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Group Number: 11 Page: 1

Group Name: Eleven Date: Mar 14, 2018

Functional Area: Maintaining
Prepared by: Phuc Toan Truong

Use Case Specification for UC01 Order Products

Brief Description:
This use case enables inventory manager can checking products quantity, order products with suppliers.

Section 1: Business Rule(s):

BR01: Inventory manager must checking products quantity before creating a purchase order. This work
must do for each day to make sure that products enough for manufacturing.
BR02: Inventory manager must compare product prices in many supplier for choosing the best price.
BR03: The manager and Inventory manager can order products.
BR04: All reports have to have a period.

Section 2: All Scenarios (HD):

Scenario 1: Inventory manager check products quantity

Preconditions: In the begin of day, inventory manager have must access to inventory to check products

Step # Actor (Inventory Manager) System Data Used

1 Creating a summary report about Report products saleOrderId,
total of sale orders in the future. quantity base on all saleOrderStatus,
sale orders (status: productId, dateFrom,
DONE) in that period. dateTo,
2 Creating a report about quantity of Total quantity productId,
available products. products available in productQuantity,
warehouse. stockId
3 Compare two reports above to Showing a chart for saleOrderId,
decide ordering. comparing quantity productId, dateFrom,
products need and dateTo,
quantity products productQuantity,
available stockId

Successful Post-Conditions: Inventory manger has a report about products quantity.

Scenario 2: Order Products

Preconditions: a report about products quantity that need top be order.

Step # Actor (Inventory Manager) System Data Used

1 Fillter suppliers who supply those Showing list of supplierName,
products suppliers address,
2 Creating quotations and compare Quotations created supplierId, productId,
prices from those price, quotationId
3 Creating purchase oder Purchase order purchaseOrderId

Successful Post-Conditions: Products ordered.

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