibility benefits, and
"§ credit enhancements. For example, a senior deeper capital markets.
Cd tranche may have first access to pool receivables Cash flow and balance sheet benefits are
pu as compared to a junior or subordinate tranche, available to the originator mainly because selling
4_i a n d therefore, t h e senior tranche would have loans in capital markets allows a lender to raise
K a relatively lower risk. Similarly, a credit funds to originate more loans, which can again be
PQ enhancement, such as third-party insurance of securitized. As the originator typically continues to
• promised cash flows, lowers the credit risk of the service the securitized receivables, revenue from
ti security. Therefore, depending on the structure origination and servicing activities continues to
V of the transaction, securities issued on the same grow. Moreover, as securitized assets can typically
Q collateral pool may carry different credit ratings. be removed from the balance sheet, the net balance
64 Over time, securitization structures have evolved sheet effect is zero. In this sense, securitization
,5 in complex ways to take advantage of diverse improves revenues without additional balance sheet
53 d e m a n d s b y investors. 4 financing. A securitization can also improve balance
05 T h e differential risks of these securities sheet liquidity by converting long-term and illiquid
l H
" m a y change over t h e life of t h e securities. receivables into funds that can be used for additional
For example, credit risk for issued securities value-generating investments. A securitization can
depends on the performance of the underlying also help to manage any mismatch between assets
collateral pool and on credit enhancements, both and liabilities. Finally, to the extent allowable,
of which may vary over time. Important factors selective securitizations of receivables can allow for
affecting pool performance include a lender's regulatory capital arbitrage.
underwriting criteria (such as credit score of the Structural benefits from securitization arise
borrower, credit history, down payment, loan- from the flexibility available in transforming
to-value ratio, and debt service coverage ratio), cash flows and risks of the collateral pool into
economic variables (such as unemployment, those of the securities issued on the pool. For
economic slowdown, and bankruptcies), and example, creative use of credit enhancements
loan seasoning (payment patterns over the age allows relatively poor-quality receivables, such
of loans). Credit enhancements affect credit risk as subprime loans, to be transformed into some
by providing more or less protection to promised tranches of high credit quality and other tranches
cash flows for a security. Additional protection of low credit quality. Similarly, it is possible to
can help a security to achieve a higher credit carve out long-term, nonrevolving securities from
rating, lower protection can help to create new short-term, revolving credit card receivables.
securities with differently desired risks, and Structural flexibility allows originators and
these differential protections can help to place investors to tailor securitizations to their needs.
a security on more attractive terms. Violation Originators can sell particular assets with greater
of credit enhancements can trigger an "early liquidity if these assets can be transformed
amortization" event, which starts prepayments creatively into securities desired by investors.
on securities using available SPE resources. Similarly, investors with particular needs may
Therefore, pool performance evaluation, have more choices if different originators
security cash flow allocation, and servicing of innovate to serve their needs.
receivables continue on an ongoing basis. In In principle, deeper capital markets may arise
particular, bond rating agencies assign a credit from improved cash flows, better balance sheet
rating to each security issued by the SPE, and management, and greater structuralflexibility.A
they evaluate this rating periodically. Moreover, securitization of high-quality assets may allow a
for publicly issued securities, periodic financial relatively young firm or a firm with a low credit
reports are filed with regulatory agencies. The rating to access capital market funds at lower cost
originator of receivables typically continues to than would otherwise be available. Securitization
service the receivables (i.e., collect payments on may facilitate market price discovery of illiquid
J—i the receivables, manage delinquent accounts, assets. It allows for the sale of precisely identified
•^ and so on) for a fee. assets to be independent of the asset owner's
financial condition. It allows greater financial
^ BENEFITS OF SECURITIZATION innovation and better matching of sellers and
f-\ An important idea behind securitization is that buyers, and it may allow for deeper debt market
PH it separates the funding of receivables from their penetration by opening newer lending markets,
^V origination and servicing. Such a separation can such as subprime lending.

Securitization: Understanding the Risks and Rewards

RISKS OF SECURITIZATION receivables. These are naturally exposed to

While the unique characteristics of securitizations amortization risk due to a mismatch between
are capable of providing benefits, they create cash flow receipts on the receivables and cash
additional risks as well. flow payments on the securities.6 Add to this a
When standard cash flow risks5 are combined senior-subordinated security structure. Now add
with the separation of funding of receivables third-party insurance, and finally add subprime
from their origination and servicing, this may credit card receivables, which, because of their
produce unintended consequences. For example, recent issue, come with greater uncertainty about
if repayment behavior is significantly worse than their performance. The riskiness of securities
expected, investors may be concerned about based on such structural transformations
moral hazard; that is, receivables in the collateral depends in a complex manner on many factors,
pool were "cherry-picked," and investors may
require additional support for the securities. In
and a reliable evaluation of that risk may be very
hard to obtain, if it can be obtained at all.
extreme circumstances, investors may require Lack of transparency is made worse when the ore
the originator to provide an explicit guarantee collateral pool in a securitization has opaque or d
or to take back poorly performing collateral otherwise hard-to-value assets. As, in principle, cr
(sometimes termed moral recourse). As the any receivable can be securitized, a security that
collateral pool is off the originator's balance was created as a result of securitization can be
sheet, recognizing poorly performing assets used further in a new collateral pool to issue new
jeopardizes the originator's financial condition, securities. As the initial security is hard to analyze,
and such actions will be resisted by the originator's when several such securities are pooled together
stockholders and bondholders. Similarly, if the and then tranched off again,7 it is not surprising that
originator is in a poor financial condition, its there are cases where afinalsecurity is inscrutable,
creditors might consider going after assets that even with the most sophisticated analysis.
are securitized and off the originator's balance A complex security, by and of itself, is not an
sheet. This can jeopardize investor claims on the insurmountable obstacle to reap the rewards
collateral pool and question the legitimacy of the of securitization. But in uncertain times,
bankruptcy-remoteness of the SPE. Moreover, complexity combined with lack of transparency
a narrow focus on origination can create an may throw wrenches in the wheels of smoothly
incentive to over-originate (or overextend) loans operating markets. In other words, if reliable
to marginally less creditworthy borrowers. information is unavailable, market participants
The structural flexibility in transforming may be unwilling to pay high prices for securities
collateral pool characteristics into very different that may turn out to be bad investments, and this
security characteristics, while arguably a great can lead to a crisis of confidence severe enough
benefit of securitization, also has the potential to that trade in particular securities grinds to a halt.
create great risks. Moreover, interconnected debtors and creditors
The more complex the structure, the greater may serve to exacerbate such a problem by
is lack of transparency, and the harder it is to extending it to other securities. Such a dynamic
analyze and forecast security performance. has been mentioned as a core problem resulting
For example, consider long-term securities in global credit market disruptions that started
collateralized by short-term credit card in the United States in 2007.

Financing and Raising Capital

The growth of subprime lending in the United States started around the mid-1990s. A subprime
cd borrower typically has some combination of a blemished credit history, a relatively short credit
u history, poorly documented income prospects, and an uncertain repayment ability.
Before the 1990s, subprime borrowers typically found it hard to qualify for bank loans. During
« the second half of the 1990s, in the face of relatively low interest rates, investors were more
willing to seek opportunities with higher yields that came with a greater, but manageable, degree
of risk.
Securitization of consumer debt receivables helped to connect these two sides, with finance
companies serving as intermediaries. Improvements in credit reporting and statistical analyses
facilitated the development of risk-scoring models to lend profitably to subprime borrowers. Credit
enhancements and structured tranches created securities that addressed investor needs.
c The success of initial securitizations fueled rapid growth in securitizations. Debt markets
• IN
deepened to provide loans to subprime borrowers, finance companies found an attractive source
of new financing, and could continue to increase revenues from profitable origination and servicing
fees, investors found securities with desirable characteristics, rating agencies generated additional
fees, and third-party insurers generated additional premiums.
In a span of about ten years, concerns started to arise as securitized products became
exceedingly complex, with the introduction of collateralized debt obligations (CDOs), and of
CDOs of CDOs, or "CDO-squared;" lending started to look indiscriminate, with concerns about
real estate appraisals, and about lack of adequately documented repayment ability; and real
estate prices appeared to defy historical trends. As the US economy slowed and house prices
lowered, and as delinquencies and foreclosures on subprime debt rose, the value of securities
backed by subprime receivables deteriorated. The complexity and opaqueness of the securitization
structures exacerbated the problem by making it virtually impossible to put a reliable value on
these securities. This led to a crisis of confidence that paralyzed trade in some of these securities.
Markdowns in the value of such securities started to hemorrhage balance sheets of security
holders, especially some hedge funds, and led to widespread turmoil on Wall Street, including
casualties of large investment banks such as Bears Stearns and Lehman Brothers in 2008.

No doubt, securitization presents new improve market price discovery for illiquid
developments and exciting opportunities. assets.
Securitization allows for more precise targeting When a securitization gets beyond the
of asset liquidation. It can create value for analytical apparatus of market participants,
originators and investors. It can deepen capital however, it is capable of destroying value.
markets, thereby providing funds for new The potential harm is greater in globally
borrowers and new businesses. And it can interconnected markets.



Securitization: Understanding the Risks and Rewards

Executives may find it useful to keep in mind the following key ingredients to a successful H>
securitization. hj
• Characteristics of assets to be securitized should be documented well and identified clearly. 3
• Transfer of assets to a SPE to form a collateral pool should be a true, bankruptcy-remote sale. O
• The transformation of collateral pool risks into security risks should be simple enough to provide ?•
clear and robust analysis of the dependence of security risks on collateral performance. O
• Processes for servicing, and for ongoing monitoring of collateral and security performance, •
should be well-defined, with some evidence of success under reliability testing. W
• Using collateral, securities, and structures with an established history or clear evidence of 2
success provides greater liquidity in security trading, and more reliable analysis of collateral g*
performance. (jq
• Using opaque and exotic structures requires considerable expertise and comes with greater M
risks. CD

Fabozzi, Frank (ed). The Handbook of Fixed Income Securities. 7th ed. New York: McGraw Hill,

The Bond Market Association and the American Securitization Forum. "An analysis and description
of pricing and information sources in the securitized and structured finance markets." October
2006. Online at: [PDF].
European Securitisation Forum. "ESF securitisation data report." Online at:

The American Securitization Forum:
The European Securitisation Forum:
The Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association:

1 Consumer debt is used here in a broad sense, structures, see Sabarwal, T. "Common structures of
including secured debt (such as home mortgages, asset-backed securities and their risks." Corporate
auto loans, manufactured home loans, and so on) and Ownership and Control 4:1 (2006): 258-265.
unsecured debt (such as credit cards, student loans, 5 Such risks include underwriting risk, interest rate risk,
and so on). default risk, prepayment risk, and market risk.
2 Although the principles outlined here apply to all 6 This is usually addressed by having a revolving period
securitizations, for concreteness, specifics are and an accumulation period when cash flow receipts 2^
presented for consumer receivable securitizations. are kept aside for use later in making promised J>
3 This feature is sometimes termed bankruptcy- payments on the securities. *Z,
remoteness. 7 Collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) typically have ("")
4 For additional details on some common securitization such a structure. W
Using Securitization as a Corporate w
Funding Tool by Frank J. Fabozzi *i

• Securitization involves the creation of one or more securities backed by a pool of loans or
• Securitization is an important vehicle for raising funds that are used by nonfinancial and financial on
• The motivation for the use of securitization rather than the issuance of a secured corporate bond
is the potential to reduce funding costs, particularly for firms that have a low credit rating.
• Another reason for the use of securitization is to manage corporate risk.
• The securitization process involves the creation of a special-purpose vehicle and the transference n
of assets to that entity. a*
• All securitization transactions require one or more forms of credit enhancement to obtain a
credit rating.


Securitization is the process of creating securities The types of assets that have been securitized
backed by a pool of loans or receivables. For can be divided into four general categories:
a corporation, securitization is an alternative Mortgage loans, retail loans, wholesale loans,
fund-raising process to the issuance of secured and operating revenue.
corporate bonds. The securities issued via the The securities created by securitization of a pool
securitization process differ from traditional of mortgage loans are referred to as mortgage-
secured corporate bonds, where it is necessary backed securities (MBS). Those backed by a pool
for the corporate issuer to generate sufficient of high-quality residential mortgage loans are
earnings to repay the bondholders. So, for called residential mortgage-backed securities,
example, if an equipment manufacturer issues and those backed by a pool of commercial loans
a bond in which the bondholders have a first (i.e., mortgage loans for income-producing
mortgage lien on one of its plants, the ability of the properties such as apartment buildings, office
manufacturer to generate cashflowfrom all of its buildings, and shopping centers) are called
operations is required to pay off the bondholders. commercial mortgage-backed securities.
In contrast, in a securitization transaction, the These securitized products are typically used
burden of the source of repayment to those as funding vehicles for financial entities such as
holding the created securities shifts from the depository institutions (banks and savings and
cash flow of the corporate issuer to the cash flow loan associations) and finance companies. For
of a pool of loans or receivables, and/or to a third nonfinancial entities the bulk of securitizations
party that guarantees the payments if the asset use account receivables.
pool does not generate sufficient cash flow. When securities are backed by a pool of retail
Although securitization was first used in the loans, they are referred to as asset-backed
late 1960s by US government entities to create securities (ABS). The major types of retail loans
mortgage-backed securities, it was not used by securitized include credit card receivables,
nonfinancial corporations (i.e., corporations home equity loans, automobile loans, and
whose principal activity is the production of student loans. In fact, the largest sector of the
goods and nonfinancial services) to raise funds in asset-backed securities market is the mortgage-
the public market until March 1985 when Sperry related asset-backed securities market, the
Lease Finance Corporation (now Unisys) issued
securities backed by a pool of lease receivables.
Despite a major setback in the securitization
sector that saw a major meltdown starting in the
summer of 2007. The wholesale market includes
commercial loans and bonds. The security
market due to problems with one asset created from the securitization of these types of
class—residential mortgage-backed securities debt instruments is called a collateralized debt
backed by subprime borrowers—securitization obligation. Finally, a special area which has been
continues to be an important funding alternative
for nonfinancial corporations.
used primarily in Europe is the securitization of
operating revenue.

Financing and Raising Capital

THE SECURITIZATION PROCESS referred to as underwriting standards. Because

To explain the securitization process and the HCE is extending the loan, it is referred to as the
parties involved, we will use an illustration of a originator of the loan.
hypothetical corporation, which we call HCE, Moreover, HCE may have a department that
u Inc., which manufactures heavy construction is responsible for servicing the loan. Servicing
equipment. Although some of this firm's sales are involves collecting payments from borrowers,
for cash, the bulk are in the form of installment notifying borrowers who may be delinquent,
PQ sales contracts. Effectively, an installment sale and, when necessary, recovering and disposing
contract is a loan to the buyer of the equipment of the equipment if the borrower defaults on its
who agrees to repay HCE over a period of time obligation. The servicer of loans need not be the
specified in the contract. For purposes of this originator of the loans, but in our illustration we
Q illustration, it is assumed that the loans are all are assuming that HCE is the servicer.
WD for four years. The collateral for the loan is the Let us now examine how these loans can be
equipment purchased by the borrower. The loan used in a securitization transaction. Figure 1
specifies an interest rate that the buyer pays. summarizes the transaction. We will assume that
The credit department of HCE makes the HCE has more than $300 million of installment
decision as to whether to extend credit to a sales contracts. This amount is shown on the
customer. It receives a credit application from a corporation's balance sheet as an asset, or more
customer and, on the basis of criteria established specifically as a receivable. We will further assume
by this manufacturer, decides whether to that HCE wants to raise $300 million and that
extend a loan and the amount that will be lent. HCE's treasurer decides to raise that amount by
The criteria for extending credit or a loan are securitizing these receivables.

Figure 1. Illustration of securitization of $300 million of installment sales contracts

Customers HCE, Inc. (seller/originator)

Sell $300 million

installment sales $300 million

Construction asset trust (SPV)

Sale of $300
$300 million
million ABS


Using Securitization as a Corporate Funding Tool

To do so, HCE will set up a legal entity, referred they will share any losses resulting from defaults
to as a special-purpose entity (SPE) or special- of the borrowers in the asset pool. In such a 60
purpose vehicle (SPV). For now, we'll postpone structure, the bond classes are classified as senior
explaining the purpose of this legal entity, but it bond classes and subordinate bond classes, and
will be made clearer later that the SPE is critical in the structure is referred to as a senior subordinate
a securitization transaction. Let's assume that the
SPEthatissetupbyour hypothetical manufacturer
is Construction Asset Trust (CAT). HCE will then
structure. Losses are realized by the subordinate
bond classes before there are any losses realized
by the senior bond classes. For example, suppose
sell to CAT $300 million of the loans and, in that CAT issued $250 million par value of Bond
exchange, will receive from CAT $300 million in Class A, the senior bond class, and $50 million
cash, the amount that HCE's treasurer wanted to par value of Bond Class B, the subordinate bond en
raise. CAT obtains the $300 million to pay for the class. As long as the aggregated defaults in the 0
pool of loans by selling securities that are backed asset pool do not exceed $50 million, then Bond
by the pool of loans acquired. It is these securities Class A will be repaid its $250 million in full. era
issued by CAT that are called asset-backed O
securities. The asset-backed securities issued in a POTENTIAL FOR REDUCING
securitization transaction are also referred to as FUNDING COSTS
bond classes or tranches. To understand the potential for reducing
A simple transaction can involve the sale of funding costs by securitizing corporate assets
just one bond class with a par value of $300 rather than issuing a corporate bond, consider
million. We will call this Bond Class A. Suppose once again our hypothetical manufacturer, HCE,
that 300,000 certificates are issued for Bond Inc. Suppose that this corporation's credit rating
Class A with a par value of $1,000 per certificate. as assigned by the three major rating agencies
Then, each certificate holder would be entitled (Fitch Ratings, Moody's Investors Service, and
to 1/300,000 of the payment from the collateral Standard & Poor's) is triple-B. If HCE's treasurer
after expenses and fees are paid. Each payment wants to raise funds of $300 million and it issues
made by the borrowers (i.e., the buyers of the a corporate bond, its funding cost would be
equipment) consists of principal repayment (i.e., whatever the benchmark Treasury yield is plus
amortization) and interest. the prevailing yield spread for triple-B issuers
The typical securitization transaction has in the bond market. Suppose, instead, that the
more than one bond class. For example, there treasurer utilizes $300 million of its installment
can be rules for distribution of principal and sales contracts as collateral for a bond issue.
interest other than on a pro rata basis to In that case, the cost will be the same as if it
different bond classes. It may be difficult to issued a standard corporate bond, because if
understand why such a structure should be HCE defaults on any of its outstanding debt, the
created. What is important to understand is that creditors will go after all of the corporate assets,
there are institutional investors who have needs including the loans to HCE's customers.
for bonds with different maturities and credit Now instead suppose that HCE creates CAT
ratings. A securitization transaction can be (the SPE) and sells the loans to that entity as
designed to create bond classes with investment explained in the previous section. If the sale of
characteristics that are more attractive to the loans by HCE to CAT is done properly—that
institutional investors to satisfy those needs. is, the sale of the loans is at the fair market
An example of a more complicated transaction value—CAT, not HCE, is then the legal owner of
is one in which two bond classes are created, the receivables. This means that if HCE is forced
Bond Class Ai and Bond Class A2. The par value into bankruptcy, its creditors cannot recover
for Bond Class Ai is $130 million and for Bond the loans sold because they are legally owned
Class A2 it is $170 million. The priority rule can by CAT. The implication is that if CAT sells the
simply specify that Bond Class Ai receives all the asset-backed securities that are backed by the
principal that is paid by the borrowers until all pool of loans, investors interested in buying the
of Bond Class Ai's $130 million has been paid
off, and then Bond Class A2 begins to receive
bonds will evaluate the credit risk associated
with the pool of loans independently of the
principal. Bond Class Ai is then a shorter-term credit rating of HCE. The credit rating that will
bond than Bond Class A2. be assigned to the securities issued by CAT will
As will be explained later, there are typically be whatever CAT wants the credit rating to be! It >
structures where there is more than one bond
class, but the two bond classes differ as to how
may seem odd that the issuer (CAT) can get any
credit rating it wants, but that is the case. The o

Financing and Raising Capital

^ reason is that CAT will show the characteristics billion in asset-backed securities. In fact, because
W of the collateral for the securities (i.e., the loans of the concern with downgrading, from 2000 to
•§ it will acquire) to a credit rating agency. In turn, mid-2003, FMC increased securitizations to $55
eg the rating agency will evaluate the credit quality billion (28% of its total funding) from $25 billion
£* of the loan pool and inform CAT what must be (13% of its total funding). Also, while the ratings of
+J done to obtain a desired credit rating. the auto manufacturers were downgraded in May
$ More specifically, the issuer will be asked to 2005, the ratings on several of their securitization
PQ "credit enhance" the structure. There are various transactions were actually upgraded due to high
• forms of credit enhancement that we will review subsisting levels of credit enhancement.
"g in the next section. Basically, the rating agencies
qj will look at the potential losses from the loan pool S E C U R I T I Z A T I O N AS A T O O L F O R RISK
Q and make a determination of how much credit MANAGEMENT
60 enhancement is necessary for the securities The potential to reduce funding costs is the main
# fi issued to achieve the targeted rating sought by reason why nonfinancial corporations will use
3 the issuer. The higher the credit rating sought securitization, but another important reason is
$ by the issuer, the more credit enhancement a that it provides a risk management tool. More
•""< rating agency will require. Thus, HCE, which we specifically, once the loans or receivables are
assumed is triple-B rated, can obtain funding sold to the SPE, the risks associated with those
using the loan pool as collateral to obtain a assets are transferred to the SPE and, ultimately,
better credit rating for the bonds issued than to the owners of the asset-backed securities. One
its own credit rating. In fact, with enough credit major such risk is credit risk—the risk that the
enhancement, it can issue a bond of the highest borrower will default.
credit rating, triple A. A case study of how securitization has been
The key to a corporation issuing bonds with used as a risk management tool is once again
a higher credit rating than the corporation's provided by Ford Motor Credit. Automobile loans
own credit rating is the SPE. Its role is critical are assets on the firm's balance sheet and subject
because it is the SPE that legally separates the the firm to the risk that borrowers will default on
assets used as collateral from the corporation their obligations. On the use of securitization by
that is seeking funding. Ford Motor Credit's chief financial officer, David
It would seem natural that a corporate Cosper, the following comment appeared in a
treasurer would always seek the highest credit BusinessWeek article:
rating (triple A) for the securities backed by "Overall, Ford Credit's balance sheet is
the collateral in a securitization transaction. shrinking as it implements its lower-risk
However, the awarding of a targeted credit rating strategy. The pool of loans that it manages is
requires sufficient credit enhancement, and this expected to drop from $208 billion at the end
does not come without a cost. As described of 2001 to $180 billion to $185 billion by the
in the next section, there are various credit end of this year. 'We have put the brakes on the
enhancement mechanisms, and they increase business,' says Cosper. That smaller portfolio
the costs associated with borrowing via a is better managed and suffers fewer losses,
securitization. So, when seeking a higher rating, boosting profits. Credit losses in the first quarter
the corporate treasurer must assess the trade-off totaled $493 million, down from $912 million in
between, on the one hand, the additional cost of the final quarter of 2001."
credit enhancing the securities to be issued by
the SPE and, on the other hand, the potential CREDIT ENHANCEMENT
reduction in funding cost by issuing a bond with There are two forms of credit enhancement-
a higher credit rating. external and internal. External credit enhancement
A case study of the use of securitization to involves third-party guarantees such as insurance
reduce funding costs is provided by Ford Motor or a letter of credit. Internal credit enhancement
Company. In 2001, the auto manufacturer was includes overcollateralization, senior subordinated
ti} facing the downgrade of its credit rating to that structure, and reserves. Securitization transactions
CJ of noninvestment grade status (more popularly will often have more than one form of credit
y r
/A referred to as "junk bond" status). As a result, in enhancement. The rating agencies specify the
<t^ early 2002 its wholly owned financing subsidiary, amount of credit enhancement required to obtain
J7*] Ford Motor Credit (FMC), increased its issuance a specific credit rating. Based on prevailing market
£-< of asset-backed securities backed by auto loans conditions, the issuer must assess each form of credit
iy rather than issue corporate bonds. For example, enhancement to determine the most cost-effective
w^ in the first two weeks of 2002, FMC issued $5 credit enhancement mechanism or combination of

Using Securitization as a Corporate Funding Tool

mechanisms. In general, when deciding to improve from the rating agencies an indication as to
the credit rating on some securities in a structure, how much par value of securities it could issue w
the issuer will evaluate the trade-off associated with versus the $300 million par value of loans in the (ft
the cost of enhancement versus the reduction in asset pool to obtain the target rating. Depending hd
yield required to sell the security. on the characteristics of the loans and their
Below we describe the various forms of credit
enhancement mechanisms.
perceived creditworthiness, the rating agencies
might allow, say, $285 million of par value of
securities to be issued. The cost of this form of
Third-Party Guarantees credit enhancement is implicit in the price paid ft
Until the difficulties encountered by monoline for $300 million par value of collateral versus
the proceeds of issuing only $285 million par (ft
insurers, the most common form of third-party
guarantee was insurance wherein, for a premium, value of securities. C
an insurance provider agrees to guarantee the
performance of a certain amount of the collateral Senior Subordinate Structure ore
against defaults. The rating agencies decide on The senior subordinate structure, which was O
the creditworthiness of the insurance provider to mentioned earlier, involves the subordination ft
determine the credit rating of the asset-backed of some bond classes for the benefit of attaining
securities to be issued. Perhaps the biggest a high investment-grade rating for other bond
perceived disadvantage to this form of credit classes in the structure. On the basis of an
enhancement is so-called event risk. Triple A analysis of the collateral, a rating agency will
rated bondholders, for example, may only be decide how many triple A bonds can be issued,
able to enjoy triple A status for as long as the how many double A bonds, and so forth down to
enhancement provider retains its triple A credit nonrated bonds.
rating status. If the credit enhancement provider The cost of this form of credit enhancement is
is downgraded (i.e., its credit rating is lowered based on the proceeds that will be received from
by a rating agency), the bonds guaranteed by the selling the bonds, which is in turn determined by
enhancement provider are typically downgraded the demand for the bonds. The yields that must be
as well unless the performance of the collateral offered on the bond classes are affected by the yields
warrants no downgrade. demanded by investors. The lower the credit rating
of the bond class, the more yield is demanded and
Overcollateralization the lower will be the proceeds received by the SPE
Overcollateralization, a form of internal credit from the sale of the bonds for that bond class.
enhancement, is provided by issuing securities
with a par value that is less than the par value Reserve Funds
of the loans or receivables in the asset pool. Reserve funds come in two forms: Cash reserve
For example, if there are $300 million of loans funds and excess spread. Cash reserve funds are
in an asset pool and the issuer wanted to use straight deposits of cash generated from issuance
overcollateralization for credit enhancement proceeds. In this case, part of the profits from
to achieve, say, a triple A credit rating for the the deal are deposited into a fund and used to
securities to be issued, the issuer would obtain offset any losses. Excess spread accounts involve

Using securitization as a funding vehicle requires an understanding not just of the transactions but
also of the implementation issues. These include:
• having the ability to analyze alternative securitization structures in order to maximize the
proceeds received from the sale of the loans/receivables (i.e., best execution);
• determining whether, given market conditions, the issuance of secured debt or asset-backed
securitization is the better funding vehicle;
• having a relationship with an investment banker that can structure the transaction based on o
prevailing market conditions and the characteristics of the collateral, as well as negotiating with
the rating agencies regarding credit enhancement;
• having the ability to service the loans and report on the assets in the pool, or identifying other
entities capable of doing so;
• having an organizational structure and staff that will allow frequent securitizations. o

Financing and Raising Capital

the allocation of excess spread into a separate look to the cash flow of the loan pool held by the
reserve account after paying out the coupon to SPE to repay the debt obligation and not to the
bondholders, the servicing fee, and all other general assets of the seller/originator of the loans
expenses on a monthly basis. or receivables.
OH In a securitization transaction, to obtain
CONCLUSION a credit rating that will allow the sale of the
Securitization, the process of creating securities
(ft asset-backed securities, the structure must be
backed by a pool ofloans or receivables, has become
an important funding source for both financial credit enhanced. Credit enhancement provides
PQ protection of varying degrees for the bond
and nonfinancial corporations. In addition to the
potential for reducing funding costs, securitization classes in the structure. Credit enhancement
can be used as a risk management tool. The key mechanisms include third-party guarantees such
Q as insurance or a letter of credit (external credit
in a securitization process is the role played by
M the SPE. In a properly structured securitization enhancement) and overcoUateralization, senior
C transaction, investors in the securities issued by subordinated structure, and reserves (internal
the SPE, called asset-backed securities, can only credit enhancement).

Davidson, Andrew, Anthony Sanders, Lan-Ling Wolff, and Anne Ching. Securitization: Structuring
and Investment Analysis. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2003.
Fabozzi, Frank J. (ed). Issuer Perspectives on Securitization. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 1999.
Fabozzi, Frank J. (ed). Accessing Capital Markets through Securitization. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2 0 0 1 .
Fabozzi, Frank J., and Vinod Kothari. Introduction to Securitization. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2008.
Kothari, Vinod. Securitization: The Financial Instrument of the Future. 3rd ed. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley,
Peaslee, James E., and David Z. Nirenberg. Federal Income Taxation of Securitization Transactions.
3rd ed. New Hope, PA: Frank J. Fabozzi Associates, 2 0 0 1 .

Fabozzi, Frank J., and Vinod Kothari. "Securitization: The tool of financial transformation." Journal
of Financial Transformation 20 (2007): 3 3 - 4 5 . Online at: [PDF].
Roever, W. Alexander, and Frank J. Fabozzi. "A primer on securitization." Journal of Structured
Finance 9:2 (Summer 2003): 5 - 1 9 . Online at:

Vinod Kothari's securitization website:
Federal Income Taxation of Securitization Transactions website:

What the Rise of Global Banks Means for
Your Company by Chris Skinner
• Multinational corporations are consolidating their business requirements for financial services
into a few core global players.
• Global banks offer a platform for global access to cash management, liquidity, and risk (ft
management, thereby improving the methods by which firms can manage their finances. (ft
• Global banks are being driven by their customers, with many multinational businesses moving
from local to global supply chains, which has demanded global financial support.
• Global supply chains demand global banking to enable firms to operate effectively across
borders with confidence, rather than having to rely on barter or other less reliable forms of value O
• Global banks face a lack of standards across banks and borders, an area that should be
addressed and resolved over time.

INTRODUCTION its acquisitions of Bear Stearns and Washington

Over the past decade, it has seemed that big Mutual, as have Bank of America and Citigroup,
banks have only gotten bigger. This is down to a but the trend is generally toward global presence
variety of factors—from mergers and acquisitions and support.
through to technological leverage—but the
most overriding factor has been the impact of HOW DO YOU RECOGNIZE A GLOBAL
globalization. As corporations and organizations BANK?
have created global supply chains, so the largest The easiest way to spot a global bank is by its
banks have tried to follow their clients' needs brand, which will typically be just a symbol and
by creating global infrastructures. For most a name acronym.
firms, this means is that they can now work The reason this is worth mentioning is
in partnership with a bank that reflects their that many global banks are trying to create
multinational capabilities without having to nonnational identities as a pure name and
open separate accounts in each of the countries logo. For instance, Deutsche Bank has removed
of operation. the name from its emblem in many branches
and operations, and Santander is often just
WHICH ARE THE GLOBAL BANKS? represented by its logo rather than by its name.
A small number of banks provide global coverage For the same reason, these bank brands tend to
and branding. Obvious examples are Bank be emblazoned on panels and ramps in many
of America, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, airport terminals. Have you spotted how many
Barclays, BNP Paribas, Citi, Deutsche Bank, HSBC banners there are as you get on and off an
HSBC, JP Morgan Chase, Royal Bank of Scotland aircraft, each panel providing a global and local
(RBS), and Santander. All are creating global message? This is to reinforce the global message.
brands and global presence through acquisitive While RBS, Barclays JP Morgan Chase and others
growth, which is why RBS and Santander acquired operate in over 50 countries, HSBC would claim
the global operations of ABN AMRO outside the to be the most globalized, with over 80 countries
Benelux in 2007 and why HSBC acquired Credit covered. That is not to deny the existence of
Commercial de France (CCF) in France and competition from other specialist regional
Household Finance in the United States. players, such as Nordea in the Scandinavian
Obviously, the latest liquidity and credit crisis
has changed some of the focus of these banks.
region and Standard Chartered across Asia, but
the difference between a regional and global o
By way of example, JP Morgan Chase has had player can be important, especially for firms that M

to refocus upon domestic American soil after want to trade across global borders.

Financing and Raising Capital


For multinational firms operating across
u multiple regions, the main advantage of global
banks is that they can offer a consolidated view
of all finance across all countries of operation.
Cltl «> &
This is becoming a critical factor as firms expand
into globalized structures themselves.
For example, a critical discussion that has BNP PARIBAS
42 been taking place amongst these banks is how
to provide effective financial support for supply
chains. As many businesses are moving services
to India and sourcing of product to China and Value-added services may include the
0 related Asian countries for supply to Europe and provision of an aggregation capability to all
America, there is a need for easy transfer of funds payment processing systems globally. This
and payments for supplies between countries means that you only need to link to one bank
on either side of the planet. Historically, this in order to gain access to payment processing
has been incredibly difficult. For example, at a via SWIFT, Fedwire, CHIPS, SEPA systems
major banking convention in 2004, Heidi Miller, such as the Euro Banking Association's STEP2,
JP Morgan Chase's Head of the Treasury and and Faster Payments in the United Kingdom
Securities Services, asked: "Why do we make through VocaLink, etc. Today, many firms have
things so complicated for our clients? ... A friend to create a direct connection with each of these
who lives in Europe ... bought a boat ... When systems through local banks in every country.
the boat was ready, he called his bank to arrange The difference now is that you need only connect
payment. And his bank told him it would take once to gain global connectivity.
about six weeks to transfer the funds." Another value-added differentiation these
This example was for a simple payment banks claim to have is the ability to provide
from the United States to France, and the the total view of other facets of business, such
friend she referred to happened to be the as risk. The current view of risk management is
CEO of a major bank. The banking industry that customers receive intra-day or end-of-day
now recognizes it has been slow to respond risk reports for their total liquidity management
to the need for global financial management positions. The challenge with this approach is that
and payments. To meet this challenge, many markets are so volatile today that an intra-day or
banks are now developing services in this area. end-of-day view may result in overexposure to
the markets for both the business and the banker
WHAT SERVICES DO GLOBAL BANKS to that business. Therefore, realtime liquidity
OFFER? management to avoid these overexposures has
The biggest enhancement that global banks become another valued service that global banks
offer is a single, global view of financial flows can deliver, whilst local banks cannot.
for their business clients. This is the offering of
a single connection to their systems for all the WHY USE A LOCAL BANK?
treasury operations of corporations around the The fact that global banks offer global services,
world. Therefore, a business operating in over global payments processing, and global liquidity
100 countries can now have a consistent view and risk management is great news if yours is a
of its cash, risk, and liquidity for all treasury global business requiring such global services.
and finance functions. That view of monetary Global businesses can gain economies of scale
movements will be the same for the financial and the efficiencies of only dealing with a small
manager in New York, San Paolo, Sydney, number offinancialpartners. However, a regional
Tokyo, Frankfurt, and London, because the bank or domestic firm with regional or domestic
can provide realtime interfaces to the business needs may question whether it requires such
u account on a single platform.
The fact that these banks offer global, realtime
global structures and operations. Some may say
they do, because they source raw materials from
cash management is the critical differentiation overseas and deliver and distribute products in
for them. In fact, it goes further than this, with multiple nations. However, if you are a small
M many banks competing on the basis of the value- fish playing in this big pond, you may find you
added services they believe they can provide. are paying a high price for such services in terms

What the Rise of Global Banks Means for Your Company

of both fees and the lack of attention you might • Do you operate in more than 20 countries?
receive by comparison with a more localized • Do you have regular cross-border
operation. transactions that require currency transfers?
This is certainly an accusation leveled at many • Would you find it beneficial if your bank
of the large global operators by small businesses. could provide you with a global view of all of
It does not necessarily hold true, but many your cash and risk positions?
smaller firms consider that a local bank can • Do you have revenues of more than $1 billion
provide a better service than a global operator, per annum?
especially with regard to the advice they can gain • Are you heavily involved in structured finance
access to. and the money markets? en
However, every firm seeking a banker has • Do you have extensive internal expertise in
a choice. Local domestic, regional, and global financial management?
banks all offer services that are appropriate to the
clients who want those services, and it is really The list can be extensive, but if you answered
the choice of the financial leadership within the "yes" to most of these questions you probably O
business to determine whether a local or global would find it beneficial to work with a global
service is more appropriate to their needs. bank. Equally, if you answered "no," then a
This decision will normally be driven by such domestic or regional bank will probably cater to
questions as: most of your needs.

HSBC is one of the finest examples of global banking in existence today. This is because HSBC has
operations from the Americas through Europe to Asia. During the credit crisis, HSBC found that
its American operations, represented by a firm it had acquired, resulted in significant writedowns
for the subprime crisis. However, HSBC overcame these issues and still made a considerable profit
thanks to its global diversity. This is why HSBC is one of the few banks not to have been hit by the
issues of weakened capital base that we have seen with other banks.
In addition, HSBC is able to leverage its global positions. By way of example, HSBC recently
spent over $200 million on creating a global banking website service. That's an incredible amount,
and far more than other banks could possibly afford to spend on an internet banking services.
However, HSBC's internet banking service is now a single global platform that can be tweaked
to local demands. Hence, by spending $200 million, HSBC created the world's most powerful
internet banking service with 200 variations appropriate to each country of operation. As a result,
HSBC deploys the world's best internet banking services for $1 million per country, which, on an
economies of scale basis, provides far more efficiency and effectiveness.

The rise of global banks is driven by businesses emergence of new global bank brands that are
that now operate globally. The increasing use of now trying to cater for this need. However, the
supply chains where goods are sourced from the services of these banks will not be appropriate to
growth economies of the past decade—Brazil, every organization, and it is therefore necessary
Russia, India, and China—has led to a rethinking to consider carefully the real requirements of a
of finance. The fact that banks could not bank provider before placing all of one's financial
provide global finance has driven an acquisitive eggs into a single global basket. O

Financing and Raising Capital

§ Book:
Ctf Skinner, Chris. The F u t u r e of Banking in a Globalized World. Chichester, UK: Wiley, 2 0 0 7 .
^ Websites:
$3 The Financial Services Club:
3£ The Financial Services Club blog:
M Independent newswire and information source for the worldwide financial technology community:


Public-Private Partnerships in Emerging w
Markets by Peter Koveos and Pierre Yourougou
• A public-private partnership (PPP) is an "arrangement in which the private sector supplies
infrastructure assets and services traditionally provided by governments."
• The public and private sectors have different goals and organizational philosophies and cultures.
Reconciling these differences requires a strong commitment, and a clear vision regarding
expectations and outcomes.
• The essence of PPP is risk allocation—whether these operations add value depends primarily on B'
how risk is identified, managed, and priced. w
• In emerging markets, international partners must address not only the project risk and country
risk, but also the risks posed by the lack of local managerial skills, inadequacy of institutions,
corruption, lack of transparency, and others. cr
• Project financing can be used for PPP projects, thus clarifying a key element of the partnership
financing structure.
• One of the most significant and interesting global economic developments of the past few years
is the emergence of Africa as a competitive region for business.
• The Bujagali Hydropower Project represents the largest mobilization of private financing for a
power project in Africa.

INTRODUCTION forced governments to reduce costs and limit

Given the state of public sector resources risks. This paper examines the nature of PPP,
around the world, governments seek to and describes some of the advantages and
enhance resources by attracting private sector disadvantages of PPP. The discussion then
participation. Such participation may be
focuses on the viability of PPP in emerging
somewhat unstructured, or more formal. The
public-private partnership (PPP) is one of markets in general, and African countries in
the formal approaches to cooperation. PPP, particular. A case study, Bujagali Hydropower
in various forms, is not a new construct. The Project in Uganda, illustrates many of the major
current frailties of the global economy have concepts discussed throughout this paper.
Figure l. Bujagali project simplified stockholding structure

DEO JIC Others

18.34% 14.87% 1.66%

_JL_ _l
,J*iMtee Inveslfnertt Co. 42.2%

24.7% _J 33.1%

World Power Holdings Ltd
50.25% | 49.75% | ^^J oh i
Uaanda ''
Bujagali Energy

Data adapted from Bujagali Energy Limited for the Private Power Generation (Bujagali) project. "Project
appraisal document." World Bank/IFC/MIGA Report No. 3 842 1 -UG, pages 68 and 72

Financing and Raising Capital

Figure 2. Bujagali project financing plan

European DFIs Equity 22%


• IN Commercial banks
(IDA/MIGA) 14% EIB 16%

Data adapted from Bujagali Energy Limited for the Private Power Generation (Bujagali) project. "Project
appraisal document." World Bank/IFC/MIGA Report No. 3 842 1 -UG, page 16

Figure 3. Project contractual arrangements

(Equity in kind)


EPC contractor O&M contractor

(Equity in kind) Sithe affiliate

Data adapted from "Project appraisal document" World Bank/IFC/MIGA Report No. 38421-UG, page 21

DEFINITIONS/NATURE OF PPP term used is PFI (private finance initiative);

There are many definitions of PPP. Most versions in Australia, the reference is to PFP (privately
of PPP are very similar, although the degree of financed projects); and P3 is commonly used
control shared by the partners, and several other in the US (see Yescombe, 2007). Other variants
characteristics of the partnership may receive include the build-transfer-lease (BTL) and
build-own-operate-transfer (BOOT) options.
u different emphasis from definition to definition.
Thus, PPP is an "arrangement in which the
In some cases, two or more of the above terms
can be used in combination. For example,
private sector supplies infrastructure assets and
project financing can be used for PPP projects,
services traditionally provided by governments"1 thus clarifying a key element of the partnership,
(Michel). Other terms for PPP include: PPI financing. Project financing schemes may

PH (private participation in infrastructure); PSP involve a variety of instruments such as the
(private sector participation); in the UK, the special-purpose vehicle (SPV), a legal entity with

Public-Private Partnerships in Emerging Markets

its own assets and obligations. Creation of this different goals, and organizational philosophies
joint venture among project sponsors enables and cultures. Reconciling these differences in order
the flow of funds. An SPV is typically a highly to bring about the desired project results requires
leveraged company, with limited-recourse debt a strong commitment, and a clear vision regarding
and limited equity participation. PPP can indeed expectations and outcomes. i
be very complicated, and requires thorough The above are especially relevant to public
analysis of associated terms and conditions. authorities in emerging markets. As emerging
markets are so diverse, the analysis must be adjusted
PPP: SOME ADVANTAGES AND tofitthe particular country's environment.3
PPP is part of the recent movement of "new public EMERGING MARKETS S3
management." PPP is a means through which The term "emerging market" is used to describe
the two sectors can become interdependent. countries whose economies are undergoing
Managers in each sector must independently
answer some basic questions: Why are we
a significant transition through a series of
participating in this partnership? Where are we For a private sector firm, operating in an
going to operate? Who are our partners? How are emerging market can be an attractive prospect
we going to proceed? What is our exit strategy? leading to profit generation, increased market
Specific benefits for the public sector share, and access to growing markets. The firm's
include:2 ability to access this opportunity depends on
• reduces project costs and time, while enhancing how risk is identified, managed, and priced.
its overall efficiency and effectiveness; Business risks exist in every country. Operating
• enables access to and learning from private in emerging markets, however, may make these
sector resources, technology, and managerial risks even more prevalent. The risks include:5
skills; • Political risk, defined as a change in
• credit enhancement and, consequently, access government policy that affects foreign
to long-term financing; companies, is often associated with weak
• shifts risk to the private sector; political, legal, and institutional infrastructures.
• pursues an integrated approach to project To manage political risk, foreign organizations
completion; must be familiar with the political landscape,
• involves participation from various partners, and learn how to operate in an uncertain and
and may legitimize the project in the eyes of the different environment. Property rights, a
citizenry, and other stakeholders; staple of Western economic institutions, can
• PPP may provide greater economic benefits often be easily undermined. The heavy hand
than other forms of cooperation, such as public of government can also interfere with a firm's
sector procurement. These extra benefits are plans and desired outcomes.
usually referred to as value for money fVfM). • Economicrisk.In general, emerging markets
For the private sector participant, the analysis exhibit a higher degree of volatility than that
is based on the profitability of the project in shown by developed economies. Even assessing
terms of dollars and cents, and is usually more the state of the economy in many of these
objective than that conducted by the public sector. markets is challenging, as the "official statistics"
Participation in a given project can be analyzed may not be accurate. Partners, then, must
using standard finance tools. These projects rely on their own analysis of future market
usually involve a great deal of risk, but government conditions for their services.
backing and involvement of international financial • Financial risk, stemming from a country's
institutions help mitigate risks. The limits of risk- financial system weakness, may impact on the
return trade-offs, and the ensuing risk allocation, value of the currency and, subsequently, the
are even more crucial factors leading to project company's bottom line.
assessment. A great deal of emphasis is placed on
risk management, including the formulation of an
• Otherrisks.The country's immature economic
infrastructure is vulnerable to a number of o
exit strategy. disruptions. International partners must
PPP also involves potential disadvantages. PPP address risks posed by the lack of local
entails considerable agency costs, as it must be
thoroughly cultivated and managed in terms of
planning, monitoring, and acceptance of loss of
managerial skills, inadequacy of institutions,
corruption, lack of transparency, social issues,
income inequalities, pollution, and other
some control. Private and public sectors often have elements in the operating environment. o
Financing and Raising Capital

.2 One ofthe most significant and interesting global emanate from the region's poverty, numerous
"§ economic developments of the past few years is conflicts, corruption, and health problems,
g the emergence of Africa as a competitive region or from the lack of adequate infrastructure.
^ for business. Africa is the fastest reformer in Risks aiSo present opportunities-for example,
4-. terms of easing business entry.6 It is now easier infrastructure projects are often open to foreign
U for private foreign firms to do business in Africa, i d ion Moreover> many risks can be
PQ d u e t o recently simplified business regulations, .... . , ., , , . , . , «. • i •
_, j 1 , u ,,. °, , mitigated through bilateral official insurers
• strengthened property rights, eased tax b u r d e n s , ,, , ^™^
( f o r exam le
increased access t o credit, a n d other economic P > 0 P I C ) ' multilateral insurers (for
V reforms. African countries are diverse with example, MIGA) and private risk insurers (for
Q respect to their politics and economics. The risks example, AIG). Africa has provided the stage for
M> of doing business may vary in their nature and PPP in such sectors as utilities, energy, minerals,
.5 intensityfromcountry to country. These risks may health, tourism, and others.

Bujagali Hydropower Project, Uganda
The Bujagali Project is a private power generation project. The 250 MW run-of-the-river hydro-
electric power plant is currently under construction on the Victoria-Nile on Dumbbell Island,
Jinja, Uganda. The project achieved its financial closing in December 2007, and is expected to
be commissioned in 2011. Bujagali is the first independent power project (IPP) in Uganda, and
the largest mobilization of private financing for a power project in Africa. It was named "Africa
Power Deal of the Year 2007" by Project Finance magazine. Bujagali is a good example of how
various international financial institutions can work together with private sector project sponsors
to address their financing and risk mitigation concerns, and meet the client country's economic

Rationale for P P P
According to the World Bank, the severe shortage of electricity in Uganda contributed to a decline
in GDP growth to around 5% in 2005/06. Bujagali is an essential part of Uganda's energy-sector
strategy to provide a sustainable and affordable source of electricity. The government of Uganda
lacks, however, the necessary technical expertise and financing to complete the project on its own.
Private sector participation was sought to fill the gap.

Project Partners
The Bujagali project is a public-private partnership between the private sector project sponsors
represented by Bujagali Energy Ltd (BEL), the government of Uganda, including the Ministry
of Energy and Mineral Development (MEMD) and Uganda Electricity Transmission Company Ltd
(UETCL), multilateral and bilateral development financial institutions,7 and commercial lenders,
including Absa Capital (South Africa) and Standard Chartered Bank (UK). BEL, a special-purpose
company (SPC), is incorporated in Uganda, and is privately owned by Industrial Promotion
Services (Kenya) Ltd (IPS (K)), the industrial development arm ofthe Aga Khan Fund for
Economic Development (AKFED) and SG Bujagali Holdings Ltd (Mauritius), an affiliate of US-based
Sithe Global Power LLC. The sponsors were selected through international competitive bidding

r_q Project Description

{J The Bujagali project is developed, financed, constructed, and maintained by BEL on a BOOT basis.
*~7 BEL also manages the construction of the Interconnection Project on behalf of UECTL, which will
<£ own and operate the project. The Interconnection Project involves the construction of about 100
y kilometers of high-voltage electrical transmission line to interconnect the power generation facility
>—t (the Bujagali project) to the national electric grid. Structured as IPP, BEL will sell the electricity
^ j to UETCL, Uganda's national transmission company, under a 30-year power purchase agreement
O (PPA).

Public-Private Partnerships in Emerging Markets

Finance for the project is structured as an integrated package for both the power plant and
transmission components. The total cost for the integrated projects, about $800 million, is %
being mobilized on a limited-recourse basis, through equity and debt in the ratio of 22:78. The hj
government of Uganda provided an in-kind equity contribution of $20 million. The equity financing J*
is shared by the sponsors, IPS (K) and SG Bujagali Holdings Ltd, on a pro rata basis. The equity o
structure of BEL is complex. Figure 1 provides a simplified description. U*
The debt is being financed by loans from the group of lenders, the World Bank group providing ^
a far more substantial amount of $360 million ($130 million loan from IFC, $115 million partial- •
risk guarantee from International Development Association to commercial lenders, and $115 |r<
investment guarantee from Multilateral Investment Guarantee (MIGA) to cover the equity position GA
of SG Bujagali Holding Ltd). The project financing plan is described in Figure 2. {•{,

Contractual Arrangements and Risk-Sharing Mechanism "

Contractual agreements define the transactions and allocation of the commercial, technical, and j~
political risks among the partners. The contractual structure of the Bujagali project is consistent (j*
with industry practice for limited-recourse project finance transactions (see Figure 3). The project **
implementation agreement, also called the concession agreement, signed between the government
of Uganda and BEL on December 13, 2005, defines the terms of the concession the government
grants to BEL to design, finance, own, operate, and maintain the project. Under the 30-year
PPA, BEL agrees to sell exclusively to UETCL all the production, and UETCL agrees to purchase
the contracted capacity (i.e., 250 MW), with the government guaranteeing the UETCL's payment
obligations. In addition to the implantation agreement and PPA, BEL signed a fixed-price, date
certain, turnkey engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) contract with Salini Costruttori
SpA (Italy), and Alsthom Power Hydraulique (France), and an operation and maintenance (O&M)
agreement with affiliates of Sithe Global. The EPC contract requires the power plant to be
commissioned within 44 months. The EPC contractors were selected through competitive bidding,
in accordance with the EIB procurement rules. The O&M agreement reflects BEL's commitments
under the PPA. own, operate, and maintain the project. Under the 30-year PPA, BEL agrees to sell
exclusively to UETCL all the production, and UETCL agrees to purchase the contracted capacity
(i.e., 250 MW), with the government guaranteeing the UETCL's payment obligations. In addition to
the implantation agreement and PPA, BEL signed a fixed price, date certain, turnkey engineering,
procurement, and construction (EPC) contract with Salini Costruttori SpA (Italy), and Alsthom
Power Hydraulique (France), and an operation and maintenance (O&M) agreement with affiliates
of Sithe Global. The EPC contract requires the power plant to be commissioned within 44 months.
The EPC contractors were selected through competitive bidding, in accordance with the EIB
procurement rules. The O&M agreement reflects BEL's commitments under the PPA.
The contractual structure ensured that the project-related risks, including completion and operation,
were borne by the project sponsors and commercial lenders. However, these risks were mitigated
by contracts and various insurance arrangements. The risks related to supply/input (hydrology risk),
market, political, and natural forces were borne by the government of Uganda under the government
guarantee and implementation agreements. The participation of the IFC and the guarantees provided
by the World Bank group (IDA and MIGA) are critical in mitigating the completion risk, and to provide
Uganda with access to long-maturity commercial loans in favorable terms.

CONCLUSION sector, shifting risks and securing financing are

PPP can offer a win-win situation for both the important benefits. For the private sector, the
public and the private sectors. Globalization environment represents an opportunity to add /•}
, , , . . , value to the organization,
b and act in a socially \2
has led to the emergence ofc new economies. .,, _. ' . , ,. ^ J, Tj
, responsible manner. PPP involves complicated • — i
With scarce resources, the public sector in many a r r a n g e m e n t s ^ r e q u i r e a g r e a t d e a l of ^
economies needs pnvate sector partners. PPP is expertise and flexibility. The essence of PPP is >
a unique opportunity for the two diverse sectors risk allocation—preparation, and proper risk ^
to learn how to work together. For the public management and pricing are a must. (")

Financing and Raising Capital

jj • Conduct a readiness analysis of your organization.
^ • Know exactly what you want and expect.
^ • Know what the various partners want and expect.
+d • Work to build trust among partners.
^ • Put together a solid risk management process, with clear accountability and understanding of
PQ the risks faced, how they are allocated, and how risk is to be priced.
• • Be as specific as possible about your role and responsibilities.
• Familiarize yourself with the nature and operations of international financial institutions and
5$j agencies, such as the World Bank, its affiliated agencies (IFC, IDA, MIGA), and other cooperating
Q organizations.
bfi • Make sure you do a feasibility study and conduct due diligence.
.2 * ^ ° s ' o w ' Learning about PPP is important. Existing relationships could serve as an easier first
P step.
% • Decide on what valuation techniques would be appropriate (for example, internal rate of return,
net present value, adjusted present value, and real options).
• Analyze all possible scenarios.
• Review and revize as appropriate.
• Work towards a sustainable relationship, but have an exit strategy.

Akintoye, Akintola, Matthias Beck, and Cliff Hardcastle. Public-Private Partnerships: Managing
Risks and Opportunities. Maiden, MA: Blackwell Science, 2003.
Grimsey, Darrin, and Mervyn Lewis. Public Private Partnerships: The Worldwide Revolution in
Infrastructure Provision and Project Finance. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2007.
Mobius, J. Mark. Mobius on Emerging Markets. New York: Irwin Professional, 1996.
Osborne, Stephen P. (ed). Public-Private Partnerships: Theory and Practice in International
Perspective. London: Routledge, 2000.
Yescombe, E. R. Public-Private Partnerships: Principles of Policy and Finance. Oxford: Elsevier,
Michel, Frangois. "A primer on public-private partnerships." Public Financial Management Blog
(February 22, 2008). Online at:
Economist Intelligence Unit. "Operating risk in emerging markets." London: Economist Intelligence
Unit, 2006. Online at:
Kennedy, Robert E. "Project valuation in emerging markets." Boston, MA: Harvard Business School,
May 14, 2002. Available from:

Public-Private Partnerships in Emerging Markets





1 See, for example, Yescombe (2007), especially
Chapter 2.
6 Bujagali Hydropower Project: www.bujagali-energy.

2 See Kennedy (2002) for treatment of valuation in
these markets.
7 The institutions include the African Development
3 See Mobius (1996), p. 6, and
Bank (ADB), European Investment Bank (EIB),
4 See, for example, Mobius (1996), Chapter 9, Grimsey the World Bank Group, Agence Frangaise de
and Lewis (2007), Chapter 9, and The Economist Developpement (AFD), Proparco, Netherlands
Intelligence Unit (2007). Development Finance Company (FMO), Kreditanstalt
5 The International Bank for Reconstruction and
Development/The World Bank, 2007:
fur Wiederaufbau (KfW), and Deutsche Investitions
und Entwicklungsgesellschaft (DEG).

Best Practice
Equity Investment
Sources of Venture Capital w
by Lawrence Brotzge it

• Sources of capital depend on whether it is an early-stage company or a rapidly expanding
business that is seeking significant financing.
• Angel investors rather than venture capital funds usually provide seed capital for new
• Use your network to get connected with sources of venture funding, and know your audience !.
before you meet with them.
• Venture capitalists look for high rates of return and have a relatively short time horizon.
• These investors will assist the entrepreneurs with many aspects of their business besides capital.
There are many sources of venture capital. They
not have a track record of revenues and profits.
Venture capitalists generally expect to see that
include: the founders have put in a combination of sweat
• friends and family; equity and personal cash, and they prefer to see
• individual angel investors or angel investor that they have raised some money from friends
groups; and family. After exhausting these sources,
• early-stage venture capital funds (VCs); entrepreneurs may think it is time to approach
• expansion-stage and later-stage VC funds; VCs to raise the funds they need to grow their
• community-based venture funds; these are
business. In fact, although VCs did invest smaller
often run by development agencies, which
are usually funded or subsidized by local amounts in the 1970s and 1980s, they are now
government funds designed to stimulate much larger funds and tend only to invest
business growth. when companies need multiple millions. As
This article answers a number of questions this transition was taking place, angel investors
about obtaining venture capital. When is it began to fill the gap between friends and family
appropriate to seek venture funding rather than and VCs.
bank financing? How do you go about finding
these funding sources? How do they differ, ANGEL INVESTORS
and what drives their investment decisions? Typically, angel investors are thought of as
Entrepreneurs and their management team wealthy financiers who want to fund startup
need to understand the role of these investors, companies that have a change-the-world idea
what expectations they will have for return on or invention. They do usually have some wealth,
their investment, and over what time frame they but it is not necessarily the case that they are
will expect to earn those returns. extremely rich. Successful business men and
women may be sought out by entrepreneurs
EARLY-STAGE COMPANIES for their particular expertise. These individuals
Companies are usually started by a single may not have previously thought of themselves
entrepreneur or a small group of entrepreneurs. as angels, but they may become interested in the
These founders frequently work for no pay, a business and impressed by the entrepreneurs
situation that is referred to as "sweat equity."1 and decide to invest. On the other hand there are
The initial cash needed is likely to be provided
by the founders, but may be supplemented by those who regularly look for such opportunities.

money from friends and family members who Angels generally invest in companies in their
have a variety of reasons to want to be a part of local area so they can keep an eye on their
what the founders are doing. This type of funding money.
is sometimes referred to as "seed capital."2 The Beginning in the mid-1990s, angel investors
founders may also seek bankfinancing,but if the began to realize that there were some disadvantages
bank is willing to extend credit it will probably to being a lone investor. For example, it is unlikely
be based on their personal assets or borrowing
capacity. Banks rarely lend to companies that do
that one or even a couple of people possess all the
knowledge necessary to make wise investments.

Financing and Raising Capital

They may have knowledge of many aspects of the be funded by the VC specialists. But for many new
business they are considering, but they are not businesses there is an overlap between angels and
likely to understand everything about the business "early-stage" VCs, and it is not uncommon that
and how to structure the investment. Additionally, the two groups will coinvest.
u a single investor would have to put a fairly large What constitutes expansion- and later-stage
sum in a single company to have any real say in the companies? Expansion-stage companies have
business. A group of angels is more likely to have a customers and proven revenue, and there are
breadth of knowledge and, by pooling their funds, good reasons to believe that they are positioned
an impact on the company. Angel investment to grow very rapidly, at rates of 30-100%
groups have been forming over the past 10 to 15 annually. And later-stage companies already
c years, and there are now several hundred such have substantial revenues, so the next round

groups in the United States and Canada. of financing is meant to grow the company to
A 2008 study of US angel investing3 showed a critical mass and attract public financing, or
that in 2007 some US$26 billion was invested in result in a merger or acquisition by another
g over 57,000 entrepreneurial ventures and that company. In both situations it is likely that this
the number of active investors totaled almost will provide liquidity and at least a partial exit for
260,000. It can readily be seen that individual founders and investors. Many young companies

1 angel investors still make up the lion's share of never get to the point of seeking expansion or
investors, which creates a challenge for those later-stage VC funding, not because they fail, but
entrepreneurs trying to connect with them. rather because they determine that an earlier
Finding angels requires networking. Ask attorneys merger or acquisition makes more sense for both
and accountants, especially those who frequently founders and investors.
work with and specialize in startup companies.
If your business is technical in nature, you might WHAT VENTURE CAPITALISTS
contact universities, and you should certainly try to LOOKFOR
make contact with current and retired executives It makes little difference if it is an angel investor
who come from industries related to yours. or an early-stage VC, they expect to see a
business plan with a detailed description of the
VENTURE FUNDS business model, marketing plans, competition,
Some VCs focus on investing in particular etc. This includes financial statements showing
industry sectors, or geographies, or stages past results and a forecast for the next three
of a company's life. Some may restrict their to five years. Considerable emphasis will be
investments to local businesses. Some will fund placed on the cash flow forecast, as cash flow
early-stage companies, but others may only is a primary concern with any relatively new
entertain investments in what are known as business. Investors will want to know how their
expansion-stage and later-stage companies. investment will be put to use—often referred
The definition of an early-stage business can to as "use of proceeds." They tend to look
vary widely and is not easily denned in terms of unfavorably on large portions of their funds
revenues. If, for example, it is a service business being used for accrued and unpaid expenses,
or software company, it may not require a lot of particularly founders' salaries, or to pay down
investment for the company to achieve positive accounts payable. The prospective investors will
cash flows. At the other extreme, a life sciences perform considerable due diligence, which will
business (biotech, pharmaceutical, and medical include such areas as product reviews; speaking
devices), which involves substantial research and with customers, vendors and distributors; and
regulatory approval, may be years from any real examining any patent filings and pending legal
revenues and will need significant funding along matters. Primary among their assessments will
the way. As a general rule, before a company is be evaluating the management team.
ready for VC funding a number of events will The review performed by expansion-stage and
have taken place, such as completion of proof later-stage VCs does not differ much from that
of concept, development of prototype products, outlined above; however, their investigations
beta testing of the product or service, and, finally, will look more closely at areas such as market
generation of revenues. However, certain types conditions. Since at this point the business has
of businesses—most notably life sciences or a proven market for its product or services, it
other large technical projects—require such large is far easier to assess future growth projections
amounts of capital that they are well beyond the than when the company was just entering the
capacity of angels. These businesses tend only to market. Thus, a reasonably accurate assessment

Sources of Venture Capital

can be made of how fast the business can be be able to see the potential for significant returns
scaled up and its ultimate potential. VCs will also on each new investment. This means either w
reevaluate the company's management. Often quick returns or, if the time frame will be longer, o
the skills needed to launch a business differ from large multiples of their investment. So company

those required to grow it. founders should not be surprised to learn that »
All venture investors have one question in
common: When will they see a return on their
investment? In other words, when will there
venture capitalists would like the opportunity to
earn 10 or even 25 times their investment. That
means that most venture investors have little
be a liquidity event—a sale of the company or a interest in businesses that do not have excellent
public offering of the stock? This is called the exit growth and profit prospects. w
strategy.4 Venture capital is not generally meant
to be long-term in nature. Most funding assumes The terms of the investment will include the 0
that there will be an exit in three to seven years. financial structure and the "pre-money value,"5
which is the value placed on the business before
RETURN ON INVESTMENT SOUGHT BY the new investors put their cash into the company. 3
VENTURE CAPITALISTS Thus, pre-money value is the amount assigned
The earlier in a business's life cycle the investment to all investors who have invested in the equity en
is made, the greater the risk. Thus, the higher of the company thus far. This determines what
the potential return on investment the venture percentage the new investor will own. If the pre-
capitalist will seek. Because there is a risk of total money value is $3 million and $1 million is newly 3
loss on at least some their investments, VCs must invested by VCs, they own 25% of the company.

Example of the Actual Results of an Early-Stage VC
The investors put in US$120 million between 1998 and 2002, which is a typical funding period. This
was invested in 31 companies and—although the fund has not yet exited all of these companies-
reported results to date, plus a reasonable projection of ultimate exits, show these results:

Number of companies Exit as a multiple of the amount invested

6 0

6 Less than 1 x

7 1 x to 2 x

5 2x to 3x

3 5 x t o lOx

2 l O x t o 15x

1 5 0 x plus

31 Average: 3.3x

The internal rate of return (IRR) to the investors will be about 23% on an annualized basis. This o
table illustrates how results vary by investment, indicates the degree of risk, and demonstrates
why the VC must have the potential (often unrealized) to earn very large returns on each
investment. In this case, without the three deals that produced very large returns, the overall
results would not have been very attractive.

Financing and Raising Capital

There are also many considerations as to while the need for additional funding may be a
what security the venture investors will own. good indication that the company is growing and
They usually require a form of a security that is needs more working capital to expand, that must
a "senior" to the equity held by founders and small translate to a much higher ultimate liquidation
u investors. This provides legal protection and value if each investor group is to see healthy
4-) authority, even though they may be minority returns on the capital they put atrisk.Historically,
0) investors (in terms of their ownership share of venture capital internal rates of return (IRR)6
the company). The instrument often used for have averaged between 20% and 30%.
this purpose is preferred stock, with a variety
of provisions attached that allow some level of THE ROLE OF VENTURE CAPITALISTS
control over major business decisions. For the AFTER THEY INVEST
venture investors to have an opportunity to earn Venture investors are not passivefinanciers;rather,
handsome returns on their investment, they focus they foster growth in companies by becoming
not only on the pre-money valuation, actively involved with the management team, and
but also on how many future rounds of in developing strategic and operational plans,
fundraising the company might need as it grows. marketing plans, etc. They will hold one or more
Even if future investments are made on the basis positions on the company's board of directors. VCs
of an increased valuation, the additional capital see themselves as entrepreneursfirstand financiers
will dilute prior investors' ownership stake. So second.

Companies will encounter lots of competition when seeking venture funding. So be sure to take the
right steps to increase your company's chances of success:
• Where should I be looking for investors? Be certain to look for help from local organizations that
foster new business development in your area, such as local development agencies and funds
established to encourage innovation and new technologies, and universities.
• How do I get connected to the right funding sources? Talk to all your contacts, ask lots of
questions, and remember that it is far better to arrive at a source via a referral.
• How do I prepare to meet with prospective investors? Consider getting someone to coach your
management team, prepare a first-class, focused business plan, understand your cash flow, and
prepare realistic financial projections.
• What should I know about my audience? They will be assessing the management team as much
as the business. VCs do not invest in businesses that do not have significant growth potential,
but you must be realistic and prepared to defend your numbers. They will also be interested in
knowing that there are multiple exit strategies.
• How do I sell our management team? Show the investors that you are the right people to run
the business, and address areas where you need to add missing skills. Remember that founders
may not be the best people to run the company, and consider supplementing the team with an
advisory board, or ask the VC to assist in identifying advisers.



Sources of Venture Capital

Van Osnabrugge, Mark, and Robert J. Robinson. Angel Investing: Matching Startup Funds with ^d
Startup Companies—A Guide for Entrepreneurs, Individual Investors, and Venture Capitalists. pj
San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 2000. &

Websites: ft
Angel Capital Association (North America's professional alliance of angel groups): •
Center for Venture Research, Whittemore School of Business and Economics, University of New jj
Hampshire: JS*
Kauffman Foundation: ^
National Venture Capital Association: JJ


1 See "Sweat equity" at 4 See "Exit strategy: Business plan basics" at jT'S Hj-j
2 See "Seed capital" at 5 See "The pre-money value of a pre-revenue startup" at
3 Center for Venture Research. "The angel investor 6 For a basic explanation of IRR and a downloadable
market in 2007: Mixed signs of growth." Online at:
spreadsheet example, see
internal-rate-of-return.html o

Assessing Opportunities for Growth in w
Small and Medium Enterprises
by Frank Hoy
• The growth stage of a small or medium-size enterprise (SME) typically requires more resources
than the company commands.
• In order to grow in their competitive environments, SMEs should proactively engage in
identifying opportunities.
• The management team should have criteria and procedures for assessing opportunities, as only
the most promising and suitable should be pursued.
• Exploiting opportunities includes obtaining resources to implement the business's growth
• The long-term health and survival of SMEs depends on their ability to recognize, evaluate, and
pursue growth opportunities in competitive environments.
INTRODUCTION not only from sales of products and services,
Many companies experience rapid growth at but also through acquisition. The growing firm
some stage of their life cycle. For some, this may gains recognition for its brand name and builds
happen soon after they are launched. Others have customer loyalty.
multiple spurts, followed by a leveling-off period Robert Ronstadt coined the term "corridor
or even a decline. A consistent characteristic of principle" to explain how small and medium
the growth stage is that demands exceed existing business owners identify opportunities that a
resources. Consequently, business owners must prospective entrepreneur does not recognize.1
be creative in acquiring and managing the At the time an individual opens his or her first
resources needed to seize growth opportunities. enterprise, it is as if the budding entrepreneur
Successful entrepreneurs are astute at, first, is inside a room consisting of his or her life
identifying opportunities and, second, taking experiences and observations. Starting the
action to pursue those opportunities. The idea business is the equivalent of opening a door,
behind starting a business may have been stepping out, and discovering a corridor. Up
spontaneous. It may come from prior experience and down the corridor are other doors, each
or personal preference. It may have resulted from representing a new opportunity. If the first
loss of employment. Although bankers, investors, door—i.e., starting the business—is not opened,
and educators often emphasize the need for none of the other doors will be seen. Launching
planning in advance of opening an enterprise, the business allows the owner to enter new
the evidence is that most venture creators did networks, obtain access to information, and
not prepare a business plan before they started. otherwise make discoveries that would never
For a small or medium-size enterprise (SME)
have happened without going into business.
that has been operating for some time, however,
a planning process is essential to any assessment From the strategic management literature,
of whether to take up a growth opportunity. we learn about "environmental scanning" as a
technique for being alert to new events, trends,
IDENTIFICATION OF OPPORTUNITIES and changes that may result from legislation and
Opportunity recognition is at the core of an regulation, competitor initiatives and reactions,
entrepreneurial venture. The founder of a customer tastes, technological developments,
company with growth potential will identify and and many other occurrences. Some business
seek to satisfy unmet customer needs. Creativity, executives look at environmental disruptions
new technologies, and new marketing approaches as threats, but those disruptions are invariably
are all characteristics of growing enterprises. A viewed as opportunities for entrepreneurial small
key word in this stage isflexibility.The leaders of and medium business owners. Rita McGrath
the company arefindingnew markets, sometimes and Ian MacMillan proposed formalizing the O
on the international scene. Growth may come scanning procedure by devising a register in

Financing and Raising Capital

which opportunities could be categorized as one • the competence of the management team;
or other of the following:2 • the prospects for wealth creation and the
• redesign of products or services feasibility of harvesting that wealth.
• redifferentiation of products or services
u • resegmenting of the market EXPLOITATION OF OPPORTUNITIES
• reconfiguring of the market There are numerous triggers that may enable a
• development of breakthrough competencies small firm to seize a growth opportunity:
• the firm finds an unexploited market niche,
ASSESSMENT OF OPPORTUNITIES and the newly tapped demand launches the
Enterprises that have been functioning for a growth stage
c period of time have strategies that were either • the firm overcomes the "liability of newness"

formulated or which emerged. The first test of
whether to seize an opportunity is to evaluate
whether it is consistent with thefirm'sstrategy, as
factor as customers, suppliers, and creditors
conclude that it will survive and they increase
the level of business which they are willing to
the risk and cost of failure can be high if there is a conduct
= mismatch. On the other hand, if the business is in • the management team travels up the learning
decline, an opportunity that requires a change in curve, becoming more competent, perhaps
strategy may be the key to renewal and growth. even redefining the nature of the business
Before pursuing the opportunity, firm man- • the founder faces a crisis and is forced to
agers should ascertain the conditions that reinvent the business
produced it. Will they persist? Is there a market • a change of leadership brings in new ideas
of sufficient size to make the opportunity and perspectives
attractive? And what resources are required to • the business acquires and exploits skills it did
succeed in exploiting the opportunity? not previously have
Failure to consider this last question can lead • alliances are formed with partners that
to disaster. Many small and medium enterprises may help the firm to enter new markets or
do not have the resource base to embark on high- introduce new products
growth trajectories. Such growth may demand • managers recognize that the company has
significant capital infusions. Smaller firms may entered a gradual decline that must be
not have access to traditional sources of capital. reversed if the business is to survive
They may not have collateral or credit lines for Because growth opportunities typically exceed
borrowing and are not likely to be publicly traded, the capacity of the small or medium enterprise,
so they can't seek equity investment. Financing at creative approaches may be needed to obtain the
this stage requires creativity. It is not unusual for finance that will build such capacity. Immediate
business owners in the early growth stages to rely sources of equity or debt are most likely to be
first on their own resources—personal savings, the owners themselves and other management
home mortgages, pension funds, etc.—followed team members. This is typically followed by
by funding from family and friends. A family family members who are willing to accept risk
member with a steady income and solid credit in support of their relatives. The willingness of
record may be the cosigner on a bank loan. For banks to provide financing is usually a function
some companies, financing may not be available of the credit history of the firm and economic
at all. In such situations, "bootstrapping" may conditions. In the case of SMEs, banks often
be the appropriate course of action. This term is look to the assets of the owner rather than the
derived from the notion of pulling oneself up by revenue-generating ability of the firm.
the bootstraps, i.e., being self-reliant. It involves Numerous alternative organizations engage
finding ways of achieving goals when capital is in lending practices, however. Credit unions
limited, minimizing the need for outside financing, have become aggressive in business lending. For
maximizing the impact of the entrepreneur's minority and disadvantaged populations, avariety
investment, and/or optimizing cash flow.3 of microlenders provide financial assistance. For
Some additional criteria that SMEs use to those firms whose growth phase has true value-
U screen opportunities include: creating potential, wealthy individuals known
• the competitive environment and profit as business angels may be a source of funds.
potential of the industry; Angel investors often bring the added benefit of
• general and local economic conditions; business management expertise, and may serve
• the ability of the firm to achieve a sustainable in formal or informal advisery capacities with an
competitive advantage; enterprise to which they provide money.

Assessing Opportunities for Growth in SMEs

Spira—Six Billion Customers?
Andrew B. Krafsur, CEO of Spira Footwear, Inc., contends that everyone on the planet is a potential
customer for his company's shoes. Formed in January 1999, Spira was initially funded through
loans from the founder and his wife. In the spring of 2001, the company sold common stock
through a private placement, obtaining proceeds of US$1,155,000. Spira introduced its shoes to
the market in December 2001.
The critical competitive component that Spira offered was a patented "WaveSpring" technology.

According to the company website, "WaveSpring technology stores and disburses energy with
every step."4 The spring involved is laterally stable, lightweight, and compact. It can fit in both the
heel and forepart of the shoe.
In July of 2007, Spira issued a private placement memorandum seeking a total of US$4,000,000

from accredited investors—i.e., individuals with net worth of at least US$1,000,000 or an annual
income of at least US$200,000. The funds were to be used to reduce debt, to increase inventory,
and for market expansion, including in international markets. Over the next year negotiations with

the primary targeted investment group proved slower than expected. Less than US$1,000,000 was (ft
raised, leading the executive team to seek other sources of financing. An additional half million
dollars was raised from the owning family of a department store chain, and an angel investor ft
committed a US$1,000,000 loan that could be later converted to equity. 3
Despite the reduced ability to raise funds and due directly to the economic downturn, Spira's
executives and board of directors chose to concentrate strategic efforts on marketing. They
anticipated that reduced spending by consumers might cause competitors to cut costs by scaling
back on promotional activities and inventory. To the leadership team at Spira, this represented
an opportunity. The company entered into an alliance with the Walt Disney Company, sponsored
athletes of high visibility to the running community, and pushed forward with with new product
development. One early measure of success was a leap in ranking for Spira in search engine

Creativity and an ability to identify opportunities must be able to:
are seen as characteristics of entrepreneurs at 1 identify opportunities;
the time they start their companies. Enterprises 2 assess whether those opportunities are
that prosper and grow must continue to identify appropriate for their firms;
and pursue opportunities. In an existing small 3 devise strategies to exploit the opportunities.
or medium business, structuring the process for These steps require more planning than entre-
recognizing and exploiting opportunities prevents preneurs generally engage in at the time they
the management team from slipping into routines create their ventures. And the management team
that worked in the past but may not keep the firm should always keep in mind that implementing the
competitive in the future. Enterprise managers plans will be different from formulating them.


Financing and Raising Capital

"jj The growth of an enterprise is often accompanied by increased bureaucratization. When a
rt company is founded and in the start-up stage, the owner is involved with everything. As the firm
P^ grows, even small businesses develop policies, procedures, and guidelines. As these rules develop,
4_i t h e management team must be diligent to prevent them from stifling further growth. Such
^ diligence should lead to an organizational culture that encourages the assessment and pursuit of
PQ opportunities. Actions that can be taken to promote this include:
• • familiarizing new employees with the history and traditions of the enterprise, especially
*£ introducing t h e m to the sacrifices that were made and the initiatives taken;
V • investing in continuing education for all employees, not j u s t on specific j o b requirements, but
H also on improving communication and other interpersonal skills;
•§3 • providing information about industry conditions and forecasts, technological developments, and
^ other topics;
j* • engaging in team-building efforts, particularly those that hone opportunity identification and
•H assessment skills.
& • Devising a system that reinforces experimentation and innovation.

Bhide, Amar V. The Origin and Evolution of New Businesses. New York: Oxford University Press,
Harvard Business Review on Entrepreneurship. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press, 1999.
Hitt, Michael A., et al. (eds). Strategic Entrepreneurship: Creating a New Mindset. Oxford:
Blackwell, 2002.

Capital Formation Institute:
National Association of Seed and Venture Funds (NASVF; US):
US Small Business Administration:

y* 1 Ronstadt, Robert. "The corridor principle." Journal of Creating Opportunity in an Age of Uncertainty.
<^ Business Venturing 3:1 (Winter 1988): 31-40. Online Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press, 2000.
^ at: 3 Cornwall, Jeffrey. Bootstrapping. Upper Saddle River,
rT| 2 Gunther McGrath, Rita, and Ian MacMillan. The NJ: Prentice Hall, 2009.
(~y Entrepreneurial Mindset: Strategies for Continuously 4, accessed February 14, 2009.

Equity Issues by Listed Companies: Rights w
Issues and Other Methods by Seth Armitage
• A rights issue is a method by which a listed company can issue new shares. The principle of a ft
rights issue is that stockholders are offered new shares in proportion to their existing holdings. If •
stockholders do not want to buy the new shares, they can sell their rights on the stock market.
• The main alternative issue methods are the firm-commitment offer, the private placement
or placing, and the open offer. These methods have been replacing rights issues in several •i
• The average reaction of a company's share price to firm commitments is negative, but it is
positive for placements and open offers. The reaction to rights issues varies by country. 9
• The aim for a company is to have a smooth issue that raises the intended amount of capital for a r.
competitive fee and at a minimum discount.
INTRODUCTION In this example, Company X is issuing one ft
This article is about issues of shares to investors new share for every two existing shares in what 2
by companies that are already listed on a stock is known as a "one-for-two" issue. The new
exchange. Such issues are often called rights equity to be raised is $45 million. The offer
issues, although in fact the rights issue is only period starts on the ex-rights date, when the
one of several issue methods used. Other existing shares cease to carry the one-for-two
methods will also be discussed here. A generic entitlement to the new shares. If the underlying
term for issues by listed companies is seasoned value of the company does not change, the share
equity offers (SEOs). price will fall to the theoretical ex-rights price
(TERP) on the ex-rights date. The TERP is the
TYPES OF OFFER weighted average value of the old and the new
Rights Issue shares. In the example, the TERP is $11:
The principle of a rights issue is that the company
offers the new shares to its existing stockholders
10 million x $12 + 5 million x $9
in proportion (pro rata) to the number of shares $11
owned by each stockholder. In most countries 15 million
this is a requirement of company law. The
stockholder's right of first refusal over the new At this market price, each right to one new share
shares is known as the preemption right. If a will be worth $2; that is, $11 - $9.
stockholder does not want to buy some or all of An important point about rights issues is that
the new shares to which he or she is entitled, he a stockholder is as well off whether or not he
or she can sell the rights to them on the stock sells the rights. If he does not sell, and he buys
market during a prescribed offer period. In the the new shares, he loses $10 per old share when
United Kingdom this period is three weeks. they go ex-rights, but gains $2 per new share
The offer price of the new shares is usually because the offer price is $2 below the market
set at a large discount to the market price of the price ex-rights. If he sells the rights, he still loses
existing shares just before the issue is announced. $10 per old share but gains $2 in cash per new
This discount means that the rights are likely to share. However, this ignores the cost of selling
be worth something during the offer period. A rights, which can be substantial if the company's
numerical example is helpful in understanding shares are illiquid.
the rights issue mechanism:
The majority of rights issues are underwritten.
This means that the investment bank arranging
Company X:
Number of existing shares 10 million the issue will find sub-underwriters, usually
Number of new shares 5 million investing institutions, to buy the shares at the
Price of existing shares before offer offer price, or will buy them itself if necessary.
is announced
Offer price
The deeper the discount, the less likely it is that
the underwriters will be called upon.

Financing and Raising Capital

Firm-Commitment or Public Offer stockholders with a private placing. Although

In the United States, rights issues by commercial stockholders retain their preemption rights, the
companies (as opposed to investment rights cannot be traded and are therefore worthless
ctf companies) have been rare since the 1970s. The unless the stockholder chooses to buy new shares.
u standard method for larger issues is the firm- This type of offer is now standard in the United
commitment offer. After the issue is announced, Kingdom but appears to be unique to that country.
there is a book-building period of about one
month, during which a syndicate of investment ASPECTS OF PRACTICE
banks invites applications for the new shares Market Reaction to SEOs
and the share registration document is finalized. The share price of US industrial companies
c With a shelf offering, the new shares will already falls by around 3% on average when a firm-
have been registered with the Securities and commitment offer is announced. The stock
! Exchange Commission. There is no pro rata offer market reaction to rights issues is mixed; it
to existing stockholders. is negative in some countries and positive in
The offer price is set the day before the shares others. A negative reaction is surprising on the
e are issued. The offer price used to be the same as, face of it, since a company would not be expected
or very close to, the prevailing market price. But, to go to the expense of a share issue unless it
during the 1990s, it became common to set the had a good use for the money, i.e. a positive net
offer price at a discount to the market price of about present value investment.
2.5%. Firm-commitment offers are underwritten by The leading explanation (Myers and Majluf,
the syndicate of investment banks that market the 1984) is that news of an SEO indicates that
issue. Non-underwritten public offers are known the issuer is more likely to be overvalued than
as "best efforts" offers. Both rights issues and firm undervalued. An undervalued company is one
commitments are accompanied by a prospectus—a in which the market value of the equity is less
marketing document and memorandum that than the managers' assessment of its value.
contains information required by the relevant If the managers are correct, issuing shares
regulatory authority. when the company is undervalued means that
In recent years, a variant known as the existing stockholders who do not buy will
accelerated bookbuilt offer has become more lose out to new investors, who will obtain
common. The offer is announced and bids from shares at below the full-information price.
investors are invited very quickly, often by the Some undervalued companies will choose
end of the same day. Accelerated bookbuilding not to issue as a result, even if they need the
tends to be used by large companies to raise money for a worthwhile investment. Therefore,
small amounts in relation to their size. companies that choose to issue are more likely
to be overvalued, and the market price will fall
Private Placement or Placing as a result.
A third type of offer is the private placement. In However, the market reaction to private
the United States, private placement refers to the placements, placings, and open offers is positive
sale of a block of shares by private negotiation, on average. These issue methods potentially
usually to one or two investors only and for involve detailed investigation of the issuer by
a fairly small amount (a few million dollars). placees or underwriters, who have access to
Placements are less onerous to arrange than private information about the company. So
firm commitments, because the shares are not one explanation for the positive reaction is that
offered to investors in general and no prospectus the willingness of these well-informed agents
is required. Most placements are made at a to buy or underwrite certifies a minimum
discount, the average being around 15% in the value for the issuer. Another explanation is that in
United States. Many placements are now private some placements an active placee is introduced,
investment in public equity (PIPE) issues, in i.e. an agent who brings know-how or an intention
which the shares placed can be resold more to intervene in the company, and the market
P-) quickly than in a conventional placement. In the reacts positively to news of a placement to such
United Kingdom the term "placing" is used for an investor.
U any sale of shares that does not involve a pro rata

offer to existing stockholders. Larger placings Decline of the Rights Issue
will have 20 or 30 placees. The decline of rights issues in the United States,
the United Kingdom, Japan, and elsewhere
PH Open Offer is somewhat puzzling. The firm-commitment
An open offer combines a pro rata offer to existing method that replaced them in the United States

Equity Issues by Listed Companies

is more expensive and does not offer an obvious Issue Costs

advantage. Most platings are made at a sizeable The total cost of a firm-commitment offer in the w
discount, which means that stockholders who United States is, on average, 7% of the amount on
are not invited into the placing lose out. Possible raised, ignoring any discount. The cost of a rights
disadvantages of rights issues include the cost of issue or open offer in the United Kingdom is 6% on
selling large blocks of rights, delays in the issue
process compared with platings, and less effective
certification of value than in an open offer or
average. Much the largest components of the cost
are the fees to the lead bank and to the underwriters.
The cost is relatively more for smaller companies,
placing. partly because there are clear economies of scale ft
Rights issues work best when most of the new and partly because they are riskier.
shares will be bought by existing stockholders W

willing to take up their rights. There is then littleDiscounts
need to find other buyers. They are therefore Discounts to the market price are a cost to
frequently used by family-controlled firms. nonsubscribing stockholders, except in a rights
Rights issues also work well for the largest
companies, with very liquid shares, because it is
cheap and easy to sell rights on the market.
issue. Why are discounts needed? First, investors
tend to buy large blocks, which could be costly I
to sell in future. There is a strong empirical
relationship between depth of discount and the
Long-Run Underperformance Following SEOs bid-ask spread of the issuer's shares. Second,
Companies that raise new equity tend to the value of many issuers is rather uncertain; in ft
underperform in relation to other companies the academic jargon, there is high information 9
matched by industry, size, and risk over a three- to asymmetry. There was a major shift in the 1990s
five-year horizon. This underperformance occurs in the type of company listed on stock exchanges,
for both returns on the shares and operating away from well-established companies with a
profit. The same finding applies to companies successful track record, toward smaller firms
that make or have made an initial public offer. that are still in the product development stage.
One explanation is that, on average, companies The discount could also provide compensation
successfully time their issue for when they are for costs of investigating the issuer, or for future
overvalued. costs of active monitoring.

Bradford and Bingle/s "Rights Reissue," May-June 2008
The rights issue of Bradford and Bingley pic, a British mortgage bank, was among the most
extraordinary in living memory. On May 14, 2008, Bradford and Bingley announced that it was
to raise £300 million via a 19-for-25 issue at an offer price of 82p—a discount of 48% on the
preannouncement share price. However, on June 4, 2008, while the offer period was still running,
the bank unexpectedly announced a profit warning, the resignation of its chief executive, and a
restructuring of the issue. In particular, the offer price was cut to 55p to avoid the share price
dropping below the offer price after the profit warning. A price cut mid-offer is extremely rare,
but without it the underwriters would have been left holding much of the issue at a loss, and they
might have sought to escape their obligations by invoking the "material adverse change" clause in
the underwriting agreement.
In a further twist, Bradford and Bingley arranged for Texas Pacific Group (TPG), a private equity
investor, to buy shares at 55p via a placing, acquiring a 23% stake and two seats on the board. o
TPG's shares were not offered to existing stockholders and were therefore not part of the rights
issue proper. TPG's involvement as a potentially active investor was generally welcomed. At the
same time, some institutional stockholders were annoyed at not being given the chance to invest
more at 55p. As one said, "If there was no TPG, the whole thing would have collapsed. But it
comes at a huge price for investors."1 o

Financing and Raising Capital

y • An equity issue is an expensive process and time-consuming for senior management.
2 • Key practical aspects include the choice of lead investment bank and other professional-service
OH firms (for example, lawyers), the type of issue, the size and timing of the issue, whether to have
*£ it underwritten, the content of the prospectus, the level of fee, the offer price discount, and who
& the main buyers (future stockholders) will be.
W • Companies are largely in t h e hands of the lead investment bank once the issue process is under
" way, but they can (and do) shop around when selecting the lead bank. When making the choice
E and negotiating the terms of the issue, company managers should be aware of the terms on
3 which recent SEOs have been made by companies of a similar size. The fees and discount should
jj be competitive.
£ • The company should aim for a smooth issue that raises the intended amount and is sold to a
^ group of investors who are, or plan to be, long-term holders of the shares.

Eckbo, B. Espen, Ronald W. Masulis, and 0yvind Norli. "Security offerings." In B. Espen Eckbo (ed).
Handbook of Corporate Finance: Empirical Corporate Finance. Vol. 1 . Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2007;
2 3 3 - 3 7 3 . A thorough review of research on SEOs.

Myers, Stewart C , and Nicholas S. Majluf. "Corporate financing and investment decisions when
firms have information that investors do not have." Journal of Financial Economics 13:2 (June
1984): 1 8 7 - 2 2 1 . Online at:

Myners, Paul. "Pre-emption rights: Final report." UK Department of Trade and Industry, February
2005. Online at: The pros and cons of rights issues from a
practitioner's perspective.

t —
1 Financial Times (June 6, 2008).

Attracting Small Investors w
by Wondimu Mekonnen 00

• Small investors are individuals who purchase small amounts of stocks for themselves, as
opposed to institutional investors such as pension funds.

• Small investors can deposit money in banks and building societies to earn interest on their
• Although it has been the traditional belief that money deposited in a bank or building society is
safer than an investment in stock, the recent crises experienced by these High Street institutions
have eroded that trust.
• Investments in company stock involves risk, but the rewards can be much greater than from a
deposit or savings account. I
• In dealing with small investors, CEOs and CFOs are advised to implement various incentives to
keep existing investors and attract new ones.

INTRODUCTION (ISAs) offer the kinds of incentives that may 53
A company is financed by various sources, such encourage household savings.
as short-term borrowings, long-term debt, and Companies can raise money by selling bonds
owner's equity—ordinary shares, preference to investors. Although in theory, small investors
shares, and reserves. Small investors can could buy corporate bonds and hold them, they
participate in most of these. A significant portion play little role in the primary market. Simply
of funds finds its way into the bond or stock put, bonds tend to be bought and sold in a closed
markets through financial institutions that are circle of insiders and experts.
the repositories of household savings. Therefore,
the size of resources available for financing a INVESTMENT IN SHARES
company's activities depends to a large extent on More and more small investors have become
household savings. Small investors are usually shareholders, and share dealing is no longer
individuals who purchase small amounts of a job reserved for city slickers. In the United
stocks for themselves, in contrast to the large Kingdom, the Building Societies Act 1986
institutional investors such as pension funds. allowed building societies to demutualize and
Small investors are sometimes referred to as become public limited companies instead of
individual, or retail, investors. mutually owned organizations (i.e. owned by
In 2005, the Investment Company Institute the customers who borrowed and saved with
reported that 91.1 million household investors the society). A case in point is when the Halifax
in the United States held US$56.9 million of Building Society announced that it was to merge
various types of equities.1 This constituted 50.3% with the Leeds Permanent Building Society
of all households. The growing number of small and convert to a pic. The Halifax floated on
investors gives the market depth. the London Stock Exchange on June 2, 1997,
making more than 7.5 million customers of
BANKS AND BUILDING SOCIETIES the Society shareholders in the new bank—the
Banks and building societies depend primarily largest extension of shareholders in UK history.
on household savings, of which they are the Of the new shareholders, 2.1 million were small
main custodians. The amount of interest they investors. That is about one-third of all the
offer on deposits and savings accounts can be investors in the Halifax (Snowdon, 2008). A
an incentive to small investors. For their very report published in May 2008 reveals that small
survival, therefore, it is vital that such institutions investors hold a combined total of 770 million
shares worth almost £4 billion in HBOS, as the
understand how to deal with small investors. They
have to design incentives to encourage people to group is now known. Their average holding is
save. One way they do this is by offering savings 375 shares.
accounts with a variety of earning structures Another example was when Abbey National
and conditions. The Halifax's fixed saving term
option2 and Abbey's Individual Savings Accounts
(now Abbey) was demutualized in 1989, in
which 1.7 million small investors held 200 to

Financing and Raising Capital

300 shares. Abbey was eventually taken over by trading in shares has been steadily increasing.
o the Spanish bank Santander (Papworth, 2005). Figure 1 shows the growth in equity ownership

i £400 million of Bradford & Bingley's funds

come from small investors (Treanor, 2008), 3
by US households between 1983 and 2005. 6

£ who form more than a third of its lenders. The

recent nationalization (government takeover) of
Bradford & Bingley will mark the end of the line Although household savers are one of the most
PQ for the last independent former building society important sources of funds for investment,
to take on bank status. negative news about a financial institution that
Figure 1. Equity ownership by US households. {Sources: The Investment Company
S Institute/the Securities Industry Association (ICI/SIA) equity ownership surveys;
Federal Reserve Board Survey of Consumer Finances; US Census Bureau)
60 T _. . 56.9

1983 1989 1992 1995 1999 2002 2005

Risk-taking investors may not wish to be acts as a custodian of their savings can cause
limited to the small amount of interest they can panic and a rush on banks or building societies
earn on a deposit account, but prefer to take the to withdraw their money. This can bring the
risk of investing in company stocks. With such financial market tumbling down. Financial
investments they can reap the reward if prices rise, institutions such as banks and mortgage lenders
although they have to suffer the consequences if need to understand the risks associated with
prices fall. When markets are rising, what a saver being the custodians of the wealth of individual
might make in three years from a savings account investors. The recent crisis that started in the US
can be made in a year, or even in months, in the banking sector ended by engulfing the world,
stock markets. Thus, the reward for taking risk prompting panicking savers almost to pull down
can tempt small investors to invest in shares. even giant healthy banks and mortgage lenders
Companies should therefore make every effort to and initiating a worldwide financial crisis.
tap into this potential source of finance. The first such panic took place in the United
Anyone can trade in shares by him- or herself Kingdom in September 2007 and involved a
or through an agent, called a stockbroker. The bank called Northern Rock. When depositors
quality and speed of market information has started queuing to withdraw their money, the
improved tremendously. Newspapers, especially Bank of England made an unprecedented and
the Financial Times, and various websites dramatic move to save the collapsing bank.
report movements in share prices. Using the The Guardian newspaper of Friday September
internet, up to date information on share prices 14, 2007, reported that this intervention by
can be obtained instantly in the comfort of the Bank was agreed between its governor,
Mervyn King, the chancellor, Alistair Darling,
U one's home. The London Stock Exchange home
z page4 provides continuous reporting on market
movements in the FTSE indices. Similarly, the
and the Financial Services Authority. Northern
Rock customers were urged to stay calm—but

t New York Stock Exchange,5 the largest in the

world, provides information on various indices
it did little to help. It was reported that the
Northern Rock sought the funding because of a
cash shortage caused by the month-long crisis
including S&P500, AEX, and Euronext 100
online. As a result, the number of small investors in global credit markets that began with the

Attracting Small Investors

collapse of the subprime mortgage market in the Managers must be perceived as being ready to CO
United States. At the time, depositor's money make sacrifices in the interests of the company's
in Northern Rock amounted to more than investors. In tough times small investors want
£100 billion. The unfortunate chain of events to see that those in charge are not losing just
did not stop there. The next casualties of the their jobs but also their own investment in the "I
panic attack were the Halifax-Bank of Scotland
(HBOS) Group and Bradford & Bingley, and
even Barclays Bank was affected. The bad news
company, because managers faced with such a
prospect can be expected to work hard to turn
the business around to save their own skins.
spread among small investors like wildfire. The They must be seen as having an incentive to put a
large-circulation tabloids in particular fed the their blood and sweat into the business to avoid a
panic, causing more confusion. For example, the personal hit if the venture fails. M
Sun newspaper of November 27, 2008, wrote: Small investors think about risk. They would
"Britain's biggest mortgage lender, whose like to see that a company is well secured by
funding position has been in the spotlight in the holding a well-diversified portfolio of various
wake of the Lehman Brothers collapse, saw its shares. Small investors like to see steady growth in
stock suddenly plunge 30 per cent despite starting the profitability of a company and its subsidiaries,
the session up around seven per cent higher." with a corresponding rise in the share price.
These events in the United Kingdom were The way existing shareholders are treated can
followed by similar losses of confidence affecting attract potential small investors. Rights issues to
1KB in Germany, BNP Paribas in France, and existing shareholders instead of dividends are one 3
other banks throughout the world. way of attracting potential investors. Preference
Times Online (the online version of The Times shares can also be attractive to small investors.
and the Sunday Times) of August 14, 2008, Preference shares offer a guaranteed stream of fixed
explained what underlay the crises as follows. income whether the company makes a profit or not,
"Years of lax lending inflated a huge debt bubble although it is riskier than debt in terms of priority if
as people borrowed cheap money and invested the company goes bankrupt and into liquidation.
it into property. Lenders were free with their Turning workers into shareholders is another way
funds, especially in the United States, where of creating small investors. And of course that is on
billions of dollars of so-called Ninja mortgages- top of the improvement in corporate performance it
no income, no job or assets—were sold to people may bring about. Six per cent of German employees,
with weak credit ratings." The low interest rates for example, own stock in the company they work
and easy access to mortgages sent property for,7 and the plan is to increase their stake.
prices spiralling up. And whenever the borrowers Keeping small investors interested in saving and
ran into trouble with their repayments, rising investing is vital for the protection of the financial
house prices allowed them to remortgage their interests of companies. It is therefore important
properties. Eventually, interest rates—which to create a stable and conducive environment that
had been low in 2004—began to rise quickly, US encourages people to save and prosper.
house prices started to fall, and borrowers began
to default on mortgage payments. This sparked CONCLUSION
trouble. The banks became too nervous to lend In conclusion, dealing with small investors can
money to individuals any more—and even to be a tricky business. Banks, building societies,
each other. When they did lend, it was at higher and other institutional investors and mortgage
rates of interest to cover the risk. It was the last lenders all depend on household savings and small
straw that broke the camel's back. Thus began investors. Between them, the millions of small
the credit crunch that hit the United States and investors can raise substantial funds that are a vital
the world. Lehman Brothersfiledfor bankruptcy source of economic growth and stability. However,
on September 15, 2008. Together with the it is important to win and hold the trust of small
problems faced by Merrill Lynch and AIG, this investors so that they are encouraged to save
caused a sharp drop and turmoil in the global and invest. Even a whisper of negative comment
stock markets, a chilling harbinger of the world about an organization they have entrusted their
economic crisis to follow. money to may make them panic and rush in their
millions to withdraw their cash. This can create a
HANDLING SMALL INVESTORS liquidity problem so severe that it can bring down
Small investors need assurance from CEOs and the largest of corporations. In dealing with small
CFOs that they will not ignore them or overlook investors, therefore, various techniques should be
their interests when times get tough. A good way of
doing this is to turn managers into shareholders.
implemented to encourage them and to maintain
their confidence.

Financing and Raising Capital

W Actions that can be taken to maintain small investors' confidence to continue investing include the
2 following:
PH • Make managers shareholders, and let the small investors know about it.
•£ • Protect your company against any possible financial risk by holding a well-diversified portfolio of
i> various shares.
PQ • Keep the existing shareholders happy, well treated, and looked after. They will bring in more
• investors.
tjjj • Turn your workers into shareholders. Workers with a financial stake in a company work more
4) efficiently when the company's success results in a rise in the share price.
S • Create a stable and conducive environment that encourages people to save and prosper.

O* Lindahl, David. Trump University Commercial Real Estate 101: How Small Investors Can Get Started
W and Make It Big. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2008.
Stowe, John D., Thomas R. Robinson, Jerald E. Pinto, and Dennis W. McLeavey. Equity Asset Valuation.
Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2007.
Brush, Michael. "A revolution for small investors." MSN Money (April 30, 2008). Online at:
Hanson, Tim. "Secret advantages for small investors." The Motley Fool (January 9, 2006). Online at:
Lease, Ronald C, Wilbur G. Lewellen, and Gary G. Schlarbaum. "The individual investor: Attributes
and attitudes." Journal of Finance 29:2 (May 1974): 413-433. Online at:
Lian, Tan Kin. "Protecting the small investors." The Online Citizen (September 22, 2008). Online at:
Luo, Jar-Der. "The savings behavior of small investors: A case study of Taiwan." Economic
Development and Cultural Change 46:4 (July 1998): 771-788. Online at:
Malmendier, Ulrike, and Devin M. Shanthikumar. "Are small investors naive about incentives?"
Journal of Financial Economics 85:2 (August 2007): 457-489. Online at: [PDF].
Papworth, Jill. "Investors should lose Abbey habit." Guardian (London) (January 22, 2005). Online at:
Snowdon, Ros. "HBOS cash call sets poser for small investors." Yorkshire Post (April 30, 2008).
Online at:
Treanor, Jill. "Small investors threaten to derail B&B fundraising." Guardian (London) (June 28,
2008). Online at:
Varian, Hal R. "Economic scene; despite the recovery in stocks, some of the forces behind the
internet bust are still lurking." New York Times (July 3, 2003). Online at:
Wilson, Graeme. "Halifax in a fix." Sun (London) (September 17, 2008). Online at:
M-l Investment Company Institute:
L/ The Motley Fool investment community:
2 MSN Money:
<^ Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA):
Attracting Small Investors




1 Investment Company Institute, Washington, DC, and 5
Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association, 6 As note 1.
New York, Equity Ownership in America, Fall 2005. 7 David Hudson. "Toward a shareholder society."
2 Spiegel Online (March 30, 2000). Online at:
/0,1518,71070,00.html o

Raising Capital in Global Financial w
Markets by Reena Aggarwal (ft

The major changes occurring in the capital-raising process in global financial markets are being
impacted by: •
• New regions and countries emerging as financial powers. W
• The growth of alternative investments as an asset class.
• The role of sovereign wealth funds. c
• The globalization and consolidation of stock exchanges.

INTRODUCTION economic slowdown and challenges in raising
During the last decade global financial markets funds in the capital markets has meant that
have grown tremendously, becoming large and companies are cutting costs, capital investments, $
liquid, and with substantial depth. At the same time and jobs. The financial markets and financial
demand for capital has increased significantly, with 3
institutions collapsed in a variety of ways, and
capital markets continuing to play a dominant role this has resulted in structural and regulatory
in the allocation of capital. However, some major changes that will impact the raising of capital in
shifts are occurring in the roles of suppliers and global financial markets.
users of capital. These shifts became even more
apparent during the recent financial crisis. This EMERGING FINANCIAL POWERS
chapter focuses on four such shifts that impact
Historically, New York, London, and Tokyo
both global firms that are looking to raise funds
have been the global financial centers, but now a
and institutional investors that are suppliers of the
capital. The four areas that are accounting for the number of new regions and countries are catching
major shifts are: the emergence of new countries up and emerging as dominant players. During the
and regions as financial powers; the growth of period May 2007 to May 2008, the McKinsey
alternative investments as an asset class; the role of Quarterly reports that 35 European companies,
sovereign wealth funds as a source of capital; and the including Air France, Bayer, British Airways, and
globalization and consolidation of stock exchanges. Fiat, delisted from the New York Stock Exchange
The recent global financial crisis has clearly as it became easier to delist.1 European markets
highlighted the challenges that companies have integrated and the euro has proven itself to
worldwide face in raising capital. Either funding be a strong currency, and the region has increased
is simply not available or the cost has gone up its market share in this decade. At the same time,
considerably. The combination of the global the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, and

Figure 1. Market Capitalization Weighted Index, base values at 100, since 1998.
(Source: MSCI)

800 2500
Deal volume
700 -
Number of deals _ &G^' 2000
500 1500
300 1000 o
200 t-H
0 nnnnnnfl

Financing and Raising Capital

China) have become new economic powers as private equity investment between 2003 and
y their economies have grown at rates that are much 2008 are shown in Table 1. Private equity is an
higher than those of developed countries. As seen investment in the assets of a company in which
in Figure l, BRIC's equity markets have also the equity does not trade in the public markets.
outperformed Europe and the United States since Therefore, investment in private equity requires a
2003. This growth has resulted in the formation of long-term approach. Institutional investors such
large companies that are competing globally and as pension funds and endowments are major
have a need for large amounts of global capital. investors in private equity, and private equity
Private wealth in these countries has grown, and has become accepted as a distinct asset class.
this also becomes a source of capital. During the last decade there was considerable
For a period of time oil-exporting countries allocation by institutions into this asset class;
benefited tremendously from the high oil prices. however the current economic crisis brought
These countries or regions, which include their capital-raising activities to a halt.
Indonesia, the Middle East, Nigeria, Norway, The funds differ in their investment
Russia, and Venezuela, became the world's largest philosophy. For example, the Blackstone Group
source of global capital flows. The McKinsey was founded in 1985, went public in 2007,
Quarterly estimates that in 2008 US$5 trillion of and is listed on the New York Stock Exchange.
petrodollars went to foreign assets. It is estimated It is diversified into several lines of business,
that even with oil averaging US$50/barrel, net including corporate private equity, real estate,
capital outflows of US$7.4 trillion a year through hedge funds, credit, and advisory. In contrast,
2013 from the oil-exporting countries is likely to Apax Partners is a "pure play" global private
occur. The future of the wealth from some of these equity firm that focuses only on specific sectors.
countries will depend on oil prices.2 Until recently, private equity activity was focused
on investing in the United States and Europe,
GROWTH OF ALTERNATIVE but now there is an increased focus on the
INVESTMENTS emerging markets of Asia-Pacific as a destination
During the last decade alternative investments for private equity funds. There has been a
have attracted a significant portion of allocation significant rise in the amount of private equity
by institutional investors. Within alternative investment flowing to China, Singapore, South
investments, private equity has become a major Korea, and India. Private equity will continue to
source of funds for small and large companies, become a major source of capital for companies
for firms seeking buyout financing, and for firms around the world. In addition to private equity,
in distress. The ten largest private equity firms alternative investments also include hedge funds,
ranked by amount of capital raised for direct commodities, real estate, and venture capital.

Table 1. Largest private equity firms by capital raised for direct private equity
investment between 2003 and 2008
Firm Assets (US$ billion)

Texas Pacific Group 52.35

Goldman Sachs Principal Investment Area 48.99

Carlyle Group 47.73

Kohlberg Kravis Roberts 40.46

Apollo Global Management 35.18

Bain Capital 34.95

CVC Capital Partners 33.73

Blackstone Group 30.80

Warburg Pincus 23.00

o Apax Partners 21.33

Raising Capital in Global Financial Markets

SOVEREIGN WEALTH FUNDS AS A a Tunisian bank.5 Similarly, China Investment

SOURCE OF CAPITAL Corporation is estimated to have US$288.8 billion 00
Another newcomer on the global financial scene funded by foreign exchange reserves in China.
is sovereign wealth funds (SWFs). SWFs are The fund has large positions in the private equity
government investment funds that invest in firm Blackstone Group (US$3 billion) and in the p
foreign companies in order to earn profits and investment bank Morgan Stanley (US$5 billion).
increase the wealth of the state. These funds There are other large SWFs based in Norway,
Saudi Arabia, Singapore, and Kuwait, among other
have existed for a long time, but the increase in
their scope and magnitude has recently made The growth and size of these funds have W
them a major financial player. The source of attracted considerable attention and discussion.
funding for SWFs varies from export revenues These funds typically make decisions based on
to foreign exchange reserves. In early 2008 the sound long-term investment strategies. They do
assets under control by SWFs were estimated to not use leverage, unlike hedge fund strategies.
be US$3 trillion and expected to rise to US$10 Overall, the impact of SWFs is positive in
Table 2. Top ten sovereign wealth funds by assets under management. (Source:
Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute, October 2009)
Country Sovereign wealth fund Assets (US$ billion) 3
U A E - A b u Dhabi Abu Dhabi Investment Authority 627

Norway Government Pension Fund—Global 445

Saudi Arabia SAMA Foreign Holdings 431

China SAFE Investment Company 347.1

China China Investment Corporation 288.8

Singapore Government of Singapore Investment Corporation 247.5

Kuwait Kuwait Investment Authority 202.8

Russia National Welfare Fund 178.5

China National Social Security Fund 146.5

China—Hong Kong Hong Kong Monetary Authority Investment Portfolio 139.7

trillion by 2012. In comparison, assets managed that they invest the resources of the country
by institutional investors like pension funds and efficiently. Their investments have also been
endowments amount to $53 trillion. The assets particularly welcomed in companies such as
of SWFs are expected to grow at a tremendous Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, and Barclays, as
rate and become a major provider of funding for other sources of capital were unavailable to these
companies in both developed and developing companies. For the future, there is concern in
markets.3,4 some circles whether these funds will simply be
Some of these funds have already taken financial investment vehicles or if they will take
significant positions in several foreign companies. an activist role in companies with the objective of
As shown in Table 2, the largest sovereign fund gaining political clout for their countries. There
is the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, the
is also concern about the lack of transparency
investment arm ofAbu Dhabi, with a size of US$627
billion. The size of the fund grew due to the sharp and regulation of SWFs.
rise in oil prices in early 2008. The fund made an
investment of US$7.5 billion in Citigroup, has a GLOBALIZATION OF STOCK
4.5% ownership in the home builder Toll Brothers, EXCHANGES6
and also has positions in companies such as EFG Stock exchanges play a critical role in the capital-
Hermes, one of the leading investment banks in the
Arab world, and Banque de Tunisie et des Emirats,
raising process. The total market capitalization o
of all publicly traded companies in the world

Financing and Raising Capital

y was US$51.2 trillion in January 2007 and rose As such, the challenge for regulators will be to
W as high as US$57.5 trillion in May 2008 before develop regulatory programs that respond to
"§ dropping below US$28.7 trillion in February globalized markets. 8 National regulators are
g 2009. 7 However, exchanges across the world moving in the direction of increased coordination
g^ have transformed through major structural and convergence of regulation along mutually
+d changes in the last few years. Starting with acceptable principles. IOSCO, the international
^ the demutualization of the Stockholm Stock organization of securities regulators, has played a
PQ Exchange in 1993, the number of financial key role in promoting greater cooperation and the
• exchanges that have adopted a for-profit, publicly development of commonly acceptable regulatory
"J* listed organizational form has grown steadily. principles. The financial crisis of 2008 has again
0) This trend can be seen both in stock exchanges emphasized the need for global coordination in
H in different countries and in financial exchanges an environment where capital has no national
^5 that trade different types of securities. This rapid boundary. The global consolidation of some of
9£ organizational transformation of exchanges the largest exchanges has been beneficial both
gj from member-owned mutual companies to for companies raising capital and for investors/
joint-stock companies is unparalleled, and this traders. This consolidation has made it easier
£? process is the manifestation of a number of for companies worldwide to raise large sums
"5 innovations and deregulatory events that have of capital through public offerings and cheaper
CT1 occurred in the last decade. This for-profit for market participants to conduct transactions
W structure has allowed exchanges to raise capital in deep liquid markets. In addition to public
and invest in technology that is essential in order capital, there has been a tremendous increase in
to compete. Exchanges as public companies have the use of private capital.
needed to increase market share and develop
additional sources of revenue. There has been CONCLUSION
considerable consolidation among the large A number of important changes are taking
global exchanges. The New York Stock Exchange place in global financial markets that need
acquired Euronext, forming NYSE Euronext; to be monitored carefully. There has been a
Nasdaq gained control of OMX; and the Chicago considerable shift in the regional concentration
Mercantile Exchange merged with its rival, the of wealth. In addition to the traditional public
Chicago Board of Trade. capital markets, recent years have seen the
The globalization of stock exchanges beyond emergence of private equity and sovereign wealth
the authority of a single national regulator has funds as major players in financial markets.
meant a rethinking of the regulatory framework. Stock exchanges have transformed to become
It can be argued that regulatory policy rarely global entities. These changes have impacted the
leads but more often follows market innovations. landscape of global financial markets.

Raising Capital in Global Financial Markets

Books: as
Harris, Larry. Trading and Exchanges: Market Microstructure for Practitioners. Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 2003. H
Ineichen, Alexander M. Absolute Returns: The Risk and Opportunities of Hedge Fund Investing.
Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2003.
Fenn, George W., Nellie Liang, and Stephen Prowse. "The private equity market: An overview."
Financial Markets, Institutions and Instruments 6:4 (November 1997): 1-106. Online at:
World Economic Forum. Globalization of Alternative Investments Working Papers Volume 1: The
Global Economic Impact of Private Equity Report 2008. Geneva and New York: World Economic
Forum, 2008. Online at: I
Dow Jones LP Source Galantes. Contact information and investment strategies for US and 3
international VC and PE firms, leveraged buyout firms, leveraged lenders, mezzanine investors, 3
turnaround investment firms, and international PE investors:
Private Equity Analyst (Dow Jones). News and profiles on VC and PE firms and companies involved
in alternative investment programs:
Private Equity Hub (Thomson Reuters). Create customized search query to locate PE, VC, buyout,
and M&A firms:
Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute. Studies SWFs and their impact on global economics, politics,
financial markets, trade, and public policy. Provides specialized services to corporations, funds,
and governments:

1 Dobbs, Richard, and Marc H. Goedhart. "Why private-markets
cross-listing shares doesn't create value." McKinsey 5 Thomas, Landon, Jr. "Cash-rich, publicity-shy, Abu
Quarterly (November 2008). Online at: Dhabi fund draws scrutiny." New York Times (February 28, 2008). Online at:
shares_doesnt_create_value_2253 business/worldbusiness/28fund.html
2 Lund, Susan, and Charles Roxburgh. "The new 6Aggarwal, Reena, and Sandeep Dahiya.
financial power brokers: Crisis update." McKinsey "Demutualization and public offerings of financial
Quarterly (September 2009). Online at: exchanges." Journal of Applied Corporate Finance
18:3 (Summer 2006): 9 6 - 1 0 6 . Online at:
3 Johnson, Simon. "Straight talk: Emerging markets
emerge." Finance and Development 45:3 (September
2008). Online:
7 World Federation of Exchanges, available at:
8 Aggarwal, Reena, Allen Ferrell, and Jonathan
4 K i m m i t t , Robert M. "Public footprints in private
markets: Sovereign wealth funds and the world Katz. "U.S. securities regulation in a world of

economy." Foreign Affairs 8 7 : 1 (January/February global exchanges." In Shahin Shojai (ed). World of
2008). Online at: Exchanges: Adapting to a New Environment. London:
articles/63053/robert-m-kimmitt/public-footprints-in- Euromoney Books, 2007; ch. 7.

Financial Steps in an IPO for a Small or w
Medium-Size Enterprise by Hung-Gay Fung OR

• The firm forms an underwriting syndicate by selecting a lead underwriter and co-managers.
Typically, for small and medium-sized firms underwriters charge a fee of 7% of the issue value.
In the United States, a firm registers with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for
the IPO issue, and when it has received approval it distributes a preliminary prospectus, known
as a "red herring," to the public. •8
• The firm has to select an exchange on which to list its stock.
• The firm and the underwriter arrange road shows to promote the issue and to find out more
about market demand; later this will provide useful information for setting the offer price and
determining how many shares should be issued.
• After the IPO trading, the lead underwriter provides market research on the issue and other
relevant information.

WHY AN IPO? that it isfinanciallyviable in the market.

An initial public offering (IPO) of stocks is a share • In a reverse-leveraged buyout, the proceeds
offering to the public by a small or medium-sized of the IPO are used to pay off the debt
enterprise (SME) undertaken to raise additional accumulated when a company was privatized
cash for future growth or to enable existing after a previous listing on an exchange. This
stockholders to cash out by selling part of their process enables owners who own majority
holdings. Among other things, a successful IPO shares to privatize their publicly trading firms,
will provide a company with an objective valuation which are undervalued in the market, thus
of its stock, create a good public image of the realizingfinancialgains after the public was
company—thus lowering its cost of borrowing— informed of the high intrinsic value of the
and provide it with a pool of publicly owned private firm.
shares for future acquisitions of other companies. • A spin-off IPO denotes the process whereby
However, there are also drawbacks to being a public a large company carves out a stand-alone
company, such as loss of freedom (including costly subsidiary and sells it to the public. A spin-
disclosure requirements and close monitoring by off may also offer owners of the parent firm
the public and government) and, if a takeover is and hedge funds the opportunity to capitalize
threatened, potential loss of control. mispricing in both the subsidiary and parent
if the market is not efficient enough. An
TYPES OF IPO interesting example in the United States was
There are many types of IPO, illustrating the the spin-off of uBid by Creative Computers in
different management and owner compensation 1998, which enabled arbitragers to capitalize
contracts in firms. the mispricing between the two listed
• The plain vanilla IPO is undertaken by a companies.
privately held company, mostly owned by
management, who want to secure additional THE IPO PROCESS
funding and determine the company's fair Overview
market value. The first task of management is to select the
• A venture capital-backed IPO refers to a underwriters who will be responsible for the
company in which management has sold new issue. This is done roughly three months
its shares to one or more groups of private before the IPO date. The underwriters provide O
investors in return for funding and advice. the issuing firm with procedural and financial t—i
This provides an effective incentive scheme advice. Later they will buy the stock and then
for venture capitalists to implement their sell it to the public. The company, with the aid
exit strategy after they have successfully of lawyers, accountants, and underwriters,
transformed a firm in which they invested so submits a registration statement to a regulatory o

Financing and Raising Capital

body (such as the Securities and Exchange Selection of Underwriters

Commission (SEC) in the United States) for The board of a firm planning to launch an IPO
approval of the public offering. The registration will first meet with potential candidates for
statement is a detailed document about the underwriters among investment banks and
u company's history, business, and future plans. then select the lead underwriter. The choice of
PL) Specifically, the SEC requires information on the underwriter is based on criteria that include: a
«J details of the company (form S-i), its financial preliminary valuation of the firm based on its
history (form S-2), and expected cash flows financial information; and the characteristics
(form S-3). The company must be able to back of the underwriter, such as previous IPO
up the information provided to the SEC. experience, strengths and weaknesses, client
c In the United States, about six weeks prior network, research capabilities, and support for

s to the IPO issue the SEC reviews and approves

the content of the disclosure to the public; this
becomes the preliminary prospectus and is also
post-IPO issues. Discounted cash flow analysis
and earnings multiples (such as the price/
earnings ratio) are typically used to come up
called the "red herring." In December 2006, the with the preliminary value of the company.
SEC set new rules on what information must be Citigroup was rankedfirstamong underwriters
included about a public company's executive in 2007, arranging US$617.6 billion of offerings,
compensation, including the level of executive and JPMorgan Chase was second with US$554.1
pay, the benchmark used, and what quantitative billion. Deutsche Bank was ranked third
or qualitative methods are employed in and Merrill fourth in underwriting volume.2
determining that pay.1 The prospectus is a legal Citigroup has been top of the list for the past
document describing the securities to be offered eight years. As a result of the global recession
to participants and buyers. It is advised on and that began in 2008 the underwriting volume has
distributed by the underwriters, and provides declined, while fees have increased.
information such as the types of stock to be
issued, biographies of officers and directors with Types of Underwriting
detailed information about their compensation, The management of the IPO firm selects
any litigation in place, and any other material the underwriters and decides on the type of
information. underwriting it wants. There are two types
After publication of the prospectus the of underwriting: firm commitment, and
company, with the help of the underwriting best efforts. If the underwriter enters a firm
syndicate, prepares for roadshows to meet commitment with the company, the underwriter
potential investors—primarily institutional is confident about the issue and is willing to buy
investors in major cities like New York, San all the shares if there is insufficient demand. In
Francisco, Boston, Chicago, and Los Angeles. a firm commitment offering, the underwriters
Roadshows may sometimes be arranged for will buy the IPO shares at a discount in the range
overseas investors. After the SEC approves 3.5-7.0% and then sell them on to the public at
registration of the IPO, the underwriters and the full offer price.
the company will agree on the amount and In a best efforts case, the investment bank will
price of the issue. On the day prior to the IPO only do as much as it reasonably can to sell the
issue the exact price of the shares to be issued shares and will return unsold equity to the firm.
is announced by the underwriter. After the IPO, This practice is common for less liquid securities.
the lead underwriter provides stock liquidity and However, if there is excess demand, the bank will
research coverage. ask for a "greenshoe" option, allowing it to buy
The IPO date is followed by a "lockup" period, additional stock from the IPO firm. Typically, a
the duration of which varies across different lead underwriter asks other investment banks to
issues and markets, but is in the region of 180 form an underwriting syndicate to take care of
days for a typical issue. After this "insiders," the IPO issue before final approval by the SEC.
who include the underwriters, are allowed to sell The syndicate serves to expand the marketing
their shares. Insiders may or may not hold on to of the company's stock issue and to reduce the
U stock they own, depending on their motives and overall risk of the lead bank. The syndicate

objectives. However, the lockup period appears members are involved in the underwriting either
to exert no control on those who bought shares through a commitment to sell the shares or just
at the market-offered IPO price, although there in marketing of the shares.
are regulatory restrictions on the types of clients Underwriters may face legal consequences if
to whom the firm can sell stock. a new issue goes wrong. Therefore, they have to

Financial Steps in an IPO for a SME

present accurate and fair facts about the firm to asks institutional investors and individual clients
investors, because otherwise they may be sued about their intention to buy the shares. Each w
for misrepresentation, or for failing to carry out bid indicates the number to be purchased, and ft
due diligence. Some underwriters may allocate may include a limiting price. Such information
stocks of popular new issues to their important is recorded in a "book," from which the name
corporate clients; this is known as "spinning," bookbuilding is derived. These indications of
and is deemed to be unethical and illegal. interest provide valuable information, because all
Underwriters charge different spreads, and bids are compiled to ascertain the market demand
domestic and overseas spreads may differ. for the security. Although these bid indications
The average underwriting fee (spread) runs are not binding, the investment banker can utilize
between about 3.3% and 7% in the United Kingdom the information to set the final offer price, which
and the United States (Brealey, Myers, and Allen, is made known on the day before the actual issue •§
2008). (Cornelli and Goldreich, 2003).
The appeal of the bookbuilding method, despite
Selection of an Exchange
Different exchanges have different listing
requirements. In general, they require minimum
its higher underwriting costs, is that investment
banks provide better promotion and research
coverage of the IPO than other IPO issuing
levels of pretax income, net tangible assets, and procedures. Thus, the networking of the bank with
number of stockholders. For example, a New clients helps to enhance the image of the issuing ft
York Stock Exchange listing requires an income firm. Chief financial officers appear to prefer this 3
of either US$2.5 million before federal income approach to IPOs despite the higher cost.
taxes for the most recent year or US$2 million
pretax for the each of the preceding two years. IPO COST AND PRICING
The firm must have been profitable in the two Underpricing
years before a listing. Besides the substantial underwriting cost and
The NASDAQ (National Association of direct costs of lawyers, printers, accountants,
Securities Dealers Automated Quotations), etc., the IPO firm has to bear notional losses due
the largest electronic screen-based equity to the underpricing of the issue—i.e., the IPO
securities trading market in the United States, price is less than the true price of the stock. If the
has lower listing requirements than the NYSE. offering price is less than the true value of the
Other markets, such as the NASDAQ Small Cap issue, original stockholders effectively provide a
Market and the American Stock Exchange, offer bargain to the new investors. Thefinanceliterature
even lower listing requirements ( shows that investors that buy at the issue price
guides/finance/207i3.html). Thus, an IPO firm on average realize high returns (for example,
needs to assess its own strengths and weaknesses 18%) over the following days. This high return
in order to pick the right exchange on which to from underpricing is common across the world—
list its shares. especially in China, which provides the highest
Afirmalso needs to select a trading symbol for return of 257% (Loughran, Ritter, and Rydqvist,
useontheexchange. Forexample, Microsoft trades 1994).
as MSFT. A fee, which varies for each exchange, Underpricing, which is most likely to be seen
has to be paid for the services provided. with the bookbuilding method, can be justified
as follows. First, a low offer price makes it
Subscription Procedure probable that shares will later be traded at a
IPO shares are distributed in different ways to higher price in the market, thus enhancing the
investors. One approach is an open auction, where firm's ability to raise capital in future. That is,
investors are invited to submit bids stating the underpricing ensures that the IPO is successful
number of shares they wish to purchase and the and that those who want to buy the issue will
price they will pay for them. The highest bidders follow the same underwriter among those in the
get the securities. The Google IPO of US$1.7 billion market. Second, it is a way to avoid the winner's
in 2004 and the Morningstar IPO of US$140 curse—the feeling of investors that they have
million in 2005 used this open auction method. paid too much. Simply, underpricing makes
The bookbuilding method is the most it more likely that an IPO will be successful. It
commonly used in the United States today and appears that stockholders of the IPO firm focus
is gaining popularity and dominance across the more on likely gains in wealth from later stock
globe (Degeorge, Derrien, and Womack, 2007). price increases than on any short-term loss from
During the roadshows, the investment banker underpricing (Loughran and Potter, 2002). o

Financing and Raising Capital

^ New Price and Stock Issue

.2 Suppose that an IPO firm has 10 million shares and new assets of the firm. Pnew and N can be
O with a current valuation of $100 million, that determined as follows:
2 it wants to raise $70 million for the issue, and
QH that it has to pay $4.9 million for the direct cost PnmtxN =
^ of issuance, which is in general about 7% of $70,000,000 (new fund) + $4,900,000 (issue cost) (l)
W the issue value (Hansen, 2001). The post-issue
tt price, Pnew, which includes underpricing, and (10,000,000 +N) x Pnow=
4^ the number of new shares to be issued, N, will be $ 100,000,000 (old assets) + $70,000,000 ( new assets) (2)
fl determined simultaneously. That is, the dollar
2j amount of the new issue will cover the fund Solving these two equations (1) - (2) yields the
£ required and the direct cost to be paid, while the new price of the IPO, Pnew = $9.51. The number
$ augmented value of the firm will include the old of new shares to be issued, N = 7,875,920.
% .
5J • An IPO is a time-consuming process.
5^ • The success of an IPO depends on the successful selling of the firm to the investment banks, to
the regulator, to the analysts, and to the public.
• During the six-month IPO process the firm's operations need to be on autopilot cruise control as
management will be totally tied up during this time.

Brealey, Richard A., Stewart C. Myers, and Franklin Allen. Principles of Corporate Finance. 9th ed.
New York: McGraw-Hill, 2008.
Killian, Linda, Kathleen Smith, and William Smith. IPOs for Everyone: The 12 Secrets of Investing
in IPOs. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2 0 0 1 .

Cornelli, Francesca, and David Goldreich. "Bookbuilding: How informative is the order book?"
Journal of Finance 58:4 (August 2003): 1415-1443. Online at:
Degeorge, Frangois, Frangois Derrien, and Kent L. Womack. "Analyst hype in IPOs: Explaining the
popularity of bookbuilding." Review of Financial Studies 20:4 (July 2007): 1021-1058. Online at:
Hansen, Robert S. "Do investment banks compete in IPOs? The advent of the ' 7 % plus contract.'"
Journal of Financial Economics 59:3 (March 2001): 3 1 3 - 3 4 6 . Online at:
Loughran, Tim, Jay R. Ritter, and Kristian Rydqvist. "Initial public offerings: International insights."
Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 2 : 2 - 3 (1994): 165-199. Online at:
Loughran, T i m , and Jay R. Ritter. "Why don't issuers get upset about leaving money on the table in
IPOs?" Review of Financial Studies 15:2 (Spring 2002): 4 1 3 - 4 4 4 . Online at:

•7 Websites:
<£ Hoover's IPO Central:
*7 Inc. magazine articles on IPOs:
M Investopedia IPO definition:

Financial Steps in an IPO for a SME


. I
1 See Wall Street Journal (December 8, 2008). 2 See International Herald Tribune (January 1, 2008).

The Role of Institutional Investors in W
Corporate Financing by Hao Jiang
• Institutional investors have become increasingly important in global capital markets.
• In equity markets, institutional investors tend to prefer liquid stocks with larger market
capitalization, higher turnover, and higher price levels.
• Institutional investors particularly favor stocks in popular equity indexes, giving them higher
valuations because their performance is typically benchmarked against those indexes.
• In bond markets that are mainly populated by institutional investors, there is a clear clientele
• Private equity funds are an important source of capital for entrepreneurial firms.


Institutional investors have become increasingly Institutional investors are a heterogeneous group of
important in global capital markets. As of the end investors that populate the global capital markets.
of December 2007, total assets under management Based on their legal type, institutional investors
by major global institutional investors reached can be broadly classified into mutual funds,
US$81.90 trillion. In particular, mutual funds, pension funds, insurance companies, sovereign
pension funds, and insurance companies managed funds, hedge funds, and private equity funds.
US$26.2, 28.2, and 19.9 trillion of assets, A mutual fund is an investment vehicle
respectively, whileassetsmanagedbynontraditional that buys a portfolio of securities selected by
managers such as hedge funds, sovereign funds, a professional investment adviser to meet a
and private equity funds experienced dramatic specified financial goal (investment objective).
growth, reaching US$2.3, 3.3, and 2.0 trillion in Between 2000 and 2007, the total net assets
2007 (Figure 1). In comparison, the world equity of mutual funds grew from US$6.96 to 12.02
markets amounted to US$60.8 trillion, and the trillion in the United States, from US$3.29 to
aggregate value of corporate bonds outstanding 8.98 trillion in Europe, from US$1.13 to 3.67
in the United States, the largest corporate bond trillion in Asia-Pacific, and from US$16.92 to
market, was US$5.8 trillion in 2007. Clearly, for 95.22 billion in Africa (Figure 2).
any successful corporate managers who raise A pension fund is a pool of assets forming an
capital to finance their future growth, it is crucial to independent legal entity that are bought with the
understand such institutionalization in the global contributions to a pension plan for the exclusive
fund markets. purpose of financing pension plan benefits.

Figure 1. Assets under management by different types of institutional investors in
2007. (Source; International Financial Services London)

J 20
£ 15
CO 10
ID 2.0
^ | 19L9
equity n

Financing and Raising Capital

Figure 2. Total net assets of mutual funds around the world. (Source: 2008 Investment
Company Fact Book, Washington, DC: Investment Company Institute, 2008)

PL. Africa



United States

2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000

w US$ billions

Table 1 lists the world's 20 largest pension funds Paralleling the growth of traditional
as ranked by Pensions & Investments. Insurance institutions is the universe of nontraditional
companies and banks are also important types institutional investors. Among them, a sovereign
of institutional investor that constitute the wealth fund (SWF) is a state-owned investment
traditional asset managers. fund composed of financial assets such as stocks,
Table 1. The world's top 20 pension funds based on total assets. (Source: Pensions &
Investments; Watson Wyatt, 2006)

Rank Fund Country Assets (US$ million)

1 Government Pension Investment Japan 870,587

2 Government Pension Norway 235,849

3 ABP Netherlands 226,974

4 Notional Pension Korea 214,184

5 California Public Employees US 195,978

6 Pension Fund Association Japan 183,352

7 Federal Retirement Thrift US 167,165

8 Local Government Officials Japan 137,153

9 California State Teachers US 133,988

10 New York State Common US 131,861

11 GEPF South Africa 124,167

z 12 Postal Savings Fund Taiwan 117,265


Florida State Board

General Motors


PL, 15 New York City Retirement US 105,860

The Role of Institutional Investors in Corporate Financing

bonds, real estate, or other financial instruments manager, who typically has the right to have short
funded by foreign exchange assets. Table 2 shows positions, to borrow, and to make extensive use
the top sovereign wealth funds across the world. of derivatives. Hedge fund managers receive both
A hedge fund is an unregulated pool of money fixed and performance fees. Table 3 shows the top
managed by an investment advisor, the hedge fund ten hedge funds based on assets under management

Table 2. The world's largest sovereign wealth funds. (Ranking by Sovereign Wealth
Fund Institute, 2008)

Country Fond Assets (US$billion) Inception Origin

Abu Dhabi Investment

UAE: Abu Dhabi 875 1976 Oil

Saudi Arabia SAMA Foreign Holdings 433.0 n/a Oil

Government of Singapore
Singapore 330 1981 Noncommodity
Investment Corporation

China SAFE Investment Company 311.6 1990 Noncommodity

Government Pension
Norway 301 1953 Oil

Kuwait Kuwait Investment Authority 264.4 2007 Oil

China Investment
China 200 2008 Noncommodity

Russia National Welfare Fund 189.7 1998 Oil

Hong Kong Monetary

China: Hong Kong 173 1974 Noncommodity
Authority Investment Portfolio

Singapore Temasek Holdings 134 2006 Noncommodity

Investment Corporation of
UAE: Dubai 82 2000 Oil

National Social Security

China 74 2003 Noncommodity

Qatar Qatar Investment Authority 60 2006 Oil

Libya Libyan Investment Authority 50 Oil

Algeria Revenue Regulation Fund 47 2000 Oil

Australia Australian Future Fund 43.8 2004 Noncommodity

US: Alaska Alaska Permanent Fund 39.8 1976 Oil

Kazakhstan Kazakhstan National Fund 38 2000 Oil

National Pensions Reserve

Ireland 30.8 2001 Noncommodity

Korea Investment
South Korea 30 2005 Noncommodity

Brunei Brunei Investment Agency 30 1983 Oil

Financing and Raising Capital

0) Table 3. The world's top ten hedge funds. (Ranking by Institutional Investor, 2007)

Rank Fund Location Firm capital (US$ millionj

1 JP Morgan Asset Management New York, NY 44,700

u 2 Bridgewater Associates Westport, CT 36,000

+•• 3 Farallon Capital Management San Francisco, CA 36,000
4 Renaissance Technologies Corp. East Setauket, NY 33,300

I 5

Och-Ziff Capital Management Group

DE Shaw Group
New York, NY

New York, NY

7 Goldman Sachs Asset Management New York, NY 29,206
C 8 Paulson & Co New York, NY 28,979

9 Barclays Global Investors London, UK 26,227

10 GLG Partners London, UK 23,900

ranked by Institutional Investor in 2007. extensions). At inception, institutional investors

A private equity fund is a pooled investment such as pension funds and endowments (limited
vehicle which invests its money in equity securities partners) commit a certain amount of capital to
of companies that have not "gone public" (i.e. private equity funds, which are run by the general
are not listed on a public exchange). Private partners. Table 4 is a list of the ten largest private
equity funds are typically limited partnerships equity firms in the world as ranked by Private
with a fixed term of ten years (often with annual Equity International in 2008.

Table 4. The world's ten largest private equity firms. (Ranking by Private Equity
International, 2008)

Rank Firm Headquarters Capital raised 2003-2008

1 The Carlyle Group Washington, DC $52 billion

Goldman Sachs Principal

2 New York, NY $49.05 billion
Investment Area

3 Texas Pacific Group Fort Worth, TX $48.75 billion

4 Kohlberg Kravis Roberts New York, NY $39.67 billion

5 CVC Capital Partners London, UK $36.84 billion

6 Apollo Management New York, NY $32.82 billion

7 Bain Capital Boston, MA $31.71 billion

Permira London, UK $25.43 billion


9 Apax Partners London, UK $25.23 billion

10 The Blackstone Group New York, NY $23.3 billion


The Role of Institutional Investors in Corporate Financing

THE ROLE OF INSTITUTIONAL (high-yield or junk bonds, which are rated Ba M

INVESTORS IN CORPORATE FINANCING and below by Moody's, or BB and below by rt
Institutional investors supply capital for firms Standard & Poor's). For corporate bond issuers, %
seeking to raise finance from both publicly traded it is important to recognize the tendency of ^
securities markets and from the private domain. different classes of corporate bonds to attract g
different types of institutional investor—namely ft
Institutional Investors as Holders of the clientele effect—in corporate bond markets. P1.
Publicly Traded Securities Institutional investors generally place ^
Given their large portfolio size, institutional restrictions on investing in noninvestment-grade •
investors naturally become dominant holders of bonds. For example, the National Association of fij
publicly traded securities. According to the 13F Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) imposes on >fi
filings that institutional investors are required insurance companies an upper limit of 20% of p,
to lodge with the Securities and Exchange their assets for investment in high-yield bonds. «jj
Commission (SEC), institutional investors hold Pension funds often impose limits on the value of a M
over 68% of the total market value of US common portfolio that can be invested in high-yield bonds. S|
stocks. According to the "Flow of Funds" data US investment-grade bond mutual funds place a ^
provided by the Federal Reserve, institutional limit of 5% of assets for investments in junk bonds jjfl
investors hold approximately 86% of corporate and must sell any security if it falls below a B rating. 3
bonds in the US corporate bond markets. However, there are institutional investors that o
Therefore, their investment behavior will have specialize in junk bonds such as hedge funds with j3
a significant influence on the pricing of these strategies in distressed assets and high-yield bond
securities. For corporate managers who raise mutual funds. A recent study shows that when a
money from capital markets, it is important to bond receives a downgrade from investment to
understand the demand structure of institutional speculative grade there is a persistent price decline
investors for publicly traded securities. of 2%, whereas similar downgrades that do not
Despite their apparent heterogeneity, cross the junk bond threshold do not experience
institutional investors share common such persistent price drops. This result suggests
characteristics because of the legal environment the importance of investor clientele for the pricing
that they face as fiduciaries, and because of the of corporate bonds.2
demand for liquidity resulting from the large
sizes of their portfolios and the need to reduce Institutional Investors as Fund
transaction costs. As a group, institutional Intermediaries for Private Firms
investors exhibit preferences for certain stock For entrepreneurial firms at the early stage of
characteristics in their equity portfolio. In their life cycle, private equity funds comprise
particular, they tend to prefer stocks with larger an important source of financing. Two primary
market capitalization, higher turnover ratios, categories of private equity funds are venture
and higher levels of price. In other words, capital funds and leveraged buyout funds. In
institutional investors are willing to pay a higher particular, venture capital funds provide equity
premium for stocks with these characteristics.1 capital for firms that are not yet profitable and
Because most institutional investors lack tangible assets. Typically, such venture
benchmark their performance against certain capital funds are active investors and play a
indices, they naturally exhibit preferences for primary role in shaping the top management
stocks in popular equity indexes. In the US team of the companies in which they invest.
market, when stocks are included into the Unlike venture capital funds that invest in
S&P500 Index, the most prevalent equity index, young, fast-growing private companies, leveraged
the prices of those stocks tend to experience a buyout funds invest in established companies
2-3% increase over a short period of time. and facilitate the process of purchasing an entire
Firms with access to the corporate bond company or a controlling part of the stock of a
market tend to issue bonds as a means of debt company involving large amounts of debt—a
financing. Based on the credit quality of the 'leveraged buyout." During the past two decades, jT\
issue, corporate bonds can be classified into both types of private equity funds have played an ^~.
investment-grade and noninvestment-grade increasingly important role in corporate financing. 1—1

Financing and Raising Capital

Hedge Funds and the Turmoil of the Convertible Bonds Market
Convertible bonds, which give holders an option to exchange the bonds for a specified number
Ck of shares of common stocks, are an importance source of capital for many firms. Among various
*j* reasons, managers favor convertible bonds because they are less costly than a direct share
V issuance, and because firms to which straight debt and equity are not available can still raise
W money in the convertible bond market. SEC Rule 144A, effective in 1990, allows firms to issue
^ securities to qualified institutional buyers (QIBs) without having to register these securities. This
fi regulation significantly accelerates the capital-raising process from more than one month in the
2* public market to one or two days in the 144A market from announcement to closing. As a result,
J3 nearly all convertible bonds in recent years have been issued via the 144A market.
$ According to the SDC Global New Issues database, convertible bond issuance amounted to $50.2
^ billion in 2006, increasing more than sixfold from $7.8 billion in 1992. It is generally believed
C that hedge funds that conduct convertible arbitrage are the major players in the convertible bond
markets, purchasing more than 70% of convertible bonds in the primary market.

In late 2004 and early 2005, large institutional investors in convertible hedge funds,
unimpressed with the performance of hedge funds in 2004, started to withdraw capital from those
y funds. To meet investor redemptions, hedge funds sold convertible bonds, causing their prices to
fall relative to their fundamental values, which in turn lowered the returns on convertible hedge
funds. From January to May of 2005, the Credit Suisse/Tremont Convertible Arbitrage Hedge Fund
Index decreased by 7.2%.3 The lower returns on convertible hedge funds triggered further investor
redemptions and more selling of convertible bonds, forming a vicious cycle. The price of convertible
bonds dropped significantly below fundamental values. The maximum discount of convertible
bonds was 2.7% in May 2005." A gradual price recovery took place in 2006.

CONCLUSION certain indexes, stocks in popular equity indexes

The dramatic expansion of institutional are particularly favored by institutional investors
investors in global capital markets demonstrates and are thus priced at a higher valuation ratio,
the changing savings pattern of households In bond markets that are mainly populated by
in the global economy. As such, corporate institutional investors, there is a clear clientele
managers who wish to raise funds to finance effect. Banks, insurance companies, pension
the growth of their firms must understand such funds, and investment-grade bond mutual funds
institutionalization in the global fund markets, place severe restrictions on the holdings of high-
In equity markets, institutional investors yield bonds, whereas hedge funds and high-yield
tend to prefer liquid stocks with larger market bond mutual funds provide capital for high-
capitalization, higher turnover, and higher price yield issuers. Lastly, private equity funds are an
levels. Because the performance of institutional important source of capital for entrepreneurial
investors is typically benchmarked against firms.

Institutional investors have dominated global capital markets. As a result, the assets under their
management constitute an important source of capital for corporate managers.
• To attract institutional investors in equity markets, liquidity of shares is a major consideration. In
particular, larger market capitalization, higher turnover, and higher price levels are important in
{.L} attracting institutional holdings. Index membership is a strong sweetener.
• In bond markets, investment-grade bonds have a broader institutional investor base, whereas
Z the issuance of high-yield bonds relies on capital providers such as specialized bond mutual
"S funds and hedge funds.
/-\ • For entrepreneurial firms that seek both capital and strategic support, private equity funds
gtn appear to be increasingly important.

The Role of Institutional Investors in Corporate Financing

Books: H-
Davis, E. Philip, and Benn Steil. Institutional Investors. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2004. ^
Jaeger, Robert A. All About Hedge Funds: The Easy Way to Get Started. New York: McGraw-Hill, p
2003. Q.
Pozen, Robert C. The Mutual Fund Business. 2nd ed. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 2002. ^*
Pratt's Guide to Private Equity & Venture Capital Sources. New York: Thomson Reuters, 2008. ft

Websites: M
Dow Jones LP Source Galantes: >fi
Institutional Investor: P.
Investment Company Institute (ICI): «^
Pensions & Investments: HH
Preqin: 5
Private Equity International (PEI): ft
Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute: ^
Watson Wyatt: jjj

1 Gompers, P. A., and A. Metrick. "Institutional Dame, IN. Online at: *TJ
investors and equity prices." Quarterly Journal of 1280834 *~j?
Economics 116 (2001): 229-259. 3 Based on the author's calculations. £>
2 Da, Z., and P. Gao. "Clientele change, persistent 4 Mitchell, M., Pedersen, L. H., and T. Pulvino. "Slow ^
liquidity shock, and bond return reversal after rating moving capital." American Economic Review 97:2 £"*)
downgrades." Working paper, University of Notre (2007): 215-220.
Understanding and Accessing Private w
Equity for Small and Medium Enterprises
by Arne-G. Hostrup
• Private equity is an important component of funding for small and medium enterprises (SMEs).
• The goal of securing a company's long-term financing and becoming independent of banks'
continuously changing lending behavior is one that preoccupies many enterprises, from
foundation to sale.
• Very few companies are familiar with the market structure, processes, framework, and
conditions of private equity.
• There are a number of reservations about this type of financing.

DEFINITION OF PRIVATE EQUITY and continuously interest-bearing dormant

Private equity is the generic term for all forms partnership investment.
of financing through external equity capital in As regards the extent of the stakes acquired
the broader sense. The generic term is often under company law, the range varies from
subdivided into: minority and majority holdings to complete
• Venture capital (VC) is made available by takeovers by the private equity investor. The
business angels (who provide so-called investor's objective is to sell the acquired shares
informal venture capital, or IVC) and venture at a later point in time within the framework of
capital companies, usually management a so-called exit, thereby making as much profit
companies with a venture capital fund as possible. The exit can take place within the
under administration. VC is made use of in framework of an IPO, a trade sale, or a buy-
a company's early stages—from foundation, back by the previous shareholders. Professional
market entry, and growth, right down to private equity investors usually expect a rate
bridge financing prior to an initial public of return of more than 30% per annum. The
offering (IPO). expectations of business angels may differ.
• Private equity in a narrower sense is
made use of in, for example, expansion, MARKET STRUCTURE AND
internationalization, MBO/MBI, general
As a basic principle, the private equity market
reorganization of debt capital financing
can be subdivided into the informal/formal
structures, and turnarounds. and private/governmental areas. In general,
The unequivocal characteristic of private equity the entire field of business angel financing is
in the SME sector is that the investor makes regarded as the informal private equity market.
the invested capital available without provision Business angels are wealthy private investors
of security and thus participates fully in the who use their own capital to acquire stakes in
entrepreneurial risk of a business. Capital is other companies. The formal private equity
normally made available over the medium to market is the entire "regulated area," i.e. usually
long term (3-10 years) in the form of liable private equity funds or their management
equity. The forms of investment range from companies. Depending on the investment
acquisition of a stake under the provisions of motive or situation of the company, the market
company law, with payment of the amount subdivides further, with investors specializing in
invested into the company's capital reserve, to a the following sectors:
completely dormant partnership with no direct
relationship under the provisions of company
• seed-financing (business angels); O
• early-stage businesses;
law. A combination of both options is often • later-stage businesses; •n
seen, with the investor becoming a shareholder • medium-sized businesses;
of the company and making part of his • buy-outs;
investment as a nonrepayable payment into the
capital reserve and another part as a repayable
• corporate venture capital.
Within these sectors there are investors who

Financing and Raising Capital

confine themselves to a certain technology or established companies tend to shy away from
geographic region. Usually, there is an umbrella "publishing" a request for financing in this
organization that unites the private equity firms way and often make use of a corporate finance
ctf in any major country and, in some cases, major consultant. The extent of support provided
u regions. As a rule, umbrella organizations are by such a consultant ranges from the simple
4-) a good place to find individual investors and to establishment of contact with investors to
research their respective special interests (see comprehensive support for the entire process. For
PQ More Info section). instance, many CF consultants offer support when
it comes to compilation of the business plan, then
INVESTMENT PROCESS present a list of suitable investors and take charge
C of directly addressing such investors. Support
Business Plan

I A substantive business plan is the basic

requirement for any involvement of private
during the due diligence process and contract
negotiations is also customary. Consultants are
mainly remunerated on the basis of a fixed daily
equity investors. Within the framework of the
SI business plan, the company's strategy and rate (€700-2,000) and a performance-related
s objectives are usually articulated for at least fee in the event that a private equity investment
the next five years. In addition, the firm seeking materializes. The usual commission ranges from
equity capital must highlight all business and 1 to 4% of the investment. The amount varies
financial aspects of a project. At an international depending on the agreed fixed remuneration and
level, the following structure is commonly found the support services provided.
in business plans:
• executive summary Due Diligence
• product or service After an investor has voiced interest, he or she
• market and competition begins with the due diligence process. The entire
• marketing and sales company is "put to the test." Its history, current
• business model, business system and market and competition, and strategy for the
organization future are closely examined. Some investors
• entrepreneurial team, management, prefer to undertake parts of the due diligence
personnel themselves, but as a rule the task is passed to
• implementation schedule external consultants. The due diligence process
• opportunities and risks is often divided into the following parts:
• financial planning and financing • Legal: Fulfillment of the duty to provide
• appendix. information or limitation of liability risks;
The business plan is the basis for an investor's identification and valuation of legal risks.
decision to invest and usually becomes an • Product/technique: Assessment of products/
integral part of a participation agreement. services at the development stage, technical
Moreover, the plan is a helpful controlling feasibility, market acceptance, etc.
instrument for management over the following • Strategic/business: Description and, if
years. The business plan should therefore be possible, quantification of potential on the
compiled with care. market and resource side.
• Commercial: Assessment of the future
Selecting and Addressing Investors development of the market in which the
How do I find and select the right investor for my business operates.
company? And how do I address this person or • Financial: Assessment of the company's past
fund? Generally, there are three ways in which commercial situation and its future earnings
an SME can identify potential investors: potential.
• research on the internet, followed by a direct • Tax: Identification of tax-related risks and a
approach with submission of the business tax-optimized design for the transaction.
plan • Environmental: Disclosure of any
• presentations at investor conferences environment-related liabilities that may
U • hiring a corporate finance (CF) consultant. impose a heavy cost burden following
For smaller or younger companies, direct conclusion of the deal.
addressing or presentation at conferences is a In most cases analysis focuses on the financial
common method. In particular, this applies to and strategic/business areas. Depending on the
the entire venture capital segment. Larger or company's age and history, legal due diligence

Understanding and Accessing Private Equity for SMEs

may also become a focal point. The objective is agreement on the price. Company valuation can
to provide a background for decisions that are be based on various internationally recognized w
in accordance with the investment, based on procedures, such as:
the performed corporate analysis. Due diligence • discounted cash flow; en
requires careful preparation by the management • multiples like price-earnings ratio or price-
of the business to ensure that information and cash flow ratio;
data requested by the investor or his agent are • asset value procedure; P

properly and fully presented. • exit value procedure.
An important factor in preparation and Which procedure is used depends on many
organization of materials for the due diligence

factors, such as the preferences of the investor, W
process is the selection of a team, and thereby the country in which the company's registered
the establishment of responsibilities for the office is located, and the age of the company.
collection and processing of data and making When determining a company value that is
available contact persons for interviews. appropriate for both sides, the following should I—I
Before the start of the due diligence process,
the company that is going to be scrutinized
be borne in mind:
• there is no such thing as a correct value; I

should create a "data room" in which all required • although valuation procedures are objectively
information is gathered so that it can be accessed comprehensible, the range of results they give
and inspected bythe examiners. This can range from can be extremely wide;
a simple folder or CD to a professionally designed o
• company valuation is always a reflection of
online platform (these are offered by specialized 3
opinions, which can differ widely—especially
service providers). With an online platform all the with young companies. However, a valuation
required data are input in electronic form so that can indicate a plausible value;
they can be checked by external examiners with • in the final analysis, it is offer and demand
authorization to access the information. Clearly,
that determine the value of a company.
the younger a company is, the fewer materials there
In conclusion, the general rule is that there is a
may be available for examination. In the case of a
value, and there is a price.
foundation project, this material is often confined
to the business plan.
Practice has shown that the due diligence
process can often become protracted, or that Participation agreements are very extensive
there may even be a breakdown of the entire contracts, often consisting of several hundred
contract negotiations, for the following reasons: pages. Therefore, a lawyer should always
• incomplete documents; be consulted. As a general rule, in the case of
• contact persons not available for interviews; participation in a limited liability company, such
• unconvincing budget planning (e.g. an agreement has the following components:
unrealistic assumptions, inconsistent • participation agreement;
planning, poor or incomplete data sources); • partnership agreement;
• legal disputes with uncertain outcomes in • articles of association;
respect of liability, or warranty and patent • contract on the establishment of a silent
risks as well as risks related to the legal partnership;
protection of registered designs; • advisory committee statute;
• environmental risks; • management board regulations;
• tax-related risks; • managing director employment contract.
• insufficient recoverability/value of How individual agreements are allocated among
inventories and accounts receivable; the above-mentioned documents may vary
• management is unable to convince an from one investor to another. For instance,
investor of its ability to realize the business certain agreements may be incorporated in the
objectives beyond a limited extent. participation agreement by one investor, while

Company Valuation
another investor may place the same agreements
within the partnership agreement.
Valuation of the company is almost always the Participation agreements include a large number
most critical issue in contract negotiations, and of clauses that often raise problems for companies
intended projects frequently fail at this particular which are seeking private equity for the first time.
point as the parties involved are unable to reach For instance, investors have comprehensive rights

Financing and Raising Capital

Q to information and codetermination, but, at the of the contract, one main thing should be
,y same time, the rights of original shareholders remembered: Investors and previous shareholders
y regarding the sale of their corporate shares are have the same objective—they both wish to make
u massively restricted. Within the framework of the the company as successful as possible.
04 entire contract negotiations and the composition

§ InkJet
S The German company InkJet Ltd., founded in 2000, has developed an innovative and patented
"Jj inkjet technology for industrial use. During the first two years the company focused on
P development, and in subsequent years it made a successful entry into the German market. In
53 2007, with turnover at €4.5 million, InkJet decided to expand its business internationally, with a
focus on the European market as a first step. After drawing up the business plan it was known
j? that between €2 and €2.5 million would be needed to finance the expansion. Up to that point the
'j3 company had been entirely financed by founders' capital and debt. It was very quickly realized
Cf that this method of financing would not work for the planned internationalization. The company
W therefore began to seek out a private equity investor, and found one in 2008.
The investor was a corporate venture capital company that focuses on industrial technology,
and is backed by an Austrian enterprise. This company invested €2.5 million in cash. The payment
was arranged in three parts, linked to the fulfillment of three technology and finance milestones
(for example, a turnover of €12 million in 2010). The VC obtained 35% of the corporate shares
for €1.3 million. The other €1.2 million was injected as a silent partnership with a current rate of
interest of 10% plus an exit kicker. Furthermore, the founders accepted a subsequent adaptation
of the company valuation in favor of the investor if results fall short of the business plan forecasts
by more than 10%.
The entire participation process from initial contact to execution of the participation agreements
took nine months, of which the pure due diligence process took approximately four months.
The rest of the time was used for internal preliminary examinations by the investor, contract
negotiations, and coordination processes. Technical and commercial due diligence was carried out
by the investor itself, while the tax and legal due diligence was conducted by external consultants.



Understanding and Accessing Private Equity for SMEs

In summary, the following aspects should be taken into consideration before the decision to finance •"*'
a company with the help of private equity is executed: £»
• Company's business model: The business model must be checked as to whether it is suitable p
for private equity. Features to look for are high growth potential, sufficient market size, unique %
selling propositions, customer benefit, and competitive advantage. ^*
• Management team: Complementary talents, professional experience and knowledge of the ^
trade, key positions filled or capable of being filled over the short term.
• Professional business plan: Compilation of the business plan is the prime responsibility of the
entrepreneur and his management team. It is not delegable to consultants, who only have
an auxiliary function. The management, especially the founder, is personally responsible for
the business plan's content, and must "sell" and defend it. Attention must be paid to the !
plan's completeness and formal structure. Beware of exaggerated assumptions with regard to ^
projected sales and capital requirements. ^
• Select appropriate investors: Look for experience, background, track record, potential for a>
adding value, references from the portfolio, team structure, age of the fund, financial resources R
available for new investments, participation agreements, information, codetermination, and ^
controlling rights. £3
• Contacting: Establishing contact with the selected private equity fund should preferably be done
through informal channels.
• Due diligence: The management should use the investor's check-up to amend the business plan/
business model if required, or to develop it further, and they should be open to criticism and
• Cooperation: Management should do their utmost to support the due diligence process in
an open and honest manner, tell the truth, and submit suitable references. They should
not conceal anything from the investor, as he will be the future copartner, able to make the
founder personally liable for years to come based on the liability provisions of the participation
• If a memorandum of understanding is reached: Negotiations about company valuation shouldn't
start too early: "The longer they check, the hotter they become, the more they are willing
to pay"! Founders should not attempt to play off investors against each other, as the various
private equity players in any one country usually know each other personally.
• Consultants: The advisability of calling in legal and tax consultants to conduct contract
negotiations is self-evident. Any money saved by not doing so may well be completely negated
by consequent losses or expenses incurred at the exit stage.

African Venture Capital Association:
Association Frangaise des Investisseurs en Capital (France):
Australian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association:
British Private Equity and Venture Capital Association:
China Venture Capital Association:
European Private Equity and Venture Capital Association:
German Private Equity and Venture Capital Association:
Indian Venture Capital Association: ^Q
National Venture Capital Association (US): TJ

Assessing Venture Capital Funding for
Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
by Alain Fayolle and Joseph LiPuma P

• Entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) managers capitalize their firms
with debt equity investments, or a combination of both.
• Equity investments such as venture capital can erode executive control but can enable access to
the investor's knowledge, advice, and networks.
• Venture capital can be provided by business angels, independent venture capital firms (IVCs1),
corporations, or universities.
• The sources' differing investment objectives, backgrounds, and control mechanisms deliver
varying levels of added value to the SME.
• Companies seeking venture capital should select investors whose objectives, potential to add
value, and expectations of control mesh most closely with those of the entrepreneur.

INTRODUCTION value-adding resources, comprising the human

Entrepreneurs and SME managers face two capital (knowledge and experience) and social
key choices when financing their ventures: debt capital (network) of the venture capitalist—who
or equity. Debt in the form of personal loans oversees the investment—in addition to the
(including credit cards) and bank loans, key financial capital. The value and productivity
sources for most nascent ventures, gives efficient of these nonfinancial aspects of VC can be
incentives for managers to exert effort and significant, influencing a venture's offering,
allow entrepreneurs to maintain control. The geographic diversity, and growth. Venture
availability and utility of debt vary significantly capitalists can help to professionalize a new
with economic conditions, which, in turn, will venture through representation on the board
have an impact on the supply and cost of capital. of directors, executive recruiting, or by exerting
To a lesser extent, entrepreneurs rely on equity rights of control (over, for example, cash flow
financing,2 in which parties external to a venture and liquidation) in exchange for6
capital. Despite
obtain partial ownership (and control) in exchange modest levels of investment, venture capital-
for financial capital, thus diluting managers' backed companies accounted for over ten
incentives to expend effort. Equity financing is million jobs and $1.8 trillion in revenue in the
particularly important for high-growth ventures, United States in 2003 —approximately one-
since the amount of debt financing available may sixth of GDP.
not permit sufficiently rapid growth in volatile Venture capital can come from business
industries (for example, technology). Objectives angels, independent VC firms (IVCs),
and incentives that are well aligned between corporate venture capital (CVC) programs, and
investor and manager are the most efficient and universities. The different ways in which these
facilitate additional value for the venture. are funded, investments are managed, and
partners are compensated (see Table 19) result
in varying allocations of control rights between
VENTURE CAPITAL the investor and the venture. Angel investors,
Venture capital (VC) refers to independently for example, rarely require representation
managed, dedicated pools of capital which the on corporate boards, whereas IVCs generally
providers channel into equity or equity-linked do seek directorships. Investment objectives
investments in privately held, high-growth influence the nature of companies in which VCs O
companies.3 Worldwide, more than $30 billion invest and, correspondingly, the value they are •—-1

is invested annually as venture capital,4 with the able to add. Independent VC firms invest solely
most intensive use in the United States, Europe, for financial reasons and may best add value to
and Israel (with $28 billion, $6 billion, and $.7 SMEs by helping them to recruit key executives
billion invested respectively in 2007).5 Venture or access additional capital. Corporations that
capital represents a bundle of productive, provide CVC often invest for strategic reasons, o
Financing and Raising Capital

frequently in ventures with complementary broad and helpful networks, in addition to

offerings. These corporations are generally status, that can help when exiting via a public
multinational, enabling them to add more offering or acquisition. However, prominent
cd value in the development of foreign networks VCs often require more control over cash flow,
PL. of customers, suppliers, and partners. However, voting, board representation, and liquidation.
CVC investors generally do not invest in early- Such rights are often contingent on observable
stage ventures, usually waiting until an IVC performance measures. If the venture does
invests before committing their resources. badly, VCs obtain more control, whereas if the
C Table 1. Characteristics of the different providers of venture capital

CO Typical background


Ex-entrepreneur or

Large, tech-savvy

Patent holder

I Motivation Financial and

"giving back"
Strategic and

Fund source Self Limited partners Corporate University,

Investment method Direct Direct Direct and indirect Direct and indirect

General partner Gain from exit or Percentage of Salary plus bonus Salary plus bonus
compensation early buyout valuation increase
Average invested per -$10,000° ~$8 million 0 ~$4.5 million 0 <$250,000 d
a Allen, Kathleen A. Launching New Ventures: An Entrepreneurial Approach. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2 0 0 6 .
b PricewaterhouseCoopers/National Venture Capital Association. "MoneyTree™ report." Data: Thomson Reuters,
c Ibid.
d Miles, Morgan P., John B. White, and Eve White. "University sponsored venture capital: An exploratory study." Journal of
Business and Entrepreneurship 13:1 (2001): 129-134.

SELECTING THE RIGHT TYPE OF VC venture does well, VCs relinquish most control
Though only a small percentage of companies and liquidation rights.
receive venture capital,10 those that do can Do I need a specialized VC provider with
usually choose its source and should therefore specific industry knowledge and contacts?
select investors whose objectives, added-value Industry specialization helps VCfirmsto develop
potential, and expectations of control are most skills for vetting and selecting investments, and
in accord with those of the business owner. Since for developing relevant industry knowledge and
the process of pitching ventures to investors networks. Generalist firms are able to thrive and
and negotiating terms can be time-consuming, grow as industries evolve and ebb, and they have
especially for SMEs and young ventures, it is cross-industry experience and networks that
crucial to establish your objectives and target may benefit nascent ventures.
VC sources early on. This may also help to avoid How much capital do we need, and what do
later contract issues, optimize venture capitalist we need the funds for? If funds are needed for
contributions, and increase the venture's value. initial technology development, CVC, with the
Questions to consider are: associated corporate technology knowledge, may
What stage are we at? At the seed or startup provide access to technical skills. In addition to
stage, angel financing is best because it comes supplying capital of their own, IVCs are good at
with fewer strings attached and is easier to "buy helping companies in which they invest to obtain
out." Angel investors are good stewards and access to other funds because of their legitimacy
u may take active, informal roles in the company.
Corporations generally do not invest at early
and the networks they have.
Are we planning to enter foreign markets?
stages, so IVC is most likely at the next stage, The VC industry is globalizing,11 and since VC
with CVC most used in expansion stages. providers tend to invest in ventures that are
How big a VC provider do you need? While geographically proximate, there is limited foreign
this answer often depends on capital needs, investment. In addition, some VC providers
prestigious or "big name" IVC providers bring tend to eschew investments in internationalized

Assessing Venture Capital Funding for SMEs

ventures, since they cannot easily monitor their of detailed information about development M
activities. CVC associated with a multinational projects, product specifications, and marketing ft
enterprise may provide foreign market plans. Corporations often invest for strategic 2+
knowledge and assist in market penetration, and reasons based on industry or market congruity H5J
permit access to foreign customers, suppliers, with new ventures. Such congruity suggests 3
and partners who can help to monitor the that the investor could easily appropriate the ft
internationalized venture. intellectual property of the SME. Research g»
How vulnerable is my intellectual property? suggests that receiving investments from ($
Working with a VC provider requires an exchange multiple corporations may limit that risk. •
Tessera Enterprise Systems ^\
Tessera Enterprise Systems, a custom software developer, was founded in Boston in 1995 by 3
an executive team that had previously worked together for three years. Tessera's target market Jg
included some of the largest American retail and financial companies, such as Eddie Bauer and a
Charles Schwab. The founders provided initial funding for the venture, but after one year it was R
decided that venture capital was required to expand the company. Tessera, however, secured an 3
investment offer from Greylock Management, a prominent Boston-based IVC. Greylock's status {5
added legitimacy to the fledgling venture, permitting it to obtain contracts with target companies
such as Charles Schwab, Eddie Bauer, and other prominent clients. Subsequent expansion and
third-stage funding from two other prominent IVCs solidified Tessera in the market and led
to a corporate expansion to San Francisco. At the same time, Tessera considered establishing
an office in Switzerland to serve potential European clients. One of the VC providers likened
internationalization to loading an airplane with stacks of cash and opening the doors while flying
over the Atlantic.
Tessera nevertheless pursued its foreign market entry strategy and, while it slowly obtained
some European contracts, it did so without the involvement or aid of its IVC investors. Had
Tessera sought investment from a technology corporation such as Oracle (on whose products its
offerings were often based), it might have been better able to leverage its investor's networks and
knowledge to the benefit of its foreign business. A modest capital round was provided by IVCs and
a private investor in preparation for an exit. Tessera, originally planning on a public offering and
broad foreign expansion, was acquired in 2001 by iXL, an Atlanta-based internet services provider
company with offices in San Francisco and London.

Since VC has the potential to change the nature of resources in an SME so dramatically,
entrepreneurs must approach it with a strategic view of how it may best add value, and source it
accordingly. At the same time as they assess their financial capital needs, SME managers should
do the following:
• Carefully consider the type of advice, information, and network access you want from an
investor in the light of current needs and strategic direction.
• Identify VC providers that have great reputations for providing value in a manner consistent with
your willingness to cede some control.
• Ask others who have undertaken VC-backed ventures about their experience with investors—
both IVC and CVC—and the success and problems they encountered.
• Identify companies that had exits—IPOs and acquisitions—most consistent with your goals and rO
ask about their investors. T1

Financing and Raising Capital

^ CONCLUSION the growth and development of such ventures

•£ SMEs and young ventures that receive capital demands that entrepreneurs and SME managers
0* investments can often choose their source, make their choice in a considered manner that
i* The boundary-spanning role of investors, as is consistent with their overall strategy. Careful
+J both advisers and links to external networks, consideration of investor types can lead to an
<y places VCs in a unique position t o add value to efficient selection process that provides value
PQ a venture. T h e potential for investors t o aid in throughout t h e life of t h e venture.

£ Books:
K Gompers, Paul A., and Josh Lerner. The Venture Capital Cycle. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1999.
>• Maula, M., and G. C. Murray. "Corporate venture capital and the creation of US public companies:
fl The impact of sources of venture capital on the performance of portfolio companies." In Michael
^ A. Hitt, Raphael Amit, Charles E. Lucier, and Robert D. Nixon (eds). Creating Value: Winners in
£ the New Business Environment. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2002.
13, McNally, Kevin. Corporate Venture Capital: Bridging the Equity Gap in the Small Business Sector.
London: Routledge, 1997.
Maula, Markku V. J., Erkko Autio, and Gordon C. Murray. "Corporate venture capitalists
and independent venture capitalists: What do they know, who do they know and should
entrepreneurs care?" Venture Capital 7:1 (January 2005): 3-21. Online at:
Sapienza, Harry J., Allen C. Amason, and Sophie Manigart. "The level and nature of venture
capitalist involvement in their portfolio companies: A study of three European countries."
Managerial Finance 20:1 (1994): 3-17. Online at:
Smith, Gordon. "How early stage entrepreneurs evaluate venture capitalists." Journal of Private
Equity 4:2 (Spring 2001): 33-45. Online at:
Van Osnabrugge, Mark, and Robert J. Robinson. "The influence of a venture capitalist's source of
funds." Venture Capital 3:1 (January 2001): 25-39. Online at:
National Venture Capital Association (NVCA):
European Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (EVCA):

Assessing Venture Capital Funding for SMEs



1 We wish to emphasize that the acronym "IVC" here invested via venture capital in the United States
refers to formal venture capital investments by (OECD report).
independent firms specialized for this purpose. Other 7 This includes those that are now public companies,
literature uses "IVC" to refer to informal venture such as Intel, Microsoft, eBay, and Home Depot.
capital investments. 8 Global Insight. "Venture impact 2004: Venture capital
2 For example, in the United States fewer than 7 % of benefits to the U.S. economy." June 2004. Online
companies obtain outside equity financing, whereas at:
4 5 % take on outside debt (Robb, Alicia, and David
T. Robinson. "The capital structure decisions of
9 Note that this table is based on examples from the
new firms: Second in a series of reports using data
United States. In Europe, for example, research
from the Kauffman firm survey." Kansas City, MO:
institutes often take the place of universities in
Kauffman Foundation, 2008). New Zealand
conducting research and formulating approaches to the
businesses are almost six times more likely to seek
commercialization of intellectual property.
additional debt financing than equity financing
(, whereas nearly 20 times more 10 For example, in the United States fewer than 0 . 1 %
Canadian companies sought debt financing than of all companies founded in the 1990s received
equity financing ( venture capital (authors' analysis of US data from the

3 Gompers and Lerner (1999). NVCA). In Europe, the probability of receiving VC is

4 Ernst & Young. "Transition: Global venture capital approximately 0.07% (Achtmann, Eric. "Getting a view

insights report 2006." of VC in Europe...from the centre." 4th Annual MIT
5 PricewaterhouseCoopers/National Venture Capital VCPI Conference, Cambridge, MA, December 1, 2001).
Association. "MoneyTree™ report." Online at: 11 See, for example: Hall, G., and C. Tu. "Venture capitalists and the decision to invest overseas."
Data: Thomas Reuters (accessed March 5, 2009); Venture Capital 5:2 (2003): 1 8 1 - 1 9 0 ; and Manigart,; and S., e r a / . "Human capital and the internationalization of
6 From 1999 to 2002, less than 0.5% of GDP was
venture capital firms." International
and Management Journal 3:1 (2007): 1-125.

Price Discovery in IPOs by Jos van Bommel w

• When a company goes public, the issuer's intermediating investment bank (aka the underwriter,
bookrunner, or lead manager) expends efforts and resources to discover the price at which the a
firm's shares can be sold. o
• Buy-side clients also expend effort and resources to value the firm. The market price will be a
weighted average of the many resulting value estimates.
• To discover the price at which the issue can be sold, the issuer helps buy-side clients with their •§
analysis by providing a prospectus and meeting with their analysts during road show meetings.
• To extract newly produced information from the market, the issuing team asks selected buy-side
clients for their indications of their interest. 3
• Investment banks compensate buy-side clients for their costly analysis by setting the price at a <
discount from the expected market price.
• In addition, investment banks allocate more shares to those buy-side clients who are more
helpful in the price discovery exercise. Because of the repeated interaction between banks and
their clients, free riding is curtailed, and price discovery is optimized. p

PRICE DISCOVERY advantage in their dealings with the issuer: If they

The most important, yet most difficult, part of have strong indications that the offer price is set
the initial public offering (IPO) process is setting too high, they stay away from the offering. If they
the offer price. In an IPO, the issuer, aided by an believe the price to be below the future market
intermediating investment bank, plans to sell a price, they sign up for IPO shares enthusiastically.
relatively large number of shares of common
stock in which there is at that point no market. ENTERPRISE VALUATION
However, they know that soon after the IPO There are two main methods to estimate the
process the secondary market will impute all the market value of the firm: multiple analysis, and
information in the market in an efficient manner. discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis.
Investors who believe the price to be too high will
sell; investors who believe the price to be too low Multiple Analysis
will buy. The key outcome of this competitive When employing the multiple method, analysts
trading is the market price of the stock. gather performance measures of the firm. A
Naturally, the issuing team (the issuer and its popular measure is earnings or net income.
investment bank would like to know the market They multiply these performance measures with
price in advance. If they had a crystal ball, they multiples. The appropriate multiple for a firm's
would set the price at a small discount (say 3%) earnings is the price-earnings ratio, or P/E.
to the future market price, so as to generate The multiples are obtained from similar firms,
sufficient interest from buy-side clients, and (so-called proxies, or pure-plays). For example,
place the issue. In fact this is exactly what issuers if listed paper manufacturers trade at an average
do when they sell securities which already have P/E of 9, and we want to estimate the value of an
a market price. Unfortunately, there is no unlisted paper company that recently reported a
secondary market for IPO shares, and neither net income of $1 million, we would estimate the
are there crystal balls. market price to be $9 million. Because this single
To estimate the market price as best as they estimate is bound to be imprecise, analysts collect
can, issuers and their advisers conduct a costly
analysis to estimate the value of the firm. We call
this process price discovery.
many performance measures so as to get many
estimates. Popular accounting performance
measures are earnings, sales, operating income
Note that not only do the issuer and its (EBIT), and cash flow (EBITDA). Apart from
investment bank analyze the firm. Prospective these, analysts use industry-specific performance
investors also conduct costly analysis to predict the measures such as passenger miles (for airlines),
future market price. Naturally, a good estimate of
the future market price gives them a substantial
overnight stays (for hotels), or page visits (for
internet companies). By employing more and

Financing and Raising Capital

more multiples, analysts aim to arrive at an ever different weights to individual multiple estimates.
more precise estimate of the market price. DCF valuations are highly sensitive to the many
assumptions incorporated into a model, and to
Discounted Cash Flow Analysis the discount rate used to arrive at a present value.
u A more fundamental valuation method is Clearly, if we have many independent estimates,
PL. discounted cash flow analysis. In an efficient the highest estimate is likely to be too high and
as market, securities should be worth the present the lowest estimate is probably too low. If we
value of the future cash payments that accrue to assume that the estimates are unbiased, the true
the shareholders. Since cash today is always more market value will lie somewhere in the middle.
valuable than cash tomorrow, investors discount Hence, there are two ways to engage in
projected future cash flows at the opportunity price discovery. The first is to help analysts

cost of capital. For example, if investors want to
value a one-year promissory note of $100, and
the one-year interest rate is 10%, they conclude
to make more precise estimates. To do this,
the issuer and its intermediaries (investment
bank, auditor, legal advisers) provide buy-
that the note is worth $100/1.10 = $90.91. If side analysts with a detailed prospectus,
C future cash flows are uncertain (risky), investors which explains the structure of the issue (for
use a higher discount rate (see p. 896 to see how example, how many shares are sold), describes
the discount rate depends on risk). the company's business, and presents recent
3 financial performance. In addition, they invite
Apart from deciding on an appropriate discount
rate, investment analysts forecast the company's analysts to information sessions on the firm's
free cash flows, which are denned as the cash products and managers. During such road-
generated by operations less the cash dedicated show presentations, the company presents its
to new investments. Often, young companies do business plan, its managers, and its products to
not distribute cash flows to their financiers, but prospective investors. An important part of the
instead solicit cash from the financial markets. road-show meetings is the question and answer
In fact, this is an important reason for doing an session, during which analysts can pepper the
IPO in the first place. Naturally, the investments issuing team with questions so as to fine-tune
are expected to add to the future cash flows. their models and estimates.
Hence, analysts often predict negative free cash The second way to improve the price discovery is
flows early in life, but expect them to become to involve more buy-side clients and more analysts.
positive as the firm matures. A statistical property called the law of large
Forecasting a firm's free cashflowsis difficult. numbers says that if we have more estimates, the
To obtain reasonable conjectures, analysts average ofthese will be closer to the true value. The
make a model to project the revenues, expenses, problem, however, is that if we invite too many
and investments. Analysts' models can be very prospective investors, it will adversely affect the
sophisticated. They analyze the products or incentives to produce information.
services that the company provides, conduct
industry analysis to gauge where the company SOUNDING OUT THE MARKET
stands vis-a-vis its competitors, consult market When buy-side clients have done their analysis
forecasts (of the firm's products and production and have become "informed," issuers will find
costs), interview the firm's executives and other it easier to sell them their securities. However,
employees (as far as this is allowed by the laws there are still important differences in opinion
that govern financial markets), and conduct among clients. Extracting these opinions is
sensitivity analysis. not an easy task. Clearly, buy-side clients will
Whatever method investment analysts use be reluctant to part with their hard-earned
to estimate the market value of as yet untraded information. Nevertheless, issuers can sound
securities, valuing financial securities is a task out the market by individually targeting large
that requires skill and effort. and well-informed buy-side clients. They do
this by ringing them up, and asking them for
ESTIMATES ARE OFTEN WRONG their opinions and indications of interest. The
U Being an investment analyst does not just require investment bank writes down indicative orders
hard work, it is also ariskyjob. After all, despite in a book of orders. This exercise is called book-
our best efforts, estimates often turn out to be building. Indicative orders can take three main
wrong. That is the nature of estimates. forms. First there are strike orders, which
indicate a demand that is independent of the
Each valuation is different. Analysts use
different multiples, different proxies, and give price. Second, there are limit orders, such as "I

Price Discovery in IPOs

sign up for 150,000 shares as long as the price to value IPO firms tend to be discounted more,
is not higher than $10." Finally, there are step which is consistent with the "compensation for w
orders, which are combinations of several limit analysis efforts" story. en
orders. For example, "If the price is set at $9 or The promise of a discount can be made credible
below, we want 130,000 shares; if it is set at $10 because of the investment bank's reputation
or less, we want 80,000 shares; and if you set it and its repeated interaction with the market's
higher, we don't want any shares." buy-side. For example, because Fidelity knows
After one or two weeks of making phone calls, that Goldman Sachs will price IPO shares at a
the bookrunner will have compiled a book of reasonable discount, they are willing to expend
orders, which forms a downward sloping demand effort to analyze the IPO firm.
curve (see Figure 1). Naturally, this demand
curve represents very valuable information for
The problem with setting the offer price at a
discount is that it attracts "free riders." It seems •8
the price discovery process. that investors who simply signed up for all IPOs

Figure 1. Example of an order book. During book-building, the lead manager calls up
prospective buy-side clients and asks them for indicative orders. This results in an
aggregate demand curve. However, the bookrunner knows that not all indications of
interest are equally sincere, and he or she has to gauge what the real demand is—i.e.
the demand that is not due to strategic overbidding (due to anticipated rationing).
Notice that the real demand is invisible. Investment bankers use their experience and
judgment to estimate it

Book demand
Real demand

8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0

Offer price
One would think that the issuing team can would, on average, make a profit because of the
now simply set the price so that demand discount. For this reason, investment banks
equals supply. If all orders were genuine, this only invite large and sophisticated investors to
would be the optimal strategy. However, the submit orders in the book. From experience and
new shareholders would feel fooled if, after repeated interaction, investment bankers know
expending significant efforts to analyze the firm, whose indicative orders are most informative.
they received no surplus in return. To reward Still, even among the invited bidders there is a
large and sophisticated buy-side clients for their temptation to overbid. Because they know that the
analysis of the firm, investment banks set the shares will be set at a discount, buy-side clients
offer price at a discountfromthe expected market
price. Historically, the average discount, which
want to bid for as many shares as possible. In
other words, even the orders of the repeat clients
may not be entirely genuine. An important task
translates into an average initial return (the
return from the offer price to the market price) for the investment bank is to distinguish the real
has been around 15%. Initial returns have been demand from the book demand (Figure 1). They
extensively studied. Average discounts differ can never do this perfectly, but, through skill and
judgment, experienced bookrunners can assess
between countries and time periods. All studies,
the seriousness of book orders. So, after closing
however, find that smaller and more difficult

Financing and Raising Capital

the book, the issuer compiles the book demand "short": they have sold shares they do not yet
o curve, gauges where the real demand is, and own. The bookrunner will exercise the over-
then sets the price at a small discount. allotment option if the price in secondary market
The price is set during the pricing meeting, trading increases beyond the offering price, which
CM which typically takes place on the evening is usually the case. If, however, the price in the
before the actual floatation. During the pricing secondary market comes under pressure (i.e.
meeting the issue is officially underwritten, so there is a lot of flipping), the underwriter buys
M that the bookrunner becomes legally liable for back the shares in the open market.
placing the shares. By scheduling this important This is sometimes referred to as price support
meeting shortly before the actual selling day, the or price stabilization. The over-allotment option
bookrunner reduces the risk of being stuck with is therefore a clever way to adjust the supply
IPO shares on its books. In the example of Figure
£ l, the issuers may set the price at $9.50, so as to
of shares to the uncertain demand for shares.
By keeping track of flippers, bookrunners can

place all the shares, and leave some money on monitor buy-side clients and gauge their quality
the table for the buy side analysts. for the price discovery process.

As mentioned, the IPO process is a repeated The book-building mechanism has become the
game for buy-side clients and investment banks. standard way of selling shares in initial public
Both parties to the price discovery process offerings. The characteristic difference from
develop long-term relationships. Investment other IPO mechanisms is the close and personal
bankers know which buy-side analysts provide interaction between relatively few players
the most accurate indications of interest, and on both sides of the transaction. These cozy
reward them with higher allocations. One way relationships, and the subsequent preferential
to gauge the quality of the buy-side analysts
allocations, sometimes make small investors,
is to monitor their order submission strategy
issuers, and regulators uneasy about the book-
and their trading behavior after the IPO. Strike
building mechanism. Naturally there is the
orders may indicate poor analysis, while limit or
chance that investment banks and buy-side
step orders are better signals for price discovery.
If a client often asks for large allocations, but clients collude to set the offer price low and
then quickly sells ("flips") its shares in the share the profits of large initial returns. Although
secondary market, this is an indication of poor there certainly have been instances of doubtful
analysis. Orders that are submitted in the early allocations of conspicuously underpriced shares,
stage of the book-building indicate confidence the book-building mechanism has survived and
and informed decision-making. Hence, it is not is widely accepted. The key advantage is that it
surprising that we see that clients who put in results in more information production.
limit or step orders early, and do not flip their An obvious alternative to book-building is the
shares in the secondary market, receive higher auction. Due to its fair and transparent nature,
allocations on average. the auction mechanism has been used in several
countries, including the United Kingdom,
THE OVER-ALLOTMENT OPTION Denmark, and France. However, evidence
Almost all IPOs have an over-allotment option, shows that they are less effective in achieving a
also known as a greenshoe, named after the high price and a liquid aftermarket. Empirical
company that first used this mechanism. The studies have found that book-built IPOs have, on
over-allotment option gives the bookrunner the average, lower initial returns, especially if they
right to buy a specified number of additional were floated by prestigious investment banks.
shares from the issuer and seU them on to the The Google IPO and a stylized example (see
buy-side. Or, they have the right to over-allocate. Case Studies) further illustrate how targeted
Typically, the option is for 15% ofthe offering size. information exchange between relatively few
In practice, the underwriter always over-allocates, informed players may be more effective for price
u so that after the offering the bank is technically discovery than an impersonal auction.

Price Discovery in IPOs

The Google IPO %
When Google went public in August 2004, it announced upfront that the price would be determined hj
by a competitive Dutch auction in which everybody could participate on equal terms. Large and 3
small investors were invited to submit their limit and step orders through the internet. The price ft
would be set at the point where the 19.6 million shares could be sold. Large institutional investors *••
openly grumbled and complained about the "cheap" way in which Google was selling its shares, O
saying that they would not bother to get out of bed for an auction. •
The result was that, due to the lack of a targeted information exchange, the market price was
not fully discovered. The auctioneers set the offer price at $85. When secondary market trading
began, the price shot to above $100 within days, and above $200 within months, which suggested
that Google did not get the full value for its shares. Many industry watchers (and the author of this ^
article) believe that if Google had opted for a standard book building method, its shares may have S*
fetched a higher price in the primary market. ^

Illustration of Targeted Information Exchange 2,
Imagine that you receive a surprise inheritance from a distant uncle. The inheritance is a trunk
full of foreign coins. Most are post-war coins from various countries, but your seven-year-old son ft
has spotted some gold, silver, and very ancient coins. You are not much of a coin collector and are £+
strapped for cash, so you decide to sell the coins. To do this you go to a coin collectors' fair. At the
fair there is an auction session where you can put your coins up for sale. Alternatively, you can
approach the three largest collectors, let each have a close look at your collection, explain your
situation, and ask them for their offer. If your collection is difficult to value (as a company is), the
second route may well get you a higher price.

Draho, Jason. The IPO Decision: Why and How Companies Go Public. Cheltenham, UK: Edward
Elgar Publishing, 2006.
Gregoriou, Greg N. Initial Public Offerings: An International Perspective. Oxford: Butterworth-
Heinemann, 2006.
Benveniste, Lawrence M., and Walid Y. Busaba. "Bookbuilding versus fixed price: An analysis of
competing strategies for marketing IPOs." Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 32:4
(1997): 383-403. Online at:
IPO Financial Network (IPOfn) news, analysis, and resources:
IPO Monitor—Coverage of IPOs and secondary equity offerings:
IPO Renaissance Capital—research and investment management services on newly public


How to Set the Hurdle Rate for Capital
Investments by Jon Tucker
• There exists a wide range of approaches to setting the hurdle rate for capital investments.
• It is essential that we do not set the hurdle rate too high, thereby foregoing valuable investment
opportunities, or too low, thereby destroying value for shareholders. w
• While academics tend to advocate a series of, at times, complex adjustments, most CFOs settle
for a relatively simple approach, and allow for complexity instead in their cash flow projections.
• The most common approach is to employ a CAPM-based equity cost as an input to a WACC
• A company-wide hurdle rate is typically employed by companies, although adjustments are
made for projects of atypical risk.

to arriving at the hurdle rate—even academics

Chief financial officers are charged with the cannot agree on the best way forward.
Some examples of the difficulties involved are:
task of maximizing shareholder wealth. They
do this by pursuing two key goals: Maximizing How do we arrive at the cost of equity capital?
the stream of future cash flows, and minimizing How do we arrive at the cost of debt and other
the company's cost of capital. Cognizant of the financing components? Do we employ the
separation theorem, we tend to separate one goal weighted average cost of capital (WACC), or some
from the other. However, both are of strategic other metric, to arrive at the cost of capital? If we
importance—a healthy stream of cash flows do employ the WACC, how do we weight the cost
can actually destroy value (and hence reduce of each financing component? What additional
shareholder wealth) if the company suffers adjustment do we make for risk? We will tackle
from a high cost of capital. In a very real sense, each of these issues in turn, and explore the broad
then, a company's cost of capital represents alternative approaches available to the CFO.
an important "hurdle," which its portfolio of
projects must exceed in order to create wealth THE COST OF EQUITY
for shareholders. Clearly, the cost of capital, as There are a variety of ways in which CFOs tend
implied by the company's financing mix, is a good to compute the cost of equity capital. The most
starting point when arriving at the hurdle rate for prominent and widely employed approach
capital investment appraisal (capital budgeting), is the capital asset pricing model (CAPM):1
but the way in which the company arrives at
this cost of capital, and the adjustments made
thereafter to arrive at the hurdle rate, warrant
further explanation. where:
re = the expected cost of equity capital for a
The hurdle rate is the required rate of return v. = the risk-free rate of return;
on investment appraisal, above which an p = the share beta;
investment project is worth pursuing. We rm = the return on the market portfolio;
know when computing a project's net present rm - r,= the expected premium offered by the
value (NPV) that if the discount rate exceeds market portfolio over and above the risk-free
the project's internal rate of return (IRR), then
we should not proceed with the project. The
However, we encounter a number of difficulties o
starting point for the hurdle rate is, then, the with this approach in a practical setting. Which
company's cost of capital, to which a company risk-free rate should be employed—a three-month i—i

may then decide to make some adjustment for

that project's specific risk, perhaps adding a
Treasury bill rate, or a long-term government
bond rate? Most academics would suggest the I
risk premium. The difficulty for practitioners is
that there exists a wide variation of approaches
latter, although in practice, the three-month rate
is often employed. Should CFOs compute their n
Financing and Raising Capital

own beta coefficient, or employ a beta computed approaches, benchmark their rate with other
by data agencies such as Bloomberg? This is a companies in their industry (which are likely to
matter of personal choice, although in practice have similar betas, business models, and enjoy
most companies probably employ an externally similar access to financial markets), and only
u published source. What equity risk premium then settle on a suitable figure. In the case of
should be employed, and is it realistic in terms pure equity-financed companies, the cost of
of expectations? We could apply an average equity capital is, by definition, the pivotal figure
historical risk premium here, or even estimate in arriving at the hurdle rate.
the rate implied by current asset prices. Further,
if we compute our own average historical THE COST OF DEBT
premium figure, then applying the geometric A minority of companies set their overall cost

I average premium is probably the best approach.

Each of these issues could warrant a chapter to
itself—in the real world, CFOs arrive at a CAPM-
of capital at the cost of debt. However, even the
cost of debt presents a number of interesting
issues to the CFO. First, do we employ the
based equity cost of capital after much debate historical cost of debt, or the more meaningful
c within the company, and consultation with their expected cost of debt? Do we look at the cost of
external corporate advisers (such as investment total debt, thereby including the cost of short-
banks). Academics have extended the CAPM to a term debt, or do we focus upon the cost of
multi-factor framework to better capture equity long-term debt? Regardless of these variations,
risk, adding size and book-to-market factors, we certainly need to take into account the tax
although in practice it is unlikely that companies advantage to debt arising from the deductibility
employ such models extensively.
of debt interest payments (whereas equity enjoys
An alternative approach is to employ an earnings no such advantage). Even here, we face an added
model to arrive at the cost of equity capital, that complication—do we apply a tax advantage based
is, to compute the price-to-earnings (PE) ratio (or upon statutory corporate tax rates, or marginal
earnings yield) for a company. This is a relatively rates? Many CFOs will, in practice, employ a
simple procedure, given the wide availability of long-term debt rate, expressed after tax, based
PE ratios, and the broad understanding and use on the marginal corporate tax rate. Further,
of asset yields in the financial media, although it for the purposes of economic consistency,
is most appropriately employed for non-growth debt should also include lease obligations. If
companies. The cost of equity, then, is equal to a company is bond-financed, and there is an
the inverse of the PE ratio: active market for those bonds, then the yield
to maturity is the appropriate rate, whereas
with non-traded debt (such as bank loans)
the stated interest rate is the appropriate rate.
r, = the company's cost of equity capital; THE WEIGHTED AVERAGE COST OF
E = the company's earnings; CAPITAL
P = the company's share price. The WACC is simply the average discount
A further alternative is to arrive at the cost rate applied by the debt-holders and equity-
of equity capital by means of a simple dividend holders of the company to its future cash
model. When we rearrange the dividend model, flows. Discounting the stream of a project's
the cost of equity capital equals the expected future cash flows by the WACC gives us the
dividend yield (DJP^ plus the constant capitalized value of that project, whereas so
compound growth rate of dividends, the latter doing for the company's total cash flows gives
often based on past trends as a proxy for growth us the capitalized value of the entire company.
expectations: We compute the WACC as follows:

u where: where:
Z re = the company's cost of equity capital;
Dt = the dividend in year 1;
WACC = the weighted average cost of capital;
D = the market value of debt;
P = the company's share price in year o;
g = the growth rate of dividends.
E = the market value of equity;
rd = the company's cost of debt capital;
til In the real world, CFOs should probably re = the company's cost of equity capital;
compute a cost of equity using all three T = the corporate tax rate.

How to Set the Hurdle Rate for Capital Investments

The WACC for a company, then, is simply the

cost of the company's financing components
sanctioned. Some companies employ a sliding
scale of discount rates, depending on a project's
(rd and r,), weighted by the proportion of those nature—discount rates increase as we move
components in the company's capital structure from equipment upgrading, through expansion
(£>/(£> + E) and E/(D + E), respectively). We of existing business lines, through new project
can easily extend this expression for additional p
investments, to more speculative projects.2
forms of financing by weighting them by their
In the real world, some practitioners argue
proportion in the company's capital structure.
that we cannot expect the hurdle rate to "take
The correct approach to weighting here is to
all of the strain" when adjusting for risk. n
compute the market value of each component

as a proportion of the total market value of all Instead, many argue that the project cash flows
claims against the company. Note that the cost themselves should be adjusted for risk to achieve
of debt is effectively reduced by virtue of the a more realistic estimation of a project's IRR or
fact that there is a tax advantage to debt, as NPV. Project risk will have a differential impact
discussed earlier, hence the cost is not rd but on the range of cash inflows and outflows and,
rd (1 - T). This merely reflects the calculation therefore, a risk-adjusted hurdle rate does not
of the corporate tax liability after debt interest
costs have been deducted. Employing the WACC
as the basis for the hurdle rate makes intuitive
always adequately deal with risk—it can be
too blunt an instrument. A carefully computed
hurdle rate, in conjunction with risk-adjusted
sense, as the company must ensure that it is cash flows, and a comprehensive scenario
exceeding, on average, the average rate of return analysis, might be the best way forward, taking
required by all of its claimholders. If it is not, care not to double-count risk in the process.
then it is destroying value for shareholders. However, presuming that we do indeed
employ a hurdle rate which captures risk in some
DEALING WITH RISK objective and appropriate manner, one way
As a general rule, the company should consider of assuring a more robust approach to capital
investing in projects that generate returns investment appraisal is to accept only those
which are higher than the company's hurdle
projects with the highest IRRs, that is, those that
rate. Further, the hurdle rate should be higher
for riskier projects than for safer projects. exceed the hurdle rate by the highest margin.
How do we adjust for risk then? We could This may be necessary for most companies
adjust the hurdle rate for numerous project in the real world, anyway, in the presence of
characteristics, including: The size of the project, limited investment funds, and capital rationing.
the division within which the project is located,
whether the project will be at home or overseas, FREQUENCY OF REVISION
whether the project is new or existing, and so on. Given the real-world complexity and strategic
The simplest approach is to apply a company- sensitivity of the hurdle rate figure, it is likely
wide cost of capital as the hurdle rate. The that most companies do not revise the rate on
dangers of this approach, however, are that the a very frequent basis, often maintaining the
project under consideration may be more or less same figure for months, or even as long as a
risky than the "average" risk of the company's year. Events which may encourage CFOs to take
portfolio of investment projects. Large projects another look at the company-wide hurdle rate
are often scrutinized more carefully than smaller might include changes in the returns required
projects, given their more material impact on by investors (such as interest-rate changes),
the company's cash flows, and a premium for
the consideration of major projects, and the
risk is added to the cost of capital figure to arrive
at an appropriate hurdle rate. Most companies prospect of corporate restructuring. Major
add a premium over and above the domestic corporate restructuring has an impact not only
project hurdle rate for foreign investments. New on the profile of future cash flows, but also on
projects are more risky than existing projects,
and should therefore reflect a premium over and
the returns required by both existing and new
claimholders in relation to those cash flows. o•n
above the observed earnings yield of an existing Given the strategic importance of the hurdle rate, »—<
project investment. Ventures such as mergers it is typically decided at the level of the board of
are more risky still, and thus their returns should directors, who take the advice of the CFO, and his/
exceed a much higher hurdle rate before being her advisers (consultants, bankers, and so on).

Financing and Raising Capital

Determining the Hurdle Rate for a Food Retailer
s- Company X pic is a FTSE 100 food and drug retailer, listed on the UK stock exchange. The market
value of its capital structure components is £12 billion for equity, and £8 billion for debt. The B
computed by a reputable data agency is 0.9. The UK 3-month Treasury bill rate is 4.5%, and
you estimate that the market tends to pay a premium over and above this rate, of 4.7%. The UK
corporate tax rate is 30%, and the rate paid by the company on its 10-year bonds is 5.5%.
We start by computing X pic's cost of equity capital:
e = r, + P ( r m " rr)
= 4.5% + 0.9 (4.7%)

= 8.73%

We then compute the proportions of debt and equity in the company's capital structure:

D -r (D + E) = 40%
E -f (D + E) = 60%
We can then compute its weighted average cost of capital:

WACC = D -r (D + E) x rd (1 - Te) + E -r (D + E) x re
= 40% x 5.5% x (1 - 0.30) + 60% x 8.73%
= 6.78%

Company X pic applies a hurdle rate of 6.78% to projects of average risk, but adds a margin
for projects of higher risk such as an investment in a new product line (+5%) or a company
acquisition (+10%).

In the real world, most practitioners have little All capital structure components should be
appetite for adjusting the hurdle rate for the expressed at market values, and all costs should
multitude of factors advocated so fervently by be forward looking. A company-wide hurdle
academics. Excepting the all-equity financed rate is probably adequate for many investment
case, company CFOs should typically pursue a projects, although the figure should always be
CAPM-based weighted average cost of capital, reviewed when dealing with more material,
and then make sensible and consistent risk large-scale projects, or indeed corporate
adjustments to determine project hurdle rates. restructuring.

Bierman, Harold, Jr., and Seymour Smidt. The Capital Budgeting Decision: Economic Analysis of
Investment Projects. 9th ed. New York: Routledge, 2006.

u Bruner, Robert R, Kenneth M. Eades, Robert S. Harris, and Robert C. Higgins. "Best practices
z in estimating the cost of capital: Survey and synthesis." Financial Practice and Education 8:1

(Spring/Summer 1998): 13-28.
McLaney, Edward, John Pointon, Melanie Thomas, and Jon Tucker. "Practitioners' perspectives on
the cost of capital." European Journal of Finance 10:2 (April 2004): 123-138. Online at:

How to Set the Hurdle Rate for Capital Investments





1 See Sharpe, William F. "Capital asset prices: A theory (February 1965): 1 3 - 3 7 . Online at:
of market equilibrium under conditions of risk." stable/1924119
Journal of Finance 19:3 (September 1964): 4 2 5 - 4 4 2 . 2 A useful discussion of the cost of capital, and how

Online at:; and Lintner, we deal with risk, can be found in Brealey, Richard
John. "The valuation of risk assets and the selection A., Stewart C. Myers, and Franklin Allen. Principles
of risk investments in stock portfolios and capital of Corporate Finance. New York: McGraw Hill/Irwin,
budgets." Review of Economics and Statistics 47:1 2008; 2 3 9 - 2 4 0 . o
Private Investments in Public Equity w
by William K. Sjostrom, Jr
• A private investment in public equity (PIPE) is a type of public company financing transaction
that is prevalent in the United States.
• In a typical PIPE transaction, a public company privately issues common stock or securities W

convertible into common stock to a small number of sophisticated investors in exchange
for cash. The company then registers the resale of the common stock issued in the private
placement, or issued on conversion of the convertible securities issued in the private placement
(the PIPE shares), with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
• Generally, investors must hold securities issued in a private placement for at least six months.
However, because the company registers the resale of the PIPE shares, investors are free to sell

them into the market as soon as the SEC declares the resale registration statement effective
(typically at most within a few months of the closing of the private placement).
• In 2009, companies closed on 1,072 PIPE deals in the United States, raising approximately
$36.7 billion in the aggregate.
• While companies of all sizes have used PIPEs to raise money, PIPE deals have emerged as a vital
source of financing for small public companies, with the overwhelming majority of deals being
completed by companies with market capitalizations of $250 million or less. This is driven by the
reality that PIPEs represent the only available financing option for many small public companies.

TYPES OF PIPE movements of the issuer's common stock. For

PIPE transactions are highly negotiable; hence, example, investors may be issued convertible
there is a fair amount of variation from deal debt or preferred stock that is convertible into
to deal with respect to the attributes of the common stock based on a floating or variable
PIPE securities. PIPE securities may consist conversion price, i.e., the conversion price
of common stock or securities convertible into fluctuates with the market price of the issuer's
common stock, such as convertible preferred common stock. Hence, with a structured PIPE,
stock or convertible notes, and may be coupled investors do not assume price risk during the
with common stock warrants. pendency of the resale registration statement.
Regardless of the type of securities involved, If the market price declines, so too does the
PIPE deals are categorized as either traditional conversion price, and therefore the PIPE
or structured. With a traditional PIPE, the securities will be convertible into a greater
PIPE shares are issued at a price fixed on the number of shares of common stock.
closing date of the private placement. This fixed For example, say an investor purchases
price is typically set at a discount to the trailing a $1,000,000 convertible note in a PIPE
average of the market price of the issuer's transaction, and the note provides that the
common stock for some period of days prior to principal amount is convertible at the holder's
closing of the private placement. As mentioned option into the issuer's common stock at a
above, securities regulations generally prohibit conversion rate of 90% of the per share market
investors from selling PIPE shares prior to the price of the stock on the date of conversion. Thus,
SEC declaring the resale registration statement if the market price of the issuer's common stock
effective. Thus, because the deal price is fixed, is $10 per share, the note is convertible at $9.00 a
investors in traditional PIPEs assume price risk,
which is the risk of future declines in the market
price of the issuer's common stock during the
share into 111,111 shares of common stock. If the
market price drops to $8 per share, the note is
then convertible at $7.20 per share into 138,889
pendency of the resale registration statement. shares of common stock. Regardless of how low
With a structured PIPE, the issuance price of the price drops, on conversion the investor will
the PIPE shares is not fixed on the closing date receive $1,000,000 of common stock based on
of the private placement. Instead, it adjusts
(often, downward only) based on future price
the discounted market price of the stock on the
day of conversion.

Financing and Raising Capital

Some structured PIPEs do contain floors on how funding than a registered public offering. The vast
low the conversion price can adjust downward, majority of PIPE deals, however, are undertaken
or caps on how many shares can be issued on by small public companies. These companies
conversion. If a structured PIPE has neither generally pursue PIPEs not because they offer
u a floor nor a cap, it can potentially become advantages over otherfinancingalternatives, but
convertible into a controlling stake of the PIPE because the companies have no other financing
(A issuer. Continuing the example from above, if the alternatives. By and large, PIPE issuers are not
market price dropped to $0.01, the note would only small in terms of market capitalization
m then be convertible into more than 100 miUion but have weak cash flow and poorly performing
shares, which would constitute a controlling stocks. Thus, traditional forms of financing are
stake unless the issuer had at least 200 million simply not an option. Few, if any, investment

s shares outstanding. Hence, structured PIPEs

lacking floors or caps are pejoratively labeled
bankingfirmsare willing to underwrite follow-on
offerings for small, distressed public companies.
Further, these companies lack the collateral and
"death spirals" or "toxic converts," because
investors in these deals may be tempted to push financial performance to qualify for bank loans
down the issuer's stock price through short sales, and the upside potential to attract traditional
circulating false negative rumors, etc., so that private equity financing.
their structured PIPEs become convertible into a Given the distressed status of PIPE issuers,
controlling stake of the issuer. PIPEfinancingcan, of course, be very expensive.
Not only does the company typically issue
REGISTRATION REQUIREMENT common stock or common stock equivalents
The registration requirement of a PIPE at a discount to market price, but PIPE deals
transaction can be either concurrent or trailing. often involve other cash flow rights such as
With a concurrent registration requirement, dividends or interest (typically paid in kind not
investors commit to buy a specified dollar amount cash) and warrants. For example, in August
of PIPE securities in the private placement, but of 2007, Callisto Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a
their obligations to fund are conditional on the biopharmaceutical company located in New
SEC indicating that it is prepared to declare York, raised $11.2 million in a PIPE financing
the resale registration statement effective. If consisting of 1,124,550 shares of Series B
the SEC never gets to this point, the investors Convertible Preferred Stock, and 22,491,000
do not have to go forward with the deal. Thus, warrants. The conversion price of the Series
the issuer bears the registration risk; that is, the B Preferred Stock was set at a 23% discount to
risk that the SEC will refuse to declare the resale Callisto's market price on the day prior to the
registration statement effective. deal. This compares to a typical discount of 4%
With a trailing registration rights requirement, for a traditional seasoned equity public offering.
the parties close on the private placement and
then the issuer files a registration statement. INVESTORS IN PIPES
Consequently, the investors bear the registration Hedge funds constitute a large percentage of
risk. If the issuer never files, or the SEC never the investors in micro-cap PIPEs. Hedge funds
declares the registration statement effective, invest for the obvious reason: their returns
the investors will not be able to sell their PIPE from PIPE investments meet or beat mark^
shares into the market for at least six months. benchmarks. Hedge funds are able to
As a result, PIPE deals that include such trailing market-beating returns notwithste-
registration requirements typically obligate the poor performance of PIPE issue-
issuer to file the registration statement within 30 relatively straightforward tradin-
days of the private placement closing date and sell short the issuer's common t»v
require that it be declared effective within 90 to after the PIPE deal is publicly di&^
120 days of such date. If these deadlines are not execute a short sale, a fund borrows su.
met, the issuer is obligated to pay the investors the PIPE issuer from a broker-dealer and se».
u a penalty of 1% to 2% of the deal proceeds per
month until filing or effectiveness.
this borrowed stock into the market. The fund
then closes out or covers the short sale at a later

date by buying shares in the open market and
PIPE ISSUERS delivering them to the lender. By shorting stock
As mentioned above, companies of all sizes have against the PIPE shares, the fund locks in the
used PIPEs to raise money. Larger companies PIPE deal purchase discount. With a traditional
0* pursue PIPEs as a quicker and cheaper route to PIPE, if the market price of the issuer's common

Private Investments in Public Equity

stock drops below the discounted price following In addition to short selling, many hedge ^
a PIPE transaction, the fund will take a loss on funds retain up-side potential by negotiating for &
the PIPE shares, but this loss will be exceeded warrants as part of a PIPE transaction. Hedge %
by gains realized when it closes out its short funds typically hold on to these warrants even hj
position because it will be able to buy shares in after unwinding their PIPE shares positions J*
the market to cover the position at a lower price so that they can profit further in the event o
than it earlier sold the borrowed shares. If the the issuer's stock happens to rise above the M»
market price of the issuer's common stock rises warrant exercise price. In sum, hedge funds fp
after the PIPE transaction, the fund will take a are able to garner superior returns through •
loss when closing out the short position, because PIPE investments because they purchase the W
it will have to buy shares to cover the position at PIPE shares at a substantial discount to market, •§
a higher price than it earlier sold the borrowed manage their downside risk through short sales M.
shares. This loss, however, will be exceeded by and floating conversion prices, retain up-side ^
an increase in the value of the PIPE shares since potential through warrants, and liquidate their JH
they were purchased at a discount to the pre-rise positions a relatively short time after closing on ^
market price. the private placement. fp

• Explore other financing options first; PIPE financing is often very expensive, especially for
smaller public companies.
• Retain experienced PIPE counsel (see the league tables at PIPE
• Retain a PIPE agent to advise on deal structure and locate investors (see the league tables
mentioned above.
• If pursuing a structured PIPE deal, insist on a floor on how low the conversion price can adjust
downward, or a cap on how many shares can be issued on conversion.
• Consider restricting investors' ability to engage in short selling.
• Consider the amount of dilution existing investors will suffer as a result of the PIPE financing and
how to address their complaints.
• Make sure you consult your accountant because, depending on structure, the deal may produce
a noncash charge to earnings.

Dresner, Steven, with E. Kurt Kim (eds). PIPES: A Guide to Private Investments in Public Equity.
Revised and updated ed. New York: Bloomberg Press, 2006.
Sjostrom, William K., Jr. "PIPEs." Entrepreneurial Business Law Journal 2:1 (2007): 381-413.
Online at: [PDF].

The PIPEs Report—News, information, and analysis concerning PIPE deals: y<^
Sagient Research publishes data on PIPE deals: 'Sr
Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference (SRFF), leading PIPE issuer legal counsel: HH


Understanding Equity Capital in Small and w
Medium-Sized Enterprises by Siri Terjesen <•+

• Equity capital or financing is funding raised by a business in exchange for a share of the
• Equity financing enables firms to obtain money without incurring debt, or without needing to
repay a specific amount of money at a particular time.
• There are four stages of equity investment: seed, early-stage, expansion, and late-stage •3
• Equity capital sources differ in terms of timing, amount provided, type of firm funded, extent of
due diligence, contract type, expectations of timing and payback, and monitoring of business

INTRODUCTION capital forces the entrepreneur to relinquish some

Entrepreneurs may require both debt and equity degree of ownership and control.
financing, and often start theirfirmsby financing The stages of equity financing are depicted
growth through equity. Equity capital is money in Figure 1. In the first stage, known as the
invested in the venture with no legal obligation seed stage, entrepreneurs tend to raise capital
on the entrepreneur to repay the principal from their own savings, though they may
amount or to pay interest on it; however, it also seek informal investment from family,
requires sharing the ownership and profits with friends, business angels, and public sources.
the funding source, and possibly also paying Entrepreneurs may then choose to pursue formal
dividends to equity investors. equity capital through rounds of early-stage,
After value has been built, entrepreneurs may expansion, and late-stagefinancing.This may be
consider debtfinancing,which involves a payback followed by an initial public offering (IPO) and,
of the funds (with interest) for use of the money. finally, raising of finance from public markets
In short, debt places a burden of repayment and and banks. Summary details of the financing
interest on the entrepreneur, whereas equity stages are as follows:

Figure 1. The stages of equity financing

investors ^
Mezzanine banks

family, friends, 3rd round
% business
O angels, public
i_ sources
Breakeven 2nd round
point .
yR round

\seedyS Early Exf.)ansion Late IPO

Finar icing sta


Financing and Raising Capital

0) • Seed financing is the initial funding to develop business expertise for running a company.
a business concept, for example by expenditure As shown in Figure 2, the rates of informal
on research, product development, and initial investment vary dramatically around the world,
cd marketing to reach early-adopter customers. from a high of 13% in Uganda to a low of 0.5% in
OH Companies that receive seed funding may be in Japan. Business owners are approximately four
+•• the process of incorporation, or may have been times more likely to make informal investments
in operation for a while. than are non business-owners (Bygrave and
• Early-stage financing is sought by companies Hunt, 2005). As can be seen in the figure, many
that have completed the product/service informal investors have experience as owners/
development stage and test marketing but managers of their own businesses.
require additionalfinancingto expand. Although the profile of angel investors varies,
• Expansionfinancingis provided when the in developed economies, angels tend to have
company is poised to grow rapidly. The funds entrepreneurship experience, be retired from

may be used to increase production capacity, their own firm or a corporation, and have net
marketing, or product development, and/or incomes in excess of US$100,000 a year. Most
provide additional working capital. angels invest in companies within a two-hour
• Late-stage funding refers to pre-IPO traveling distance of their home, and therefore
investments to strengthen a company's the informal investment market is geographically
positioning and to gain endorsements from diverse. On average, the angel capital market is
top venture capital (VC)firmsas the company approximately ten times the size of the formal
prepares to list. venture capital market. Indeed, small firms are
At any stage, equity investment can come from eight times more likely to raise finance from
informal or formal sources. However, it is more business angels than from formal institutions.
usual to access informal sources in the seed and Business angels tend not to have any previous
early stages, and formal sources in the expansion relationship with the entrepreneur, and are often
and late stages. more objective. Angel investors can be passive
(backing the judgment of others) or active
INFORMAL EQUITY SOURCES (hands-on, with advice or direct management
Informal and Angel Investment input to help the business to establish itself).
Informal investment refers to equity provided by Angels tend to invest as individuals or as part
individuals. In addition to accessing their own of a larger group, and generally as a part-time
savings and those of family, friends, and even interest rather than as a full-time job (as is
neighbors, entrepreneurs seek informal "angel" the case of venture capitalists). In addition to
investors who provide financial capital as well as financial goals, informal investors often seek

Figure 2. Rates of informal investment around the world. (Source: Global

Entrepreneurship Monitor data)

Understanding Equity Capital in SMEs

other, nonfinancial returns, among them the in Table 1.

creation of jobs in areas of high unemployment, The process of seeking venture capital ft
development of technology for social needs (for financing includes the following four stages:
example, medical or energy), local revitalization, • Initial screening to assess the firm's ability to
provision of assistance to indigenous peoples, meet the VC's particular requirements.
and just personal satisfaction from the assistance • Detailed reading of the business plan. p
they give to entrepreneurs. • Verbal presentation to the venture capitalist.
Business angels prefer to fund high-risk • Final evaluation, including visiting suppliers,
entrepreneurial firms in their earliest stages. customers, consultants, and others; the
They fill the so-called equity gap by making venture capitalist then makes a final decision. W
their investments in precisely those areas where
institutional venture capital providers are reluctant
to invest. Angels may also prefer to fund,the
This four-step process screens out approximately
98% of all venture plans, with the remaining
2% receiving some degree of financial backing.
smaller amounts (within the equity gap) that are Venture capitalists reach a go/no-go decision in 1—t
needed to launch new ventures, and they invest in an average of 6 minutes on the basis of the initial
almost all industry sectors. Angels tend to be more screening, and in less than 21 minutes on the
flexible in theirfinancialdecisions, and also tend to basis of an overall proposal evaluation. The main
have different criteria, longer investment horizons factors in their decision are the firm's expected
("patient" money), shorter investment processes, long-term growth and profitability, although an a
and lower targeted rates of return than venture entrepreneur's background and characteristics 3
capitalists. Business angel funding can make a are also taken into account.
firm more attractive for other sources of finance. Venture capitalists tend to agree on an exit
However, business angels are less likely to make strategy at the time of investment, with the
follow-on investments in the same firm. following five main mechanisms:
• Trade sale to another company.
FORMAL EQUITY SOURCES • Repurchase of the venture capital shares by
Venture Capital the investee company.
Venture capitalists can be a valuable and • Refinancing or purchase of the venture
powerful source of equity funding for new capital equity by a longer-term investment
ventures, providing, in addition to capital, help institution.
with a full range of financial services for new • Stock market listing.
or growing ventures. These include market • Involuntary exit.
research, strategy, management consulting, Table 2 summarizes the differences between
contacts with prospective customers/suppliers/ business angels and venture capitalists.
others, assistance in negotiation and with
management and accounting controls, employee Initial Public Offering
recruitment, risk management, and counseling As the firm grows, managers may consider an
on regulations. Venture capitalists tend to have initial public offering (IPO), which is when a
ambitious expectations for both the return on company's shares are first sold to the public.
and the increase in their investment, as shown An IPO is often the first time people outside the

Table 1. Typical returns on investment (ROI) and increase on initial investment

sought by venture capitalists. {Source: Terjesen and Frederick, 2007)
Expected increase on initial
Stage of business Expected annual ROI (%)
10-15 times
Seed 60+

£arly 40-60 6 - 1 2 times

Expansion 30-50 4 - 8 times

Late 25-40 3 - 6 times

Turnaround situation 50+ 8-15 times


Financing and Raising Capital

Table 2. Differences between business angels and venture capitalists. (Source:

Terjesen and Frederick, 2007)

cd Investor type
Differential factor
Business angel Venture capitalist
Personal Entrepreneurs Investors

Firms funded Small, early-stage Large, mature

Due diligence done Minimal Extensive

Location of invesfment Of concern Not important

Contract used Simple Comprehensive

Monitoring after investment Active, hands-on Strategic

Exiting the firm Of lesser concern Highly important

Rate of return Of lesser concern Highly important

company have the opportunity to buy its shares; Cosr: IPO expenses are significantly higher
hence, IPOs are referred to as "going public" or than for other sources of capital due to fees
"floating" the company. An IPO has advantages for accounting, legal services, prospectus
and disadvantages. The advantages are: printing and distribution, and the cost of
• Amount and efficiency of capital raised: underwriting the shares. The cost can easily
Selling shares is one of the fastest ways to exceed $1 million.
raise large sums of capital in a short period of Disclosure: An IPO requires detailed public
time. disclosure of company affairs, but new
• Liquidity: A public market provides liquidity firms may prefer to keep this information
for owners, who can readily sell their shares. private. Furthermore, the paperwork
• Value: The market puts a value on the involved in meeting regulation requirements
company's shares, which in turn allows a and providing regular information about
value to be placed on the company. performance may drain large amounts of
• Image: Publicly traded companies are management time, energy, and money that
often perceived to be stronger by suppliers, could be better invested in opportunities for
financiers, and customers. company growth.
However, an IPO also has several disad- Stockholder pressure: Stockholders are
vantages: interested in a strong performance record

Table 3. Advantages and disadvantages of IPO funding. {Source: Terjesen and

Frederick, 2007)
Advantages Disadvantages

Stronger capital base Pressure for short-term growth

Improves other financing prospects Disclosure and confidentiality

U Better placed to make acquisitions Costs—initial and ongoing

Diversification of ownership Restrictions on management

Increased executive compensation Loss of personal benefits


Increased company and personal prestige Trading restrictions

Understanding Equity Capital in SMEs

on earnings and dividends, and so may put officers) are prohibited from selling shares without
pressure on managers to focus on short-term the written permission of the lead underwriter w
performance. If managers do this, it can until a certain amount of time has passed. On a
be at the expense of long-term growth and average, the waiting time is 180 days. These lockup «•+

improvement. provisions control the supply of shares sold during

The advantages and disadvantages of IPO
funding are summarized in Table 3.
Should a firm decide to pursue an IPO, it is
the period after the IPO by insiders or existing
stockholders who might have inside knowledge
and, thus, unfair advantage.
important that it be aware of laws with respect Presence of venture capitalists: Many firms
may be financed by VCs, who take an ownership
to securities and investments, which vary across
countries but include the following common position and have partial control over the
elements. entrepreneurs. The IPO may change this control W
Investor information: Firms must provide as the VC distributes the shares to their limited
investors with key information. partners. The use of an IPO may be a cheaper form
Investment banker or underwriter: Most
firms select a lead investment banker to sell the
of financing than that provided by VCs, and will
certainly provide liquidity to the existing pre-IPO
new shares, usually at fees of about 7% of the issue stockholders.
value. Issue size: With the fixed costs of an IPO to
Ownership structure: The shares sold in the create a liquid market, the number of new shares
IPO are designated as primary shares, which are in the IPO should be large enough to provide 3
new shares, and secondary shares, which were sufficient liquidity, but small enough so that the
previously owned by existing stockholders, usually issuing firm does not raise more cash than it can
the founders and managers of thefirm.The size of profitably use.
the new issue relative to the existing shares and Mechanisms for pricing IPOs: IPOs may be
their distribution change the ownership structure. priced through auctions,fixed-priceoffers, or book-
The IPO often results in moving from management building. In auctions, the market-clearing price is
byfirmfounders toward professional management determined after bids are submitted. In a fixed-
of the firm. The IPO generally occurs when the price offer, the price is set prior to the allocation.
founder's entrepreneurial activities are coming to If there is excess demand, shares are rationed on
an end, but often he or she will play a role in the a pro rata or lottery basis. In book-building, the
future of the company. investment bankers canvas potential buyers and
Lockup provisions: When going public, IPOs then set an offer price. Book-building is now the
almost always commit to a lockup period, whereby predominant mechanism by which IPO shares are
insiders (major stockholders, directors, and senior sold around the world.

An Angel in England
Anita Roddick started her own business, The Body Shop, creating and selling beauty products.
Roddick was keen to open a second shop in Chichester, but the bank turned down her request
for a loan. In desperation, Roddick asked her friend Aidre, who was helping to manage the first
store, for help. Aidre had a boyfriend named Ian Bentham McGlinn, who had some spare cash from
operating a local garage. Scottish born McGlinn offered Roddick £4,000 in 1976 in return for 50%
equity in the business. Anita accepted the offer but wrote to her husband Gordon (who was on a
two-year hike in South America) to inform him of the offer. Gordon wrote back suggesting that she
"not do it, not give away half the company," but it was too late.
With his equity investment, McGlinn became a business angel and sat on the board of The
Body Shop, resigning just before it was floated on the stock market in 1984. At the time of the
flotation McGlinn was worth £4 million, but he avoided the press by taking a holiday in Portugal. By
1991, McGlinn's 52 million shares were worth £150 million, though his dividends were worth only
£638,000 annually. The Roddicks and McGlinn together owned 56% of The Body Shop, preventing
a takeover. In 1996, McGlinn sold 3.5% of the business for £12 million. When L'Oreal took over
The Body Shop in 2006, McGlinn's 22% stake was worth £137 million. As of 2007, Ian McGlinn was
ranked no. 28 on the Sunday Times Rich List, with an estimated worth of £146 million.

Financing and Raising Capital

When approaching venture capitalists, entrepreneurs must remember that VCs are inundated with
potential business opportunities. It is therefore advisable to keep the following in mind.
•M Do
Prepare all your materials before soliciting firms.
Send a business plan and a covering letter first.
Contact several firms with this material.
Keep phone conversations brief—prepare a one-minute and a three-minute pitch.

I Remain positive and enthusiastic about your company and its product or service.
Know your minimum deal and walk away if necessary.
Negotiate a deal you can live with.
Investigate the venture capitalist's previous deals and current portfolio structure.

Don't expect a response.
Don't dodge questions.
Don't give vague answers. Know what you can and cannot disclose before you start talking, so
that you do not stumble over awkward questions.
Don't switch off—be an active listener as you will always learn something.
Don't hide significant problems.
Don't expect immediate decisions.
Don't become fixated on pricing.
Don't embellish facts or projections.

When considering an IPO, managers should ask the following questions:

• Can the company run without you while you are managing the IPO process? The work leading up
to a public offering is time-intensive and can deflect your focus away from everyday operations,
ultimately hurting the business. If the company lacks a strong management team, it can be
helpful to appoint an interim CFO with experience of taking companies, preferably small, through
the rigors of going public.
• Can you get to a market capitalization of $100 million within three years of going public? The
value of a public company is a multiple of what it earns. If the result isn't near $100 million,
staying private may be best. This number is a good indicator because it is the level of earnings
at which the company can attract brokers and investors.
• Are you building a company with high gross and operating margins? High margins are important
because they keep companies out of the volume game. For a company to reach critical mass in
earnings with low margins, it must generate enormous sales growth.
• Can your business deliver double-digit sales and earnings growth? The competition among public
companies, mutual funds, and other investment networks is fierce. Investors won't look twice at
a company that doesn't grow fast enough to warrant the use of their time and money.
• Are you building a family business? If the succession plan for the business is set in stone to
be passed on to the kids, public may not be the right route. Families measure the success of
a business generation by generation. Money movers are interested in the quarter-to-quarter
• Can the business be built inexpensively? The main reason companies go public is to raise initial
funds for major growth. As a result, sales and growth need to reflect the use of the first round
of financing. If another round of financing is needed to achieve the original plan, investors may
look elsewhere.

Understanding Equity Capital in SMEs

Prospectus: If a company is raising capital company, its capital structure, a description of any
by offering its shares to the public for the first material contracts, a description of the securities
time, it will issue a disclosure document called a that are being registered, the salaries of major
prospectus. The prospectus is a formal written officers and directors and the price paid for any
offer to sell shares and provides an investor security holdings they may have, underwriting
with the information necessary to make an arrangements, an estimate of and planned use for
informed decision. All negative information must the net proceeds to be raised, audited financial
be clearly highlighted and explained. Some of statements, and information about the competition
the specific detailed information that must be with an estimate of the probabOity that the firm
presented includes: the history and nature of the will survive.

Cendrowski, Harry, James P. Martin, Louis W. Petro, and Adam A. Wadecki. Private Equity: History,
Governance, and Operations. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2008.
Gadiesh, Orit, and Hugh MacArthur. Lessons from Private Equity Any Company Can Use.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business School Press, 2008.
Terjesen, Siri, and Howard Frederick. Sources of Funding for Australia's Entrepreneurs. Raleigh,
NC: Lulu, 2007.
Bygrave, William D., with Stephen A. Hunt. "Global entrepreneurship monitor 2004 financing
report." Babson College and London Business School, 2005.
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) data:
US Small Business Administration on equity financing:


IPOs in Emerging Markets W
by Janusz Brzeszczynski
• IPO activity in emerging markets depends strongly on the macroeconomic environment,
business cycles, and stock market phases.
• The number of IPOs increases during bull markets and decreases during bear markets.
• Companies launching IPOs during bull markets can count on raising more capital than if they go
public in a bear market.
• There is usually a time lag of about a year between changes in stock market index returns and
the subsequently observed IPO activity.

An initial public offering (IPO) is the sale of a
of the firm's financial situation rather difficult.
Moreover, the majority of IPOs are companies
company's shares to the public for the first time, that are experiencing a transitory growth stage. 3
leading to a stock exchange listing. This process is This creates even more uncertainty about their
known also as a public offering, or "going public." value in the future. Last but not least, the stock
The main reason for IPOs is the need for fresh market before and after an IPO may behave in
capital to finance various business activities, such an erratic way and exhibit high volatility, which
as the development of new products or expansion in a short period of time may lead to either
into new markets. Most IPOs are launched by unexpected profits or unexpected losses.
relatively small but dynamic companies, which
grow too fast to be financed only in traditional INITIAL PUBLIC OFFERINGS
ways such as by bank loans. Nevertheless, many The main advantage of an IPO is that the
big privately owned companies also decide to company is not obliged to return the capital
become publicly traded. raised from the investors. The downside is that
Decisions about an IPO are predominantly new stockholders are entitled to a share of future
based on the actual capital requirements and profits (usually in the form of a dividend). The
the expansion plans of the management, but the stockholdings of the existing owners will be
timing of the IPO is very strongly determined diluted in the new ownership structure, and in
by the current macroeconomic environment, many cases they may even lose control over the
company. However, they expect their shares to
business cycles, and stock market phases.
become more valuable after the IPO, when the
IPOs are considered to be risky for both the company should be able to generate higher profits
issuers and the investors. The issuers may from the capital raised in the IPO process.
miscalculate the value of the company and In an IPO the issuers are usually assisted by
choose the wrong time to go public. In this underwriting firms, such as investment banks,
event, the amount of capital raised from the which help to decide on the best offer price and
IPO will be less than expected, and control of the timing of the offer. They also deal with the
the company may be lost by diluting the shares legal aspects of the entire process. Furthermore,
of previous stockholders in the new ownership the underwriter approaches investors with offers
structure after the IPO. However, when an IPO to sell the shares of the IPO company.
is successful, a company can raise more capital The sale of shares in an IPO may take place
than anticipated, and the original stockholders using different methods. These are: Dutch
may still be able to control the company.
As for the risks faced by the investors, first,
auction, firm commitment, best efforts, bought
deal, or self distribution of stock. When the IPO o
they may make errors in assessing the company is successful and the underwriters sell the shares,
value, and second, it is very difficult to predict how they are rewarded by a commission calculated as
the share price will behave once the company is a certain percentage of the value of the shares
listed on the stock exchange. Investors normally issued and sold.
have access only to limited historical data,
which makes the valuation and the appraisal
The number of new IPOs in any market always
depends on business cycles. One of the best

Financing and Raising Capital

examples is the dot-com bubble in the United jumping." An advertisement published by the
States during the 1990s, when share prices were underwriters giving information about the
rising sharply and many young companies from details of an IPO is called a "tombstone." The
cti the high-tech sector were seeking capital through first recommendation issued by an underwriter
u IPOs. After the companies were listed on the for an IPO is known as the "booster shot." Its aim
stock market, their share prices skyrocketed— is to promote the new shares of the IPO company
CO and continued to do so until the bubble burst. and to increase the chance of its successful sale
The value of the IPO of a company is usually to the public. The underwriters cannot, however,
relatively high in comparison to alternative promote the IPO during the "quiet period,"
methods of financing such as bank loans. which is the period of time following the filing
c The largest IPOs in history so far have been: with the securities commission and before the

I Industrial & Commercial Bank of China ($21.6

billion) in 2006; NTT Mobile Communications
registration statement. The term "quiet period"
refers also to a certain number of days after an

CO ($18.4 billion) in 1998; Visa Inc. ($17.9 billion) IPO is listed on the stock market, during which
in 2008; and AT&T Wireless ($10.6 billion) in the company and those underwriters directly
2000. engaged in the IPO are not allowed to issue any
financial forecasts or recommendations for the
Pricing of Public Offers company concerned.
In order to sell a large number of new shares and
raise significant amounts of capital, an IPO has IPOs in Emerging Markets
to offer investors a strong incentive to buy. That In many emerging markets the term "going
is why most IPOs tend to be underpriced. On public" may seem confusing. In countries that
one hand, a consequence of this is that investors did not have free-market economies in the past,
who buy the shares at the offering price can earn and where government ownership was dominant
substantial returns, and this tends to happen over private ownership, most companies that
over a relatively short period of time. On the launched IPOs were in fact privatized, because
other hand, when an IPO is severely underpriced they were sold by the government to private
the result may be what is known as "money investors through the stock market. Hence,
left on the table." This term is used to describe they were in fact going private rather than going
the situation when the company experiences public.
a relative loss of capital, i.e. the loss of money A problem in emerging market financial
that could have been raised from the market in systems is that many small, young private firms
an IPO if the shares had been offered and sold at that have good investment opportunities can
a higher price. show little evidence of past business and financial
If the shares are overpriced, the underwriters performance. They therefore face serious
may not be able to sell all of them. They then problems when they want to attract external
face the problem of acquiring the shares finance for new ventures. This is because in these
themselves—which is even more troublesome countries either firm financing is intermediated
when the current market price is lower than the or the capital markets are underdeveloped.
issuing price. Furthermore, in many emerging markets the
The public offering price (POP) is the price legal and regulatory environment is rather weak,
at which IPOs are offered to the public by an and financial intermediaries tend to give priority
underwriter. Several factors affect this price, to large companies that have a relevant track
including data about a company's financial record and own a certain value of physical assets
situation (past, current, and forecasted), which can be used as collateral for loans. There is
macroeconomic conditions and stock market also a danger that intermediaries may favor firms
trends (current and predicted), as well as controlled by politicians. In emerging markets,
information about investor confidence. the development of public equity markets has
A preliminary registration statement filed been found to be beneficial for the financial
with the securities commission, which describes systems. It is believed that public capital markets
z a new IPO, is called a "red herring." It does not are more immune to the influence of politicians

include the price or issue size and it may be and other lobbying groups.
updated many times before it becomes the final The development of capital markets in
prospectus. The process of soliciting orders to emerging market countries, combined with
buy an IPO before its registration is approved their dynamic macroeconomic growth in recent
by the securities commission is known as "gun years, has triggered IPO activity on their stock

IPOs in Emerging Markets

exchanges. However, it is worth distinguishing become public in emerging markets and launch
between the various sources of capital that an IPO are easier access to capital in the future,
are being invested in IPOs. In many emerging increased liquidity of their shares, and, last but
markets the limited availability of capital has not least, visibility and prestige when they are
been a major problem. Even though the economic listed on the stock market.
growth of emerging countries in recent years p
The number of IPOs in emerging markets is
has helped in the accumulation of capital from variable overtime and depends on many keyfactors,
domestic sources, much of the capital invested among which the macroeconomic environment
in IPOs has its origin in developed countries. An and the rate of growth of the economy are the

important role here is played by venture capital dominant ones. There is evidence to show that IPO
companies, which often use an IPO as their exit activity in emerging markets is related to phases
strategy. However, the activity of venture capital of the stock market, which in turn are connected
funds may differ from country to country—it to business cycles. Bull and bear market periods
is, for example, traditionally higher in Asian always depend on the macroeconomic indicators
markets and lower in the emerging market and the prospects of economic growth.
countries in Europe. %
Macroeconomic activity also affects the
A typical IPO process in an emerging market degree of underpricing of IPOs. Although this to
starts when a company enters a high growth effect tends to be more significant in emerging
phase and the management decides that there market countries than in developed economies,
is a momentum in the firm's life during which it is in fact always time-varying in its nature,
a relatively large amount of new capital can be and depends periodically on macroeconomic
raised for further expansion. It is then that the conditions. Nevertheless, there are cases in
shares can be sold via an IPO at prices that which the underpricing was so severe that the
result in high multiples of the most commonly share price on the first day of listing reached a
used financial ratios, such as price/earnings level more than 100% higher than the offer price
ratio (P/E), or price/book value ratio (P/BV). in the IPO—in well-established markets the
Other typical reasons why companies decide to underpricing is typically below 20%.

Figure 1. New IPOs versus stock market returns in Poland in the period 1997-08.
{Source: Warsaw Stock Exchange and author's calculations. The data exclude the
NewConnect market segment)

90 • 100
New IPOs T

80" • 80 co
Returns ck -
70" • 60 3
60" L_

o 50"
• 40
4 0 ••
• 20
• 0 X
30 • <D
-20 -O
20 - C_

10- -40 ^
60 O
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 " £

Financing and Raising Capital

jj IPOs in the Emerging Market in Poland
2 Figure 1 shows the number of new IPOs and the main stock market index (WIG) returns for the
P^ Polish stock market over a period of 12 years from 1997 to 2008. An important feature of this
4-* graph is the one-year shift of new IPOs relative to the situation in the stock market, where the
y pattern of volatility of index returns clearly leads the IPO activity. The correlation coefficient
PQ between those two variables is only 0.0244 (2.44%) when IPOs and stock market index returns
• are analyzed simultaneously, but increases to as high as 0.5683 (56.83%) when the WIG returns
"H are lagged by one year.
4) Following the period 2 0 0 3 - 2 0 0 6 , during which the WIG index increased at an annual rate of

nearly 4 0 % , in 2007 the number of new IPOs jumped to 8 1 from an annual average of less than

seven in 2001-2003 and 33 in 2004-2006. When global stock markets collapsed in 2007 and
<U continued to seek new bottoms in 2008 (events that were reflected in the returns of the Polish
£ market index WIG), the number of new IPOs in 2008 fell more than fourfold to less than 20 from
•H the peak of just over 80 the year before.
£> This finding shows that decisions about IPOs are strictly dependent on stock market phases
*S and that IPOs tend to increase when share prices are rising and to decrease when they fall. The
QN relationship is not simultaneous, with some lagged effect being observed that may be linked to the
M length of time decision-makers need to assess the profitability of a new IPO, given the financial
environment and predictions of how much capital can be raised from the stock market at current

The number of IPOs in emerging markets and index and decisions to launch new IPOs.
the profitability of the public offers are related The correct timing of an IPO is very important
to macroeconomic conditions (both global and for a company that plans a public offering. An
local), business cycles, and stock market activity. IPO may raise different amounts of capital from
In most emerging market countries there is a investors depending on whether stock markets
time lag between movements of the stock market are in a bull or a bear phase.

• Emerging markets are not immune to trends in global financial markets. Hence, it is important
for company executives who plan IPOs in these countries to have a good understanding of the
global macroeconomic environment and of the financial linkages with developed countries.
• There are research institutes that sell forecasts of future macroeconomic trends and predictions
of stock market performance. Forecasts of the world economy are also offered by such
institutions as the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the United Nations, as well
as by central banks and the finance ministries of individual countries.
• Any decision to launch an IPO should be very carefully analyzed using not only past financial
data for the company, but also macroeconomic forecasts. These may provide valuable
information about future economic growth, which is likely to impact stock market activity and
share prices directly.
pj • Timing an IPO correctly may lead to substantial gains if the IPO shares sell at a high price. Poor
Q^) timing may result in the loss of capital if stock market prices are too low.
IPOs in Emerging Markets

Articles: •"+
Beck, Thorsten, Asli Demirgug-Kunt, and Vojislav Maksimovic. "Financial and legal constraints to JJ
firm growth: Does firm size matter?" Journal of Finance 60:1 (February 2005): 137-177. Online p
at: 10.1111/J.1540-6261.2005.00727.X Q,
La Porta, Rafael, Florencio Lopez-de-Silanes, and Guillermo Zamarippa. "Related lending." rt*
Quarterly Journal of Economics 118:1 (February 2003): 231-268. Online at: &
Rajan, Raghuram G., and Luigi Zingales. "The great reversals: The politics of financial development w
in the 20th century." Journal of Financial Economics 69:1 (July 2003): 5-50. Online at: "gj
Shleifer, Andrei, Rafael La Porta, Florencio Lopez-de-Silanes, and Robert W. Vishny. "Legal
determinants of external finance." Journal of Finance 52:3 (July 1997): 1131-1150. Online at: £j 11724 <J

International Monetary Fund (IMF):
United Nations: £D
World Bank: £+

Managing Activist Investors and Fund w
Managers by Leslie L. Kossoff en


• Organizations not previously of interest to activist investors or hedge funds should prepare to be n
• Be proactive in understanding why investors become agitators, and address their concerns W
before they escalate.
• Organizational governance—particularly the combined chairman/CEO position—and financial •8
management will be the easiest targets for activists.
• Activists often succeed because they communicate better than management—particularly to
tagalong investors who become part of the proxy fight.
• Unlocking stockholder value and simultaneously developing and executing on a long-term
strategy will give activists less reason to agitate and less success with tagalongs; executive en
management will then have a less volatile financial landscape within which to work.
INTRODUCTION with what has happened in the past, they're also
Whether or not your organization has been a not happy about what they see coming next.
target in the past for activist investors and fund For management, that is a wake-up call in the
managers, you have to plan on it becoming a fact best possible way. It puts the onus on you to look
of life from now on—things have changed. at those components of your business that might
It used to be that only a few organizations were lead investors to become activist—and take action
hit by activist investor activity. From the almost accordingly. Because if they're seeing something
prophetic, and beautifully constructed, Benjamin they don't like, either they need to understand
Graham move on Northern Pipeline in 1951, to why it is the right thing for the business to do, or
Carl Icahn's dramatic moves on Yahoo! during the you need to take a different, objective, look at what
"Microhoo" (Microsoft-Yahoo!) debacle of 2008, they're not liking so that you can determine the
activist investors were a rarity—something other relative merit of what they see.
organizations had to deal with. A problem for the Also, by looking at the organization the way
really Big Boys. Not everyone else. Not you. the activists do, you will see other weaknesses—in
Not any longer. everything from your strategy, to your operations,
Whether or not you have any known activist to your financial management—that might be the
investors currently rearing their heads, you'll next focus of their attention. You don't want that;
have to plan for when they show up—because you want to make thefixbefore they ever have the
they will. If you work it right, proactively, as well chance to raise their voices.
as when the activism hits, you'll manage your way
through those very choppy waters and find a safe TOO GOOD AN OPPORTUNITY TO MISS
haven at the end. And then there are those activist investors who get
in because they see something that your company
WHY INVESTORS BECOME ACTIVIST has to offer that is just too good an opportunity to
Historically, the reason that most activist investors miss. It may be because they have a history of being
became active was because they saw something activist and simply see a new opportunity on which
wrong with the way things were being managed. to bring their activist skills and financial acumen
The value ofthe company was not fully represented to bear. Or it may be because your company is
in the share value. Management was taking the such a good target for some other opportunity
organization in a direction—usually with a direct
correlation to falling share value or dividends—
which you're not considering (like M&A) that they
want to get in and make fast money. Whatever the o
that was making the investors unhappy. reason, they'll find a way.
But those reasons are historical, and they were Activist investors have a profile. They are
retrospective. One of the big changes is that now identifiable, as is their methodology. Part of that
investors become activists proactively. They see methodology is to get others who own shares in
things on the horizon that they don't like, and they
act accordingly. Not only may they not be happy
your company to tag along. In most cases, they
can't pull off what they want on their own. They

Financing and Raising Capital

need proxy votes. That being the case, they're Then, if you've done your homework and
making a case to their counterparts that you figured out where your exposure lies, you'll
have to counter in its entirety. be able to address those problems before the
Activist investors identify where your activists can take the initiative. You will also be
u organization is exposed. That's where their in a stronger position to tell all your investors—
opportunities lie. Then, once they've got a handle especially those proxy candidates—exactly what
CO on where, from their perspective, you're going you're doing, and why the management is on
wrong, their next move is to start communicating top of the problems and opportunities that
that shortfall to others they can bring on board. everything from economic conditions to global
They create the tagalongs. Tagalongs start out competition are throwing your way.
C knowing nothing more than what they are told. Activists can't win if management is doing its

s Many of them, on seeing where the activists

are going, will become involved in finding out
information for themselves—but those tend to
job—and well.


be the larger investors who already have analysts There are some problems which organizations
working your organization or your sector anyway. create for themselves that are easy pickings for
If the activists can get enough small investors the activists—and provide some of the highest
involved and on side, they'll win. exposure for management. Now and going
On your side is that if you can identify those forward, corporate governance is the easiest
activist investors and fund managers with large target that activist investors will be able to find.
stockholdings in your firm, you will be able, with Since the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, the
a high sense of assurance, to begin figuring out question of whether the same person can be
what their strategy will be. Track their track both chairman and chief executive officer, and
record. still ensure that the organization is safe for its

It was bad enough for Yahoo! when Microsoft decided to make an unsolicited offer for its takeover.
Initially offering $31 per share—a 62% premium over the then share price—Microsoft had decided
to expand its internet presence through a big acquisition. This was even though Microsoft, at
number three in the search engine business, with Yahoo! in second place, had little or no chance of
coming close to the big beast, Google, for the advertising revenues that were there to be had.
When Carl Icahn decided to get into the fray, however, all the rules changed. Buying 5% of
Yahoo!, Icahn started actively lobbying for the so-called Microhoo (or Micro-Hoo) deal to go
through. He wanted those premiums—especially when Microsoft upped its offer price to $33 per
But Jerry Yang, Yahool's chief executive, and Roy Bostock, its nonexecutive chairman, didn't
want to sell—at least not at that price. They had other plans, with and without Google. As a result
a three-way fight started, but after a while it wasn't altogether clear who was on whose side-
especially because so much of the fight was conducted using the business media.
The proxy fight was about to begin. Icahn was fighting to remove all the current members of
Yahool's board, including Yang, and to replace them with a new set chosen by him. But at that
point Microsoft decided that neither was it willing to pay the price Yahoo! was asking, nor was it
comfortable doing a deal with Icahn tacitly setting the terms. The fight to create Microhoo was
over before it began.
That was in 2008.
For Icahn, holding 5% and looking for a way to ensure his shares would gain value in the future,
he had to create an alternate win and he did so. His initial demands and wins were changes to
u the board of directors and a new CEO. The Yahoo! board expanded from 10 seats to 11, with one
current board member stepping down, and three new board members—one of which was to be
Icahn, the other two selected from his list of alternates to be added. Carol Bartz became CEO in
2009 and one of her first deals was an alliance collaborating on Microsoft's search engine, Bing.
$ On the face of it, Icahn was right. The Microsoft deal was the best deal going. Now, the question

a is how long Icahn continues to support Bartz in her new strategic direction for the company.

Managing Activist Investors and Fund Managers

stockholders, is—and will continue to be—the AVOIDING THE ACTIVISTS' GLARE

easiest target of all. It doesn't matter in which A clear-cut corporate strategy for addressing w
country the organization is headquartered. All stockholder concerns will do more to avoid the
that matters is that it is publicly traded and that possibility of successful activism than anything
stockholders should not fear that having the else.
same person in the two roles, with their different
responsibilities, is creating an increase in risk.
Activist investors and fund managers are
First, the stockholders need to see, on an
ongoing basis, that the company is dedicated to a
unlocking stockholder value; that it is committed
looking for situations where the board is
to finding new ways to make their investment pay
perceived as being entrenched. Unfortunately, W
even if having the same person as your chairman off for them—now and in the future.
and CEO is the best thing that's happened to That is achieved by ensuring that the long- C
your organization in years, from an outside term strategic objectives that are set are not only
perspective it looks like cronyism on the board. well communicated, but are also fully executed
This is a situation that many will associate with to the stockholders' satisfaction. By setting
lack of transparency and with untrustworthy and and delivering on those long-term objectives, <

inadequately considered decisions. executive management can build long-term
That puts the onus on the chief executive and investor trust and commitment, leading to a much
the board, in toto, to ensure that stockholders less volatile financial landscape for the companies
see a level of transparency in governance that operations. 3
goes beyond what existed before. Transparency And, finally, it's all about communication.
of voting structures—and even a periodic, Activists become activists—particularly the
situational decision to rescue him or herself successful ones—by doing a better job of getting
by the chairman/chief executive—will go far their message across to stockholders than corporate
to calm what could otherwise give rise to very management does. By working diligently to ensure
contentious criticisms of the board and how the that stockholders not only have the information
company is managed at the top.
they need, but never feel that anything is being
Issues surrounding everything from withheld from them, the chances of activists getting
operational decisions to, most particularly, involved and their capability to bring in others can
executive compensation and bonuses will also
be severely reduced.
be fodder for the activists, both now and in the
future. The tolerance for perceived cronyism and Ultimately it's all about good management,
mismanagement is lower than ever—and is likely and about thinking like an activist before they can
to stay that way. make their arguments stick. By being proactive
In effect, just as politicians have to deal and objective about the company—and then
with a 24-hour news cycle, so too do corporate doing the right things—you'll stop the activists
executives. There is no rest and no hiding from getting a toehold. More importantly, they'll have
activists once they decide they want to engage. no reason to try to do so.

• Before the activists get the chance, take an objective look at where the business is exposed, and
then take action to correct those deficiencies.
• Identify activist investors who already own shares in the company, then research how, and on
what particular issues, they have agitated in the past.
• Be proactive in taking steps to address the activists' issues—from leveraging, to corporate
governance, management structure, strategy execution, and more—to reduce the activists'
opportunities to act. o
• Recognize that activism is now future-oriented—not just retrospective and based on the board's h-H
previous decisions. Make sure that forward planning and the ability to execute and deliver are
• Message well and continuously to your stockholders, so that it is the company's message that
gets the most traction—not that of the activists.

Financing and Raising Capital

§ Books:
Ctf Burke, Edmund M. Managing a Company in an Activist World: The Leadership Challenge of
£* Corporate Citizenship. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2 0 0 5 .
^ Schroeder, Alice. The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life. L o n d o n : Bloomsbury,
«> 2008.
PQ Articles:
• Greenwood, Robin, and Michael Schor, "When (not) to listen to activist investors." Harvard
"B Business Review 86:1 (2008). Online at:
4) Levin, Timothy W., and Phillip T. Masterson. "Implications of hedge funds as activist investors: No
2 longer flying under the radar." Investment Lawyer 13:10 (October 2006): 19-26.
W Websites:
2; The Icahn Report:
0 Investopedia:


Acquiring a Secondary Listing, w
or Cross-Listing by Meziane Lasfer it

• Over the last three decades an increasing number of companies have sourced their equity capital
in foreign countries by listing their stock abroad.
• This strategy of parallel listing on both domestic and foreign stock exchanges, referred to as
"cross-listing," is used by companies from both developed and emerging markets.
• In 2008, for example, 121 companies from BRIC countries (Brazil (7), Russia (24), India (24),
and China (66)) were listed on the London Stock Exchange Alternative Investment Market (LSE-
AIM), an equivalent to NASDAQ in the United States.
• Although the major stock markets for cross-listing are in the United States (NYSE and NASDAQ)
and London (LSE and LSE-AIM), with a 43% market share in 2007, firms are also likely to cross-
list in other markets of the world, such as the Singapore, Euronext, Hong Kong, and Mexico
stock exchanges.
• According to the Bank of New York Mellon, during the first half of 2008 more than $2.4 trillion of
depository receipts (DRs) traded on US and non-US markets and exchanges, up 85% from the 3
previous year.

INTRODUCTION keeps foreign and local prices of any given share

Cross-listing is controversial and raises a the same after adjustment for transfer costs.
number of academic and practitioner questions, DRs can be exchanged for the underlying foreign
particularly: Why and how does a firm cross-list, shares, and vice versa.
and does cross-listing create additional value
for existing stockholders? The purpose of this CLASSIFICATIONS OF DEPOSITORY
article is to discuss the institutional framework RECEIPTS
of cross-listing, the classification of depository There are a number of classifications of
receipts (DRs), the types of DR available in depository receipts, two of which are:
the United States, the reasons why companies • Trading location: Global depositary receipts
list abroad (by contrasting the advantages and (GDRs) are certificates traded outside the
disadvantages of raising equity capital in foreign United States; American depositary receipts
(ADRs) are certificates traded in the United
markets), and the cross-listing process.
States and denominated in US dollars.
INSTITUTIONAL BACKGROUND • Sponsorship: A sponsored ADR is created at
the request of a foreign firm that wants its
Companies cross-list by issuing depository
shares to be traded in the United States. In
receipts. These are certificates that are first
this case, the firm applies to the Securities
issued by the company to a bank in a foreign
and Exchange Commission (SEC) and to a
country, which in turn issues the certificates US bank for registration and issuance. In
to investors in that country. Indirectly, DRs contrast, an unsponsored ADR occurs when
represent ownership of home market shares in a US security firm initiates the creation of an
the overseas corporation. The underlying shares ADR. Such an ADR would be unsponsored,
remain in custody in the home country, and DRs but the SEC still requires all new ADRs to be
effectively convey ownership of those shares. approved by the firm itself.
DRs are quoted and normally pay dividends in
the foreign country's currency (for example, US TYPES OF LISTING
dollars or euros). DRs can be established either
for existing shares that are already trading, or
In the United States there are four types of
depositary receipt: Levels l and 2 apply to cases
as part of a global offering of new shares. Each where the DR is created using existing equity; I—H

DR normally represents some multiple of the Levels 3 and 4 apply to cases where new equity is
underlying share. This multiple allows the DR to issued, such as an initial public offering (IPO).
possess a price per share that is appropriate for Level 1 is the least costly, as the DRs are
the foreign market, and the arbitrage normally traded over the counter in the United States, o

Financing and Raising Capital

in the pink sheet market. There is little main rounds, where the firm receives comments
o additional disclosure requirement, apart from from the UK Listing Authority (UKLA) in about
the translation of the home country's financial two weeks. Furthermore, since July 2005, the
statements into English. On average, about 56% UKLA no longer requires 25% of GDR issues to
u of the approximately 1,500 DR programs are be distributed to European investors.
+>» classified as Level 1. As an alternative to depository receipts,
CO Level 2 is relatively more costly. The DRs companies can have "Euroequity public issue."
PQ are traded on the NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX Under this method, instead of listing a share on
exchanges, with greater cost as the initial fee can the home market and then cross-listing, shares
exceed US$1 million. A cross-listed firm must are issued simultaneously in multiple markets.
also reconcile to US GAAP, report quarterly, and The term Euroequity has nothing to do with

l meet the listing requirements of the US exchange

on which it trades.
Europe per se. Euroequity public issue simply
refers to equity issues that are sold globally. Often

CO Level 3 is similar to Level 2 for existing quoted these are used for very large equity issues, and
companies, except that it applies to IPOs; the different tranches are sold in different markets.
firm raises new equity capital in a public offering
A company must meet full SEC disclosure In general, companies cross-list when the size
requirements, comply with US GAAP, report of their financial needs exceeds their domestic
quarterly, and meet the listing requirements of market capacity. There is a limited liquidity in
the exchange. the domestic market, and the price of stock may
Level 4, now referred to as 144A, applies to be more attractive in a foreign market, especially
firms that raise new equity capital through if there is market segmentation and DRs offer
a private placement. The securities are not diversification benefits to investors. The existing
registered for sale to the public; rather, investors domestic investors also benefit, since cross-
follow a buy and hold strategy. Firms that use this listing is likely to mitigate the agency conflicts
method are exempt from disclosure requirements with their managers. A company becomes more
of a new equity issue in the United States, such visible internationally, and the share prices
as the SEC disclosure and the US GAAP. In April are likely to be more efficient (known as price
1990 the SEC approved Rule 144A, which permits discovery), because trading happens in two
qualified institutional buyers to trade privately or more markets and more financial analysts
placed securities without SEC registration. follow the cross-listing. However, some costs
These securities are traded on a screen-based make cross-listing less attractive. This section
automated trading system known as PORTAL, provides a summary of the benefits and costs of
established to create a liquid secondary market cross-listing.
for those private placements.
In other countries, the requirements depend Benefits of Cross-Listing
mainly on the type of markets in which the The most widely cited benefit is the reduction in
company is going to be cross-listed. For example, the cost of capital. Cross-listing is likely to reduce
requirements to list on the London Stock the cost of capital, because in close domestic
Exchange Official List are more extensive than markets the efficient frontier is determined only
those for the Alternative Investment Market. by the set of domestic assets. Therefore, the equity
The choice between listing in the United cost of capital depends on the risk premium of
States (ADR) and in other markets through the domestic market portfolio. However, if the
GDR depends on a number of factors. In firm is cross-listed it can reach foreign investors
particular, companies are likely to prefer listing who will be able to invest in both foreign and
in the United States through ADRs only if their domestic firms, and the market risk premium
objective has a powerful appeal to US retail will be lower because the level of diversification
investors and they are able to cover the significant that investors can attain in an open capital
cost of Sarbanes-Oxley compliance and major market is far greater. As a result, a cross-listed
exposure to liability for management and board firm's cost of capital will be lower. Karolyi (1998)
of directors. ADRs are also useful if they can reports that the cost of capital of UK cross-listed
benefit by selling new shares at a premium. firms in the United States decreases by 2.64%,
from 15.56% before to 12.91% after cross-listing.
Cross-listing through GDR may be cheaper and
M The market reaction is also positive when the
quicker, and could achieve the same purpose
firm announces the decision to list abroad.
with fewer downsides. For example, cross-listing
However, it is not clear whether the market
in the London Stock Exchange involves two

Acquiring a Secondary Listing, or Cross-Listing

reacts positively because of the decrease in the regulation and corporate governance codes
cost of capital or whether it is driven by one or of their home country as well as the foreign w
more of the additional benefits of cross-listing. market. en
These are:
• Improved liquidity of existing shares and Costs of Cross-Listing
broadening of the stockholder base, with, as a The positive market reaction to cross-listing
result, a reduced probability of takeovers. could also reflect the trade-off between the
• Establishment of a secondary market for benefits of cross-listing discussed above and
shares used in acquisitions. some potential costs, namely disclosure costs.
• An increase in the firm's visibility and political In cross-listing and selling equity abroad, a firm
acceptability to its customers, suppliers,
creditors, and host governments.
• Creation of a secondary market for shares that
faces two barriers: an increased commitment to
full disclosure and a continuing investor relations
program. Non-US firms must think twice before
can be used to compensate local management cross-listing in the United States. Not only can M
and employees in a foreign subsidiary. the disclosure requirements be onerous, but
• The recently developed bonding hypothesis, timely quarterly information is also required by o
which suggests that managers will adhere to US regulators and investors. Costs are likely to
stricter regulatory regimes when their firm be higher for firms that have been accustomed to
is cross-listed, because they will face the revealing far less information.

Over the last few years, an increasing number of firms have listed their shares in foreign markets.
The decision to cross-list is strategic and involves the following issues:
• Where to cross-list: Companies can go to the United States and issue American depository
receipts (ADRs), or to other non-US stock exchanges by issuing global depository receipts
• The choice of a particular market depends on a number of factors. In particular, the firm needs
to know whether its stock is attractive to US investors, and whether it can comply with all the
requirements of listing, including stronger information disclosure, before it issues ADRs.
• A firm also needs to understand the reasons for cross-listing before issuing depository receipts.
The most fundamental is often financing needs, and the inability of the firm to cover this from
the domestic market.
• In general, cross-listing leads to an increase in share prices on the announcement date. Such
market reactions are likely to be driven by a number of factors, including a reduction in the
cost of capital, a wider geographical range of stockholders, an increase in visibility and financial
analysts' coverage, and the adoption of stricter corporate governance codes.


Financing and Raising Capital


y Articles:
2 Baker, H. Kent, John R. Nofsinger, and Daniel G. Weaver. "International cross-listing and visibility."
OH Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 37:3 (September 2002): 4 9 5 - 5 2 1 . Online at:
U Coffee, John C , Jr. "Racing towards the top? The impact of cross-listings and stock market
PQ competition on international corporate governance." Columbia Law Review 102:7 (November
• 2002): 1757-1831.
pj Dobbs, Richard, and Marc H. Goedhart. "Why cross-listing shares doesn't create value." The
CL> McKinsey Quarterly (November 2008). Online at:
5 Doidge, Craig, G. Andrew Karoiyi, and Rene M. Stulz. "Why are foreign firms listed in the U.S.
to worth more?" Journal of Financial Economics 71:2 (February 2004): 205-238. Online at:
fj Doidge, Craig, G. Andrew Karoiyi, and Rene M. Stulz. "Has New York become less competitive
in global markets? Evaluating foreign listing choices over time." Working paper 2007-03-012,
£* Fisher College of Business, Ohio State University, 2007. Online at:
6 Karoiyi, G. Andrew. "Why do companies list their shares abroad? A survey of the evidence and its
W managerial implications." Financial Markets, Institutions and Instruments 7 : 1 (February 1998):
1-60. Online at:
Karoiyi, G. Andrew. "The world of cross-listing and cross-listings of the world: Challenging
conventional wisdom." Review of Finance 10:1 (January 2006): 9 9 - 1 5 2 . Online at:
Korczak, Adiana, and Meziane A. Lasfer. "Does cross listing mitigate insider trading?" Working
paper, Cass Business School, City University, London, 2009.
Leuz, Christian. "Cross listing, bonding and firms' reporting incentives: A discussion of Lang, Raedy
and Wilson (2006)." Journal of Accounting and Economics 4 2 : 1 - 2 (October 2006): 2 8 5 - 2 9 9 .
Online at:
Leuz, Christian. "Was the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 really this costly? A discussion of evidence
from event returns and going-private decisions." Journal of Accounting and Economics 4 4 : 1 - 2
(September 2007): 146-165. Online at:
Licht, A. N. "Cross-listing and corporate governance: Bonding or avoiding?" Chicago Journal of
International Law 4 (Spring 2003): 141-164. Online at:
Pagano, Marco, Ailsa A. Roell, and Josef Zechner. "The geography of equity listing: Why do
companies list abroad?" Journal of Finance 57:6 (December 2002): 2651-2694. Online at:
Sarkissian, Sergei, and Michael J. Schill. "The overseas listing decision: New evidence of proximity
preference." Review of Financial Studies 17:3 (Fall 2004): 769-810. Online at:
Bank of New York Mellon press releases 2008:
London Stock Exchange:
Open University learning module on cross-listing:

u US Securities and Exchange Commission:

The Cost of Going Public: Why IPOs Are w
Typically Underpriced by Lena Booth (ft

• The underpricing of initial public offerings (IPOs) is an indirect cost of going public that is
borne by the issuing firm. Its magnitude varies across IPOs with different issue characteristics,
allocation mechanisms, underwriter reputations, and general financial market conditions.
• Commonly used share allocation methods in IPOs are auction, fixed price, and book-building.
Book-building is the most popular method, and it allows smaller, less known companies to go •8
• IPOs are underpriced to signal issue quality, mitigate adverse selection problems, reward
investors for truthfully revealing information, lessen underwriters' potential legal liabilities, allow
underwriters to curry favor with their clients, promote ownership dispersion for liquidity and
control, and attract media attention/publicity.
• Issuing firms can attempt to reduce underpricing by engaging reputable underwriters and
auditors, having frequent disclosures, waiting until they possess desirable characteristics, and/or
using the auction method if they are of high quality.

INTRODUCTION offer price/proceeds than what they could have

When firms go public, they incur direct and got, money left on the table represents the
indirect costs associated with the initial wealth transfer from existing shareholders to
public offering (IPO) process. Direct costs are new shareholders.
fairly predictable—they include registration,
underwriting, and attorney and auditing fees. Money left on the table • (First-day closing price
The indirect cost, commonly known as IPO - Offer price) x Number of shares
underpricing, is one of the most perplexing
puzzles in finance. It is observed in almost On average, the amount of money left on the table
every financial market in the world and across is about twice the amount of direct underwriting
all procedures of share allocation. IPOs are, on fees, and for many IPO firms it can equal several
average, underpriced by 18-20% in the United years of operating profit.
States. During the hot issue period, underpricing Although most IPOs are underpriced, the level
was much higher, as many of the IPO firms did of underpricing varies across IPOs with different
not have strong financials or growth potential issue characteristics, allocation mechanisms,
and simply rode the wave to go public. In underwriter reputation, and general financial
countries where regulations and restrictions market conditions. For example, the level of
are imposed in the IPO market, underpricing is underpricing is reduced for larger IPOs, those
higher as well. underwritten by prestigious investment banks,
firms with a longer operating history or more
experienced insiders on the board, and those
WHAT IS IPO UNDERPRICING? which intend to use the proceeds to repay debt.
Underpricing refers to the price run up of the On the other hand, technology firms, firms
IPO on the first day of trading. It is also known as backed by venture capital, firms with negative
the initial return or first-day return of the IPO. earnings prior to the IPO, or firms that went
public during a bull market experience greater
First-day closing price - Offer price underpricing.
Offer price x 100%
The first-day closing price represents what the IPO underpricing happens regardless of whether
investors are willing to pay for the firm's shares. issuers use the auction, the fixed-price, or the
If the offer price is lower than the first-day book-building method to go public. In the
closing price, the IPO is said to be underpriced auction method, investors submit their desired
and money is left on the table for new investors.
Since existing shareholders settle for a lower
price and quantity bids. The offer price that will
allow the firm to sell all its shares is determined

Financing and Raising Capital

0) after bids are submitted, and hence incorporates IPOs if issues are not, on average, underpriced.
the demand for the shares. A maximum price In the book-building framework, the theory of
i is usually chosen as well, so that unrealistic
bids (bids well over the clearing price) can be
partial adjustment suggests that investment
banks only partially adjust IPO offer prices
u eliminated. This is done to prevent investors upward when they receive positive information
from placing very high bids to ensure that they about the value of the issue. They purposely
CO are allocated shares. Shares are then allocated, leave money on the table to reward investors
on a pro rata basis, to all the investors who placed who truthfully reveal their information about
bids between these two prices. In a uniform price the issue and threaten access to future deals for
auction, all the investors receiving shares will those that do not.
pay the same market clearing price. In the less Some studies suggest that investment banks

common discriminatory price auction, investors
pay the prices they bid for.
In a fixed-price offer, the issuer and the
underprice IPOs to protect their reputation.
When new issues are priced lower than they
should be, investment bankers reduce their legal
> underwriter jointly determine the offer price, and liability by lowering the chance of price declines.
(3 investors place orders for shares at this price. If There is also evidence that greater underpricing
the issue is oversubscribed, shares are either leads to more aftermarket trading volume, which
allocated through lottery or on a pro rata basis. increases the revenue of investment bankers
In the book-building method, the underwriter when they subsequently become the market-
promotes the IPO by disseminating information makers for these IPO firms. Investment bankers
about the issuing firm via road shows. They gather also benefit from underpricing because it allows
indications of interest by soliciting from potential them to curry favor with their clients in exchange
investors their desired prices and quantities for their loyalty and continued business. These
for the issue. The underwriter then uses this explanations do not make it clear why issuing
information to determine the final offer price. firms approve underpricing as it only benefits
Under this method the underwriter has complete the investment banks.
discretion on the allocation of new shares. There are explanations of underpricing that are
Of the three allocation mechanisms, evidence based on information production and ownership
has shown that IPOs under the auction method dispersion which will benefit the issuing firms.
show the lowest average underpricing. However, If issuing firms want to have a more dispersed
firms that choose the auction method sometimes ownership, they need to underprice their IPOs
fail to go public because bids for their shares are so that more investors will be induced to produce
insufficient. This problem is especially common information about the issue and subsequently
for smaller, less known companies, which buy the shares. Dispersed ownership increases
require substantial information production and liquidity and aftermarket trading, and also helps
dissemination by the underwriters. For these existing owners to retain control of their firms.
firms, the book-building method might be the These explanations predict a positive relationship
only option that will allow them to go public. It is between underpricing and aftermarket liquidity.
therefore not surprising to see the book-building However, there is also an explanation that
method, a method that is used predominantly in predicts an inverse relationship between these
the United States, gaining popularity around the two variables. When aftermarket trading for
world. an IPO is expected to be thin, investors face
higher aftermarket trading costs associated with
WHY ARE IPOS UNDERPRICED? asymmetric information; thus, they demand a
IPO underpricing continues to be a global higher level of underpricing to compensate them
phenomenon despite a vast amount of research for the liquidity risk.
that attempts to explain it. Theories based on It has also been argued that underpricing
information asymmetry suggest that high-quality is a substitute for marketing expenditure.
issuers deliberately underprice their IPOs to Hugely underpriced IPOs tend to receive a
u signal their quality to outside investors, hoping
that it will be too costly for low-quality issuers
disproportionate amount of media attention
and publicity. Research shows that an extra
Z to mimic. Underpricing also helps to overcome dollar left on the table reduces other marketing

adverse selection problems. Since uninformed expenditure by about the same amount. Higher
investors tend to get a higher allocation of underpricing also attracts more analyst coverage
overpriced shares, they will stop participating in post IPO.

The Cost of Going Public: Why IPOs Are Underpriced

The Google IPO en
Google, the world's most widely used search engine, filed for an IPO in April 2004. Founded in
1998 by Sergey Brin and Larry Page, Google grew rapidly in the internet space, due mainly to

its superior search technology. With a core business in selling search-based advertising, by 2004
Google had shown impressive sales growth and handsome profit margins. According to its filing,
Google generated US$961.9 million of revenue and US$106.5 million of net profit in 2003. It had o
been profitable since 2001.
Google decided to use the auction method to go public, a deviation from the book-building W
method that is primarily used in the United States. According to Brin and Page, an auction would
provide a fair process for all investors and help to determine the share price that reflected a •s
fair market valuation of Google. They believed that auction mitigates problems associated with
unreasonable speculation, which can result in boom-bust cycles that may hurt investors in the
long run. They also wanted their shares to be within reach for any investors, unlike book-built
IPOs, which are available only to those who have special relationships with the underwriters. The
lead underwriters of the Google IPO, Morgan Stanley and Credit Suisse First Boston, helped to
decide on a preliminary price range of US$108 to US$135 a share. That range was later revised to
US$85-95, and the number of shares offered was reduced after it became apparent that the IPO
wasn't as popular as expected.
Google successfully went public on August 19, 2004, at US$85 per share, selling 19.6 million
shares. The first-day closing price was US$100.34, resulting in an underpricing of 18.05% and
US$300.7 million left on the table. The underpricing of 18% was about average compared to other
US IPOs but low relative to other internet IPOs, especially those that went public during the bubble
period of 1999-2000. Google managed to go public using the auction method because it waited
six years until it was well established, became a household name, and had a record of positive
However, many industry watchers felt that Google did not fare well in its IPO because it
chose the auction method. It started as a hot IPO, yet had to reduce its filing price range due to
insufficient demand at the higher price range that was originally proposed. Some attributed the
low demand to lack of participation by institutional investors. Others claimed that Google was
sabotaged by investment bankers, who prevented their clients from bidding because it had chosen
a method that offered them little benefit. Could Google have got a higher offer price and larger
issue proceeds if it had used the book-building method? It is a question we cannot answer but
which will leave us wondering for a long time.

Underpricing comes at the expense of the original could help create sustainable interest in the
owners and venture capitalists of the issuing firm. firm's shares, thus keeping demand strong until
However, these insiders typically do not strongly they are ready to sell. Additionally, insiders are
oppose or even attempt to avoid it, because they so contented with their new-found wealth that
generally do not sell their shares until about six they do not mind leaving some money on the
months later, after the lockup period expires. table for new investors. Underpricing is simply
To them, underpricing creates excitement that viewed as an inevitable cost of going public.


Financing and Raising Capital

jj Although underpricing may be inevitable due to certain risk and liquidity constraints, there are
£j ways in which issuing firms can reduce it if they want to. Here are some suggestions:
(^ • Engage reputable underwriters and auditors: Prestigious underwriters use their reputation
+J capital to certify the value of the firm and reduce investor uncertainty about the value of the
^ issue, and that consequently lowers the level of underpricing. Reputable auditors are better
PQ able to certify the accuracy of the financials and reduce uncertainty as well. From a partial
• adjustment perspective, prestigious underwriters are expected to have more future deals to
r* compensate investors. They do not have to pre-commit a large underpricing for each issue and
V thus are expected to underprice less.
S • Frequent disclosure: Issuing firms can also reduce underpricing by voluntarily and frequently
as disclosing information about themselves in the press, provided that the quiet period rule is not
S£ violated. Frequent disclosures reduce asymmetric information, and hence lower the information
g production costs incurred by investors.
^ • Issuer characteristics: IPO underpricing is lower with certain issuing firm characteristics.
J? If issuing firms can wait until they are larger in size, have a longer operating history, and
"jj possess a record of positive earnings before going public, they are likely to reduce the level of
Cf underpricing. Underpricing can also be reduced if there are more experienced insiders sitting on
H the board of the issuing firm.
• Use the auction method if feasible: As noted above, many explanations of underpricing were
derived from the book-building framework. To reduce underpricing, issuers in IPO markets
in which the auction mechanism is available might want to go public that way. However, the
auction method works only if the issuing firm is a superior quality firm that has high investor
awareness. Also, if the issuing firm is concerned more about factors other than underpricing—for
example, price stabilization and post-IPO analyst coverage provided by investment banks—book-
building may be a better choice.
• might want to go public that way. However, the auction method works only if the issuing firm is
a superior quality firm that has high investor awareness. Also, if the issuing firm is concerned
more about factors other than underpricing—for example, price stabilization and post-IPO
analyst coverage provided by investment banks—book-building may be a better choice.

Jenkinson, Tim, and Alexander Ljungqvist. Going Public: The Theory and Evidence on How Companies
Raise Equity Finance. 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001.
Derrien, Frangois, and Kent L. Womack. "Auctions vs. book-building and the control of underpricing
in hot IPO markets." Review of Financial Studies 16:1 (Spring 2003): 31-61. Online at:
Ritter, Jay R., and Ivo Welch. "A review of IPO activity, pricing, and allocations." Journal of Finance
57:4 (August 2002): 1795-1828. Online at:

IPO data—Jay R. Ritter's page of IPO links:



Issuing Debt
Assessing Cash Flow and Bank Lending o
DEFINITION They have to know that the business makes
Lack of cash flow is a major cause of a business sense and can repay a loan, and what security
failing as, even though it may be turning a is available in case of insolvency. Companies 03
profit, if the money does not flow in on time the have to keep within their cash limits regardless
business will not be able to settle its debts. Cash of anticipated business. Business factoring is an
flow is basically the measure of a company's alternative to bank loans—a factoring company S3
financial health, showing the amount of cash buys your credit invoices and provides you with CfQ
generated and used by a company in any given immediate cash in exchange for a small fee d
period. Cashflowis essential to ensure solvency, ranging between 1.5% and 5.0%. Factoring is
as having enough cash ensures that creditors and moreflexiblethan a bank loan.
employees can be paid on time. Banks require
companies to show the difference between sales ADVANTAGES
and costs within a specified period, which acts Ensuring good cashflowthrough a company
as an indicator of the performance of a business helps to:
better than the profit margins. Sales and costs
• increase sales;
and, therefore, profits do not necessarily coincide
with their associated cash inflows and outflows. • reduce direct and indirect costs and overhead
Even though a sale has been secured and goods expenses;
delivered, payment may be deferred as a result • raise additional equity;
of credit to the customer, yet suppliers and • gain the confidence of banks and potentially
staff still have to be paid and cash invested in secure more loans.
rebuilding depleted stocks. The net result is that
although profits may be reported, the business DISADVANTAGES
may experience a short-term cash shortfall. • If your profit margins are already low, you
might not be able to afford bank fees.
The main sources of cash flow into a business
• The banks have a tendency to up fees and
are receipts from sales, increases in bank loans,
proceeds of share issues and asset disposals, charge for late payments.
and other income, such as interest earned. Cash
outflows include payments to suppliers and
staff, capital and interest repayments for loans, ACTION CHECKLIST
dividends, taxation, and capital expenditure. It is essential to keep track of your cash and
Cash flow planning entails forecasting and not allow any surplus to sit idle. Accounts must
tabulating all significant cash inflows and be carefully monitored and cash invested to
analyzing in detail the timing of expected maximize returns. There are many ways to
payments, which include suppliers, wages, other increase cash flow:
expenses, capital expenditure, loan repayments, ^ r e d u c i n g credit terms for historically slow
dividends, tax, and interest payments. payers;
A computerized cash flow model can be v ' reviewing customer payment performance;
used to compile forecasts, assess possible >/becoming more selective when granting
funding requirements, and explore the financial credit;
consequences of other strategies. Computerized y'seeking other ways to pay rather than all
models can help prevent major planning errors, in one installment, such as deposits or
anticipate problems, and identify opportunities staggered payments;
to improve cashflowand negotiate loans.
Banks must ensure that a business is viable,
*/ reducing the amount of time of the credit
terms; o
which entails asking pertinent questions. Lenders ^ i n v o i c i n g immediately the work has been
will insist on up-to-date information on the done; Z
type of industry, management capabilities and v ' i m p r o v i n g collection systems for billing;

experience, business plans and daily operations, V'adding late payment charges.
key competition, and PR and marketing plans.

Financing and Raising Capital

DO • cash access facilities;
Do understand the way your company works, • interest income;
using a detailed analysis of banking procedure • overall expenses and fees.
X and taking into consideration:
• overdraft facilities and investment accounts; DONT
• the number of monthly transactions; • Don't overestimate sales forecasts.
• the number of written monthly checks; • Don't underestimate costs.
Q • how customers pay y o u ; • Don't underestimate delays in payments.
• the suitability of electronic banking for your • Don't forget to check your debtors' credit
a business; history carefully.


Fight, Andrew. Cash Flow Forecasting. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2006.
Mulford, Charles W., and Eugene E. Comiskey. Creative Cash Flow Reporting and Analysis:
Uncovering Sustainable Financial Performance. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2005.
Reider, Rob, and Peter B. Heyler. Managing Cash Flow: An Operational Focus. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley,


The Bond Market: Its Structure and o
DEFINITION a lower rate of return. Corporate bonds generally
The bond market is the market for debt offer a higher rate of return on investment,
securities in the form ofbonds where buyers and but carry more risk—if the company fails, the

sellers determine their prices and therefore their bondholder risks losing their investment.
accompanying interest rates. It is also known as •Mi

the fixed-income or debit or credit market. ADVANTAGES NNfft

In purchasing a bond you are effectively • It is considered a wise move to invest in bonds QfQ
lending money to a government, corporation, or
municipality, known as the issuer, which agrees
as part of a considered diversified investment
portfolio that also consists of stocks and o
cash. They are considered to be a relatively ft
to pay you a certain rate of interest during the cr
lifetime of the bond and repay its principal or safe investment for increasing capital and
face value when it matures or becomes due. receiving a reliable interest income. The
principal and interest are set at the time the
The international bond market is estimated
bond is purchased. If the owner collects the
to have a size of almost US$47 trillion. The US coupon and holds it to maturity, the market
bond market is the largest in the world, with an
is irrelevant to final payout. As a long-term
outstanding debt of more than US$25 trillion. In
investment, bonds may be considered a wise
2007, the volume of trade in the US bond market choice—bearing in mind the disadvantages.
was US$923 billion.
Since 2000, the international bond market DISADVANTAGES
has doubled in size as a result of the activity of • Bonds are not advisable for short-term savings
big multinational companies. According to the for the individual participant in the market.
International Capital Market Association, about • Long-term commitment is essential as the
US$10 trillion worth ofbonds were outstanding participant who cashes in before maturity
in 2007. is open to the risk of fluctuations in interest
The individual government bond markets rates. Whenever there is an increase in interest
have a high level of liquidity and considerable rates, there is a corresponding decrease in the
size—these are included in the international value of existing bonds. Conversely, a decrease
bond market. They are noted for their low credit in interest rates will correspond to a rise in the
risk and are unaffected by interest rates. value of existing bonds. This is due to the fact
Trading generally takes place over the counter that new issues pay out a lower yield. The basic
(known as OTC) between broker dealers and big concept of bond market volatility is that the
institutions. The stock exchanges list a small value ofbonds and changes in interest rates
number ofbonds too. run inversely to each other.
The largest centralized bond market is the • When interest rates drop, investors have to
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), which mainly reinvest their interest income and return of
represents corporate bonds. In contrast to this, principal at lower rates.
most governments have bond markets that lack • The final purchasing power of an investment
centralization, mostly due to the fact that bond in bonds is reduced by a corresponding
increase in inflation, which also results in
issues vary widely and there is a large choice of
higher interest rates and correspondingly
different securities by comparison.
lower bond prices.
Most outstanding bonds are in the hands of
» If there is a decline in the bond market as a
institutions: pension funds, mutual funds, and whole, individual securities also fall in value.
banks. This is because individual bond issues are • Timing is crucial: a security may in the future
so specific and a large number of smaller issues unexpectedly underperform relative to the
lack liquidity.
The volatility of the bond market is in direct
• A bond may perform poorly after purchase, or
proportion to the monetary and economic policy it may improve after you sell it.
of the country of the participant. • Corporate bonds have relatively low liquidity
The main difference between corporate and compared with government bonds, which
government bonds is that the latter are guaranteed usually have a short lock-in period (i.e. they
and thus carry a low risk of investment, albeit at can be cashed in quickly). n

Financing and Raising Capital


V'Make sure that you can afford to invest DO
in long-term savings before you commit • Be sure to choose a security that is approved
yourself to taking out bonds. by a financial expert.
v ' H a v e another form of savings as an
emergency fund in case you meet with an DONT
unexpected financial problem in the future. • Don't rush into a transaction or pay over the
X V'Read all the available literature and take odds for it.
advice from an impartial financial consultant
P before making a final commitment.

Adams, Tom. Savings Bond Adviser: How U.S. Savings Bonds Really Work—With Investment, Tax,
and Estate Strategies. 5th ed. New York: Alert Media, 2007.
Pederson, Daniel J. Savings Bonds: When to Hold, When to Fold and Everything In-Between.
4th ed. Detroit, M I : TSBI Publishing, 1999.

Investopedia introduction to bonds:


Financial Intermediaries: Their Role
and Relation to Financial Markets
Generally, when a company wants to enter a • The main disadvantage is that, on top of
financial market, it uses the services of a financial their fee, financial intermediaries often
intermediary rather than entering directly. In take a percentage of profits as part of any
many transactions the intermediary will be the transaction they broker. Direct loaning can
company's commercial bank, which will broker
significantly increase the potential income of
financial deals such as loans. For more complex
or specialist deals a company is likely to turn to such a loan for the intermediary. However,
an intermediary that specializes in transactions the advantages outlined above significantly
for financial products such as mutual funds, mitigate any such disadvantages. That is why
pension funds, bonds and shares, and insurance. many companies use intermediaries rather
In such cases, the intermediary may be a fund or than entering the market directly.
insurer itself.
A financial intermediary typically facilitates
the channeling of funds between lenders and ACTION CHECKLIST
borrowers indirectly, in the form of a loan or a \/Ask around for recommendations. Your
mortgage. Sometimes the intermediary may lend bank should have knowledge of specialist
money directly via the financial markets. This is intermediaries who can cater for your needs,
known as financial disintermediation.
for example. Your accountant or lawyer may
The intermediary's role is to seek the best
also have useful contacts.
possible investment opportunities on behalf
of its clients. The intermediary will often have V Investigate a financial intermediary
contacts within its areas of expertise that would thoroughly before entering into a
not be accessible to private individuals using relationship. Check that they have any
a retail bank, for example. This enables the necessary certification or license.
intermediary to broker the most appropriate V You should be confident that your
deals for its client, which is spared the trouble of intermediary is a responsible and
having to seek these out itself. The intermediary experienced broker and/or lender.
charges a fee to the client for its services.

• Lending is often less risky through an
intermediary, who can, for example, diversify
lending, providing the company with a DO
variety of different loan plans. If some • Approach your decision by comparing and
loans then prove themselves to be unviable, contrasting several choices of intermediary.
they are offset by those that are sound. • Research your options carefully to ensure
Experience is an important element of this. that potential intermediaries are both
By making many and diverse loans, financial experienced and economically sound.
intermediaries gain experience in identifying • Have interview meetings with intermediaries
clients who will be able to repay their loans, you are considering to ensure that you will
as well as those who will not. This reduces be able to work with each other before you
risk and minimizes the number of unviable enter into any financial relationship.
loans for the client, who is spared the burden
of making expensive mistakes.
• Financial intermediaries have liquidity,
which means they are in a position to convert • Don't rush hastily into a relationship with an
assets to money quickly. This has obvious intermediary.
advantages in terms of obtaining cash when • Don't use an intermediary who cannot
it is needed. For a company this can be of produce evidence of the right certification or
crucial importance if it experiences difficulties license to practice.
such as temporary cash flow problems.

Financing and Raising Capital

'A Books:
^ Harrison, Tina. Marketing Financial Services. 2nd ed. New York: FT Prentice Hall, 2000.
V Taylor, Bernard, and Ian Morison (eds). Driving Strategic Change in Financial Services. Cambridge,
^ UK: Woodhead Publishing, 1999.


Franchising a Business
The term "franchising" can refer to a number of • You need an effective marketing program and
different business models, including licensing, very good salespeople to develop the concept
distributor, and agency arrangements. Here, and drive sales forward once the franchise
however, we take it to mean "business-format network has been established.
franchising." The British Franchise Association
defines this concept as the granting of a license • You inevitably lose some control of the
by a franchisor to a franchisee that "entitles business unless you have a very strict
the franchisee to trade under the trademark/ operating model and the ability to oversee the
trade name of the franchisor and to make use of way each franchisee is operating the business.
an entire package, comprising all the elements • It can be difficult to manage the business if it
necessary to establish a previously untrained grows very rapidly (as is often the case with
person in the business and to run it with franchise networks).
continual assistance on a predetermined basis."
• The threat of litigation between franchisor
Franchising can provide an excellent means and franchisee can be high, particularly if
of expanding a business rapidly and in a cost-
effective manner. It can also generate a number the franchisee fails to make the profits they
of revenue streams for the franchisor. These expected.
include: the franchise fee; franchise royalties;
equipment sales; supplies; material sales; sales
of services; property rental; and rebates from ACTION CHECKLIST
vendors of equipment and supplies. >/ Identify whether the business concept you
Each business outlet is owned and operated by are developing is suitable for a franchise
the franchisee. However, the franchisor retains arrangement.
control over the way products and services are • Register your trade name and trademarks
marketed and sold, and controls the quality and
with the relevant trademark office. You
standards of the business. Not all businesses can
be franchised, but most business concepts can should also register your name and marks in
be. Businesses that can be franchised tend to be all the countries or provinces where you do
unique and very new, with the potential to expand business or intend to do business.
nationally or internationally, and profitable, with • Open four or five business units before
the ability to generate continuous and predictable embarking on a national expansion. This
profits. They tend to have a systemized business will give you time to identify any potential
model, with efficient operating procedures that pitfalls. You will also be able to gauge
can be easily transferred from one location to
whether the business format can be copied
another, and an easily understandable format,
so that it is straightforward to train other people from one geographic location to another.
to manage the operation. They should also be
affordable, so that a wide range of potential
franchisees can be attracted.
• It can be difficult to raise capital to expand a • Avoid conflict and potential litigation by
business. If you use franchising, the capital is supporting your franchisees and ensuring
provided by the franchisee. that they are successful.
• Franchisees tend to be highly motivated, • Make sure you have enough staff to support
since it is their capital that is at risk.
the growth of your franchisees and service
• Franchising allows you to expand a business
very rapidly. their needs.
• Expanding the business leads to economies • Draw up a very strict franchise agreement
of scale, with benefits such as greater buying that allows the franchisee little latitude to
power. vary from your system.

Financing and Raising Capital

• Don't ignore the importance of training. Even Don't think you can relax once franchisees
franchisees in a simple business model will have signed on. They will need continuous
require a very strong training program so support if their business, and thus you, are
that they are completely conversant with to be successful.
6 your systems and procedures.

Shook, Carrie, and Robert L. Shook. Franchising: The Business Strategy that Changed the World.
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1993.
Spinelli, Stephen, Jr., Robert M. Rosenberg, and Sue Birley. Franchising: Pathway to Wealth
Creation. Upper Saddle River, NJ: FT Prentice Hall, 2004.
Tarbutton, Lloyd T. Franchising: The How-to Book. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1986.
Kaufmann, Patrick J., and Rajiv P. Dant. "Multi-unit franchising: Growth and management issues."
Journal of Business Venturing 11:5 (September 1996): 343-358. Online at:
Mathewson, G. Frank, and Ralph A. Winter. "The economics of franchise contracts." Journal of Law
and Economics 28:3 (October 1985): 503-526. Online at:
UK government website providing advice for businesses:


How to Manage Your Credit Rating n
A credit rating is an assessment of the ACTION CHECKLIST
creditworthiness of an entity such as an v^Buy access to your credit history and use it
individual, a corporation, or even a country. to check your credit rating.

Credit ratings are worked out from past financial ^ M a k e sure that any spent court judgments M
history as well as current assets and liabilities, and are recorded as such on your file. Gfi
are used to inform a potential lender or investor ^ E n s u r e that any annulled or discharged
about the probability of the entity being able to bankruptcy order is recorded as such on your c
pay back a loan. However, in recent years credit file. w
ratings have been used more widely. They have, V'Keep up with all payments. O
for example, been used to make adjustments to n
insurance premiums or to establish the amount cr
of a leasing deposit.
Credit reference agencies compile credit
histories on individuals using information DOS AND DON'TS
from sources such as electoral registers, court DO
judgments, and lenders. Anyone applying for • Understand what your credit rating is.
credit can expect to have their request recorded • Check for errors in your credit rating, and
for the credit agencies to access and use. Financial have them amended.
institutions compile their own credit ratings for • Work to make your credit history better if it
companies. The best known credit raters are has been poor in the past.
Moody's and Standard & Poor's, which produce • Ask a potential lender if you fit their profile
credit ratings for listed companies, banks, and of a typical successful credit applicant as this
even countries. may help you to avoid an actual credit check.
Credit reference agencies do not make the • Pay your creditors on time. If you miss a
decision on whether to offer credit to would- payment, inform your creditor straight away.
be borrowers. It is for the lenders to reach a • Make sure you are on the electoral register.
decision using information amassed by the • Make sure you complete credit card
credit agencies, combined with their own lending application forms correctly.
criteria and knowledge. • Make your credit card, store card, loan, and
Having a bad credit rating limits your mortgage repayments on time.
borrowing options. Court judgments, defaults on • Consider asking a family member or friend
payments, and bankruptcy orders will all reduce with a good credit rating to co-sign for a
your credit rating score. This applies equally small loan or credit card. This can help your
to individuals and businesses. Where a credit own rating.
applicant has a poor credit rating, credit may
still be obtained through the subprime market, DONT
where the borrower is charged much higher • Don't miss any payments.
rates of interest. • Don't check your credit record too often.
• Don't apply for loans too often, especially if
ADVANTAGES you have a doubtful credit record.
Managing your credit rating can help to: • Don't avoid having any credit—no credit
• ensure that you have access to credit in the record is as bad as a poor credit record.
• enable you to take out a mortgage or loan; give
you peace of mind.

• Repeated applications for credit (particularly
unsuccessful ones) are recorded on your file.
• Repeated checks of your credit rating are
recorded on your file.

Financing and Raising Capital

£ Books:
^ de Servigny, Arnaud, and Olivier Renault. The Standard & Poor's Guide to Measuring and Managing
V Credit Risk. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2004.

fl Ong, Michael K. (ed). Credit Ratings—Methodologies, Rationale and Default Risk. London: Risk
Books, 2002.



How to Use Receivables as Collateral 9
DEFINITION When a loan is obtained from a bank with
Receivables are money owed by customers, receivables as collateral, there are rather more
whether they are individuals or businesses, to formal guidelines. Banks and finance companies
another entity for goods or services that have insist on weekly reports on sales, collections, •
been delivered or used, but have not yet been and ineligibility analysis, as well as internally
paid for. Receivables are usually due within a generated financial statements with detailed en
short time period, which typically ranges from a accounts receivable and accounts payable
few days to a year. information. The amount borrowed is then 3
Accounts receivable financing is used by repaid within a specified short-term period as W
companies facing short-term cash flow problems,
and it can take many forms. The major source
the receivables are collected. d
of accounts receivable financing is commercial
finance companies and factoring companies, as
• Collateralizing receivables can provide
well as banks that will consider receivables as another source of working capital, freeing up
security or collateral for a business loan. Most essential funds for items such as payroll and
companies operate by allowing a portion of taxes.
sales to be on credit, usually to customers that • This form of financing can provide relief
are invoiced periodically, which removes the from the responsibility of collection from
burden of physically making payments as each nonpaying and slow-paying clients.
transaction occurs. Credit acts as an IOU for
goods or services already received or rendered DISADVANTAGES
and is given in good faith. Collateralizing • Receivables financing is often priced at
receivables is a form of secured lending that spreads above the bank prime rate and is
gives companies short-term financing by selling relatively expensive compared with other
their trade receivables or pledging receivables forms of credit, particularly factoring.
as collateral for a loan from a lender. Until the • The older the account, the less value it has.
global financial crisis of 2008, receivables were
securitized as well.
Direct sale of accounts receivable is called ACTION CHECKLIST
factoring. A loan from a bank secured or • When you sell an account to an accounts
collateralized against accounts receivable is receivable factoring company, try to get a
known as a discount, where the borrower draws personal recommendation for the company
against a line of credit that is less than the full and ensure that your accounts receivable
value of the trade credits. Accounts receivable factoring agreement states the exact
financing is a flexible way of obtaining credit, and conditions and charges for the purchase of
borrowers' financing costs are related directly to your accounts receivable.
their business cycle. In a general assignment, • Check the rates carefully and find out the
all receivables can serve as collateral, with new amount a lender is willing to advance against
receivables substituted for those collected. In the value of your collateralized receivables.
a specific assignment, the parties involved can The borrowing base is determined by
specify who will receive collection, whether multiplying the value of the assigned
customers will be notified of the arrangement, collateral by a discount factor, a process
and which accounts are to be collateralized. known as margining.
Accounts receivable factoring is different
from using accounts receivable as loan collateral
because you sell the receivables to a factor at a
discount; the factor then collects the debt and
you don't have to worry about loan repayments.
DO o
Accounts receivable factoring makes up about • Set up an easy-to-check accounts receivable
a third of all financing secured by American report.
companies using accounts receivable and • Have a system in place to assess monies
inventory as collateral. owed and monies unpaid.

Financing and Raising Capital

$3 • Don't wait too long to take action on debts. • Don't use accounts receivable factoring as a

3S • Don't fall back on sentiment and loyalty.

• Don't forget to check bank rates, loan rates,
w a y to get ready cash.

V and factoring rates.

3 Books:
Cfi Bond, Cecil J. Crec/Zr Management Handbook: A Complete Guide to Credit and Accounts Receivable
H Operations. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1993.
Salek, John G. Accounts Receivable Management Best Practices. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2005.

Maintaining the Banking Relationship 9
A banking relationship is about much more than • There are no disadvantages to building up
just selecting a bank to handle a company's bank good relationships with the companies that
accounts. Managed well, a banking relationship do business with a bank. Failure to develop
can help a company to thrive. a strong relationship, however, means that
Companies that use more than one bank will the company is likely to miss out on good GA
need to manage multiple banking relationships. advice and, crucially, support in times of
trouble. Conversely, the bank may miss out
A company will first have a business account (or
several) at a retail bank (or banks) for all day-to- on opportunities to increase business. ore
dayfinancialtransactions. Bigger companies will d
almost certainly have dealings with investment n
banks as well. (This applies to companies that
are publicly listed, but even private unlisted </ Aim to work with a designated representative
from the company and ensure you have good
companies often use investment banks to either
personal rapport with each other.
handle their investments or to supply financing
• if the company is dealing with more than
for the business.) There may also be relationships
one financial institution, it can be useful to
with other financial entities such as hedge funds
find out which individuals at other banks are
or pension funds. handling the company's needs. It's possible
Whether retail or investment, the bank is the various advisers may already know
most likely to have a team of business banking each other, which can strengthen the overall
advisers on hand to advise and guide a company. banking relationships for the company and
It's important to ensure continuity—the bank your own bank.
will usually offer contact with a designated
person and in turn expect to deal with the
same person or persons from the company. A
good banking relationship depends not only on DOSANDDONTS
personal rapport but also on the banking adviser DO
having a solid understanding of the company • Work to ensure continuity in your banking
and its financial needs. Over time, a banking relationships.
adviser should build up a good understanding of • Maintain regular contact and make sure the
the company's preferred ways of doing business company keeps you informed of its financial
and incorporate that into how their banking situation and decisions.
requirements are handled. • Encourage the company to be honest and
open. A bank cannot help, advise, or support
if the company does not disclose important
ADVANTAGES financial information.
• The bank is more likely to offer loans • Consider advising the company representative
and other lines of credit, potentially at to attend a short course on managing banking
preferential rates of interest, if the bank relationships. Many financial organizations
advisers feel there is a good relationship offer short courses which can be helpful in
with the company. The potential to sell other terms of managing their expectations, which
financial products also increases. in turn can improve the relationship.
• The bank's advice can be tailored for the
company's needs and personal style, rather DONT
than given generically. • Don't push products onto clients or pressure
• In times of crisis, a company having its bank's clients to make decisions quickly, as this could
support will be crucial. Even if a company is a
text-book case of insolvency, strong personal
have a damaging effect on the relationship.
• Don't neglect relationships. Even if you only
rapport with a company representative need to see the company representatives
means that the bank is more likely to offer once or twice a year, periodic phone calls can
leeway if it knows that directors are doing help to maintain contact.
their utmost to keep the company going. o

Financing and Raising Capital

^ Cranston, Ross. European Banking Law: The Banker/Customer Relationship. 2nd ed. London: LLP
V Professional
Gandy, Anthony.Publishing,
Relationship Management—Profit through Knowledge. Chicago, IL:
Glenlake Publishing Co, 2000.
^ Leahy, Gordon, and Gerald Leahy. Managing Banking Relationships. Cambridge, UK: Woodhead
»g Publishing, 1997.
Q Militello, Frederick C. Reassessing Corporate Banking Relationships: Issues, Practices and New
M Directions. Morristown, NJ: Financial Executives Research Foundation, 1998.


Measuring Gearing sr
Gearing, also known as leverage, is an indicator
• Gearing ratios provide lead indications of
potential problem areas and allow corrective
of a company's ability to service its debt. Gearing measures to be taken.
is usually expressed as a percentage and is
calculated by dividing the company's debt by its
equity. Gearing shows the degree to which a firm's DISADVANTAGES
activities are funded by owners' funds versus • Gearing ratios may not always reflect the true
creditors' funds. The higher a company's degree nature of a company's accounts, as managers
of leverage, the more the company is considered may attempt to gloss over problems.
risky. If a company has a large amount of debt in • Gearing ratios are only predictive, based d
proportion to its equity, this could be a warning on past performance; and cannot take into n
that the company may have problems paying its account future events.
debts in the future. As when using most ratios,
• Using gearing ratios to make comparisons
an acceptable level of risk is determined through
comparison with other companies in the same between companies and industries is not
industry. always possible, due to different worldwide
The three most common examples of gearing accounting standards.
ratios are:
• The debt/equity ratio (total debt/total
equity), multiplied by interest earned ACTION CHECKLIST
(earnings before interest and taxes, divided ^Obtain as much information as you can, and
by total interest). compare a company's ratios to those of other
• The equity ratio: total equity/total assets. firms in the same industry, before committing
• The debt ratio: total debt/total assets. to an expensive decision.
In derivatives markets, gearing compares the
^Make sure that you have analyzed the
amount of cash spent purchasing an option or
a futures contract with the actual value of the gearing ratios in detail. If in doubt, consult
underlying position. The more highly leveraged an expert analyst.
the trading position, the bigger the risk that a ^ B e sure you thoroughly understand the
minor change in market prices will totally wipe ratios. Economizing by taking shortcuts or
out the investment. Equally, however, a minor skipping details may cost more in the long
change in markets in the right direction could run.
generate large profits in relation to the size of
the investment.
Negative gearing is when an investor borrows
to buy an asset, but the returns on the asset do
not cover the interest on the loan. A negative DOSANDDONTS
gearing strategy works when the asset rises in DO
value and creates enough capital gains to cover • When comparing a business's gearing ratios
the initial investment loss. The investor must with its competitors, allow for any material
finance the shortfall until the asset is sold. differences in accounting policies between
the compared company and industry norms.
• Gearing ratios allow potential investors to DONT
judge the viability, liabilities and likely future
• Don't rely solely on gearing ratios. Use
performance of a company or industry.
• Gearing ratios permit analysts to read market research to confirm the results. Don't
between the lines of financial statements fall into the trap of thinking that gearing
and quantify a company's strengths and ratios are infallible.
weaknesses. >

Financing and Raising Capital

'A Books:
^ Chadwick, Leslie. Essential Finance and Accounting for Managers. Harlow, UK: Pearson Education,
V 2002.

6 Fraser-Sampson, Guy. Private Equity as an Asset Class. Chichester, UK: Wiley, 2007.
Myddelton, David Roderic. Managing Business Finance. Harlow, UK: Pearson Education, 2000.
4) Calder, Stephen. "Super leverage." Australasian Business Journal (January 2008).
Q Rees, Mathew. "On leveraged buyouts." The International Economy (June 2008).
£ Website:
*S The Motley Fool on gearing:


Money Markets: Their Structure and 9ft
Function ft.

Money markets are the part of the global financial • Money markets are particularly low risk and
market that deals with short-term lending and therefore are not suitable for an investor
borrowing. They are often used as a solution to looking for high returns.
short-term cash needs by governments, large • The money markets are used for short-term
institutions, and, sometimes, individuals. loans only and are not designed to achieve 3
Generally, participants in the money markets long-term growth of assets.
• Despite the apparent low risk of the money org
are retail banks and large corporate organizations
that can trade with each other using the
markets, all transactions in them must be d
properly assessed in the context of the global
benchmark of the London Interbank Offered market. When the global financial markets
Rate (Libor). This rate is generated on a daily go through one of their periodic cycles of
basis through researching the interest rates at turmoil and instability, one should always err
which banks are prepared to lend on unsecured on the side of caution with any investment.
assets. The money markets are considered to
be quite a low-risk investment, but they do not
promise particularly high gains either. ACTION CHECKLIST
Typically, a transaction in a money market • Consider your reasons for investing. Do
will be of very short duration and will be of you require a quick cash release or are you
a particular type of dealing called "paper." planning for the long term?
Examples of papers are treasury bills, repurchase • What kind of investment are you looking for?
Consult your financial adviser to determine
agreements, and foreign currency swaps. The
what type of transaction would work best for
time frame of the transaction may range from
your company.
one day to 13 months, and it is this short-term • Check carefully on the financial status of the
approach that sets money markets apart from organization with which you are considering
the capital market. entering into a money market agreement.
Repurchase agreements, or "repos," are very
short term loans, often lasting for only a day,
where assets are sold to an investor with an
agreement to repurchase them at a later date DOS AND DONTS
for a fixed price. In foreign currency swaps, DO
currencies are swapped with an agreement to • Research all the available fundraising options
reverse the deal at a later, agreed date. fully.
• Give yourself as comprehensive an
understanding of the current financial market
as you can before investing.
• For an organization in need of a quick cash
• Examine your motives for using the money
injection the money markets are extremely markets as a long-term investment may
useful. They generally allow easy borrowing make more sense.
or lending in a low-risk environment. For
example, a one-day loan where the seller can DONT
repurchase its securities for a set price at a • Don't invest in the money markets if you
certain time in the future is extremely safe. are looking for a high return on your
If we compare this transaction to those made investments.
in the unforgiving world of the stock market, • Don't believe that because the money O
where investors have no control over the markets are low risk your assets are perfectly
future performance of their stocks, it is easy safe.
to see the appeal of money markets.

Financing and Raising Capital

Choudhry, Moorad. Bond and Money Markets: Strategy, Trading, Analysis. Oxford: Butterworth-
Heinemann, 2003.
Choudhry, Moorad. The Money Markets Handbook: A Practitioner's Guide. Singapore: Wiley, 2005.
Fleming, Jeff, Chris Kirby, and Barbara Ostdiek. "Information and volatility linkages in the stock,
bond, and money markets." Journal of Financial Economics 49:1 (July 1, 1998): 111-137. Online
The Bank of England's framework for its operations in the sterling money markets:
The US Federal Reserve's policy for its dollar operations:

Overview of Loan Agreements 9
Most businesses need to borrow money, and • A loan agreement sets out the terms and
obtaining a loan from a bank is the most usual ft
conditions upon which a bank will lend
way of financing a business. If successful in an money to a borrower.
application for a loan, an individual, partnership, • Because it is an agreement, it can be
or company has to enter into a loan agreement ft
negotiated and agreed by the two parties. ft
that sets out the terms on which the loan is
• A loan agreement protects both parties and is C
a legally enforceable agreement.
A loan agreement is entered into by the bank w
as lender, and by the individual, partnership, or O
company that borrows as borrower. DISADVANTAGES a
A loan agreement contains all the terms and • In practice, a bank sets its own conditions for w
conditions under which the lender will lend the lending, and a borrower will have to comply
borrower the money. It states the amount of the and agree to such terms if it needs the funds.
loan, when the amount will be lent, the tranches • Negotiating a loan agreement can be complex
if the money is to be lent in amounts at different and time-consuming. The documentation
dates, the repayment schedule, the interest to must be thoroughly understood, and if
be paid by the borrower, and other conditions, specialist legal advice is required the process
terms, and warranties required by the lender may be expensive.
from the borrower.
The repayment schedule is usually very precise
and will state the exact dates on which the lender ACTION CHECKLIST
expects to be paid back by the borrower. The loan </Study a loan agreement carefully before you
agreement can contain a voluntary prepayment sign. Obtain as much information from as
clause that will allow a borrower to prepay the
many sources as you can before committing
loan in certain circumstances. It may also set out
to an expensive agreement.
mandatory prepayment obligations that apply in
certain cases—for example, if the borrower sells ^Shop around for a better deal. Go to several
or lists its business, or if the business is acquired banks and see if there are better offers and
by someone else and control changes hands. conditions for the loan you want.
A loan agreement specifies the rate of interest, v'Be prepared for long and complicated
and how this will be calculated and paid by the negotiations, which could prove time-
borrower. It also deals with the consequences consuming and costly.
and penalties in the case of default on payments
by the borrower.
The borrower usually has to pay the lender an
arrangement fee for the loan and is also expected DOSANDDONTS
to pay all reasonable legal, accountancy, DO
valuation, and due diligence costs and other fees, • Choose your bank carefully.
costs, and expenses of arranging the loan. • Make sure that you understand the conditions
In general, a bank will not give a loan without of your loan.
obtaining security for that loan. The loan • Involve your solicitors in the evaluation of
agreement will contain details of the debentures,
both the risks and benefits of entering into a
guarantees, or charges given by the borrower as
loan agreement.
security for the loan.
The borrower will be asked to make and • Check if it's possible to negotiate the terms
give certain representations and warranties and conditions of the loan.
in relation to its constitution and business. It • If in trouble with repayments, tell your
will also be required to give certain covenants bank as they may be able to help in various
(promises) as to how it will conduct its business ways, such as temporarily reducing your
in the future. repayments.

Financing and Raising Capital

• Don't make the mistake of being attracted by able to give with confidence. If you know
a loan without understanding the implications of anything that may go against these
of all the terms of the loan and the total cost warranties, disclose it to the bank.
to your business. Don't ignore the importance of telling the
• Don't overlook the importance of negotiating bank if you have problems with repayments.
warranties and indemnities that you will be It might prove to your advantage.

Clasen, Thomas F. (ed). International Agency and Distribution Agreements. Looseleaf ed.
Charlottesville, VA: Lexis Law Publishing, 1991.
Singleton, Susan. Commercial Agency Agreements: Law and Practice. 3rd ed. Haywards Heath,
UK: Bloomsbury Professional, 2010.
Websites: Business Finance:
National Federation of Independent Business (US):
Western Economic Diversification Canada:

Raising Capital by Issuing Bonds
DEFINITION The debt covenants may prove too restrictive
Raising capital by issuing bonds is a popular for the company. A company that is highly
alternative to selling shares, as it allows a leveraged is more likely to face cash flow
company to avoid relinquishing ownership of difficulties as it has to meet the coupon
part of the business. A bond is a loan in the form payments regardless of its income. The cost
of a debt security. The authorized issuer (the of servicing the debt may rise beyond the en
borrower) owes the bondholder (the lender) a ability to pay, either because of external GO
debt and has an obligation to repay the principal events, such as falling income, or because C
and the coupon (interest) on the maturity of the of internal problems, such as poor company 3
loan. Bonds enable the issuer to finance long- management. The company may find that it cro
term investments with external funds. runs into solvency problems if the amount O
The loan collateral may be the company's of debt becomes higher than the value of its cr
land, buildings, or other physical assets that can realizable assets. Thus, the cost of debt rises
be sold off if the issuer defaults on repayment of as its proportion rises in relation to equity.
the principal. In today's bond markets, however, The higher the debt-to-equity ratio, the
a much wider range of assets can fulfill the greater the risk.
function of collateral, such as receivables that If the company is publicly listed on a
produce a flow of income. stock exchange, the risk to stockholders
increases when debt is issued. This is due
ADVANTAGES to the increased claims of the creditors, or
• Taking on debt by issuing bonds is usually bondholders, on the company's capital and
cheaper than either a bank overdraft or the earnings, which must be used to service the
cost of raising equity through a share issue. debt before anything else. And if the company
A major advantage is that the return on has problems servicing the debt, stockholders
debt (interest) is tax-deductible, whereas risk the loss of their equity in the case of
the return on equity (dividends) is paid bankruptcy.
out of a company's profits, which are taxed
before dividend payments can be made to
stockholders. ACTION CHECKLIST
• Financing by raising debt is a useful way of y Choose the right type of debt. For large
monitoring a corporation's overall health, investments, you generally have a choice
as the ability to repay the debt reflects the of borrowing the principal from a creditor,
overall financial stability of the company. usually a bank, or issuing bonds underwritten
• Bonds offer a more secure return for by the bank that can be sold to investors. If
investors—dividends are paid out purely the bond can be retraded, it is beneficial for
at the discretion of the company, whereas the bondholders as they can exit at the right
interest on debt must be paid according to moment, but the company still has access to
the set terms of the bond. the funds via new purchasers.
• Debt issuance can also be advantageous from • Choose the right interest rate. Bonds
a governance point of view. In the United usually have either a fixed interest rate for a
States and United Kingdom, for example, specified period or a floating rate linked to an
creditors have no influence on the board or agreed index. Fixed-rate debt means that the
company policy—unlike stockholders, who issuer knows the exact cost across the debt's
often have the right to vote on policies and lifetime and can budget for the principal and
the appointment of directors. Financing interest payments each year. Floating-rate
through debt can thus be very useful for debt usually has a mark-up over the base
companies that do not want to relinquish
control to others.
rate set by the central bank in charge of the
currency that is being borrowed, meaning O
that the issuer may have to pay more if M
DISADVANTAGES monetary policy is tightened and interest
• The risks for bondholders rise as more debt is rates rise during the period of the loan.

Financing and Raising Capital

• Do a full cost analysis to determine if debt • Don't issue bonds if you think that meeting
will be cheaper for the company than equity. regular payments to the bondholders will
• Take into account that unexpected market overstretch your cash flow.
volatility and inflation will affect the coupon


Brown, Patrick J. An Introduction to the Bond Markets. Hoboken. NJ: Wiley, 2006.
Choudhry, Moorad. The Bond and Money Markets: Strategy, Trading, Analysis. Oxford:
Butterworth-Heinemann, 2003.


Steps for Obtaining Bank Financing
DEFINITION The bank will also want to determine whether the
A major problem for both emerging and management has the skills to run the business.
Typical questions include: is the manager/owner 00
established companies is the cost of raising
capital. Can the owners obtain bank financing talented enough to direct the company? Are the
instead of incurring dilution by giving up sales team knowledgeable about the industry
additional ownership in the company? An owner and have they demonstrated successful sales
of a promising business may perceive itself as growth in other companies? Does the financial C
being creditworthy, however a bank will require officer have an in depth understanding of the
financial background of the company? Do the Qrq
"proof," for example in the form of a full quarter
management team get on well together and
or year of sustained profitability, depending on complement each other?
the industry and levels of profitability. Decision a*
makers at the bank will judge the company on
a number of factors, including the following
• Bank financing allows the owners to keep
ratios: a major interest in the company, instead of
• Leverage/gearing: to guarantee the diluting interest by selling shares. Looking
company is sufficiently capitalized, i.e. total for bank financing will force the owners to
liabilities divided by tangible net worth. focus on detailed projections. In order to
• Liquidity: to guarantee sufficient working present a written business plan, the owners
capital; measured by current ratio, i.e. must concentrate on the strategic planning
current assets divided by current liabilities. that is vital to a business's survival. Building
• Debt service coverage: to guarantee the a successful relationship with the bank will
company has sufficient operating cash flow to help with future business expansion.
cover principal and interest and any capital
• Research, preparation, and presentation of
Companies will need to present a written
the details required by the bank will take
business plan explaining business objectives in time away from the day to day functions of
detail, operating plans, projected earnings for running the business.
the next one to five years, marketing strategy, • The company will be leveraged and therefore
and other relevant information. Marketing subject to detailed bank scrutiny during the
strategies must be outlined in detail to lend period of the loan.
credence to sales projections. The first two years • An unfavorable payback period.
of projections should be detailed by month or by
quarter to measure the projected performance
against financial ratios. These projections ACTION CHECKLIST
should be composed of balance sheets, income • Prepare a detailed business plan explaining
statements, and cash-flow statements. The bank objectives, operations, marketing strategy,
will also want to know: and projected earnings for the next five
• How much money do you need? years.
• How do you plan to use the money? (For • Make sure you are not taking on too much
example, to buy new assets, to pay off debts, debt. There is no sense in taking out a loan
that will squeeze out your profits and bleed
or to pay operating expenses?)
your business dry. Check your leverage/
• How long will it take you to repay the loan?
gearing and liquidity ratios and then capacity
(Use your cash flow projections to help plan
the repayments.)
• What loan repayments can you afford to
for debt service coverage.
• Prepare answers to the bank's key questions. o
For example, how much money do you need?
make without damaging the business? How do you plan to use the money? How
• What can you offer as security for the long will it take you to repay the loan? What
loan? (Bankers generally require personal will you use as security for the loan?
guarantees from the owners.) O

Financing and Raising Capital

• FN
• Get expert advice when preparing your • Don't go to the bank thinking that you'll get
proposal. Getting a bank loan for an the loan just because you have a good idea.
emerging company or even an established You will need to take a rigorously detailed
U business is not always simple. proposal.

Burk, James E., and Richard P. Lehman. Financing Your Small Business: From SBA Loans and
Credit Cards to Common Stock and Partnership Interests. Naperville, IL: Sourcebooks, 2006.
Sisson, Robert. Financing the Small Business: A Complete Guide to Obtaining Bank Loans and All
Other Types of Financing. Cincinnati, OH: Adams Media Corporation, 2002.
Timmons, Jeffry A., Stephen Spinelli, and Andrew Zacharakis. How to Raise Capital: Techniques
and Strategies for Financing and Valuing Your Small Business. Maidenhead, UK: McGraw-Hill
Professional, 2005.

Understanding and Using Interest n
Coverage Ratios sr

DEFINITION cash to hand. Failing to meet these obligations I

An interest coverage ratio is, simply, a measure could force a company into bankruptcy. Sf
of a company's ability to pay interest on its debt Conversely, a high coverage ratio indicates
and is thus an indicator of its safety margin when that the company is financially secure enough to 5fi
deciding if the business is a good credit risk.
To calculate the interest coverage ratio, a
meet its interest payments on time. However, a
high ratio may also be a sign that a company has
company's operating income (also known as an undesirable lack of debt or is paying off its
earnings before interest and taxes, or EBIT) is
divided by its interest charges over a defined
debt too quickly, using earnings that might be d
better invested in projects that could yield better
period, typically a quarter or half-year. returns. Furthermore, it is sometimes cheaper
Sometimes, EBITDA (where DA is depreciation for a company to borrow more funds at a lower
and amortization) is used instead of EBIT in the
cost of capital than it is currently paying for its
calculation. The ratio shows how many times
a company can cover its interest charges on a existing debt to meet those obligations.
pre-tax basis. For example, a ratio of 5x would
indicate that a company has the ability to cover ADVANTAGES
its debt costs five times over. Paying the interest • An interest coverage ratio is a very useful
charges on the most senior debt increases the indicator of a company's general financial
ratio as it reduces the amount of liabilities on health and one that can be quickly calculated
that deal. The interest payments due also lessen using the most up-to-date financial data
as the debt is cleared. available.
The lower the ratio, the more a company is
burdened by the cost of its debt. An interest DISADVANTAGES
coverage ratio of 2.5X is a warning sign of • The interest coverage ratio metric should
potential financial problems. A ratio of 1.5 x never be used as the sole test of a company's
or less should trigger serious concern about a financial soundness. Only if you have access
company's overall financial health. When the to the current books can you know if there are
ratio is less than ix, it means the company is otherwise unknown changes in a company's
not earning enough revenues to pay its interest financial situation. Use other metrics in
charges. It may then have to honor its debt conjunction, such as the debt-to-equity ratio,
obligations by borrowing further funds or using to gain a fuller picture.

Duffle, Darrell, and Kenneth J. Singleton. Credit Risk: Pricing, Measurement, and Management.
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2003.
Lando, David. Credit Risk Modeling: Theory and Applications. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University
Press, 2004.
van Deventer, Donald R., and Kenji Imai. Credit Risk Models & the Basel Accords. Singapore: Wiley,

Understanding and Using Leverage n
Ratios tr

Leveraging is a way to use funds whereby most • Leveraging means borrowing money to
of the money is raised by borrowing rather than invest. Anyone who takes out a mortgage is
effectively leveraging. By paying a deposit (ft
by stock issue (for a company) or use of capital W
(by an individual). At its most basic, leveraging to obtain a loan, you can buy a home that
means taking out a loan so that you can invest otherwise you would not be able to afford.
the money and hoping your investment makes Although property prices can and do fall
more money than you will have to pay in interest
periodically, over the long term property
usually increases in value. If it does, you can
on the loan. sell the property and make a profit on your ft
The leverage ratio is used to calculate original mortgage loan. a*
the financial leverage of a company. This • Leveraging enables an individual or a
information gives an insight into the company's company to gain access to larger capital sums
financing methods, or it can be used to measure to make investments, with the aim of making
the company's ability to meet its financial a profit by doing so.
obligations. There are a number of different • Strategies in leveraging run from basic
ratios, but the main factors involved are debt, to highly sophisticated, and the degree of
equity, assets, operating income, and interest risk varies in the same way. The benefits
expenses. of leveraging will depend on your financial
The most commonly used ratio is debt to situation, your objectives, and your attitude to
equity (D/E, or financial leverage), which risk.
indicates how much the business relies on debt
financing. In normal circumstances the typical DISADVANTAGES
D/E ratio is 2:1, with only one-third of the debt • Anything that has the potential to make
money involves some risk. Gains can be
in the long term. A high D/E ratio might show up
better than normal; losses can be worse. A
possible difficulty in paying interest and capital change in interest rates can have an effect
while obtaining extra funding. As an example, on your profit too. There is a risk that your
if a company has $10 million of debt and $20 investment will not make enough profit to
million of equity, it has a D/E ratio of 0.5 ($10 pay off the interest on your loan.
million/$20 million). • You can mitigate the risks by diversifying
Another leveraging ratio can be used to your portfolio, thereby guarding against
measure the operating cost mix. This helps to high losses, although this will probably limit
indicate how any change in output may affect opportunities to make spectacular gains. A
operating income. There are two types of fixed-rate loan can protect against a rise in
operating costs: fixed and variable. The mix of interest rates.
these will differ depending on the company and
the industry. A high operating leverage can lead
to forecasting risk. For example, a tiny error ACTION CHECKLIST
• Are you comfortable borrowing money that
made in a sales forecast could trigger far bigger
you might struggle to pay back?
errors when it comes to projecting cash flows
• Are you comfortable with high risk in your
based on those sales. finances?
There is also interest coverage, which measures • Are you confident that interest rates will not
a company's margin of safety and indicates how
many times the company can make its interest
rise to add further risk to your borrowings?
• A r e you confident your investment will make o
payments. This figure is calculated by dividing more than the interest you have to pay back
earnings prior to interest and taxes by the on your loan?
interest expense.
Financing and Raising Capital


• Look at leveraging as a way of using other • Don't get involved with leveraging if you are
people's money (by way of a loan) to make uncomfortable with financial risk.
your own investments. • Don't choose an investment without a full
• Understand how your loan works and what understanding of what you are investing in.
and when you will have to pay back.
• As much research as you can. And then more


Marr, Bernard. Strategic Performance Management: Leveraging and Measuring Your Intangible
Value Drivers. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2006.
Matthaus-Maier, Ingrid, and J. D. von Pischke (eds). Microfinance Investment Funds: Leveraging
Private Capital for Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2006.
Militello, Frederick C, and Michael D. Schwalberg. Leverage Competencies: What Financial
Executives Need to Lead. Upper Saddle River, NJ: FT Prentice Hall, 2002.


Understanding Debt Cover 9
DEFINITION 90% of annual debt payments, and the company
Debt cover is defined as the ratio of a company's would therefore have to repay borrowings using
cash or by taking out a further loan. Usually (ft
total assets to its debt. It helps to assess the
amount of cash flow available to meet annual banks are unlikely to lend where there is negative
interest and principal payments on a debt, cashflow,but they may decide to take the risk if
including sinking fund payments. Should a the company can clearly demonstrate that this is (ft
company be wound up, the ratio would indicate a temporary blip. (ft
by how much the shareholders' redemption
value and prior charges and any future capital
Over a period of time the debt cover should
improve as a company pays down its debts and,
charges would be covered by the assets. This generally speaking, as with other metrics that
useful metric indicates how easily a company measure credit risk, the higher the ratio the O
can meet its interest and principal payments better as it means a lower risk of capital loss. §-
from its revenues.
Debt cover is calculated by dividing a ADVANTAGES
company's operating income (either EBIT or • Debt cover is a useful measure of financial
EBITDA) by the debt expenses, i.e. the interest strength. It can indicate not only what the
charges. Banks typically use debt cover as an debt cover was at a particular point in time,
indicator for determining economic risk when but also how much it has changed since it was
making loans. Typically, a bank looks for a ratio last evaluated. It is thus a way of assessing a
ofbetween 1.15X and 1.35X (net operating income company's financial quality and associated
divided by annual debt service) to be satisfied risk levels.
that there is sufficient cash flow available on an
ongoing basis to repay the loan instalments. DISADVANTAGES
However, the debt cover may sometimes be • Debt cover should never be used as the
less than ix for a loan. This does not necessarily sole metric test of a company's financial
mean that the company is at risk of default, soundness. Only if you have access to the
although it is certainly an indicator of potential current books can you know if there are
financial problems ahead as it means there is, otherwise unknown changes in a company's
at the time of calculation, a negative cash flow. financial situation. Use other metrics in
For example, a ratio of 0.9x indicates that there conjunction, such as the interest coverage
is only enough net operating income to cover ratio, to gain a fuller picture.

Duffie, Darrell, and Kenneth J. Singleton. Credit Risk: Pricing, Measurement, and Management.
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2003.
Lando, David. Credit Risk Modeling: Theory and Applications. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University
Press, 2004.
van Deventer, Donald R., and Kenji Imai. Credit Risk Models & the Basel Accords. Singapore: Wiley,

Understanding Fixed-Charge Coverage
Fixed-charge coverage is a financial ratio that is
• There is no standardized procedure for
used to gauge the quality of a bond issue or the determining either fixed charges or the net
ability of a project to meet its debt repayments. It income available for these charges.
is calculated by dividing total fixed charges into • Other ratios may provide a better indicator of
a company's financial health. (ft
the net income (or earnings before interest and (ft
tax) available for these charges. Thefixedcharges c
are gross interest, contractual payments under ACTION CHECKLIST
operating leases, and preference dividends. ^Identify the fixed-charge coverage ratio from era
Thus, afixed-chargecoverage ratio would look
like this:
the company's accounts.
^ I f it is less than 1, speak to the company's
Fixed-charge coverage = EBIT + ———— y-
managers immediately to ascertain how they
plan to meet their fixed-cost obligations.
Fixed charge + Interest

where EBIT is earnings before interest and tax,

and the fixed charge is before tax.
Generally, the greatest fixed charge a
company is likely to face is the interest on its • Remember that if a company has a fixed-
debt. However, the fixed-charge coverage ratio charge coverage of less than 1, it cannot
assumes particular importance if the company meet its fixed obligations through earnings
you are evaluating spends heavily on leases, such and thus must rely on other funds, such as
as leases on buildings and equipment. A lease extra borrowings or drawing down working
payment is effectively the same thing as a debt capital.
payment, and it should be taken just as seriously. • Remember that this ratio often comes into
The lower a company's net income, the greater play if you have a working-capital loan; the
the negative impact of the lease payments on the lender will insist that a specific fixed-charge
ratio. coverage ratio is maintained or your loan will
be recalled.
Overall, the lower the ratio, the worse is the
• Remember to try to gauge the attitudes of
financial position of the company. Bond issues managers toward taking on more debt as the
can contain covenants that set limits on how low existing debt matures.
the fixed-charge coverage ratio can fall. Such
a covenant is designed to provide the lender DONT
with protection, so that the borrower's financial • Don't just rely on the fixed-charge coverage
position will remain more or less the same as ratio. Other ratios that can be used to
it was when the loan was made. Thus, a bond measure a company's ability to meet its debt
may contain a covenant that prevents the fixed- obligations include the interest coverage ratio
charge coverage ratio from falling below 2. and the debt service coverage ratio.
• Don't ignore the proforma coverage ratio. It
has essentially the same components as the
fixed-charge coverage ratio but is forward
• Thefixed-chargecoverage ratio is readily looking. It can tell you whether this year's
identifiable. earnings (if repeated) would be able to cover
• It provides a straightforward measure of the
financial health of a company.
what must be paid in the coming year.

Financing and Raising Capital

i-3 Books:
*y Geddes, Ross. Valuation and Investment Appraisal. London: Financial World Publishing, 2002.
4} Holmes, Geoffrey, Alan Sugden, and Paul Gee. Interpreting Company Reports and Accounts. 10th
X" ed. Harlow, UK: FT Prentice Hall, 2008.
U The Ultimate Small Business Guide: A Resource for Startups and Growing Businesses. New York:
^L Basic Books, 2003.
V Article:
H Goodacre, Alan. "Operating lease finance in the UK retail sector." International Review of Retail,
M) Distribution and Consumer Research 13:1 (2003): 99-125. Online at:
<Z3 Website:
HH American Bankruptcy Institute:

Equity Investment
Dealing with Venture Capital 9ft
Companies n.

Small and growing businesses seeking to finance • VC investors put money into risky or
further development, but which cannot raise innovative businesses and projects that might
the necessary funds through a bank loan or otherwise have trouble obtaining funding.
overdraft, or by an injection of further capital • Apart from providing funding, a VC company •§
from the current owner, may find that venture takes an active role in the management of
capitalists provide the best solution to their a business, to which it can bring a great
needs. Venture capital (VC) is the term used deal of administrative expertise and market
for unsecured funding provided by specialist knowledge. It may also have valuable skills
firms in return for a proportion of a company's and contacts, and can assist with strategy and
shares. Venture capital investments are seen as key decision-making.
relatively high risk for the lender because they • Having invested in a project, a VC company ft
are unsecured. will do all it can to ensure that it is a success. 3
VC funds are often used in conjunction • VC companies can also provide access to
with a management buyout or buyin, in which funding by other VC investors.
a management team is demonstrating its • Investors are often prepared to provide
commitment to a firm's success by investing follow-up funding as the business grows.
their own money in the business.
Venture capital firms consider various DISADVANTAGES
factors before committing funds to a business. There may be disadvantages to accepting VC
These include the track record of the business investment, and the following points should be
and whether the management team has a considered carefully.
proven record of success; for this reason, VC • Is the VC company acting as a lead investor?
companies generally do not consider start-ups If so, are there complementary or competing
as suitable for investment. They will seek to companies in its portfolio? Does it have
determine whether the management's plans experience with similar types of investment?
for the business are credible. They will also • Will the VC company be able to come up with
try to determine whether a viable exit strategy extra financing if it becomes necessary?
can be achieved within a preferred timescale, • What type of role does it want in the
usually within three to five years of making their management of your business?
investment. This could be executed via a trade • Can your management team live up to the
sale, stock market listing, refinancing by another conditions demanded by the VC company,
institution, or a repurchasing of the entire capital and does it have complementary skills?
by management. • If your firm reaches the deal negotiation stage
In return for their investment, VC firms make with a VC investor, you will have to pay legal
a number of demands, including the following: and accounting fees whether or not you are
• A high return (perhaps a compound return of successful in securing funds.
25% or more), largely generated by growth in
the capital value of the business.
• Representation on the company's board. DOSANDDON'TS
In the past, companies have approached venture DO
capital funds to provide seed, start-up, and • Seek expert legal and financial advice
expansion financing, as well as management/ when negotiating any agreement with a VC
leveraged buyout financing. However, nowadays company.
VC companies focus almost entirely on funding • Be aware of the significant time required to O
businesses that have proprietary technology or complete the process. t-H
knowledge. Thus they tend to favor businesses • When researching venture capitalists, go for
with a product or service that offers a unique geographic and industry specializations that
selling point or other competitive advantage. complement your own.

Financing and Raising Capital

3 • Don't take on venture capital unless you
Don't forget that you will lose some of your
power to make management decisions.
(0 are sure that you can cope mentally and Don't forget that there can be legal and
physically with the provider's requirements. regulatory issues to comply with when raising

£ Cardis, Joel, er al. Venture Capital: The Definitive Guide for Entrepreneurs, Investors, and
Practitioners. New York: Wiley, 2001.
Gladstone, David, and Laura Gladstone. Venture Capital Handbook: An Entrepreneur's Guide to
Raising Venture Capital. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2002.
Hill, Brian E., and Dee Power. Inside Secrets to Venture Capital. New York: Wiley, 2001.
Arthur, Jeff. "Cashing in with venture capital." SaskBusiness (January-February 2008).
Iwata, Edward. "Venture capital spreads the wealth around the country." USA Today (March 11,
2008). Online at:
British Venture Capital Association (BVCA):
European Private Equity & Venture Capital Association (EVCA):
National Venture Capital Association (NVCA, US):
vFinance directory of venture capital resources and related services:


Investors and the Capital Structure o
A company's capital structure is determined by
the company is performing well. However,
one advantage of this structure from the k
its long-term financing arrangements, including company's perspective is that payment of
a combination of common stock, debentures, dividends is optional, giving the company the
preferred stock, long-term debt, and retained right to make no dividend payments during
earnings. The capital structure, which is also challenging trading periods. w
known as the capitalization structure, differs
from the financial structure in that the latter DISADVANTAGES
reflects short-term liabilities and accounts • A company with a capital structure based
largely on debt is required to pay interest to the
To better understand the nature of a company's debt holders, regardless of how the company
capital structure, it is worth considering the is performing. However, there may be tax

comparative levels of equity and debt. Companies advantages associated with debt repayments.
with relatively high levels of debt are said to have • Careful thought needs to be given to capital-
higher "gearing." However, a company's gearing structure decisions, based on factors such as
outlook is not always as simple as it may appear expected rate of investment return and cost of 3
at first glance. Convertible bonds, for example, capital. Ill-judged capital-structure decisions
are classed as debt at the time of issue but can lead to serious financial problems.
could subsequently become equity. Conversely,
preference shares are by nature equity, but they
have a fixed-return element that gives them ACTION CHECKLIST
certain debt-like characteristics. \ / B e clear about the differences between capital
At a simplistic level, a company's choice of structure and financial structure—terms that
capital structure should have no impact on the are often confused. Capital structure is the
company's total value, as represented by the equity/debt balance of a company's long-term
sum of equity and debt. This theory is sometimes finances, whereas financial structure also
known as "capital structure irrelevance" or the includes short-term funding arrangements,
"Modigliani-Miller theory." Promulgated in the as represented in the current liabilities on the
1960s by Franco Modigliani and Merton Miller, company's balance sheet.
who later collected the Nobel Prize for Economics, >^Aim to understand the factors behind
the basis of the theory is that all investors in the companies' choice of capital structure.
company ultimately benefit from the total cash There are many considerations behind
flows enjoyed by the company. Changes to the these decisions, including cash flow
overall balance between equity and debt have projections, possible taxation benefits,
no effect on the cash flows, only on how they funding availability, industry factors, risk
are effectively divided up between different considerations, and cash management.
types of investor. However, more advanced
financial models subsequently demonstrated the
limitations first recognized by Modigliani and
Miller: factors of relevance include the impact DOSANDDONTS
of taxation and agency issues, i.e. conflicts of DO
interests between executives, equity investors, • Consider the benefits of buying a combination
and bondholders. of shares and debt when making an
investment in a company. This approach
ADVANTAGES would effectively lower the gearing of the
• A basic understanding of a company's capital investment opportunity relative to a shares-
structure, particularly its level of gearing, is only purchase.
a useful starting point when considering an • Bear in mind that, while differences between O
investment in the company. rival companies' capital structures can seem hrt
• Investors in companies with capital significant, research based on extensions of
structures based on equity would expect the Modigliani-Miller theory has suggested
to receive returns on their investment via that the benefits of adjustments to companies'
dividends. Capital growth is also likely when capital structures are frequently limited. O

Financing and Raising Capital

• Don't ignore a company simply because of Don't ignore the possible impact of agency

its capital structure. An investor looking for problems when analyzing companies.
a more highly geared proposition could buy Conflicts of interest can occur in many forms,
shares in the company, then lend against even between stockholders, debt holders,

6 them. and executives.

Kiihn, Christian. Capital Structure Decisions in Institutional Buyouts. Wiesbaden, Germany: DUV,
Riahi-Belkaoui, Ahmed. Capital Structure: Determination, Evaluation, and Accounting. Westport,
CT: Quorum Books, 1999.
Brounen, Dirk, Abe de Jong, and Kees Koedijk. "Capital structure policies in Europe: Survey
evidence." Journal of Banking and Finance 30:5 (May 2006): 1409-1442. Online at:
Talberg, Magnus, Christian Winge, Stein Frydenberg, and Sjur Westgaard. "Capital structure across
industries." International Journal of the Economics of Business 15:2 (2008): 181-200. Online at:

Options for Raising Finance 9
DEFINITION • Personal loans: If it is impossible to
Funding small and medium-sized enterprises arrange a loan in your business's name,
is a major part of the general business finance you could consider arranging a personal
market. When a budding company is growing loan. However, check that the conditions do
rapidly and needs to invest in capital equipment not jeopardize control of the business and
or other assets, its financial capital may be that you are very confident of being able to
insufficient. Few emerging companies are able repay or you may lose the assets put up as •§
to finance their expansion plans from cash flow collateral.
alone. Therefore, entrepreneurs need to consider
• Family and friends: To avoid any
raising finance from external sources. Once
they have decided to raise capital, they need to misunderstandings and/or resolve any
consider what source and type of finance will dispute if things go wrong, it is imperative
suit their needs. to make a written agreement, including the
timescale and interest payments.
• Venture capital: Is intended for higher risks, ft
such as start up situations and development
capital for established companies. ADVANTAGES 3
• Joint venture: Find an individual or • Finding the finance on the right terms allows
organization to both invest in and work with a small and medium-sized enterprises to invest
company in its business project. in land, new capital equipment, R&D, etc.
• Limited company: Raise capital by setting Very few emergent companies are able to
up a limited company and selling shares to finance their expansion plans from cash flow
investors. alone.
• Banks for working capital: Short-term • Raising finance helps to avoid the dilution of
finance or the working capital necessary to business control or share capital.
fund the day-to-day running of the business.
This can take the form of an agreed overdraft, DISADVANTAGES
where the interest will be calculated on your • Venture capitalists normally want preference
daily outstanding balance and charged on a shares or loan stock in addition to their
monthly or quarterly basis. equity stake.
• Banks for medium-term loans: A loan • Joint ventures and the setting up of limited
paid back over an agreed term (typically three companies can often result in the loss of
to ten years), where principal and interest are control over aspects such as policy and
paid off monthly. This type of loan is used development.
mainly to invest in equipment, expansion, and • Banks have the power to place a business into
development. administration or bankruptcy if it defaults on
• Banks for long-term loans: The most debt interest or repayments.
common way to arrange long-term borrowing. • Borrowing from family or friends can lead to
This type of loan is normally used to purchase disputes or interference in the management
assets such as a business, land, buildings,
of the venture.
plant, or machinery that can be shown to
directly or indirectly add to profit over a
number of years.
• Factoring and invoice discounting: To ACTION CHECKLIST
improve cash flow,financecan also be raised ^Prepare a written business plan explaining
against customer debts using factoring or in detail your business objectives, your
invoice discounting. operating plan, projected earnings,
• Leasing: Providesfinancefor the acquisition marketing strategy, and other relevant
of specific assets, such as cars, equipment, and information. O
machinery. Leasing involves a deposit and ^ U s e the strategy laid out in the business plan »—i

repayments over, typically, three to ten years.

Thefinancierpurchases the equipment you
require and then leases it to you in return for
to help you assess all the alternatives and
then negotiate terms with several financial
providers before choosing the one that suits
regular payments for the duration of the lease
you best. o
Financing and Raising Capital


• Consider what source and type of finance • Don't forget that your financing decisions
suits your needs. Then match the method may have an impact on business cash flow
of funding and the term of the loan to the and taxation obligations.
reason for the finance.


Burk, James E., and Richard P. Lehman. Financing Your Small Business: From SBA Loans and
Credit Cards to Common Stock and Partnership Interests. Naperville, IL: Sourcebooks, 2006.
Lister, Kate, and Tom Harnish. Finding Money: The Small Business Guide to Financing. Chichester,
UK: Wiley, 1995.
Timmons, Jeffry A., Stephen Spinelli, and Andrew Zacharakis. How to Raise Capital: Techniques
and Strategies for Financing and Valuing Your Small Business. Maidenhead, UK: McGraw-Hill
Professional, 2005.
Thomas, Tony. "How to raise business finance." NZ Business (June 2006).
Williams, Gary. "How to balance ownership with the need to raise capital." Deseret News (April 20,
2008). Online at:
Support for small and medium-sized enterprises:
US Chamber of Commerce:

An Overview of Stockholders' Agreements 9
The shares (or stock) issued by most limited
• Stockholders' agreements are not regulated.
Shareholders have the flexibility to decide the I
companies are classed as "ordinary," and each type of contract they want.
share carries one vote. Majority shareholders will • The stockholders' agreement can also restrict
therefore control voting in the company. Since the transfer of shares and will establish W
minority shareholders may resent not having any pre-emption rights (the right of existing
say in important company decisions, conflicts shareholders to be the first to acquire the d
can arise. To minimize these, it is advisable shares of another shareholder).
that the shareholders sign a stockholders'
agreement—which will give small shareholders a DISADVANTAGES 3
voice in these big decisions. • Assenting to a stockholders' agreement may <
Stockholders' agreements are more commonly involve extensive negotiations and require
used in certain circumstances: for example, professional advice. It could be expensive to
when some shareholders are not directors and draft and put in place.
thus do not have much of a role in the decisions 2
of the board, or in the case of equal-stake joint
A stockholders' agreement will establish </ Study any shareholder agreement carefully
the constitution of the board, the number of before signing. Be clear what you would like
directors, which shareholder(s) will have the to achieve from it.
right to appoint directors (and how many), and • Be prepared for extensive negotiations,
who will be the chairman of the board and have which could prove time-consuming as well as
the casting vote if needed. It will also decide who costly.
will have management control and how board • Economize by negotiating a reasonable rate
meetings and voting will operate. with your legal and financial advisers, but
remember that it is better to incur costs and
The agreement can also establish that certain
understand the agreement you sign than
business issues will require the approval of
to enter into an agreement that you do not
100% of the shares. These are usually only very
understand and may not represent your
important issues, such as: the company entering
into a contract with directors or shareholders;
the incurring of expenditure or liability over
a certain predetermined value; the company
giving a guarantee or taking on an encumbrance
(debt) of a certain value; the sale, transfer, lease,
or licensing of any of the assets of the company • Involve your lawyers in the negotiation of a
other than in the ordinary course of business; stockholders' agreement.
or the altering of any provisions of the company • Think carefully what you would like to
bylaws. achieve from it.
In general, a stockholders' agreement is • If necessary, request the right to appoint a
a contract between shareholders that can director as your representative on the board.
stipulate more or less anything, as long as it In this way, you can influence decisions in
does not contravene the law or the bylaws of the the company at board level.
ADVANTAGES • Don't make the mistake of entering into a
• Stockholders' agreements protect minority
shareholders and allow them to participate in
stockholders' agreement that you do not
understand and does not represent your o
decisions from which they might otherwise be interests.

Financing and Raising Capital

'A Books:
•^ Wilkinson, Chris (ed). Joint Ventures and Shareholders' Agreements. 3rd ed. Haywards Heath, UK:
q Tottel Publishing, 2009.
Stedman, Graham, Janet Jones, and John Cadman. Shareholders' Agreements. 4th ed. Andover,
UK: Sweet & Maxwell, 2003.

tj Articles:
4) Sisca, Eileen R., and Eckert Seamans. "Protect your investment with a shareholders' agreement."
£ Leader's Edge 2:9 (1999): 4 .
^ Waldman, Glenn J. "The shareholders' agreement—Don't leave your P.A. without it." Florida Bar
i> Journal 71:9 (October 1997): 57. Online a t :
jjjjj Websites:
^ Canadian legal resources:
,-j-J Exile From the Herd: The Official Mark Jeftovic blog: www, private world. com
£ International Financial Law Review:
Net Lawman legal documents (UK):


Raising Capital by Issuing Shares O
DEFINITION • Once listed, a company can periodically
A company that wants to raise capital by issuing issue further shares via a rights issue, raising
yet more capital for expansion without (ft
shares has several options. If it is not yet listed on
a stock exchange, the company can prepare for running up debt. Being in a position to raise
an initial public offering (IPO), in which it will capital from the stock markets, rather than
be valued and an opening price will be set for its privately from individual investors, is a major
shares when they are released onto the market. incentive for many companies to issue shares
on an exchange.
How much finance can be raised through an IPO
depends partly on the perceived value, and thus
share price, of the company, and partly on how DISADVANTAGES
much interest there is in the shares when they • The main disadvantage of issuing shares
through an IPO is that a company's owners

are released on the market. (ft
no longer have full control of the business
For a company that is already listed on an and become accountable to stockholders.
exchange, an alternative route is to launch an Stockholders can block plans if they believe
additional share issue (also known as a seasoned o
they pose too great a risk to their investment.
equity offering, or SEO) or a rights issue. A SEO 3
• Any issuance of further shares dilutes
is a new equity issue by a company following its the holdings of existing stockholders as a
IPO. A rights issue permits existing stockholders proportion of the company's total shares.
to purchase a designated number of new shares This can lead to dissatisfaction from minority
from a company at a specified price within a stockholders, who have the most to lose.
specified time. The offer may be rejected, or In some jurisdictions, such as the UK,
accepted in full or in part, by each stockholder. stockholders have preemptive rights by law,
Rights are usually transferable, meaning that which means they have the right to purchase
the holder can sell them on the open market. new issuances first. In other jurisdictions,
The additional shares in a rights issue are such as the US, preemptive rights must
generally issued to stockholders on a pro rata be enshrined in a company's constitution.
basis—for example, in a two-for-five rights issue Stockholders who do not have preemptive
stockholders are offered two shares for every five rights are most at risk of seeing their
they already hold. investment diluted.
Renounceable rights are rights offered by a
company to existing stockholders to purchase
further stock, usually at a discount. These rights ACTION CHECKLIST
have a value and can be traded. If rights are to • Consider whether options for raising capital
be issued, the company has to set the price of other than a share issue might be more
the new shares, determine how many it will sell, suited to your investment plans.
and assess how the current share value will be • Consult your bank and other financial
affected as well as the effect on new and existing advisers on the time scale for an IPO or
rights issues, and on the timing of the offer.
stockholders. Nonrenounceable rights are not
transferable and cannot be bought or sold; these
rights must be taken up or they will lapse.
• For a company that has reached a certain size • Issue a proper prospectus for your share offer.
and has a strong reputation, an IPO can be • Keep stockholders informed about how much
a good route to raising a large sum of capital
that will enable it to expand, or invest in
dividend they can expect to receive each year.
assets that will enable it to grow in the future. DONT H-H
• The company does not need to repay this • Don't issue shares if you are not prepared to
share capital, but instead agrees to distribute give up a certain amount of decision-making
future profits to stockholders in return for to stockholders.
their investment. o

Financing and Raising Capital

^2 Books:
'•J Gregoriou, Greg N. Initial Public Offerings: An International Perspective. Amsterdam: Butterworth-
V Heinemann, 2006.
jfi Temple, Peter. First Steps in Shares. Harlow, UK: Pearson Education, 2001.
• Articles:
t* Goergen, Marc, Arif Khurshed, and Ram Mudambi. "The strategy of going public: How UK firms
qj choose their listing contracts." Journal of Business Finance and Accounting 33:1-2 (January/
g March 2006): 79-101. Online at:
•gj Loughran, Tim, and Jay R. Ritter. "Why don't issuers get upset about leaving money on the table in
V IPOs?" Review of Financial Studies 15:2 (Spring 2002): 4 1 3 - 4 4 4 . Online at:


Raising Capital through Private and
Public Equity
Many publicly listed companies needing to raise • Taking the equity route can lock a company on
funds for investment choose not to offer shares into an agreement over a long time frame.
or issue bonds on the open markets, but instead • The company may have to surrender a large
look for capital on the private equity markets. In stake in return for investment, possibly as
the former case, funding comes from a publicly much as 50%, and also provide seats on the
listed company looking to invest in other board.
companies that offer synergy, as well as good • Investors may interfere with the company's
financial returns. In the latter, the funds come business plan and other areas of strategic
from institutional investors who invest their importance.
wealth indirectly through private equity funds- • With either type of equity deal, there needs
private equity being a class of assets that are not to be chemistry between the counterparties.
publicly traded on the exchanges. Institutional Lack of chemistry can lead to board
investors provide such capital with the aim of disagreements and other problems, souring
achieving risk-adjusted returns that exceed the relationship.
those possible on the stock markets. • It can be difficult for a company to extricate
In both cases, a percentage stake in the itself from an equity investment arrangement,
company is surrendered in exchange for the depending on the terms of the deal.
investment, and the deal usually includes one
or more seats on the board of directors as well.
Companies seeking equity funding may use a ACTION CHECKLIST
financial intermediary to broker the best deal for ^Look for synergies if choosing the equity
the investment. investment route, as the relationship with
Companies that raise investment capital in investors is likely to be more fruitful and less
this way can usually expect to deliver a return fraught if the counterparties feel they want
on investment through one of the following the same things for the business, and can
routes: Recapitalization, in which the company agree on essentials such as direction and
distributes dividends or cash to its stakeholders; strategy.
a merger or acquisition, in which the company V Private equity firms are more likely to be
may be absorbed by or merged with its public concerned about the long-term relationship
equity investor, or sold for either cash or in terms of ultimate financial return, whereas
shares in another company by its private equity a public equity investor may be concerned
backers; a buy-out, in which the equity investor only with the bottom line.
agrees to pull out in exchange for a cash sum
from the company, which thereupon regains
its independence; or an initial public offering
(IPO), whereby company shares are offered to DOS AND DONTS
the public on a stock exchange, which offers the DO
equity investor both an immediate partial cash • Hold talks with a range of potential investors
return on its investment, in addition to a public to compare the deals on offer.
market in which additional share issues can be • Look at other possible financing options—an
placed at a later date. equity deal may not always be the right
• Raising capital through equity can be a good DONT
choice for companies that are not ready for • Don't enter into an equity deal if you feel
an IPO or are unwilling to finance expansion pressured to give away a greater stake in the
through debt. business than you want to. You may regret it
• An equity deal means that the company later.
has access to business experts through its • Don't be afraid to bargain hard at the
investors, who can help to steer the business
strategically as well as financially.
negotiating stage of the deal. o

Financing and Raising Capital

V-* Books:
^3 Fraser-Sampson, Guy. Private Equity as an Asset Class. Chichester, UK: Wiley, 2007.
QJ Jenkinson, Tim, and Alexander Ljungqvist. Going Public: The Theory and Evidence on How
6 Companies Raise Equity Finance. 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001.
Mathonet, Pierre-Yves, and Thomas Meyer. J-Curve Exposure: Managing a Portfolio of Venture
^ Capital and Private Equity Funds. Chichester, UK: Wiley, 2007.
fi Mavrikakis, Alexis. Public Companies and Equity Finance 2009. Guildford, UK: College of Law

jH Publishing, 2009.



Sovereign Wealth Funds—Investment o
Strategies and Objectives o
DEFINITION greater standards of transparency and improved
Sovereign Wealth Funds' (SWFs) investment disclosure from SWFs with the potential to
decisions are typically made with one of two acquire assets of significant national importance

goals in mind: Either the funds are seeking an or prestige, there is evidence that many SWFs
attractive rate of return in purely economic would prefer to work within more loosely
terms, or they are hoping to generate strategic worded "best practice" investment frameworks.
benefits for their country. In the former case, In October 2008, the International Working
Group of Sovereign Wealth Funds presented a
SWFs regularly describe themselves as passive
investors in that they do not seek to influence or proposed set of principles guiding the operations
control the companies they invest in, sometimes of SWFs to the International Monetary Fund's
preferring to avoid holding voting shares at all. (IMF) policy-focused International Monetary
In contrast to typical private equity investors, and Financial Committee. Both the IMF and the
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
SWFs are also frequently happy to put their faith
Development (OECD) are set to present their 3
in existing company management, rather than
aiming to parachute their own executives onto own proposals in reports due in 2009.
the board. When a SWF invests in a company
for strategic benefits, commonly in sectors such ADVANTAGES
as financial services or leisure, the objective is • The long-term and "hands-off" nature
usually to gain insights into the management's of investments by SWFs can make them
operational expertise with a long-term view of attractive shareholders for some companies.
helping to develop or grow a related industry in • SWFs have been a particularly valuable
the fund's own country. source of immediate capital injections into
financial institutions whose balance sheets
While many SWFs may emphasize that their
have been in urgent need of strengthening.
investment strategies tend to be longer term and
• High levels of investable cash give SWFs
more "hands off" than the average private equity the ability to capitalize on opportunities
investor, there are signs that some SWFs are generated by market swings, with the
prepared to work more closely with these more meaning SWFs can be a stabilizing influence
active investors to help achieve their investment during times of market volatility.
goals. For example, Abu Dhabi-based Mubadala's
2007 purchase of a 7.5% stake in Carlyle, and DISADVANTAGES
news that China Investment Corporation (CIC) • Doubts persist in some quarters over the
had raised its stake in Blackstone to around motives behind some SWFs investments,
12.5% in late 2008, raised the prospect of further particularly those made for long-term
cooperation between SWFs and private equity strategic reasons.
groups. • Political concerns are frequently raised
Though many SWFs have demonstrated their over the prospect of key national resources
willingness to hold a geographically diverse falling under the control of secretive overseas
spread of assets, few have historically provided investors, particularly in view of most SWFs'
much insight into the precise investment poor disclosure standards.
strategies they employ to achieve their stated
objectives. However, Norway's GPF-G Fund
(Government Pension Fund—Global), the ACTION CHECKLIST
world's second-largest SWF (after the Abu Dhabi ^ B y moving towards the adoption of best
Investment Authority), is the notable exception, practice guidelines to be proposed by the
providing regular updates on its holdings and
demonstrating a high level of commitment to
IMF and the OECD, it should be possible to
alleviate some concerns over the lack of O
ethical investing. Nevertheless, the SWFs' general transparency and disclosure of most SWFs.
perceived lack of investment transparency and ^ B y taking non-voting shares only, SWFs
doubts over their commitment to high standards can help to overcome objections over the
of corporate governance standards have done motivation for some of their more politically
little to help the image of SWFs. Though political sensitive investments. o
pressure is growing in some jurisdictions for

Financing and Raising Capital

3 • Recognize the increasing scope for private
equity and SWF investors to cooperate on
• Don't be afraid of improved disclosure; follow
the example of Norway's pension SWF.
investment projects. • Don't overlook the role of SWFs, as cash-rich,
u • Appreciate that the generally poor level of
transparency of SWFs does little to alleviate
long-term investors, in helping to stabilize
volatile markets and recapitalize struggling
concerns over their motives when making companies.
overseas investments.

Hassan, Adnan. A Practical Guide to Sovereign Wealth Funds. London: Euromoney Institutional
Investor, 2008.
Jen, Stephen. "Sovereign wealth funds: What they are and what's happening." World Economics
8:4 (2007): 1-7. Online at:
Raphaeli, Nimrod, and Bianca Gersten. "Sovereign wealth funds: Investment vehicles for the
Persian Gulf countries." Middle East Quarterly 15:2 (Spring 2008): 45-53. Online at:
International Working Group of Sovereign Wealth Funds:
Opalesque Sovereign Wealth Funds Briefing:
Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute:
SWF Radar archive:


Sovereign Wealth Funds—Profiles of the 9
Top 10 Players
DEFINITION its origins in the investment business of
Though Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs) have China's central bank, CIC was established
been around in various forms for decades, the in its present form as recently as 2007. CIC
leading players have risen to a new level of oversees the investment of China's foreign w
prominence over recent years. In particular, exchange reserves, estimated to be in the c
since the onset of the global credit crunch, region of $200 billion.1 CIC lifted its stake in
several leading SWFs have taken full advantage fund management group Blackstone to 12.5%
of their massive level of liquidity to secure major in 2008, and it has also recently expanded its
stakes in financial services companies in urgent other interests in financial services, holding a
need of capital injections. 9.9% stake in Morgan Stanley.
Middle Eastern and Asian nations benefiting 5 SAMA Foreign Holdings. With assets
from natural resources or mass manufacturing believed to be in the region of $300 billion,1
account for the overwhelming majority of the this Saudi Arabian SWF is generally regarded
leading global SWFs, though Russia and several as one of the least transparent of the major
US states such as Alaska also operate sizable global funds of its kind. Presently outsourcing
funds. The 10 leading global players are as equity to professional asset managers, SAMA
follows: (Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency) could soon
1 Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA). be overshadowed by a new SWF planned by
Established by the United Arab Emirates in the Saudis to manage some of their enormous
1976, ADIA is by far the world's biggest SWF, oil-derived wealth.
with assets estimated at $875 billion.1 As 6 China Development Bank (CDB). Established
much as 75% of ADIA's assets are thought to in 1994, CDB has combined domestic
be administered by external fund managers. infrastructure investments (such as the
With a spread of investments among controversial Three Gorges Dam) with
industrial andfinancialfirmsin the Middle overseas interests, acquiring stakes in banks
East, ADIA caught the headlines in 2007 with such as the UK's Barclays. CDB is thought to
a $7.5 billion investment in US banking giant hold assets worth around $225 billion.1
Citigroup. 7 Kuwait Investment Authority. Run by the
2 Norwegian Government Pension Fund. Kuwait Investment Office, the country's
Norway's decision to invest the proceeds of investment arm, which traces its roots back to
its North Sea oil and gas operations into this the early 1960s, it holds assets worth around
$300+ billion1 pension fund in 1990 has $250 billion.110% of Kuwait's annual oil
created one of the world's biggest SWFs. It is revenues are channeled into the fund, which
the most transparent, having created a panel invests globally across a range of asset classes.
of experts to ensure that the 7,000 companies 8 Temasek. The Singapore state-run investment
in which the fund invests meet its strict fund was established in 1974, with assets
ethical criteria. Following the advice of this recently estimated at around $160 billion.1
panel, the fund famously de-invested in Wal- In common with many of its peers, Temasek
Mart, citing concerns over the retail giant's has been active in the global financial sector,
labor rights record in developing economies. acquiring stakes in institutions such as Merrill
3 Government of Singapore Investment Lynch, Standard Chartered, and Barclays.
Corporation (GIC). Thought to be among the 9 Russia National Welfare and Oil
world'sfivebiggest SWFs, the investment Stabilization Funds. Dating from around
management unit of the Singaporean 2004, the Oil Stabilization Fund has invested
government is believed to manage assets of exclusively in foreign government bonds.
around $330 billion.1 Established in 1981, In early 2008 the Fund was split into two: O
GIC prefers to keep a relatively low profile, The Reserve Fund is thought to hold assets
despite delivering average investment returns of around $162 billion,1 while the National
of nearly 10% per annum in dollar terms since Welfare fund, Russia's official SWF with
1982. GIC holds major stakes in Swiss bank assets estimated at $125 billion,1 absorbs
UBS and US energyfirmAEI. some of the proceeds from the country's
energy industry.
4 China Investment Corporation (CIC). With

Financing and Raising Capital

10 Investment Corporation of Dubai. Formed Concerns have been raised over some SWFs'
in 2006, the Investment Corporation of commitment to upholding high regulatory
Dubai is thought to have assets of at least standards.
$13 billion,1 including its subsidiaries Dubai
International Capital (DIC) and Dubai World.
As well as a high-profile stake in HSBC, the ACTION CHECKLIST
group also holds investments in electronics */k commitment to the adoption of best
giant Sony and automobile manufacturer practice principles proposed by the IMF can
DaimlerChrysler. help SWFs to overcome some concerns over
issues such as their motives, governance,
and transparency.
>/Governments should ensure that their
• SWFs' stated aim of investing for the long national SWFs manage their investments to
term can lend stability to the shareholder the economic benefit of their citizens.
bases of the companies in which they invest.
• These funds have been a valuable source of
large-scale investment for some companies DOS AND DONTS
in need of capital as the credit crunch has DO
deepened. • SWFs should be sensitive to local concerns
• Many SWFs aim to secure nonvoting shares over their investment objectives when
in their target companies, helping to alleviate striking overseas deals.
concerns in some countries over foreign • In situations where SWFs seek an active,
ownership of key assets. controlling stake in a company, SWFs can
overcome their lack of perceived expertise
DISADVANTAGES in some sectors by employing acknowledged
industry experts to run their acquired
• The lack of transparency associated with
businesses more efficiently.
SWFs can create concerns over the motives
behind some investments. DONT
• Some proposed SWF investments can meet • Don't view SWFs as an automatic source
with political or regulatory resistance, on of funding for Western financial institutions
protectionist or national interest grounds. A which find themselves in difficulty.
noted example occurred when Dubai World's • Don't allow the funds to ignore the value
acquisition of P&O prompted US politicians of effective communications and improved
to insist that the acquirer would dispose of investment transparency and disclosure.
several major P&O-owned US ports.

Carson, Thomas N., and William P. Litmann (eds). Sovereign Wealth Funds. New York: Nova, 2008.
Davis, Steven H. Inside China Investment Corp. London: McGraw-Hill, 2008.
Elson, Anthony. "The sovereign wealth funds of Singapore." World Economics 9:3 (2008): 73-96.
Online at:
Schuette, Patrick. "Tamed tigers: Sovereign wealth funds as passive investors." Illinois Business
Law Journal (November 2008). Online at:
Abu Dhabi Investment Authority:
China Investment Corporation:
International Monetary Fund:
International Working Group of Sovereign Wealth Funds:
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development:
Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute:

Sovereign Wealth Funds—Profiles of the Top 10 Players




1 Asset size estimates taken from Norton Rose's 5H
June 2008 report, "Sovereign wealth funds and the ^
global private equity landscape survey" (available 2^
on and The Times (London), (*)
December 27, 2007. W

Understanding Capital Markets, o
Structure and Function 3*

DEFINITION • The secondary market gives important

Capital markets provide a wide range of pricing information that permits efficient use
products and services that are related to of limited capital.
financial investments. Capital markets include
the stock market, commodities exchanges, the DISADVANTAGES
bond market, and just about any physical or • In capital markets, bond prices are influenced
virtual service or intermediary where debt and by economic data such as employment,

equity securities can be bought or sold. Their income growth/decline, consumer prices,
primary purpose is to raise funds and channel and industrial prices. Any information that
investors' money to areas where there is a deficit

implies rising inflation will weaken bond
or need for investment. They play a vital role prices, as inflation reduces the income from a
as intermediaries between governments and bond.
companies, which use them to finance a myriad • Prices for shares in capital markets can ft
of activities. be very volatile. Their value depends on a 3
The capital markets can be broken down number of external factors over which the
into the primary market, where new stocks and investor has no control.
bonds are issued to investors, and the secondary • Different shares can have different levels of
market, where existing stocks and bonds are liquidity, i.e. demand from buyers and sellers.
In the primary market, governments,
companies, or public sector organizations can
obtain funding through the sale of a new stock
• When placing a buy or sell order, there
or bonds. These are normally issued through
are two ways you can trade. Shares can
securities dealers and banks, which underwrite
be traded at market order, which means
the offered stocks or bonds. The issuers earn a
buying at the prevailing market price. The
commission, which is built into the price of the
security offering. alternative is the limit order, in which you set
the minimum or maximum price.
In the secondary market, stocks and shares
in publicly traded companies are bought and • What are interest rates going to do?
sold through one of the major stock exchanges, Investors who buy and sell bonds before
which serve as managed auctions for stock. A maturity are exposed to many risks, most
stock exchange, share market, or bourse is a importantly changes in interest rates. When
company, corporation, or mutual organization interest rates increase, new issues will pay a
that provides facilities for stockbrokers and higher yield and the value of existing bonds
traders to trade stocks and other securities. will fall. When interest rates decline, the
Stock exchanges also provide facilities for the value of existing bonds will rise as new issues
issue and redemption of securities, trading in pay a lower yield.
other financial instruments, and the payment of
income and dividends.

• Capital markets provide the lubricant DO
between investors and those needing to raise • Before you buy, check how quickly you will
capital. be able to sell if necessary, and at what
• Capital markets create price transparency discount and dealing fee.
and liquidity. They provide a safe platform
for a wide range of investors —including DONT o
commercial and investment banks, insurance • Don't, unless you are completely confident,
companies, pension funds, mutual funds, and invest in only one type of bond or security.
retail investors—to hedge and speculate.
• Holding different shares or bonds allows an
investor to spread investment risk.
An exchange-traded fund or an index fund
might be a much safer bet. z
Financing and Raising Capital

S Books:
^ Fabozzi, Frank 3., and Franco Modigliani. Capital Markets: Institutions and Instruments. 4th ed.
« Upper Saddle River, N2: Prentice Hall, 2008.
6 Maginn, 3ohn L, Donald L. Turtle, Jerald E. Pinto, and Dennis W. McLeavey (eds). Managing
Investment Portfolios: A Dynamic Process. 3rd ed. Hoboken, N3: Wiley, 2007.
^ Mclnish, Thomas H. Capital Markets: A Global Perspective. Maiden, MA: Blackwell Publishers, 2000.
S ...
0) Articles:
Q Mehta, Nina. "TradeWeb eyes equity expansion in 2008." Traders Magazine (December 2007).
•^ Online at:
4) Rodier, Melanie. "The massive growth of electronic bond trading." Wall Street and Technology
£ (April 15, 2008). Online at:
*J Websites:
£ FTSE Global Bond Index:
j^ Interactive Investor:

Understanding Capital Structure 9
Theory: Modigliani and Miller ft

DEFINITION borrowed sum of money, which is the value of
The Modigliani-Miller theorem states that, the levered company's debt. There is an implicit
in the absence of taxes, bankruptcy costs, and assumption that the investor's cost of borrowing

asymmetric information, and in an efficient money is the same as that of the levered company,
market, a company's value is unaffected by which is not necessarily true in the presence of
how it is financed, regardless of whether the asymmetric information or in the absence of
company's capital consists of equities or debt, efficient markets. For a company that has risky
or a combination of these, or what the dividend debt, as the ratio of debt to equity increases
policy is. The theorem is also known as the the weighted average cost of capital remains %
capital structure irrelevance principle. ft
constant, but there is a higher required return
A number of principles underlie the theorem, on equity because of the higher risk involved for
which holds under the assumption of both equity-holders in a company with debt. &
taxation and no taxation. The two most important ft
principles are that, first, if there are no taxes, 3
increasing leverage brings no benefits in terms • In practice, it's fair to say that none of the
of value creation, and second, that where there assumptions are met in the real world, but
are taxes, such benefits, by way of an interest tax
what the theorem teaches is that capital
shield, accrue when leverage is introduced and/
or increased. structure is important because one or more of
the assumptions will be violated. By applying
The theorem compares two companies—one
the theorem's equations, economists can find
unlevered (i.e. financed purely by equity) and
the other levered (i.e. financed partly by equity the determinants of optimal capital structure
and partly by debt)—and states that if they are and see how those factors might affect
identical in every other way the value of the two optimal capital structure.
companies is the same.
As an illustration of why this must be true, DISADVANTAGES
suppose that an investor is considering buying • Modigliani and Miller's theorem, which
one of either an unlevered company or a levered justifies almost unlimited financial leverage,
company. The investor could purchase the has been used to boost economic and
shares of the levered company, or purchase the financial activities. However, its use also
shares of the unlevered company and borrow an resulted in increased complexity, lack of
equivalent sum of money to that borrowed by transparency, and higher risk and uncertainty
the levered company. In either case, the return in those activities. The global financial crisis
on investment would be identical. Thus, the of 2008, which saw a number of highly
price of the levered company must be the same leveraged investment banks fail, has been in
as the price of the unlevered company minus the part attributed to excessive leverage ratios.


Financing and Raising Capital

^j Brealey, Richard A., Stewart C. Myers, and Franklin Allen. Principles of Corporate Finance. 9th ed.
V Boston,G.MA: McGraw-Hill/Irwin,
The Quest for 2008.
Value: A Guide for Senior Managers. New York:
A Stewart, Bennett.
U HarperBusiness, 1 9 9 1 .

Qi Miles, James A., and John R. Ezzell. "The weighted average cost of capital, perfect capital markets,
jUj and project life: A clarification." Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 15:3 (September
•§ 1980): 7 1 9 - 7 3 0 . Online at:
& Modigliani, Franco, and Merton H. Miller. "The cost of capital, corporation finance, and the theory of
£ investment." American Economic Review 48:3 (June 1958): 2 6 1 - 2 9 7 . Online at:
£» Modigliani, Franco, and Merton H. Miller. "Corporate income taxes and the cost of capital: A
•fl correction." American Economic Review 53:3 (June 1963): 433-443. Online at:

Understanding the Cost of Capital sr
and the Hurdle Rate
DEFINITION to the company's market capitalization) plus the
The cost of capital is the rate of return that cost of its debt (this must be continually updated
an investor expects to earn on his or her as the cost of debt changes every time there is
investment. If an investment is to be worthwhile, a change in the interest rate). When calculating
the expected return on capital must be greater the WACC, the equity in the debt-to-equity ratio c
than its cost. In other words, the risk-adjusted is the market value of all equity, rather than the
return on capital (that is, incorporating not just shareholders' equity on the balance sheet.
the projected returns, but the probabilities of The hurdle rate is the minimum rate of return, 3
those projections) must be higher than the cost when applying a discounted cash flow analysis,
of capital. that an investor requires before they commit to
Cost of capital is made up of two elements: an investment. A company may apply it when
debt and equity. The cost of debt is, in the deciding whether to undertake a project, or a $
simplest terms, the amount of interest paid bank when extending loans. It must be equal to
on the debt. The interest cost is historical, but the incremental cost of capital. It is known as
investor expectations may also influence the the hurdle rate because the amount of return
actual cost (i.e. investors may accept a higher determines if the investor is "over the hurdle"
cost in the short term where the long-term gains and ready to invest
are better). Other factors may also affect the
cost of debt. The interest rate usually includes ADVANTAGES
the risk-free rate plus a risk component, which • Using a hurdle rate can help take the emotion
takes into account the probability of default on out of making a decision on investment by
the debt. focusing purely on the financial aspects.
The cost of equity is more complex. The When an investment looks exciting, it can
traditional calculation used is that of dividend be easy to overlook the risks or a potentially
capitalization, whereby the dividends per share poor rate of return. A risk premium can be
are divided by the current market value of the appended to the hurdle rate if evaluation
stock plus the dividend growth rate. Thus, the of the investment shows that specific
cost of equity is equal to the compensation opportunities inherently contain high levels
demanded by the market in exchange for of risk.
ownership of the asset and bearing the risk of
The cost of capital is often used as the discount • A major downside to using a hurdle rate is
rate, i.e. the rate at which the projected cash that, inevitably, some profitable projects will
flow is discounted to determine the net present be rejected. Additionally, if the hurdle rate is
value. too high, a company may only favor projects
The weighted average cost of capital (WACC) that are profitable in the short term rather
is a method of measuring a company's cost than taking a long-term view. Thus it can
of capital. The total capital is taken to be the make companies seem conservative and deter
value of a company's equity (if there are no them from investing in innovation where the
outstanding warrants and options, this is equal returns are uncertain.

oh i

Financing and Raising Capital

Tg Book:
W Ross, Stephen A., Randolph W. Westerfield, and Jeffrey Jaffe. Corporate Finance. 9th ed. Boston,
2 MA: McGraw-Hill, 2010.
^ Articles:
• Modigliani, Franco, and Merton H. Miller. "The cost of capital, corporation finance, and the theory of
CJ investment." ^mer/can Economic Review 48:3 (June 1958): 261-297. Online at:
C Yee, Kenton K. "Aggregation, dividend irrelevancy, and earnings-value relations." Contemporary
t? Accounting Research 22:2 (Summer 2005): 453-480. Online at:


Understanding the Weighted Average o
Cost of Capital (WACC) o
DEFINITION financing is simply its market value (rather
The weighted average cost of capital (WACC) than the book value, which may be significantly
measures the capital discount of a company's different) divided by the sum of the values of
income and expenditure. It is a component of all the components. The easiest component to
the formula used for calculating the expected calculate is the market value of the equity of a
cost of new capital and it represents the rate publicly traded company, as this is simply the
that a company is expected to pay to finance price per share multiplied by the number of
its assets. It is thus the minimum return that a
company must earn on its existing asset base to
satisfy its creditors, owners, and other providers
outstanding shares. Likewise, the market value
of preferred shares is easy to determine and is
calculated by multiplying the cost per share by
of capital. number of outstanding shares. The market value
WACC is calculated by taking into account the of a company's debt is also easy to discover if a
relative weight of each component of a company's company has publicly traded bonds. However,
capital structure. The calculation usually uses many companies have debt in the form of bank
the market values of the components, rather
loans, whose market value is not easily found.
than their book values, which may differ
significantly. Components may include equity However, the market value of debt is often fairly
(both common and preferred), debt (straight, close to the book value, at least for companies
convertible, or exchangeable), warrants, options, that have not experienced significant changes
pension liabilities, executive stock options, and in credit rating. Thus, calculation of WACC
government subsidies. More exotic sources of typically uses the book value of any debt.
financing, such as convertible/callable bonds or On the cost side, the cost of preferred shares
convertible preferred stock, may also be included is calculated by dividing the periodic payment
in a WACC calculation if they are present in by the price of the preferred shares. The cost of
significant amounts as the cost of these is usually ordinary shares is typically determined using the
different from plain vanilla financing methods. capital asset pricing model. The cost of debt is
For a company with a complex capital structure, usually the yield to maturity on the company's
calculating WACC can be a time-consuming publicly traded bonds, or the rates of interest
exercise. charged by the banks on recent loans. The cost of
The equation used to calculate WACC uses the debt can be cut further as a company can usually
cost of each capital component multiplied by its write off taxes on the interest it pays on the debt.
proportional weight as follows: Thus, the cost of debt is calculated as yield to
maturity multiplied by (1 minus the tax rate).
WACC = E/V x R. + D/V x Rd x (1 - Tc)
Because governments usually allow tax to
where Re is the cost of equity, Rd is the cost of be deducted from interest, there is an inherent
debt, E is the market value of the firm's equity, D bias towards debt financing. However, the cost
is the market value of the firm's debt, V = E + D, of financial distress, such as bankruptcy, tilts
E/V\s the percentage of financing that is equity, any bias towards equity financing. In theory,
D/V is the percentage of financing that is debt, therefore, the ideal debt-to-equity ratio in a
and Tc is the corporate tax rate. company is usually the point at which any
To determine the value of each component tax benefits accrued by debt financing are
it is assumed that the weight of a source of outweighed by the costs of financial distress.

Financing and Raising Capital

Armitage, Seth. The Cost of Capital: Intermediate Theory. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University
Jj Press, 2005.
rj Johnson, Hazel. Determining Cost of Capital: The Key to Firm Value. London: FT Prentice Hall,
. 1999.
4J Pratt, Shannon P., and Roger J. Grabowski. Cost of Capital: Applications and Examples. 4th ed.
§ Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2010.
S Website:
5C Formularium on WACC calculation:


Using Mezzanine Financing o
except in the case of a default, they do not want
Mezzanine financing can be an ideal solution for an interest in the company. Whereas traditional n
firms looking for a quick injection of capital to equity investors may attempt to gain some level E
grow their already successful business without ofcompany control, mezzanine financiers will do
giving up an interest in that business. what they can to ensure that the debt is paid off
Mezzanine financing presents a way for without resorting to default.
publicly and privately held companies to obtain
financing without ownership of the company
being given up. It is a mixture of traditional debt • Mezzanine financing often offers more
financing and equity financing that offers the flexible financing options, such as coupons
benefits of both. Mezzaninefinancing,like equity and covenants that take into account the
financing, is an unsecured debt that requires no business's cash flow.
collateral, unlike a traditional bank loan. Like • Mezzanine financing provides business
debt financing, mezzanine financing is very owners with the funds they may need to buy
flexible and does not necessarily involve giving another business or to expand.
up an interest in the company. Likely sources • Little or no due diligence and collateral.
of mezzanine financing are private investors, • Generally no loss of ownership control.
insurance companies, mutual funds, pension
funds, and banks. DISADVANTAGES
Because mezzanine financing is normally • Mezzanine financing is normally aggressively
provided very quickly, with little due diligence by priced, with lenders seeking returns of
the lender and with little or no collateral required between 20% and 30%.
from the borrower, this type offinancingtends to • Financiers can include restrictive covenants
be expensive, with the lender seeking a return of that the borrower has to endure. These can
between 20% and 30%. Mezzaninefinancingalso include agreements by the lender not to
has the advantage that it is treated like equity on borrow more money or refinance senior debt
a company's balance sheet, which may make it from traditional loans.
easier to obtain standard bank financing. • Financiers might want to have a vote on the
To attract mezzanine financing, a company board of directors.
usually must demonstrate: • Many financial experts believe that this type
• A track record in the industry, with an of financing has aggravated the recent credit
established reputation and product. crunch.
• A history of profitability, or at least of
breaking even.
• A viable expansion plan for the business ACTION CHECKLIST
through acquisition, broader penetration of • What other avenues of financing are available
the market, etc. that would not load the company with so
• Solid management and operations planning. much debt?
• An established business plan. • in return for the loan, does the company
In leveraged buyouts, mezzanine capital is have to cede some independence to the
often used in conjunction with other securities lender?
to fund the purchase price of the company that • Does the loan restrict the company to
is being acquired. Typically, mezzanine capital spending money in certain areas?
will be used to fill a financing gap between less • Does your company have a strong market
expensive forms of financing (senior loans, position based on its products/technology
second-lien loans, high-yield financing) and and a market share that will allow it to repay
Due to the lack of valid collateral, as well as
the loan?
• Does your company have a focused business o
the high speed of lending, mezzaninefinancingis strategy and positive long-term development
typically more difficult to obtain than a traditional prospects?
bank loan or equity financing. However, the • Do you have positive, stable cash flows that
benefits are that mezzanine financiers do not can be forecasted reliably?
normally interfere in company management and, o

Financing and Raising Capital

• Check that the possibilities for funding from • Don't use mezzanine financing if there are
other resources have been exhausted or are serious underlying business problems that
insufficient. need to be addressed.

Fabozzi, Frank J. (ed). The Handbook of Financial Instruments. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2002.
Longenecker, Justin G., Carlos W. Moore, J. William Petty, and Leslie E. Palich. Small Business
Management: An Entrepreneurial Emphasis. 13th ed. Mason, OH: Thomson-Southwestern
Publishing, 2005.
Vance, David E. Raising Capital. New York: Springer Science+Business Media, 2005.
Bean, LuAnn. "Mezzanine financing: Is it for you?" Journal of Corporate Accounting and Finance
19:2 (January/February 2008): 33-35. Online at:
Bank of America—TriSail mezzanine finance:

Index 3
corporate finance ft
Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA) capital structure strategy 3,17, 215
sovereign wealth fund 227 cost of issuing convertible securities 53
accounts receivable debt financing 7
collateral 189 institutional investors' role 115
activist investors Modigliani-Miller capital structure
management of 165 irrelevance principle 233
Aggarwal, Reena 103 nonrecourse financing 49
Armitage, Seth 93 private and public equity 223
private equity for SMEs 123
B raising capital in global financial
bank loans markets 103
small and medium-sized enterprises raising capital in the UK 41
(SMEs) 11, 201 securitization 63
banking relationships see also funding
management of 191 corporate governance
banks and banking target for activist investors 165
rise of global banks 69 cost of capital
bond market hurdle rate 235
raising capital by issuing bonds 199 weighted average cost of capital (WACC) 237
structure and function 181 credit crunch
Booth, Lena small investors 97
173 credit derivatives 45
Bradford and Bingley
credit management
rights issue case study 93 accounts receivables 189
Brotzge, Lawrence 83 credit ratings 37
Brzeszczynski, Janusz 159 management of 187
credit risk
C debt cover 207
capital investment interest coverage ratios 203
setting hurdle rate 141 management 45
capital markets cross-listing by companies 169
structure and function 231
capital structure D
debt financing 7 de la Torre, Augusto 11
implications 31 debt cover 207
Modigliani-Miller theorem 233 debt/equity (D/E) ratio 205
perspectives 25 debt financing
strategy 3»17 capital structure strategy 3, 7,17, 215
cash flows Modigliani-Miller capital
bank lending requirements 179 structure irrelevance principle 233
sovereign wealth funds 227
China Development Bank emerging markets
sovereign wealth fund 227 initial public offerings (IPOs) 159
China Investment Corporation (CIC) public-private partnerships 73
sovereign wealth fund
227 entrepreneurs
assessing growth opportunities 89 o
receivables as 189 assessing venture capital funding 129
convertible securities see also small and medium-sized
cost of issuing 53 enterprises (SMEs)
• — <
corporate bonds equity financing
raising capital by issue of 199 capital structure strategy 3,17, 215

Financing and Raising Capital

* equity financing (conf.) Government of Singapore Investment


Modigliani-Miller capital structure Corporation (GIC)

irrelevance principle 233 sovereign wealth fund 227
raising capital through private grants
and public equity 223 raising capital in the UK 41
small and medium-sized Groth, John C. 17 2 5 , 3 1
enterprises (SMEs) 151
equity markets H
cross-listing 169 hedge funds
rights issues 93 private investments in public
equity (PIPE) 147
F Hostrup, Arne-G. 123
Fabozzi, Frank J. 45,63 Hoy, Frank 89
accounts receivables 189 I
Fayolle, Alain 129 initial public offerings (IPOs) ,
financial instruments emerging markets 159
credit derivatives 45 price discovery 135
Islamic credit ratings 37 SMEs 109
financial intermediaries underpricing 173
role 183 InkJet
financial ratios venture capital case study 123
debt cover 207 institutional investors
debt/equity (D/E) 205 corporate financing role 115
fixed-charge coverage 209 interest coverage ratios 203
interest coverage 203 Investment Corporation of Dubai
leverage 205 sovereign wealth fund 227
fixed-charge coverage ratio 209 investors
franchising activist 165
business of 185 small 97
fund managers IPOs see initial public offerings
activist 165 Islamic finance
funding credit ratings 37
bonds issue 199
capital structure strategy 3 17, 215 J
corporate debt 7 Jiang, Hao 115
Modigliani-Miller capital structure
irrelevance principle 233 K
nonrecourse financing 49 Kossoff, Leslie 165
private and public equity 223 Koveos, Peter 73
private equity for SMEs 123 Kuwait Investment Authority
private investments in public sovereign wealth fund 227
equity (PIPE) 147
raising capital in global financial L
markets 103 Lasfer, Meziane 3,169
raising capital in the UK 41 leverage ratios 205
rights issues 93 LiPuma, Joseph 129
shares issue 221 listed companies
SMEs 41, 217 rights issues 93
see also corporate finance see also public companies;
Fung, Hung-Gay 109 stock markets

Lister, Roger 53
G loan agreements
gearing overview 197
measurement 193 Lowe, Steven 7
ratios 205

1*4 globalization M
rise of global banks 69 Martinez Peria, Maria Soledad 11


McKaig, Thomas 49 shareholders l-H

Mekonnen, Wondimu 97 stockholders' agreements 219 g
mezzanine financing shares M*
definition 239 169 X
Microsoft raising capital by issue of 221
activist investor case study 165 rights issues 93
Mills, Lauren 41 shariah law
money markets credit ratings 37
structure and function 195 Singapore
sovereign wealth fund 227
N Sjostrom, William K., J r 147
Norwegian Government Pension Fund Skinner, Chris 69
sovereign wealth fund 227 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
assessing growth opportunities 89
P assessing venture capital funding 129
PPP see public-private partnership bank finance 11,201
price discovery corporate finance 41
initial public offerings (IPOs) 135 equity capital 151
private equity funding choices 217
raising capital through 223 initial public offerings (IPOs) 109
SMEs access to 123 private equity, access to 123
private investments in public equity small investors
(PIPE) 147 attracting 97
project finance SMEs see small and medium-sized
nonrecourse financing 49 enterprises
public companies sovereign wealth funds (SWF)
cross-listing 169 global leaders 227
price discovery in IPOs 135 investment strategies and objectives 225
private investments in public stock markets
equity (PIPE) 147 cross-listing 169
raising capital through public equity 223 stockholders' agreements 219
see also initial public offerings (IPOs); SWF see sovereign wealth funds
listed companies
public-private partnership (PPP) T
emerging markets 73 Temasek
sovereign wealth fund 227
R Terjesen, Siri 151
rating agencies 37 treasury management
managing credit rating 187 credit risk 45
receivables Tucker, Jon 141
collateral 189
risk management V
credit risk 45 van Bommel, Jos 135
interest coverage ratios 203 venture capital (VC)
Russia National Welfare and Oil assessing funding for SMEs 129
Stabilization Funds dealing with VC companies 213
sovereign wealth fund 227 SMEs access to 123
sources 83
Sabarwal, Tarun 57 W
SAMA Foreign Holdings
sovereign wealth fund
Schmukler, Sergio
weighted average cost of capital (WACC)
Wyss, David
secondary listing by companies 169
securitization Y
corporate funding tool 63 Yahoo!
credit risk
risks and rewards
activist investor case study
Yourougou, Pierre
73 o


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