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This summary described the effect of Facebook usage where the survey

questionaires are given in Grade 12 students Collumban College Inc.The survey

conducted was no significant effect on the academic performances.


From the findings of the study, the conclusion are gather.

1.The use of Facebook , we can communicate to our relatives family ,friend etc.We can

see latest news and issues around the world ,we can participate in the discussion of

people in a post.

2.Facebook is effiecient tool .it can help to connect with other people or strangers.

Facebook can also can join groups chats , knowing other personalities ,hobbies ,favorite

music etc.

3.Of the use of Facebook have side effects on behavioral and performances of a students

one of it is they give to much time using internet . Another dramatic change in students
behavior is that they not spent time studying ,they focus playing games online,how many

friend followers they have etc.

4.Some students using Facebook for academic purposes,others students would like

collaborating online with their classmates online.

5.Without asking the teacher of the student they spend their time scrolling news feed to

see updates about their task .Aside that Facebook affects students academic performan-

ces it also has an effect on students emotional health


The following are recommendations derived from the output of this study.

1.Parents and teachers will always in probe in keep track of the students academic


2.Parents and teacher should understand how to utilize the social media networks engage

by the students to be able to track their activities.

3.Educational institutions should acknowledge the use of Facebook as the modern

channel for the ever changing globalized telecommunicatios network and like wise to

be able to use facebook as new tool educational development.

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