ABP Journalists Lost Their Jobs: Economics Project

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ABP Journalists Lost

their Jobs

Pehel - 02
Denny - 36
Siddesh - 86
Avantika – 92
Manmeet - 95
Introduction -
Good morning all , Our report is regarding the crisis of Abp news channel which led the
main journalist - Punya Prasun Bajpai & the managing editor - Milind Khandekar stepped
down abruptly of the very famous news channel ie. ABP NEWS resigned from their
respective positions on 1st and 2nd August. This issue of the Abp news isn’t just an internal
matter . Their departure has created a flurry of questions about press freedom, the
accountability of media owners and governments attitude to criticism. The moves within
the newsroom have made waves far beyond the journalism community. The registrations
were an attempt to suppress truth being spoken to power. The programme was criticised by
number of BJP leaders. The turmoil going on at ABP news channel is not just an internal
matter anymore, but a public matter. Hence, the following report elaborates why this
incident took place which led to the resignation of the two main pillars of the ABP news

Main Problem -
The entire issue began on 20th June 2018 when our very own prime minister, Narendra
Modi was on a live video conference with the farmers of Chhatisgargh, the basic conclusion
of this video came that Sir Narendra Modi had worked very hard for the welfare of the
farmers which started showing results. This conference even proved that all our farmer
brothers are happy with their cultivation and the sale of their grains. At one point in this
video, a lady called Chandramani Kaushik was questioned about her income by sir modi,
without any hesitation she replied that her income has been doubled than what it was
before Modi government come into power. Actually Sir modi made a promise before
coming into power that he would make sure that each and every farmers income would be
doubled by the year 2022, and this video was going into the direction of Sir Modi’s promise
already showing successive results. Later after this video was released, ABP senior reporters
visited Chhattisgragh, to re-interrogate the farmers about the live video. They then
questioned Chandramani kaushik her statement where she said that her income was
doubled, she withdrew her words saying there was only a specific crop which gave her
double the income only as it was the season of the crop, when questioned by the reporter
why did she give such a statement regarding a raise in her income from all her crops, she
claimed that there was a team from Delhi who came and approached all the framers from
Chhatisgragh and guided what to answer when they would be questioned by Sir modi.
Further on 6th July a report on this affair was telecasted by Punya Prasun Bajpai, on ABP
news, at a prime time which shook the government their strategy was now exposed in
After this public stunt took place, BJP ministers started tweeting on twitter and used various
social medias to share their views, they accused the reporters about how this report is
unjust towards their PM and how they don’t stand with him in his good deeds, and they
further added that the reporters are against the development of the farmers. One of the
ministers Mr. Rathod claimed that it is the unapologetic agenda built by some of the media
houses to ruin the image of their Prime Ministers, and the real story of Chhattisgragh farmer
who rubbished the claims for a media session. Then it was found that whenever Mr Bajpai’s
show was been telecasted there was always a blackout or a disturbance with the channel ,
this wasn’t any problem of dish or antenna at all as the rest channels were working
properly. The Abp news sources then discovered that this was a problem created
intentionally . Later the pressure was build on the managing director , Milind Khandekar by
the CEO of Abp news in order to keep Mr Bajpai under control. At the same time a report
was telecasted by Mr Abhisar regarding an encounter where a man was shot in broad day
light which took place in Lucknow while sir Modi was present in Lucknow and was bragging
about the safety of the city . Then after few days the journalists of Abp news channel was
pressured to stop mentioning prime ministers name in any of their reports . Then there was
an order issued by the government to stop mentioning and showing sir modi’s name and
picture on Mr Bajpai’s show i.e the masters stroke which is the main reason of Mr Bajpai to
resign from his job and due to an increase in government pressure the ME of Abp
new Mr Millan also resigned .
This issue then came to the floor of the parliament where the opposition accused the
government of having put pressure on the news channel cause of the journalists questioning
the Modi government i.e the bjp government and government been scared their dirty
strategies being disclosed in public . The government has strongly denied this statement by
saying that these journalists had to go because of poor TRPs of the specific news channel
which led their channel to collapse down, but there is disquiet in news rooms across India
today because sources in ABP claim that their was a lot of government pressure on the
channel after they did a story which made the government angry . The ministers of bjp
government started accusing the reporters for their reports on social media its also said that
the government was using unethical ways to stop the reports reaching out to people, on
July 17th Mr Bajpai congratulated those powerful people who were able to disrupt even the
satellite signal during the transmission of his programme then he took twitter as a platform
to share his views regarding the blackout and he said “you can blackout the screen during
masterstroke but we will convert it into a blackboard and write the truth on it “.

A Government of the People for the People by the People; well that was just sarcastically
And this is why it is told my Friends that in our country there's an undeclared emergency
going on. The level to which our media has stooped down was never before in our country.
How many news channels dare to criticise the government?
How many new channel dare to take Narendra Modi's name and show his lies to you.
I can say that in the Hindi mainstream news channel just 3 such people were there, Ravish
Kumar ji, Abhisar sharma ji and Bajpaiji.
Now Bajpaiji had to resign, Abhisar Sharma has been sent on leave. Abhisar Sharma is also
been pressurized to stop making blogs on social media which he used to do.
So he has even stopped that.
In some way now Ravish Kumar is the last man standing in the Hindi media
This same story is in the English media too, just few countable people are there who can
criticise here. All the criticism you see about the government, all the actual journalism that
we see in today's time has slowly shifted to online.
The wire, Quint, Scroll, The print all these new ones are just online. Independent media in
our country has been completely finished on TV.
And the solution for this is not easy my friends
Imagine even in 2019 if the Government changes, then what is the guarantee that the
upcoming government will let the journalists stay independent?
It can be possible that the new Government treat the journalists even worse than this,
Can even try to control them or even worse than this.
One thing can be that you can yourself support independent journalism. This happens in
most of the developed country. Tax payers' money is used to fund the news channel, this
money doesn't go diverted from the government but some amount from the tax goes to the
channel directly BBC is one such news channel in UK which works this way, Deutsche Welle
in Germany works this way. So this system is adopted by most of the developed country
through which the Government is not able to make their influence on the news channel,
And the media here remains independent. Till this thing doesn't happen in our country I
would say donation is the best option. You can donate to your favourite news website, it
doesn't need to be a big amount, it can be any little amount. Just every month, donate a
little amount regularly. If most of the people starts doing it then the independent media of
our country can sustain very easily.


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