Sabah Earthquake 2015-Presentation Slide

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Disaster Management

Prepared By:
Dygku Mas Ashura Binti Awangku Ghazali (50470)
Sabah Earthquake, 2015
Date : 5th June 2015
Location: Ranau, Sabah
Duration: 30 Seconds
Local Time: 7:15 a.m.
Reported as one of the strongest earthquake to affect Malaysia after
1976 Sabah Eathquake.
Registered as a moderate 5.9 of earthquake size on the Richter Scale
Richter Scale

(Adapted from U.S. Geological

Survey documents)
A ShakeMap is a
representation of ground
shaking produced by an

ShakeMap : Sabah, Malaysia

Date : 5th June 2015

Retrieved from: United States

Geological Survey (USGS)
Disaster Management of Sabah Earthquake, 2015

2.Emergency Activities
1.Pre- Activities
Pre-Disaster Activities
(Ref. Case study on “Disaster Management and Mitigation for Earthquakes: Are We Ready?”)

 Prevention
 Hazard Mapping ( Depicted from “Predisaster Activities” WHO- South-East Asia)
 Identify possible causes of potential seismic hazard to happen
 Mitigation
 Natural System Protection
 Forest management nearby earthquake-prone area
 Minimize the development of superstructure and geotechnical structures at the hazard area
 Public Education
 Preparedness
 emergency exercises/training (ERP-Emergency Response Plan)
Emergency Response Activities (Based on Sabah
1. Local Authority (PDRM) gather
information from the locals regarding the
2. Identify if there any climbers/ hiker
during the earthquake
• 187 climbers were impacted,137
climbers were stranded on Mount
Kinabalu during incident but
managed to be rescued.
3. Quick action of experienced mountain
guides perform the help and search
People living nearby Ranau Village gather at the road rescue
as they felt the vibration. The epicenter of the
earthquake was traced to some 14km north of Ranau • 18 were killed in the earthquake

(Retrieved from Malay Mail, 2015)

Responses (Continue)

Provide equipment during the rescue


Royal Police Malaysia Malaysian Armed Force Fire & Rescue Department

Malaysia Volunteer Fire and

Air Asia
National Security Council Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Kota Rescue Association (MVFRA)
25 members of the Special Malaysia Kinabalu
Help to transport relief items to
Disaster Assistance and Rescue Team
Turned into disaster centre for Sabah
(SMART) – paramedics, engineers and
Sabah Earthquake tragedy
Fund Raising / Donation
Organization / Individual Funds /Donation

Sabah State Government and Federal MYR5000 (To dead victims)

Government MYR2000 (To injured victims

Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party (PAS) MYR19,800

Barisan National and Sabah Community MYR20,000

Service Council

Democratic Action Party (DAP) in Penang MYR100,000

Sarawak State Government and Johor Sultan MYR1,000,000

Post Disaster Activities
 Recovery/Reconstruction Phase
 Reconstruction of damaged superstructure in the areas hit by the
 Ranau Mosque and 23 schools located nearby was affected
 Serious damage on hostel and rest house located nearby Mt.
Kinabalu .
 Water supply disruption near Kundasang and Ranau area. In
addition to that, there is leakage in the deposition tank for
both area
 Temporary Closure at affected area:
 Murky and black water at Poring Hot Spring caused by clay
disruption during earthquake
Reflection / Post-Mortem of Incident

 The incident showed there was a need for Malaysia to have an earthquake
early warning system because the tragic incident happens in a blink of an
eye since we all think that Malaysia is not prone to earthquake.

 The early warning system was also recommended by a study of the

Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Research and Innovation Centre even
though Sabah is located outside the Pacific Ring of Fire however Kundasang,
Ranau, Pitas, Lahad Datu, Kunak and Tawau face the risk of earthquakes.
The official app from Malaysian Meteorological
Department (MetMalaysia), under the Ministry
of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI)

Information provided in myCuaca are:

• Daily weather forecast information for states,

districts, towns and tourist attraction places.
• Weather Warning updates on Heavy Rain,
Thunderstorm and Tropical Depression.
• Revision of Earthquake Information.
• Weather Satellite and Radar imagery.
• Search functionality for states, districts, towns
and tourist attraction places area.
• Add your favorite location for daily weather
• View weather forecast in map view.
Adnan, Azlan & Ramli, Mohd & Sk Abd Razak, Sk Muiz. (2015). Disaster Management and Mitigation
for Earthquakes: Are We Ready?.

M 6.0 - 14km WNW of Ranau, Malaysia. (n.d.). Retrieved November 5, 2018, from

Predisaster activities 3.1 Introduction. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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