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005DEOBLOCK Class Project 11/2/18

Start of Block: Introduction

Q1 Informed Consent Form

You are invited to participate in a research study being conducted by students at Illinois State
University. The purpose of this research project is for students to gain experience conducting
marketing research.

To qualify for participation in this study, you must be at least 18 years of age and a United
States Citizen. Regarding the questions you will answer, there are no correct or incorrect
answers. We are merely interested in your perceptions. The estimated time to complete the
exercise is about 5-6 minutes.

Your participation in this study is voluntary; you may decline to participate, including
withdrawing at any point during the survey.
There is no direct benefit to you for completing this survey. However, this research will allow
students to gain experience conducting marketing research.

Participation in this study carries no foreseeable risks greater than those encountered in
everyday life. Most research involves some risk to confidentiality and it is possible that someone
could find out you were in this study or see your study information, but the investigators believe
this risk is unlikely because of the procedures we will use to protect your information. 

The information in the study will be kept confidential. The information you provide will only be
disseminated in aggregate form, and no individual identifiers will be shared with anyone outside
of the research team. No reference will be made to you specifically in oral or written reports,
which could link you as a participant to the study. Additionally, the study findings will only be
reported in summary form, which ensures that any data you provide cannot be traced back to

As stated previously, most research involves some risk to confidentiality and it is possible that
someone could find out you were in this study or see your study information, but the
investigators believe this risk is unlikely because of the procedures we will use to protect your
Lastly, the data collected from this study will be stored for up to 10 years and then
completely destroyed.

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There is no compensation for participating in this research study.

If you have any questions at any time about the study or procedures, you may contact Dr.
Heath McCullough at 327 State Farm Hall of Business or
Furthermore, If you have any questions about your rights as a subject/participant in this
research, or if you feel you have been placed at risk, you can contact the Research Ethics &
Compliance Office at Illinois State University at (309) 438-5527 or via email at

I have read the above information, and certify that I am at least 18 years of age, and reside in
the United States of America. Please click the arrow below if you agree to participate in this

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Q2 To ensure the student receives credit for your response, please indicate the color you were
asked to select.

(Note: you must complete the full survey for the student to receive credit for your response)

o Blue (1)
o Red (2)
o Black (3)
o Yellow (4)
o Green (5)
o White (6)
o Orange (7)
o Purple (8)
o Brown (9)
o Pink (10)
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Q3 How would you best describe your current mood?
1 (1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 4 (4) 5 (5) 6 (6) 7 (7)

o o o o o o o Happy

Bad Mood
o o o o o o o Mood

o o o o o o o Pleased

o o o o o o o Cheerful

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End of Block: Introduction

Start of Block: Block 2

Q4 Compared to the average person, how often do you use a deodorizer or air freshener?

o Far below average (1)

o Moderately below average (2)
o Slightly below average (3)
o Average (4)
o Slightly above average (5)
o Moderately above average (6)
o Far above average (7)

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Q5 Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements.
Strongly Somewhat agree Strongly
Disagree Somewhat Agree
disagree disagree nor agree
(2) agree (5) (6)
(1) (3) disagree (7)
unpleasant o o o o o o o
odors. (8)
about the
smell of
o o o o o o o
odors. (9)
I worry
about how
o o o o o o o
I take
steps to
keep my
o o o o o o o
when I
travel. (12)
I use air
to keep my
o o o o o o o
nice. (13)
I use air
to keep my
space o o o o o o o
nice. (14)

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Q6 Please indicate your preference for each of the following deodorizers or air fresheners.
Prefer a
Do not prefer Prefer Prefer a lot Prefer a
(1) slightly (2) (4) great deal (5)
amount (3)

Sprays (1) o o o o o
Sprays (2)
o o o o o
Candles (3)
o o o o o
Oils (16)
o o o o o
Essential Oils
(17) o o o o o
Plug-ins (18)
o o o o o
Wax Melts
(19) o o o o o

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Q7 For each item below, how likely are you to use an air freshener or deodorizer?
Neither likely
Very Unlikely Somewhat Somewhat Very Likely
nor unlikely
(1) Unlikely (2) Likely (4) (5)

Gym Bag (1)

o o o o o
Bathroom (2)
o o o o o
Space (3) o o o o o
Travel Bag
(4) o o o o o
Vehicle (5)
o o o o o
Diaper Bag
(6) o o o o o
Smoking (7) o o o o o
Backpack (8)
o o o o o
Locker (9)
o o o o o
Work Space
(10) o o o o o
Laundry (11)
o o o o o
(12) o o o o o

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End of Block: Block 2

Start of Block: Block 4

Q8 In the next section we will ask you a few questions about a new deodorizing product called


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Q10 DeoBlock is a portable deodorizer that can be placed in gym bags, lockers, closets, cars,
bathrooms, kitchens, offices and other small spaces.

- DeoBlock has a durable and reusable outer shell that holds a refillable pod.

- Each refill pod is made from a plant-based gel that will last 30 days.

- 3 fragrances: Apple Blossom, Oceanside, and Sandalwood


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Q13 How likely are you to purchase a DeoBlock?

o Very unlikely (1)

o Somewhat unlikely (2)
o Neither likely nor unlikely (3)
o Somewhat likely (4)
o Very likely (5)
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Q15 How much would you be willing to pay for a DeoBlock that came with a single refill

▼ $1.00 (1) ... $40.00 (40)

Q16 How much would you be willing to pay for each refill (one cartridge) that lasts
approximately 30 days?

▼ $1.00 (1) ... $20.00 (20)

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Q17 Xenoestrogen is a type of xenohormone that imitates estrogen in the human body.
Products such as fragrances can contain xenoestrogen have been shown to alter testosterone
and estrogen levels in both men and women.

How concerned are you with buying products that contain Xenoestrogen?

o Not at all Concerned (1)

o Somewhat Concerned (2)
o Moderately Concerned (3)
o Very Concerned (4)
o Extremely Concerned (5)

Q18 DeoBlock does not contain any Xenoestrogens.

Considering that DeoBlock is Xenoestrogen free, how likely are you to purchase a DeoBlock
instead of other types of air fresheners?

o Very unlikely (1)

o Somewhat unlikely (2)
o Neither likely nor unlikely (3)
o Somewhat likely (4)
o Very likely (5)
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Q19 Please indicate your level of agreement with each statement below.

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Strongly Somewha agree Strongl
Disagre Somewha Agre
disagre t disagree nor y agree
e (2) t agree (5) e (6)
e (1) (3) disagre (7)
e (4)
I would pay
more for
because it is
o o o o o o o
y friendly. (1)
I would pay
more for
because it
odors instead
o o o o o o o
of masking
them. (2)
I would pay
more for
because of its
protective outer
o o o o o o o
shell. (3)
I would pay
more for
because it is
o o o o o o o
recyclable. (4)
I would pay
more for
because it is
made from a o o o o o o o
plant based
gel. (5)
I would pay
more for
because it is
made in the
o o o o o o o
USA. (6)

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I would pay
more DeoBlock
because it
does not
contain o o o o o o o

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Q22 DeoBlock is currently priced at $20.00, which includes one scented cartridge of your
choice. The cartridge is estimated to last up to 30 days once opened, while the protective
DeoBlock outer shell is a one-time purchase.

How satisfied are you with the current price of DeoBlock?

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

Extremely Extremely
Dissatisfied o o o o o o o Satisfied

Q23 DeoBlock requires a new cartridge every 30 days which are currently priced at $4.99 each.

How satisfied are you with the current price of DeoBlock cartridges?
1 (1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 4 (4) 5 (5) 6 (6) 7 (7)

Extremely Extremely
dissatisfied o o o o o o o Satisfied

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Q24 DeoBlock currently comes in 3 fragrances:

- Apple Blossom

- Oceanside

- Sandalwood

Q25 Please indicate how satisfied you are with each of DeoBlock's 3 fragrances.
Dissatisfied Satisfied nor Very
Dissatisfied Satisfied (4)
(2) Dissatisfied Satisfied (5)

Blossom (1) o o o o o
(2) o o o o o
(3) o o o o o

Q26 Suppose DeoBlock could develop a new scent.

What scent you wish DeoBlock would offer?


End of Block: Block 4

Start of Block: Demographics

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Q27 Thank you!

Now let us ask you a few quick questions about yourself.

Q28 Compared to the average person, how often do you exercise?

o Far below average (26)

o Moderately below average (27)
o Slightly below average (28)
o Average (29)
o Slightly above average (30)
o Moderately above average (31)
o Far above average (32)

Q29 Compared to the average person, how often do you travel or stay in hotels?

o Far below average (26)

o Moderately below average (27)
o Slightly below average (28)
o Average (29)
o Slightly above average (30)
o Moderately above average (31)
o Far above average (32)

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Q30 Last set of questions!

Q31 In what year were you born? (For example: 1956)


Q32 What is your gender?

o Male (1)
o Female (2)

Q33 What is your ethnicity?

o African American (1)

o Hispanic/Latino (2)
o Asian (3)
o Caucasian (4)
o American Indian (5)
o Native Hawaiian/ Pacific Islander (6)
o Other (7)

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Q34 What is your highest level of education?

▼ Less than high school (1) ... Doctorate (7)

Q35 What is your annual income?

▼ Less than $10,000 (1) ... More than $150,000 (12)

Q36 What is your zip code? (Example: 35674)


Q37 Before you go, is there anything you wish we would have asked about DeoBlock?

In the space below please let us know any feedback or ideas that would help up make
DeoBlock a better product.






End of Block: Demographics

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