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OFFICE OF THE CHIEF MANAGEMENT OFFICER 9010 DEFENSE PENTAGON WASHINGTON, DC 20301-9010 MAR 20 anig Ref: 18-A-0465 18-F-0465 Mr. Bill Geerhart Editor, Dear Mr. Gerhart This responds to your September 5, 2018 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) appeal. You appealed the August 20, 2018 FOIA response from the Freedom of Information Division (FOID) in response to your January 12, 2018 request. After carefully considering this appeal, I have determined that additional information can now be released, The withheld information in the enclosed pages remains protected from disclosure under the FOIA pursuant to 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(6). This provision concerns material the release of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of the personal privacy of third parties. As to your appeal concerning the adequacy of search for responsive records subject to the FOIA, I have determined that the Records. Privacy and Declassification Division's response was correct and that it conducted an adequate, reasonable search for such records. ‘You have the right to judicial review of this decision in a United States District Court, in accordance with 5 U.S.C. §552(a)(4)(B). Sincerely, Joo Y. Chung Director Enclosures: As stated, IA FAX TO GEN. JUMPER — Need Prompt Rep! June 2, 1992 MEMORANDUM FOR THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE THROUGH: THE ACTING SECRETARY OF DEFENSE y FRO! DAVID S. ADDINGTON SUBJECT: White Sulphur Springs Emergency Relocation Facility ‘Asyou know, the Washington Post and other newspapers published last week bout the emergency relocation facility in White Sulphur Springs, West (the location of the Greenbrier Hotel). Speaker of the House of Representatives wrote to you yesterday b) indicating thathe intends to recommend ending support for the facility and requesting that you review the continued usefulness of the site for any alternative governmental purpose to which it might be applied. Mr. Michael J. O'Neil of the Speaker's staff called this morning to advise that the Speaker would personally very much appreciate it if you could respond right away to the Speaker's letter and conduct the review the Speaker requested as promptly as possible. ‘The Speaker's proposal that the Government consider alternative uses for the facility before proceeding with any decision to shut it down is a sensible one. Attached for your approval letter to Speaker Foley advising him that you will conduct the review he requested. (Tab 2) The letter notes that the review will be conducted in coordination with the Congressional leadership (both House and Senate) and that Assistant Secretary Duane Andrews will lead the effort. Also attached is a memorandum to Mr. Andrews assigning him the task. (tab 3) RECOMMENDATION Irecommend that you sign the attached letter to the Speaker advising him that you will conduct the review the Speaker requested (Tab 2) and the memorandum assigning Assistant Secretary Andrews the task. (Tgb 3) COORDINATION b. ye SECARMY asoreg ‘ASDILA sECDEF DECISIE era. pet Coy Tempe RBA G/s! 7 “Approved (autopen letter at Tab 2 and memo at Tab 3) Disapproved Other: PAGE. o@e The Speers Rooms ‘Ralteh Sintvs Ronse of Representatives Paatingten,B.¢. 2008 Tune 1, 1992 Dear Mr. Secretary: In light of the recent press exposure of the emergency relocation facility in white gulfur Springs, West Virginia, it is ny intention to recommend ending a for the facility. Naturally, a shutdown of Although Z believe that this action should be implanented promptly, I recognize that other elements: of the United states Government might have « different viev. Accordingly, I request that you reviev the Goveranantal purpose Co vaton it Ligne’ be applied.” mn government 0 t be applied. Ehis"regara, Fark in partiouiar thee {oy creme ene Sexne (or the lease under which the facility could be occupied. I would greatly appreciate your tinely response. With high personal regards, I am “Leexd PS ‘The Honorable Richard B. Cheney Secretary of Defense Washington, D.c. 20301

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