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1979 University of Indiana review of 59 case studies of exceptionally successful
urban schools most frequently cited leadership style of the principal as the cause
for success. The study found these composite behaviors:
1. Identifies goals and priorities for the school
2. Understands educational program of the school thoroughly
3. Spends excessive time in classrooms
4. Focuses on academic progress
5. Sets high expectations for both staff and students.
A 1970 University of Oregon study of 291 elementary schools found that
principals who were "charismatic leaders":
1. Instilled teachers with a spirit of enthusiasm
2. Worked effectively with people
3. Were adaptable
4. Saw their responsibilities as a "mission" rather than as a job

Stogdill's survey of research concerning leadership's effect on pupil

achievement found that consideration (low absenteeism, few grievances, low
turnover) and structure (group cohesiveness and harmony) led to higher student
test scores." A study by the Rand Corporation of federally supported programs in
schools clearly identified "support from principal" as it statistically significant
variable in implementation and corresponding student growth."
A 1979 study funded by the National Institute of Education identified
two causes of success in schools serving low socioeconomic populations:
achievement orientation by the principal and buildingwide instructional
efficiency.12 Geske's 1980 review of school productivity concluded that important
variables in increasing school effectiveness are within the control of administrators.
Among those variables are: use of teacher time, teacher verbal usage, and certain
groupings of teachers and students.13
*Robert Benjamin, "The Rose in the Forest," National Elementary Principal 60 (March
1981): 11.
'C. IL Becker, Elementary Principals and Their Schools: Beacons of Brilliance and Potholes of
Pestilence (Eugene, Oreg.: Center for Advanced Study of Educational
Admiristration. University of Oregon, 197 1).
M. Stogdill, Handbook of Leadership (New York: Free Press, 1974), 140.
"Pad Bertnan et al., Federal Programs Supporting Educational Change, vol. 2 (Santa
Monica, Calif.: The Rand Corporation, 1976).
"R. Venezky and L. Winfield, Schools that Succeed Beyond E.:pc-dation in Reading (Newark,
Del.: University of Delaware, 1979).
"Thrry Ceske, The Executioe Review 12 (Ames: University of Iowa, January, 1981).
1979 University of Indiana meninjau 59 studi kasus sekolah perkotaan yang sangat sukses yang
paling sering dikutip gaya kepemimpinan kepala sekolah sebagai penyebab kesuksesan. Studi ini
menemukan perilaku gabungan ini:
1. Mengidentifikasi tujuan dan prioritas untuk sekolah
2. Pahami program pendidikan sekolah secara menyeluruh
3. Menghabiskan waktu yang berlebihan di ruang kelas
4. Fokus pada kemajuan akademik
5. Menetapkan harapan tinggi untuk staf dan siswa.
Studi tahun 1970 University of Oregon terhadap 291 sekolah dasar menemukan bahwa para kepala
sekolah yang merupakan "pemimpin karismatik":
1. Induk guru dengan semangat antusiasme
2. Bekerja secara efektif dengan orang-orang
3. Dapat beradaptasi
4. Melihat tanggung jawab mereka sebagai "misi" daripada sebagai pekerjaan

Survei Stogdill tentang penelitian tent ang pengaruh kepemimpinan terhadap prestasi siswa
menemukan bahwa pertimbangan (absensi rendah, sedikit keluhan, turnover rendah) dan struktur
(kekompakan dan keselarasan kelompok) menyebabkan skor tes siswa lebih tinggi. "Sebuah studi
oleh Rand Corporation dari program yang didukung pemerintah di sekolah dengan jelas
mengidentifikasi "dukungan dari kepala sekolah" karena variabel yang signifikan secara statistik
dalam pelaksanaan dan pertumbuhan siswa yang sesuai. "
Sebuah studi tahun 1979 yang didanai ole h National Institute of Education mengidentifikasi dua
penyebab keberhasilan di sekolah-sekolah melayani populasi sosial ekonomi rendah: orientasi
pencapaian oleh prinsip dan efisiensi instruksional di seluruh gedung. 12 Ulasan Kelayakan sekolah
Geske tahun 1980 menyimpulkan bahwa variabel penting dalam meningkatkan efektivitas sekolah
adalah: dalam kendali administrator. Di antara variabel -variabel tersebut adalah: penggunaan
waktu guru, penggunaan verbal guru, dan pengelompokan guru dan siswa tertentu. 13

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