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3/21/2019 command line - Converting hundreds of jpg to PDF using Terminal - Ask Ubuntu

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Converting hundreds of jpg to PDF using Terminal Ask Question

I know that the command convert

*.jpg myPdf1.pdf can convert
7 multiple JPEG files into a single PDF.

But I would like to convert multiple

JPEGs into multiple PDFs, for
myJPG1.jpg → myPDF1.pdf
myJPG2.jpg → myPDF2.pdf
myJPG3.jpg → myPDF3.pdf

Is there any decent way to manage

something like that?

command-line format-conversion

edited May 23 '14 at 16:41

Oli ♦
223k 89 566 766

asked May 23 '14 at 16:11

Your Majesty
175 1 1 5

How would you order them? – jobin

May 23 '14 at 16:12

Well suppose they are called

myJPG1, myJPG2 and so on, and
you want to convert them to myPDF1,
myPDF2 and so on. – Your Majesty
May 23 '14 at 16:15

The question isn't clear, do you have

multiple jpgs or pdfs? You can convert
multiple jpgs to a single pdf using the
command you have used in your
question. – jobin May 23 '14 at 16:17
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It should be clearer now, I just want a
bunch of PDF's with names myPDF1 1/3
3/21/2019 command line - Converting hundreds of jpg to PDF using Terminal - Ask Ubuntu
bunch of PDF s with names myPDF1
myPDF2 and so on. But Your
suggestion, into a single PDF, also
sounds nice. Thanks. –
Your Majesty May 23 '14 at 16:24

2 Answers

My first instinct for batch processing

files is almost always find . It's
9 excellent if you need to build in any
sort of filtering (which you don't here)
but it's still a favourite. This will also
recurse into subdirectories unless
you tell it (with -maxdepth 1 or

find -name '*.jpg' -exec conver

rename 's/\.jpg\.pdf$/.pdf/' *.

The find / convert statement will

output a load of .jpg.pdf files. The
second cleans this up.

Perhaps a slightly more elegant

approach in such a simple case:

for file in *.jpg ; do convert

This doesn't recurse and you don't

have to mess around cleaning up the

And I almost forgot, ImageMagick

has a numerical output which might
fit your use-case perfectly. The
following will just stick a three-digit
identifier ( 000 , 001 , 002 , etc) on
the end of the "myPDF":

convert *.jpg myPDF%03d.pdf

Obviously if you're dealing with more

than a thousand entries, increase the
number. If you don't want it zero-
padded, remove the leading zero.

edited May 23 '14 at 16:45

answered May 23 '14 at 16:31

Oli ♦
223k 89 566 766

find -name '*.jpg' | parallel 'convert {}

{.}.pdf' – Yauhen Yakimovich Mar 9
'15 at 12:03
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3/21/2019 command line - Converting hundreds of jpg to PDF using Terminal - Ask Ubuntu

Unfortunately convert changes the

image before so to have minimal loss
1 of quality of the original jpg you
need to use img2pdf wich makes
the pdf with the original jpg so no
loss, I use this commands:

1) This to make a pdf file out of

every jpg image without loss of
either resolution or quality:

ls -1 ./*jpg | xargs -L1 -I {} i

2) Here you will have the *.pdf s as

*.jpg.pdf , so will do a little

mmv "*.jpg.pdf" "#1.pdf"

You need to have installed img2pdf

and mmv

sudo apt install img2pdf mmv

edited Feb 8 '18 at 9:52

answered Feb 8 '18 at 9:42

Eduard Florinescu
2,282 8 30 42

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