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On October 31, Americans celebrate Halloween.

Halloween means “holy” (hallow) “evening” (een). This is the evening before the
Christian holy day of All Saints Day. On All Saints Day, Christians remember the
Saints but Halloween is even older than Christianity.

Before Christianity, people in Europe believed that on October 31

ghosts of dead people came back. To scare the ghosts, people dressed like devils
and were very noisy. They also made big fires to keep the ghosts away. Later,
people did not believe in ghosts, but they kept the day of Halloween for fun.

Immigrants came from Europe to America and brought with them the
custom of Halloween. Halloween has some strange symbols. One symbol is the
jack-o’-lantern in the window. The jack-o’-lantern is to scare the ghosts.
People cut the pumpkin, throw away all of the inside, and cut a face in it.
Then they put a candle inside of it.
Jack-o’-lantern usually look scary, too !

Today, in the United States, Halloween is very popular with the children.
They wear masks and special costumes. They want to
look like skeletons and ghosts.

Then they go from house to house and say “ Trick or treat! “. People give them candies,
cookies or fruit. When people give nothing, the children sometimes play tricks on them.

Write T (true) or F (false) . Answer the questions.

__ 1. On October 31, Americans celebrate 1. When do people celebrate Halloween ?

Christianity. ________________________________________________
__ 2. In the past people made fires to keep 2. Why did people dress like devils ?
the ghosts away.
3. Why did people keep the day of Halloween ?
__ 3. Halloween came from Europe.
__ 4. The jack-o’-lantern is a kind of special 4. What do people put inside the pumpkin with
pumpkin to eat. the cutting face ? ______________________________
__ 5. On Halloween children wear special 5. Where do they put the jack-o’-lantern ?
masks and costumes because they ________________________________________________
want to look like skeletons and ghosts 6. Why do they use the lantern ?
__ 6. Children go from party to party and ________________________________________________
collect masks. 7. What do people give the children when
they go from house to house ?
__ 7. On Halloween children say:
“Trick or fun”.
Part A: Read.

There are lots of stories about fantasy animals.

Sometimes the animals were strong and killed
people; sometimes they were signs of good luck.
Here is some information about six famous fantasy

Unicorns were beautiful creatures like horses. They had a long pointed horn in the
middle of their foreheads. The horn was magical. If a unicorn put its horn in dirty
water, the water became clean. Unicorns were a sign of good luck, but only honest
people could see them.

Centaurs were wild creatures. They were half-man, half-horse. They lived a long
time ago in Greece. Most centaurs were soldiers but one centaur was different. His
name was Chiron. He was a famous teacher. When he died he changed into a star
called Sagittarius.

The Minotaur was a very scary creature. It had a bull’s

head and a man’s body. It lived in a labyrinth on an island
called Crete. If anybody went into the labyrinth, they got
lost and could never get out again. Every year, people
from the island of Minos sent 7 boys and girls into the
labyrinth. The Minotaur ate them.
One year, a brave man called Theseus killed the Minotaur.
He took a ball of string from a princess and used it to go
in and out of the labyrinth.

Chinese dragons were good, friendly and intelligent. They were made from the parts
of nine animals: a snake’s body, a fish’s scales, a clam’s stomach, a tiger’s feet, an
eagle’s claws, a camel’s face, a deer’s antlers, a cow’s ears and golden eyes.

Griffins were very strong creatures. They had a lion’s body and an eagle’s head and
wings. They could fly. They were the kings of all the animals and birds. They lived
in the mountains. Their nests were made of gold. They didn’t lay eggs, they laid
Part B: Write the names of the creatures under the pictures.

Part B: True or False.

1. Griffins lived in trees made of gold.
2. Centaurs had horns.
3. People were afraid of the Minotaur.
4. Unicorns could clean water.
5. All of these animals were real.
6. Chinese dragons had a tiger’s face.

Part C: Answer Yes or No.

1. Did a griffin lay eggs?

2. Could a centaur fly?

3. Did Theseus kill the Minotaur?
4. Did unicorns have two horns?
5. Was Chiron like other centaurs?

6. Were Chinese dragons smart?

Part D: Answer the questions. (Write full sentences please.)

1. Where did the Minotaur live?

2. What job did most centaurs do?

3. What is your favourite fantasy animal? Why?

The centaur is a half horse, half human creature from
Greek Mythology. They can be both male and female.

In the old stories from Greece, a few centaurs were

teachers. However, most centaurs were mad and
scary. They lived alone in forests, and were never
friends with people. They liked to drink, and to fight
cities and the people in them. Sometimes they even
kidnapped people.

In new stories, centaurs are very different. They are

usually friendly.

In the Narnia books, centaurs are intelligent and

brave animals. They are good at fighting, excellent
doctors, and can read the future by looking at stars.

In the Harry Potter books, centaurs live in the dark

forest next to Hogwarts School. Like the centaurs in
Narnia, they can also see the future in the stars, and
are great doctors. When they fight, they use a bow
and arrow.


1. What is a centaur?
2. Are centaurs male or female?
3. Do you like centaurs? Why or why not?
4. In the old stories, are centaurs good or bad? What do they do?
5. In the new stories, are centaurs good or bad? What do they do?
6. Can centaurs be teachers?
7. Where do centaurs live? What other animals live in this place?
1. He has a brown hat on his head. His hair is brown and so are his eyes. He has a long face and a
pointy/pointed nose. He is also quite tall.
2. He is young but very big and strong . He has got a lot of muscles. His hair is red. His eyes are bright
3. This girl has long curly red hair. She has a long green dress. Her eyes are blue and her face is round.
She’s not very slim.
4. This person is old. He has got a square face with glasses. His nose is round and very big. Because he
is so old his hair is grey.
5. His girl doesn’t have any legs ! But her hair is long and very red. She’s got big blue eyes and a lovely
smile. She’s quite slim.
6. She has got very very very very long blonde hair and green eyes. She’s not very tall, so quite small.
She doesn’t have any shoes.
7. She’s also very slim. Her skin is dark and her hair is black. She’s got big brown eyes and a light green

Face Hair Eyes Height Clothes

about abilities
(what people can / Subject + CAN + Subject + CANNOT CAN + Subject +
can’t do). Eg.: I can Verb + Verb (can’t) Verb
play the guitar. Eg: They can run Eg: He can’t play Eg: Can you ride a
She can play soccer. very fast. the piano. bike?

1. Complete the sentences with can or can’t. Then, match the sentences with the pictures.

a. He _________ make biscuits………….

b. He _________ play the violin. He ________ play
the guitar. …………
c. Mickey _________ make paintings. ………. 4
d. Bob ______ cook delicious kangreburguers. ………. 6
e. They _________ cook alone but they ______
cook with their mother. ……….. 9
f. Donald _______ drive a car. …………
g. They _________ swim. ………..
h. He ___________ sing. He has a terrible voice! 2
i. He _________ speak German. …………

2. Complete these sentences about you. Use CAN /


1 a. I __________ read long books.

b. I __________ jump high.

c. I __________ play video games for many hours.

d. I __________ fly.
e. I _________ ride a bicycle.
f. I _________ play the piano.
Can lift
Can run hear
Can fly heavy sense danger
very fast very



The flash

Iron man

Top 10 Superheroes 6. Superman
Clark Kent is from a planet far
10. Captain America away called Krypton, but Clark
grew up on the Earth. The Earth
Steven Rogers, a small and has weaker gravity than Krypton
weak soldier was made into so it means that Superman has
Captain America and super strength, speed, stamina,
hearing, can fly and has x-ray
became the perfect
vision, so can see through
American soldier. He was objects. Nowadays some people
given special medicine feel that Superman has too
called a ‘super serum’ to many powers so has become a
make him as strong and little less popular than in the
powerful as a man can be. He doesn’t really have past.
super powers. His weapon is a super shield.
5. Iron Man
9. Green Lantern
The Green lantern Rich inventor Tony
has actually been Stark made a powered
three different men metal suit to become
at different times. Iron-Man, the most
high-tech super hero.
The Green lantern’s
Tony Stark doesn’t have
superpowers all come any super-powers but
from his magic ring his suit has many
which needs to be weapons like rockets.
charged from his Wearing the suit means
lantern every day. that he can fly and have
8. The Hulk
When scientist Bruce 4. Wonder Woman
Banner gets angry he
becomes The Hulk. The Diana Prince is Wonder woman,
Hulk is an enormous and is a Princess. She has the skills
green giant that has of flight, incredible strength,
super strength and can speed, wisdom, and beauty. Her
weapons include the Lasso of
smash everything. The
Truth, a pair of indestructible
Hulk doesn’t have any bracelets, and a tiara to throw at
weapons other than his her enemies.
3. Wolverine
7. Thor Wolverine is a mutant and his weapons are his
Thor is the god of thunder and super claws. Wolverine can get
has super human strength. His better from nearly any wound
weapon is his hammer called given enough time. Sometimes
Mjolnir which can be used to Wolverine can be bad, which
open passageways through means he can be called an anti-
space and time, or use the hero or a rebel.
power of nature.
2. Spider Man Questions
High school student
Peter Parker is Spider 1. Which superheroes do not have super-powers?
man. One day peter
was bitten by a 2. Which superheroes have weapons?
radioactive spider
and gained incredible 3. Which superheroes use animals for their
superhuman powers. costume?
Spider man is a very
good superhero and 4. Which superhero has become a little less
always tries to use popular recently?
his powers to help people. Spider man has many
powers including the ability to make super-strong 5. Which Hero is an anti-hero sometimes?
spider-webs, speed, superhuman strength, and
powerful senses like eyesight and hearing. 6. Who is the most high-tech superhero?

1. Batman 7. Who is your favorite superhero? _____________

Why? ___________________________________


8. Draw and describe your own superhero.

Name: ____________________________________

After seeing the murder of his parents as a child,

young Bruce Wayne decides to spend his life
protecting the citizens of Gotham City from Super powers: _____________________________
criminals. Batman is for many the number one
superhero because he has no special powers, but Weapons: _________________________________
he uses his intelligence, science, technology, a
Other things about their life: __________________
strong mind, special weapons and martial arts.
Write T (true) or F (false) :

1 – F (they celebrate Halloween)

4 – F ( it’s a pumpkin with cutting face into it )
6 – F (they go from house to house and collect candies, cookies and fruit
7 – T (they say : TRICK OR TREAT)


1 – On 31st October.
2 – To scare the ghosts.
3 – For fun.
4 – The candle.
5 – In the window.
6 – To scare the ghosts.
7 – Candies, cookies and fruit.

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