Script Treatment

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A young man struck still from the sound of a train and his
very own thoughts, he falls into the seat at his home desk,
and opens his notebook to a blank page. He begins thinking,
words cross the screen as jumbled thoughts but nothing feels
right to put down. A title is written on the page but it's
not correct, he rips it out, then another & another & etc.
Finally getting a title that he likes, he gets up and goes
for a walk. He sees beautiful scenery that frees him from all
of his thoughts.


At the sound of sirens whizzing by in the distance sets him

in a drought of doubt, as he attempts to settle down and
continue writing his poem. Flashes of memories come to mind
forcing him deeper and deeper in doubt, as soon as the pencil
hits the paper, he loses himself. With pure emotion, anger is
the only feeling that comes to surface, he destroys his room,
wreaking everything in sight. Turning towards his TV he grab
the first object long enough to be wielded, he hits the TV.
At the moment of the impact his emotions surge back into him,
instant regret and realization are the most apparent. As his
tears run down his cheek he receives a call from his
childhood friend.


Time passes like a flash, and his journey to better himself

is offset by sound of a train. He sits down in the mess,
grabs his pencil and the words that were lost in thought
flood onto the paper. Taking his notebook he walks with
confidences, with His hood on, his head down & he is walking
toward the railroad bridge. He looks up, takes his hood off &
with a look of confidence. He delivers his poem, his thoughts
& emotions with confidence in himself & his future.

Created using Celtx

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