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2/25/20 19 BMA lnnothon NDA

BMA lnnothon NDA

Non-D .isc losu re A 91.eeme nt t'\ ND A) ' o be signed by lnnothon's participating team s and faculty members.

* Req uired

Full Name*
YourMl) N
ansvver D ~QV ·z_ IC\ I l'--1 Q \/ I L N w, 1-\ \ I'\ 1 \/ I 1'?.. " 1 s H I\ \-j

Institute Name*

Your 3flSWI?(

$T .\- R. JC\," -\ GI !, 1 N s T \·1v IE Q \: I-JI Pt"-.\ Pt (i \'. "-1 lo \'.\\ ~ 1:'.-t $ € l'\e. Cv;
Participant Type *

q student

O Faculty

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BMA lnnothon NO/\

As a matter of protocol from Bombay Management Association (BMA), you are requested to
accept the non-disclosure agreement that the project details of the parti cipating organization
and other confidential information will not be divulged and used without written con sent.

Confidential Information includes, but is Pot limited to the following :-

(a) discoveries, ideas, concepts, designs, devices, drawings, materia ls, specifications,
techniques, models, data, documents, processes, procedures, "know-how", improvements,
budgets, projections, forecasts, marketing, development plans and any other commercially
valuable commercial, business, fi nancial, technical, operational, administrative, marketing
information expressed, described or stored in any form (whether in written, magnetic, electronic,
digital or any other physical form) whatsoever;

(b) non-public, confident ial or information which are proprietary in nature which the participants
desire to protect against unrestricted disclosure or competitive use or which, under the
circumstances surrounding disclosure ought to be treated as confidential and which is
designated and marked as being conftd_e~tial; or

(c) any information marked as "confidential information" by the Participating Organisation or

Project Mentor.

Acceptance of this NOA

efiagree to the terms and conditions

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