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1. What are injuries? Why is my risk of getting injured higher now that I am more active?

• Injury means physical harm to a person body ( e.g broken bones, cuts, burns etc. ).

• Because the more you engage your self in physical activities, the higher the risk of getting injured.

2. How do you explain the direction of forces applied to Musculoskeletal Structure?

• In Tensile Force, it occurs when two forces pull on an opposite direction so as to stretch it and make it
longer and thinner. In Compressive Force, it pushes or presses an object so as to make it shorter and
thicker. In the illustration, Shear Force is the two forces acting parallel to each other but in opposite
directions so that one part of the object is moved or displaced relative to another part.

3. Differentiate accute injury and chronic or overuse injury.

• Acute injuries happen suddenly in an activity such as sprained ankles while chronic or overuse injuries
happen after you play a sport or exercise over a long period of time.

4. What are the common acute injuries?

• Wrist Fractures- is a break or crack in one or more of the bones of your wrist.

Ex. When people try to catch themselves during a fall and land hard on an outstretched hand

• Ankle Sprains- is an injury that occurs when you roll, twist or turn your ankle in an awkward way.

Ex. Walking on uneven surface

• Kneecap Dislocations- refers to when kneecap is completely displaced out of its normal alignment.

Ex. After a hard blow or fall

• Shoulder Dislocation- occurs when the ball of your upper arm is forced fully out of its normal position
on the shoulder socket.

Ex. Fall or a collision with another person or object.

• Muscle Strains- occurs when your muscle is overstretched or torn.

Ex. Sudden heavy lifting

5. What are the common chronic injuries?

• Achilles Tendinitis- occurs when the large tendon that runs down the back of your lower leg becomes
irritated and inflamed.

Ex. Intense physical activity such as running and jumping

• Shin Splints- is an inflammation of the muscles, tendons, and bones tissue around your tibia.
Ex. Athletes who have recently intensified or change their training routine.

• Tennis Elbow- is an inflammation of the tendons that join the forearm muscles on the outside of the

Ex. banging or knocking your elbow

• Stress Fractures- is a small crack bone, or severe bruising within a bone.

Ex. athletes who participates in running sports such as soccer and basketball

• Heel Inflammation ( Plantar Fasciitis)- refers to irritation and inflammation of the tight tissu band that
forms the arch of the foot and connects your heel bone to the base of your toes.

Ex. ill-fitting shoes, running and jumping on hard surfaces

6. How do overuse injury occur? Explain.

• it occurs when a person engage too much physical activity too quickly.

7. Are certain individuals at more risk of getting injured? What factors increase the risk of injury?

• Yes, the more the person engage in physical activities, the more chances he/she will get injured.

• Starting from personal factors, it contributes to be injured ( state of health, fitness ). Individuals work
habbit affect his/ her body.

8. What does a body part swell under getting injured?

• Swelling often occurs at the same site of injuries including strikes to the body, sprains, muscle strains,
and bone fractures because small tears in the surrounding blood vessels cause fluid to leak into the area.

9. What sports injury can lead to death?

• Head injuries are the most frequent cause of death and severe disability among skiers and

10. Can a person die from losing too much blood?

• Yes of course, losing large amounts of blood quickly can lead to serious complications or death.

Submitted by: Christine Joyce Lucido ( 11 -GAS)

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