Teen 2

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By: Vince Toneys


Teen Activism is like something that you have been

thinking about for a while because you want to have info
about why your opinion matters with everybody else.
These Teen Activists I am about to tell you about they had
been thinking about doing it for a while and they did and
some are still doing it even though they could be like 50
years old.

​Table of Contents

Child labor
Craig Kielburger
How other people can help
Teen activism
How you can help
Child labor
When child labor happens it is also kind of like slavery and
some kids who do have to do child labor work from 6 AM
to 7 PM. And even worse than that they only get 20 cents
per day.

Not only does that happen but some kids have to work in a
hazardous place that could hurt them really badly or even
kill them. 60,794,785,617 that is how many hours kids are
working right now when they should like there are many
people out there that are trying to change it.
Teen activist don't always have to be teens they can be
adults like these two guys down here my parts are
Kielburger Brothers, What they have done.

Kielburger Brothers
Craig has done lots of great things even know he is
not a teen right now he was a teen when he got
selected to help the kids. He was really nice about it
to like some people would have said like they don’t
want to but he said yes. And that could have included
leaving your family to do that
so that was really nice. He
worked with so many kids and
talked to them and maybe
tried to fix what was
How Other People Can Help

Well, you can find some websites and see maybe if

you can donate money to someone if they are fundraising.
Or you could try to be like Craig and maybe actively try to
change it like to speak for the kids or get mentioned on the
Teen Activism is everywhere and we should really be
appreciated by that because they are doing stuff that
would change what is happening out in the world.
Teen Activism
Faye Carey wanted to stop animal abuse but all teens
would want to do that but not actually do it. Faye was not
one of those teens she was not into makeup and stuff that
she actually did stop animal abuse. She saved over 60
animals in the process because she was so
compassionate about it. Everyone was being a fan of it
she got 300 likes on one of her posts of holding a saved
dog I am pretty sure. Marc Craig started off reading an
article in a newspaper and he thought that he should start
to work for having no more child labor. Which like kids at
that age would have like some kind of fear of talking in
So Malala was treated unfairly and I think that is what
made her want to help girls her age and she does not
want girls like that to be treated unfairly or to be taken
advantage of in a way. Like, say there was someone who
was like a bad person like you here about kidnappings on
the news and like that is taking advantage of someone if
they are like young. Emma Gonzalez was doing a natural
disaster funding thing and maybe the reason that she
started that was she might have had a natural disaster
happen to her like a tornado destroys your house.

I think that you should always support other people in what

they are doing including family members. Like how would
you feel if you had something that you are passionate
about and nobody wanted to help you? Think about that.

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